T1E MTCHTGAN DAILY HIGAN DAILY -I I P Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; b5y mail, $4.50. - REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER ISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADION AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO "BOSTON -* LOS ANGELES - SAN htANCISCO Member, Associated ICollegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial ri Petersjen iott Maraniss sn M. Swinton rton L. Linder iman A. Schorr nmnis Flanagan hn N. Canavan n Vicary -1 Fineberg.. ,' Staff ., . . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Diector . City Editor Associate Editor .'Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Business Staff asiuess Manager . . . ast. Business Mgr., Credit Manager. omen's Business Manager nomen's Advertising Manager, . blications Manager Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart: Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers. Harriet B. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM NEWTON The editorials published in The Michigan 'Daily are written by members of Te Daily staff and repr et the views of the witers Greenland's cy Mountains To Indies' Cora Strand , . . A PROPOS to the peace rallies held on this and other campuses the country over, there have arisen in the past few days two perplexing problems and potential threats to the peace of the United States. These are: the peculiar "no-man's-land" status of Greenland. and the vulnerability of the Dutch East Indies to Japanese invasion in event of another German "blitzklrleg" in. the low coun- tries. The position of Greenland, of course, inside the Western Hemisphere places it within the sphere of the Monroe Doctrine. Economically the island has little to offer any designing coun- try other than a handful of inoffensive Es- kimoes, an ice dome which occupies the entire Island but for narrow strips of barren land on the coasts and a cryolite (aluminum) de- posit which has been rendered obsolete by mod- ern methods of extraction from bauxite (clay). GREENLAND'S potential value lies in its adaptability as an air or naval base. It is a significant fact that modern bombers, with full load, can make the trip to New York from Greenland in eight hours. Air time from Lon- don, Berlin and Paris to Greenland is also ap- proximately eight hours. Of course, there has been much speculation as to how this base might be supplied with necessary fuel and other war materials. Some military experts claim this could possibly be accomplished by heavy submaincs or convoyed supply ships. At any rate, with the present spread of operations, German occupation of Greenland remains a threat to nearby Canada and what affects Canada will be felt in the United States. THE SECOND hot spot suddenly to pop upon the world scene is the unstable status of the Dutch East Indies-threatened at any moment by Japanese occupation should Germany invade the Netherlands. Unlike Greenland, the Dutch East Indies are immensely rich in natural re- sources, particularly petroleum, tin, rubber and spices. They could serve as an important source of income and supply as well as a base of oper- ations for the Japanese. America's interest in the Indies is twofold: economic and political. The largest percentage of mine properties in the islands have been developed by British and American capital. These companies have employed the very latest methods of exploration, mapping and develop- ment. They have helped materially to boost the islands, along with the Malay Peninsula, to first place in the world production of tin and fifth place in the output of petroleum. HOWEVER, the political aspect offers mant more complications. Secretary of State Cordell Hull recently issued a statement to Ambassador Joseph C. Grew subtly worded with relative terms, but which when read between the lines spelled "Keep out of the-SIndies.". Many fear that Japan might undertake to "protect" the islands in case they are divorced from their mother country. The burden of responsibility in. event of such action would fall upon the United States flet, since by tacit agreement the United States navy stands guard in the Pacific while John Bull attempts to main- tain the status Qiuo in the Atlantic. 'T 6TAAT3''O'G A'_A fTC"'TAfNT rnalina.. ha.n h aan would also offer a serious threat to the peace and stability of the Philippine Islands. Uncle Sam is caught between two oceans as the second world war is closing in as an ac- tuality as well as a name. There are many provocations inviting the United States to en- ter the conflict. The time has never been as ripe and propitious for a nation-wide declara- tion that "The Yanks Are Not Coming!" - Malcolm Hunger Science: European And American Brands .. . A T THE SAME TIME that all the ingenuity of modern military sci- ence is today being utilized to the end of de- struction in Europe, American medical science is making new and significant discoveries that promise to all men larger opportunity for health and physical security. Of outstanding importance is the new treat- ment for syphilis, which cuts down the period of medical care from nearly two years to five days. In the past a large proportion of all syphilis victims abandoned treatment because it was so costly and long drawn out. This was the reason for the difficulty in controlling the di- sease, for many patients would disappear from treatment clinics before they were rendered non-infectious. IT HAS just been announced that a combina- tion of vitamin C and calcium holds out an impressive promise of relief for sufferers from hay fever, asthma and other allergies. A new compound, sulfadiazine, has proved highly ef- fective against pneumonia and streptococcus in- fections. Hormones, on the production of which life depends, are now created synthetically from coal, water and limestone. A method has been devised for extracting from grass for human food its extraordinary rich vitamin content, ten to twenty times as high than that of ordinary vegetables. THAT SCIENCE should contribute such con- structive discoveries as these and at the same time produce more deadly agents of destruction might at first appear paradoxical. The answer lies in the policy that those who employ science pursue; science may be perverted to any end. Let these extraordinary discoveries continue- let us always "pervert" science to the cause of peace. -- Robert Speekhard C1he Drew Perso and 3Rcbed S. AIte# N ORDER to understand how the Nazis staged their "Trojan Horse" invasion of Norway, it is necessary to get an inside view of the Nor- wegian political picture. Secret of the Nazi success was a serious rift between the Labor government ruling Norway and Norwegian big business. The situation was not unlike the bitter row which has existed between the Roosevelt New Deal and American big business. Norwegian business men, while not exactly pro-Nazi, toyed with the hope that Germany might rescue them from a Labor government, which they had been unable to overthrow at the ballot box. t It is doubtful whether the great mass of Norwegian business men would have favored an outright occupation by Germany, but ac- cording to official reports cabled here, they seemed to have the idea that after turning out, the Labor government, Hitler would restore Norway to conservative rule. There was also a powerful clique within the Norwegian army which was even more strongly pro-Nazi. Norway's army is not large, consisting chiefly of a militia officered in part by business and professional men not in sympathy with Labor. They argued that sifnee Labor hadc spent so much money on social welfare and neglected national defense, the Labor Government could take the consequences. These were the officers whom the Nazis induced to keep their men out of the way when German troops first landed. Note-Unlike Norway, Sweden enjoys a so- cial-democrat or pro-labor government in which there is a very genuine and whole-hearted co- operation between labor and business. Dutch Predicament ... For some time the political situation in the Netherlands has been somewhat similar to that in Norway. Holland is in the hands of a coalition govern- ment with so-called New Deal leanings, al- though not as liberal as the Roosevelt Admin- istration. Big business in Holland and the Queen herself are not particularly in sympathy with the government, and there was a time when conservative business opinion was strong- ly for yielding to the Germans in case of an invasion, rather than staging a fight which would ruin most of Holland. Even the Queen was known to subscribe to this policy. But with the occupation of Denmark and Norway, sentiment in Holland is changing. There still exists some argument among big business men that it would take decades to pay for the damage of war, and that it would be far better to yield and do business under Ger- many. Furthermore, the Queen still is surrounded h... !'!n +tvnro n"..- -.4 %_Luo i % - A - T -rs GULLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG GULLIVER YOUR favorite columnist went to the Peace Rally Friday morning. On Friday after- noon he went to the Spring Parley, and he spent Saturday exclusively at the World Scene panel of the Parley. Such is consistency. Gulliver is now able to report that the students are over- whelmingly united in their desire to stay out of the European war. On methods of staying out of the war they are, it would seem, almost hopelessly divided. Which is reason enough, not for fatalism, but for a thoughtful examina- tion of the problem. Nobody, apparently, disagreed with Senator Nye's main contentions last Friday-we are drifting towards war, the Roosevelt administra- tion is pushing us on by means of open par- tiality and attempts to transform our economy into a war economy, it is not our war, we should stay out. Fine. How are we to stay out? Through a stern determination to stay out. How do we make use of the stern determination? Somehow. Somehow. Somehow. Thousands of students came out to demon- strate against warand were told that we must stay out somehow. Maybe "our' splendid Sen- ator Vandenberg" can do the trick. Or maybe Tom Dewey, who knows less about foreign af- fairs than Alf Landon. In other words, Senator Nye just doesn't know. Within his limitations, his speech was fine (and the rest of the rally was certainly excellent); it gave expression to that unspoken, but apparently paramount de- sire of all students eligible for the draft. But it said absolutely nothing on the concrete prob- lems connected with staying out of the war. INCIDENTALLY, the Communists were selling a pamphlet the other day called The Roose- velt War Deal, which Gulliver bought and read. He is constrained to report that the boys have again demonstrated their almost uncanny abil- ity to make the wrong prophecy at the wrong time. Sample: The Soviet-Finnish peace con- stitutes the greatest contribution to world peace since the outbreak of the war in Europe. In- stead of spreading, the war has been narrowed down. The Scandinavian people have been spared the fate of seeing their countries con- verted into a huge No-Man's Land.. ." SO GULLIVER trotted over to the Spring Par- ley. At the World Scene panel everybody quickly settled down to a discussion of the prob- lems which weren't brought up at the Peace Rally. As far as Y. G. is concerned, it was pretty fruitful. There was general agreement that the war is an imperialist war, that both sides are guilty of defrauding their peoples, and that therefore the American people have no interest in a victory of either side. The points of disagreement were basic and deserve plenty of airing. This is the way Gulliver saw it: (1) We must begin now to build a new world structure-World Federation, Union Now, or what will you, which will lay the basis for a new and peaceful order in Europe.. This posi- tion was most eloquently upheld by Prof. 'Slos- son. Gulliver has already indicated his dis- approval of all these schemes; he won't go into it now. (2) We must begin now to build a third par- ty-a People's Party, a Peace Party, a Labor Party, or what will you, which will lay the ba- sis for a continuous and unremitting attack in the political forum on all those forces which are trying to drag us into war. It will work within the framework of our existing system and will try to rally around it all progressive and labor forces. This position was upheld mainly by representatives of the ASU and the YCL. (3) We must begin now to struggle against the system which is capable only of producing wars. Only through a struggle against capital- ismn and imperialism can we hope to eliminate the basic causes of war. Any other program is a snare and a delusion. This position was up- held mainly by Don Slaiman, self-style repre- sentative of the "Third Camp." SLAIMAN offered to debate with Prof. Slosson on the above issues, but the Professor de- clined on the grounds that he already has his hands full with a scheduled debate with a Com- munist. It seems to Gulliver, however, that it would be a swell idea if a three-way debate could be held on campus with representatives of the three above points of view battling it out. It would go a good way towards clearing the air, it would be a constructive sequel to the Spring Parley, and it might give some answers to the big question that all of us seem to be asking-how are we going to stay out of the war? PROFESSOR RICE'S definition of the week: The difference between an undergraduate and a graduate student is that when the pro- fessor comes into the room and says good morn- ing, the graduate student writes it down in his notebook ... backers to an important government commis- sion. The appointment was to the Inter-American Commission to promote new trade projects be- tween North and South America. Sumner Welles By HERVIE HAUFLER FOR THOSE who live along the banks of the Ohio and Missis- sippi rivers, nothing is more dreaded than the call which comes almost every spring now: "Flood's on its way." They hurry from the low- lands, carrying with them as much as they can, leaving homes and farms to the mercy of the river. At times the flood sends its waters scaling the banks so quickly that homes and towns are in it before they know what is happening. A third of my hometown was covered by the Ohio's rampage in 1937. Flood stage is 52 feet and the waters reached 79.99. They swirled over the tops of their usual victims- the river-front shanties, pushed halfway up the houses in the resi- dential sectionethat had before known only cellar dampings, and pierced on into the city for several blocks until the basements of the business section were flooded. Brown waters crept up around the Suspen- sion Bridge, our lifeline to Cincin- nati. Both ends of the mighty bridge, which usually towers so far above the river that big paddle- wheel river-boats can pass under it with yards to spare, were swamped, and workers had to build a sandbag approach in order to permit passage to the other side, 'HOSE PEOPLE who had to make it to Cincinnati daily wondered if they could again reach their homes when evening came. They ventured out along the bridge that no longer seemed a safe, sure giant. Close beneath it even at its highest point rushed the waters. pushing against the bridge supports. You saw pieces of shattered bridges and wondered if the sturdy Suspension might not join them. For several days there were no lights for most of the town. The darkness shut down so closely that it seemed to exert a pressure. For entertainment you played cards by candlelight. The waterworks was flooded and it was only the heroism of the employes (since tossed out of their jobs by a change in political administration) that permitted the citizens even an occasional trickle. You could get water for only one or two hours a day. EVERYBODY worked. The Red Cross was in constant need of recruits. The Boy Scouts marched bravely out to fight the flood--and were placed on traffic duty while the police and firemen did the actual fighting. Women cooked in the Red Cross canteens, acted as nurses for the homeless. Men with boats could have made small fortunes rescuing belongings out of flooded homes- and worked for nothing. Then the flood began to recede, to leave bare mud between them and the sticks marking their farthest ad- vance. The waters fell quickly. Chimneys and roof-tops poked their way through the surface. A house was deposited on one'.of the bridges As The Mississippi And The Ohio Begin To Rise: Annual Spring 'Flood's On Its Way' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN consecting Covington and Newport. And all was mud. People returned to their homes to find mud carpets on their floors and the woodwork warped and windows shattered. Some quixotic whim of the flood left three wrecked pianos piled on top of one another on one street corner. A warehouse was picked up, carried several blocks and set down again without being seriously dam- aged. The town settled down again to digging out the mud. It has not yet cleared the traces of that flood- there are battered, unoccupied houses along the riverfront, gaping holes where houses have been con- demned, torn down and not re- placed. THERE IS a way to eliminate, or at least materially reduce, the hazards of these floods. The plan- that of controlling tributary streams by dams and reservoirs-has become one of those things like a unicameral legislature-nearly everyone thinks it would be very nice, but there is too much work involved in achieving it. Flood control is expensive. The only persons who actively campaign for it are my hometown's inhab- itants and other inhabitants who must come back to houses of mud. This year's flood is not bad. It will wet the waterfront hovels and keep the riverboats in port, but noth- ing serious is expected. It is just a gentle reminder that the problem still exists, there beneath the head- lines of Europe and the debates over war. (Continued from Page z Thursday. It is still possible to sign up for women's and mixed doubles. See bulletin board in W.A.B. Literary School Seniors: Measure- ments are now being taken for caps and gowns. Moe's Sport Shop is the official outfitter. R.O.T.C. Advanced Crps Students and Alumni: Tickets for the Military Ball Banquet are available at Mrs. Kinney's office in R.O.T.C. Head- quarters until Wednesday, April 24. Dramatic Season Tickets: Counter sale for Season tickets opens Wed- nesday morning, 10:00 a.m., Garden Room, Michigan League Building. Season tickets $6.60; $4.80; $3.60 and $2.50. Concerts Organ Recital: Bettie Summers, organist, will give a recital in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bache- lor of Music in Hill Auditorium to- day at 4:15 o'clock. The general pub- lic is invited. Graduation Recital: Kenneth By- ler, violinist, will give a recital in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Music at the School of Music Auditorium, Wednesday, April 24, at 8:15 o'clock. The public is invited. Exhibitions There will be an exhibit of the etchings of the late Dr. Warren P. Lombard, and a retrospedtive exhibit of the paintings of Horatio W. Shaw, pupil of the American artist, Thom- as Eakins, in Alumni Memorial Hall, beginning Friday, April 19 and end- ing May 3. The gallery will be open from 2-5 every day, including Sundays. A preview of the exhibits for members of the Ann Arbor Art Association will beheld in:Alumni Memorial Hall tonight at 8:00. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Drawings presented in competition for the Ryerson Schol- arship offered by the Lake Forest Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Work of selected students from Armour Insti- tute of Technology, Universities of Illinois, Cincinnati, Ohio State, Mich- igan, and Iowa State College. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, third floor exhibition room, through April 25. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The prize drawings of- fered by students of various colleges and universities in competition for the award givenbydthe Alumni of the American Academy in Rome. Third Floor Exhibition Room. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through April 23. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Doug- las Johnson, of Columbia University, will lecture on "Geology and the Stra- tegy of the Present War" under the auspices of the Department of Ge- nInov at 4-15 u nm on Thursdav. Anril Corps; Its Place and Mission in the Navy." Dr. William Sheldon of Harvard Bureau of Constitutional Variation Research will lecture upon "Human Constitutional Differences" (illus- trated) on Wednesday, April 24, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Carnegie Lectures: Dr. Carlos' Del- gado de Carvalho, Professor of Soci- ology in the Colegio Pedro II and Pro- fessor of the Geography of Brazil in the University of Brazil, the Visiting Carnegie Professor, will be in resi-' dence at the University of Michigan until May 10. The following series of lectures has been arranged under the auspices of the Division of the Social Sciences: "Problems of Race Mixture and White Acclimatization in Brazil" to- day at 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre. "Present Trends in Brazilian Edu- cation" on Thursday, April 25, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "The Immigration Problem in Bra- zil" (Annual Phi Kappa Phi Lecture) on Tuesday, April 30, 8:30 p.m., Mich- igan Union, Large Ballroom. "The New Brazilian State" on Mon- day, May 6, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. All of the above lectures are open to the public. Today's Events Engineering .Mechanics Colloqui- um: Dana Young will talk on "The Use of Oblique Coordinates in Solv- ing Plate Problems." Meeting in Room 314 West Engineering Annex today at 4:00 p.m. Refreshments will precede the meeting. Engineering Colloquium: Profes- sor M. B. Stout will speak today on "Rectifiers" in Room 153 W. Eng. at 4:30. This meeting is sponsored by Eta Kappa Nu and is open to any- one interested. Refreshments, Botanical Joural Club meeting to- night at 7:30 in Room N.S. 1139. Re- ports by: Evelyn Eichelberger, "The defensive mechanism in orchid my-, corrhiza." Maxwell Mead, "Micro- pedology." Jean Bertram, "The oxi- dation of manganous compounds by mhicroorganisms." Russell Steere, "Bacteriophage." Alpha Nu speech society will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu room in Angell Hall. Deutscher Verein will meet tonight at 8:00 in the League. Michigan Union Schedule for to- day: Main Ballroom, faculty dance, 9:00 p.m. Room 222-3-4, Political Science Faculty, 12:15 p.m. Room 318-20 and 305, Galens, 7:00 p.m.. Room 319-21-23, Sigma Rho Tau, 7:30 p.m. Actuarial Students: Mr. Kendrick Stokes, Actuary of the Michigan Mu- tual Liability Company, will give a lecture at 8 o'clock tonight in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building, on the subject, "Casualty Rate Making." All those interested 4-5 p.m. today. The public is invit- ed. Students in the Degree Program for Honors in Liberal Arts are .re- quested to attend a meeting at 7:30 tonight in the Speech Seminar Room, 3212 A.H. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League. Faculty Women's Club: The Play Reading Section will meet today at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League, Michigan Dames: Meeting of Art Group tonight at 8 at the home of Miss Maude Hagle, 3411 Geddes Road. Michigan Dames: Meeting of Needlework Group today at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. R. A. Oetjen, 522 Monroe Street. Coming vents Chemistry Colloquium will meet on Wednesday, April 24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Mr. W. S. Struve will speak on "Syn- thesis of Derivatives of Chrysene." All interested are invited. Reserve Officers: Major Walter B. Farriss, Infantry, will speak on "The Battalion in Defense" in Room 304 of the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 24. All members of the Officers Reserve Corp and of the R.O.T.C. may attend. Notice to Forestry Students: All students who are expectig gto atted Camp Filibert Roth during the sgh- mer of 1940 are requested to meet in Room 2039 Natural Science Building at 5:15 p.m., Wednesday, April 24. All prospective campers should be present at this meeting. Electrical Engineers: The Annual A.I.E,.E. Banquet will be held Tues- day, April 30, in the Michigan League at 6:15 p.m. Professor Brumm of the Journalism Department is the principal speaker. Tickets may be obtained from Charles Tieman, John Strand, Robert Buritz, Harold Brit- ton, or George Gottschall. Mimes meeting on Wednesday eve- ning at 7:30 in the Student Orfices of the Union. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal Thursday night at the Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw, at 8:00 p.m. Cerele Francais meeting' on Wed- nesday, April 24, at 7:30 p.m. in 408 R.L. La Sociedad Hispanica will present a program on Wednesday, April 24, at 7:30 in St. Mary's Chapel Audi- torium (Williams and Thompson Streets). A Spanish one act play, music, and songs will be included in the program. This meeting is open and free to all interested. Peace Mobilization meeting, with Dr. E. W. Blakeman as principal speaker, on Thursday, April 25, at 8:00 p.m. at Michigan Union.General