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February 18, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-18

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Youth Congress Dramatizes Issues
Confrontig Young Americans


" '1

EAdted and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority ofthe Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Carl Petersen . . . . Managing Editor
Elliott Maraniss . . . . Editorial Director
Stan M. Swinton . . . . . City Editor
Morton L. Linder . . . . . Associate Editor
Norman A. Schorr . . . . . Associate Editor
Dennis Flanagan . . . . . Associate Editor
John N. Canavan . . . . . Associate Editor
Aen vicary . . . . . . Women's Editor
Mel Flneberg . Sports Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager . . . . . Paul R. Park
Ast. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart
Women's Business Manager . Zenovia Skoratko
Women's Advertising Manager . Jane Mowers
Publications Manager . . . Harriet S. Levy
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Strong Action Will
Preserve Our Liberties ..
WITHOUT COMMENT, Federal Judge Edward
J. Moinet this week freed 16 persons of
charges of recruiting Spanish Loyalists soldiers
in Detroit, thus closing a case handled by two
United States Attorneys-General.
But in a larger sense, when these arrests are
viewed against a whole background of civil
liberties violations and the broader perspective
of American democracy, the case is not closed
and cannot be closed.
The arrests in themselves were evident viola-
tions of constitutional guarantees. Attorney-
General Jackson admitted: "Even handed and
impartial justice would not localize prosecu-
tions of this character to Detroit nor confine
them to only one side of the Spanish War, nor
even to the Spanish War itself.
"Since these acts were not prosecuted when
they were new or current, it seems inappropri-
ate to begin prosecutions for activities so long
known to the government. Unless we. are to
proceed with all the cases arising during the
period, it would be manifestly unjust. to single
out these Detroit indictments."
The circumstances =surrounding the arrests
were likewise flagrant violations of the Bill of
Rights: the time and manner of the arrests;
the denial of visitors or of adequate time for
counsel for those arrested; the exorbitant bail
that was levied.
Yet the inference can be drawn that it was
above all the active vigilance of the Michigan
Civil Rights Federation and the vigilance of
similar groups throughout the country with
similar hopes for the real preservation of de-
mocracy, that was mostly responsible for the
sudden change in attitude of Attorney-General*
Jackson and the sudden dismissal of the case.
That inference is an optimistic one. It im-
plies that if determined awareness of a threat
to American civil liberties could succeed in forc-
ing the dismissal of the Detroit cases that simi-
lar vigilance could succeed in destroying other
violations of civil rights in other cases.
rapidly increasing. Throughout the nation,
varied state legislatures are considering drastic
anti-alien bills and there are many such bills
ever present in the country's capital. Vigilante

activity seems unchecked in the state of Wash-
ington, the migrant laborer is denied his rights
in California, and in the South and even in
the Northeast, the Negro is deprived of his rights
under the 14th and 15th amendments. The Dies
Committee rambles on with new appropriations
and reliance upon ex parte cases and its "abso-:
lute privilege" to slander groups and individuals
without remembering the fundamental fact that
"a man is considered innocent until proven
Above all, the preservation of Civil Liberties
must be realized against an ominous background
in which the United States is one of the few
major nations that is at peace while the rest
of the world is involved in declared or unde-
clared war. And it is in time of stress, where
the thrashing out of the paramount considera-
tions of national policy is imperative, that free-
dom of press, speech and assembly- as well as
the rights of those indicted assume their great-
est importance.
The Detroit cases are closed, but they indi-

YOUNG AMERICA came of age last weekend.
The generation that grew up in the dark
days of the depression of the last decade, a
generation steeled by adversity and educated by
bitter experience, officially attained maturity on
the rain-swept front lawn of the White House
where 5,000 of their delegates had come to lay
down, for all America to see and hear, their
hopes and desires and needs. They had come
to the Nation's Capitol, from factory, farm,
school and church, representing the 5,000,000
young people who are affiliated with the Ameri-
can Youth Congress, to discuss their problems
and to tell the President and the Congress what
they were thinking. Deep in their hearts was
the picture of "a land free of the misery of war
and oppression, of a people brave in their con-
quest of the social frontier." Deep in their minds
was the picture of four million young Americans
without work, with the doors of industry, and
even the relief rolls closed to them; of a new
war, which could bring nothing but "death and
degradation to youth and profit and power to a
few" reaching out for them. They were keenly
aware of these problems facing them and the
nation, and were intent upon actively advanc-
ing the interests of the entire people. Their
simple aims reflected the profoundest aspira-
tions of all Americans: education, vocational
training, employment at a living wage, preser-
vation of the civil liberties proclaimed in the
Bill of Rights, and the vigilant defense of peace.
The writer of this article Was one of those
thousands of young people who went to Wash-
ington. The Americans he met there were typi-
cal youngsters, who were wide-awake, who knew
what problems were facing them, who knew
what they wanted, and who knew how to get it
There were young Negro girls from the deep
South who told us a tale of unbelievable misery
and poverty; the Tom Joads and Rosasharons
of the Grapes of Wrath country who related the
epic of the Okies; young men who help reap
the corn on the Iowa plains; young auto work-
ers, waiters, electricians, seamen and miners wh
told us the story of youth's part in the growth of
trade unionism; young students, expertly trained
for some profession, with no hope for employ-
ment; and there were the representatives of the
four million of us who are without jobs: the
kids who spent the last decade on box-cars and
highways roaming the country looking for work,
who have known the hunger and frustration
that comes with enforced idleness. These young
people were marching arm-in-arm to the future,
organized, determined to solve their problems,
and inspired with the courage that comes with
youthfulness, with strength, and with a program
that is based on the unshakeable foundations
of truth, fact and real need.
THE THREE DAYS of the Institute were spent.
in general sessions discussing the problems
of jobs for young people, civil liberties and
keeping out of war. The Institute was a gath-
ering of young people from all parts of the
country to inform the nation of youth's needs
and to discuss how young people can best use
their citizenship privileges. The Institute, of
course, was not a policy-making gathering: the
fact, however, that it represented so many
young people, and that it was discussing serious
problems, served to attract nation-wide atten-
tion to the meeting. Unfortunately, some of
the speakers and most of the newspapers re
fused to meet the delegates on the issues that
were up for discussion. Despite every effort to
discredit the Congress, to avoid straightforward
debate on the problems on the agenda, to be-
little our intelligence and intellectual powers, to
confuse and split the convention, the delegates
stood firm in their resolution to bring the real
issues into the open, to discuss them freely and
comprehensively, and to retain their unity, in-
tegrity and independence.
THERE IS NO AVOIDING these problems
which Young America presented to the
President and to Congress. If the President
thinks we are capable of nothing but "unadul-
terated twaddle" he has greatly misjudged the
sentiments and capabilities of American youth.
Like any other public figure he will be judged
squarely on the basis of the issues, of his atti-
tude toward the program we have formulated.
The choice facing the delegates at Washington
was not one between the personalities of Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, and John L. Lewis; it was

simply one between a man and his party which
has refused to consider our progressive pro-
posals, and between the representative of 3,000,-
000 organized Americans who offered Americans
youth an opportunity for joint action in solving
these problems.
So universal are these problems that their
significance and effect have even penetrated
through the thick walls of the campus ivory
towers. Students on the University of Michigan
campus realize, as keenly as does an unem-
ployed mechanic, that the main problem con-
fronting youth today is that of jobs. Govern-
ment statistics estimate the number of unem-
ployed workers between the ages of 16 and 25
at about four million. NYA State Administra-
tors report that about two million of these un-
employed young people come from families un-
able to provide for their support. Nearly half
a million more from low income groups are cer-
tified to the NYA as in need of employment,
but fund limitations have prevented the NYA
from providing them with jobs. It is against
these existing needs that the present 'NYA,
CCC, and WPA programs proposed by the Pres-
ident must be measured. Altogether federal
assistance by these three agencies now reaches
approximately 800,000 young people-less than
20 per cent of the total in need. Furthermore-

supernatural powers to see the sharp war trends
in Washington's policy these days. These are
the hard facts that the young people of America
have recalled to the attention of the country as
threatening us with war: increase in arms at the
expense of social services; a war budget; the
evasion of American neutrality legislation
through transfer of American-controlled ships
to foreign flags; introduction and approval of
bills for loans to belligerent powers; proposals
to grant the President "emergency war powers"
unprecedented in peace time; the threats to civil
liberties in an atmosphere of war hysteria; the
attempts to build prosperity through production
of war materials rather than through a national
economy that gives us full employment in so-
cially useful production.
ON THIS ROAD lies war for America. Ameri-
can youth and the American Youth Congress
have accepted the serious responsibility of of-
fering vigorous leadership in the day-to-day
effort to keep our peace. For the purpose of
providing American youth honest knowledge of
the factors involved in maintaining our peace,
of the economic and political issues, of the role
of our country in the entire world picture, and
of the role of American youth in resisting the
threat of entanglement in war, the AYC Peace
Commission has declared its support of the fol-
lowing policies:
For A Strict Neutrality-no troops, no war
loans to belligerent countries abroad; no mili-
tarization of NYA or CCC; no M-Day prepara-
For Employment and Education for Youth-
restoration of educational cuts, expansion of
NYA, passage of the American Youth Act, and
adequate health and housing provisions for the
American people.
For Our Civil Liberties-free speech, free as-
sembly, free press; for the rights of minority
groups-racial, political and religious; defense of
labor's right to organize; against headline hy-
steria in any form.
For the Protection of Living Standards-no
war profiteering, no war economy, no arms ex-
pansion at the cost of adequate social and ec-
onomic programs; wages to be kept equal to
rising prices; defense measures for the house-
wife and for youth.
THIS IS THE PROGRAM for youth for a
peaceful and prosperous America. These
are the steps that must be taken if America is
to stay out of war. They require practical day-
to-day action in every locality in America. And
they are no less urgent in Ann Arbor than they
are in Washington. We too will feel the sharp
edge of the budget axe; we too will be called
upon to make every sacrifice to fight a war in
which we have not the slightest interest; we too
are faced with an imminent threat to our civil
liberties. And, of equal importance, is the fact
that we here in Ann Arbor are well aware of
these problems and are active in attempting to
solve them, as the quickness and efficacy of
our protest against the violation of civil liber-
ties in Detroit indicates. It is the responsibility
of every campus organization, of every student
on campus, to immediately come to grips with
the problems that the American Youth Congress
so dramatically brought to the country's at-
tention. We must quickly make a serious at-
tempt to soberly discuss our common problems
at an open meeting, and try to arrive at a basis
for common and effective action. For what is
at stake is nothing less than the lives and
liberties of all of us.
CBS Presentations
Sunday, Feb. 18
2:30 to 3 p.m.-Reinald Werrenrath, popular
American baritone, and Egon Petri, eminent
concert pianist, are guest contestants on the
weekly CBS musiquiz, "So You Think You Know
3 p.m.-New York Philharmonic-Symphony
Orchestra, John Barbirolli, conducting. Deems
Taylor is commentator.
Polonaise, Arietta and Passacaglia ...........

Symphony in F major, No. 8 ........Beethoven
Site, "Set of Three" ..............John Powell
Bolero ..................................Ravel
9 to 10 p.m.-Ford Sunday Evening Hour.
Overture to "Le Baruffe Chiozzote" (orchestra)
Largo: Ombra Mai Fu, from "Xerxes" ..Handel'
Mr." Thomas and orchestra
Caprice Espagnole (orchestra) .............
rtatchez on the Hill (orchestra) .:. John Powell
Jean (Mr. Thomas and orchestra) ... Burleigh
a) The Conscientious Deacon . . .Buzzi-Peccia
b) A Little Song of Life (Mr. Thomas and
piano) ...............................M alotte
Scarf Dance (orchestra).. . . ...Chaminade
Old Man River, from "Show Boat" . Jerome Kern
(Mr. Thomas, chorus and orchestra)
Overture to "Der Freischutz" (orchestra) ....
.-.- .-.... .... . .........von W eber
Star Spangled Banner......National Anthem
(Mr. Thomas, chorus, audience and orchestra).
Monday, Feb. 19
3:45 to 4:30 p.m. (First 15 minutes not WABC)
Young People's Concert from New York's
Town Hall, played by the New York Philhar-
monic-Symphony Orchestra, Rudolph Ganz,
conducing. The work of the wood-winds of the
orchestra is explained and musical examples

By Morty-Q.
CARL PETERSEN (with an "e" if
you please) and Stan Swinton,
managing and city editors of the Daily
respectively, are a couple of queer
characters. Pete is a long stretch
of skin and bones who spends all his
spare time reading Hamlet. He has a
big map of Denmark in his dorm
room (there's barely room for him
and the map in that cute cubicle)
and, when he has an occasional visi-
tor, he ties him down and rants
about the glory of the Danes. Swin-
ton will rant about anything at any
time. No one ever listens to him, so
occasionally he shuts up. It is ru-
mored that he saw the picture, "His
Girl Friday," six times. He thinks
the United States is a subsidiary of
the United Press.
Well, anyhow, Pete and Stan went'
into Detroit the other evening to see
the Benny Goldberg-Kayo Morgan
episode. First they went up to the
United Press office to see Steve some-
body. No Steve. Then they went
over to the Detroit Times to see Guy
Whipple. No Guy. Then they looked
up Clayt Hepler at the Times. No
Clayt. They went to the Free Press
to see Don Schram, the state editor.
No Don. . After this highly successful
afternoon, they went to the fight.
No fight. (Both of the contestants
were tossed out of the ring by the
referee for stalling). So Stan, ever
on the alert for a story, filed a long
recount of the happenings to the
Daily. They finally left Detroit and
came back to A.A. at about 3 a.m.
and rushed over to the Daily to see
the story in the paper. No story.
next day, Pete, along with
"Scoop" Schleider and "Oberlin"
Chandler, went up to Lansing for
the Michigan Intercollegiate Press
Association meeting. There, in the
shadow of the silos, Pete was sup-
posed to lead a roundtable on "Off-
Campus Reporting." The three wan-
dered about the campus for a while;
Pete says that at least seven dif-
ferent guys tried to milk Schleider,
while another group chased Chandler
all over the place finally attempting
to put him in one of the nearby sties.
Came 2 p.m. and they go over to
start the discussion only to find it
was held at 10 in the morning. Then,
on the way to the bus, Schleider
starts following some pretty girl,
trips and breaks his glasses. She
sat beside him on the bus, but he
never knew it because he couldn't
see that far.
gave the scientist's point of view
in the "Existence and Nature of Re-
ligion" series, sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association, was quite
a disappointment to Mr. Q. Not only
did he not present his viewpoint ade-
quately but he refused to touch cer-
tain important problems involved
and, as a result, his argument (inso-
far as it was an argument at all) was
weak, besides being somewhat in-
Speaking of a supernatural force
Prof. Carlson vehemently declared
that, as far as he was concerned,
there was no God outside of the hu-
man body. And, just as he said that,
he unconsciously used the very
common phrase, "God knows" to
bring out one of his points. It was
slightly incongruous, to say the least.
- **
'T SEEMS as if the Michigan pro-
fessors are getting funny again,
for a new batch of "professor cracks"
has come to Mr. Q's attention. Every

once in a while there seems to be a
spurt in the faculty wit and some
pretty good gags have resulted.
Professor Preuss, of the political
science department, met the first
class in one of his courses this week
and, after the usual preliminaries,
said: "We shall begin the course with
a study of contemporary Germany."
Whereupon one gentleman in the
back, obviously in the wrong room,
got up and walked out. "Anti-Nazi,,,
cracked Professor P.
Professor Pollock of the political
science department was about to be-
gin a lecture recently when one of
the numerous campus canines strolled
in. Professor P. removed the animal
and cracked, as he re-entered the
room: "We have to draw the line
In Re Finland
NO ONE can deny that feeding and
clothing needy citizens of invad-
ed Finland is an extremely worthy
and important cause. But unfortu-
nately just now the Finns are en-
gaged in an international conflict,
a war into which the United States
might easily be drawn.
It would be both provincial and
selfish to say that Americans should
contribute nothing to the victims of
war on the other side of the Atlantic.
And Stanford students give evidence
that they harbor no such belief when

(Continued from Page 2)
terested in a career in government1
service and who are able to make a1
satisfactory adjustment under condi-
tions similar to those found in the
Indian Service are most desired.
Candidates must hold a bachelor's1
degree from a recognized college, and
have achieved a high scholastic aver-
age; they must be citizens of the
United States.
L. S. Woodurne
Deadline for Change of Elections,
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: No course may be added
after the end of the third week of
the semester. This correct informa-
tion conflicts with the statement
(page 37, "Announcement, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts")
which reads, " No student shall be
admitted to a class after the end of
the second week of a semester." The
last day for adding course is Satur-
day, March 2, the end of the third
E. A. Walter
Students and Faculty, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Grades for laboratory courses, in
which extensions of time were auto-
matically granted until the end of the
first semester 1939-1940, should be
reported as soon as possible, but not
later than Saturday, February 24.
Grades for courses in this category,
not reported by February 24 will auto-
matically be lapsed to E. The courses
affected by this regulation are listed
on page 38 of the Announcement of
our College.
E. A. Walter

ment of degree or degrees held, no-
tarized statement of all teaching ex-
perience, money order of $2.50 to de-
fray cost of examinations, teacher's
application blank completely filled
out, and notice of examination field.
Furtber details may be secured at
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
201 Mason Hall
Academic Notices
Political Science 52. Make-up ex-
amination for section 1 will be given
on Wednesday, Feb. 21. at 1:30 p.m.
Room 2037. Angell Hall.
Political Science 203 will meet Mon-
day, Feb. 19, at 3:00 p.m. in Room
2034 A.H.
Make-up examinations in German:
All students entitled to take them are
requested to call at the office, 204
U.H., on or before February 29, for
making necessary arrangements.


I :

Eligibility for Second Semester:
Students applying for eligibility cer-
tificates for the second semester ares
reminded that they must present first
semester report cards at Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall, in order to assure im-
mediate receipt of their new cards.1
First semester eligibility certificates
will be invalid after March 1.
To All Faculty Members and Staff:
Special Employment Time Reports
must be in the Business Office on
Wednesday, February 21, to be in-
cluded in the roll for February 29.
Edna Geiger Miller
Payroll Clerk
C.A.A. Flight Training: The new
transportation schedules for the sec-
ond semester are now posted on the,
Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin
Biological Chemistry I11. Labora-
tory refund slips may be obtained in
Room 228, West Medical Building, on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thurs-
days from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. A written
order must be presented if a student
wishes to obtain a refund slip for
another individual.
Marsh and Mandelbaum Scholar-
ships for 1940-1941: Students in the
Literary College may now file appli-
cations for the above scholarships, on
blanks to be obtained from the office
of the Dean of the College, 1210 Angell
Hall. All applications must be re-
turned to the same office on or be-
fore March 1. Awards will be an-
nounced sometime in April.
For the photograph required, either
a snapshot or a duplicate of that at-
tached to the student identification
card may be used.
The Marsh Scholarships have re-
cently carried stipends of $50 or $75.
The Mandelbaum Scholarships, of
which three are awarded to men stu-
dents in the Literary College, carry
stipends of approximately $350. The
scholarships here named are restrict-
ed to those who are students of the
Literary College only, and in award-
ing them consideration is given to
character, need of financial assist-
ance, and scholarship, in the order
Owing to the limited amount of
funds available, awards under these
scholarships are normally granted
only to students whose enrollment
in the college, has exceeded one year.
Deviations from this are made only
in very exceptional instances.
Aeronautical Engineering Seniors
and Graduates: Students obtaining
either bachelors' or masters' degrees
in Aeronautical Engineering in June
or August, 1940, should fill out the
Department personnel records im-
mediately. Blanks for this purpose
may be obtained in the Department of
Aeronautical Engineering Office,
Room B-47 East Engineering Build-
ing. Manufacturers are already ask-
ing for information on this year's
graduates, and it is essential that the
personnel records be available at once
so that they may be supplied with
accurate and complete data. Delay
in turning in these records may re-
sult in incomplete information going
o the manufacturers.
Teaching Candidates: Examina-
tions for applicants for teaching po-
sitions in the Toledo Ohio Public

German 211 Gothic will meet on
Mondays from 7-9 p.m. in 303 S.W.
N'orman L. Willey
Psychology 39, beginning Monday,
will meet in Room 1121 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg.
Psychology 108, beginning Monday,
will meet in Room 212, Angell Hall.
Music 41: Make-up examinations
for those who received Incompletes
first semester, will be held Friday,
Feb. 23, at 1:00 p.m. Room 206, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Leonard Gregory
R4esearch Club will meet Wednes-
day, Feb. 21, at 8:00 p.m. in the Am-
phitheatre of the Rackham Building.
Papers by Dr. C. C. Sturgis on "The
Present Status of the Treatment of
Pernicious Anemia," and Professor E.
S. Brown on "The Restoration of Civil
and Political Rights by Presidential
Pardon." The Council will meet in
the Assembly Hall at 7:40 p.m.
Botanical Seminar will meet Wed-
nesday, February 21, at 4:30, Room
1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by A. H.
Smith: "Agarics from the Olympic
Mountains of Washington."
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, February 19, at 8:00 p.m.
Subject: "The Pleuropneumonia Or-
ganisms." Al interested are invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building, at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 20. Subject: "Some B Com-
plex Factors Other Than. Thiamin."
All interested are invited.
Physics Colloquium: Professor S.
A. Goudsmit will speak on "Error and
Probability" on Monday, Feb. 19, at
4:15 pm. in Room 1041 E. Physics
Mathematics 300, Orientation Sem-
inar. Preliminary meeting, Monday,
at 4 o'clock in 3014 A. H.
Economics Club Meeting: Professor
George R. Husband of Wayne Univer-
sity will speak on the subject, "Con-
sideration of Some Criticisms of Or-
thodox Economics," in the Rackham
Amphitheatre on Monday, February
19, at 7:45 p.m. Staff members and
graduate students in Business Ad-
ministration and Economics are cor-
dially invited.
A reading examination for all stu-
dents interested in enrolling in a spe-
cial service course in remedial read-
ing, which is to be organized shortly,
will be held at 2 o'clock today in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
examination will begin precisely at the
time announced and last approxi-
mately two hours.
First Aid Class for University Stu-
dents starts Tuesday, Feb. 20, 7:00
to 9:00 p.m., Room 2014, -University
High School. William F. Saulson,
'40 Ed., Red Cross Lay Instructor,
in charge.
Red Cross Life Saving and Water
Safety Class for men students starts
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.,
Intramural Pool. Maurice S. Reizen,
'40Spec., Red Cross Life Saving
and Water Safety Instructor, in
Graduation Recital: Barbara M.
Cahoon ,pianist; will give a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Bachelor of Music de-
gree, in the School of Music Audi-
torium on Maynard Street, Tuesday,
Feb. 20, at 8:15 o'clock. The general
public is invited.

American Indian painting, south


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