TTM JUGAN DAILY __ 11 l.a i. Tenth Spring Parley Reflects Changing Interests Of Students ._ 3U Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board ip Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1s1 second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier. $4.00; ny mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER-GING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. Crllege Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -'BOSTON LOs ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Ctarl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton ,. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel FlnebergĀ« . . . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor By WILLIAM ELMER BEGINNING at 3:30 today the Spring Parley will celebrate its tenth year of existence as a University tradition, having in the past covered a wide range of subjects including religion, education, social problems, economic questions and now looking forward to consider- ing in some detail the implementations of stu- dent expression of opinion, on both campus and outside affairs. ' It is interesting to view the changing trend of interest shown by Michigan students as repre- sented by the topics ta'ken up by the Parleys in the last ten years. The initial Parley, for example, presided over by Regent Julian Beal, was essentially aimed at discussion of human relations, and had its center of debate in local churches. Questions typical of the Parley were: "May one be religious without being good?" The second Parley evidenced little change in interest, calling itself "Finding a Personal Phi- losophy of Life." The third Parley, however, while aimed at practically the same type of thing-"What Constitutes a Religion," saw a swinging away from purely intellectual matters, bringing on the scene questions of more na- tional and broader character. For example, debate tended to become social in thought, with topics like these: "Have You a Philosophy of Life?" ot "Is Communism, a Way Out of the Depression," That last shows the awakened in- terest in the plight this nation was in, and shows that students were becoming interested in discussing real and pressing problems as op- posed to more cultural subjects. A point, estab- lished at the 1933 Parley, implies that the Par- leys are perhaps ineffectual. Rabbi Bernard Reller, at that time with the Hillel Foundation, and always an ardent supporter of the Parleys, made the following criticism: "Not 'only is the Parley incapable of giving to students profound conviction, but it is deficient even in revealing to them the inner aptitudes and affirmations of professors whom they interrogate." As a partial rejoinder, the late Prof. Max Handman of the economics department said "Of course we cannot determine the outlook for the future, by merely discussing it. That takes study. Our' future society, maintained to the end that economic changes nust be made within the system, must be a slow, tedious and unromantic process." Dr.. Edward Blakeman, counsellor in religious education, and the mainstay of the Parley throughout its ten years, also made a point for the Parleys with this statment: "The Par- ley is not a debate so much as a conference about ideals, not a series of lectures, but a comparison of viewpoints, not an effort to issue personal challenge, but to help each 'think through' for himself. We recognize that the time of the Spring Parley is too short for thoroughness, that it will raise more questions than it can settle and some may go away confused. However, we venture that the two days of honest in- quiry by group thinking about vital issues will release personal aspirations and suggest ade- quate behavior, a thing which the classroom sometimes fails to do." The present committee which made plans for this year's Spring Parley had a distinct advan- tage over the students and facultymen who worked out the first Parley. They may look back at the files of the past, they my observe the trend of student interest, from purely per- sonal idealistic topics down on through the de- pression with its economic and social problems to the recent Parleys with their stress on the student as a citizen of the United State, plan- ning for and considering the problems which will face him in the outside world. Moreover, they had the opportunity to hear the opinions of the so-called continuations committee, a group of faculty and students who have partici- pated in the past Parleys, who can counsel them and advise them on the proper course of action. THOSE who put on the Parley must take two major things into consideration: what will interest the student body? and what will draw them to the panels and discussions? Last year, the 1939 Spring Parley thought that the Student Senate, as a representative body of the students, would be admirably suited to sponsor future Parleys. Therefore the Senate appointed a committee which was subsequently merged with the continuations committee. It is this new committee which has been working out the plans for the Parley. At the first Parley several principles were adopted which have since formed the basis for all the subsequent Parleys. The first, "Every recognized active organization, club, honor so- ciety or group on campus shall be invited to seat a representative in the organization of the Spring Parley once a year." The second, "Stu- dents shall be in control and a group of faculty persons selected by a central committee shall be advisors." Other principles of group proce- dure made at that time were all aimed at making the Parley an effort at student-faculty under- standing. The first Parley did not secure satisfactory student attendance, and therefore a special con- tinuations committee was set up. This commit- tee worked with Dr. Blakeman to shape a cam- pus-wide annual enterprise which would engage the leaders of both student body and faculty in a search for value. Many facultymen con- tributed to the work of this committee and President Ruthven made the suggestion that "student-faculty free association upon intellec- tual interests beyond the classroom" should have special attention. Illustrating the trend away from President Tuthven's suggestion for intellectual interests, we have the 1935 Parley, entitled "Values In- volved in Social Conflicts." The sessions were tense, due to the issues of the depression, and Prof. Robert Angell of the sociology department, wrote to the committee about the Parley as fol- lows: "The Parley serves as a forum for argu- mentation rather than a source of enlighten- ment. It is unfortunate that we cannot interest the great group of students who are rather al'athetic. They might be stimulated by such an event. I believe the committee, in the selec- tion of its panel, did a good job, however." (To Be Continued) Business Staff Business Manager . . . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager 1 Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Manager Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenova Skoratirl . Jane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL M. CHANDLER The 'editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and repesent the views of te writers only. The Yanks Are 9Not Coming!... IN' FIVE HUNDR ED college cam- puses throughout the land 1,000,000 students today will voice in burning words their determinatibn to live in peace. Student America takes its place today with the millions of citi- zens in trade union, youth, church and profes- sional organizations who have already actively started the organized movement to keep the country out of war. For more than seven years now, students have gathered on the country's campuses to express and record their feelings and their opinions on the issues of war and peace. Year after year, in a staggering succession of blows against the peace and independence of the peoples of three continents, the world has moved closer to the catastrophe that has now engulfed most of Europe and threatens to involve the rest of the globe. In those years of imminent disaster, of crisis upon crisis, the main burden of our fight for peace was centered quite logically around the task of combatting those forces in all parts of the world that were leading the drive to war, and C supporting those forces that we felt were working to preserve the peace. It was in that spirit that we voiced our protest against the Nazi policy of expansion and against the Chamberlain-Daladier policy that aided and financed this aggression. It was in that spirit that we rallied to the defense of the peoples of Czechoslovakia, China, Spain and Ethiopia, the victims of the power and imperial interests of the German, Italian, Japanese, British and French Empires. As thousands of University of Michigan stu- dents gather this morning in front of Hill Auditorium to participate in a giant peace demonstration, two palpable facts are upper- most in their minds: that this war that is raging In Europe today is precisely the war that we have for years been striving to prevent; and that the United States hourly moves closer to active participation in that war. And it is these facts that determine our opposition to the war and to American statesmen and organizations that are negotiating, openly or indirectly, for our involvement. We worked hard for many years to prevent this war: we felt that the peoples of the world could suffer only death and destitution by its outbreak. Now that the furies. have been loosed, our every effort must be directed toward stopping the war and toward preventing American participation while it lasts. That is the only logical and effective position that we can adopt and still remain true to the principles that led us to oppose the whole series of moves that led to .the hostilities; and it is the only . way that we can keep the faith with our brother students abroad for whose benefit Michigan students have so generously contrib- uted in the last few days. ONE OTHER FACT impresses itself upon the consciousness of today's demonstrators. In the minds of all of us is the very real fear that unless we do something in a hurry this year's peace rally is very likely to be the last one in which we will ever participate. Next year the boys on college campuses may be wearing uni- forms. Already the CCC boys are being urged to join the army. In Washington the Admin- istration moves cynically ahead with its un- neutral words and deeds, and at the same time cuts down on the urgent needs of the American people. Big business has tasted some of the war money (the billion dollar airplane deal was es- pecially juicy) and it is anticipating more when "an,,a . i n a lf lcrit ,'Pt a mnrp.c. na+4 n *fr. Z~h~ DITOR ge 3 i0 To the Editor: HAVE just read the amazing para- graphs by Mr. Maraniss on the editorial page of this morning's Daily (April 17). Mr. Maraniss' logic is compelling-except that his central proposition is fantastically incorrect. Mr. Maraniss contends that, "the spread of the war to Scandinavia ,has unmistakably established the predatory purposes and intentions of both belligerents"; and that the present combat is "an imperialist war, a struggle not in behalf of small nations or democracy but for markets and colonies." His argu- ment is that, as far as England and Germany are concerned, it is six of one and half a dozen of the other, with the small nations in for a beating whoever wins. What makes the Maraniss posi- tion ridiculous is the indisputable fact that- there is no small nation in Europe today which would not rejoice infinitely at an English vic- tory, and no small nation which does not hope with all its being that the spread of German domination can once and for all be stopped. An English victory would redound to England's material advantage, that is true; and a German-victory would redound to the material ad- vantage of Germany. But there is this enormous difference between the two nations, that English well- being has been and would again be built-not necessarily because the English are more altruistic but be- cause the English system just hap- pens to work that way-upon eco- nomic commerce benefitting other nations more or less equally with herself; whereas Germany under the Nazis can see her advantage only in terms of a bludgeoned opposition, economic and political, at home and abroad. To say that England and Germany are equal blackguards is just as much nonsense as to maintain that the corner grocer and a gangster are identical social phenomena merely because each wants to make money. MY ADVICE to Mr. Maraniss, if he is really interested, as the rest of us are, in the security and peace of this country, is to hope and pray for an English victory. Or does he believe that, having won the im- perialist mastery of Europe, England would move on to new ruthless con- quests in South and North America? Do you doubt, Mr. Maraniss, that in the event of German victory it is surely clear that, even though war with this country might not be in- evitable ,there would at least be the certainty of prolonged tension in the international sphere and in our own foreign policy, and the definite prospect of necessitous vast increase in American defensive armaments? And of course some day Nazidom and her Communist spouse in the present marriage of convenience might decide to look around in our part of the world; at any rate both have shown unmistakable signs that they would like to. One wonders, in the event that they did, just exactly what Mr. Mar- aniss' position would be. - Hart Schaaf By JOHN SCHW RZWALDER The Varsity Glee Club attracted a large and varied audience to its annual Home Concert and everybody had a wonderful time including the Glee Club. Music lovers revelled in the sensitive and painstaking per- formances the club gave to Schu- mann's Dedication, Kremser's love- ly Hymn to the Madonna with an ex- ceptionally fine solo by Erwin Scherdt, Come and Trip It, by Han- del, with beautifully clear diction, Arensky's Waltz, Mozart's Winter Woodlands complete with Ed Gell and his sleighbells, and a valiant arrangement by Abram Chasins of the Blue Danube. Jack Secrist's lie- der were also greatly appreciated and with reason. A group of American folk songs and the Michigan songs, sung as only the Glee Club can sing them, completed the program. Frankie and Johnny with Jim George as the bar- tender and real pistol shots brought down the house. Jack Ossewarde accompanied and contributed an ef- fective improvisation on The Victors. The highest credit should go, of course, to Director David Mattern, who has trained an excellent group in musicianship and showmanship. Perhaps the best' proof of this is found in the reaction of the au- dience. When even sorority women FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1940 VOL. L. No. 141 Notices Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file application for degrees or any special certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive a degree or certificate at Commencement in June. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or cer- tificate at Commencement upon any student who fails to file such applica- tion before the close of business on Wednesday. May 15. If application is received later than May 15, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. If you have not already done so, candidates for degrees or certificates may fill out cards at once at office of the secretary or recorder of their own school or college (students en- rolled in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of Architecture and Design, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Forestry and Conservation, please note that application blanks may be obtained and filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer- sity Hall). All applications for the Teacher's Certificate should be made at the office of the School of Educa- tion. Please do not delay until the last day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and certificates must be lettered, signed, and sealed and we shall be greatly helped in this work by the early filing of applications and the resulting longer period for prepara- tion. -Shirley W. Smith To the Members of the University Council: There will be a special meet- ing of the University Council on Monday, April 22, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 A.H., to consider a recom- mendation from the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs which had been referred to that com- mittee by the Council at the last meeting. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Faculty, School of Education: A special luncheon meeting of the fac- ulty will be held Monday noon, April 22, at the Michigan Union. Health Service: Service is now avail- able in the new building only. East of the League. Telephone 2-4531. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June 1940, to be recm- mended by the School of Education, are requested to call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 UES, during the week of April 22, between the hours of 1:30 and 4:30, to take the Teacher Oath which is a requirement for the certificate. Prospective Applicants for the Combined Curricula: The final date for filing of applications for admis- sion to the various combined curricula for September, 1940, is April 20. Ap- plication forms may be filled out in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Medical students should please note that ap- plication for admission to the Medi- cal School is not application for ad- mission to the Combined Curriculum. A separate application should be made out for the consideration of the Committee on Combined Curric- ula. James W. Glover Scholarship in Actuarial Mathematics: Applications for this scholarship for next year are now being received. Information and blanks may be secured m the Mathematics Department Office. Ap- plications must be filed in that office by May 1 in order to be considered. 800 Union Life Memberships Are Now Ready to Be Given Out: Al men students who have completed the equivalent of four years of academic work at the University of Michigan, paying full tuition each year, may now obtain their Life Membership pins from the Michigan Union by presenting their tuition receipt for the current semester at the Union Business Office. The Business Office is open Mon- day through Friday from 8 a.m. un- til 5 p.m. Monroe Calculating Machine No. 143,367 is missing from the mathe- matical statistics laboratory, 3003 Angell Hall. Will the person having this machine kindly return it at once to the Mathematics Depart- ment, as this machine is needed, Academic .otices Psychology--English 228: Meetings of this class will be held hereafter in Room 2208, Angell Hall. J. F. Shepard Sociology 51: Mid-Semester Make- up Examination Saturday, April 20, at 2 p.m. Room D, Haven Hall. Exhibitions There will be an exhibit of the DAILY OFFICIAL BUL ml I preview of the exhibits for members of the Ann Arbor Art Association will be held in Alumni Memorial Hall tonight at 8:00. Exhibition, College of Architectu*-e and 'Design: Drawings persented in competition for the Ryerson Schol- arship offered by the Lake Forest Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Work of selected students from Armour Insti- tute of Techiology, Universities of Illinois, Cincinnati, Ohio State, Mich- igan, and Iowa State College. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, third floor exhibition room, through April 25. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The prize drawings of- fered by students of various colleges and universities in competition for the award given by the Alumni of the AmericanAcademy in Rome. Third Floor Exhibition Room. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through April 23. The public is invited. Lectures The annual William J. Mayo Lec- ture will be given by Dr. Winchell McK. Craig on Monday, April 22, at 1:30 p.m. in the main amphitheatre of the University Hospital. Dr. Craig's title will be "Thefain of Intraspinal Lesions In General Diagnosis." All classes for the Junior and Senior medical students will be dismissed in order that these students may at- tend this lecture. Today's Events German Journal Club will meet today at 4 p.m. in the Crofoot Room, Michigan Union. Dr. Frank X. Braun will present a paper on "Gus- tav Frenssen and the German-Ainer- icans." U. of M. Glider Club meeting to- night at 7:30 in Room 311 W. Engr. Bldg. All members should attend, Spring Parley: Every member of the faculty and of the administration is cordially invited to join with the student body in a discussion of de- mocracy at the Tenth Annual Spring Parley. Opening Session eoday, at 3:30 p.m. Michigan Union Ballroor. Panel sessions Saturday, Aprl' 20, at 2:15 and 7:30 p.m. 1. The World Scene: Chaos or Cosmos? Roomn 319, Union. 2. American Democracy: Now or Never. Room 323, Union. 3. The Campus Community: Amity or Enmity? Room 302, Union. 4. Unm- versity Training: Democratic or Auto- cratic? Room 305, Union. Closing Session Sunday, April 21, at 3:00 p.m. Michigan Union Ball- room. Members of Athena Speech Society should meet at 4 o'clock today in the League Grill to pay dues. Meetings in the Union today: Room 116, Spring Parley Luncheon, 12:15 p.m. Room 101-2-3, Economics Faculty, 12:15 p.m. Room 222-3, Founders' Day, :Law School Luncheon, 12:15 pnm. Room 316, Women's Intramural Debate, 4:00 p.m. Room 302, Student Senate, 4:00 p.m. Room 304, Women's Intramural Debate, 4:00 p.m. Meeting for all public health nurs- ing students at 4:00 p.m. to- day, Room 20, Waterman Gym- nasium. Miss Virginia Jones, Assist- ant Director of the National Organi- zation for Public Health Nursing, will speak. Classical Record Concert in the terrace room of the Michigan Union today, 4:00-5:00 p.m. The public is invited. Luncheon honoring Dr. Abram Sa- char will be held at the Union at 12:15 p.m. today. All members of the old' and new student councils of the Hillel Foundation are invited. Conservative services will be held at the Foundation at 7:30 tonight. The Fireside Discussion sponsored by Avukah, will be led by Dr. Abram Sachar, who will speak on "Suffrance is the Badge." A social hour will follow. Presbyterian Student Bible Study Class led by Dr. Lemon tonight from 7:30-8:30. Open House from 8:30- 12:00. A program of entertainment and refreshments. All students are invited. Wesleyan Guild: The annual semi- formal banquet and party will be held at 6:45 p.m. today at Charles Mc- Kenny Hall, Ypsilanti. Make reser- vations before 11:00 a.m. at Stalker Hall, phone 6881. Newcomers' Section of the Faculty Women's Club: Mrs. John L. Brumm, 1916 Cambridge Road, will be at home to members of the Newcomers' .Q nir ne7 QQ~,Q .- Of ALL Things! ... -By MORTY Q- IE ISN'T a very big man. In fact, he's quite small. He has short-cut grayish white hair, that looks as if it is just about to fall over his eyes. But it never does. His face is boyish, eager and alert; his every action is, quick and gusty: n short, Charles A. Sink is filled with the joy of- living. Dr. Sink is: president of the School of Music, and when one walks into his office, he looks almost tiny behind his big roll-top desk. Mr. Q. dropped in to see him yesterday, and, as usual, walked away thinking: if only more of our older people had the same outlook; ,if only more of them were as understanding and as hopeful ... His office is one of the most unique and in- teresting in the whole University. There is a warmth and a friendly feeling, an ideal place to drop' in for a little chat. But when you get to know Dr. Sink, you can't picture him having any different kind of office. As soon as you cross the thresho4d, his voice booms a welcome, and you next find your hand being gripped hard by this small man, whose extra chair is always drawn up beside his own. THE FIRST THING talked about, of Bourse, is The Daily. :r. Q. would like to draw up a few hundred mimeographed copies of what Dr. Sink thinks about The Daily and distribute them to these gentlemen around the University who spend their nights thinking up smart cracks to make to their classes about "that den on Maynard St." He thinks The Daily is one of the finest organizations of its kind, and this feeling probably stems from his complete faith in young people and their activities. Despite ,,the fact that Dr. Sink has always had fine cooperation from The Daily, Mr. Q. is con- vinceda that his attitude goes deeper than that. On the walls of this office, on all of them, are pictures of celebrities of world-renown. And most of them carry little notes penned to Dr. Sink. It's not that he is an autograph hound or anything like that; these pictures are genuine tributes to this grand man from people who regard him as a true friend. Included are names of great contemporary artists, names such as Fritz Kreisler, Geraldine Farrar, Mary Garden, Josef Szigeti, Yehudi Menuhin (boy and- man), Percy Grainger, Paderewski, Feodor Chaliapin, Giovanni Martinelli, Rudolf Ganz, Rachmani- f aen --tnnn- s an 4 m - n-t -il ,rslraira Anvr in noff, Serge Koussevitsky, Eugene Ormandy, and countless others. Talking about The Daily leads Dr. Sink to the general subject of youth. And yesterday, he noted that, in comparison to what are reverently referred to as the "good old days," young people nowadays have much more. He told of how he worked in a general store for three dollars a week, working from 6 until 9 at night, when there were no radios or autos or May Festivals, for that matter. To put it briefly: Dr. Sink believes whole-heartedly that youth is the life-blood of a society, that they must have confidence in themselves, and in their abilities, and that they must not falter in their drive to build a better society. One of the pictured walls in this amhazing office is devoted to political figures, for ,Dr. Sink has served three terms as a State Senator and two terms as a State Representative. Here are the governors for the past 20 years, each with a little note of affection for Dr. Sink. BUT, his greatest contribution, of course, is what he has done for music in Ann Arbor, and in the country. The tremendous growth of the Choral Union Series and the May Festival, which is now regarded as the prime music fes- tival in the nation, is due largely to the activities of this man. He has been a driving force in bringing these great personalities here, and it has always been his fondest wish that more students could take part. Mr. Q. thinks that, if it were financially possible, Dr. Sink would like to present these great artists to the stu- dents at little or no cost. Well, that's about all. In case any of you were in a hurry and didn't have time to read down this far, Mr. Q. could have said simply, about 50 lines ago, that Dr. Sink is a great guy. Proclamations of Arbor Day in the United States call to mind the old saying that the best things in life are free. Whether one has carefully saved up apple seeds in a dry place, or is considering setting out a sapling, it is well to remember what Scott said about planting a tree:, "Jock; when ye hae naething else to do, ye may be aye sticking in a tree; it will be grow- ing, Jock, when ye're sleeping." Eight months of war have produced no piece of hypocrisy more sickening than the trumped- up indignation of Berlin over the British air nf+- Iwlr_ ^m n* T tn - f 4tti e [,M"V " .