STHE TCRTG AN I LV THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ufi . - 1ai!! 2! - - i m -. I T| RD+G I S~DEiRh ( r o rs ~GE'^V) W(,t __ . l1G N RdA4 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVEt..SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MAOiSON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO '"BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fneberg f . . . . . . . .a s . . . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor. Business Staff Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr. Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager , . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Japan And Britain; A Significant Parallel.. . A T LEAST one interesting and sig- nificant parallel can be drawn between the Sino-Japanese War and the con- flict on Europe's western front: both are fast developing into "wars of nutrition." A large part of British-French strategy in their war against the Reich seems to be focused on the sea blockade, designed to starve Germany into submission. Likewise, Japan is trying to block every source of supplies by sea available to China. Great Britain and Japan are both potent sea powers. Both are apparently having con- siderable success in bottling up the ports of their respective enemies, although German shipping is still active in the Baltic. However, Chinese ports-from Tientsin in the north to Canton in the south--are all lost to Chiang Kai-Shek's government. Both Germany and China now have three main routes open to them as sources of sup- plies. Russia, of course, figures prominently in the storehouse facilities of each beleaguered nation. Russian aid to the Reich, however, is blocked by inefficiency in developing natural resources, notoriously poor transportation facil- ities (including the obvious difficulties en- countered in the Soviet wider-gauge railroads) and a certain amount of Russian preoccupation in the Far East. China's pipeline to the U.S.S.R. is the long and treacherous route through the wilds of Singkiang and across the Turkestan steppes. Trucks travelling this route must carry almost as much fuel as supplies. And the mountains of western Sinkiang, close to the so-called "roof" of the world," present almost insurmountable difficulties. Both Hitler and Chiang have two other avail- able overland routes, both from the south. Ger- many can draw a certain amount of supplies through the Brenner Pass from Italy, but a more valuable source is the road to the Balkans, whence greatly coveted grain and oil flow into the Reich. China's other two sources of supplies involve Britain and France. One is the comparatively new Burma Road, traversing extremely diffi- cult mountainous territory from British Burma through Tibet to Chungking. Two factors peril the value of this road to Chiang's government: Britain's ability or disposition to continue aid- ing China, and conditions of nature (including treacherous terrain and destructive monsoons). The other road is the route from French Indo-China northward through Southern China to Chiang's capital. This route too is endan- gered by two considerations: France's ability or "disposition to continue aiding China, and the success of Japanese pressure on Paris to close this road to Chungking. (Japanese cap- ture of the strategic island of Hainan puts her in an excellent position to menace the French position in Indo-China.) From this one parallel between- the two fronts, it can be seen that important factors are pulling the two conflicts together: Russia's dominant position as the storehouse of both Germany and China; British and French in- terests in the Far East, affecting their attitudes toward China; growing sea rivalry between Japan and Britain. Present considerations of the two battle fronts are too likely to place them in separate and Education And Democracy . . UTNIVERSAL free public education has been our national policy for more than a century. As the United States grew in territory and world prominence, the popula- tion demanded and got better facilities for training the intelligence of the population. The need for education has never been so pressing in the history of this country as it is now in the present economic crisis that we are facing. Yet at a time when the welfare of a nation is threatened by under-protection, unemploy- ment and insecurity, the mediims and facilities for necessary education are slipping to lower and lower levels. The ratio of educational facilities to the ma- terial richness of our industrial society is inade- quate. School budgets are being slashed, while on the other hand teaching loads are being increased. Forced to do more work at a lower wage level, the morale of teachers and students is sinking. With the fields of professional and technical employment overcrowded, stricter qualifications for potential competitors for such employment are imposed. These qualifications are not offset by facilities to enable serious- minded and financially unable students to "make the grade." PUBLIC OFFICIALS are constantly attempt- ing to diminish the amount of educational funds to make the future of education darker. As municipalities become insolvent, they appeal to the states who in turn appeal to the federal government for funds. There is always the dangerous outcome of such actions in that our schools may be used as "tools" to teach just what the officials and leaders want to be taught, regardless of the cultural and educational as- pects. A survey of the educational situation in five of the leading states in the country made by research workers reveals the' deploring state of affairs. Starting right in our own backyard, we find that Michigan's 1940 trend toward economy points back to 1934 conditions. At the present time, educational opportunities in this state are below those of 1930. The amount spent for public school education dropped from 135 millions in 1930, with an average of $129 per pupil, to 74 millions in 1934, averaging $80 per pupil and then rose to 105 millions in 1937, allowing $111 per pupil. During this period the notable factors were that although the 1937 figure was 22 per cent below the 1930 figure, national production in 1937 exceeded that of 1930 and almost equalled 1929 figures . While funds for teachers' salaries decreased 17.9 per- cent from 1930 to 1937, interest payments on outstanding school bonds rose from 7 millions to 10 millions; an increase of 42.9 percent. As a result of cuts in educational appropriations, the average teachers' salary outside Wayne County is approximately $900 a year. The situation in Pontiac where it is planned to cut the term from 40 to 36 weeks and to have chil- dren in the primary grades attend school in half-day shifts, and other grades to be cut one hour a d'y is only a sample of what is happening all over the state. Illinois' educational system is not unknown to the public. That Chicago teachers went un- paid for months is no secret and now the Chi- cago school administration is again under fire. Aside from the problem of gross political patron- age being exhibited by Mayor Kelly, the major problem is the financial one. Chicago ranks first in cities of over a million in school oper- ational expense and last in instructional ex- pense. The teachers of Chicago are the only group of city employes whose depression pay cuts have not been restored. Seven and one- half percent of their back pay remains to be restored and it is estimated that they have given an enforced contribution to/ the state of $60,000,000, THE MOST impressive item in the cutting of school funds can be seen in the state of New York last year with the 10 million dollar slash in state aid. This year additional decreases are being planned. One of the shortest routes to economy is via the increased teachers load. There are now about 300,000 children in the elementary schools alone in the City of New York that are being taught in classes having registers of 35 or more. It is almost impossible to believe that any person or group of persons in a democratic country could utter such a statement as the following: ". . . all but defec- tives must be taught to read, write and figure reasonably well. But there is a fair question as to how many should go further. Some do not want it, others are not fitted to take it, and these stop when they have passed the point of literacy. . . . beyond that point it is a fair question whether the State should bear all the expense or whether parents who are amply able to educate their own youngsters should pay for it." The above quotations were taken from a reprint in the New American from the report of the Special Committee on Economical and Efficient Education of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Demo- cratic education and equal opportunity for all is certainly not the basis of such biased remarks. With the trend in educational economy lead- ing to diminishing appropriations, increased teaching loads, fewer facilities, restriction of education to the comparatvely few financially able, the true spirit and letter of democracy is fading into darkness. Education's task is to help develop the initiative, originality and cre- ative imagination of the people. Fundamen- tally, American education is also to transmit the values of our democratic culture. Present tendencies are slowly but surely veering away from such a course which will enable people to live instead of merely exist. Not only is there a crisis in education, but there is a crisis in social and economic conditions. Educaton is an invaluable means for getting an insight into these conditions and understanding them. At GULLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG GULLIVER THESE last few weeks of the year are bound to be pretty hard on everybody. The faculty are chafing at the bit, leafing through tourist folders and steamship come-ons. Most of them are trying to decide whether to loll around in Hawaii, drive leisurely through Mexico, or sum- mer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, teaching a few classes and week-ending at Whitmore Lake, garden spot of Southeastern Michigan. Since most of them will be doing the last, it makes them a little irritable. As a result they are going to start throwing bluebooks, term papers and unrehearsed quizzes at you. Take it the best way you can; after all, most of them are as tired of seeing you as you are of seeing them. The freshmen are more than a little nervous too. They are waiting for two things: finals (50% are going to study for them and the other 50% are going to wish they'd studied for them) and summer vacation. Summer vacation means a return to the home town, where people ask you where you've been. "Oh," says the fresh- man, "I've been at college." "Is that so? Fresh- man?" And here is what the freshman is wait- ing for. "Oh no," this is very casual, " a soph- omore." What bliss! The sophomores and juniors are probably taking these last few weeks in their stride. The sophs are wondering whether the last two years are going to be as lousy as the first two. They are also indulging in that well known witticism: "Next semester things are going to be different!" The juniors are already a pretty hardened lot, willing to take what the future will bring; there are a few, however, who are still under the illusion that next year they will be seniors, which means that they will be something different. By September they will be disabused of this notion. The senior's lot is unquestionably the hardest of them all. Right now he is wondering if he can go home and face the folks in June. "See, I didn't quite graduate this month. But if I go back for summer session, maybe they'll give me my degree in August." Or, if it's not that, it's "Yeah, here's my degree. You can paperj the wall with it. How's chances of your putting me up until I can get located?" HE IS also wondering how many pairs of shoes he is going to wear out pounding the pave- ments, before someone offers him a job as an apprentice elevator operator, or something equally uplifting. Being a senior, Gulliver's thinking (yes, we said thinking) has been run- ning along these lines. So he was quite gratified the other day when he got a letter from the government asking him if he wanted a job. They asked him in a nice way, too. "Your name has been suggested . . . " When Gulliver read it through, however, he began to wonder who had suggested his name. It appears that the government wants Gulliver to join the U. S. Naval Reserve Air Corps and become an air- plane pilot, or something of the sort. IT'S REALLY a very nice proposition. If you can show them a college degree they don't give you any exams, and they pay you while they're teaching you-$105.00 a month, which ain't small potatoes these days. The only thing which made Gulliver hesitate was that little word "Reserve." Question: What are they re- serving for you? Y. G. sat down and figured that one out, and when he got done he was feeling a little clammy. So it is with regret that Gulliver informs the government that he is turning down their of- fer. He is going to give the brass hats a little tip, however. If they are looking for red-blooded young fellers, they ought to contact a hand- some gent by the name of Cromwell. There's no doubt that he's willing and eager to fight, especially if the war gets to within a couple thousand miles of Shangri-La, which is a little shack he owns-in Hawaii. He could probably use the hundred and five a month, too ... Z5he EDIT OR 'Red' Bood To the Editor: Here's a tale of the gory deeds of the local chapter of the Young Communist League, and I hope you'll have room to print it in your paper: Shortly before spring vacation I developed an internal hemorrhage which continued for sev- eral days. The doctors kept giving me trans- fusions and using up the supply of blood in the hospital's blood-bank. A friend of mine who is a member of the local chapter of the YCL heard of my illness. That night the YCL held a meeting and my friend presented -to--the group -the situation I was in and asked for volunteers as free blood donors. The next day the hospital was swamped with YCL'ers offering to replenish the blood-bank. In two days they donated over 4,000 c.c. of blood and are ready to give more, if and wlien it is needed. Based on my experience as a Michigan stu- dent for six years, I think I can safely say that - .t. ,f r 1.. li ,.4fttran# ft+9 , 1Yl,,4, 7'v XtlT 1 1f l (Continued from Page 1) the Nazis said, "We've got your own men aboard." The fortress guns re- mained silent and the German war- ships passed into Oslo's inner har- bor. The occupation then was inev- itable. Meanwhile, we had spent an eerie night in Oslo's Grand Hotel with a succession of air alarms, the first of which sounded at 12:35 a.m. about the time mobilization was ordered. At first I could not believe my ears, as the sirens were so different from those in Helsinki. They sounded like motor cars honking in a traffic jam. Later, Stevens and I decided that the Norwegians were air-alarm- ing only as a precaution. So I re- fused to get up until 7 o'clock, when a Finnish diplomat informed me of the ultimatum and the government's decision to leave. . Nazi Bombers Appear At 7:45 o'clock, while we still had not the slightest idea what had hap- pened in Oslo Fjord and at Horten, five Nazi bombers suddenly came roaring over the roof-tops, so low they almost touched them. We wat- ched them come, expecting bombs momentarily. For two and a half hours German planes dove over the city, always only three or five in number. They were intended to ter- rorize the populace into surrender and the authorities into inaction while the first troops landed by air at Fornebo, outside the city. Thousands of Oslonians gazed cur- iously and fearfully, but no panic oc- curred. None of us dreamed that German warships were in the inner harbor and that Oslo already was doomed. We still thoughtrthat Bri- tish ships and planes might come at any moment. It seemed utterly in- credible that the narrows of Oslo Fjord could have been forced and its powerful forts silenced by the Germans. Strange Lack Of Defense The same madness of incompre- hensible events continued all day long. First was mystification over the complete lack of defense of the city by its naval forces and coastal forts. Then it was the immunity of the low-flying Nazi planes to thousands of machine gun bullets which pattered almost incessantly until after 10 o'clock. Then it was the further fact that only one anti- aircraft battery seemed to be firing against the German planes, and this became silent after firing only a few shells, all of which were inex- plicably wide of the mark. But Norway'scapital in everyquar- ter was the scene of dazed disor- ganization, completely without lead- ership. Apparently even the men who had been called to the colors did not know where to go or simply forgot about it. The streets were filled with men of fighting age, all standing watching the German planes, waiting and speculating, but doing nothing and going nowhere. It was like this until 2:30 p.m. Then, as I rushed up to the hotel desk, a porter asked me: "Aren't you going out to see the Germans come in?" "What do you mean, the Germans?" "Yes, they are marching up Carl Johan boulevard any minute now." I called Irvin and Stevens and we rushed outside into the strang- est conceivable scene. Oslo's beau- tiful main boulevard was jammed with people, all flocking to see the Germans come in. Strangest of all, Norwegian policemen were calmly forming lines along the sidewalks and clearing the streets for the Ger- man's triumphal entry. One of the policemen told me that the Ger- mans would be there within 10 min- utes. We waited half an hour on the hotel balcony with an excellent view all the way up the boulevard to its beginning, at the foot of the hill on which the royal palace stands. Short- ly before 3 p.m., two trucks filled with a dozen German soldiers rolled up the street. The soldiers lolled in them, with their guns dangling, as if they had been assured that they had not the slightest resistance to fear. From the rear of the second truck two machine guns poked their noses meaningfully straight down the boul- evard. Their operators lay prone with intent, hard faces, ready to fire. This was the only show of force, and all that was needed. Police Escort Germans At 3 p.m. there was a murmur through the crowd. We could see two mounted men swinging into the boulevard in front of the palace, then six more, then the head of a march- ing column in field gray. The mount- ed men were Norwegian policemen actually escorting the German troops which were occupying the capital. We looked uncomprehendingly. Lat- er I was told that Norwegian police- men never carry any kind of arms. This was also why they failed to fulfill the government's order to ar- rest Maj. Quisling. The German column marched steadily nearer through a lane of 20,000 or 30,000 Oslonians, fully half of which were men of military age. A tall, broad-shouldered officer, Gen. Nikolaus von Falkenhorst, and two other officers marched directly be- hind the mounted police. Then came the German regulars in columns of threes, as if to make the line look as long as possible. One of nine carried light machine guns; all tot- ed compact alumnium kits and bulky shoulder packs. They were hard-muscled, stony- faced men. They marched with guns on their shoulders, with beautiful precision. Mostly, they stared straight ahead, but some could, not restrain triumphant smiles toward' the on- lookers. Several times, Gen. von Falkenhorst and the other two offi- cers returned Nazi salutes from per- sons in the crowd who must have been German advance agents who had been busy in Oslo for weeks be- fore this crowning moment. From our hotel balcony two Nazis gave the salute. I noticed in particular the beaming face of a chic, slim, blond German woman whose husband had been very active in our hotel since we arrived on the previous Thursday. Small German Force It was a thin, unbelievably short column. It required only six or seven minutes to march past. It was composed of only two incomplete battalions-surely less than 1,500 men in all. Norway's capital of nearly 300,000 inhabitants was being occu- pied by a German force of approxi- mately 1,500 men! The last of the German troops went by without a single jeer or hiss, without a single tear noticeable on any Norwegian face. Like children, the people stared. Thousands of young men stood watching this oc- oupation parade. Not one hand nor vice was raised. We could discern no sign of resentment upon any face about us. This was the most incom- prehensible thing anTong all the in- comprehensible things of the fantas- tic 24 hours. Somehow, it seemed as if curios- ity was the strongest sentiment in the throng of Oslonians who watched the Germans come in. No other em- tion was betrayed in the countless faces we scanned anxiously. The only indignant people we met or saw that day were foreigners. The Nor- wegians of Oslo seemed stunned be- yond recovery. Everyone acted cur- iously like children suddenly given a chance to see a parade of strange creatures out of prehistoric times- something which had on connection with real life. Bloodless Occupation But within two hours real life was making itself felt in Oslo. The Ger- mans had occupied the capital with- out dropping a bomb, without firing a shot within the city limits. They simply had paraded in and taken it over much as Frenchmen or Itali- ans might parade into a colonial in- terior village somewhere in Africa. Now they went to work. It was the urgent task for the tiny force of 1,500 men to seize key places in the na- tion's capital. They did it swiftly, without any fear of interruption. When I hurried into the telegraph building I, had hopes. There were still no German troops guarding the door. But immediately I knew it was too late. The tipoff came when (Continued on Page 6) Norway And The Nazi Trojan Horse DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) the home of Mrs. Mentor Williams, 1504 Marlboro Dr., today at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Hootkins' class in Jewish Eth- ics will meet at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 8:00 p.m. The Bookshelf and Stage Section' of the Faculty Women's Club will meet today at 2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. William W. Sleator, 2503 Geddes Avenue. Michigan Dames: Regular meeting tonight at 8:00 in Rackham Build- ing. Coming Events Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17. Mr. Norman Bauer will speak on "The Magnetooptic Fara- day Effect in Electrolytes." Zoology Seminar: Thursday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m., Amphitheatre, Rack- ham Building. Reports by: Mr. Sherman A. Hoslett on "Ecological distribution of mammals of north- eastern Iowa," and Mr. Lloyd L. Smith, Jr., on "Trout ecology and management in Huron Mountain streams." Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences meeting on Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. Professor E. A. Stalker will present a report on "The Technical Sessions of the Eighth Annual Meeting in New York." Final arrangements for the banquet will be made at this meet- ing. All members should be present. Women's Research Club, Junior Research Club, Research Club: An- nual Memorial Meeting on Wednes- day, April 17, at 8:00 p.m. in Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Papers won Jo- ships: The following applicants are requested to meet the Committee in Room 1220, Angell Hall, Thursday, April 18, at the times indicated. 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 Charlotte M. Babinshe Jack E. Bender Charles C. Congdon Harry E. Goodman Virginia E. Graham George B. Heliker Helen S. Horvath Vivian Kann Isabella H. Lugoski Jack W. Mann Clayton H. Manry Frank A. Rideout Holbrooke S. Seltzer Anson D. Solem Richard C. Steiner Francis A. Warner Flying Club meeting on Wed., April 17, in the Union at 7:30 p.m. Reports will be made on the Sixth National Intercollegiate Flying Con- ference recently held in Washington, and arrangennts will be made for reduced rates on flying time for mem- bers of the club. Plans will be made for a practise flying meet to be held this coming Sunday. All members are urged to be present. Reserve Officers: Major J. W. O'- Daniel, Infantry, will speak on "Sup- ply of the Infantry Division" at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 17, in Room 304 of the Michigan Union. All members of the Officers Reserve Corps and the R.O.T.C. may attend. Phi Sigma meeting 8:00 p.m. Wed-' nesday, April 17, in Outing Club Room of the Rackham Building. Pro- fessor Clark Hopkins .will describe "Recent Archaeological Work in the Near East." Spring Parley: Every member of the faculty and of the administration is cordially invited to join with the student body in a discussion of de- mocracy at the Tenth Annual Spring Parley. Opening Session Friday, at 3:00 p.m. Michigan Union Ball- room. International Spring Festival at the Intramural Building, Friday, April 26, 7:30 to 12:00 p.m. The In- ternational Center is offering an eve- ning of co-recreational sport, sport demonstration, and tournament fin- als with an hour floor show of pictur- esque folk dancing at the Intrarmural Building. Free tickets starting April 15 at the office of the International Center, 603 E. Madison Street (South Wing, Michigan Union). La Sociedad Hispanica will sponsor a lecture by Professor James of the Geography Department who will talk in English on "The Industrial Revolu- tion Comes to Latin America" on Thursday, April 18, Room 102 R.L., at 4:15 p.m. All students of Span- ish and others interested are invited to attend this lecture at no cost. The Slavic Club will meet at 8:15 p.m. at the International Center, Wednesday, April 17. New America: Mr. Herbert Mc- Creedy, District Director of New America, will speak on, "What Is Happening to Education in Ameri- ca?' on Wednesday, April 17, 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Every- one invited. The Cercle Francais will present "Les Jours Heureux" by Claude-An- dre Puget at the Lydia Mendelssohn 'Theatre, Friday, May 3. Graduate Council meeting will be held Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Women's Lounge of the Rackham Building. Attendance of all elected members is necessary. All women students invited to a demonstration of table settings with lecture by Mrs. J. A. Meeks of De- troit, under the auspices of the Flow- er Arrangement Group of the Ann