THE MICHIGAN DAILY "HE MICHIGAN DAILY I -/- -.N. I Edited and managed by students of the iniversity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50., REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVKERASING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represenative CHICAGO - BOSTON * LOs ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen . . . . Managing Editor Elliott Maraniss . . . . Editorial Directo Stan M. Swinton . . . . City Editor Morton L. Linder . . . . . Associate Editor Norman A. Schorr . . . . . Associate Editor Dennis Flanagan . . . . . Associate Editor John N. Canavan . . Associate Edito Ann Viary . . . Womens Edtr. Mel Fineberg Sport,' Editr Business Staff Business Manager -. Paul H. Park Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart Women's Business Manager . Zenovia Skoratko Women's Advertising Manager . . Jane Mowers Publications Manager . . , Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: ELIZABETH M. SHAW The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only.. U.S. Stake In The Orient .... F WE ARE to remain at peace, it is essential that we be strong enough to make Japan afraid to involve us in war." Here is the latest utterance of feeling which has recently become more and more prevalent throughout the United States. It was made Monday by Read Admiral Joseph K. Taussig, testifying before the Senate Naval Committee, in Washington.- The Admiral, of course, made it clear that his testimony was purely personal opinion, and it was later duly refuted by the Navy Depart- ment. Nevertheless, his viewpoint-that the Far Eastern situation is the one most likely to in- volve the United States in war-can be sup- ported by a logical and powerful argument. Referring to the possibility of Japanese dom- ination of the Netherlands East Indies, French Indo-China and Malaya, Admiral Taussig warn- ed: "An expansion of the power of the Japanese Empire :such as outlined is a dangerous threat to the United States, and the great question is whether from the point of view of our own national safety we can acquiesce in such a development without definite opposition." United States interest in the Dutch East In- dies centers about two considerations: the un- usual richness and fertility of the islands, and their proximity to the Philippines. We depend on the Dutch Empire for a large part of our supply of rubber, tin, quinine, copra and other essential commodities. A Japanese- controlled East Indies would render the islands a highly unreliable source for these products, Our government, then, could not but look with misgivings upon a Japanese move in that direc- tion. Moreover, if Japan ousts the Netherlands from the Indies, the Philippines would be al- most entirely surrounded by Nipponese domina- tion. An ominous Japanese infiltration has al- ready started in the Philippines. Also, as we are still bound to protect them until 1946, and as naval experts consider Philippine naval bases vital to our Pacafic fleet, we doubtless could not suffer any hostile moves by Tokyo in the direction of Manila. Furthegr significance can be attached to a Japanese move "south of Singapore," when one sees in it the possible merger of the Euro- pean and Far Eastern conflicts. If and when little Holland is drawn into war, it will obviously be in no position to defend its position in the East. Britain and France, ther fleets busy in European waters, could render no aid. It is evident, then, that-if the Dutch position in the Indies is to be maintained-the United States alone must see to it. Therein lies a grave possi- bility of our going to war. Official American interest in the East Indies has been very evident lately in American-Ja- panese diplo acy. Secretary Hull's recent for- mal statement calling upon "all nations" to respect the status quo in that region indicates the real importance which our State Depart- ment attaches to the quesion. The implication in the statement is obvious. Great Britain has no intention of seizing the islands. (She could easily have done so at any time during the past two centuries, but British policy has for a long time supported the Dutch in the Orient.) France, or-for that matter- no other European power, is in a position to make such a hostile move. The only nation Spanish Refugee Problem Again.. .. T RAGEDY HAS STRUCK again to those who made the greatest mass exodus in modern history. For more than a year, 500,000 Spanish refu- gees have made their home in France. Today these concentration camps, havens of shelter and safety, are being closed by order of the French government. As far as the French are concerned, this move is purely routine. .There are two kinds of refugees; those who can return to Spain and those who can't. The former are being repatriated into Spain and the others are being absorbed into French industry. Probing beneath the surface of this apparent- ly harmless move, an ulterior and far more meaningful motive may be discovered. It is possible that by withdrawing assistance, meagre as it may have been, the refugees will be forced to return to the country from which they fled in terror and protest against rule by Franco. General Franco is still in Spain. The more Span- iards that are forced to return, the better eco- nomic relations will exist between France and Spain. At present Franco's stand in the Euro- pean conflict is a neutral one. It is vital to the Allies' interest that if Franco and his forces won't augment theirs, atleast theyhmusthbe kept on the fence as a bystander rather than as a belligerent. Of course, there is a price to be paid for Franco's neutrality. The forcing of the refugees back into the arms of Franco and what he stands for is part of the fee. France's interest in the Spanish refugees is not purely altruistic. When the war broke out, France suffered an acute labor shortage. Ap- proximately 80,000 to 100,000 Spanish Repub- licans still remain in France. They have been drafted for labor service. Men in the Labor Corps receive 50 centimes a day, which is the equivalent of one cent in American money, after the government has made deduction for their maintenance. They are treated with army dis- cipline and move from section to section, pre- paring defenses, building road and fortifications. More than 300,000 women and children who nave enjoyed French hospitality, have made their homes in an open air prison at St. Cyprien. Ten thousand more have been housed since the close of the war in the reopened old, "ghost city," Angeles, which had beenevacuated since July, 1939, because of the conditions of filth and disease prevalent there. Under the new regulations, only women whose husbands or immediate relatives are members of the Labor Corps or are employed elsewhere may enjoy the privileges of living in these disease-breeding camps. They may remain, too, if they them- selves find work, but jobs for women refugees are hard to find. Orphans and children whose parents are now in Spain are also affected by France's drastic decrees. The majority of them are repatriated. Only 12,000 will remain after the decree has been carried out in full. The problem of these 500,000 kicked-around refugees involves world-wide consideration. The creation of colonies to which they can go and which will provide care for the mothers and their children who have found work, has been advocated. From the number of sugges- tions, the proposal for emigration to Central and South America stands out as most logical and hopeful. A world-wide drive has been in- stigated to raise funds for this purpose. Costs of emigration per person varies from $85 to $200. Our money can find no better purpose than going to swell a fund which will aid the Spanish refugees who are forced to choose be- tween the lesser of two great evils, live a new life of their own. - Helen Corman Lost: Those Relief Chiselers .. . O NE OF the stock rationalizations for doing nothing about the relief prob- lem is the contention that the relief rolls are ha- vens for "chiselers" who live off the public purse. If facts have any meaning to the propounders of inaction they must now change their tune, for a special inquiry into this question has just reported that very few families on relief are not qualified to be there. The inquiry was conducted in New York at the direction of Mayor LaGuardia. From a sample of 2,907 home-relief cases taken for special study the investigators found that only 54 relief recipients were not entitled to public assistance-in other words, less than two per- cent--- That most people are honest and that there does exist a large degree of genuine destitution in this country are rather indisputably proved. No, malnutrition, ill-housing, and ill-clothing aren't figments of anybody's imagination. - Robert Speckhard Documentary Films With the release of the excellent documentary film, "The Fight for Life," word comes that the United States Film Service, which produced it, is itself fighting for life. The Film Service, headed by Pare Lorentz, had previously issued "The Plow That Broke the Plains" and "The River," and had planned to make a new picture dealing with the unemployed. But this will not be made unless a new appropriation for the Film Service, whose funds will be exhausted in June, is voted by Congress. A bill that would provide enough money for the Film Service to carry on its work is now pending before the House Appropriations Committee, and we can- not too strongly urge its passage. Never in recent years has it been more urgent for Amer- ica to turn its eyes on its own problems, and no one has come forward with better eyeglasses than the Film Service (or, if you excuse the pun, much better spectacles). - New Republic qh e Drew Pedso d Robert5.AIe WASHINGTON-Allied diplomats, who mo-- mentarily expect Italy to enter the war, have figured out a definite clue to give them warning. It is the Italian luxury liner Rex. Obviously Mussolini does not want to lose her. So if the Rex sails from Genoa on April 30, Italy will not enter the war for at least another two weeks. But if the Rex remains in port after the time of her scheduled sailing, then Mussolini will fight on the side of Hitler. -.Note-Most significant kiss since Biblical days may have been given by an officer of the Rex when he bade good-bye to his New York sweet- heart last week. Intelligence officers, who don't miss little things, reported that he bade her a final farewell. Europe's Time Bomb A flood of important diplomatic dispatches have been coming in from the Mediterranean- all of them discouraging. Briefly summarized, it looks as if the dictators are ready to apply the squeeze to the Allies on several fronts-from Gibraltar to the Black Sea. ..In Spain-Dictator Franco suddenly has come to life and is concentrating troops near Gibral- tar, symbol of the might of the British Empire. All indications are that the time is ripe (prob- ably in concert with the other dictators) he will move onto the giant Rock. ..In Albania-Dictator Mussolini has rushed large detachments of men and they are now feverishly building roads from the Adriatic to Macedonia. This would permit Italy to cut through to Salonika, thereby block Greece from the rest of the world. ..In Jugoslavia-Mussolini is reported ready to seize the Dalmatian coast, and help the Croats become independent of the Serbs. An "inde- pendent" Coatia under Italian "protection" is reported to be one of the bribes Hitler offered Mussolini. ..In Rumania-Dictator Stalin long has been ready to pounce on Bessarabia, also Hungary on Transylvania and Germany on Rumanian oil wells. This huge squeeze play is reported to be all set for Hitler to give the signal-presumably by the occupation of Holland or an attack on the Maginot Line. Will You, Mr. President? The nation's smartest newspaper editors gath- ered at the White House last week, peppering Roosevelt with off-the-record questions. But the biggest of all political questions they left unasked: "Will Roosevelt run for a third term?" Next day newspaper accounts said they asked it, but they didn't-probably because they figured Roosevelt was sure not to answer. Undoubtedly they were right. However, it was paradoxical that those very, very close to the presidential desk last week got the most definite impression gained so far that the Pres- ident is going to run. Maybe this one is a clue to the third term mystery: A friend encountered Irvin McDuffie, cheery Negro valet of President Roosevelt, and in- quired what he was doing. "Oh, I'm not working for the President any more," he said. "I'm over in the Treasury." "In the Treasury! What happened?" "Nothing happened," replied McDuffie with a broad grin. "I just figured that with things as uncertain as they are I'd better get me a regular job while the getting was good. So that's why I'm over in the Treasury. That's a lot more permanent" The real author of Secretary Hull's "Keep Out of the Dutch East Indies" note was Stanley Hornbeck, for many years chief Far Eastern adviser of the State Department. Hornbeck is a former Harvard professor, has spent several years in China, and was appointed by Frank B. Kellogg. For ten years Hornbeck has been warning both Republican and Demo- cratic Secretaries of State that Japan was go- ing on the rampage in China, and urging a firmer policy. With Roosevelt and Ilull he has more progress than with Hoover and Coolidge, with the result that they have been figuring out ways and means of stopping what they figured to be the inevitable push of Japan toward the Dutch East Indies. First move was when Roosevelt pulled the U.S. fleet back from the New York World's Fair when things looked black in Europe last sum- mer. This was a gesture to Japan. Second move was when he sent the fleet out to Hawaii from the California coast last au- tumn. And the third move---sending the fleet farther out into the Pacific-has been secretly discussed for some time. In fact, Secretary Hull had a meeting with the admirals about two months ago in which they weighed the pros and cons of letting the fleet cruise around the probable path to be taken by the Japanese fleet should they decide to head for the Dutch East Indies. In the end the admirals decided it was too dangerous. May Meat tWar But-and this is important-the U.S. fleet is now 800 miles beyond Hawaii. It is on maneu- vers, and obviously will not remain there long. But it is not without significance that the President chose this particular time, when Ger- many was pressuring Holland, to stage theN mid-Pacific maneuvers. Also it is not without significance that he ,. GULLIVER'S CAVILS '',I - I 3y young Gulliver 'THIS STORY has been kicking around town for a couple weeks now, but Gulliver is going to let fly with it just the same. Raymond1 Massey, the gent who looks likeC Abraham Lincoln in the stage and screen versions of Robert Sherwood's good play, has been going around' acting like the Emancipator when he should be acting like Massey. One night a little while ago he walked into a party in ,New York. A lot of people were gathered there, and Massey came in late. He stalked in slowly, gravely removed his top hat. ceremoniously drew off his gloves and tossed them into the hat, and sat down in a corner with his hands between his knees, looking for all the world as though he was worry- ing about when to free the slaves. George S. Kaufman was sitting over at the other end of the room. "Look at that guy," he snickered, pointing at Massey, "he won't be satisfied until he's assassinated . .." GULLIVER has been in a dilemma lately. You may not know it. but he has some pretty close connec- tions with Mr. Big of Murder, Inc. All he has to do is snap his fingers- phsst, like that-and one of the Vice-Presidents of Murder, Inc. will show up in Ann Arbor loaded down with Tommy guns, razor blades, kitchen knives, towrope, and other toys, ready to do Gulliver's bidding. Your hero has been thinking of call- ing this guy into consultation about those problem children who have been littering the campus with signs like GIVE THE WORM A CHANCE, LET'S SEE IF THE WALKS CAN TAKE IT, STOP: THRU GRASS WAY, and so on. But the situation has become complicated now by the emergence( from under stones, prob- ably) of some thousands of students who think they have better jingles than the ones which have already been foisted upon us. Such as: ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE, STAY OFF THE GRASS: THIS MEANS YOU. (All right, so Gulliver did make that one up-so what?) The point is, who to knock off- the original perpetrators of the das- tardly deed, or the hordes of corny imitators? In the meantime, Y. G. makes some brilliant suggestions. (1) Take down the signs and put up billboards. The billboards will bear such simple, unaffected inscrip-. tions as STAY THE HELL OFF THE GRASS, GO ON, GO HOME, GET A HORSE, etc. (2) Starve out some of the Ann Arbor Large Dogs that are always lolling around harmlessly. Get them good and ravenous and then chain them up, one to a lawn. That'll do the trick. (3) This one' is pretty weak, bu it's a suggestion. Viz: give the whole thing up and lay brick walks along all the short cuts. There won't be much lawn left, but everybody wil be happy. (4) Suggestion number four may be considered as Gulliver's trump card. It is bold, it is daring, it i radical-but could you ask for les from Gulliver? Remove the gras from the campus entirely. Trans- port it to the Arboretum or som other remote spot. Then cover th campus, from one end to the other with concrete. To say that the ef- fects of such an action would b far-reaching and revolutionary is t understate the case. Consider: in spring, fall and summer everyon (paunchy faculty men included will rollerskate to school. When th University is closed the campus can be leased out as an outdoor rolle. rink-there's milliins in it. Durin the winter the campus will be flood ed and frozen; everyone (paunch faculty men included) will ice skat to school. THE slogan, CONCRETIZE TH CAMPUS, should win wide spread support. You realize that n mgore grass means no more Building and Grounds Department, which i turn means no more silly slogans For his lasting services to the Uni versity Gulliver expects nothing more than a simple plaque sunk i a central spot on campus, say in front of the Library, with thes words: In Memoriam. Young Gul liver. He Ironed Out The Campus . Newsmen And Dictators The lesson that James R. Young correspondent for International New Service, learned in Japan is one h undoubtedly needed to learn: tha freedom of speech does not exist i a totalitarian state. But it is humiliating for an Amer ican to be convicted in a Japanes court on a charge of "sending from China extremely slanderous news re ports regarding the Japanese forces and of "spreading fabrications an rumors among Japanese and foreign ers," If the Japanese objected, whieb they did of course, it would seem more courteous to the United State frd ~ranntfion toe h the nnish i C t 2 f C 1 4 s a A J t 1 1 Z S 1 1 t e e '.2 Y P s s S e e e ca ri e e a x. 9 Y f' a~ C I.g i3 S, l- tg in in 1- g V 1E t in r- 3E m 5 id 1- m ac u 1- THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1940 b VOL. L. No. 146 t u Notices Honors Convocation: The Seven- i teenth Annual Honors Convocation a of the University of Michigan will be o: held Friday, April 26, at 11 o'clock. in Hill Auditorium. Classes with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed 1 at 10:45. Those students in clinical t classes who are receiving honors at a the Convocation will be excused in order to attend. The faculty, seniors, and graduate students are requested to wear academic costume but there is no procession. Members of the S faculty are asked to enter by the rearC door of Hill Auditorium and proceed c directly to the stage, where arrange- S ments have been made for seating n them. The public is invited.A Alexander G. Ruthven m Freshmen and Sophomores, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Academic Counselors will begin approval of elections for the first e semester of the 1940-41 academicL year on April 29. You will be sent a o postcard requesting you to make an appointment with your Counselor for1a this purpose. It is expected that youe will answer this summons promptly. It will be possible for you at this timee to receive attention that cannot pos- sibly be given during the rush of registration in September and willo save you much timne and trouble if attended to before you leave in June. This applies to students who will have less than 60 hours of course credit in June. Arthur Van Duren, Chairmana Academic Counselors M. Gomberg Scholarship and Paulc F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry: These scholarships of $200 each are open to juniors and seniors majoring in chemistry. Preference will be giv- en to those needing financial assist- ance. Application blanks may be ob-c tained in Room 212 Chemistry Build- ing and must be filed not later than May 10. ' Graduate Training for Social Work:t Professor Arthur Dunham of the fac- ulty of the Curriculum in Social Work, a division of the Graduatef School of the University, with head- quarters at 40 East Ferry Ave., De- troit, will be on campus today for in- dividual consultation with students who are interested in graduate train- ing for social work or in the possible choice of social work as a vocation. Professor Dunham will meet students at Lane Hall; appointments should be made in advance through the office at Lane Hall. Summer Employment: All students applying for the Civil Service posi- tion of Playleader in Detroit must t fill out and send in an additional, questionnaire. These questionnaires may be obtained at the Bureau of1 Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office h hours 9-12, 2-4. This blank, with the application form, must be re- y turned to Detroit by Friday,April 26. Doctoral Examination of Kenneth s Pickett Davis will be held at 2:00 s p.m. today in 2045 Natural Science - Building. Mr. Davis' department of e specialization is Forestry and Con- e versation. The title of his thesis is "Economic Management of Western - White Pine Forests." e Dean S. T. Dana, as chairman of n the committee, will conduct the ex- , amination. By direction of the Ex- e ecutive Board, the chairman has the > privilege of inviting members of the e faculty and advanced doctoral candi- a dates to attend the examination and r to grant permission to others who g might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum y 2-- - e Dotoral Examination of Miss Em- ma L. Moon will be held at E 3:30 p~m. today in 110 Romance Languages Building. Miss Moon's 0 department of specialization is Ro- g mnance Languages: French. The title n of her thesis is "A Metrical Study of the Three Successive Versions of Gervais de Basire's Lycoris with Spe- - cial Attention to the Observance of the Principles of Malherbe." n Professor C. A. Knudson, as chair- e man of the committee, will conduct - the examination, By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination . and to grant permission to others r who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum e. t n Schoolmasters Club Tickets for Stu- dents are available in the office of the - School of Education (1435 UES) and e in the Registrar's Office (4 UH). n Senior Engineers: Caps and gowns will be available at the Michigan d League today, 3:00-5:30, for those -_ desiring them for Honors Convoca- tion. Rental charge on gowns and a h deposit are required. The gowns n need not be returned until after s graduation. Those not getting caps - and gowns at this time may get them e paid by Friday, April 26. in order 3 rent caps and gowns from En- neering Council at reduced prices. Literary School Seniors: Measure- ients are now being taken for caps nd gowns. Moe's Sport Shop is the fficial outfitter. A limited number of tickets for the 940 Military Ball still available to he general public and may be secured t ROTC Headquarters today. Concerts Orchestra Concert: The University ymphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, "onductor, will give a special program omplimentary to the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Friday after- Loon, April 26, at 2:30 o'clock in Hill auditorium. The public will be ad- nitted without admission charge. Exhibitions There will be an exhibit of the etchings of the late Dr. Warren P. Lombard, and a retrospedtive exhibit f the paintings of Horatio W. Shaw, pupil of the American artist, Thom- is Eakins, in Alumni Memorial Hall, ending May 3. The gallery will be open from 2-5 every day, including Sundays. A preview of the exhibits for members of the Ann Arbor Art Association will be held in Alumni Memorial Hall tonight at 8:00. Retrospective exhibits of the etch- ings and drawings of Dr. Warren P. Lombard, and the paintings of Hor- atio W. Shaw, until May 3, West Gal- lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5, every day, including Sundays. Auspices University Institute of Fine Arts and Ann Arbor Art Associatin. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Drawings presented in competition for the Ryerson Schol- arship offered by the Lake Forest Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Work of selected students from Armour Insti- tute of Technology, Universities of Illinois, Cincinnati, Ohio State, Mich- igan, and Iowa State College. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, third floor exhibition room, through April 25. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Doug- las Johnson, of Columbia University, will lecture on "Geology and the Stra- tegy of the Present War" under the auspices of the Department of Ge- ology today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is cord- ially invited. Carnegie Lectures: Dr. Carlos Del- gado de Carvalho, Professor of Soci- ology in the Colegio Pedro II and Pro- fessor of the Geography of Brazil in the Vniversity of Brazil, the Visiting Carnegie Professor, will be in resi- dence at the University of Michigan until May 10. The following series of lectures has been arranged under the auspices of the Division of the Social Sciences: "Present Trends in Brazilian Edu- cation" today at 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "The Immigration Problem in Bra- zil" (Annual Phi Kappa Phi Lecture) on Tuesday, April 30, 8:30 p.m., Mich- igan Union, Large Ballroom. "The New Brazilian State" on Mon- day, May 6, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. All of the above lectures are open to the public. Biochemistry Lecture: Dr. Harold H. Williams, Assistant Director of the Research Laboraories of the Chil- dren's Fund of Michigan, will discuss "Lipid Studies of Blood and Tis- sues," on Saturday, April 27, at 10:30 a.m., in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. 'Those inter-7 ested are invited. Today's Events Political Science Round Table will meet tonight at 7:30 in the West Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Subject: "Freedom of Speech and the Press." The Observatory Journal Club will meet in the Observatory Lecture Room today at 4:15 p.m. Dr. A. D. Maxwell will speak on "A Short Method of Determining Preliminary Parabolic Orbits of Comets." Tea at 4:00 p.m. All Pharmacy Students are request- ed to attend the College of Pharmacy assembly to be held today in Room 151 Chemistry Building, at 4:45 p.m. It is important that everyone be present. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal tonight at the Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw, at 8:00. Michigan Union Sciwdule for to- day: Room 116, Geography and Geol- ogy Departments, 12:15 p.m. Room 101, Michigan Sailing Club, 12:15 p.m.; Latin Department, 6:00 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN M