'PACE ICHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY T1 lU1IY, PRI 1, 1940 Education Meet Will Be Ield Here Saturday Morris Mitchell To Speak S pring Parley Topics Ex panded Since Start, Blakemn Assers Debating Team At-at"irma I.ea gu To IPreseit Library Recorl To Cover Most Significant Items I D. A i T( rns Ti Meed Stale cost Accounting Students Will Meet Tomorrow F 'lla rvest At Lyd iaMeulelssohn j ,4rcti 4yen do I ! Three day sessions of student-faculty forums were comparatively new in 1930 and being a new broom, the G TH 1VzgI lrParley swept rather clean for the A team composed of eight students On Life With Children'-; Movieas Will Be Shiown - uN CORMAN next thre' years. Sine thSn the at- of cost accounting in the School of . OJignating as the brain-child of tendance has more tian i:pled iroim Lusiness Adninistration will debate1 t it crgil. Ifi-lre()I5 Of. a-aist;a tam romMichigan St ate Leading educators, teachers, par- vrtligi::s; groups, the Spring Parley its critinal figure of o0f. against a team from M Reslve: ents and students of education will has certainly widened its scope since R-voh1itnary Seivi e College on the question "Resolve(: convene here Saturday at the an- itS inception a decade ago, Dr. Ed- We who founded the Parley expect- That the National Association of;. nual state meeting of the Michigan ward Blakeman, faculty Parley advis- ed it to perform a revolutionary serv- ; Cost Accountants should support leg- Association for Childhood Educa- er and reiigious counsellor of educa- ice, Dr. Blakoman said, but since >lation designed to prevent sales tion to be held in the Rackhamn Build-.tion, revealed n an interview yester- then we have been content to a-- below cost," at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow; c Bld cept the results of recommendations n Detroit. ing. day.t=n i th I- h Centered on the theme, Living with the Child in the School Room," noted specialists will present recent trends. in pre-school and elementary education. Dr. Morris Mitchell of State 'Teachers' College, Florence, Ala.,will speak on "Living with Chil- dren" at the opening session at 10 a.m. following registration. Con- nected with federal community edu- cational programs, she will analyze factors of her work especially in re- settlement projects in the South. At Angell, Perry, and the Univer- sity Elementary Schools the visitors will also inspect exhibits of the work of elementary students. In the foyer of the Rackham Building will be the display of children's books arranged by Miss Edith Thomas of the Uni- versity Extension Service. Paintings done by children will be displayed al- so by Miss Frieda Pepper of the Chil- dren's Art Center of Detroit and from the exhibit of art work from all over the United States loaned by Brinney and Smith. University movies showing elemen- tary schools in action and educational films for use in the classroom will also be exhibited at the morning ses- sion.' Conceived in the "delux era of two cars and banish poverty," the initial meetings were devoted solely to dis- cussion on religious beliefs and phil- osophical theory, Dr. Blakeman rem- inisced. Recent parleys have, he pointed out, dealt with topics on aca- demic freedom, unemployment, bear- ing of physical limitations on our faith and morals and the relation of security to liberty. This year the slogan of the Parley is "Democracy Through the Students' Ayes." One Problem , One of the major problems encoun- tered in sponsoring the Parley, Dr. Blakeman said, is how to get the student to attend-how to awaken the docile student who arrives at the University as an automaton, sent by his parents, obeying family custom, to get sufficiently interested in the world around them so that he will want to delve into and grapple with such issues as: vanishing democracy in America, institutionalism, hard- ening about some of our major func- tions, education, religion and aes- thetics. It is very gratifying, he comment- ed, to note the gradual and sometimes spasmodic increase in attendance. 0.1, alLr1± e eSSICIS. 1 ;1Ln 'Iy The meeting vill he the Fourth have liberalized the curriculum, in- creased the confidence of the faculty Annual Intercollegiate Debate, spon- in students and encouraged inter- 5ored by the Detroit Chapter of the ro ction tere s t "without alteration" made "Har- A:Y.M.E. Elects Officers: Foreign Film Of 1939 " first film ever to win an Recently elected at an organization ,, . 4 Uncond itonal Victory over the New i Be Here April 25-27 mwcting of the American Institute of __________York fim censorsh ip board. Metallurgical Engineers were Abra- Claiming the double distinction of Api ham Hurlich. '4IE. president; Wil- having been banned by the New York 11~I,)lilt.hWoidg't4cuEed.-pHriedn- State Bo:rd of Moti n Picture Cen- r(1 ' wheher or no the ab- M Wd 41E v cars and hlaving be-n named by cri- , e f i slls in th ma- Tos A. Wdg AlE tary tics "the b-1-,1. fore in picture of .'crI!a01 relaionships was mrorally oh,'- Richard S. Sheltier, '40E, secretary, 19"9," " est," aFrnch Cemae *eionable, the film scored an im- and Robert W. Bishop, Engineering Center production, will be given a mediate iiumlh in New York, and is Council representative. three-day showing at 8:15 p.m. April i playing to lull houses. Marcel Quarterdeck To Meet: 25, 26 and 27 in the Lydia Mendels- Pagroi, who is more recently resion- A paper on "Steering and Handling sohn Theatre. sible for "The Bakers Wife" now in Steamships" by Louis Occhetti, '40E, its third month in New York, made will highlight the program of the The Art Cinema League, who con-l' fl] from Jean Giono's novel. Quarterdeck meeting at 7:45 p.m. to- tractcd for the film, has also ar- "lRgin." In the role of the man day in Rioom 336 of the West En- ranged a special matinee showing for is C1ahriel Gabrio, who was seen in gineering Building. A brief business 3:15 p.m. April e7. sthis country as Cesar Borgia in "Lu- discussion will follow the discussion. The storyf a anan voman ancezia Borgia." The woman is Arsule, Flying Club Meeting: a plot of ground, "Harvest" was d- by Orane Deaisone Reports on the Sixth National In- a plt. f goun. "arvst"wasde-of the "regulars" in Paign.f's troupe.j tercollegiate Flying Conference re- nied an exhibitor's license last July in New York upon the grounds that Arthur Honegger, distinguished cently held in Washington will be it was "immoral" and "would tend French composer of the scores for presented at the Flying Club meet- to corrupt morals." However, critics, "Pygnialion" and "Mayerling," has ing tonight. Plans for a practice fly- columnists and editorial writers at- written an original symphonic musi- ing meet Sunday will be formulated tended a private showing, and im- cal score for the picture. at the meeting. mediately launched a campaign of protest, which resulted in the case's "es - -Typewriters - Supplies being appealed to the Board of Re- "X Writers Trade With Rider's" g e n ts a n d in th e s u b s e q u e n t r e v e rs alo frren hrid of the censors' decision. The Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union also offered its legal counsel in the controversy. 302 South State St. The decision to permit the film to be departmental studies. This year, the Winter Parley, a younger brother to the traditional Spring Parley, was christened. The, cycle of parleys is now complete, he added. Records of all previous Par- leys have been kept and are available for continuations committees each year. This summer, the record, be- cause it covers a decade of progress in student-faculty sessions, is to be written up as a report covering the most significant items from all the Parleys. This report will be kept in the library during the summer as a permanent record, Dr. Blakeman con- cluded. i National Association of Cost Ac- countants, for the Robert Pierce Award. Michigan has won the tro- phy once and did not compete in its cdefense. Wayne University, State and the University of Detroit have also taken part in the competition. The team is coached by Prof. H. F. Taggart of the School, who is as- sisted by Arthur Secord, teaching fel- low of the speech depa tment. Team members are as follows: R. C. Brock- way, Sidney Davidson, C. L. Deutsch, R. L. Ellis, Sidney Friedman, D. T. Hartley, R. H. Kent, and J. M. Kot- van, all '41 BAd. i t 0 hANDY SERVICE IRECTORY URGENTLY DESIRE interview for zandy Service quiet room between Monroe, Oak- Advertisin land and Forest avenues. Prefer two or less other roomers. Box 6, Rates Michigan Daily. 361 Cash Rates WANTED-TO BUY-4 12c per reading line for one or ANY OLD CLOTHING-Pay $5.00 to two insertions.. 10 per reading line for three $500. Suits, Overcoats, furs, minks, 1or more insertions. Persian lambs, diamonds, type- Chirge Rates writers and cash for old gold. Phone Sam--6304. Sunday ap- 15e per reading line for one or two insertions. pointments preferred. 359 1.c r reading lin fo three 13e or moreinsertions. f tree IGEST CASH PRICES paid for rme st .our discarded wearing apparel. Five averagP evords to a reading e. Caude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. Miinun of three lines per inser- 146 un. 146 CONTRACT RATES ON REQUEST. TRANSPORTATION -21 Our Want-Advisor will be delighted to assist.V. n in comnotna your d. WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Dily22-24-i resstO~fice, 40 Tda naDriveway gravel, washed pebbles. Street. s1Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 STRAYED LOT FUND-- - 1 WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run list- SR ESTiFO Dgs of your vacant houses in The LOST--Browrn tweed reversible coat , Daily for summer visiting profes- Finder plhase re! urn to Vincent s'ors. Dial 23-24-1 for special Mrrill, 401 Allen-Rumsey.-Re- .ates. ward. 364TYPING-18 REWARD-For return of Kappa [. -Mi-s-Allen, Delta Rho sister pin to Mrs. Smith, 3 I "TI -Eaxperienced. Miss Allen, Delt Rh siser in t r. S ith 403 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 1004 Forest Ave. Phone 4671 363 4 2.F416. 34 LOST---Brownrncoat-itaken fAro 1 ST EN--Experienced typist Metzger's by mistake April 4. I and notary public-excellent work. have yours! Call Join Olsen-- 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20 2-4401. 362 WANTED -TO RENT - 6 LAUNDERING-9 LAUNDRY - .2-1044. Sox darned. H'OUSEHOLDERS: With rooms to Careful work at low prices. 16 rent to high school editors at 50c Cr _ wktr. 1 a night per person on May 2 and MISCELLANEOUS -- 20 3 will please send postcards to J. L. Brumm, 213 Haven Hall, with SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per- the following information: name, manent, $2,50; $3 oil cocona, $1,50; address, phone, number of accom- end permanent, $1; shampoo and modations. Assignments will be fingerwave, 35c. Phone 8100, 117 made in advance of convention. Main. 36 L- - The Man in the Slot 4 Journalism in the U. S. A. pours out millions of INETEEN MINUTES before a-big city newspaper's words each week; TIME'S limit is some thirty thou- first edition goes to press. Page by page, a sand. And when every word must do the work of a story starts coming across the city editor's desk. All this has used up fifteen seconds. dozen, it needs to be a better word, and more eco- .. _, .. .. -a -- -, ALL SALE BOOKS 1/2 Price or Less The city editor reaches for his phone, calls the make-up editor in the composing room. "How we doing?" he asks. "This City Hall story looks pretty hot." "We're going to be tight. Keep it down," warns the make-up editor. "We can't squeeze the Wash- ington story another inch." "Okay," responds the city editor. He looks at the penciled layout for Page One, scribbles some fig- ures in the upper corner of the sheet of copy, and with an expert twist sends it sailing onto the big horseshoe desk next to his own. "We're tight, Mac," he calls to the man in the slot. "Cut it a third." Seventeen minutes now to the deadline.. . only ten for cutting, editing, headline-writing. For those vital ten minutes, the responsibility rests on the shoulders of the man in the slot ... newspaper par- lance for the head of the copy desk. A dozen considerations flash their chain light- ning patterns across the slot man's mind. Tyler's story ...Tyler the brilliant and touchy. He got it out of that certain municipal department which is giving off a faintly gamy odor. The boss will want Colihan has nine and a half minutes to cut and edit and write a top headline and sub-headline. Every line of both headlines must count exactly so many characters and spaces, figuring i as a half and m and w one and a half characters. Then the slot man will take just fifteen seconds more to review Colihan's work, change "banned" to "curbed," sniff the whole concoction for traces of libel, and shoot it to the news editor in the compos- ing room. It is a shorter story than Tyler's original, and a better one-keener of edge, swifter of impact, yet complete in every essential detail. The slot is not a glamorous job. It hasn't been discovered by Shubert Alley or the fiction maga- zines. To the cub reporter, eager for by-lines and self-expression, the whole copy desk looks like a backwater. It takes maturity-grasp of the whole art of news presentation-to appreciate the little miracles that a good copy desk passes. Among the men who write and edit The Weekly Newsmagazine, the man in the slot and the men on the rim are held in greater re- nomically joined to its fellows. Nouns must paint landscapes, adjectives must do portraits, verbs must shoot straight. Each story in TIME must be direct, keen, com- plete; each story must earn its place as an essential link in understanding the world's news of the week. ) TIME has developed the art of news condensation, as practiced by the slot men and rim men of the dailies, to a new high. For every issue of TIME is "tight"-its limit that irreducible minimum of news every intelligent man and woman must know. Which is one reason why TIME has won the genuine devotion of 700,000 busy families-with their ranks growing deeper every week. This is one of a series of advertisements in which the Editors of TIME hope to give College Students a clearer picture of the world of news. gathering, news-writing, and news-reading-and the part TIME plays in helping you to grasp, measure, and use the history of your lifetime as you live the story of your life. spect, perhaps, than in their own city rooms. For more