\Ve4iith fa i' a ii wr imer. lEN Sir igan ati Editorial Northern ' 1"a3 a Imperialist Blood-Bath mrtmwmmnnsu mnan mns ® VOL. L. No. 139 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1940 PRICE FIVE U I - _ F First Western Alumni Meet Oens Sept.26 In Caifornia Round-Up Group To Visit Biennial Regional Meet, Wolverine Football Tilt 6,000 Will Receive Conference Bids Tentative plans were announced here yesterday for Michigan's Wes- tern Round-Up, the first of a series of biennial Regional Alumni Con- ferences, t be held Sept. 26-28 in San Francisco in conjunction with the Michigan California football game. Taking advantage of the first ap- pearance of a Wolverine football team on the West Coast since the memorable first Tournament of Roses game in 1902, thousands of Michigan alumni throughout the Far West are expected to attend the affair. Plans Already Developed Plans for the weekend program have already been developed and pre- liminary arrangements completed. Committees have been set up, and the first announcement will soon be sent to the 6,000 Michigan alumni in the territory west of the Rockies.' Supervising arrangements is the 8th Alumni District organization, and the General Committee is headed by Clyde L. Queen, '13, of San Francis- co. The program now tentatively ar- ranged will begin Thursday, Sept. 26, when the Big Ten Club of San Francisco brings together all Michi- gan's friends in the San Francisco Bay section for either a luncheon or a dinner. A luncheon at noon the next day will launch the strictly Michigan alumni part of the program. The luncheon guests will break up im- mediately after the menu into School and College groups, with the num- ber of groups 'depending on how many representatives of the particu- lar departments will be present from Ann Arbor. Guests Will Be On Program Highlight of the Round-Up will be a banquet Friday night in the Gold Ballroom of San Francisco's Pal- ace Hotel. Distinguished alumni, and Ann Arbor guests will be on the toast program. Built around these events will be many informal gatherings, trips to Treasure Island, Class Reunions, Alumni Association conferences and any special events arranged in hon- or of the Michigan visitors by Uni- versity of California organizations. The game itself, with possibly a luncheon at the Stephens Union on the Berkeley campus, will end the Round-Up on Saturday. Material Due For Hopwood Annual Creative Writing Contest Closes Today Frenzied last efforts marked by calls to the Hopwood office with such questions as "What would you do if you made an error on the manuscript?" set this Week apart as to the deadline for material for the tenth annual Hopwood contest which closes at 4:30 p.m. today.' Announcement of the winners of this year's contest will be made. fol- lowing a lecture to be given in the Rackham Auditorium Friday, May 31. Last year's lecturer was Carl vanDoren, winner :of the Pulitzer prize for his "Biography of Benjamin Franklin." Since the prizes were first offered through a grant from the estate of Avery Hopwood, a prominent Amer- ican dramatist and member of the class of 1905, nearly $10,000 a year has been offered in the four fields of creative writing to students who "perform the best creative work in the fields of dramatic writing, fic- tion, poetry and essay." Not more than four awards of $2,000 each are offered, one each in the four divi- sions of the major contest. Union Will Open Series Senator Nye, Foe Of Munitions Makers, To Talk At Peace Rally Staunch Isolationist From North Dakota To Speak Friday Morning At Peace Council Program Galenis Plans Scholarships In Medicine Germans Split Norway By Troudheim- Swede' Sen. Gerald P. Nye, staunch iso- lationist from North Dakota and famed investigator of the munitions industry, will headline this year's all-campus Peace Rally to be held at 11 a.m. Friday under the spon- sorship of the Camnus Peace Coun- cil. Place of the Rally will be announced in tomorrow's Daily. Senator Nye, who is famed for his frequent denunciations of war profiteering, was an opponent of the embargo irepeal and has sought the passing of a constitutional amend- ment requiring a people's referen- dum for declaration of war by the United States. ' In his latest public utterance con- cerning this country's position dur- ing the war, Senator Nye writes via "Look," national picture magazine, that the United States is already in the war on the economic and moral fronts. "If the President continues his present policy of ignoring every lesson that the last war taught us," he holds, "We'll be in over our heads on the military front." He has come out in favor of main- taining our isolationist position no matter how the wr turns, he has decried the expenditure of billions "we haven't got" on war materials while denying aid to many df the people of this country, he has op- posed playing favorites in our rela- tions with belligerent powers and Major Doolittle To Speak Here At I.Ae.S. Meet Noted Air Record Holder To Speak On Program Of Aeronautical Group Major James H. Doolittle, national president of the Institute of Aero- nautical Sciences and noted speed and stunt flier, will be the featured speaker at the annual Institute of Aeronautical Science banquet, Tues- day, April 30, in the League. Supplementing Major Doolittle in the speaking panel will be Major Lester D. Gardner, executive vice- president of the Institute. As climax to the banquet program, the local chapter will present a sound motion picture entitled , "Conquest of the Air," a documentary chronicle of man's struggle to master the air- ways. A former United States Army flier, Major Doolittle includes a host of world speed records and numerous awards for service to aviation re- search among his accomplishments. In 1922 he made the first cross- country flight in less than 24 hours, and in 1931 he repeated as the first to accomplish that feat in less than 12 hours. A new speed record for seaplanes was established by Major Doolittle in 1925, and in 1932 he added the1 land plane speed marker to his credit. He was winner of the Ben- dix trophy race in 1931 and the Thompson trophy race in 1932. Among distinctions held by Major Doolittle are recognition as the first aviator to accomplish an outside loop and he is accredited as the first to complete a flight flying "blind," completely by instruments. has pointed to fallacies in trying to help an econonmy with war profits. The Peace Rally started with the playing of "Ballad for Americans." Carl Petersen, managing editor of The Daily, will deliver the opening address and will be followed by a war veteran who will speak on "Johnny Got His Gun." Senator Nye will then deliver the principal address. Also being sponsored by the Peace Council is the sale tomorrow on cam- pus of buttons bearing the slogan "The Yanks Are Not Coming," pro- ceeds of which will be given to the Far Eastern and European Student Funds, agencies designed to send aid to destitute students in war-torn countries.Representatives of 15 campus organizations will sell the buttons. Salesmen and posts will be announced in tomorrow's Daily Newman Club Regional Meet OpensFriday Local Organization Plans Varied Program; 250 Will Attend Conference Providing entertainment for 250 visiting Catholic college students for three consecutive convention days is no little jobs, but it is the task which the Ann Arbor Newman Club has now finished after many weeks of industrious preparation'. The plans are now complete, and on Friday the 250 visitors-from Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Ken- tucky-will arrive for the 14th an- nual convention of the Ohio Valley Province of Newman Clubs. In Ann Arbor they will participate in a program of speech-making, ban- quets, religious services and dancing. April 19-21 will be the span of the convention. During that time distin- guished Catholic speakers from the state of Michigan and from Wash- ington, D.C. will address the several banquets and luncheons which will be an important part of the 1940 conference. And to provide less sober plea- sures, a "dating bureau" will match men and women for the convention banquet and dance. Earl Stevens and his orchestra will play for the Convention Dance, which will be held Saturday evening in the League following a dinner meeting. More than 45 Newman clubs will send delegates to the Convention. Burns Huttlinger, '41, and Mary Ellen Spurgeon, '40, are co-chairmen of the convention. Among the speak- ers who will appear are Secretary of State Harry Kelly, President Ruthven and Msgr. Michael J. Ready, general secretary of the Na- tional Catholic Welfare Conference. Hillel Council Elects Jerome W. Mecklenburger, '41E, was chosen president of the Hillel Council in an election at the Founda- tion yesterday. The Council also chose Theodore Leivovitx, '40, vice- president, and Jean Tenofsky, '41, secretary. $2,000 Will Be Yearly From News Stand's Awarded Hospital Profits Railroad Line Seizu Juniors And Seniors Will Receive Grants A scholarship fund of $2,000 will be awarded annually by Galens, Honorary Medical Society, to stu- dents of the Medical School, Robert Plumb, '40M, president of the so- ciety, announced yesterday. Money for these grants is to Come from the income of the Galens News Stand in the University Hospital. If the income is not sufficient to meet the needs of the fund, the Society will give all funds available from the Stand. A vote by the Galens Society will decide the amount of money available for each academic year. Applications for these scholarships must be made to the Scholarship Committee of the Michigan Medical School, who will award the grants according to the following regula- tions: 1) Recipients must be native born citizens of the United States; (2) they mlst be juniors or seniors in good standing in the Medical School, having completed two full years in Medical School here, and must be enrolled in the Medical School at the time the scholarship is granted; (3) preference shall be given to those students whose scholastic work, in the opinion of the Committee, will be improved by grants of financial aid, (4) this money is not to be used for payment of tuition, but for payment of such current expenses as room, board and laundry. The number of scholarships and their size will be regulated at the discretion of the Scholarship Com- mittee, but none of the grants are to exceed $400. Michigan State Bird Authority Will Talk Here Prominent Ornithologist Will Speak Tomorrow In Uiiversity Lecture Dr. Miles D. Pirnie, Director of the W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary at Battle Creek, will discuss "Birds of Sanctuary and Wilderness" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The talk, a University lecture sponsored by the geography depart- ment, is open to the public. Dr. Pirnie, famed for his work in ornithology, received a Doctor of Philosophy Degree at Cornell Uni- versity in 1928 and in that same year was appointed ornithologist for the Michigan State Conservation Department. He served in that ca- pacity until 1931. When the Kellogg Refuge on Gull Lake was given to Michigan State College, Dr. Pirnie was made head of the new sanctuary. He acts, more- over, not only as head of the sanc- tuary, but as a member of the Mich- igan State faculty. Dr. Pirnie has pioneered in re- search and investigation upon birds in Michigan and is still active in cooperation with the Conservation Department and several institutions in study upon bird and wild-life problems. He is the author of a Conservation Department bulletin, "Water Foul in Michigan." Del gado Discusses Brazil's Geography In O peningc Lecture Particularism, federalism and rela- tive isolation of the different regions of Brazil are conditioned by the na-' tion's geography, Dr. Carlos Delga- do de Carvalho, distinguished Brazil- ian geographer and sociologist, point- ed out yesterday at the Rackham Amphitheatre. The talk, the first in a series of five on present day Brazil to be given Glee Club To& Give Special Program At SpringConcert The Men's Glee Club will present a specially arranged program at the annual spring concert at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. The program, featuring a variety of numbers including some of those presented on the recently completed Spring Trip, will be composed of the best of the songs learned by the Cluo this year, James Crowe, '43, an- nounced yesterday. A special feature of the concert, Crowe said, will be recordings made of all numbers on the program, which will be offered for sale in a short time. Admission to this last campus ap- pearance of the year of the Glee Club will be free. Contrary to custom, this year an extra appearance was made on a special Finnish relief program with the band, Crowe add- ed. New Technic' Includes Story On Curriculum Magazine On Sale Today Offers Varied Opinions Of Leading Executives Featured in the first issue of the Michigan Technic on sale today and tomorrow under the editorship of George Weesner will be a continua- tion of the forum discussion on leng- thening of the engineering curricu- lum. Presented are the opinions of pro- minent engineering executives, edu- cators and students, including M. M. Boring of the General Electric Company; R. J. Rockwell, technical supervisor of Radio Station WLW; William O. Hotchkiss, president, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; W. L. Rodman, dean of engineering, University of Virginia; F. D. Mc- Hugh, executive director, Scientific American, and Henry R. Clauser, '40E. Outstanding is the general opinv ion of practicing engineers and edu- cators that an extension of the pres- ent four-year course to five or six years would be of little benefit to the majority of engineering students. Frequently pointed out is the fact that present curricula offer suffi- cient general training, and that spe- cific training is better acquired on the location of the student's future position. Editorially, the new publications board opens its case with a criticism of the system of classification now in use in the engineering college. Point- ed out are its inefficiencies, together with suggestions for improvement. Nazis Guard Stations After Daring Cout Heavy Attacks Reported In North (By The Associated Press) The German army has bisected Norway by establishing control of railway belting Norway's "waist" from Trondheim on the Atlantic coa to the Swedish frontier, Swedish dispatches reported early today. German troops are guarding all stations along the railway to a poir within a short distance of, the frontier, a correspondent of the Stockhol newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported from Storlien, just within the borde The Germans sliced through Norway in an audacious coup in whic a Nazi-packed troop train rolled past the very muzzles of Norwegian manned fortress guns, through Norwegian-held territory, railway employ( - - - State' Justices Will Officiate At Law Finals' Presentations, Addresses Scheduled For Annual Founder's Day Banquet Justices from the Supreme Courts of Michigan, Ohio and Illinois will officiate at the junior Law School Case Club finals at 2 p.m. Friday, a part of the 15th annual Founder's Day program, Prof. Grover C. 'Qris- more of the Law School said yes- terday. The program will begin with a luncheon at noon Friday in honor of the visiting judges: The Hon. Wil- liam L. Hart of the Ohio Supreme, Court, the Hon. Elwyn R. Shaw of the Illinois Court, and the Hon. Ed- ward Sharpe of the Michigan Court, Professor Grismore said. Founder's Day is a traditional pro- gram celebrated in honor of William W. Cook, whose donations to the University made possible the Law Quadrangle and Legal Research' Building. High point of the celebration will be a banquet at 6:30 p.m. Friday at which Dean E. Blythe Stason will be toastmaster and Alfred McCormack of the New York law firm of Gra- vath, deGersdorff, Swaine and Wood will be the principle speaker. Regent Edmuch Shields will give a short talk at the banquet also and will pre- sent billets to the graduating seniors of the Law Club. Four Law School juniors, Philip Buchen, John W. Cummiskey, Robert P. Kneel and Charles D. Johnson will compete in the Case Club finals for the Henry M. Campbell Award. These men were chosen from a group of juniors in the semi-finals several weeks ago. Bruce To Talk Today Dr. James D. Bruce, chairman of the University department of post- graduate education, will speak on "The Modern Doctor of the Old School" at 2 p.m. today in the Uni- versity Hospital Amphitheatre. The lecture, sponsored by the medical school, is one in the series of extra- curricular talks on medicine. having been led to believe that i was a Norwegian troop train. Kongsvinger, in Norway's Swedisi frontier region, was reported occu pied after minor street fighting be tween the invaders and a sma force of Norwegians left to slow u the advance. Kongsvinger is abou 50 miles northeast of Oslo. German Corps Strikes To the north, a German corp struck heavily at Norwegian troop and battled along the railway lin clear to the Swedish border fror Narvik, 20 miles away. The German high command re pbrted without details that a Brilsl BULLETIN STOCKHOLM, April 17. (Wed- nesday) -(A)- German troops were reported to have driven across Norway to the Swedish border at a second point, east- ward from Narvik. - , cruiser had been sunk by air bomb off the Norwegian coast yesterda: and that a British amphibian "fly ing battleship" also had been de stroyed. Authorized Nazi sources, comment ing on President Roosevelt's state ment of last Saturday implying con demnation of Germany's invasion o Norway, said: "In'urging that nobody mix in th affairs of another country Mr. Roose velt perhaps unwittingly addresse himself to the Allies, for it is the who keep saying Hitlerism must go. Britain Calls For Recruits The British stuck to a "hush hush policy on activities of their expedi tionary forces to Norway, but 27-year old Britons were called up for mill tary service May 5. These and th 25 and 26-year-old classes alread called will add about 850,00 me to the Empire's forces, bringing ther to nearly 2,500,000. There were reports that Ca adia troops were among the Allied land ing forces in Norway. The Royal Air Force bombed'Gex man-occupied Stavanger, Norwa for the seventh time in five days, an the army was reported preparing I protect landing forces with powerfi anti-aircraft guns on the Norwegia shores. Rumania Starts War Preparations In Ports BUCHAREST, April 16-(P)- Rt mania moved to put her Black Se and Danube ports under navy ru tonight as the first step in an inter sive program to prepare the natic for the possibility of war. With units of the Soviet navy r ported at Odessa, and Nazi gunboa ready to dash down the Danube, Ghen eral Paul Teodorescu, ministera navy and air, introduced a bill in ti Rumanian Chamber giving the go ernment immediate power to tal "extraordinary military measures"'b all ports and territorial waters. At the same time "strategic" fa tories working for national defen were ordered to immediately bui up a 15-day emergency supply gasoline and fuel oil which may n be touched unless there is gener mobilization. The government d cree also specified that all defen factories must immediately constru extensive underground storage tank British Ambassador Sees Tighter Pacific Blockade WASHINGTON, April 16.-(- tighter British blockade in the Pac fic--to keep American and other sul nies frnm reachin- tvrmanob h 1 Spring Parley Opening Friday To Accent Student Participation' Internal Labor Politics Menace Peace In Sweden, Says Schaaf By WILLIAM B. ELMER With all the basic plans for the Spring Parley practically set, there yet remains the question of just how to implement the title "Democracy Through The Students' 'Ayes'," with student discussion material and ques- tions. Casual talks with many stu- dents indicate that there is some doubt as 'to just what part the aver- age member of the campus can play in the Parley, which opens at 3:30 p.m. Friday. For example, Robert Fowler, '42, who admitted he had never attended a Parley. "I wasn't just sure if I would be welcome-according to the papers, the Parley is filled with big names and faculty members-and I thought I might be out of place." But' to him Dr. Edward W. Blake- man, counsellor in religious educa- ni onAi hia- fra in all Parlevs Pve- right to get up and criticize, add to or begin new discussions on any sub- ject on the floor, Doctor Blakeman said. That last question gives rise to yet another-suppose, as in the case of John Adams, '40L, lately senior Law School Case Club adviser, who re- marked that he "was interested but had nothing to offer in the way of discussion." To him Dr. Blakeman pointed out that it is not necessary to get up and talk, even if you don't have stage fright. Some of the best- informed students in attendance at the Parleys have simply sat and ab- sorbed the bickerings of factional groups-and have probably profited more by listening than talking. Jack Thornhill, '40, had the fol- lowing question: "What is the Par- ley? I know I am a senior and shnld have onme intn onntact with By HOWARD A. GOLDMAN Strong and well-defined move- ments in internal politics, as well as unfortunate geographical location, are drawing Sweden to a position closer to war than she has been in more than a century, Hart Schaaf, '35, former editorial director of The Daily, who recently completed a spe- cial two-year study of Swedish pol- itics in Sweden said yesterday. Most important single factor in recent Swedish politics, he noted, has been the development of the labor movement. Sweden has the greatest percentage of unionized la- bor of any nation in the world, he explained, and Swedish governments are drawn very largely from the labor classes. Sweden's labor movement is all the more significant in the present war crisis .Srhaf remarked. hecaue Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson. It is the growing importance of the anti-fascist labor movement in Sweden, however, to which Schaaf ascribes the increased willingness of Sweden's populace to give up its treasured neutrality. The Swedish people were evenly and dangerously split on the issue of sending men to aid Finland, he recalled. Sweden hasn't come to Norway's aid already, Schaaf explained, only because of a strong sentiment for keeping its traditional neutrality. All street-cars carry placards admonish- ing the people to keep calm, he said, and the "keep out of war" sentiment is basically similar and at least as strong as it is in the United States. If and when Sweden is drawn into the war, however, Schaaf observed, there will be much greater popular desire to fight Germany than there mns +o frrht +h+ n iafn+ rMunn ama