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February 13, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-13

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'rY'Mt ir4ifi AN '1

News Goes On
As Exams Halt
Students' Life
Announce Relief Concert;
Student From Jamaica
Saved From Union Pool

F. M. Babcock
To Talk Today
Valuation Ai d Mortgages
To Be TopicOf Speech

Charges FBI Violated Liberties

NeWs doesn't stop for exams in
Ann Arbor, although the normal life
of Michigan students does. Here are
the highspots of what happened dur-
ing that fatal period while Univer-,
sity meni and women recovered from
exams and saw another J-Hop com-
Jan. 29.-Miss Marian Durell, for-
mer- director of nursing at the Uni-
versity Hospital, resigned from the
state board of registered nurses. Ann
Arbor also learned that five other
members of the hospital official staff
had resigned from their work at the
Feb. 1.-Officials announced plans
for a musical concert for Finnish re-
lief which- will be held here Feb. 27.
University organizations said they
would assist. The Ann Arbor Church
of Christ, Scientist, bought the home
*of the late Dean Henry C. Ander-
son on ashtenaw Ave. for a new
Feb. 5.-A student rooming house
at 115 Park Terrace, owned by Mrs.
Belle W. Monroe, suffered damage
of $1,500 as the result of a fire.
Feb. 7.-James R. Haisley, 19 year
old adopted son of Otto W. Haisley,
superintendent of schools, was arrest-
ed on a charge of forging his father's
name to 11 checks totaling $130.
Feb. 12.-Kenneth G. DeHaney, '42,
of Jamaica, W.I., narrowly escaped
drowning in the Union pool when he
was rescued from the bottom by a
fellow student. University women be-
gan to move into Stockwell hall-new
women's dormitory. Registration was
reported at 265.

"Valuation of Real Estate in Rela-'
tion to Mortgage Lending" will be
the topic of an address by Frederick
M. Babcock, assistant director of the
Federal Housing Administration, be-
fore a convocation of the School of
Business Administration at 4 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Babcock's address should be of in-
terest to all students and members
of the faculty, as he.will probably ex-
plain the action of the FHA in rela-
tion to real estate valuation as well as
giving valuable information about
general valuation, Prof. R. U. Rat-
cliffe of the School of Business Ad-
niinistration said yesterday.
A case study will be used to illus-
trate the lecture this afternoon by
Babcock, who was in charge of the
development of a system of mortgage
risk rating used in connection with
mortgage insurance. Babcock, who
worked as a research associate in the
Bureau of Business Research of the
University in 1931, is the author of
"Valuation of Real Estate," the lead-
ing textbook on the subject, Profes-
sor Ratcliffe added.

A 28-year-old woman is now sitting
in solitary confinement in a dark and
chilly Detroit cell; 11 other men are
allegedly receiving cruel treatment
in jail and are being held under ex-
treme bail limitations-all of them
arrested under an antiquated law of
These were the charges made in
Ann Arbor yesterday by Milton N.
Kemnitz, secretary of the Michigan
Civil Rights Federation, who claims
that the capture of .these persons
was ordered by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, and indicates a trend
that perils the personal liberties of
every citizen in the United States.
Federal officers arrested the twelve
persons last week on a charge that
they were recruiting soldiers for a
foreign power-in this case the Loyal-.
ist government of Spain, while she
was still a nominal republic.
According to Kemnitz, the prisoners
were captured in an unusual raid at

five o'clock last Tuesday morning,
with federal agents battering down
doors and ransacking rooms. The
arrested persons were held incom-
municade until the next afternoon;
they were handcuffed and chained
together, and were allowed only a
few minutes in which to consult their
lawyer. One of the victims was a
woman, and she is now living in a
cell "so cold she must wear her coat,"
and is allowed to speak to no one
except her lawyer, Kemnitz said. The
men were sent to the federal prison
at Milan, Mich.
Federal officers based the arrest
on information obtained through the
investigations of the Dies Committee
a year ago. Kemnitz and the Civil
Liberties Union have objected on the
grounds that recruiting for Finland3
is going on today with no police in-
terference and that the law allegedly
violated was passed in 1818 to avoid
impressment of American mariners
by Great Britain.

French Movie
And The City'
Share Billing

. ..

Classifiled irectory -

Mrs. Hobbs Dies

Mrs. Sarah Kimball Hobbs, 82 years
old, wife of Prof. William H. Hobbs
of the geology department, passed
away at her home in Ann Arbor on
Feb. 8, the victim of a heart attack.
She was born July 25, 1857, in Green
Bay, Wis., and she studied at Ober-
lin College and Northwestern Uni-
versity. She was married to Profes-
sor Hobbs, June 23, 1896, in Evans-
ton, Ill.
Members of the University faculty
served as pall-bearers.



Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (in basis of
five average words to line) for one
10c per reading line for three or
or two insertions.
nore insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of 15c.
For further information sall
23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard
FOR RENT-Very attractive room
near the campus. For girls. Mod-
erately priced. 411 E. Washington.
Phone 6318. 271,
GRADUATE MAN will share double
room with upperclassman. Close
in. $2.50 a week. Gentile. Phone
2-1559. 262
pus, graduate lodgings with break-
fast and dinner. French if de-
sired; garage. 4678. 266
FOR RENT-Pleasant living room,
fireplace; use of kitchen if desired.
Woman or couple. No students in
house. Phone 5740. 264
FOR RENT--Apartment, living room,
bed davenport, dressing closet,
bath, shower. Electric stove, re-
frigeration. 602 Monroe. 260
FOR RENT-Unusually desirable,
furnished single and double rooms.
Also apartment for men. All rea-
sonably priced. Cooking privileges
and garages if desired. 1412 Cam-
bridge Rd. Phone 7044. 259
FOR RENT-For girls: Desirable
rooms and also apartment for
women. 517 E. Ann St. Phone
2-3839. 258
tractive room, large, comfortable,
warm, quiet, for graduate or up-
per classman. 333 E. Washington.
See it. 267.
FOR RENT-Double room, steam
heat, shower and bath. Half block
from campus. $3 per person. 2-3776
ROOM FOR RENT-available im-
mediately. Located midway be-
tween campus and field house.
Phone 6625. Inquire for Mrs. Close.
711 Packard at State.
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street.


one trial to prove we launder your
shirts best. Let our work help you
look neat today. 1114 S. Univer-
sity. 19
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
and notary public, excellent work,
706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43
WANTED-People to try delicious
home cooked breakfasts and din-
ners at 914 Hill St. Phone 4546.

Double Feature Program
To Open Two-Day Run
As Art Cinema Show
The Art Cinema League opens its
second semester season with its first
double-feature presentation, a two-
day showing. Friday and Saturday,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre of
World Picture's "Marseillaise" and
a documentary film, "The City."
Tickets for the program, which
will begin at 8:15 p.m. and run for
almost two hours, will go on sale at
10 a.m. Thursday at the Lydia Men-
delssohn box-office.
Dynamic story of the French Revo-
lution starring the French people,
"Marseillaise," is the first picture
inade il France of the Revolution,
and was financed by popular sub-
scription. In it, attempt has been
made by Jean Renoir, director of the
prize-winning film of 1939, "Grand
Illusion," to get away from the cine-
matic cliches which formerly rep-
resented the French Revolution on
the screen: the guillotine, the terror,
the execution of the King and Queen,
etc. Renoir has rather concerned
himself with the men who fought in
the Revolution to achieve "liberty,
equality and fraternity,"
Hint of his success in this may be
obtained from Johannes Steel's radio
review of the film. Mr. Steel, form-
er editor of the New York Post and
author of "The Second World War,"
pointed out "the tragic analogy (oif
the film) to the recent history of
"There, too," he said, "the peas-
ants, the burghers, the people fought
for freedom against the enemies from
within and without ... The only dif-
ference is, in Spain, a year ago the
people lost. In France a century and
a half ago, the people won. That is
why they have something to defend
"The City," 38 minutes of docu-
mentary film which enjoyed long
success at the New York World's Fair,
has been acclaimed by critics as an
ideal commentary of city and rural
life. Typical of the comment is
Archer Winsten's review in the New
York Post: "It's absolutely magnifi-
cent, a true work of cinematic art in
conception, photography and cut-
ting, as well as uproariously funny.

TUESDAY, FEB. 13, 1940
VOL. L. No. 93

Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to studentsK
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 14, from
4 to 6 o'clock.;
Federal Income Tax: The Collector
of Internal Revenue, Michigan Dis-
trict, advises that:
1. Deductions made by the Uni-
versity from salaries for the purpose,
of creating old age retirement pen-
sions or annuities are not deductible
by the individual in arriving at tax-;
able net income.
2. Additional contributions by the
University for the purchase of old age
pensions do not affect the individual's
income tax returns until such time as
he retires and begins to receive the
pension. Shirley W. Smith
To Federal Income Tax Payers: The
Federal Commissioner of Internal
Revenue has now ruled that lodging
and meals furnished are " compensa-
tion" or "salary"within the meaning
of the Revenue Act and must be in-
cluded by individuals who make re-
turns, if such form of compensation
is furnished them by the University.
While there is no express statement,
we are advised that it will ordinar-
ily be satisfactory if room allowance
is reported at $144 per year and board
at $216 per year, or an average total
of $30 per month. Where less than
three meals per day are furnished
a roportionate reduction in the
amount reported may be made.
Shirley W. Smith


College of Literature, Science,'and
the Arts; School of Music; and School
of Education: Students who received
marks of "I" or "X" at the close of
their last semester or summer ses-
sion of attendance will receive a grade
of "E" in the course unless this work
is made up by March 12. Students
wishing an extension of timedbeyond
this date in order to make up this
work should file a petition addressed
to the appropriate official in their
school with Room 4 U.H. where it will
be transmitted.
All Applications for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University must be re-
turned to the Graduate School Office
by February 15 in order to be given
Henry Russel Award: Nomination
blanks have been sent by campus mail
to department heads and other ad-
ministrative officers. In the event
that any of those failed to reach their
destination, additional blanks may be
obtained from the Chairman of the
Committee, R. L. Wilder, 3001 A.H.
Electrical Engineering Sophomores
(Continued on Page 4)

To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of
everyone is called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
finder. Shirley W. Smith.
The University Council Committee


on Parking earnestly requests that the
parking of cars and trucks on the
ovals between the Chemistry and Na-
tural Science Buildings, or anywhere
else on lawns be discontinued. The
grass underneath the snow will be
damaged not only by the ice conse-
quent to the packing of snow, but
also by the dripping of oil from
Herbert G. Watkins

106 East Washington Street
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Phone 9690 and 2-4431


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