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April 24, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-24

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Mostly cloudy;
slightly cooler.

"1. g



The Logan Bill
And Bureaucracy .


VOL. L. No. 145




Great Britain
Gears Budget
And Taxation
T New.Hgh
War Outlay Almost Equal
To 1917-18 Still Liable
To New Expenditures
Plan Complete Shift
In Economic Setup
LONDON, April 23.-()-Great
Britain, less than eight months at
war, today geared her spending for
the 1940-41 fiscal year to virtually
the same staggering total which she
paid in the final, exhausting year of
the World War, imposed heavy new
taxes to meet part of the cost and
gave official impetus to a revolu-
tionary economic scheme under
which the British consumer is ex-
pected to rigidly "do without."
The total of the budget which
Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir
John Simon drew from his little
red dispatch case in the House of'
Commons is 2,667,000,000, or $9,-
334,500,000 at the New York Ex-
change rate of approximately $3.50
and considerably more at the Bri-
tish "pegged" rate of $4.02-$4.04.
It amounts (at the New York rate)
to '$230 for every man, woman and
child in Great Britain. More than
half must be borrowed.
Moreover this budget figure,
(which, naturally, is an estimate
very likely to be exceeded by sup-
plementary war expenditures), com-
pares with expenditures in the
1917-18 fiscal year of £2,96,221,000.
That per capita bill for carrying
on both the government and the war
is more than three times the per
capita cost of the United States
federal government, in 1939-$70.
As for the cost of the war itself,
r John told the House that Great
ritain spent E905,000,000 (about
$3,167,000'000) in the first seven;
months of the conflict.
He declared that figure indicated
an annual war expenditure at the
rate of about £1,500,000,000 ($5,250,-
000,000), but that the estimate was
rising and the rate of annual expen-
diture would be £2000,000,000 (about
$7,000,000,000) by the end of the
fiscal year next March.
The budget represents an increase
in the expenditure of £850,000,000
($2,975,000,000) over the 1939-40
Ypsi Sluggers
Pound Varsity
For 7-3 Win
Good Pitching In Clutches
And Unusual Fielding
Bring Hurons Victory
A cocky, hard-hitting gang from
Michigan Normal that refused to be
cowed into submission by its Big Ten
rival, meted out a severe blow to the
Wolverines' prestige when the Ypsis
crew rudely upset the Varsity at Ferrye
Field yesterday afternoon by the
score of 7-3.
It was a tough afternoon for Mich-~
igan. The Hurons showed little re-
spect for four Varsity pitchers in-
cluding ace Jack Barry who was

charged with the defeat. All in all,
Coach Ray Fisher used 15 men in a#
vain attempt to stem the Ypsi upris-
But the real reason behind the Wol-
verine setback can probably be ex-
plained by Ray Dennis' tight pitching
in the clutches and some spectacular
defensive support that the visiting
hurler received from his mates, a
combination of factors that left 15
Michigan baserunners stranded on1
the bases.
The Wolverinf s hopped off to a
1-0 lead in the first inning. Don
Holman walked, moved to second on
an infield out and scored on Step-1
pon's base hit to left .field.
Normal v asn't long in getting the
run back, however. Husky Pat Hef-t
fernan, Huron outfielder, caught holda
of one oz Barry's fast balls in the
second, and clouted it into the tennis
courts 425 feet away for a prodig-
idus home run.
Came the third and the deluge.
Joe Grady opened the inning forf
Ypsilanti with a double to center3

t 1

Teachers And Business Alumni


Plan Annual Conventions Here
Schoolmasters Will Convene Friday And Saturday;
Graduate Group To Hear Stason And Griffin

Ann Arbor will be the mecca to-
morrow, Friday and Saturday for
more than 1,500 teacher delegates
representing 21 organizations con-
vening for the 54th annual session
of the Michigan Schoolmasters'
Secondary educators will hear
noted speakers discuss the current
educational trends in special fields,
attend luncheons and banquets and
partipate in the programs offered
by high school students and honor-
ary educational societies..
Edmonson To Speak
Opening gun of tie three-day con-
venton will be given by Dean James
B. Edmonson of the School of Ed-
ucation as he welcomes the eleventh
annual Conference on Teacher Edu-
cation meeting here tomorrow.
Outstanding among the many
speakers will be Professor-Emeritus
William C. Bagley of Teachers Col-
lege of Columbia University and
editor of "School and Society" and
Mr. W. Carson Ryan, editor of the
magazine, "Progressive Education"
who will analyze the future of ed-
ucational policies,
Members of the conferences will
be invited to attend the annual
University honors convocation fea-
turing the address of . Dr. Francis
P. Gaines, president of Washington
and Lee University.
Informal Reception Included
In the afternoon the program will
include Dr. Carlos Delgado de Car-
vaho's talk on Brazilian education,
the tea of Pi Lambda Theta, hon-
orary education sorority, and in-
formal Schoolmasters' reception at
the Union.
Rounding out the program will be
the annual banquet, the University
band concert and parade by high
school bands, and the state cham-
pionship high school debate. Satur-
day the annual state meeting of
Phi Delta Kappa, honorary educa-
tion fraternity, will convene for its
initiation ceremonies and its an-
nual banquet concluding the acti-
vities for educators.
Carva llo Talks
On Tolerance
Tells Of Intermarriage
As Racial Solution
By intermarriage and racial in-'
tolerance tamong the people who
make up Brazil, seemingly formid-
able landlord-slave obstacles have
been almost entirely wiped out, as
well as persistent colonist-native
distrust, according to Dr. Car]os
Delgado de Carva"iho.
Dr. Carvalho, a noted Brazilian
geographer and sociologist, who is
delivering a series of lectures here
on modern Brazil, spoke on the in-
termingling of three separate races,
white, Negro, and Indian in his home
Last vestiges of the Portuguese
plantation owners, the extreme up-
per crust of Brazilian society, have
not mingled white with colored
blood. save in a few instances, but
according to Doctor Carvaho. there
exists no prejudice against the half
caste, and inter-racial unions are
commonplace in all other strata of
society. There is, the lectured con-
ceded, an economic barrier between
the three races, the white inhabi-
tants generally enjoying greater se-
curity than the less industrious, less
educated Negro and Indian.

More than 150 graduates of the
School of Business Administration
are expected to attend the 13th An-
nual Alumni Conference of the
School Saturday in the Union, Prof.
Richard U. Ratcliff, director of the
Bureau of Business Research and
chairman of the Conference Com-
mittee, announced yesterday.
The program of the Conference,
he continued, is a part of the
School's work in attempting to fos-
ter post-graduate education and to
make the School a center where
alumni can return with business
problems. The meeting will put
graduates in touch with important'
advances in the practice and art
of business, he said.
"Administrative Tribunals and the
Regulation of Business" will be dis-
cussed by Dean E. Blythe Stason of
the Law School at the initial ses-
sion, which is scheduled to begin
at 9 a.m. Following a discussion
period, the alumni will hear a con-
sideration of "Finding a Market for
New Products" by Sherman W. Put-
nam, executive of a. Michigan chem-
ical company.
> Following a luncheon at 12:15
p.m., featuring an address by Dean
Clare E. Griffin of the School on
"'The March of Business," three
round table groups will meet at 2
p.m. They will consider develop-
ments in the fields of accounting,
finance and marketing. A social
hour, featuring movies of the 1939
Michigan-Penn football game, will
begin at 4 p.m.
Campus Writers
Urged To Submit
Perspectives Copy
Perspectives editors are seeking to
stir campus writers out of their af-
ter-Hopwood lethargy this week in
order to gain manuscripts before
the deadline set for tomorrow.
The needs of the magazine in-
clude any type of creative writing,
with the lid off as far as taboos are
concerned. A hearty welcome is
given manuscripts in any of the fol-
lowing divisions: short stories, short
plays, essays, poetry and book-re-
Manuscripts may be left at the
English or engineering English of-
fices or handed to the following edi-
tors: James Allen, '40, and Harvey
Swados, '40, co-editors; David
Spengler, '40, essay; James Green,
'40, poetry; Hervie Haufler, '41, fic-
tion; and Seymour Pardell, '41, pub-
lications manager. Those wishing to
do book reviews should make ar-
rangements with Edwin G. Burrows,
Grad., book review editor.
Play io Be Given
By Spanish Club
"The Tribulations of Pancrasio,"
a one-act play by Harold Jesurun,
'40M, will be the main feature of
the "Latin Night," sponsored by La
'Sociedad Hispanica at 7:30 p.m.
today in the auditorium of St.
Mary's Chapel. Spanish music and
recitations of Spanish poetry will al-
so be on the program.
Characters in the play include
prances Johnson, '41, and Jesurun
as Nicomedes and Pancrasio, the
heroine and hero respectively. Jorge
Carulla, '41E, will play the part of
Don Silvestre, a fencing master and
the father of Nicomedes.

Back Guffey
In Primary
Pennsylvania Solon Leads
By Comfortable Margin
In FightTo Retain Seat
Presidential Vote
Favors Roosevelt
PHILADELPHIA, April 23.-(A)--
Pennsylvania's junior senator, Jo- ,
seph F. Guffey, built a steadily in-1
creasing lead tonight m his fighta
for the Democratic nomination fort
a second term.
In the Pennsylvania primary cam-
paign's hottest contest, he startedi
with a margin over his chief oppo-3
nent, Walter A. Jones, fellow Pitts-
burgher, in the first Philadelphia
districts re orted. His gains in-
creased as tabulations came from
other parts of the state.
Unofficial count from 702 of the
state's 8105 districts for Democratic
nominatioit,: senator gave:
Guffey 42,126.
Jones 34,512.T
In a less spirited Republican con-
test, Jay Cooke, 43-year-old Phila-
delphia city chairman, supported by
the state or anization, led his chiefc
rival, Albert H. Lardner, Philadel-z
phia attorne , for senatorial nom-1
ination by a eider margin.I
Unofficial count from 684 districtst
for Republican senatorial nomina-
tion gave:
Cooke 84,364.
Lardner 19,852.x
In a presidential preferential vote'
that is not binding on delegates to3
the national conventions, Democrats
in 272 districts gave Franklin D.r
Roosevelt 1,820 votes, with no
write-ins reported.f
Louis Calhernt
To Act Here
In Two Plays'
Star Of Stage And Cinenia
Appears In 'Pygmalion';
And 'The Winter's Tale'
The 1940 Drama Season yesterday
came a step nearer completing its
casts for this year's plays with the
announcement that Louis Calhern,
-tar of both stage and moving pic-
ure productions, has been signed
o appear in two of the Season's
rive dramas.
Calhern's theatrical history has
run the gamut of parts from hobo
to members of Parliament and has
been climaxed by leading roles op-
posite such distinguished artists as
Ethel Barrymore, Louretta Taylor,
Jane Cowl, Doris Keane. His film
characterizations have ranged from
de Villefort in "The Count of Monte
Cristo" to the villain in the latest
Charlie McCarthy vehicle.
Appearing in the first two plays
of the local Season, Calhern will
play the romantic part of Polixines
in "The Winter's Tale," and the
suave Colonel Pickering in "Pygna-
Officials of the Season have been
negotiating for several weeks to sign
Calhern, who had already agreed
to appear in a Theatre Guild pro-
duction' called "Limbo." Since mak-
ing his New York debut in George

M. 'Cohan's "The Song and Dance
Man," Calhern has since appeared
in "Heda Gabber," "Dinner at Eight,"
"Agatha Calling," "Birthday," and
"Golden Boy."
Counter sale of tickets for the
Season will begin at 10 a.m. today
in the Garden Room of the League.
Mail orders are also being accepted.
Daily Tol Have
Election Parge
Student Senate Platforms
Will Be Published
Platforms for the Student Senate
elections will appear in the battle
page of The Daily tomorrow, Nor-
man A. Schorr, '40, and Stuart K.
Knox, '40, directors of elections an-
nounced yesterday.
Sample ballots of the 42 candi-
dates will be available at the Stu-
dent Publications Building tomor-
row, the directors said. Sixteen of

Both Sides In Conflict
Burdened With Con gers
Clinton B. "Pat" Conger, former
Daily night editor and now a foreign
correspondent for the United Press.
is on his way north from Berlin to
act as a correspondent with German
forces in Scandinavia, it was learned
Conger, who had been stationed
in Copenhagen, crypticallytcabled
his mother, Mrs. Lucille B. Conger,
had been sent from Berlin.
Mrs. Conger is secretary of the
Alumnae Association. Beach Conger,
Clinton's brother and another for-
mer Daily correspondent, is on his
way to cover the Allied forces in Nor-
way for the New York Herald-Tri-
bune. The father of the pair was
the late Seymour Beach Conger, one-
time Associated Press correspondent
in Berlin and Moscow.
Student Senate
Will Consider,
Group Toi Discuss Comlinlg
Elections At Meeting
Tomorrow In Union
Most important business on the
agenda for the 'Student Senate which
meets at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the.
Union for, the last time before elec-
tions is the consolidation and ac-
tion to be taken on the results of
the Spring Parley, Arnold White,
'41, secretary, announced yesterday.
In the Parley panel on "Univer-
sity Training" the Senate was de-
scribed as the "most democratic,
most repiesentative and Yeast ef-
fective , organization on campus."
Several suggestions underlying its
ineffectivness were: student apathy
and inertia and the immaturity of
the student body. Moreover, it was
resolved that a functional commit-
tee should be set up to investigate
the problem of immaturity of the
students for further study by the
Senate. This phase of the Parley,
White indicated, will occupy the
Senate for some time.
Also scheduled for discussion Is
the Senate election which will be
held Friday. More general discus-
sion is promised on a topic which
White calleds: "Which Flag-Amer-
ican or Nazi?" Remainder of the
meeting will be taken up with com-
mittee reports r
Dr.W. H.Sheldonl


For Gate' To'.Osi

Allies, Nazis Clas

Grim Comba

Detroit Alumni
Plan To Revive
U. Of H.Night
Complete Musical Show
Features Men's Glee
Club And Band
"A complete, fast-moving musical
show:" That's what the' University
of Michigan Club of Detroit is plan-
ning for its gala revival of U. of M.
Night Monday in Detroit's Masonic
To entertain the. more than 100
students and alumni expected to
attend the event, three feature at-
tractions have been planned. The
Men's Glee Club will offer a program
of campus songs; the 100-piece
Michigan Concert Band will play
several numbers; and selected indi-
viduals and chorus groups from the
1940 Union Opera cast will perform
in the highlight numbers from "Four
Out Of Five.".
Ernest A. Jones, vice-chairman of
the General Committee in charge
of the affair, announced that stu-
dents may reserve seats in advance
by writing to the University of Mich-
igan Club of Detroit, 2822 Union
Guardian Building, Detroit.
General chairman of the Commit-
tee is Richard A. Forsyth. Twenty-
seven other prominent Detroit alum-
ni comprise the Committee., U. of M.
Night is designed to bring about a
closer relationship between the Uni-
versity and its Detroit alumni. It
is being revived Monday after a lapse
of 10 years.
Honor Students
To Attend Fete

Cooper Calls For De:
Of German Populv
Not OnlyDer Fuel
Reich Admits Bat
With British For(

(By the Associated Press )
Germany and the British-French-
Norwegian allies battled last night
(Tuesday) for the "gate" to Oslo
in the most significant of a series
of grim and gory combats by land,
sea and air on which may hinge
the future of invaded Norway.
To Britons, the fighting in Nor-
way was the most sensational man-
ifestation of a war newly-designated
by one unofficial spokesman as one
againstthe "whole German people"
-not merely the Nazi regime o:
Adolf Hitler.
"Defeat Germany"
Alfred Duff Cooper, former Bri-
tish war secretary and former First
Lord of the Admirality, called in a
St. George's Day addr.ess for defeal
of the whole German people anc
warned that a defeated Germany
need not expect sympathy by "whin-
ing and groveling," as he described
them at the Versailles Conference
after the World War.
, The British war office said of the
Norwegian fighting merely that the
Allies are resisting "enemy pressure'
in the south of Norway, but Ger-
many acknowledged for the first
time that British and German troops
were fighting in central Norway, and
reports from Stockholm and various
unofficial sources filled out this gi-
gantic jig-saw of the Scandinavian
battle scene:
A major battle taking shape some
90 miles north of Oslo at and around
Lillehammer, where the Gudbrand-
sal Valley gives access to the south-
ern plain leading to German-occu-
pied Oslo;
Battle At Trondheim
A sharp .engagement resultir
from a German ,counter-attack
north of the west-coast City of
Trondheim; and
A battle among planes and war-
shipsbin the Skagerrak off Norway's
southern and Sweden's western
In the south-central Norwegiar
land fighting, important despite in
dications that comparatively small
numbers of men are engaged, the
Germans were portrayed as seekini
to cut the railway to Britain's de-
barking points on the west coas
while the British were striving to
fight clear of the rugged hill coun
try to pour onto the plains toward
Hyde To Cite
AIA activity

Will Speak Today
Dr. William H. Sheldon, of the#
Bureau of Constitutional Researchr
at Harvard University, will speak on
"Human Constitutional Differences"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
Dr. Sheldon is a former member
of the psychology department at the
University of Chicago and has
taught at the University of Wiscon-
sin. During 1934-36 he studied in
Europe as a traveling fellow in psy-
He is also author of several books,;
including "Psychology and the Pro-
methean Wili" and "The Varieties{
of Human Physique: An Introduc-
tion to Constitutional Psychology."

Classes To Be Dismissed
At 10:45 A.M. Friday,
All classes with the exception of
clinics will be dismissed at 10:45
Friday morning to permit at-
tendance of the 17th annual Honors
Convocation at 11 a.m. in Hill Au-
ditorium, the President's office an-
nounced yesterday.
However, those students in clin-
ical classes who are receiving hon-)
ors for outstanding achievement
will be excused in order to attend.
Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president
of Washington and Lee University,
will be principal speaker at the con-
vocation which will honor 'approx-
imately 800 students who have earn-
ed special distinction in the past
academic year. Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves of .the political science
department will act as chairman in
place of Dean Joseph E. Bursley,
who is on leave of absence.

Campus Asks Clear Platforms
In Petitions For Student Senate

Garg Sale Starts Tomorrow;
So E

Rain or no rain, Gargoyle will go
on sale tomorrow sporting a new-
type cover, Ellis A. Wunsch, '40,
editor, swore yesterday.
The plan had been to save the
cover, a New Yorker style which ar-
tistically indicts the fickleness of
Ann Arbor weather, for heavy wea-
ther, but Wunsch held yesterday
that further waiting was impossible
in view of the fact that the maga-
zine has always kept faith with its
readers. The cover was done by
John Meyers, '42.'
Wunsch emphasized that the is-
sue would be the large "regular"
offering thisyearg: next month's
edition will be the magazine's an-
nual pulp-travesty on sex, detec-

out insofar as information is con-
cerned. Editors are working in pro-
foundest secrecy, so much so that
half the staff members don't know
what the other half is working on.
Nobody will talk.
Subtle investigation and cour-
ageous undercover work by daring
Daily reporters have revealed sev-
eral clues, however. Reams of glam-
orous photographs, the like of which
have never before been seen on this
campus, were found hidden away in
an isolated filing case. Staff mem-
bers were found yesterday removing
a full-sized baseball diamond from
the office.
Rumors are to the fact that ac-
tion may be taken regarding the ex-

When the 42 candidates for Student
Senate seats present their platforms
in tomorrow's Daily they will have
to be explicit.
Campus opinion leaves them no
alternative. A cross section of stu-
dent and faculty opinion showed the
Inquiring Reporter yesterday that
there are definite ideas on the issues
involved, and that the campus expects
to hear them discussed before the'
vote on Friday.t
THE QUESTION : What issues do
you consider most important in the
Student Senate elections?"
Martin Dworkis, '40, present mem-
ber of the Senate: "The primary
issue facing the student body is the
war ptoblem, and senate members
must be prepared to cooperate in a
mass student movement throughout
the country supporting anti-war
measures, I don't underestimate
campus problems, however, and think
they should be considered."

the Independent Men's Congress:
"There is a good deal to be done!
And I think the senate might start
with attempts to revise the almost
obsolete education system in the Uni-
versity. We might have reorganiza-
tion here towards 'more independent
thinking, along the lines of the Uni-
versity of Chicago's system. Courses
should be correlated, not an un-
related checkerboard."
Philip Buchan, '41L: "The senate
should aim at more student govern-
ment, and devise some plan for a
'more powerful student governing
body. I think we could use further
independence of University control."
Tom Downs, '40, member of the
senate in 1938: "In my opinion the
senate might devote itself to student
problems; student participation in-
determination of curricula, more re-
presentation on boards, like the
Board of Publications, housing con-
ditions, and the problem of the tui-
tion raise."
RoyCooley, '42: "It may not be a
generally realized problem., but racial
dkrrrimin.ynrpi .a - ga wac,,innq al

University Is Awardi
Unique Distinction
The new program of organizati
and post-graduate guidance to
inaugurated here this semester "
be outlined by Arthur K. Hy
president of the Detroit chapter
the American Institute of Arcl
tects at 4:30 p.m. today in the .A
chitecture Auditorium.
Dean Wells Bennett of the C
lege of Architecture nd Design a
nounced yesterday that when fir
arrangements are made after Hyd
speech, the University will Havew
the distinction of being the o
institution of its kind in the Un
States to possess a student orga
ization founded and supported
the A. I. A.
The A. I. A. is establishing a jun
branch here for he purpose of
tending the student's architectu
knowledge and aiding him in ma
taining the profession's ethics,
cording to Dean Bennett. Each ju
ior member will be placed af
graduation under the mentorship
a member of the national group
his locality who will see to it t
he receives a varied experience
his field. Albert Metter, '40Ar
and Wesley Lane, '41Arch., h
been appointed chairmen of the s
dent organizing committee.
Columnist Will Address
cd'bf I..A-

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