DAILY r .-. , ; -, ' if I c ~ Edited and managed by students of the University of- Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the- University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michign, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPR ESNTE0 FOR NATIONAL ADVERnSING OBY National Advertising Service, In . College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. N4EW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO -BOSTON L-OS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary . Mel Fineberg . Business Manager Asst. Business Mgr Women's Business' Women's Advertisi Publications Manag Editorial Staff . . . . -Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . City Editor S . . Associate Editor . . . . . Associate Editor S. Associate Editor * . * . Associate Editor . . . . . Women's Editor' . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff . . . . . Paul R. Park ., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart Manager . Zenovia Skoratko ng Manager . j. Jane Mowers ger . . . . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members, of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Reciprocal Trade Contributes To Exports ... MORE DEAR even than the presiden- tial nomination to Secretary. of State Hull is his reciprocal trade agreement 'program. Having successfully endured the first Senate third degree, the program again makes its bid for extended existence. Both opposition and supporters haul up their verbal artillery for a vigorous mutual barrage. Secretary Hull backs his position with the factual record of the trade agreement plan since its inception in 1934. Declaring that the purpose of the agreements was to expand United States exports through the reduction of trade barriers in other countries, he insists that his system has brought favorable results. Agree- ments have been made with countries repre- senting 60% of United States foreign trade, and important markets have been developed for both agricultural and industrial producers. Secretary Hull firmly believes that nations cannot sell without buying, and bases the success of his program upon the growth of exportation. COMPARISON of exports during 1934-1935 and 1937-1938 shows an increase of 46%. Ex- ports to trade-agreements nations increased 61% in comparison to a 38% increase to non-agree- ment countries. Recently the editor of the "American Exporter" observed that during the first five months of the current European war United States exports have increased 400 mil- lion dollars in contrast to a 200 million dollar decrease in the same period of the World War. He further noted that exports are at present the largest in 10 years and only 20% less than in the peak year 1929. Although the improved organization of United States exporting must be recognized, the contribution of the trade agreements to this export development cannot be discounted. Among the most vehement accusations against the agreements is that they destroy the profit of the farmer by encouraging world competition. Reduction of prices due to the influx of Cana- dian beef cattle and Argentine casein (a kind of cheese) are cited as proof of the lowering of farm purchasing power. The trade agree- ments are denounced as puerile attempts to bolster foreign trade at the expense of domes- tic economy. In reply to this argument, Secretary Hull refers to the decline of farm income from 11 billion dollars to four and a half billion dollars in 1932 after two and a half years of the re- strictive Smoot-Hawley tariff. After five years of the agreements program, the income had mounted to seven and a half billion dollars and is still rising. The supposedly ruined cattle industry climbed from 600 million dollars in 1932 to over a billion dollars in 1938, and the dairy industry showed a similar rise. SECRETARY HULL describes the method of his program: "An inter-departmental or- ganization, consisting of experienced and well- informed practical experts of the departments of State, Agriculture, Treasury and Commerce and of the Tariff Commission, handles the prep- aration and negotiation of the trade agree- ments. All interested parties are given ample opportunity to present heir views, orally or in writ ng, with respect to every phase of the program. No decision is reached on any par- ticular customs duty without an extended and profound study of all pertinent data, both those assembled by the interdepartmental or- ganization itself and those presented to the that aWp hases of the treaty -making power receive the direct approbation of the Senate. They insist that the centering of treaty making responsibility and administration in the hands of the Presdent is unconstitutional. Whether the program is actually constitutional remains for the Supreme Court to decide, however; and at present- Hull's opponents consider the or- ganization of the Court hardly conducive to a trial case. - Emile Gele Between The 'Cans' And 'Cannots' . A VORY HANDY service for busi- nesses is offered frequently in the pages of the United States News. The service is entitled "News-Lines" and tells "What you as a businessman CAN and CANNOT do as a result of federal court and administrative de- cisions." For instance, "YOU CANNOT advertise that the prices you usually charge for your goods are 'special' or 'introductory' prices without risking action by the Federal Trade Commission. the FTC recently ordered a quilt dealer to stop advertising his normal prices as special discounts." LITTLE can be said against the idea. With a host of boards and quasi-administrative commissions throwing off decisions like Saroyan throwing off fiction, businessmen are entitled to some means by which they can determine their legal status. But the CAN and CANNOT have unwelcome connotations. They remind one of the tiny, two-by-four cubby-holes in New Jersey and Delaware that bear the names of billion-dollar firms. By means of such little facades, these firms are able to stay within the "letter of the law." They are just barely able to leave the CANNOT and get across the border among the CAN class. There is a vast amount of this living just within the law. Firms have legal staffs to tell them how near the lawless precipice they can skirt. For instance, several years ago a Detroit auto manufacturing company began doing busi- ness with a parts firm. As time passed, the auto company absorbed more and more of the smaller firm's output until the latter was geared only to produce parts needed by this particular manufacturer. Then the officials of the parent firm began to lower their bids. The small firm had to sell to that market or no other, and so had to submit and to continue to submit until it was selling for les than cost.aFinally it went bankrupt and was absorbed as a unit- no longer independent-into the larger enter- prise. And all was within the law. THE RESULT of this and other similar high- pressure tricks brought about a law-the Robinson-Patman Act of 1936, which made it illegal to give discounts greater than actual savings through quantity purchases. It is the definition of this shadowy borderline between the CAN and CANNOT 'that must, of course, occupy much of the efforts of the law- makers. But it is the actions of firms and in- dividuals who seek some advantage from that borderland that is socially wrong, though not yet legally prohibited, that have brought about our countless volumes of statutes which seek to cover every contingency. It is these persons, either cOrporations or individuals, who scurry just beyond the reach of advancing legislation that have caused law-making to become an almost futile task. - Hervie Haufler The FBI. HE DISCHARGE a short while ago, after tremendous public pressure was exerted, of the one woman and 11 men arrested in the Detroit FBI raids on charges of recruiting men for Loyalist Spain, doesn't close that much publicized case. Developments of last week which brought charges against the FBI of violating the civil rights of citizens may mark the beginning of a congressional investigation into the affairs and methods of government detective agencies. In. a report written by Chairman Burton K. Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.) of the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, the activities of the G-men were condemned and the Senate was urged to approve a resolution by Senator Theo- dore F. Greene (Dem.-R. I.) calling for an in- quiry into the question of, "unlawfNa espionage by public as well as private agencies." SENATOR GEORGE W. NORRIS (Prog.-Neb.) criticized the activities of the FBI, in connection with the recent arrest of the Detroit citizens, in his letter to Attorney-General Robert H. Jackson, urging that, "the case should not be closed until the G-men have been brought to account for high-handed and illegal treatment of the prisoners." In expressing a desire to re- open the case and bring out all the facts, Sen- ator Norris maintained this was the only way to thus adopt policies to safeguard the civil liberties of citizens. Conceding that the FBI has in the past ac- complished many worth while jobs, it does not necessarily follow that because a human being has done a righteous and honorable thing, he should therefore have license to disregard the very law he is, supposed to enforce. Until the citizen realizes that law is going to be enforced by humane, honest, legitimate and constitutional methods, law and order will never be maintained. N NONE of the above mentioned respects was the law carried out in the Detroit raid cases. From the time the suspects were arrested in the middle of the night until 3 p.m. that after- noon when they were taken into court, they were subjected to the third degree. The Detroit citizens, unaware that they were being arrested, thought from the forcible and destructive man- ner of entrance into their homes that they Wages-Hours Act On The Defensive i i AMERICA'S LABORERS are the cen- ter attraction at the current session of Congress. Reactionaries have lavished their attentions on their problems, bringing forth numerous investigations and bills designed for "the ultimate interests of labor." The latest testament of "felicity," the Barden bill proposed by the notorious Associated Far- mers of California, is now pending in the House. If adopted it will break down the standards of the existing Wages-Hours Act for many peo- ple. The Wages-Hours Act, though its provi- sions are pitifully weak, puts a floor under wages and a ceiling over hours for millions of Amer- ican workers whom reactionary employers would prefer to see entirely defenseless. The Barden bill applies primarily to agri- cultural workers and under it 1,000,000 workers would lose wage guarantees and 1,500000 more would lose hour provisions. However, because the proposal is so loosely drawn, millions of other workers in related agricultural processing and distributing industries might be deprived of the benefits of the Wages-Hours Act. The Barden bill is a part of the campaign to cripple labor. If adopted it would leave millions of American workersedefenseless. This vicious bill should never leave the House, -Robert Speckhard Is Student Government Possible? . . . TUDENT GOVERNMENT is a pleas- ing phrase-to the ear. But is it pos- sible on the Michigan campus? Many students and faculty men think so, but all differ in their interpretation of just what constitutes effective and necessary government. By far, most of the differences in opinion are reconciled in a sort of plan whereby the governmental set-up is classified and separated into units dealing with the separate phases of student life on campus- sorority, fraternity, independent and so forth. Sweeping government, of, by and for the students is not practicable, obviously. The only school which even attempts such broad student control is Antioch College, and that is a much smaller school and, moreover, self-supporting. We at Michigan not only have to consider the number of colleges we have, but the fact that we are attending a state university, dependent in part on funds appropriated by the state legis- lature. THE TYPE of government which fits our cam- pus is one which deals with the following three categories-expression of student opinion, student planning and control of their own ac- tivities, and student participation in the various University boards and committees. These three phases are ably fulfilled by the Student Senate for the first, the League, Union and other or- ganizations for the second, and the representa- tion we have on the Boards in Control of Pub- lications and Athletics and' on the Student Af- fairs Committee for the last. At first glance, the set-up seems ample. But there is this to consider-how democratic and how effective is the organization?, Do the members of the committees, organizations, Boards, know what the student wants? Afte all, they are all appointed except .the represen- tatives to the Boards. More vital, the members are not fully in touch with the student body as a whole. For example, the Senate may well express student opinion, but does that make for any bond between the students and the representatives say, on the Board in Control of Athletics? Last year, the Senate, acting as representative of student opinion, passed a reso\ lution calling for open and above board sub- sidization of athletes, if any subsidization was practiced. But the only channel for transmitting this resolve to the student members of the Board on Athletics was through The Daily or through mere hearsay. And that is neither efficient nor effective. Furthermore, of the many func- tional groups on campus, there is little coopera- tion except on specific activities, between the Union or League or the IFC or any of the other social groups. These organizations are not aware of student desires except insofar as they come into personal contact with small portions of the student body. IT IS very well to have students on the Uni- versity Boards and Committees, but how can the students be assured that their views will predominate, when there is no way of transmitting student opinion to these repre- sentatives? In short, the existing set-up is capable of handling all student activities, but there should be some sort of superstructure organization which could coordinate the other groups. This is practical and would bring about the results that the students are asking for. - William B. Elmer Speaking Of Taxidermy We liked the way Harvard University's anthro- pologist, Dr. Ernest M. Hooton, described his own "blueprint for Utopia," as the Associated Collegiate Press writer calls it. We think you'll like it too. "The chaos of modern civilization," writes Dr. Hooton, "can scarcely be attributed to acts of God. The structure of human society is not rotten but sound. It is the defective utilization of human culture that lies at the bottom of our present trouble. -- Daily Iowan Although there have been cases where private agencies are known to be active in industrial and even political "espionage," the bulk of cases involve the detective practices by officers of the government, the report continued. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, civil, humane treat- ment, the right to counsel, and protection from the levying of excess fines are only a few ALL By M~orty-Q. THIS IS a lazy man's column. Not too .lazy, mind you, but just enough so that after staring at the keys on this machine for a while, relegating five or six wrong starts to the waste-baskets, Mr. Q. decided to take advantage of several con- tributions. But just one thing: About this contest Gulliver was running to find out what the Q. in Morty Q. stands for: Gulliver has called it off because he found out that the Q. was a modest abbreviation of Qute. FROM The California Bruin, the U.C.L.A. student paper Mr. Q. pre- sents a short note on Bertrand Rus- sell. It's quite funny that with all this fuss about the horribleand immoral effect that Lord Russell would have on the innocent New York City Col- lege people, no one thought to find out just how perverted his present students in California are. Here's an answer: The spontaneous applause with which his class greeted Bertrand Russell upon his return to the cam- pus yesterday is the best answer we know to the vicious attacks that have been made upon him during the last week by the Hearst press and certain groups and individuals equally unqualified to judge him. The genuine affection which Pro- fessor Russell's students feel for him is a rare thing, particularly the high degree of affection. The manner in which they greeted him yesterday was not only a demonstration of their resentment of the unjust at- tacks which have been directed against him, but an expression of their pleasure in having a great teacher and a friend with them again. * , ,* FROM Bill (Hairless Joe) El- mer on the junior staff, comes the following contribution. Bill says that if Hervie Haufler can write about corn likker for Gulliver, well .., here's what he has to say on education: When Dr. Robert M. Hutchins said that modern higher education should be based on the traditions of the past, fearing that the schools of to- day were too much obsessed with the idea of practical training, he once more had to shout down from the fifth floor of his ivory tower. An educational institution which lives in the past and is so handi- capped by precedents and tradi- tions that it cannot meet, or even anticipate, changes in the social or- der, is a dead institution to be quietly buried with other failures of the human species. Not only is the modern college endeavoring to meet the new order of things, as witnessedrby the greater number of students from the lower income group families, but it is also' trying to give these youths an oppor- tunity for training so that they might be able to realize on their in- vestment. Chicago is undoubtedly progres- sive. Their new systems of teach- ing, with attendance not compulsory at classes, and their stressing of ,lassical literature and learning, have certainly filled a great gap in modern education. But to say that America is retrogressing merely be- cause more and more students are learning to make capital of their education, is contrariwise to fact. First of all, colleges and univer- sities, having invaded the field of practical education, must not rest on their laurels, much less turn back to the old liberal curricula of past years. The needs and interests of the citizens of the nation must be met, and that they are interested in practical education is proved by the large percentage of students en- tered in the training courses. By no means should the sole busi- ness of the university be the teach- ing of the ways and means of life. The citizens of the United States believe that higher education is a method of equalizing opportunity and raising the average level of citizen- ship, as an agency for building character and of providing leader- ship in a democracy, and as a means of promoting the general welfare by increasing knowledge and bring- ing it to those who are engaged in the practical application of what is known as the process of living. The argument against Dr. Hut- chins is not that the university or college should be a commercial lab- oratory, a welfare agency or a trade school. No, to the contrary, what is expected of them, is a realistic attitude toward learning, partly ex- pressed in well-considered attempts to spread the principles of discrim- inative thinking and new as well as old knowledge beyond the adolescent period and beyond the circle of scholars and teachers, to all thbse who might make use of it in their work or in their cultural growth. Universities should not only be schools for the dissemination of cul-. ture and the necessry implementa- tions of traditions a d classical in- terpretation, but they must also be Ah..,t..cnA fto rixr n a,., Ni.C.hIAi d i «.- ... .....,_.. .......r .. .. ... . r (Continued from Page 2) Science, and the Arts: After tomor- row, April 6, freshmen may not drop courses without E grade. E. A. Walter. Assistant Dean Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due tomorrow, April 6. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. School of Education Freshmen: Courses dropped after Saturday, April 6. will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordin- ary circumstances. No course is con- sidered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. College of Architecture June Seni- ors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4. U. Hall BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. School of Education June Seniors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U. Hall BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. School of Forestry June Seniors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U. Hall BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. School of Music June DAILY OFFICIAL BUL I Pu Seniors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U. Hall BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar College of Architecture, School of Education, School of Forestry and Conservation, and School of Mlusi: Midsemester reports indicating stu- dents enrolled in these units doing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school, Saturday, April 6, at noon. Report blanks for this purpose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4 U. Hall. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Spring Vacation period from this noon, until 8 a.m. on Mon- day, April 15. Office of the Dean of Students First Mortgage Loans: The Uni- versity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. F.H.A. terms avail- able. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. To the Householders: Many of the students will remain in Ann Arbor over the Spring Vacation. If you need student help for your spring housecleaning, yard or garden work, call Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Uni- versity 4121, Ext. 2121, Student Em- ployment Bureau. The student rate of pay is 40 cents an hour. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students Library Hours, April 6-13: During the Spring Recess, the General Li- brary will be open as usual from 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily, with the following exceptions: the two study halls in the building will be open from 10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00- 4:00 p.m. daily, and the Graduate Reading Rooms from 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-5:00 p.m. daily. The hours of opening of the De- partmental Libraries will also be 10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-4:00 p.m. Sunday service will be discontinued during this period. Win. W. Bishop, Librarian. Biological Station: Application for admission for the coming summer session should be in my office before April 15, when all applications will be considered. An Announcement describing the courses offered can be obtained at the Office of the Summer Session or from the Director. Ap- plications should be made on forms which can be secured at Room 1073 N.S. from 2 to 4 p.m., daily. A. H. Stockard, Director Military Ball Banquet tickets are on sale now to the entire advance corps. They may be paid for out of the April commutation checks. Be- cause of the limited number being sold, those wishing to attend the ban- quet should make arrangements im- mediately with Mrs. Kinney at ROTC headquarters. Copies of the lectures on "The Exis- tence and Nature of Religion" are available at the office of the Student Religious Association, Lane Hall, without charge. fTr April 17, 2-5 p.m.. American Litera- ture. April 20, 9-12 a.m., English Litera- ture, 1700-1900. April 24, 2-5 p.m., English Litera- ture, 1550-1700. April 27, 9-12 a.m., English Litera- ture, Beginnings to 1550. Those expecting to take the exam- inations should leave their names with N. E. Nelson, 3232 A.H. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of Finnish architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible, '37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch- itecture in 1938. Architectural cor- ridor, ground floor cases, through April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Miles D. Pirnie, Director of the W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary at Battle Creek, Michigan, will lecture on "Birds of Sanctuary and Wilderness" under the auspices of the Department of Geog- raphy at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 18, in the Amphitheatre of thel Rackham Building. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Doug- las Johnson, of Columbia University, will lecture on "Geology and the Stra- tegy of the Present War" under the auspices of the Department of Ge- ology at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Carnegie Lectures: Dr. Carlos Del- gado de Carvalho, Professor of Soci- ology in the Colegio Pedro II and Pro- fessor of the Geography of Brazil in the University of Brazil, the Visiting Carnegie Professor, will be in resi- dence at the University of Michigan from April 15 to May 10. The following series of lectures has been arranged under the auspices of the Division of the Social Sciences G"Glimpses of the Human Geography of Brazil" on Tuesday, April 16, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "An Outline of the Economic His- tpry of Brazil" on Friday, April 19, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "Problems y of Race Mixture and White Acclimatization in Brazil" on Tuesday, April 23, 4:15 p.m., Rack- ham Amphitheatre. "Present Trends in Brazilian Edu- cation" on Thursday, April 25, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "The Immigration Problem in Bra- zil" (Annual Phi Kappa Phi Lecture) on Tuesday, April 30, 8.63'p.m., Mich- igan Union, Large Ballroom. "The New Brazilian State" on Mon- day, May 6, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. All of the above lectures areopen to the public. The annual William J. Mayo Lee- ture will be given by Dr. Winchell MK. Craig on Monday, April 22 at 1:30 p.m. in the main amphitheatre of the University Hospital. Dr. Craig's title will be "The Pain of Intraspinal Lesions in General Diagnosis." All classes for the Junior and Senior medical students will be dismissed in order that these students may at- tend this lecture. Today's Events Far Eastern Art group leaves for Cleveland trip from Alumni Hall at 12:00 noon today. Stalker Hall: Group leaving Stalk- er Hall tonight at 7:30 to go roller skating. Small charge. Please phone 6881 this afternoon if you plan to go. Coming Events Varsity Glee Club: The following men will go on the Spring Trip. Bus will leave from the Union at 7:45 a.m. Saturday. Bring full dress suits, Trial costumes, ribbons. Keep bag- gage as small as possible. Whitney, Connor, Gibson, Liima- tainen, Sorenson, G. Brown, C. Brown, Haberaecker, Landis, J. George, Ossewaarde, Loessel, Fromm, Luxan, Hines, Gell, Mason, Peter- son, Langford. Rector, Berger, Penn, MacIntosh, Heininger, Allen, Tobin, Secrist, Scherdt, Kelly, Crowe, Tuttle,, Re- pola, Steere, Erke, Pinney, Barber, Strickland. Graduate Outing Club will meet during the vacation period on both Sundays, April 7 and 14, in )the rear of the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. All Graduate students and fac- ulty invited. Grad ate students and others are invited to hear the broadcast of the opera "Faust" given by the Metro- politan Opera Company on Satur- day, April 6, at 1:50 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build- ing. 4