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April 24, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-24

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Y -00

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studenit Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year anO Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited' in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michl4an. s
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrer,
$4.00; ))y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Editorial Staff

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Fineberg

B sS
. .t . ."
Business Sto f f

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City- Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
«Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet S. Levy

is not only the principle of determ~inaion of
intricate prolveupi by democraticaly respo si-
~Ieexers, ur te hole movement of reform
that has needed administrative agencies to make
it effective. It is only-by the eventual defeat
of the Logan bill that the potency of these re-
forms can be maintained.
- Laurence Mascott
Senate Elections:
Democracy In Action .
F OR SEVEN MONTHS editorial col-
umns of every newspaper in the
United States have been stressing the need for
the maintenance of democracy, the principle
upon which the government and everyday life
of this country are based. Speakers have ranted
and raved about democracy, students have held
meetings stressing the necessity for its preser-
vation and countless magazine articles have
been published praising our democratic way of
Friday, however, students at the University
will have an opportunity to do something ac-
tually conducive to the preservation and fur-
thering of the ideals and practice of democracy.
It is through the elections to the Student Senate
that this opportunity will come. Whether or
not students take advantage of it depends upon
.them, and upon this in turn depends the even-
tual working-out of the question of whether the
Senate actually can be an instrument of democ-
Students are, of course, the people who should
be most interested in maintaining equal politi-
cal and social rights in a nation; they are the
citizens or subjects who, according to usually
accepted statistics, have the longest to live in
that nation. At the same time, students are
the people who need most to learn how to oper-
ate and to maintain these rights. That educa-
tion is something which can be achieved ideally
through the extracurricular governmental ac-
tivities of universities, colleges and secondary
NEARLY EVERY university in the United
States has a representative body for its stu-
dents. As has been pointed out in The Daily,
many of these work with outstanding success
and enable the students of the institutions in
question to do a great deal of the actual govern-
ing of their schools. This is certainly an excel-
lent thing, but the University, widely known as
one of the greatest institutions in the world,
is graced by no such excellently operating
"school of government."
The concensus of opinion here seems to be
that the Student Senate is dead, a cadaver
beyond recall. No matter what is said on its
behalf, past elections have indicated that stu-
dept opinion is lackadaisical, apathetic toward
it. Students here do not-or will not--realize
that their very apathy is what makes the Sen-
ate into a lifeless, powerless group-and that
when it has possibilities of being a truly repre-
sentative, powerful assembly which actually
serves as a class of government and the key-
stone in the maintenance of democracy at the
Friday is the day of a choice. Students may
elect whether to tapte part in one of the first
practical demonstrations of democracy open to
them since the outbreak of its struggle against
the principles of dictatorship. Students may
take advantage of this opportunity and vote:
that will be an important step toward the re-
juvenation, the rehabilitation of the Senate, a
step toward democracy. Or they may remain
indifferent as they have in the past: that will
leave the University with the cadaver instead of
the school of government aAd truly represen-
tative body that might be attained.
- William Newton

Businiess Manager ..
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager

The .editorials published in The Michigan -
Daily are written by members of The Daily 'I
staff and represent the views of the writer.
le Logan Bil
And Bureaucracy
before the House of Representa-
gives was the Walter-Logan bill, a measure de-
signed to subject -the rules and rulings of Fed-
Oral administrative agencies to court review;
that bill was passed by a vote of 2?9 to 97.
Characterized in much of the anti-New Deal
press as a "slap at President Roosevelt and
a move against the lust for power," the Logan
bill, in reality, is an attempt to overthrow the
whole body of administrative ruling and pro-
cedure created since the establishment of the
Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887. But,
of course, the bill is principally aimed at such
New Deal agencies as the FHA, FCA, FCC,
HOLC, and above all, the NLRB. '
The Logan bill, first, provides that no inde-
pendent bureau may establish its rules and pro-
cedures until after public hearings are held.
It can be noted, however, that a public hearing
usually serves as a political battleground rather
than an attempt at clear, impartial analysis of
issues and resulting action.
HE MEASURE, secondly, stipulates the cre-
ation of machinery for the taking .into the
courts, immediately, appeals from actions and
failures to act, of administrative agencies. But
the machinery is so complicated, so intricate,
that it could easily vitiate the work of any
agency by its constant, overbearing restrictions.
And there are further valid objections to
the measure: it attempts to set up one rigid
m'odel for countless differing agencies, all of
wvhich should have the power to deal in their
own way with their own unique situations; and
it is sumptuary legislation, difficult to enforce.
The committees on Administrative Law and
cn Federal Legislation of the New York City
Par Association well-summed up the Logan bill
in their recent report. 'The report said: "It is
a frequent complaint that the administrative
process often operates to impose a control so
rigid, meticulous and all-pervading as to destroy
rather than reform. The present bill would
apply to administrative bodies a similarly ob-
jectionable technique . . . Under the guise of
reform, the bill would force administrative and
departmental agencies having a wide variety
of functions into a single mold which is so rigid,
so needlessly interfering, as to bring about a
vide-spread crippling of the administrative
ABOVE ALL, the Logan bill threatens a funda-
mental principle of American democracy--
that principle which allows administrative agen-
pies to determine fact and the judiciary to
determine law. For the determination of fact
and analysis in a complex industrial era, can
pnly be adequately handled by a body of ex-
perts, well-versed in the problem they are study-
ing. The courts, however, cannot attempt to
gain such extensive knowledge.
Professor Sharfman's authoritative book on
the history and functions of the Interstate Com-
mnerce Commission well states the general prob-
em, pertinent to all administrative agencies.
He pointed out: "Since Congress itself pos-
sessed neither the special knowledge nor the
necessary time for performing the' continuous
technical tasks of rate-making, and since judi-
cial control was by its very nature inadequate,
there was no choice but to delegate rate-making
power to an expert, continuously functioning,

O ALL Things...
....ley Morty-Q ... .
AT ABOUT 8:29 Monday night, Mr. Q. was
wandering around the Union, minding his
own business, when all of a sudden a radio voice
boomed from the North Lounge: "The Univer-
sity of Michigan versus Michigan State!" There
followed some riotous applause, and as Mr. Q.
drew up a chair, he heard the announcer tell
how this was a special brain battle between
six men from the U. of M. and six milkmaids
from the Lansing cowlege. (at the risk of alien-
ating a bunch of shaving cream firms, honesty
compels Mr. Q. to mention that this was the
Williams Shaving Cream Quiz Program).
There followed a lot of nonsense con-
ducted by one Dr. harry Hagen, who insists
that he is the original quizman. Then each
contestant was introduced and the six fugi-
tives from a hayloft told how they had vi-
sions of home-making glory and that there
was absolutely no truth to the rumor that
they slept in a barn. Pressed for details,
they refused to disclose identities. So then
the Ann Arbrains had a chance to talk
pretty and first up was Tom Harmon. Ton
rattled off All-American Speech No. 64, in
which the other 10 boys are given all the
credit and if it wasn't for them where would
I be, etc.
Next Jack Gelder mustered his deepest voice
and his radio personality (see page 75 of Pro-
fessor Abbot's handbook) and he confessed
his burning ambition to be a master of cere-
monies. If Mr. Gelder (senior) was listening,
he probably had three fits to think that all his
dough went to make his boy an introduction to
a pack of strip-teasing women. Our Stan Swin-
ton followed, and Mr. Q. thought that the good
doctor was in for it when he asked Stan about
his activities. For, were Stan to reel off, at
even a moderate voice pace, all his activities,
the Williams people could have chalked this par-
ticular program up as nothing but Swinton. But
Stan took it easy and only used up a few min-
utes. Incidentally, if any of you can find a
news-reporting organ in the country ;to which
S. S. hasn't contributed, and submit along with
it three reasonable facsimiles of Swinton buying
a pack of cigarettes, Mr. Q. will gladly send you
a jar of genuine Kattegat water, guaranteed to
cure German measles.
DICK SLADE was fourth and reluctantly ad-
mitted that he was going to be a great
announcer although he had considered being
a great actor but then decided that he would
be a great . .. Dr. Hagen mercifully interrupted
to allow Mr. Williams to get his money's worth,
and then the fifth Wolverine brain was intro-
duced. This turned out to be none other than
Dave Zeitlin. It is rumored that four of Zeit-
hn's professors who were listening suffered a
severe shock to learn that David could talk.
Pete Antonelli was th ;ixh A'Michig ngrene t
set in, ut for some unknown reason, he wasn't
asked what he was or what he intended to be
or what he thought about State. The doctor
probably figured that a name like Antonelli
would have to be a singer and naturally wanted
to avert any demonstrations.
The introductions over, the great battle
began. First to be questioned (true or false)
was a State miss. The several thousand in
the auditorium and the several million in
the radio audience tensed as the doctor rea-
died the question. (This was to be a great
test of collegiate intelligence). "Is it true
or false that Saturday follows Friday?"
The State miss frowned, bit her lip, looked
at her colleagues for help and then stam-
mered a weak "true." "Correct!" exclaimed
the doctor at this amazing display of intel-
lectual skill. Next was Harmon, who was .
asked whether it was true or false that there
were seven days in a week. Tom looked
down at his Ipocket calendar and popped up
with a true and the audience was amazed
that an All-American should be so clever.
S O IT WENT right down the line with ques-
tions of similar difficulty being posed. At the

end of the first round, Mr. Q. looked at the oth-
ers grouped around the radio, and they de-
cided that this was just a come-on, that the
rest of the questions would be above a four-
year-old level. They were. The next round was
about a five-year level. Two more rounds went
by with such questions as: Talleyrand was
Sally Rand's brother; or, Ann Arbor is a strip-
tease dancer; or, a penny is the smallest coin;
or, everybody has four grandparents.
But the most amazing thing is that; by
the time the fifth round was over, only one
was left on each side. Zeitlin was the big
Michigan brain, the others having failed on
the following questions: Harmon-Privates
in the army fly planes (Tom said false);
Gelder-Airplanes can never land on ice
(Jack said true); Swinton -Michigan is onei
of the largest salt-producing states (Stan,
who was born and raised here, said false);
Sladc--An airport dispatcher is one who
seals the mail-bags (Dick said true); An-
tonelli-The Statue of Liberty is the symbol
of Liberty throughout the world (Pete said
So there stood Zeitlin who had come through
this terrific brain-storm unscathed, and on him
was riding 55 bucks; for, if he won, each man
on the team would get five, and Dave would
receive 25. Dave and the last State gal got off
a few correct answers to such questions as: It
costs $.99 to make a dollar bill; The United
States was the first to have coins; and, to bail
out of an airplane is to throw out water. But
then came the fatal one. Dave must have been
off his mental guard, for when the doc said:
I 7nrtn nnirnr'l n cni-. .+a Tarn noa vwt ,.A

VQ '
Drew Pearson
RobertSAlen q
WASHINGTON-As the Italian
fleet hovered within striking dis-
tance of Salonika and the Greek
coast last week, Allied diplomats in
Rome engaged in some very blunt
talking with Count Ciano, son-in-
law of Mussolini.
What they did was to lay down
the cards as to what would happen
to Italy if I Duce took his country
into the war. Especially, they laid
emphasis on the Allied achievements
in Norway.
It is now well recognized that Hit-
ler went into Norway largely as a
ruse to divert the British fleet, and
other Allied forces, up to the out-
of-the-way north. Meanwhile, the
German army could push into Hol-
land while Mussolini landed in the
So the Allied diplomats showed
Foreign Minister Ciano how his ruse
had failed. They pointed out that
the British had handled the Nor-
wegian fracas without sending a
single ship out of the Mediterranean,
and that the naval forces facing
Italy were just as strong as before.
They also pointed out that the
British navy had used its older ves-
sels in Norway, had not weakened
the main fleet, which still stood off
the coast of Holland awaiting the
expected attack from Germany.
British Inform Ciano
Finally, Ciano was told that the
British had successfully landed
troops in Norway and still had 200,-
000 men in reserve to help Holland
in case of attack.
There were also some very frank
warnings to Ciano that Italy would
be considered a belligerent if Musso-
lini landed in the Balkans.
This cold-steel fact portrayal
seemed to make a definite impres-
sion on Count Ciano. How much it
affected ,his father-in-law, the Al-
lied diplomats had no way of know-
ing. Mussolini now sees no diplo-
mats in Rome except the German
Ambassador.mAllied diplomats are
barred. Not even U.S. Ambassador
William Phillips has seen Mussolini
in recent months.
Note-The Allied strategy hinted
to Ciano is a French advance
through the Alps into north Italy-
the minute Mussolini sticks his nose
info the war.
Two Oldest Men
Grim-visaged, bachelor Justice
McReynolds was 78 last Febraury
3. Although still sturdy in health,
he is looking forward impatiently to
the adjournment of Court next
month and the four-months summer
Sometimes the Justice admits that
he is a bit weary and his feet drag
as he walks, but toward the New
Deal he is as fierce and unrelenting
as ever. There is no droop in his
An old friend recently inquired if
he was considering retiring, remark-
ing that he had been on the bench
a long time (26 years) and "deserved
a rest."
"Yes, I have thought of retiring,"
reflec~ted McReynolds, "I've thought
about it off and on for some time."
Then, throwing up his head and
with eyes flashing, he snapped, "But
I'll never quit as long as that man
is in the White Hou~se. NEVER!"
Note-Last fall, when members of
Chief Justice Hughes' family, wor-
ried over his health, urged him to
retire, he told them in effect that

he was determined to stick it out
until after the 1940 election.
Members of the German Embassy,
apparently none too enthusiastic
over Hitler's treatment of private
property, are buying up quantities
of silver plate at U.S. jewelry stores.
This is one investment they can keep
with less danger of Nazi- confisca-
tion . . . Reason Max Lowenthal was
barred from being secretary of the
Senate committee to investigate
wire-tapping was because he was
suspected of inspiring the wire-tap-
ping criticism of J. Edgar Hoover . .
One member of the German Em-
bassy staff confided at dinner the
other night that he was worried
over Germany's loss of ships, be-
cause now perhaps Hitler wouldn't
have enough ships to land troops in
England . . . . Perhaps remembering
Bob Taft's too-hurried Gridiron
speech last year, Senator Arthur
Vandenberg spent three weeks writ-
ing his. It was rated one of the most
humorous in years.
B3ombintg Bill White
President Roosevelt scored a neat
one on his old friend William Allen
White, the sage of Emporia, Kansas,
during his off-the-record session
with the newspaper editors recently
at the White House.
Incidentally, the remark was a
clue to what Roosevelt thinks is the
chief danger to the United States-
NT'7i fnrrPR in ,Tantin, Amvuir. ,

(Continued from Page 2
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakuim
Graduate Training for Social Work:
Professor Arthur Dunham of the fac-
ulty of the Curriculum in Social
Work, a division of the Graduate
School of the University, with head-
quarters at 40 East Ferry Ave., De-
troit, will be on campus on Thursday
afternoon, April 25, for individual
consultation with students who -are
interested in, graduate training for
social work or in the possible choice
of social work as a vocation. Pro-
fessor Dunham will meet students
at Lane Hall; appointments should
be made in advance through the
office at Lane Hall.
Senior Class Dues: All Senior lit-
erary students, who have not done
so, should pay their class dues of one
dollar to members of the Finance
Committee in Angell Hall lobby from
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. this week,
Senior Engineers: Class dues must
be paid by Friday, April 26, in order
to rent caps and gowns from En-
gineering Council at reduced prices.
Literary School Seniors: Measure-
ments are now being taken for caps
and gowns. Moe's Sport Shop is the
official outfitter.
Tennis Tournaments: The women's
singles tournament brackets will be
posted in the W.A.B. Monday. The
first round must be played off by
Thursday. It is still possible to sign
up for women's and mixed doubles.
See bulletin board in W.A.B.
Graduation Recital: Kenneth By-
ler, violinist, will give a recital in
partial fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at the School of
Music Auditorium tonight at 8:15
o'clock. The public is invited.
There will be an exhibit of the
etchings of the late Dr. Warren P.
Lombard, and a retrospedtive exhibit
of the paintings of Horatio W. Shaw,
pupil of the American artist, Thom-
as Eakins, in Alumni Memorial ,Hall,
beginning Friday, April 19 and end-
ing May 3.
The gallery will be open from 2-5
every day, including Sundays. A
preview of the exhibits for members
of the Ann Arbor Art Association
will, be held in Alumni Memoriali
Hall tonight at 8:00.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings presented in
competition for the Ryerson Schol-
arship offered by the Lake Forest
Foundation for Architecture and
Landscape Architecture. Work of
selected students from Armour Insti-
tute of Technology, Universities of
Illinois, Cincinnati, Ohio State, Mich-
igan, and Iowa State College. *Open
daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, third
floor exhibition room, through April
25. The public is invited.
Retrospective exhibits of the etch-
ings and drawings of Dr. Warren P.
Lombard, and the paintings of Hor-
atio W. Shaw, uitil May 3, West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5, every
day, including Sundays. Auspices
University Institute of Fine Arts and
Ann Arbor Art Association.

University Lecture: Professor Doug-
las Johnson, of Columbia University,
will lecture on "Geology and the Stra-
tegy of the Present War" under the
auspices of the Department of Ge-
ology at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, April
25, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
Biochemistry Lecture: Dr. Harold
H. Williams, Assistant Director of
the Research Laboraories of the Chil-
dren's Fund of Michigan, will discuss
"Lipid Studies of Blood and Tis-
sues," on Saturday, April 27, at 10:30
a.m., in the East Lecture Room of
the Rackham Building.Those inter-
ested are invited.
Carnegie Lectures: Dr. Carlos Del-
gado de Carvalho, Professor of Soci-
ology in the Colegio Pedro II and Pro-
fessor of the Geography of Brazil in
the University of Brazil, the Visiting
Carnegie Professor, will be in resi-
dence at the University of Michigan
until May 10.
The following series of lectures has
been arranged under the auspices 91
the Division of the Social Sciences:
"Present Trends in Brazilian Edu-
cation" on Thursday, April 25, 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.

Bureau of Constitutional Variation
Research will lecture upon "Human
Constitutional Differences" illus-
trated) today at 4:15 p.m. in :the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Today's Events
Chemical and MetahurgIeal En-
gineering Seminar for graduate stu-
dents at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E.
Eng. Bldg. Dr. T. R. Running will
speak on "Chemical Reactions of the
First and Second Orders Described by
Curves of Pursuit."
Chemistry Colloquium will peet to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chem-
istry Building. Mr. W. S. Struve will
speak on "Synthesis of Derivatives of
Chrysene." All interested are invit-
Notice to Forestry Students: All
students who are expecting to attend
Camp Filibert Roth during the sum-
mer of 1940 are requested to meet in
Room 2039 Natural Science Building
at 5:15 p.m. today. All prospective
campers should be present at this
Reserve Officers: Major Walter B.
Farriss, infantry, will speak on "The
Battalion in Defense" in Room 304
of the Michigan Union at 7:30 to-
night. All =members of the Officers
Reserve Corps and of the R.O.T.C.
may attend.
Glider Club meeting tonight at 7:30
in Room 311 West Engr. Bldg. All
members should plan to attend or get
in touch with their instructor.
A.S.M.E. will meet tonight at 7:30
in the Union. Mr. James H. Walker,
Superintendent in charge of central
heating for the Detroit Edison Co.,
will speak on "Recent and Future
Developments in Air Conditioning."
Arrangements for the Milford trip
are to be made at this meeting.
La Sociedad Hispanica will present
a program tonight at 7:30 in St.
Mary's Chapel Auditorium (Willipms
and Thompson Streets). A Spanish
one act play, music, and songswill be
included in the program. This meet-
ing is open and free to all interested.
Graduate students, and others in-
terested, are invited to listen to a
concert of recorded music today at
4:15 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building. The program
will consist of: Beethoven's Violin
Concerto in D-Major, Handel's Oboe
Sonata; and Sibelius' Flicken Kom
and Saf Saf Susa (sung by M. An-
Graduate Student CouneIl will
meet tonight at 7:30 in the Women's
Lounge of the Rackham Building.
All representatives are urged to at-
tend. Plans for the remainder of the
semester and next year will be -dis-
Cercle Francais meeting tonight at
7:30 in 408 R.L.
Mimes meeting tonight at 7:30 in
the Student Offices of the Union.
Classical Record Concert at the
Michigan Union, Terrace Room, from
4-5 p.m. today. The public is invit-
Michigan Union Schedule for kto-
day: Main Ballroom, Military Ball
Skit, 5:00 p.m.
Rooms 222-3-4, Scabbard and
Blade, 7:30 p.m.
Rooms 319, 305, Galens, 7:00 prn.
Hiawatha Club meeting tonight at
8 at the Michigan Union. Professor
A. D. Moore of the Engineering
School will talk. Refreshments.

J.G.P. will hold their regular week-
ly meeting in the League this after-
noon at 3:00.
The Jewish History class will meet
at the Foundation tonight at 7:15
Michigan Dames: Meeting of Music
Group tonight at 7:45 at the League.
Miss Louise Cuyler of the School of
Music will talk on the May Festival.
COming Events
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet in the Observatory Lecture
Room on Thursday, April 25, at 4:15
p.m. Dr. A. D. Maxwell will speak
on "A Short Method of Determining
Preliminary Parabolic Orbits of
Comets." Tea at 4:00 p.m.
All Pharmacy Students are request-
ed to attend the College of Pharracy
assembly to be held Thursday, April
25, in Room'151 Chemistry Building,
at 4:45 p.m. It is important that
everyone be present.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal
Thursday night at the Presbyterian
Church, 1432 Washtenaw,"'at 8:00




RE-HEARING of the "Moonlight Sonata,"
]1ritish picture starring Ignace Jan Pader-
ewski, brings with it the always interesting
subject of just whait influence the artist and
his interpretation has in the making of the
music we hear. There has long been a rather
fruitless controversy between composers and
interpreters as to just what part each has in the
creation of a memorable performance. Mr.
Paderewski is, obviously, one of the ace per-
formers of our day, and his comments as ex-
pressed in his artistry in this picture cannot
fail to be of importance.
We feel that seeing a great artist from the
vantage point of the camera is always an aid
because of the added and slightly different
perspective it affords. The camera's mobility
allows us closeups of the artist's hands, his
expression, his artistic intentions that are sel-
dom afforded by a visit to the concert stage.
That it also has disadvantages is obvious but
surely the preservation of the mature inter-
pretations of Paderewski even in this badly
acted and written film more than justifies any
criticism that can be made of it.
IN THE MATTER of interpretation w2 offer
these wholly personal observations. First, the
artist's technique, even among the great, varies
extensively and cannot help influencing his
interpretation. A comparison of Mr. Paderew-
ski's interpretation of the Chopin "Military"
Polonaise with that offered earlier in the year
by Artur Rubenstein on the concert stage shows
this unmistakably. Mr. Rubenstein's forte is
a muscular concentration on the dynamics
which Chopin has marked in his score so pro-
digally. Paderewski concentrated on somewhat
subtler forms of expression. We do not say one
was right and the other wrong. Such statements
are gratuitous. We do feel, however, that tech-
nic is not the least of the factors which change

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