FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY U U THE MICHIGAN DAILY Old Timers Are Used As Targets SA be DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN *1 I -Z [or Politicians I iuiop ':1 Agad - - ST1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republicationrof all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4<00; Wy mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -'BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial . . . . . . Staff . ! .s .r Managing Editor Editorial Director sCity Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . . Paul R. Park anson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD HARMEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Duff Cooper Warns Germans . . SHADES OF Georges Clemenceau! Thwar is against the "whole German people"-not merely the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. Such was the battle cry of Alfred Duff Cooper, former British war secretary, as he called in a St. George's Day address for the defeat of the whole German people and warned that a defeated Germany need not expect sympathy by "whining and groveling" as he described them at the Versailles Conference after the first World War. S COOPER merely an unofficial spokesman? Technically, perhaps. But only recently he toured America as a spokesman for the British and Allied position. What ever his status may be, however, there is ominous and significant truth in his declaration of British war aims. For it is a tacit admission that England is not fighting to liberate the German people and the rest of the world from Hitlerian in the name of democracy but that Bri intends to finish the task of crushing the Gman a- tion that she began in the last World War. s No, this war isn't for democracy, either. Bri- tain will destroy Hitler, all right, jttst as she ran the Kaiser from the throne, and then pro- ceed to reduce the German economy to a posi- tion where it won't be able to challenge the supremacy of England again. HE ENGLISH PEOPLE'S supportof the pres- T ent war was gained by presenting the war as a holy crusade against Hitler, but now that they're in, we find Cooper beginning to pre- pare them for greater things by picturing thA, conflict as a war against the "whole German people." They are just the "German people" now, but later they will become those "barbarous Huns" and "bloodless Heinies." This is the great cause for which American youth and security are to be sacrificed for. That some day soon another Amerian Army of Occupation may camp in a leveled Germany while another Clemenceau plans her complete subjugation in a "peace" conference at Ver- sailles. - Robert Speckhard Vote For Student Senate ... S TUDENT SENATE elections today assume a new importance in the light of the results of the Spring Parley held last week-end, for now, as never before, the fate of student government lies in the hands of the student body. They, and they alone, can make or break the Senate. The chief criticism of the Senate is that it is powerless: it is ineffectual. That is true- and why? Mainly because the Senate repre- sents only about one-fifth of the campus. 2,243 students participated in the election last se- mester-electing 16 Senators. So it is a vicious circle; the Senate is not powerful enough, why vote for it? All right, don't vote for it and it remains unrepresentative-and powerless. THERE ARE two ways of establishing student government on a university campus. One is spontaneous; the students become, incensed over arbitrary rule, perhaps, and they rise up By HERVIE HAUFLER THE OLD SHOEMAN finished pounding a heelplate onto my spring shoes and leaned forward to impress upon me one final, clinching observation before he let me go. In some way our conversation had settled upon the state of the nation, and he said, "You can be sure of one thing: This country won't be a really fit place to live in until the Townsend Act is passed. You young fellows don't think much about it, but us old graybeards know that this is one law that's got to come.' I put on my shoes quickly, paid him and got out of the shop without telling him what I hought-that the Townsend Act is a phantasm, a chimera, a will o' the wisp given credence by wishful thinking. I did not want to tangle with him because there is no use in arguing with these old-timers. They are as ardent in their zeal as religious fanatics. They trust Town- sendism with no rationality, no cogent argu- ments, only with a blind faith. You can't be angry at these old people. The old shoeman tells you he is tired of pounding at leather, gripping tacks in his teech, breathing leather dust. His sunken eyes tell you he is tired. On $200 per month he could rest. He could go to Florida and fish and sun himself. It is the only dream a man has left after his days of usefulness are gone, and you slap him in the face when you tell him that it is a vain, ruitless hallucination. It is as if your professor should tell you that you lack talent enough ever to write, or to paint, or to teach. WITH ALL your fresh, new learning you can- not corner the old shoeman. His knowledge of The Plan is too incomplete to have corners. He will stick to some absurd mental perch in spite of hell and high water, and all you can do is to buzz ineffectually about his head with your social sciences, your political science, your economics. You tell him the Townsend tax on business transactions would throw our economic system out of gear, and he does not believe you. It is a little thing-a two-per-cent tax on a business deal. Surely America would not come to grief because of a two-per-cent tax on business deals. You try to show him the insurmountable costs of such a plan and he will not listen. He with- draws into his shell and lets your rantings pass in one ear and out the other. FOR THERE ARE others who will tell him what he wants to hear. With you he will retrench and cover up and let your blows fall where they may. But sooner or later some THEATRE Marcel Pagnol's Harvest came to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night for a three-day showing. This is the film that caused so much controversy in New York, where it was originally banned by a ruling of the Board of Censors, and then approved by the Board of Regents of the State Department of Education. The film is concerned with a simple tale: into a deserted Provencal village, pillaged by war and drought, comes Gedemus, the knife-grinder, with Arsule, his feminine apprentice. Arsule leaves Gedemus in order to live with Panturle, which whom she achieves the miracle of bring- ing life and bread into the town of Aubignane. Apparently the cause of the wrath of the New York censors was the fact that Arsule and Pan- turle went about the business of raising wheat and babies without benefit of clergy. What makes this objection ridiculous is the fact that Harvest is one of the most moral pictures that has ever been screened. All the virtues that are usually associated with the land are here expert- ly expressed. This is a picture to make the agrarians and the back-to-the-land enthusiasts break out again with paeans to the soil. Harvest belongs to the French peasants. In slow-moving sequences it depicts the regenera- tion of a man and woman, and the consequent revival of normal community life, It stands in bold and sharp contradiction to the fate that has overtaken the peoples of Europe since the outbreak of the war. If this picture is "danger- ous" or "immoral" it is because it so truthfully presents the real interests of the common peo- ple: land, food, a family, friends. As the story of these French peasants unfolded upon the screen two inescapable comparisons presented themselves. The Joads of Oklahoma and the Panturles of Provencal are remarkably alike in temperament and situation. They are all friend- ly and simple people, imbued with a real love for the land, and desirous of an opportunity to live decent and fruitful lives. And, secondly, there is no doubt that the peasants of Bavaria are the same kind of people with the same in- terests. Harvest stands as the overwhelming negation of this war, and of Mr. Duff Cooper's contention, that the French and English people must exterminate the German people. The film is another in the long series of tech- nical masterpieces that has come out of France. The cycle of the new life that Arsule and Pan- turle bring to the little village is unobtrusively presented against the background of changing seasons. Like the Grapes of Wrath, Harvest was filmed out-of-doors, with full dramatic use made of the landscape. It is a cinematic mas- terpiece, a movie that proves, given an honest - story, sensitive direction, and capable acting, that the motion picture is the most vital of all contemporary art forms. - E. M. is the League and Congress. But they all admit that the Senate is the ideal superstructure or- Coughlin, some pass-the-biscuits-Pappy politi- cian, some Dewey or McNutt will tell him that he is right, that his mental perch is tenable and that The Plan can be attained. Then he will come out and expand and smoke his opium pipe of dreams again. The old shoeman and his cohorts are the richest market for ballyhoo in America today. He will exchange his vote for soothing words. Campaigns are designed to impress him, plat- forms to placate him. Mediocre men ride into power on his gullibility. America cannot fulfill his desires any more than it can fulfill all the ambitions of youth, but our belated provisions for old-age security must be strengthened if the aged are to be diverted from the ranks of the Pied-Pipers. For the oldsters' own good, sincere leaders must beat the political opportunists to the draw. Of ALL Things.. . .... EyJ ortyQ ... . IT HAS BEEN suggested that, since no one except his dog reads Young Gulliver's col- umn, it would be a good turn and a friendly favor if Mr. Q. repeated to his wide following Y. G.'s idea for doing away with the walking- on-the-grass problem. He suggested-as many have done before him-that the grass be torn up and cement be substituted. Mr. Q. has dis- covered that the University is very sympathetic to the plan and would like Gulliver to investi- gate the thing more thoroughly. One official, close to the President's office, reported: "We think that the cement idea is a good one, and Gulliver certainly has the head for it." IN THE MAIL yesterday came a penny post- card with a little poem, and Mr. Q. would once more like to remind you that you are al- ways welcome to submit anecdotes, poems or any other kind of notes. Here's the poem: War begets poverty Poverty peace, Peace begets plenty, Then riches increase, Riches bring pride, And pride is war's ground, War begets poverty- So goes the round. John Robert Hanzlik, 221 Chicago House. MONDAY, Mr. Q. carried an account of the great quiz contest at Lansing, in which six Michigan men sounded'even dumber than they must have looked. Dave Zeitlin, who was the last man to be downed in the kindergarten true-and-false, wired a story via the special Morty Q. teletype. Here's what he has to say: Lansing, April 22/2 (Special to Morty Q.)- After the show the other night, which I under- stand you endured yourself, we, the fallen Wolverines, managed, with great difficulty, to get out by ourselves. Our freckle-faced con- querors weren't with us, mainly because we hurriedly left when their backs were turned. It was not a display of a collective inferiority complex on our part either, this exit sans cere- mony, I mean. Our brains may have been numb, but our vision was still good. It may be four out of five at Michigan, but it's five out of five at State. Swinton's eyes weren't too good, but he put his glasses on awhile, and admitted we were right. So stag and sad, the former already explained and the latter due to what had transpired, and because what was to happen in certain Lansing bistros was still in the future, we decided to drown our sorrows. Naturally we would have preferred to celebrate, but the tide of events had ebbed to such a low point that there was little to be happy about. The drowning we planned for ourselves had nothing to do with the lake near the michstate campus. Our woes were internal, and the best doctors will tell you that medicine must wash the wound to be effective. To a man, we knew what kind of tonic would cure us, so we headed for a sudsdispensary. I suppose I might say who was in the party, as we did have our camp followers, who moved in and took things over much to the pleasure of us all and the others who funned with us. There was Senor Jerry Weisner, Prof. Abbott's man Friday everyday in the week including Friday, and Duane Nelson, who between smiles, teaches college students how to talk. Silly, isn't it? Hal Spurway, he of the talented tossils, was there and also a United Press correspondent who owed his presence to co-worker Swinton, here- inafter to be referred to as SALTY SWINTON, and one or two others. I didn't exercise my reportorial talents (boast) enough to note the name of the first den of brewdom we entered, but I remember more about the inside. A waitress, whom some said was working her way through State, shifted three big, heavy tables around like they were ash trays, and we proceeded to sit ourselves down. We ordered. Between drinks and bites (wb ate, too) I suffered repeated attacks of pressuritis of the brain and heart as I thought of what I might have done with the thirty dol- lars I would have won if I said FALSE instead of TRUE. But I was sad and still am (although a telegram which I found on my desk in AA when I got home hours later was a swell stim- ulant). However, the boys took the place over, and before long Dick Slade, who also has talented tonsils, was introducing Spurway, and Spurway was rendering some nifty notes. The Lansing citizens looked aghast as they listened to Slade. r. .. . ..n1.1 . - + :-fi o+ m V srIo -n " Drew Pedsoni ad RobertS.Allen " ti WASHINGTON-The State De- partment has received a confidential i memorandum from Arctic explorer e Vilhjalmur Stefansson stating that a Iceland could be brought under thec Monroe Doctrine and warning thato this important stepping-stone ina mid-Atlantic could be used for Nazit air-raids against the United States. 1 Iceland was under the Danishf crown up until therNazi invasion, and is now courting the friendship of the United States. Stefanssonr is an American citizen of Icelandict parentage, and his account of the strategic value of his native island has stirred U.S. officials. The War Department has even engaged him as a special adviser. State Officials Impressed Since the Nazi invasion of Den- mark, State Department officials have been particularly impressed byr two points in the Stefansson report. They are: 1. A German expedition made a survey of Iceland which purported to be for the innocent purpose of stimulating "glider flying" among; Icelanders. But Icelanders are "now convinced that they had been vic- tims of an essentially military sur- vey." 2. That "Germany probably has a better grasp now of the strategic value of Iceland, both naval and aeronautic, than is possessed even by the Icelanders themselves." Stefansson pointed ot that Ice- land is open the year round for fly- ing purposes; that the average tem- perature at Reykjavik, the capital, is the same as at Philadelphia; and that snow seldom remains on the ground, even in January, for more than two or three weeks at a time. The punch in his memo is this sentence: "The United States should consider of significance the estab- lishment by a foreign power of a new air base within a thousand miles of the continent of North America." Note-Though the United States, following invasion of Denmark and Norway, has decided not to disburse Export-Import Bank credits to the Scandinavian countries, this does not affect a credit of $1,000,000 to Iceland, which is still available. Guffey Vs. Lewis Senator Joe Guffey scored a dou- ble victory in his decisive renomina- tion vote. The Pennsylvania New Dealer not only defeated his oppo- nent, Pittsburgh oilman Walter Jones, but also handed a thorough licking to John L. Lewis. This little known fact was one of the most significant features of. the election. Before the primary, Guffey and the CIO chief were on closest terms. Guffey sponsored the United Mine Workers' bituminous coal regulation act, and in 1938 unhesitatingly went out on a political limb for Lewis by supporting his candidate for Gov- ernor over the bitter protests of most of the other Pennsylvania Democrat- ic leaders. If Guffey had ducked that fight he could'have avoided personal trou- ble this year. But when he went to Lewis for help in the tough primary battle, John L. turned him down cold. Only a few insiders know it, but the dramatic rebuff took place a few weeks before the election in Lewis' paneled, high-ceilinged pri- vate office. Guffey explained that he was up against a very serious situation and needed help badly.j Lewis shook his head. "We can't do anything for you, Joe," he said. "But why not? You put up plenty of money for Tom Kennedy (Lewis' gubernatorial candidate) two years ago." "Yes, but we've got a new by-law now," replied Lewis. "We're not contributing in primaries.". Chief reason for Lewis' coldness was Guffey's advocacy of a third term for Roosevelt.yGuffey is a strong third termer and ran on that platform while Jones, who before he became a candidate had declared against a third term, pussy-footed on the issue. was over, Spurway had done some more singing, Tom Harmon had sung, (honest) over a public ad- dress system; I did a Boake Carter broadcast from Hankow or some place (what difference does it make these days), and Jack Gelder had conducted a quiz contest in which he asked each of us the question we had missed in the real test. Slade missed again. They had one of those pic- ture-taking devices in one place, and every guy took his turn before the lens, each doing his best to look his worst. The collection now comprises a gorgeous gallery in Morris Hall. Other things hannened. too. but we FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1940 s VOL. L. No. 147I NoticesF Honors Convocation: The Seven- r eenth Annual Honors Convocation b f the University of Michigan will be i held this morning at 11 o'clock,t n Hill Auditorium. Classes with the( xception of clinics, will be dismissed I at 10:45. Those students in clinicalv classes who are receiving honors at k the Convocation will be excused in order to attend. The faculty, seniors, ( and graduate students are requestedE to wear academic costume but theree is no procession. Members of theI faculty are asked to enter by the rearI door of Hill Auditorium and proceed directly to the stage, where arrange-t ments have been made for seating them. The public is invited. Alexander G. Ruthven Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file application for degrees or any special; certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive a degree or certificate at Commencement in June. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or cer- tificate at Commencement upon any student who fails to file such applica- tion before the close of business on Wednesday, May 15. If application is received later than May 15, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. If you have not already done so, candidates for degrees or certificates may fill out cards at once at office of the secretary or recorder of their own school or college (students en- rolled in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of Architecture and Design, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Forestry and Conservation, please note that application blanks may be obtained and filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer- sity Hall). All applications for the Teacher's Certificate should be made at the office of the School of Educa- tion. Please do not delay until the last day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and certificates must be lettered, signed, and sealed and we shall be greatly helped in this work by the early filing of applications and the resulting longer period for prepara- tion. -Shirley W. Smith First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. F.H.A. terms avail- able. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Freshmen and Sophomores, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Academic Counselors will begin approval of elections for the first semester of the 1940-41 academic year on April 29. You will be sent a postcard requesting you to make an appointment with your Counselor for this purpose. It is expected that you will answer this summons promptly. It will be possible for you at this time to receive attention that cannot pos- sibly be given during the rush of registration in September and will save you much time and trouble if attended to before you leave in June. This applies to students who will have less than 60 hours of course credit in June. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman Academic Counselrs Staff Assistants' Applications: Stu- dents who will be enrolled in the Uni- versity during the coming year and who wish to apply for Staff Assistant- ships in the Residence Halls for Men and Women may obtain application blanks in the Office of the Director of Residence Halls, 205 South Wing. Preference will be given to graduate and professional students in the selec- tion of appointees for Stockwell Hall, for the Adelia Cheever House, for the East and West Quadrangles, and for Fletcher Hall. A few Staff Assistantships in Mosher Hall and in other Houses will be open to under- graduates. Undergraduates who) have lived in University of Michigan Residence Halls are by no means dis- couraged from making application. Karl Litzenberg M. Gomberg Scholarship and Paul F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry: These scholarships of $200 each are open to juniors and seniors majoring in chemistry. Preference will be giv- en to those needing financial assist- ance. Application blanks may be ob- tained in Room 212 Chemistry Build- ing and must be filed not later than May 10. , Literary School Seniors: Measure- ments arenow being taken for caps and gowns. Moe's Sport Shop is the official outfitter. Senior Class Dues: All Senior lit- econd floor of West Engineering Building (above the Arch). Doctoral Examination of Frederick Earle Lyman will be held at 1:30 p.m.. Saturday, April 27, in 3089 NS. Mr. Lyman's department of special- zation is Zoology. The title of his thesis is "Limnological Investigations of the Ephemeroptera in Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, with Special Reference to the Distri- bution of Immature Stages." Professor P. S. Welch, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, th chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can- didates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts Orchestra Concert: The University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Conductor, will give a special program complimentary to the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The public will be admitted without admission charge. Exhibitions An Exhibit of the Art of Eastern Asia, under the auspices of the Insti- tute of Fine Arts on the occasion of the opening of new quarters for Far Eastern Art in Alumni Memorial Hall, through Friday, May 3 (2 to 5 p.m. only). Retrospective exhibits of the etch- ings and drawings of Dr. Warren P. Lombard, and the paintings of Hor- atio W. Shaw, until May 3 West Gal- lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, -5, every day, including Sundays. Auspices University Institute of Fine Arts and Ann Arbor Art Association. Lectures Biochemistry Lecture: Dr. Harold H. Williams, Assistant Director of the Research Laboraories of the Chil- dren's Fund of Michigan, will discuss "Lipid Studies of Blood and Tis- sues," on Saturday, April 27, at 10:30 a.m., in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Those inter- ested are invited. Today's Events Fellowship of Reconciliation Peace Team will meet today at Lane Hall for meditation at 4:30 p.m. and to plan action at 5 p.m. Classical Record Hour will be held tonight from 7 to 8 in the Michigan Union. International Night at the Intra- mural Building: The International Center, this evening from 7:30 to 11:00, presents the first Internation- al Night at the Intramural Building. A short program of folk dances will be followed by a basket ball game between the Chinese and Filipino students, a volley-ball game between the Chinese and International teams, a soccer exhibition by the Turkish students, the International Cham- pions of last fall's season, and the finals of the table-tennis tourna- ment. Tickets may be obtained at the International Center without charge. Hillel services will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. Seymour Melman will lead the Fireside Discussion on "Arab Jewish Co-operation." Stalker Hall: Bibe Class at 7:30 tonight at Stalker Hall to be led by Mildred Sweet. Hobbie groups in photography, game construction, art and sculpturing at 9 p.m. Westminster Student Guild of the Presbyterian Church will hold Open House tonight 8:30-12:00. A program of entertainment and refreshments. All students are invited. At 10:00 o'clock Dr. Leslie F. Rittershofer will show colored moving pictures of the Gardens in North and South Carolina and life in Bermuda. Coming Events Seminar in Bacteriology will meet in Room 1564 East Medical Build- ing, Monday, April 29, at 8:00 p.m. Subject: "Diseases of Unknown Eti- ology in Which Viruses Are Suspect- ed." All interested are invited. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. All faculty members inter- ested in speaking German are cordial- ly invited. There will be a brief in- formal talk by Professor James K. Pollock on "Partei und Verwaltung in Grossdeutschland." The Annual A.I.E.E. Banquet will be held Tuesday, April 30, in the Michigan League at 6:15 p.m. Prof. John L. Brumm is the principal speaker. Tickets may be obtained from Charles Tieman, Wesley Pow- ers, Robert Buritz, John Strand, Har- old Briton, or George Gotschall. Iq