THTE MICTHIGAN DIATTAY__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Youth Rescued From Icy Waters After Slip Over Falls Constitution Of West Quadrangle Is Ratified By Student Residents F ederation Government Formed To Stimulate House Spirit, Activities Another decisive step in the direc-! tion of student government was taken this week when the last of the eight houses which comprise the West Quadrangle bloc of men's residence halls ratified the West Quadrangle constitution. The ratification of the constitution by the eight houses is the culmina- tion of a plan by Prof. Karl Litzen- berg, director of residence halls, and months of painstaking effort by the 16-man student council whose mem- bers are the house president and judi- ciary council chairman of each of the houses. Censtitution Before Board The constitution has been placed in the hands of the Board of Gover- nors of Residence Halls for action. Established by the residents for the purposes of promoting house spirit, maintaining order and encouraging social, athletic and scholastic activi- ties, the constitution sets up a feder- ation type of government with the West Quadrangle Student Council as boordinating body. Each house elects its own president, vice-presi- dent, secretary, treasurer, and chair- men of the judiciary council, schol- arship, social . and athletic commit- tees. At the head of the governing bodies is the Student Council, whose leader is Paul Oberst, Grad., Michigan House. Robert Petteys. '43, Allen- i- Rumsey, is secretary. Both men are judiciary council chairmen of their houses. As coordinating body, the student council is empowered with all original power, authority and re-I sponsibility to enforce the consti- tution and to provide and perpetuate orderly and efficient student gov- ernment." Its decisions supersede the decision of any other house gov- erning body in the Quadrangle. They are, however, responsible to the di- rector and Board of Governors of Residence Halls. Powers Of Council In its effort to further integrate' the social and academic activities of the houses, the student council has the power to appoint three stand- ing committees: the social, disciplin- ary, and finance groups. Although the student council has primary and final jurisdiction in controversial questions involving two or more hous- es, any resident has the privilege of appealing any decision to his house judiciary committee to the disciplin- ary committee of the student coun- cil. In the event that the decisions of those bodies conflict, the decision of the council supersedes that of the house judiciary council. Another feature of the constitution' is its provision for amendment. Amendments Inay be proposed either by the student council or by a gen- eral petition bearing at least 50 sig-t natures of residents. They must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of those present in a meeting of three-fourths of the houses. - By JUNE McKEE Today, the series of broadcasts from the University campus studios will be concluded until summer. Then, in July and August, programs will again resume through WJR, WCAR and WMBC. In the "Michigan Fan Fare" broadcast over WCAR and WMBC at 2:45, Stan Swinton, '40, pre- sents the season's final campus sportscast. Then at 3:30 p.m., through WJR, Prof. Louis M. Eich will describe the "University of Mich- igan Summer Session of 1940." Donn Chown, Grad, announces. Meanwhile plans are fast afoot for the "Ful Day of Broadcasting" to be presented April 23 for the ex- perience of students in the radio classes. Announcers are being audit- ed, rehearsals scheduled, programs "built," and the day's routine planned. For broadcasting-without bene- fit of station hook-up-will begin that Tuesday with an early morning frolic at 7 a.m., and carry on con- tinuously until 5 p.m. In the interim between these hours, the broadcast- ing students will present programs "professionally"-even to the station "breaks." RADIO and MICHIGAN Cabs Phones 3030 or 7000 Lee Culp, 19 (arrow) was swept over the 25-foot falls in the Sioux River near Sioux Falls, S. D., while seeking an advantageous spot from which to take a picture. Two unidentified men (left) and Kamel Assid (right of rope, back to camera) threw the youth a rope and drew him from the frigid waters to safety. Prof. E. S. Brown Explodes Popular LegendA u Jeon s cion 4>- ____________________ In this year of an important presi- dential, election, many legends are floating around dealing with drama- tic elections in the past. Not the least of these concerns the 1820 election when, according to the March 17 issue of the New York Times mag- azine, all but one electoral vote were cast for Jefferson so that "none but George Washington should ever be chosen unanimously for the Presi- dency." Prof. Everett S. Brown of the poli- tical science department exploded this explanation of the lone dissent- ing vote in a radio address Wednes- day over the University broadcast- ing station. "It is a pretty tale, but untrue," Professor Brown commented. "The vote in question was that of William Plumer, Sr., of New Hampshire. Poll- tical leaders in New Englatid, look- ing forward to the Presidential elec- tion of 1824, planned to cast their' votes in 1820 for John Quincy Ad- ams for Vice-President. Their ob- ject was to show their confidence in Adams and to prepare the public for his election to the Presidency four years later. "Accordingly, Plumer wrote his son, William Plumer, Jr., a Repre- sentative in Congress from New Hampshire, asking him to sound out Adams on the plan. The younger Plumer called on the Secretary of State (Adams) and informed him of the intention of the New Englandj electors. Adams urged that no votes! be cast for him for the Vice-Presi- dency. Such a plan, he said, might cause the defeat of Vice-President Daniel Tompkins, a New Yorker. This, in turn, might alienate Tompkins' supporters from him in 1824, in the event of his being a Presidential candidate then. "This information was sent to the elder Plumer, who acceded to Ad- ams' wishes so far as the Vice-Presi- dency was concerned, but still de- sirous of calling attention to his friend, he cast 'his electoral vote for Adams for President." Professor Byrown observed that the New York Times statement was mere- ly another manifestation of popular credence placed in a real legend in American history, a legend which started soon after the 1820 election. He replied to the article, showing its error, in a letter which appeared in the March 29 issue of the Times. In his book, "The Missouri Com- promise and Presidential Politics," Professor Brown publishes letters which ;form the basis for his con- clusions. This correspondence, be- tween the two Plumers, can be found in the State Library, Concord, N.H., he explained. In his radio address yesterday, Pro- fessor Brown also discussed several deficiencies in the Lame Duck Amendment. He pointed out the awkwardness and the dangers in- volved in a situation in which a Lame Duck president remains in office two weeks after the new Congress has convened. Noting Constitutional provisions for replacement in case of the death of a president, Professor Brown nev- ertheless pointed out several contin- geneies left uncovered: "For example, what would happen if a person des- ignated by popular vote at the No- vember election to the office of Presi- dent. should die before the electors cast their votes for him? .Brandt Concludes- Tour Prof. Carl G. Brandt, of the Eng- lish, department, concluded his tour last night of the fifth district alum- ni groups with an address before the University of Michigan Club of Peoria, Ill. Included in his itinerary were the alumni clubs of Aurora, Ill., Madison, Wis., and the Tri-City Club of Rock Island, Moline and Daven- port. DANCING Every Saturday 9-1 at the HARVEY JUDSON and His Band 4* Pr ces MEN 40c LADIES . 25c hANDY SERVICE DIRECTORY BEN THE TAILOR-More money for your clothes. Open evenings. 122 E. Washington. 329 STRAYED,_LOST, FOUND - 1 LOST ---"Longines" wrist watch. Re- ward. Phone Economics Depart- ment Extension 738.....353 LAUNDERING--9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 WANTED - TO BUY -4 EGIIEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claude Brown, 512 .. Main Street. 146 ARTICLES FOR SALE-3 PLYM9UTH 1932 Deluxe Roadster. Good condition---$95 cash. 314 North Ingalls. Apartment I. Eve- nings. 357 TRANSPORTATiON --71 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run list- ings of your vacant houses in The Daily for summer visiting profes- sors. Dial 23-24-1 for special rates, ____TYPING- 18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Alen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 i i I TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing] Promptly and neatly done by experienced operators in our own place of business, at moderate 'rates. 0. D. MORRILL 3Te ypewi c. and(StationeryStore 3 14 S. S(ttlc St, (opp. Kresge's) Ulhether yOu North it featuring PATSY GARRETT and PAUL DOUGLAS of FREDiWARING'S CHESTERFIELD PLEASURE TIME Listen in Five Nights a Week 89 N. B. C. Stations I., t ...._ .___._ ®.._..,_. .. _ . or South The Allenel Hotel wishes you a Most EnIovable When smokers turn to Che terfield they enjoy all the good qualities a ciga- rette can give.Chesterfields are DEFINITELY MILDER..Chesterfields are COOLER-SMOKING ... Chesterfields TASTE BETTER. These three good things and everything about Chesterfields...their sizeshape and the way they burn... make them the cigarettes that SA TISFY. xo- , eXt -J I II 1111 I