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April 19, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-19

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No decided change
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The Yanks Are
Not Coming .,

VOL. L. No. 141






Henle To Keynote
Opening Session
Of Parley Toda

Newman Clubs Will Hold Convention
In Freshly Decorated Auditorium


To Addres


When 250 Catholic students arrive in Ann Arbor today for the opening
session of the 14th annual convention of the Ohio Valley Province of New-
man clubs they will be entertained in an auditorium shining with new
decorations and furniture.-
The opening function of the convention-a reception and dance-will
le held tonight in the St. Maery's student chapel auditorium. This is the
hall which has been undergoing a complete overhauling during the past
few weeks.
To finance the redecoration, whiche

+ ~

_ + /

Campus Democracy Issue
And Student-University
Relations Main Topics
Robert Reed To Be
Presiding Officer
Stressing the relations of students
and the University, and endeavoring
to find a solution for the current
student-initiated demand for more
democracy on campus, the Tenth An-
nual Spring Parley, "Democracy
Through the Students' Ayes" will be-
gin a three day session at 3:30 p.m.
today in the Union, Daniel Huyett,
'42, general chairman, announced
Student Panel To Assist.
Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy
department will give a keynoting,
speech at the opening session today,
and will be assisted by a student
panel headed by Robert Reed, '42,
presiding officer of the Parley. Work-
ing with Reed will be Elliott Maran-
iss, '40, Harvey Swados, '40, Jerry
Nitzberg, Grad., John Harwood, '41E,
Phil Westbrook, '40, Paul Robertson,
'40E, ,Cas Soka, '41, and Alberta
Wood, '40.
General Secretary of the Parley is
Ann Vcary, '40, whose assistants will
act as recording secretaries for the
various sessions and panels. Dr. Ed-
ward Blakeman, counsellor in relig-
ious education, and associated with
the Parley during its 10 years of his-
tory, recently announced his inten-
tion of having a stenotyper present
at one of the panels, in order that
verbatin reports of part of the Parley
might be preserved for future refer-
Past members 'of Parleys, now
graduated and working in the outside
world have been invited to attend
this Parley, as part of the tenth anni-
versary celebration. Marvin Wag-
ner, '34, now with the National Labor
Relations Board regional office in
Cincinnati and working in the cur-
rent General Motors election in
Flint. Mr. Wagner will speak in one
of the sessions, Huyett said.
Four Panels Tomorrow
Four panels will meet at two times
tomorrow; at 2:30 p.m. and at 7:30
p.m. The four panels are: "The
World Scene: Chaos or Cosmos?"
with Martin Dworkis, '40, as chair-
man; "American Democracy: Now or
Never?", Tom Downs, '40L, chair-
man; "The Campus Community: Am-
ity or Enmity?", Ellen Rhea, '41,
chairman; and "University Training:
Democratic or Autocratic?", with
Roger Kelley, '42, as chairman.
At the end of the evening sessions
of these four panels, resolutions based
on the discussion will be passed by
the assemblage and may later be
passed on to the student body in the
form of referendum, Huyett indicat-
The Parley will close at 3 p.m. Sun-
day with a general session with Prof.
Arthur Smithies of the economics de-
partment presenting a summarizing
talk, after which final discussion will
be held.
Scripts For Opera
Due Wednesday
Opera scripts for next year's pro-
duction must be submitted to the
Union student offices not later than
Wednesday, May 15, Hadley Smith,
'40E, temporary chairman, announc-
ed yesterday.
The Union will pay $100 for the
script that is selected for production.
Scripts must have both campus and
national appeal so as to be of interest
both to students and alumni, Smith

ROTC Group Will Show,
~WT -A A I "1I ~ U

Military Honor
Society Taps
Nineteen Men
Nineteen men were selected for
membership in Scabbard and Blade,
Military Honorary Society, in tap-
ping ceremonies held Monday night.
Those men who were selected are:
Julius Beers, Clarence Bergsma,
William Blanchard, John Bayless,
James Cox, Robert Crane, Leo Fe-
derman, William Garvey, Philip
Heuman, Douglas Jeffrey, James
Kuhns, Jack Keig, Lowell Moss, Ed
Miller, Robert Morrison, Richard
Peckinpaugh, John Stephens, Gil-
bert Stephenson and Paul Wheeler.
Law Students
Conduct Trial
On Labor Case
Four Club Members Meet
Before State Supreme
Court Justices At 2 P.M.
Four junior members of the Law
School's Case Club will meet at 2 p.m.
today in a public mock trial on a
labor case before a bench composed
of three Supreme Court Justices from
Michigan, Illinois and Ohio; the final
case of the Club's activities and high
point in the 15th annual Founder's
celebration which winds up at 6:30
p.m. today with a banquet at the
Lawyers' Club.
Founder's Day is a traditional event
in the Law School, celebrated in hon-
or of William W. Cook, the donor of
the funds responsible for the Law
Quadrangle, according to Prof. Gro-
ver C. Grismore of the Law School.
The visiting justices will be guests
of honor at the banquet. From the
Michigan Bench will be the HIon. Ed-
ward Sharpe, the Hon. William L.
Hart bf the Ohio Court, and the Hon.
Elwyn R. Shaw from Illinois, Profes.
sor Grismore said.
Featured speaker at the banquet
will be Alfred McCormack of a cele-
brated New York law firm.
Elmore Jackson
Describes Work
In Quaker Camp
How Quaker Work Camps provide
college students with an opportunity
for constructive service in America's
distressed areas was described by El-
more Jackson, in charge of these
camps, last night at Lane Hall, in a
talk sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association.
With the aid of movies of camps
in previous years, Mr. Jackson told
how students live, work and study in
America's problem areas. Physical
labor to aid in community rehabilita-
tion in coal mining areas and in
southern towns where the cotton eco-
nomy has caused unemployment of
share croppers is typical of work done
by campers.
Kappa Ph i Members
Hosts Al Meetiing
Nu Chapter of Kappa Phi, Metho-
dist Girl's'Club, entertained members
of the Alpha Gamma Chapter of
:Bowling Green, Ohio, at its meeting
last night at the Methodist Church.

A peace play, "The Great Choice,"
was presented by the drama club of
the Wesleyan Guild after supper. Fol-

not only includes a new color scheme
but also the construction of meeting
rooms and the installation of new
furniture, a "Newman Club Founda-
tion" has been organized. This
Foundation is composed of several
prominent citizens, headed by John
P. O'Hara, of Detroit, and it will
function as a permanent organiza-
tion seeking to finance chapel im-
provements with the help of Catho-
lic alumni.
Workmen Have Rushed
Workers have rushed the work
along during the past few weeks so
that the auditorium would be avail-
able for one of the important events
of the University year, the 1940,
Newman Club Convention.
They work has progressed on sche-
dule, and tonight more than 250
Catholic students from Ohio, Ken-
tucky, Indiana and Michigan will
congregate together for an evening
of fellowship and to register for
the conference. At this time a "dat-
ing bureau" will begin action design-
ed to ease the social relationships
of visiting men and women.
On Saturday the convention pro-
gram will gain momentum. At 10
a.m. will begin a series of panel
discussions, introduced by Richard
Deverall of Detroit, editor of "So-
cial Action" magazine. These panels
will permit consideration of the club
topics, "Membership and Finance,"
and "Education and Religious Ac-
The delegates will meet in a
luncheon on Saturday noon at the
Dr. T. Z.- Koo.
o Speak Here
Talk To Head Local Drive
For Far East Relief
Headlining the local drive to aid
destitute students in wartorn China,
Dr. T. Z. Koo, internationally known
lecturer and secretary of the World
Student Christian Federation, will
speak on "Progress in Free China"
at 8 p.m. Monday in the Rackha'm
Lecture Hall.
Dr. Koo is well known in Ann Ar-
bor for his work on behalf of stu-
dents of China since he was here
on a similar mission two years ago,.
The lecture and the local drive are
all part of the international cam-
paign being carried on by the Far
Eastern Student Fund which is at-
tempting to stop the total destruc-
tion of education in China.

League, and then will adjourn to
the Rackham Building to hear an
address by Miss Agnes Regan, na-
tionalncorresponding secretary of the
National Catholic Welfare Society,
of Washington, D.C.
John Babcock To Speak
John W. Babcock, of Detroit, will
deliver the banquet address on Sat-
urday night. The banquet will be
held in the League, and will be fol-
lowed by a dance, with Earl Ste-
vens' orchestra furnishing the mu-
Sunday's morning activities in-
clude mass and a Communion break-
fast. Prominent University officials
and Secretary of State Harry Kelly;
will attend the breakfast.
Michigan Nine
To Make Debut
At Home Today
Barry Will Take Mound
Against Wisconsin Team
In OpeningGame Here
With fingers crossed in hopes of
a break from the weatherman, the
1940 edition of the Michigan baseballj
team is scheduled to make its homej
debut in the opener of a weekend two-
game series with Wisconsin at Ferry
Field at 4 p.m. today.
Jack Barry, kingpin of the Wol-
verine pitching staff who was cred-
ited with the Varsity's lone victory
on the southern trip, has drawn the
opening day mound assignment for
Coach Ray Fisher's charges with
lanky Russ Dobson or Lyle Bond due
to hurl Saturday's game. Mickey
Stoddard will be held in reserve for,
relief work.
The sore arm hoodoo plagued cat-
cher Forest EvAshevski and shortstop
Mike Sofiak on the eve of the Badger
series. Evie will give way to rookie
George Harms and will probably be
available for pinch-hitting duty
only, but little Mike, who doesn't ex-
pect the lame arm to hamper his
throwing, will be at his accustomed
Sporting new uniforms and jackets,
the Wolverines will field a lineup
featuring three new faces. Besides
Harms, Francis "Bud" Chamberlain
(Continued on Page 3)

A Picture Preview of the 1940
Michiganensian, will be on dis-
play all day today in the center
of the diagonal.
Personal Creed
A statement of religious beliefs by,
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg features
the April issue of the Student Reli-
gious Association magazine, Religious
Forum, which came out yesterday.
"Religion is a code of life," writes
Senator Vandenberg. "It lifts men
and women into the realization that
the spirit is more important than
the flesh. It is the well spring of
morality. It is the key to hbnor and
integrity. It is the acknowledgement
of God and of the dependence of mor-
tals upon Higher Power which may be
ignored, but can never be evaded. It is
the hope of humanity here and here-
Other featured articles in the mag-
azine which invites articles from the
student body on all types of philo-
sophical and religious subjects are
"The Nature and History of Reli-
gion," by Samuel Grant, '40, and
"Some Sort of Prayer," a poem by
Glen Frank Brooks, '43. William T.
Scott, Grad., writes "Religious Exper-
ience and Ethics."
Dr. M.D. Pirnie
Shows Slides,
Bird Pictures
Ornithologist Deseribes
Wild Fowl Life Found
At KelloggSanctuary
Dr. Miles D. Pirnie, distinguished
ornithologist, in his University lec-
ture on "Birds of Sanctuary and Wil-
derness," yesterday succeeded in
captivating an audience that well
filled the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building.
He accomplished this task, not by
a lengthy, technical presentation of
the problems met in dealing with
birds, but rather by a series of tech-
nicolor slides and motion pictures of
varied birds and wildfowl pictures
that were packed with "human in-
Dr. Pirnie particularly showed
films of the birds met with and cared
for at the W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanc-
tuary at Battle Creek Where he


Life Magazine Will Photograp
Meeting Atill Auditorium
With "The Yanks Are Not Coming" as catchword and Sen. Gerald
Nye of North Dakota as keynoting speaker, Michigan students will n
at 11 a.m. today on the steps of Hill Auditorium in this year's all-camt
Peace Council.
The Rally will be the biggest in years with music blaring forth fr
loud speakers, waving placards and a speaker who is known the world o
for the vigorous stand he has taken against war profiteering and the inv
tigation he has made concerning the munitions industry.
( North University Avenue in fi



Britain Sends
Arned roops
RIo Nor way
Major Battle With Nazis 1
Expected; British Claim
German Transport Sunk
(By th Associated Press )
Great Britain poured reinforce-
ments across the North Sea into Nor-
way today in expectation of a major
battle with German forces attempt-
ing to consolidate their hold on the
southern half of Norway.-
"Operations are proceeding," thei
British announced in the first offi-i
cial statement that contact had been
established with the Norwegian de-
fenders. It added just as briefly:
"The landing of British troops con-
The British coupled this announce-
ment with another that their war-
planes in the past two days carried
out "highly successful operations,"
sinking one Nazi transport, scoring a
direct hit on a submarine and re-
peatedly bombing the German-occu-
pied Norwegian airport at Stavanger.
The airport was shelled Wednesday
by a British cruiser which, in turn
was hit by a German air bomb but
managed to return to its base.
Against these British claims, the
Germans declared their warplanes
sank one British cruiser Wednesday
off Norway, badly damaged light and
heavy cruisers with four direct bits,
bombed one destroyer and hit a Nor-
wegian torpedo boat,
Season Ticke_1tsZ
Sold Out Early,
Single Seats For May Muic
Festival Still Available
Complete sellouts for all six con-
certs in the four-day forty-seventh
annual May Festival, May 8-11 have
been virtually assured, Dr. Charles
A. Sink, president of tle Univerpity
Musical Society, said yesterday,'with
the announcement that all the sea-
son tickets have been sold.
A limited number of pdds-and-
ends may still be obtained for single
concerts at the School of Music 'of-
fice, however, he added.
Twelve vocal and instrumental
soloists will participate in the festi-
val which annually draws the atten-
tion of the entire musical world to
Ann Arbor. They are: Lily Pons,
Dorothy Maynor and Rosa Tentoni,
sopranos; Enid Szantho, contralto;
Giovanni Martinelli, tenor; L' rence
Tibbett and Robert Weede, baritones;
Norman Cordon, bass; Richard Hale,
narrator; Joseph Szigeti, violinist;'
Emanuel Feuermann, violoncellist and
Artur Schnabel, pianist.
Senate Petitionng
Deadline Extended

of Hill Auditorium will be roped off
to accommodate the crowd, and
photographers from "Life" maga-
zine will be present to take pictures
of the event which is being spon-
sored by the Campus Peace Council,
newly formed group consisting of
15 student organizations.
To Begin At 11 A.M.
Starting immediately at 11 a.m.,
the program will start off with the
playing of "Ballad for Americans."
Carl -Petersen, chairman of the
Peace Council, will deliver an ad-
dress and he will be followed to the
rostrum by a war veteran who will
speak in "Johnny Got His Gun."
The feature address by Senator
Nye will be the highpoint on the
program, serving to make articulate'
opposition of youth toward becoming
involved in either of the two wars
now raging in Asia and Europe.
The program formulated by the
Peace Council is as follows:
"We stand unalterably opposed to
entry of the United States into war.
We support no nation at war. In the
interests of strict neutrality we op-
pose the following moves:
Specific Program
" . Sending American troops to
foreign soil.
"2. American war loans to bellig-
erent countries.
"3. Militarization of NYA or CCC.
"4. Mobilization Day preparation
or curtailment of civil liberties.
"5. War profiteering, and arms ex-
pansion beyond defensive needs.
"We recognize the part which the
U.S. must play as one of the family
of nations in building a permanent
peace, but we believe that keeping
the United States from War is the
greatest contribution the American
people can make."
Among endorsements of the Rally
received, by members of the Peace
Council are several from nationally
;prominent personages. Michigan's
Rally today has been praised by such
men as Sen. Robert M. LaFollette,
Malcolm Cowley, John L. Lewis,
Stuart Chase, Paul H. Douglas, Sam-
uel Grafton, and Sen. Burton K

Trade Conference Opens Today,
Fore menWill Meet Tomorrow

serves as director. And
films that dealt with
of bird from AmericanI
Asiatic pheasants.
He first outlined the
behind the creation oft
Sanctuary and pointedc

he showed
every type
peacocks to
the Kellogg
out the fa-

Button Sale
Nets $100

Discussion of "Trade Barriers"
will highlight the opening session of
the Conference of Trade and Com-
mercial Secretaries which will open
a two-day run at 10 a.m. today in
the- Union, under the joint sponsor-
ship of the Extension Service, the
School of Business Administration
and the Ann Arbor Chamber of
More than 50 delegates are ex-
pected to hear the opening address,
a consideration of "Inteirstate Trade
Barriers," by Paul T. Truitt, of the
U.S. Department of Commerce. Also
scheduled to speak at the initial
meeting are two members of the
faculty of the school, Profs. Edgar
H. Gault and E. S. Wolaver, who will
take up "Michigan's Stake in Inter-
state Commerce" and "Legal Aspects
of Interstate Barriers" respectively.
Following the general discussion
at the end of this session, President
Ruthven will address the delegates
at a luncheon at 12:15 p.m.
"State Labor Legislation" will be
ms_ - a .'.-m a. M ~~a. a _

All roads lead to Ann Arbor to-
morrow when foreien from the mid-
west convene to discuss the latest
problems current in their field in the,
second annual Michigan-Ohio Fore'
men's Conference in the Rackham
Featured speaker in the one day
conference is Mr. Malcolm W. Bin-
gay, editorial director of the Detroit
Free Press and author of "Iffy the
Dopester," who will discuss "Ameri-
ca's Debt to Industry" at 10:30 a.m.
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
The program will get underway at
9 a.m. in =the lobby of the Rackham
Building with registration. Follow-
ing at 10 a.m. will be the official
greeting to the delegates administered
by Prof. Lewis M. Gram, chairman
of the civil engineering department
in the engineering college and direc-
tor of Plant Extension in the Uni-
Responding will be the president
of the National Association of Fore-
men. Mr Arthur C .Horrocks of the

cilities and advantages both to birds
and bird lovers offered at this Sanc-
He then discussed the duck prob-
lem in Michigan, pointing out that
thousands of ducks are killed each
year in this state. He also called
the attention of the audience to the
Canadian geese that are also prev-
(Continued on Page 2)
Grad Council Picks
Temporary Officers
Newly elected members of the
Graduate Council met Wednesday
night to discuss the future plans of
the organization. Abe Rosenzweig,
Grad., was appointed temporary
chairman and Arthur Burts, Grad.,
was elected temporary secretary. Elec-
tion of permanent officers will be
held some time in May.
The Constitutional Committee cho-
sen is comprised of William Cargo,

Also sponsored by the Peace ec
cil was the sale of buttons yester
for the purpose of foreign stud
aid in the present war crisis.
unofficial estimate placed the s
collected at between 75 and 10 0
lars, with practically every but
sold. As approved last night by F
George E. Carrothers of the advis
board of the International Cer
half of the sum will go into a l
fund for foreign students on can
who have been hard hit by the w.
and half will go into the Far Eas
and European Student Ser
Funds. These'funds are carrying
a drive to aid students in Ch
and Europe.
The Peace Council is comp
of Fellowship of, Reconciliatioh,
dent Religious Association, Ur
League, Congress, Young Peop
Socialist League, Panhellenic A
ciation, Interfraternity Council,
Daily, Assembly, Women's Ath
Association, Athletic Groups, Ai
ican Student Union, Michigan A
War Committee and the League
Liberal Action.

Deadline for Seniate petitioning has
been extended to enable would-be'
candidates to file applications be-
tween 10 a.m. and noon tomorrow in

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