Weather Cloudy with rain or snow; Friday fair and warmer. 12I Aw aiti Editorial Peace Rally Preview,.. . VOL. L. No. 140 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Peace Buttons Will Be Sold Today; Rally Is Tomorrow Money Gained From Sale Of Badges To Be Given To ForeignStudents Sen. Nye To Speak At All-Campus Meet Campus sentiment supporting this year's Peace Rally to be held at 11 a.m. tomorow on the steps of Hill Auditorium will reach crescendo pitch today when representatives of stu- dent organizations swarm over the campus to sell buttons bcaring the Rally slogan, "The Yanks Are Not Coming." All the proceeds of the sale of but- tons will be turned over to the Inter- national Center for distribution among foreign students~ on campus Backstroker Bill Beebe Chosen Captain Of Wolverine Natators Hard Working Merman Is Favorite Of Teammates; Starred In Nationals Long Bill Beebe, a iackstroker whp made the grade through hard work and courage alone, was elected by his teammates to captain the 1941 Wolverine natatorial forces yester- day. The 180-pound junior from Wil- mette, Ill., succeeds Hal Benham as the honorary leader of the jugger- naut Michigan squad that rules su- preme upon the Western Conference, National Collegiate and National AAU thrones. For Beebe, the captaincy brings to a climax years of effort that were necessary to keep him in top-notch swimming competition. Bill was the kind of performer that didn't find the going easy. He had to work for everything he ever got out of the sport. While only a kid in high school, Beebe learned the fundamentals of expert swimming in a Chicago coun- try club class from one of Matt Mann's proteges, "Tex" Robertson, present coach at the University of Texas. And in the same youthful group with Bill, was another dorsal artist, a lad named Adolph Kiefer, a husky competitor who had all the natural ability in the world, and who imme- diately threw Beebe in the back- ground when they started swimming against each other. Kiefer, who holds the present world records in the backstroke event, and Beebe parted after those country club days, but unfortunate- ly for Beebe, both went to high schools in the same state. , For two straight years they matched strokes in the Illinois in- terscholastic championships, with Kiefer carrying off the top honors on both occasions and Beebe follow- ing close behind. From Wilmette, Bill went to Mer- cersberg Academy, the breeding place for crack natators, and march- .__ __ Conferences WillAnalyze TradeTopics Two-. ay Sesion To Open In Union iTo oroW', Rutliven To GiVe Talk State's Comm erce Opening Subject More than 50 delegates to a Con- ference of Trade and Commercial Secretaries will convene in the Union tomorrow and Saturday to hear au- thoritative analyses of such national problems as trade barriers and state and federal labor legislation. The morning session assembling at 10 a.m. tomorrow, will hear the whys and wherefores of interstate trade barriers and Michigan's stake in in- terstate commerce discussed by Paul T. Truitt, representative of the U.S. Department of Commerce and two memberds of the faculty in the School of Business Administration, Profes- sor of Marketing E. H. Gault and Professor of Business Law E. S. Wol- aver. President Alexander G. Ruthven will address the delegates at a 12:15 luncheon at which Mr. Ira M. Smith, registrar of the University and presi- dent of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, will preside. State labor legislation will con- cern the delegates in the afternoon session. "Activities of the state medi- ation board," and "Retail Merchant Labor Problems" will be discussed. Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department will be the featured speaker at a dinner at 6:30 p.m. at which representatives of the conference's sponsoring organ- izations-the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, the business administra- tion school and Extension Service will attend. The conference will continue at 10 a.m. Saturday with a discussion of federal labor legislation. The Wag- ner Act will be discussed. Conclud- ing session of the Conference will be a luncheon at which Prof. John L. Brumm will speak on organiza- ion and publicity problems. Student Senate titons Called To Talk Here Hull Warns Japan To Respect Dutch Position In Orient Names, posts and times of stu- dents selling peace rally buttons appear on page 8. Students sched- uled for 9 a.m. can pick up but- tons and collection boxes at the Student Publications Building on Maynard Street. Others report directly to their posts. who have lost practically all means of continuing their educations here because war in their native coun- tries has cut off their income. Sale Begins At 9 A.M. Sale of the buttons will begin at 9 a.m. and will continue into the afternoon. The button sale is being held in conjunction with the all-campus Peace Rally which will be led by North Dakota's fighting Sen. Gerald P. Nye who will deliver the main address. The Peace Council which consists of 15 student groups is spon- soring both the sale of buttons for foreign student relief and the Rally to manifest the opposition of students toward becoming involved in either of the two wars now raging in Eur- ope and Asia. North University Ave. in front of Hill Auditorium will be roped off to accommodate the crowd attending the Rally. Photographers from "Life" magazine will take pictures of the Rally for a special feature, the Peace Council was informed yester- day. Senator Nye is best known for the long fight he has made on war profiteering and the bitter struggle he only recently carried on against repeal of the arms embargo. A con- firmed isolationist, he was one of the President's bitterest opponents on foreign policy. His investigations of the munitions industry are inter- nationally famed. Policy Unneutral Senator Nye has said repeatedly that our present policy has been un- neutral and that if we continue to help one side economically and mor- ally we may soon find ourselves in the European war. While this coun- try condemns barbarism, it continues to help in the carnage, according to the veteran Republican. He holds that we should maintain our isolationist position no matter what color the war should take on, that it is wrong to spend billions on war materials while relief is cur- tailed, and that the last war should have taught us the uselessness of at- tempting to bolster our economy with war profits. The Rally will open with the play- ing of "Ballad for Americans," and Carl Petersen, '40, chairman of the Peace Council, will deliver the open- ing address. A war veteran will speak in "Johnny Got His Gun." Senator Nye will then deliver the; principal address. Patterson Gives Lecture On Great French Classicist Much of Francois de Malherbe's work may still be regarded as a mas- terpiece of clarity, precision, and; vigor of French classicism, Prof. Warner F. Patterson of the romance languages department adjudged in1 his French lecture under the auspices; of Le Cercle Francais here yester-t CAPT. BILL BEEBE ed off with the National Prep School backstroke crown during his stay there. Next stop on the Beebe itinerary was the Matt Mann workshop in (Continued on Page 3) Drama Group Enlarges List Of Guest Stars Trenholme And Holland1 HARRY F. KELLY * * * Newman Clubs To Hold Re ion Meeting Here Three-Day Parley Begins Tomorrow; Well-Known Catholics To Give Talks Michigan Catholic students today prepared for one of the big events in their school year-the opening on Friday of the 14th annual con- vention of the Ohio Valley Province of Newman Clubs, which will bring to Ann Arbor 250 college men and women from four states. The conference will open Friday night and will continue through Sunday morning. Delegates will come from 45 Newman clubs in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan. Distinguished Catholic speakers from the State of Michigan and from Washington, D.C., will give ad- dresses during the three-day pro- gram. Secretary of State Harry F. Kelly will speak at Communion Breakfast Sunday morning in the concluding address of the conven- tion. University Newman club mem- bers-who will be host to the con- vention-have announced that the opening feature of the convention will be a reception on Friday eve- ning, with a dance in the newly decorated Michigan students' chap- el. At this time a dating bureau will attempt to make the evening more sociable for visitors from dif- ferent parts of the Mid-west. On Saturday the first official event will be a, series of roundtable discussions in the morning followed by a luncheon at the League, to be attended by visiting delegates and by members of the University New- man Club. After the luncheon a meeting will be held in the Rackham Building, with Miss Agnes Reagan, national corresponding secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Asso- ciation, of Washington, D.C., as guest speaker. Miss Reagan is a national honorary member of Theta Phi Alpha, sorority for Catholic wo- men, and is a prominent member1 of Catholic Youth counsel groups. One of the outstanding speakers on Saturday morning will be Rich- ard Deverall, of Detroit, editor of (Continued on Page 2) Male Singers Present Spring Concert Today Resplendent in full soup-and-fish and presenting their most impres- sive mein, the Varsity Men's Glee Club will sing their best in the an- nual spring concert at 8:15 p.m. to- day in Hill Auditorium. The spring concert, a traditional event, ordinarily represents the only time the club appears in a formal all campus concert. Exception was made this year, however, when the group sang in a special Finnish Re- lief program several weeks ago. Committee chairmen for the con- cert were announced as: Ralph Pe- terson, '41A, auditorium; Colvin Gib- son, '40, programs; Murray Massin, '40, posters, and Janes Crowe, '42, publicity. Ushers for the program will consist of presidents of various sororities, Crowe said. The program will be directed by Prof. David Mattern of the music school, and will consist principally of the repertoire of the club's re- cently completed spring trip. Enoineers Plan Banquet; -New Dean To Tall. Crawford Will Make First Appearance On Campus In All-School 'Program Dean Ivan C. Crawford, newly ap- pointed dean of the engineering col- lege, will be the featured speaker at the 1940 All-Engineering Banquet, Thursday, April 25, in the Union Ball- room, J. Anderson Ashburn, '40E, chairman and toastmaster announced yesterday. Dean Crawford's acceptance of the invitation was confirmed in a tele- gram received by The Technic. The banquet will mark his first public appearance of the newly selected en- gineering college dean on the Cam- pus. Other speakers at the banquet, in- cluding a tentative list of engineer- ing executives, will be announced later. Sponsored cooperatively by all or- ganizations in the engineering col- lege, the banquet will be featured this year in place of the traditional Engineering Open House as the spring all-engineering function. The purpose of the banquet, as set forth by Ashburn, is to assemble a large portion of the engineering stu- dents in order to sponsor a greater feeling of fellowship among students and between students and faculty. Great Britain's Sea Power Fights Nazi Air Might In NorwayCampaign Balkan Countries Improve Defenses (By the Associated Press ) The United States took a firm and unexpected stand in the Pa- cific last (Wednesday) night, call- ing on all nations, particularly Japan, to preserve the status quo of the Netherlands East Indies, no matter what happens to Holland. The warning, made in a formal statement by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, had a direct bearing on the European conflict. Both Ger- BULLETIN SOMEWHERE NEAR NAR- VIK, Norway.-(via Gellivare, Sweden)-April 18. -(P)-- Bri- tish marines, fighting alongside their Norwegian Allies, have oc- cupied Narvik, the northern ore port, and a surrounding area, and the Germans are retreating to the south. many and the British-French Allies have accused one another of designs on the neutrality of the Netherlands in order to get at one another. At Shanghai authorities of the British, French and American fleets took a grave view of the situation in the Pacific, declaring that in the event Germany invaded the Nether- lands there was a "serious possibil- ity" of a Japanese attempt to seize the Dutch East IIndies. Throughout the Far East British and French forces were preparing for trouble. Europe's war swirled with new fury around Norway Thursday and aroused new, trouble-laden question marks in Italy and the Balkans. In the north it was a contest, still, between the naval might of Great Britain and the air power of Germany. The British strove to control the sea lanes over which Allied men and materials must move into Norway; German legions, al- ready established in southern Nor- way, consolidated their positions and strengthened their defenses for whatever the Allies might send. The Balkan countries, ever more nervous, set about strengthening their defenses in case the war moves in their direction and took measures to stop Nazi influences within their borders. Pirnie To Give Lecture Today Head Of Kellogg Sanctuary Will Speak On Birds Dr. Miles D. Pirnie, noted orni- thologist, will talk on "Birds of Sanc- tuary and Wilderness" in a Universi- ty lecture sponsored by the geog- raphy department at 4:15 p.m. today in the Amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building. Dr. Pirnie is Director of the W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary at Battle Creek and a member of the Michi- gan State College faculty. Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry of the geography department, in evaluat- ing, in an interview yesterday, Dr. Pirnie's accomplishments said: "He represents one of the early men brought here to the State of Michi- gan in an attempt to apply scienti- fic methods to a study of wild life. He has been highly successful and has seen his work amplified and in- tensified." Dr. Pirnie received a Doctor of Philosophy Degree at Cornell Uni- versity in 1928 and in that same year was appointed ornithologist for the Michigan State Conservation De- partment. Signed To Appear Here During Season Program The roster of names on the list of actors and actresses who will ap- pear during the 1940 Ann Arbor Dramatic Season assumed new lus- ter yesterday with the announce- ment that Herbert Hudley, Joseph. Holland and Helen Trenholme have been engaged for the season. Stars who have already been sign- ed include: Madge Evans, Ruth Chatterton, Diana Barrymore, Barry Thompson, Mady Christians, Hiram Sherman and Whitford Kane. Rudley will play the same role here that he played this season in the New York production of cJidnoy Kingsley's "The World We Ma..e." Two other actors who will repcat their Broadway performances here are character actors Tito Vuolo and Kasia Orzazewski, who will take the Italian and Polish characterizations. Holland, who will appear in Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale," received inadvertent publicity re- cently when, playing Julius Caesar in the Orson Welles production, he was actually stabbed by mistake. In addition to Miss Trenholme, who has had a brilliant theatrical career, the casts for the five plays of the Season, beginning May 13, include: Grace Mills, Esther Mitchell, Rich- ard Temple, Frederica Going, Horace McNaly, Guy Kingsley and J. P. Wilson. Others will be announced later. 9nly TO Two Days Qualify For Remain Voting Founder's Day Program Planned: State Labor Law To Be Debated In Case Club Finals Tomorrow Only two days remain for the fil- ing of petitions for the Student Sen- ate's fifth semi-annual election, April 2, Stuart Knox, '40, and Norman Schorr, '40, directors of elections, warned yesterday. Petitions, accompanied by eligibil- ity cards and the usual 50 cent regis- tration fee, may be filed between 4 and 6 p.m. today and tomorrow in Room 302 Union, the directors said. It is tothe candidate's advantage to file early, the directors explained, inasmuch as names will appear on the ballots in the order of registra- tion. Sixteen positions are open for elec- tion in the Senate, and the first 10 selected in the Hare system of pro- portional representation will auto- matically be declared elected for a three-semester term. The remaining six are to serve for but one semester. This arrangement is necessitated be- cause of recent changes in the Sen- ate's by-laws which make that body a 30 member rather than a 32 mem- ber organization. Brazil Is Called Self - Sufficient fyir. Del gado Brazil is a nation almost entirely economically self-sufficient today as a result of development shown nec- essary by the first World War, Dr. Carlos Delgado de Carvalho, Brazil- ian geographer and sociologist, told more than 100 people yesterday after- noon in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Delgado's lecture, entitled "An Outline of the Human Geography of Brazil," was the second in a series of five on present-day Brazil he By WILLIAM ELMER Current interest in the spreading adoption by the several states of la- bor laws modeled after the National Labor Relations Act and the Norris- LaGuardia Act prompted the sen- ior advisers of the Law School Case Club to choose a state labor case for the Junior Case Club finals at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Hutchins Hall, which argument is part of the 15th annual Founder's Day program, John Adams, '40L, sai, yesterday. Four juniors in the Law School,- Philip W. Buchen, John W. Cum- miskey, Robert P. Kneeland and Charles D. Johnson, will compete in the finals which will be judged by justices from the Supreme Courts of Michigan, Ohio and Illinois, ac- nynrdin o rof r nve ,_ e rismor after the election, the defendant or minority union began picketing in an attempt to gain members and to secure bargaining rights. Employes remained at work, other than those members of the defen- dant union, Johnson said. An inter- esting, if weightless bit of informa- tion, he pointed out, was that pat- rons of the place of business com- plained that their automobiles had been damaged by "persons un- known." The employer, Johnson ex- plained, charged that his business had fallen off 25 percent as a result of the strike. According to Johnson, the main point at issue is whether the anti- injunction law of the state is qual- ified by the state labor relations act. The judges hearing the case n r~n XXM~nm T-T 4- - +., Professor Discusses Norse Invasion: International Law Repudiated By Germans, Preuss Declares Commenting that the whole sys- or if they are contraband. There- tem of international law for the 1 fore, the British action violated in- protection of neutrals has broken ternational law, but was legalized down, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the as a reprisal for illegal indiscrim- political science department pre- inate sowing of mines by Germany.) dicted yesterday in an interview that Such seizures, however, vitally af- history will assign the entire blame fect neutrals. for the invasion of Norway according "Herein lies a fundamental dif- to moral, not legal, standards. ference between British and neutral What facts we know, moreover, attitudes toward reprisals. London he continued, would seem to saddle has held that reprisals are legal the guilt on Berlin. He justified even though the damage affects this statement in the following de- neutrals, provided that no such dam- tailed explanation: age is intended and that it is not "All previous events in this war of an unreasonable nature. Nor- have been leading to such a big way, on the other hand, contends step. As in the last war, illegal acts that no reprisal can be justified if committed by one belligerent have it injures the rights of a neutral. led to reprisals on the part of the "If the British have a sound case, other, but-in any case-the facts their mining of Norwegian waters on which these reprisals have been is justified as a reprisal against re- based are always in dispute. peated violations of Norwegian wa- "For example, the British de- ters by Germany. If Norway is right, nounce German submarines for at- the British action is illegal. tacking merchant vessels without "However, although the City of warning; the German counter with Flint case showed that Norway was the argument that these measures sincere in trying to maintain her are necessitated because British neutrality, the Altmark incident re- mn ~n~ incclcam ~mrl n ivncrn lrl Vi + f n n-I__ti-+ Perspectives Deadline Set One Week Ahead Deciding yesterday that they could not expect campus writers to write for both the Hopwoods and Per- spectives, the editors of the literary magazine pushed their deadline, orig- inally set for today, a week ahead to next Thursday. The editors stressed that submis- sion of material to Perspectives does not disqualify it for the Hopwood awards. Short stories, short plays, poetry and essays may be left in the English or engineering English offices or at the Student Publications Build- ing. Koo To Speak Here On China Talk Will Head Local Drive For Far East Relief Dr. T. Z. Koo, internationally known lecturer and secretary of the World Student Christian Federation, will speak in behalf of the student relief in the Far East at 8 p.m. Mon- day in the Rackham Lecture Hall, headlining the local drive to raise funds for students now destitute be- cause of the war in China. Slated to speak on "Progress in Free China," Dr. Koo is well-known in Ann Ahr , hnvin. emer, r