Michigan Grcduates Steal Show
At Annual Gridiron Club Dinner,
and lyrically, to tear the men who
make the news apart.
Before the Blitzkrieg of satire be-
gan, however, the University of
Michigan had its inning. As 14 presi-
dential possibilities and one Silent
One sat on the edges of their seats,
t the U.S. Marine Band swept into
"The Victors," Michigan's football
I march. The banquet chairman in-
troduced President Ruthven and Don=
ald Sterling, president of the Ameri-
can Society of Newspaper Editors
and a University alumnus.
Points To Presidents
Then the chairman announced
- that he was "ready to show the man
- who is to be President." This man,
he said as the 14 candidates leaned
forward, had graduated from the
1 University of Michigan. Herewith a
spotlight fell upon Senator Burton
K. Wheeler, '05, Montana's Demo-
cratic dark-horse.
But the chairman wouldn't stop.
s He added that the President "must
have been born in Michigan besides."
e The spotlight found New York Dis-
J trict Attorney Thomas Dewey, '23.
' "Besides being a graduate of the
University of Michigan and having
been born in Michigan, this man must
be prominent in national affairs,"
the announcer described.
Murphy Spotlighted
Spotlight on Supreme Court Jus-
tice Frank Murphy, 14. The an-
nouncer still wasn't satisfied. "I
want an alumnus of the University
of Michigan, born in Grand Rapids
and prominent in national affairs,"
- he continued. Spotlight on Senator
. Arthur H. Vandenberg, '02. Finally
e it flashed on President Roosevelt,
1 who said, "Wait a minute. You can't
- fool me. The man you are talking
s about is Mark Foote, the new presi-
n dent of the Gridiron Club."
y Fourteen presidential candidates
s settled back in their chairs. As
Mark Foote, '03, Washington cor-
f respondent for the Booth newspapers,
- arose to take the Gridiron gavel the
o man who may be fifteenth whis-
y pered something to him.
e "That's a good idea, Mr. President,"
y Foote replied. "I won't say anything
- now about not taking another term."
VOL. L. No. 139
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
today from 4 to 6 o'clock.
To All Faculty Members: .
1. Life Annuities or life insurance
either or both may be purchased by
members of the faculties from the3
Teachers Insurance and Annuity As-
sociation of America and premiums
for either life Annuity or life Insur-;
ance, or both, may be deducted at
the written request of the policy-,
holder from the monthly payroll of
the University, and in such cases will
be remitted directly by the Univer-
sity, on the monthly basis. The
secretary's office has on file blank'
applications for annuity policies, or
life insurance policies, and rate books,'
for the convenience of members of"
the University staff desiring to make
use of them.
2. The Regents at their meeting of
January, 1919 agreed that any mem-
ber of the Faculties entering the serv-
ice of the University since Nov. 17,
1915, may purchase an Annuity from
the above-named Association, toward
the cost of which the Regents would
make an equal contribution up to
five per cent of his annual salary
not in excess of $5,000, thus, within
the limit of five per cent of the salary,
doubling the amount of the Annuity
3. The purchase of an Annuity
under the conditions mentioned in
(2) above is made a condition of em-
ployment in the case of all members
of the Faculties, except instructors,
whose term of Faculty service does
not antedate the University year
1919-1920. With instructors of less
than three years' standing the pur-
chase of an Annuity is optional.
4. Persons who have become mem-
bers of the faculties since Nov. 17,
1915 and previous to the year 1919-
1920 have the option of purchasing
annuities under the University's con-
tributory plan.
chase annuities from 'he association1
or any of the class of faculty mem-
bers mentioned above may purchase,
annuities at his own cost in addition
to those mentioned above. The Uni-
versity itself, however, will contribute
to the expense ofsuch purchase of
annuities only as indicated in sections
2, 3 and 4 above.
6. Any person in the employ of they
University, either as a faculty mem-i
ber or otherwise, unless debarred by
his medical examination may, at his
own expense, purchase life insurance
from the Teachers Insurance and An-
nuity Association at its rate. All life
insurance premiums are borne by the
individual himself. The University
makes no contribution toward life
insurance and has nothing to do with
the life insurance feature except that
it will if desired by the insured, de-
duct premiums monthly and remit
the same to the association.
7. The University accounting of-
fices will as a matter of accommoda-
tion to members of the faculties or
employes of the University, who de-
sire to pay either annuity premiums
or insurance premiums monthly, de-
duct such premiums from the pay-
roll in monthly installments. In the
case of the so-called "academic roll"
months of July, August, September,
and October will be deducted from
the double payroll of June 30. While
the accounting offices do not solicit
this work, still it will be cheerfully
assumed where desired.
8. The University has no ar-
rangements with any insurance or-
ganization except the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association of
America and contributions will not
be made by the University nor can
premium payments be deducted ex-
cept in the case of annuity or insur-
ance policies of this association.
9. The general administration of
the annuity and insurance tusiness
has been placed in the hands of Sec-
retary of the University by the Re-
Please communicate with the un-
dersigned if you have not complied
with the specific requirements as
stated in (3) above.
Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't Secy.
Health Service: Service is now avail-
able in the new building only. East
of the League. Telephone 2-4531.
May Festival Tickets: The over-
the-counter sale of remaining tickets
(Continued on Page 4)
ROY HOYER presents
Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., and Sat. Matinee
Evenings at 8:15 Matinee at 2:15
$1.00 75c 50c
rc.+l iiil
Drink More Milk
Sets Deadline
ForApril 23
The deadline for submission of
manuscripts for the fourth issue of
Perspectives will be Thursday, April
23, according to James Allen, '40
and Harvey Swados, '40, co-editors.
In an effort to divert some of the
creative writing done over the vaca-
tion period into the pages of the
magazine, the editors explained yes-
terday the relationship between the
Hopwood contest and the magazine.
There is a belief among campus writ-
ers, Co-editor Allen observed, that
publication of literary material in
the magazine disqualifies it for en-
trance in the Hopwood competition.
Although there are many rules,
this isn't one of them, Allen said.
Rule number 12 of the Hopwood
handbook states: "No manuscript or
part of a manuscript that has been
published in a medium other than
a college magazine or a college news-
paper shall be eligible in any con-
Types of manuscripts wante4 are
short stories, short plays, radio skits,
poetry, essays or book reviews. Manu-
scripts may be left at the English or
engineering English offices or at the
Student Publications Building.
Contributions may also be made to
the following editors: Allen and Swa-
dos, co-editors; James Green, '40,
poetry; David Spongler, '40, essay;
Hervie Haufler, '41, fiction; or Sey-
mour Pardell, '41, publications man-
NBC Stars To Sing
Here Tomorrow
Ranked as one of the greatest vocal
attractions on the air or; concert
stage, the Southernaires, famous NBC
quartet, will appear at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Ann Arbor High
School auditorium under the auspices
of the Second Baptist Church.
This quartet, which receives many
complaints from pastors unable to
fill their pews because the congre-
gations stay at home to listen to
the Southernaires' Sunday morning
broadcasts, has thrilled audiences for
10 years.
Office and Portable Models
New, and Reconditioned.
Bought, Sold
*x Rented, Exchanged,
Cleaned, Repaired.