THE MICHIGAN DAIT.y SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1940 .-.-:s y- .'...a.. V a ~ a * C 1f / 7,1a t ..a SUNDAY., _ , _. A~L2. 1940 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; 'sy mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEKiSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES *-SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen . . . . Managing Editor Elliott Maraniss . . . . Editorial Director Stan M. Swinton . . . . . . City Editor Morton L. Linder . . . . Associate Editor Norman A. Schorr . . . . . Associate Editor Dennis Flanagan . . . Associate Editor Election Ills In The U.S. ,... P RESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES now occurring in various states are re- ceiving considerable attention from politicians, professional observers and the ordinary voters. Consequently, it is pertinent to bring up a prob lem that has concerned political scientists, but has not been sufficiently publicized in the news- papers and magazines which carry frequent analyses of political trends. The question is how may the candidates for one of the most impor- tant offices in the world be selected in a manner that is the most efficient and democratic pos- sible? Most students of the subject are agreed that nomination by convention is not democratic enough because too much power is placed in the hands of a few energetic and influential party workers. An adequate substitute for the national convention is yet to be worked out, but reform has been suggested 'and adopted in a few states in regard to the selection of dele- gates. It is the same method that was substi- tuted for the convention procedure of nomin- ating local and state officials in a number of areas-the direct primary. The question then arises why is this plan only in effect now in 17 states. PROF. LOUISE OVERACKER, an authority on the subject, contends that one of the chief difficulties with the results of the pri- maries is its lack of control over delegates. She argues that a delegate cannot be an automaton because he must act on more than one ques- tion, and secondly, during prolonged balloting, he must use discretion. The problem of delegate control has been attacked from two different angles: by having a popular preference vote for the president and holding it binding on the delegates; or by select- ing candidates whose preferences correspond to those of the voters whom they represent. These methods have been used with all sorts of varia- tions and not with overwhelming success. The best plan appears to be the one which gives te presidential aspirant winning the preference vote, the power to select delegates. AN ADDITIONAL source of criticism is the "swing-around-the-circle" situation with the dates of the primaries rangir from early March to late May instead of on a single day. Success in one state can affect the results in the others and the, issues may be varied with the time and state. The chief merit to the pro- cedure with its present weaknesses is that it provides a barometer of political feeling in cer- tain areas. Even here there are limitations be- cause candidates realize it is bad politics to run in a state where there is a favorite son. Nor do they serve as effective barometers if considered as a whole. A candidate may win all the pri- maries and still be far from controlling the con- vention. As a matter of record the primaries have not dictated the nomination in a majority of cases. Up until 1916 it was thought that the idea would sweep the country. There were then 22 states that had it. Today the number has dropped to 17. Prof. Overacker points out that we have reached an impasse: unless the pro- cedure is extended to more states, at least enough to control the convention, it cannot be effective. But it is difficult to argue for its extension because of its present ineffectiveness. -Alvin Dann Jonn N. anavan . . . . Associate EuItor Ann Vicary . . . . . . Women's Editor Mel Fineberg . . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager.. . . Paul R. Park Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart Women's Business Manager . Zenovia skoratko Women's Advertising Manager . . Jane Mowers Publications Manager . . . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MASCOTT The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of Tle Daily staff and represent the views of te writers only.. Education In China .. HE MOST heroic work in the field T of education that mankind has yet witnessed."0 Such is the praise that Prof. J. Raleigh Nel- son, director of the International Center, gives to the efforts and determination of Chinese students to continue their education in a coun- try where nearly all the schools and universi- ties are devastated. Bggore the war began in the summer of 1937, thore were in China 45,000 students in 82 col-, leges training to serve the needs of 450,000,000 Chinese people. These students were studying to become the leaders in the immense task of bringing to China's millions a standard of living. and education complementary to building a true Chinese democracy. Eight colleges are now left on pre-war cam- puses in China. Besides the devastation of factories, countrysides, cities and hospitals the war has destroyed or closed 93 percent of China's schools and colleges. BUT undaunted, Chinese students are deter- mned to continue their preparation and give reality to the statement of their national leader, Chiang Kai Shek: "Students can best serve their country by completing their edpa- tion" Although the physical plants of China's uni- versities are destroyed, these educational insti- tutions are still living entities, maintained in caves, dugouts, hostels and barracks that the students have constructed throughout China. But these brave students need food, shelter, clothing and medical care if they are to con- tinue their noble work. More hostels and bar- racks are needed to house the now transient universities of China. ARISING to the emergency, the Far Eastern Student Service Fund has pledged its sup- port to the rebuilding of China by raising money for those prime necessities of Chinese students today--food, clothing, shelter and medical care. The Service Fund is organized and supported by student, church, peace and progressive groups throughout America. It is not attempt- ing to create antagonism toward Japan, for two percent of the money it receives gogs for the future reconciliation between Chinese and Ja- panese students. Here on the Michigan campus the Student Religious Association has taken the lead in or- ganizing aid for Chinese students in cooperation with the Service Fund. Tomorrow evening Dr. T. Z. Koo, internationally known lecturer and secretary of the World Student Christian Fed- eration, will speak on "Progress in Free China" at the Rackham Lecture Hall in behalf of the local drive to help Chinese students receive training for the rehabilitation of their devas- tated, country. Now think this over. Five cents means a coke OR one week's, shelter for a Chinese student. 15 cents means a chocolate milkshake OR meals for one week. One dollar means cigarettes an movies for you and the girl friend OR medical care for six students for one year. The local address of the Service Fund is in care of Ken- neth Morgan, Lane Hall. - Robert Speckhard Of ALL Things... .... By MortywQ . .. . (Editor's note: Since Mr. Q. is away in South Bend investigating doweries and grocery businesses, Associate Editor Norman A. "Barney" Schorr takes over the column for today.) IT SNOWED in Washington last Friday, (the first April snow the capital has had in 50 years, one heard) so we were late in getting to the White House for our press conference with the President. (There were to be about 50 other correspondents there, too.) At the outer door we were greeted by several uniformed officers, who collectively raised their eyebrows and asked, "Press?" We nodded and kept walking, and/or running, into an anteroom where the representatives of leading newspapers and press services from all over the country were waiting to see The Chief. We weren't in the room more than seven seconds when a ruddy-faced man in a brown suit was at our side, asking, "Pardon me, I seem to have for- gotten your name." Quickly we answered, "You don't know us, we just look like someone you know, but the name is Sch-" Then it dawned on us that "they" had caught us. For a split-second we felt like fugitives from justice, but fortunately, our Washington host, Fred Warner Neal, city editor of The Daily in 1937 and now with United Press, ap- peared and explained to this Mr. Donaldson, head of the White House Press Division, who we were. Of course that made things entirely different, so we joined Neal, who already had Carl Petersen and Mel Fineberg in 'tow. THE newspaper boys were rather restless, it seems they had been waiting for a half hour now, so they started to pound on the big white door just like the bleacher fans do at Briggs Stadium. Finally, the door swung open and we stumbled into another anteroom where we caught fleeting images of Cabinet members Cordell Hull and Henry A. Wallace, and several Senators, also waiting for an audience with the President. We kept going into the next room, through another gauntlet of Secret Ser- vice men, and into the Executive Office. The President was seated behind his very large desk which was covered with all sorts of little trinkets, dolls, ash trays, elephants, etc. He seemed very confident, and healthy (his political opponents notwithstanding). He was smiling and chatting with the group of Senators and other officials grouped around him. He wore a black bow tie and puffed at a cigarette holder which was perched at a cockf angle., The conference was opened, informally, by a question from one of the reporters concerning the President's latest Reorganization Plan, which had been ordered the day before. From the tone of his reply we knew that this was a dif- ferent Roosevelt from the fireside Roosevelt. This was a relaxed Roosevelt, speaking to men whom he knew, men who have worked with him for eight years, men who do not necessarily agree with him, but like him because he has been cooperative and considerate in his dealings with the gentlemen of the Press. After a series of questions about some other provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 3, and the television investigation, the scribes warmed up to the "hot" subject of the day-the war in Europe. This was the first time the President was available following the invasion of Norway and Denmark, and we expected fireworks. FROM the far side of the room we heard, "Mr. President, would the Monroe Doctrine be invoked in the event of the physical invasion of Greenland and Iceland by Germany?" Everyone perked up and here we saw the President at his best, handling a question he didn't iitend to answer. His head tilted at the typical Rooseveltian angle, he smiled and replied, "Don't you think that is premature, right now?" He laughed and everyone else laughed, because they knew there would be no answer. For too many of them have already been "ordered to the corner" or told to put on a dunce cap for posing questions of the Third-Term calibre. Upon repeated questioning, however, the President revealed that following a study the geography of Greenland, its flora and fauna, in encyclopaedias and with his geologist-advi- sers, and was convinced that the Arctic island is more closely related geographically to North America than to Europe. He insisted that he believed that America's only interest in Green- land at the present is a humanitarian one, not political, and that he had already consulted the head of the American Red Cross to send up food ships for the 17,000 Eskimos, who might be stranded, since they are dependent on Denmark for foodstuffs. We were very disappointed when we heard from one of the scribes, "Thank you, Mr. Pres- ident," for the press conference was over. In the Senate, Republican Senator Reed, of Kansas, was attacking the request of New Jersey's Democratic Senator Smather for an additional Federal judgeship. Reed: "How can the Senator from New Jersey come here and ask for an additional judgeship when the New Jersey docket is far from being overcrowded?" Smather: "How can the Republican Sen- ator from the wheai fields of Kansas come here and oppose this appointment, when even his own colleague, the senior Repub- lican Senator from New Jersey (Barbour) favors such a new appointment?" Reed: (indignant) "I am a Senator of the United States of America and I hope che Drew Pedrson Robert S. Allen GO$ WASHINGTON-The great Lone Star State of Texas, where Jack Garner was born and with whose heretofore unfailing backing he rose to fame and fortune, is today the stage of what, in the opinion of in- siders, will be his last political battle. For the grizzled old warrior it is a bitter and ironic clash. Bitter be- cause he finds himself on the defen- sive in his own home bailiwick, where he reigned supreme for so many years; ironic because lie actually is only a pawn in a struggle in which he figures prominently but in which he has no real personal stake. For'behind the fierce political con- flicts churning up Texas Democracy, the real issue is not the fate or for- tunes of Jack Garner, but who will control the state organization-the Old Guard group that has bossed it for an era, or the New Deal mili- tants who have surged to the front in recent years. Garner Out The battle was joined a few days after Roosevelt's smashing 8 to 1 Illinois victory, when Representative Sam Rayburn, Democratic floor leader and an Old Guard !crony, went to the White House and made this proposal: "Jack's licked and we know it. It's no use to rub it in or have a fight in Texas. Why not call off your friends who are out for a third-term delegation, and we'll agree to a 'fa- vorite son' delegation that will give Garner a first-ballot complimentary vote more." The President was uninterested. He told Rayburn that he had not intervened in any other state fight, and had no intention of calling off the Texas New Dealers. They had as much right to campaign for what they believed in as the New Dealers in other states. Rayburn then asked permission to send a wire to Texas, to the effect that he was authorized to say that the President did not approve of the third-term campaign being waged for him. Again Roosevelt vigorously shook his head. A few days after Rayburn's failure, Jesse Jones, wily Federal Loan Ad- ministrator, tried his hand at the same strategy, but with no better success. New Deal Terms Texas New Deal leaders, naturally informed of the undercover maneu- vers, promptly intensified their fight. This is concededly a tough one, as under Texas law delegates are chosen at a state convention and, with the exception of the larger ci- ties, the Old Guard controls most of the country organizations. But the big ace up the third-termers' sleeve is the ardent desire of Gar- ner's friends to avoid a knock-down- and-drag-out fight in his home state. 'The New Dealers are bearing down strong on this fact. They have served notice that unless a satisfactory compromise is offered, they will fight to the last ditch. Their terms are these: they are willing to give Garner a complimen- tary vote as a "favorite son" can- didate, but thereafter the Texas del- egation must take orders from the New Dealers. In other words, con- trol of the delegation will be in the hands of the liberals, and not the Old Guarders who ran Garner as a "stop Roosevelt"candidate in Wis- consin and Illinois. . The argument of the New Dealers is that while in Texas the Old Guard is boosting Garner only as a "favor- ite son" candidate, at the Chicago convention-if they are in control of the delegation-they will revert to form and play ball with other anti-Administration elements, to fight either Roosevelt or his choice if he decides not to run. The New Dealers are standing pat for a pro-Roosevelt delegation, on the ground that if there were a pop- ular ballot in Texas such a slate would win hands down. Unhappy Scene Unhappiest man in the bitter me- lee is kindly, peace-loving Sam Ray- burn, who is torn between his loyalty to Roosevelt and his close personal friendship with Garner and the old leaders. Leftto himself, Sam would play ball with the New Dealers. But his old Texas cronies are putting terrific pressure on him, and he is in the distressing situation of being used' to fight the President and the New Deal. Besides his personal distaste for this, Sam also fears the effect it may have on his own vice presi- dential or speakership ambitions should anything happen to Speaker William Bankhead. To get either, Sam has to have Northern Democratic support, and{ it is overwhelmingly pro-Roosevelt. VT m. 1r , (Continued from Page 2) softball and volleyball. Supper will be available outdoors, followed by social hour around a camp fire. All graduate students and faculty invit- ed. The overnite trip planned for the weekend of April 27-28 has been changed to May 4-5. Reservations should be made by April 28 and a deposit paid to Abe Rosenzweig, as the trip is limited to 30. A forum, sponsored by the Hillel Foundation and Avukah, will be held at the League tonight at 8:00. The guest speaker will be Rabbi Jacob Weinstein, of the Temple K.A.M. of Chicago, who will discuss "Democracy and Cultural Pluralism." The public is invited. The Lutheran Student Club will meet today at 5:30 p.m. Election of officers will be held and Professor Paul Kauper will review "The Nazar- ene." Dinner at 6:00. American Student Union Executive Committee meets in Michigan Union at 11 a.m. today. ASU members in- vited to attend. Coming Events Botanical Journal Club meeting on Tuesday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139. Reports by: Evelyn Eichel- berger, "The defensive mechanism in orchid mycorrhiza." Maxwell Mead, "Micropedology." Jean Bertram, "The oxidation of manganous com- pounds by microorganisms." Russell Steere, "Bacteriophage." German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. All faculty members inter- ested in speaking German are cordi- ally invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Dr. A. Rosenthal on "Ueber die Geschichte der griechis- chen Mathematik." Physics Colloquium: Professor R. A. Beth of the Physics Department, Michigan State College, will speak on "Atomic Constant Discrepancy" Mon- day, April 22, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Seminar in Bacteriology in Room 1564 East Medical Building Monday, April 22, at 8:00 p.m. Subject: "Vir- uses and Immunity." All interested are invited. Junior Mathematical Society: An- nual election of officers at the meet- ing on Monday, April 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. An in- vitation to attend a state meeting of college undergraduate mathe- matics clubs will be discussed, and a discussion of "Cubic and Quartic Equations in Polar Coordinates" will be given by Mr. Daniel Levine and Mr. Wadey. Freshmen wishing to join the club are requested to attend this meeting or, if unable to attend, call Mr. Wadey at 9023. Iota Alpha Meeting Tuesday eve- ning, April 23, 7:30 p.m., West Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Speaker: Dr. S. L. La Fever.' Topic: "Engineering Obstetrics." Motion pictures will illustrate the lecture. Re- freshments. La Sociedad Hispanica will present a program on Wednesday, April 24, at 7:30 in St. Mary's Chapel Audi- torium (Williams and Thompson Streets) A Spanish one act play, music, and songs will be included in the program. This meeting is open and free to all interested. International Spring Festival at the Intramural Building, Friday, April 26, 7:30 to 12:00 p.m. The In- ternational Center is offering an eve- ning of co-recreational sport, sport demonstration, and tournament fin- als with an hour floor show of pictur- esque folk dancing at the Intramural Building. Free tickets starting April 15 at the office of the International Center, 603 E. Madison Street (South Wing, Michigan Union). Deutscher Verein will meet Tues- day night, April 23, at 8:00 p.m. in the League. Engineering Students and others interested are invited to attend the Right To Criticize . . The last word still remains un- written in the contempt of court proceedings directed against the St. Louis Post-DispatchgbysCircuit Judge Thomas Rowe. But to those who believe the news- paper overstepped no bounds of pro- priety in commenting upon the man- ner in which an extortion case was handled in Judge Rowe's court room last month, the remarks of Attorney General Robert H. Jackson are en- couraging. "The right to criticize trends in the decisions of the court I have claimed for myself and concede to DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN meeting of the Fourth Coal Utilization Institute on Monday, April 22, at the Michigan Union. International Center: The Monday evening movie at 7:15 is entitled "Transpacific," a one-reel sound film in color, showing the development of Pan American Airways in Latin America and the construction of the Transpacific Route. Reserve Officers: Colonel John S. Worley will speak on "Motor Trans- port" (illustrated with motion pic- tures) in Room 304 of the Michigan Union. All Reserve Officers and R.O.T.C. students may attend. Fellowship of Reconciliation: Sup- per as usual Monday evening. The group will go to hear T. Z. Koo at 8:00 p.m. University Girls' Glee Club rehear- sal Monday night at 7:15 In Game Room of League. Acolytes meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Building. F. R. Bichowshy will read a paper on "The Scientist's Morals." Women's Tennis Club: Reorganiza- tion meeting at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, in W.A.B. All women inter- ested in tennis are welcome. German Play: Lessing's "Minna von Barnhelm" will be presented Monday, April 29, at 8:15 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Passover meals will be served at Lane Hall from April 22 to April 29. Reservations for the first and second Seders as well as regular meals may be made by calling the Hillel Foun- dation immediately. Students in need of financial aid for these meals are instructed to call Dr. Isaac Rab- inowitz. The Monday Evening Drama Sec- tion of the Faculty Women's Club will meet in the Michigan Union on Monday, April 22, at 7:30. Faculty Women's Club: The Play Reading Section will meet on Tues- day afternoon, April 23, at 2:15 in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. Churches First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m. "Our Advocate Supreme" will be the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 5:00 p.m. Westminster Student Guild Music Appreciation. 5:30 p.m. Westminster Student Guild meet for supper and election of officers. At 7:00 o'clock Mr. Ken- neth Morgan, Director of the Student Religious Association, will speak to the group on "What Is Worship." First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. L. A. Parr will speak on "What About Your Epitaph?" 6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship sup- per. Professor Philip L. Schenk will give an illustrated talk on "English Cathedrals." Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "Free- dom of a Race," review of the novel "Native Son." 7:30 p.m. Round Table Discussion: "The Negro Faces the Future." Mr. Edward Dalton, Institute of Public and Social Administration, Detroit; Miss Carol Rumsey, Graduate of Uni- versity of Michigan. First Church of Christ Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. Subject: "Doctrine of Atonement." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church will hold its worship services at 10:30 a.m. Rev. H. O. Yoder will deliver the sermon. Zion Lutheran Church will hold its worship services at' 10:30 a.m. Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will speak on "An Alive Christian." First Methodist Church: Morning Worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "World Problems Facing Methodism." Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. at Stalker Hall. Prof. George E. Carrothers will begin a series of discussions on the theme, "Qualifying for Leadership." Wesley- an Guild Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church. Jean Westerman will lead a discussion on the sub- ject, "Personal Religion." Refresh- ments and Fellowship hour following the meeting. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion (Corporate Communion for Junior Church teachers); 9:00 a.m. Break- fast for Junior Church teachers in Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kindergar- MUSIC II By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER This column is written to correct certain im- pressions that seem to be prevalent about The Daily's music critic. The worst part of his job consists of being stopped at any given hour of the day and night by earnest young people who hum, whistle, or grunt a truncated bar or so and ask him what is it. When he says he doesn't know, the individual gives him a cold, what kind of a critic are you stare, and moves scornfully away. So it might as well be stated once and for all that critic or no, there are a few themes that elude him, a few dance tunes that are not known to him, a few horn trios that somehow have escaped his universal memory. Worse than this however, are the individuals who remark "Oh, you're a music critic are you? Well let's see if you know this one." It took a long time to figure that out, but by the simple process of borrowing a sylabus from Professor McGeough for that haven of culture, Music 41, he has so far been able to forestall the majority of such questioners. What will become of him when the cultural diligentsia discover that a few themes have been written that are not included in Music 41 is a question he does not dare to put himself? On just one field in the thematic hierachy does your critic claim to be something of an authority. This is that of the leitmotif. He is literally death on Wagner and can spot Wotan's Will at forty paces on a cloudy day with the sharpshooters. On the leitmotif we will stand up to Oscar Levant or any of the real experts. But only in that field. The great regret of his life is that nobody has ever whistled the Dam- nation theme to him, possibly because it is practically unwhistleable. He would know it like that. As to other minor irritations your critic would like to report that he never in his life claimed to be an ace handballer. Without that regret- table libel the squib about him in a recent column is entirely correct, although he will never relish the exact tone in which it was written. However, he realizes that envy distorts all literary styles, even what we might call the sub-marginal type of composition. Someday your critic would like to have a story written