- - - ---- - - - - - --- ----- - --------- -- --------- ----- - - -- -- ----
'0..t :.
iidieorsP icpate
Tenor Sh ows tHeCan ISvwng'
Giovanni Martinelli, the fam ous "c I tinik TI uke ti corn ?1d( '
Operatic tenor, shIowed heouw~ldid at _('!o't. nI Owt
"swing it" with the re-st of the hlep- 'a-note, and then111('11the
cats recently, While playing- a g;uest- Sing " Dinah"l' and -1el S
artist spot on Edrie Cantor's radio boy!,v' t'te(uscin11Ilw
show. er hnte wn MAp
," heI.i
) f ,d
,1 ('1 }
ek11 ii,
Bar,,itone ~Robert Wee~llcde Noted
As StarIn aigtdFed
Robet W de, Allc-men nban tone meine thenl been leadling :baritonle of
of~ ~ ~ j teMtooiawohas achieved the lzaoio cityxMusics Hall presenta-
noic on thel dramnatic stagec, in radio,.racss
(oncert and oratorio, was born in tosadteMscfalo h i
nf- Weede made his Metrcpolitan
i ore vwre he studied voi1ce pr dbtintesrigo 1-7a
,...' the late G eorg>e Castelle.
In 927he on he atinalFed Tnjo i'"Pagliacci." His operatic
i Ilsc. Cnt17p 9' h , nOwNaina --experiencecs have also included ap-
era in o MsicClbs onestan Ipearances with the La Scala Corn-
a en to thle Eastmanl Schooli of Mus ic pany of Philadelphia, the St. Louis
at Rcheterto continue lhis studies Grand Opera Company, the Cincin-
udrAdelini Fermin. Two years nati Su- mmer Opera, at the Robin
-la'r woun te Carulso Memnorial Hlood Dell diurinlg the summer season
Foundation aw ard and as at resultj of the Philadelphia Orchestra and
setthe following year and a half 'with the New York Philhzarmonic-
in Itly. Rturn~ing to this country, Symphony during the Stadium Con-,
1, w ,as hearid by Boxy in 1933 and has certs series.
1 -
IlVI'. \/iul. u n o0U ~' at live, prote5-
air in '. iohn j. 'a e ai 16, he has
beca eoi~4n I ~nu f~v airnosi a quarter
of ecu' ~r;. he l>i s directed the
New Yen 01 In mm ac, the Mine-
apoh~ S~nspiBav annA ~he Philadel-
])hia Gi ciicst' a.
^ i
II .i
A- - 1
I }
i 1
Saol( a on 05 Oeate ondctor of
he Pileei~nia ichetrasince
1~ ~~~~M 93,hsUnpaigfrttrumpet
wit te r'~ivalo~isicehe was
21. h [re e~jonedtheorchestra
wliin le ws 1, h plyedin the
Rtmsen 8n~phny ad with the I
Yo~it2 ci 5hz~pii~ly.Mr. Cas;on
1ildrc i rhsr in the IFi-
li .Mcoadvh will leadW the
orcesta ~ th frst.perfor~ inee
a _ rhsrlcnutr He prefers
to hin ofhimelfasa composer,
howeeranda lng istof works in
Ic ,,: 1t Ifrivni' <<Mr I areb m' -
Veteran Of The Concert lag?
IsForced Into Pollit aEil
A true veteran of the concert stage, playing at one of L 'scheti ky's st io
Artur Schnabel can look back on a concerts. After finis hing h? is selec-
career of 38 years in which he has
played and lived in most of the coun-
tries of the world.
Born in Austria 53 years ago, Mr.
7 elinabel made Germany the center
of his concert and teaching activities
un.'t i e had to leave because of polii-
icIA conditions. Although his sonsj
make the United States their home
he and his wife live in London most
of the year.
He was fortunate in not having
tion, an elderly bearded 6mranars
from a far cornero h omt s
in amazement:
"How in goodness' nam~ie (c:!IiYOU
play all of this socortl"
It is probably rum e than a c,)ifle
dence that M1,. Siiblhshci
one of the greatiest xoetso h
works of this mnrhn :u~ nes B ~irahms.t
One of SchnaelisIrnbond1ue
is not to gi ve encores, asheblvs
that masterpjiec,,es must ba--:followed ,c
The right is reserved to make such changes
THIS NOTED PIANIST has a long and bril-
liant back<ground as a concert artist. From his
irt pc. nc as a St udent: und(crL csche jzk yh~,
at the ageof five, wIIen Johanu;11CS Brahmis
remarked,; -How in god enme can you
play all this so correctly?" Schunabel has become
distinguished for his superb playing and
dynamic personalit y.
I i
o u IuLinl 1U1r g 'y . so 5hiuitrivil as n addtiona
}mn vlrtiit atf inkrI'1in ha rain1ig in his youth. At ten he was' o; )
I) II) '15 '1)15'. ''(0cpted as a pupil of Leschetizky heavy work de o sal l-(
~ ~L t '0uY, le ~o (ndu t ~ h andr continued with him for five years the audiene.Hwvronel bok
Phiadepha O ;si a n te rm{- all the regular instruction he ever this rule.
enofoecthsyrions.had. IThis happenedin asingon
To lino wilcnutthe The story is told of his experience D.C., some yearsagowhe a fault
Clioi o Union n its Fstival resen-chair prevented hini fo lyn h
foin,1.h o itnto sirst part of his prgrmtohs( w
th oraie nyi ia ie'o ff~~fj eublsatisfaction. While, a.'ap! e bt
theL Mo1rt'eCsvaIf' tofS1- Ihe har sppi id :idi
e m' , N.C ; s i h lie o 1k B ch(1V I c s o i w o c s nth h im , a nd tl houi h, Schu ab l' r
hold it in place it was of no u, to,
std ,d u i odcig o5. I yFestival listeners might as i he found imself strtch inhis ), n
bni~cral y *~ V h ~;;nve onhtonprepar ed for the fact that and legs to rahI ckyon n
thro'ho ~n ~lile est nd briewil beno encores when Artur pedal.
ot. enelplays,.lHe doesn't believe lIt Aus foud" tat e hai wa
I~~~~~~~~~~ i),( iv ( oun'dfdor oI nyonce has the Austrian pia- 1to keep the es rmdaain h
inat\ a l~ o'vnmsV a Jav Ihgbc nis brkenthis rule. A squeakyr carpet.Teywr rmven
his~~~~~~ ,,n,'I J 'icash ranrchi olhrdhim at a Washington ISchnabel pla:yed te oly e'ncore..InI
~i (iibl '.''' ulib ol oysandI aVia sohe played an encore "in is lC X)cIO 'aii
~ r~ Iichor iiiVaployto Beethoven." amends ,1to ei v
Tbrd ~I1 T~'h~tH~d Cn~t
NOON, 1V1A' 10, iat 2:30
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in the programs or in the personnel of partici-
pants as necessity may require. Tickets are
sold at purchasers' risks, and if lost, mislaid,
burned, or destroyed in any manner, the Uni-
versity Musical Society will not assume re-
sponsibility, nor will duplicates be issued.
Concerts will begin on Eastern Standard
time. Evening concerts at 8:30 and afternoon
concerts at 2:30.
Holdlers of season tickets are requested to
detach the proper coupon for each concert and
present for admission (instead of the whole
ticket) .
Concerts will begin on time, and doors will
be closed during numbers. Late corners will
be required to wait 'until admitted.
Lost and found articles should be inquired
for at the office of Shirley W. Smith, Vice-
President and Secretary of the University,
University Hall.
Traffic regulations will be enforced by the
Ann Arbor Police Department and t he Building
and Grounds Department of the University.
For obvious reasons, notices wilt not be an-
nounced from the stage.
Rehearsals are private, and auditors will
not "be admitted.
An art exhibition will be conducted in
Alumni Mvemorial Hall during the Festival.
The Steinway is the official piano of the
University Musical ,Society.
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Suppor7 ntinq Ckit
ijn Concept
*J Isw/f
Mar tinelli
i f. //11P,
A very limited number of tickets will be
on sale over the counter so long as the supply
.''' k ;t.; :5::.'.' 1?: ,':.