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April 26, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-26

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To Hear Ryan.
Bagley Speak
On Education
Teachers' Meeting Today
Includes Assemblies,
Round Tables, Banquet
19 Conferences, Two
Institutes Will Meet
As more than 1,000 members pre-
pared for two days of intensified
activity today and tomorrow in the
54th Annual Meeting of the Mich-
igan Schoolmasters' Club, an ad-
vance guard of teachers penetrated
Ann Arbor yesterday for their 11th
Annual One-Day Conference on
Teacher Education.
Chief issue in the morning session
was the question of new concepts in
human development of importance
for the education of teachers. Prof.
William C. Olson of the education
school voiced the now current opin-
ion that thinking in terms of
"standards" must be abolished in
favor of thinking in terms of growth
and individual patterns. He con-
tinually repeated the necessity for
the modern teacher to be aware of
the maturation in children as an
explanation of their achievement.
Pleads For Democracy
Dr. Paul L. Thompson, president
of Kalamazoo College, in speaking
at the luncheon pointed out that
the American college should be a
bulwark of democracy. To achieve
that end, he said, they must con-
tinually strive to uphold democratic
Tracing the evolution of the Mich-
igan Study of Teacher Education,
Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state super-
intendent of Public Instruction, e-
plained that the privately financed
investigation would serve as a basis
for changing the existing teachers'
code if such a change were neces-
The Schoolmasters' Club will be-
gin its action-filled program at 9
a.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham Building when two noted au-
thorities-Mr. W. Carson Ryan, ed-
itor of the magazine "Progressive
Education" and Dr. William C. Bag-
ley, professor-emeritus of Columbia
University's Teachers College-spec-
ulate on "Education-What Next?"
Adjourning in time for the Honors
Convocation at 11 a.m., the dele-
gates will hear Dr. Francis P. Gaines,
president of Washington and Lee
University. At 5:15 p.m. in the ball-
room of the Union, an Informal re-
ception for members of the Club
will take place andrbe followed at
6 p.m. by the main banquet. of the
session at which Prof. F. A. Fire-
stone of the physics department will
speak. His subject is "Tricks With
Speech and Song."
Six Special Assemblies
During the day, the members will
have their choice of attending one
of six special' assemblies at 9:30 a.m.
today or one of 19 other conferences
meeting simultaneously.
Among the special assemblies is
"A Round-Table Exposition of the
Curriculum of the Edison Schools"
established by Henry Ford in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building; "The Presentation of Vis-
ual and Radio Education Teaching
Aids" in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building," and "Visual
Aids of the Classroom" in Room

3315 of the Rackham Building.
Other special assemblies will dis-
cuss "The Enrichment of the Eng-
lish Program" in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building; "Consum-
er Science" in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building, and
"Youth Tells Youth Their 'Story"
in the West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building.
Call, Daily For Times
Among the conferences are those
on adult education, art, business ed-
ucation, the classics, education, Eng-
lish, general science, geography,
health and physical education,
mathematics, modern language, mu-
sic, , physics - chemistry - astronomy,
school, libraries, social studies and
geography, speech and vocational
These conferences will be meeting
all through the day. Those inter-
ested in discovering the time and
place of each meeting can call The
Daily at 2-3241 for the information.
Among the. 20 organizations co-
rnva,.nc a d +1, tI n na'1 nanoteo

Students, Faculty Pay Honor
To Engineering College Dean

Dr. Crawford Is Greeted;
William B. Stout Gives
Praise To Technology
Michigan's engineers joined with
their faculty and the President of the
University last night to bid a collec-
tive welcome to Dr. Ivan C. Crawford,
who on July 1 will become the engin-
eering college's fifth dean.
The occasion was a banquet at-
tended by 375 engineering college stu-
dents in honor of Dean-to-be Craw-
ford, whoharrived in Ann Arbor yes-
terday. Dr. Crawford was honored
guest, and William B. Stout, presi-
dent of Stout Engineering Labora-
tories, was the main speaker on a
program more festive than academic.
Praises Engineers
To technicaly-trained citizens,
Stout declared, will fall the responsi-
bility and the power of America's fu-
ture. "Today's crisis," he said, "is
the result of a great conflict between
the persons who know, and those
who have no facts to use-only be-
He added, "Progress which can be
me'asured during the recent years can
be measured purely in the form of
engineering advancement. Most of
5,000 Students
To Be In Music
Festival Today
High School Instrumental
Groups To Participate
In Two-DayMeetings,
Ann Arbor will be the gathering
place of an expected 5,000 high school
musicians as the annual Michigan
High School Instrumental Festival
opens here today for a two-day ses-
Acting host of the visiting students
will be the University Band under the
direction of Prof. William D. Revelli,
local chairman of the Festival. In-
cluded in the program of the Festi-
val is a Band Concert at 7:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Sponsored by the Michigan High
School Band and Orchestra Associa-
tion of Michigan, the festival is in-
tended to acquaint band and orches-
tras with the techniques involved in
reading music in group and solo play-
ing, Professor Revelli explained. Dur-
ing the two-day program readings
will be given by the University Band
and Orchestra for high school music
groups in attendance at the Festival.,
The Music Festival movement
continues to occupy an important,
place throughout the entire forty-
eight states in Music Education, Pro-
fessor Revelli said. The Michigan
School Band and Orchestera Asso-
ciation feels that the primary pur-
pose of the Festival is to serve as
a factor -in the educational program
through the direct values, the in-
spirational examples and the incen-
(Continued on Page 7)
Ann Arbor Townsman
Killed In Auto Accident
JACKSON, Mich., April 25.-(P)-j
An automobile-truck collision on US-
12 east of here early today killed a
man tentatively identified as Mikel
Tompkins, 28 years old, of Ann Ar-
bor. He was riding with Frank Bar-,
ko, 29 years old, Ann Arbor, and1
State Police investigated to deter-t
mine which man drove the car. The
truck was driven by Robert M. Ford,1
35, of Jackson.

this growth has been in the rapid
rise of government technical depart-
ments, and today the government is
continuing to build its research staff.
"As these departments increase,
we will begin to get a greater tech-
nical nature to our government. When
we develop enough of these technical
divisions we will have a new type of
civilization, prosperity, and living.
"Hope Of Future"
"All this will come through ad-
vances in engineering. You engineers
are the white hope of the future."
One of the most challenging prob-
lemns before young engineers today,
Stout said, is to achieve technologi-
cal improvement in the field of hous-
ing. He called today's methods of
house-building "the same as those
of George Washington's time."
* * *
The loudest reception of the eve-
ning was given to Dean-Emeritus
Mortimer E. Cooley, who took
a place at the head table beside the
honored guests. Dean Cooley spoke
briefly; said that he regretted his in-
ability to appear in public more often,
because he "always had a good time."
He explained, "A good time does my
health more harm than a good
* * * .
President Ruthven introduced Dr.
Crawford with the tribute that he
had been selected because the Board
of Regents wanted a man who would
carry on in the "Michigan tradition."
* * *
A. D. Moore, the engineering col-
lege's addition to the world of jug-
gling, found his act hampered by
poor lighting.
* * *
John V. Sobesky, '41, received first
prize, a radio, for his entry in the
college essay contest, "My Interpre-
tation of the Honor System". Second
honors went to James R. Davidson,
Toastmaster for the banquet was
J. Anderson Ashburn, '40. First re-
marks of the evening were given by
Alfred H. Lovell, assistant dean of
the engineering college.
Alumni Group
To Meet Here.
Business School Graduates
Will Meet Tomorrow
More than 150 graduates of the
School of Business Administration
are expected to meet in the Union
tomorrow for the School's 13th An-
nual Alumni Conference.

Nazi 'Blitz'
Troops Speed
Into North
Roosevelt Proclamation
Announces State Of War
Between Reich, Norway
England's Armies
Battling Invaders
(By The Associated Press)
In a day of intensified activity on
the international front Thursday,
two German "blitz" columns moving'
towards Trondheim were reported
blocked by a British force established
at Storen, and President Roosevelt
proclaimed a state of war between
Norway and Germany.
Rolling up the two strategic valleys,
Gudbrandsdalen and Osterdalen, the
Germans sped today to Roros, 180
miles north from Oslo, and to Rin-
gebu, 110 miles/north of the caiptal.
Brush Aside Opponents
They brushed aside, apparently
with little effort, what opposition re-
mained south of those points after
relays of planes had gunned and
bombed Norwegian forces and their
At Roros they were 70 miles west
of Trondheim, for which they aimed
in order to block a British effort to
pinch off that German-held base of
operations on the west coast.
The British, reinforcing. Norwegi-
ans at Lillehammer, were swept back
30 miles by the German machine in
the advance to Ringebu. The Allies
were reported retreating to Otta, 30
more miles north of Ringebu.
Automatically, President Roose-
velt's action put Norway on a "cash
and carry" basis so far as obtaining
war supplies in the United States
was concerned. She must pay cash
for any such supplies and carry them
away in non-American vessels.
Denmark Not Mentioned
The proclamations signed here to-
day took no note of Germany's in-
vasion of Denmark, and the White
House had nothing to say about the
chances that similar documents per-
taining to Denmark would be issued.
A third proclamation, following the
precedents invoked last fall when the
European conflict began, barred Nor-
wegian submarines from American
ports and territorial waters.
Export-Import Bank lawyers said
that President Roosevelt's proclama-
tion today of United States neutral-
ity in the war between Germany and
Norway meant suspension of the
bank's $10,000,000 credit to Norway.

To Recognize
884 Students
Dr. Gaines To Be Speaker
At Annual Honors Parley
Today In Hill Auditorium
Ruthven To Speak;
Reeves To Preside
Eight-hundred-eighty-four under-
graduate and graduate students will
be honored at the 17th annual Hon-
ors Convocation to be held at 11 a.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Classes with the exception of clin-
ics will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m.
Those students in clinics, however,
who are to be honored will also be
allowed to attend.
Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president of
Washington and Lee University, will
be the principal speaker. He will be
introduced by President Alexander
G. Ruthven after the latter has wel-
comed the honor students and their
Having succeeded to the presi-
dency of Washington and Lee in
1930, Dr. Gaines has been given hon-
orary degrees by several colleges and
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politi-
cal science department, William W.
Cook, professor of American Insti-
tutions, will act as chairman in place
of Dean Joseph E. Bursley, who is
on leave-of-absence.
Of the students who are to be hon-
ored, 225 are seniors who have a "B"
average and are in the upper tenth
of their class; 105 juniors, 79 sopho-
mores and 133 freshmen, who have
maintained half "A", half "B" aver-
ages; 101 graduates who have been
awarded fellowships or scholarships;
183 graduate students who have
achieved special distinction in 1939-
40; and 148 students who have been
the recipient of special awards.
Indiana Rivalry
Renewed Today
Michigan Seeks Individual
Titles At Drake Relays
Michigan's varsity track team gets
its last crack at a headline-grabbing
Indiana team before the Conference
meet in the Drake Relays which
start today at Des Moines, Ia. All
season long, the Wolverines have
been piling points to win the team
championship in the various Relays,
but Indiana's record-breaking six-
man team has stolen the limelight.
This time, the Wolverines are out
for blood, there being no team cham-
pionship and are determined to up-
set the Hoosiers in the latters' two
best events; the distance medley and
two-mile relays. This will be a hard
job, for in addition to Indiana, Mich-
igan must overcome the cream of
the Midwest and Southwest, as well
as the handicap of having had such
poor weather conditions to work in
that the squad is in relatively poor
Johnny Kautz, Bob Barnard or
Jim Rae, Tommy Jester, and Ed
Barrett will try to defeat the Indiana
medley team which they pushed to
a world record at Butler. This is
not the strongest' team Michigan
could present, but is good enough
to upset the Hoosiers, with a break
or two. But, Missouri, which raced

home second at Butler on the
strength of a 4:10 mile by Johnny
Munski, will also be on hand to
make proceedings even more lively.
The two-mile team of Jack Dob-
son, Kautz, Jester and Dye Hogan
will be faced with the same problem
(Continued on Page 3)


In Student Senate




Addresses Theta Chi

150 Delegates
Will Be Guests
Of Theta Chi


al Meeting
Today; MS
Deliver A

C Dean

Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law Center To Hold
School will address the graduates on
"'Administrative Tribunals and the'At etc On
Regulation of Business" at the open- Athletic Open
ing session of the Conference, sche-
duled to open at 9 a.m. louse
Sherman W. Putnam, new prod- 7Oday
ucts division executive of a Michigan
chemical company, will speak on Gala Program Features
"Finding a Market for New Prod- }e Da
ucts" at the same session. Costume Fol ances,
"The March of Business" will be Exhibitions And Games
considered by Dean Clare E. Griffin _____a__

Dances, banquets and an intensive
program of discussion meetings on
fraternity problems will greet 150
delegates from seven midwestern uni-
versities attending the regional cor-
ral of Theta Chi fraternity, today
and tomorrow at the League and the
local chapter house.
Heading the list of speakers at the
fraternal round-up will be Dr. Fred
T. Mitchell, dean of men at Michi-
gan State College. Other speakers
will be Frank Garland from the Uni-
versity of Illinois and Prof. George
Starr Lasher, '11, former member of
the editorial staff of The Daily, now
head of the department of journal-
ism at Ohio University, vice-president
of the national Interfraternity Coun-
cil and writer of a column feature in
"Fraternity Month" magazine.
Official delegates to the two-day
convention will arrive here today from
the University of Pittsburgh, Ohio
University, Ohio State University,
Michigan State College and Michi-
gan State College and Michigan, in
addition to special groups coming
from chapters outside the region, in-
cluding the University of Illinois and
the University of Indiana.
Social highlight of the convention
will be a dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
today in the Ethyl F. Hussey Room
of the League, featuring Earl Stevens
and his orchestra.
Fraternity and campus problems
will be discussed at a mass assembly,
led by Dean Mitchell, following the
luncheon at noon today in the small
ballroom of the Union. Smaller group
discussion meetings will end the af-
ternoon activities. Local alumni,
whose reunion this year coincides
with the regional corral, will meet at
the chapter house during the after-
Dean Walter B. Rea and Blas Lu-
cas, newly elected President of the
Interfraternity Council will speak at
the banquet at 6 p.m. today in the
Ethyl F. Hussey Room of the League,
supplementing Lasher, Mitchell and

00 Expected To Vote;
)irectors Knox, Schorr
'redict Lively Contest
unting At Union
s Open To Public
ie campus will march to the
y today to vote for 16 new Stu-
Senators, with 42 candidates
peting in what is promised to
one of the liveliest races in the
ry of the Senate" according to
ctors of Elections Norman A.
)rr, '40, and Stuart K. Knox, '40.
lling places, which will be open
t9 a.m. to 5 p.m., are located
he Union, the League, Univer-
Hall, the West Engineering
ling and the Lawyers Club. Late
s may be cast at the Union bal-
box, which will be open until
n. A box schedule of times and
idants at the various polls ap
s on page 2.
2,000 Expected To Vote
re than 2,000 students are ex-
d to vote, the Directors said.
election saw 2,243 votes cast.
counting of the ballots, by the
system of proportional repre-
stion, is public and any interest-
)ersons may watch the process
h will begin at about 7:30 p.m.
oom 316 in the Union. Final
ts will probably not be avafl
until early tomorrow morning,
results as of 1:15 a.m. will be
ished in tomorrow's Daily.
' the 16 positions to be filled,
are ten which are for a three-
ster term, and six for a one-
ster term. This arrangement
necessitated because of the re-
change in the Senate's elec-
by-laws. The change will even-
y enable the Senate to be a
continuous body, one-third of
e members will retire each se-
er, instead of one-half, as for-.
F, the Directors indicated.
Consider Parley Issues
e Senate itself, with the 16 in-
ents, met last night to consider
issues placed on its shoulders
st weekend's Spring Parley. In
report on the Parley, made by
el Huyett, '42, who was general
man, it was pointed out that
year's Parley was the most suv-
ul in its ten years, an encour-
fact inasmuch as this was the
time the Senate directed the
r. Recommndations made were
a permanent Parley committee
stablished, and that perhaps
Parleys might be held each
Tiie Senate voted thanks to
Edward Blakeman, counsellor in
ious education, adding that the
ys would not be possible with-
his cooperation. Ann Vicary,
was also given a vote of thanks
ier work as general secretary.
tiring-President Paul Robert-
'40E, made a farewell speech
rhich he recommended that, in
future, the Senate should ap-
t smaller committees and should
avor to meet at least once a
: in toto. The remainder of the
ing was taken up with commit-
reports and the promise that
cleaning investigation commit-
would resume its activities.
ichigan Nie
[Meets Indiana
'ry To Hurl Opening
ame At Bloomington

Ith high hopes that all the bad
ball in their systems was eject-
in the last two home games,
h Ray Fisher's Wolverines pre-
i to help launch Indiana's Big
baseball season at Bloomington
ld Jupiter Pluvius, who has al-
y washed out two Conference
>le-headers and the Jordan
d backstop for the Hoosiers,
nised to stay away today to en-
Coach "Pooch" Harrell's team
wing into action.
ecause of their lack of tested
>sition, the Hoosiers are an un-
wn quantity to date. After win-

of the School at a luncheon which
will begin at 12:15 p.m. Dean Grif-
fin will review trends and develop-
ments in the field of business during
John D. Biggers, former chair-
man of the committee in charge of
the Federal Unemployment Census,
will be the featured speaker at a
banquet scheduled for 6 p.m. The
Conference will close after ,the pre-
sentation of a comedy skit by mem-
bers of the senior class of the

Johnson Indicates Topography
Determines Strategy Of War

Foreign students in the University
will join at 7:30 p.m. today to pre-
sent their first annual athletic Open
House at the Intramural Building.
Headed by an "international floor
show" of folk dances, the colorful
event will feature athletic exhibi-
tions, championship games and the
opportunity for those attending to
engage in more than 20 different
Sponsored by the International
Center, the Open House may be
attended by students, faculty mem-
bers and townspeople interested in
the Center's activities. Free tickets
may be obtained at the Center of-
fices or from members of the Center
The folk dances will be presented
by several different foreign student
groups in native costume. Turkish
students will give an exhibition of
scccor on a miniature court. Coach
John Johnstone will aid in the ex-
hibition. The Center table tennis
championship will be decided. Cen-
ter champs will play an exhibition
of basketball against an internation-
al team.
The free play period, during which
visitors may engage in any activity
they .desire, will include play and
instruction in swimming, nacatos,
paddleball, handball, rotation ping
pong, fencing, codeball, basketball,
tennis, wrestling, golf, badminton,
table tennis, small games, boxing,
squash, soccor, volleyball and arch-
ery. The Open House will be co-ed-

Defining war as "an imposition of
force, either potential or actual" and
expressing the thesis that war tac-
tics are largely determined by top-
ography, Prof. Douglas W. Johnson,
famed geologist and authority upon
war strategy, yesterday explained
the past aggressions of Nazi Ger-
many and showed that a British-
French attack through Turkey upon
the Russian oil fields at Baku was a
likely possibility.
His talk, entitled "Geology and the
Strategy of the Present War," was a
University lecture sponsored by the
geology and the geography depart-
ments and was delivered at the Lec-
ture Hall of the Raham Building.

divisions into which Europe is di-
vided. He listed: the great northern
plain, occupying the north of Europe
and extending from the foothills of
the Urals in eastern Russia across
Germany and the Low Countries to
the Pyranees in France; the low
mountains and plateaus, extending
across the center of Europe; and
then the high mountains and low
basins, occupying much of Southern
He revealed the characteristics of
each of these great divisions: the
northern plain, which never rises
more than 60 feet above sea level,
permits a ready passage of troops
and maintains a sufficiently large
nonulahtin and fAnd snnl 'tn sun-

Course In Hotel Management
To Be Taught .Here Next Fall

Educational training in the opera-
tion and management of hotels, hos-
pitals, and other institutions will be
offered Michigan students next fall
in a new course announced yesterday
by President Ruthven.
The new course, open to graduate
students only, will be taught in the
School of Business Administration.
Prof. M. H. Waterman will be super-

B.A. degree, or must have completed
three years' credit in the University
under a combined curriculum.
Stanley G. Waltz, general manager
of the Michigan Union, and Arkell B.
Cook, accountant at the University
Hospital, will direct the two field
study divisions. They will cooperate
with other University officials in
providing instruction and in offering
employment to the students.
Michigan State College for many

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