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April 28, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-28

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Still A Problem . .

m r+ r i i r.ur.r:




Vote Swept

By Michigan Party;
16 Winners Listed

ASU, YCL Capture Places;
Two Independents, One
Dorm Candidate Wins
Counting Completed
At 4:45 a.m. Friday
(Oirectors of Student Senate Election)
A new organization, the Michigan
Party, conceived four weeks ago
made its official debut Friday, when
it won 10 of 16 posts in the Student
Senate election, the heaviest this

campus has ever witnessed.
In this fifth semi-annual voting
of the body, designed to represent all
shades of student opinion, 2,649 per-
sons cast votes to elect eight Michi-
gan Party candidates, two Michigan
Party affiliates, one Independent Lib-
eral, one American Student Union
candidate, one Independent Progres-
sive, one Young Communist, and
two non-affiliated candidates.
McCune First Elected
The first to be elected was John
McCune, '41, member of the Michigan
Party slate, who reached the election
quota of 165 at the end of the tenth
count, when he added seven trans-
fers to his first-vote total of 158.
Robert S. Reed, '42, who original-
ly registered as a Michigan Party
candidate and later decided to run
Independently, was next to amass the
required 165, at the conclusion of
the 18th count. Thirty-three of
Reed's 39 transfers came from Mich-
igan Party candidates and affiliates.
On the final count, the twenty-
seventh, completed at 4:45 a.m. Fri-
day a weary elections board found
that two more members of the Mich-
igan Party, Robert Krause, '42, and
William L. Hurley, '42, had attained
the quota. Krause started with 104
first-place votes, while Hurley had
73. The latter rode to victory large-
ly on the 43 votes transferred at the
demise of Pat Hoeper, another run-
ning mate, who was the last to fall.
Twelve Elected
The 12 candidates still in the run-
ning at this time were thus declared
automatically elected, (since there
were 16 seats to be filled) were: Bruce
Randall, '40, Independent Progres-
sive, with 163 votes; Bill Sessions, '41,
Michigan Party, 162 votes; Harvey
Goodman, '42, American Student
Union, 161 votes; Helen Corman, '41,
Independent Liberal, 159; Charles M.
Boynton, '42, Michigan Party, 159;
Mary Cummins, '42, Young Commun-
ist League, 148 votes.
William C. Langford, '42, Michigan
Party, 146 votes; Robert Titus, '42,
Michigan Party, 138; Lee Perry, '41,
Michigan Party, 134; George F. Shep-
ard, '41, unaffiliated, 126 votes; John
S. Aldrich, '43, Dormitory, (affiliat-
ed with Michigan Party), 124; and
Jane Sapp, '41, unaffiliated, 120.
For Three Semesters
The first 10 Student Senators elect-
ed Friday will fill three-semester
terms, while the last six will serve for
one year, according to an amendment
to the organization's by-laws, which
was effected by a telephone vote. The
original amendment provided that
the last six elected would serve only
until the next election. This move
was taken immediately following Fri-
day's election, when members of the
Senate expressed disapproval of an
election to fill 20 vacancies, which
would have been necessitated in the
fall, according to the original plans.
Further indication that Proportion-
al Representation is "taking on" at
Michigan is found in the record-
breaking vote and the small number
of ballots,, eight, or there-tenths of
one per cent invalidated because of
improper markings. Another sign is
the decreased number of votes with
only one, two or three choices
marked, and then declared "exhaust-
ed." In Friday's election 240 such
ballots became exhausted after their
initial choices had either been elim-
inated or elected, while last fall there
were 269.
Ten Unrepresented
Only those few of the 240 who in-*
dicated first or second choices for
candidates who were not elected, can
be said to be unrepresented in the

20 Are Listed
By Education
Honor Group
Twenty upperclassmen and grad-
uates were initiated by Phi Delta
Kappa, national honorary and pro-
fessional education fraternity, at its
annual state convention banquet here
Mr. Albert J. Phillips, executive
secretary of the Michigan Educa-
tion Association, addressed more than
one hundred members attending the
initiation banquet on the topic "Ac-
cepting the Challenge" dealing with
the current trends and problems of
Michigan education.
Among those initiated for their
leadership and excellence of schol-
arship were: Roy Baxter, Jack E.
Christenson, '40E, Lewis D. Crawford.
Grad., Harland F. Danner, '40, Mil-
ton F. Ellison, Everett E. Ewing,
Grad. SM., Garnett H. Garrison,
Grad., Garold B. Hamilton, Grad.,
and Benjamin Karwoski, Grad.
The list continues: Robert B.
Lampton, Russell McComb, J. Don-
ald Phillipson, Clement G. Rowe,
Grad., William S. Saulson, '40Ed.,
Rufus Scales, John E. Scholl, '40,
Rowland R. Shelters, Grad., Milton
W. Stotz, Grad., Benjamin W. Wheat-
ly, Grad, and Russell E. Wilson.
Massed Band
Concert Ends
Music Festival
800 Musicians Participate;
Winners Are Announced
In Marching Contest
Michigan's annual Instrumental
Music Festival was brought to a
close last night as more than 800
young musicians massed together in
one band at Yost Field House after
the Marching Festival to play Sou-
sa's march, "Stars and Stripes For-
In the Marching Festival, which
drew an estimated crowd of 4,000,
three Class "A" bands, Battle Creek
Central High School, Detroit North-
western High School and Lansing
Eastern High School, were awarded
first division ratings.
Those Class "B" bands receiving
first ratings were the Marlette
Township High School Band, the
Roosevelt High School Band from
Coldwater and the CentralhHigh
School Band from Sturgis, Michigan.
Only two Class "C" bands, that
from White Pigeon and the Busch
High School Band from Center Line,]
were granted first division ratings.
The entire day, the last of the
two-day festival, was taken up by
readings by junior and senior high
school bands and orchestras.

Adult Institute
Of Education
To Open Here
Dr. C. A. Fisher, Director
Of Extension Service,
To GiveOpening Talk
Maurer To Review
Novel, 'Inside Asia
Opening its five-day' eighth an-
nual meeting here tomorrow, the
Adult Education Institute brings to
Ann Arbor authoritative analyses
and reviews of parliamentary law,
contemporary American-foreign pol-
icies, South America, great books of
1939, contemporary world figures,
and contemporary American domes-
tic problems.
The sessions will officially begin
with registration at 9 a,m. tomorrow
in the Rackham lobby. Women's
groups, church groups and the like,
Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of
Extension Service, announced, will
be able to attend every session with
their full complement of member-
ship by paying a small group enroll-
ment fee.
Begins At 10:30 a.m.
The conference will get underway
at 10:30 a.m. in the Lecture Hall of
the Rackham Building with Dr. Fish-
er giving the introductory address.
His talk will be followed at 11 a.m.
with a review of John Gunther's "In-
side Asia" by Prof. Wesley H. Maur-
er of the journalism school.
"Religious Education" will be the
featured address at the 12:15 p.m.
luncheon in the League. Dr. E. W.
Blakeman, religious counselor, will
The China of today and tomorrow
will furnish the theme of Dr. No-
Yong Park's lecture at 2 p.m. in the
Rackham Building. Dr. Park is a
noted authority on far eastern af-
fairs. Prof. Richard C. Fuller of
the sociology department will con-
clude the afternoon session at 3 p.m.
with a discussion of "The Economic
and Social Significance of the Fall-
ing Birth Rate."
Symphony To Play
At 8:15 p.m. the. University Little
Symphony under the direction of
Prof. Thor M. Johnson of the music
school will present a concert in the
Union ballroom. The program will
include: overture to "The Shepherd
King," by Mozart; symphony 24 in
D major, by Haydn; Sonata in G
minor, by Eccles; a violoncello solo
by William Golz played with orches-
tra accompaniment; "Little Pick-
aninny," by Debussey; "Musette" by
Samazeuilh; Valse, by Chopin; and
Divertimento in D major, opus 68,
by Graener.
Tuesday's sessions will begin with
a class in parliamentary law con-
ducted by Mrs. Emma A. Fox. Col.
Basil D. Edwards will talk on "The
National Defense Policy of the Uni-
ted States" which is the first topic
under the group heading of contem-
porary American-foreign policies.
The book review session will feature
a review by Prof. Robert S. Ford of
the economics department, on Char-
les A. Beard's "America in Midpas-
Two luncheons will be held, one
at the League ballroom and the
other at the Ann Arbor Women's

Nazis Pound
Allied Forces
In Far North



Face Grave Odds
German Flankers




Attack Two



Saves Mile

Ribbentrop Thinks
Invasion Justified
(By The Associated Press)
Powerful Nazi forces, embarked of-
ficially now on war against the Nor-
wegians as well as the Allies, pound-
ed on through the middle of Norway
today, threatening their opponents in
a new and perhaps decisive phase
of the struggle in the north.
Allied troops faced grave odds in
two sectors below strategic Trond-
Superbly mechanized German
flanking units were pressing on
against Allied concentrations at Sto-
ren, only 30 miles from Trondheim,
important port which has been in
German hands since Hitler's light-
ning move into Norway. The Ger-
mans' swift climb over mountain
trails was described as a marvel of
military efficiency.
The invasion of the Norse kingdom,
German diplomacy told the world yes-
terday, was justified because on
April 6 and 7 Britain and France
began a move of their own to in-
vade Scandinavia.
The German occupation of Den-
mark and Norway on April 9, Ger-
man Foreign Minister Joachim von
Ribbentrop said purely and simply
was an action to beat the troops of
Germany's enemies to the new battle-
He produced for diplomats and
journalists assembled in Berlin docu-
ments which he said were clear proof
of Allied intentions, with Norway's
connivance, to make Norway a base
against Germany. He said the Nazi
army took those documents from Bri-
tish officers taken prisoner, from
Allied consular offices and the Nor-
wegian Foreign Office in Oslo.
Adolf Hitler's earlier proclamation
of a state of war with Norway said
the country of King Haakon brought
it on herself by resisting Germany's
move to protect her.

I' .I

Michigan Rallies In Ninth
Inning To Beat Indiana
And Retains Title Hopes
Wolverine Golfers
Whip Indiana, 13-11
(Special To The Daily)
BLOOMINGTON, Indiana, April
27.-Michigan's unpredictable base-
ball team hung on to a slim chance
for the Big Ten title here this after-
noon, when the Wolverines rallied
in the ninth inning to nip the Hoo-
siers, 5-4.
Lyle Bond, bespectacled right-
hander, went the route for Coach
Ray Fisher's team giving Indiana
but four hits. Bond would have won
more easily had he received better
support from his mates, who kicked
in with five errors.
The Hoosiers were no less gener-
ous with their miscues, however, as
they cracked wide open in the final
inning to hand the visitors the game.
Michigan trailed, 4-3, going into
the ninth and picked up the tying
and winning runs on two singles
and three Hoosier errors.
Forest Evashevski, who had pre-
viously been shelved because of a
lame throwing arm, broke into the
lineup as an outfielder and cracked
out a long home run in the fifth
The score:
Michigan .... 001 110 002--5 8 5
Indiana .... 002 100 010-4 4 4
Batteries: Bond and Harms; Hund-
ley and Stoshitch.
Wolverine Golfers
Whip Indiana, 13-11
(Special To The Daily)
undefeated Michigan golf team kept
its Big Ten record clean here today1
as it edged out a surprisingly strong
Indiana squad, 13-11, to chalk up
its second Conference win and sev-
enth straight victory of the season.
Without their diminutive ace,
Jack 'Emery, the Wolverines found
the going tough for the first time
this season, since all of their early.
victories were of the easy variety.
But it was because of unusual
strength in the singles matches that
Coach Ray Courtright's men gar-
nered enough points to nip the Hoo-
Indiana took both the best ball
foursomes as Capt. Pete Grant and1
Henry Timbrook whipped Michigan's
(Continued on Page 3)
Student Fractures Back
In Fall Down Stairway
Donald E. Strout, '40, fractured his
back yesterday when he mistook a
stairway door for a closet door and
fell down the stairs. He will be con-
fined in the University Hospital for,
an indefinite period of time.
Strout's condition is described as
good. He was injured in a ten-foot1
fall down a cement stairway when 1
he opened a stairway door which he
mistook for a closet door, and
plunged down the stairs.

Illness Attacks
Coach Doherty
During Dinner

Thinclads Are Victorious
In Three Relay Events,
Two Individual Races


At Drake, As Nine

Business Administration Alumni
Convene Annual Conference Here

.Detroit alumni
.Plan, Revival
For Tomorrow
More than 1600 students and
alumni are expected to attend the
revival of U. of M. Night beginning
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Ma-
sonic Auditorium, Detroit.
Sponsored by the University of
Michigan Club of Detroit, the event
will feature three major attractions:
the men's Glee Club under the direc-
tion of Prof. David Mattern; the
100-piece Michigan Concert Band,
with Prof. William D. Revelli con-
ducting; and selected best acts from
the 1940 Union Opera "Four Out of
The affair tomorrow will revive
a Michigan tradition of long stand-
ing, a tradition which has been per-
mitted to lapse for ten years. Head-
ing the General Committee in charge
of the event is Richard A. Forsyth;
Ernest A. Jones is vice-chairman of
the Committee, which includes 28
other prominent Detroiters.
Tickets may be reserved in ad-
vance by contacting the University
of Michigan Club of Detroit, 2822
Guardian Building, Detroit.
Treadwell Leads Union
In Victory Over Daily
A Michigan Daily team which
demonstrated its superiority in the
field, at bat, on the mound and in
keeping the box score was nosed
out, 16-14, yesterday by a mediocre
Michigan Union team sparked by
the great Don Treadwell.
From the moment that his Seeing
Eye Dog carefully led Umpire Bob
Wines on the field to the final play
on which a Union outfielder caught
a fly and spent the next 10 minutes
exchanging glances of mutual sur-
prise with the ball, the Daily team
showed its worth.
The Daily men scored three runs
in the first, two in the second, one
in the third, four in the fourth, were
hianipd in the fifth- +ta11ip +m,,irnc in

DES MOINES, April 27.-()-
Kenneth Doherty, track coach at the
University of Michigan, was taken
to a hospital today suffering from
hemorrhages of the stomach.
Doherty, here to direct his team
in the Drake Relay Carnival, was
stricken last night while attending
a banquet for visiting coaches. He
only recently succeeded Charles
Hoyt, who joined Yale's coaching
staff. Doherty was Hoyt's assistant
for ten years.
The hospital reported tonight that
Doherty's condition was favorable
and that he was resting well. There
was no indication how long he would
be confined.
'Netmen TNipped
In Close Match
Illinois Proves Too Strong
For Wolverine Varsity
(Special To The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., April 27.-Not
until the last point of the third and
final doubles match was won did
Michigan's varsity tennis team ad-
mit defeat by the University of Ill-
inois netters in their Big Ten match
held here this afternoon. An even
split in the singles, coupled with
their two-one advantage in the dou-
bles gave the Illini a 5 to 4 victory.
Jim Tobin and Capt. Sam Durst,
Michigan's two top men, failed to
come through as they did yesterday
against Purdue, and both lost in
straight sets. Tobin, in particular,
was fair off form. He lost to Johnson
whom he defeated easily last spring.
Durst, who is usually the epitome
of grace and steadiness, was wilder
than a March wind, and went down
to defeat at the hands of Craine,
The only pleasing aspect of the
match from a Michigan standpoint
(Continued on Page 3)

High Jump Is Won
By Don Canham
(Special to the Daily)
DES MOINES, Iowa, April 27.-
Warren Breidenbach, brilliant Mich-
igan quarter-miler, turned in one of
the greatest quarters in Drake Relay
history today as well as a terrific
bit of "clutch" running, to wipe out
a ten-yard deficit and win the final
mile relay for the Wolverines.
Breidenbach's story-book finish
took the spotlight off the other
events of the afternoon, which saw
Michigan and Indiana continue their
dogfight for relay honors, with the
Wolverines winning two baton
events, and Indiana upsetting Mich-
igan's hitherto undefeated four-mile
team. In addition, Don Canham won
the high-jump for Michigan, and
Stan Kelley finished second to Roy
Cochran of Indiana in the 440-yard
high hurdle race.
Louisiana Takes Lead
The mile relay which closed the
biggest and best Drake Carnival
started off prosaically enough, with
Louisiana State leading at the end
of the first leg, and Michigan's Bob'
Bernard swapping the baton in third
place. Jack Leutritz raced out in
front on the back stretch, but tied
up coming around the last turn, and
Phil Balyeat took over in second
Balyeat ran very well despite the
handicap of his injured arch, and
stayed in second place, a yard behind
the Southern team's man until the
last few yards were reached. Then,
his leg wouldn't respond with his
usual great last-minute drive, and
Breidenbach took over, some ten
yards behind Lousana's Frank
Breidenbach Closes Gap
Church ran as he had never run
before, and Breidenbach couldn't
make up an inch for the first half
of the final leg. Then, Breidenbach,
running, as one observer put it,
"like a combination of Cunningham
and Carr," began to give out with
everything he had. Slowly he closed
the gap, but the distance seemed too
great, and he trailed by five yards
coming the home stretch. But Brei
denbach wouldn't be beaten today,
and he raced down the track with
unbelievable speed to catch Church
two yards from the finish, and cross
the tape first. Church, who had run
himself out, staggered across the
line, and fell flat on his face, con-
pletely exhausted. The time of 3:16
was very fast, but failed to break
the record set last year by Ohio
Wolverines Take Two-Mile
After looking at the Indiana backs
all season long, Michigan's two-mile
team finally caught up with 'the
Hoosiers, and won the eventtby soe
twenty yards. The Wolverines start-
ed off in front on Ed Barrett's early
lead, and Johnny Kautz and Tommy
Jester kept out in front, and handed
Dye Hogan a twenty-five yard lead
over Campbell Kane.
Kane, who hasn't shown the abil-
ity to double successfully, couldn't
gain much of: anything on the de-
termined Hogan who lost only five
yards of his lead before breaking
the tape. Michigan's winning time
was 7:50.1.
There was too much Kane in the
(Continued on Page 3)
Phi Kappa Phi
To Initiate 140
Dr. Delgado To Present
Lecture On Brazil
Initiation of 140 newly elected
members to Phi Kappa Phi, national
honor society, will take place at the"

annual banquet to be held at 6:30
p.m. Tuesday in the main ballroom
of the Union.
Following the dinner and a short
musical program, Dr. Carlos Delgado
de Carvalho, Brazilian geographer
and sociologist, will lecture on the
"Tmmigntin PrhAmsin Praom"

(Continued on Page 3)

More than 175 graduates of the.
School of Business Administration
assembled here yesterday for the 12th
Annual Alumni Conference of the
School, heard Sherman W. Putnam,
executive of a Michigan chemical
company, point out that research in
new products should be supplement-
ed by market research, at the morn-
ing session in the Union.
At the same meeting, Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the Law School, dis-
cussing "Administrative Tribunals
and the Regulation of Business,"
pointed out that government regu-
lation of business is likely to remain
in force and that firms should try
to correct weaknesses in regulatory
.The luncheon meeting featured a
review of the progress of the School
during the past year, by Dean Clare
E. Griffin and Profs. W. M. Phelps,
J. W. Riegel, W. A. Paton and E. H.
Gault, all of the School.
The round tables opened at 2 p.m.,

issuing debenture bonds instead of
regular cash dividends, for example.
Three classes of new products were
defined at the round table on market-
ing: entirely new basic materials;
new adaptations of existing mater-
ials, and new processes of manufac-
ture for old products. Each of these
classes, it was agreed, calls for en-
tirely different marketing methods.
The Conference closed after an in-
formal banquet in the Union. New
members of Beta Gamma Sigma, na-
tional honorary fraternity for busi-
ness administration, two juniors and
six seniors of the school were induct-
ed into membership at the banquet.
Hiram P. Holmes, '17, who received
a certificate of business administra-
tion with his diploma, wyas made the
first honorary member of the local
chapter of the fraternity.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department spoke on the sub-
ject "Europe After the War." He
made three predictions: (1) The war
will be shorter than the First World
War h--vcc ri nfi innls.a


Conferences Terminate
Schoolmasters Meeting Here

Concluding their 54th Annual
Meeting, teacher-delegates from all
parts of the state completed the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club con-
clave yesterday with six conferences
in the Rackham Building on speci-
fic educational themes.
In the round table discussion of
the curriculum of the Edison Insti-
tute Schools at Greenfield Village
and in the vicinity of Macon and
Tecumseh, the speakers reiterated the
theme of the session "Learning by
Doing." They pointed out that in
their system of teaching, three prime
objectives were continually sought.
First, the speakers said, the system
strove to make the pupil able to ad-
just himself to the changing world.
Second, his physical and social well
being was to be such that such adap-
tation would be relatively easy. Third.

Saying that these types of educa-
tion help to present and interpret
modern education, Dr. Whittinghill
graphically emphasized their value
with motion pictures on "Network
Broadcasting" and "Frontiers of the
Future" as well as recordings on "Be-
hind the Mike" and "Radio Remin-
iscences and Futuramas."
Correlated with the aforementioned
conference was another on visual
aids for the classroom. In it, teach-
ers agreed that textbooks as a meth-
od for teaching are on the wane and
that visual aids were assuming an in-
creasing importance.
As examples of the new visual aid,
Miss Hazel B. Taylor, mathematics
teacher of Central High School, Lan-
sing, demonstrated a model factory
which her geometry class constructed
in oeArtb +n htter annvpria +theu ne,

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