THI, TMUIIA ILY____DA____ CHIGAN DAIL JL xJJIj I -1 - ~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited is this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.0;'fy mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEtHING ISY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO *BOSTON LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff !rt Petersen 'Miott Maraniss tan M. Swinton [orton L. Linder orman A, Schorr ennis Flanagan ohn N. Canavan nn Vicar . Eel Fineberg . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Hatch Bill In Mid-Passage . . L AST WEEK, in editorial comment, The Daily praised certain last- minute Senate amendments to the Hatch Bill. These amendments specifically stated, in one way or another, that the bill, which would bar certain classes of public employes from political activities, would not affect college professors. Now, it is noted, these amendments have been stricken from the bill by a House subcommittee. Specifically, the most comprehensive provision eliminated was the amendment proposed by Michigan's Senator Brown: "Nothing in this act shall be construed as in any way affecting educational, religious, eleemosynary, philan- thropic, or cultural institutions, establishments and agencies, together with the officers and employes thereof." Senate debate on this and similar amend- ments had waged loud and long. Numerous Senators took the viewpoint that college pro- fessors (the category which caused the most heated debate) do not desire to engage in po- liticalactivities, and that they should not be permitted, even though they desired to do so. It was only after many reverses that Senator Brown won his point. IT IS EVIDENT, too, that sentiment in the House. is far from favorable to the amend- ment. It was literally killed in subcommittee, of course, but all indications pointed to more hot debateson the House floor, should it have received a favorable committee report. New Mexico's Representative Dempsey-from the same state as the bill's author, Senator Hatch-_ went so far as to denounce it as an invitation to educational employes to get into politics. After interminable wranglings on the House floor, the bill will probably reach conference committee. There it will be subject to more petty bickerings, with both House and Senate representatives attempting to win their points. Thence the completed committee bill will go back to the two houses, there to be passed or killed, again only after long and irksome de- bates. And a lot of legislative time and energy. will be needlessly consumed in the process. The point is this: If the Hatch Bill is not merely the vehicle upon which the rival political parties are trying to slit each other's throats in an important election year and that criti- cism has been suggested several tihes), why are not the essential points in the bill enacted in simple and compact legislation? THE BILL, known as the "Extension of the Anti-Pernicious :Activities Act," has two main purposes: to bar certain categories of public employes from political activities, and to restrict and control political campaign ex- penditures. Expeditious legislative accomplishments of these two purposes would be, respectively, to place all 'classes of public employes in question under civil service, and to pass an adequate and comprehensive campaign fund law, such as those which some states have already attempted, Our Washington legislators seem unwilling or unable to do this. Instead, debates about the Hatch Bill too often degenerate into shady attempts by both major parties to cripple each other's campaign machinery or to alienate each other's popular support; all this during what will probably be a momentous election campaign. It appears that "all is not gold that glitters." So let's not be too idealistic or optimistic in our evaluations of, or our expectations from, the Hatch Bill. - Howard A. Goldman Business Staff Business Manager . . . . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager I Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Slroratko .eJane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EITOR: LAURENCE MASCOTT The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent te views o h writers only. Congressional Antics Mar Session .. T HE UNIVERSITY economics de- partment has a habit of going through' the news from Washington and clip- ping out Bright Sayings of Congressmen. When the department has a goodly store of such gems, it mimeographs them at bluebook time and lets students in elementary courses try to find the flaws. Latest of such economic monstrosities con- ceived by Washington (and no doubt filed by the ec department) is that of Senator O'Maho- ney of Wyoming. The Senator would tax the machine and thereby reward employers who achieve their production by manpower. O'Maho- ney says: "Congress, by a simple law, can create such an incentive for the private em- ployment of labor that we can speedily put an end to our- difficulties." THE BILL "would reward those employers whose output is secured by the more-than- average use of manpower" and "require a cor- tribution from those employers whose output is produced by more-than-average use of ma- chine power." Senator O'Mahoney goes on to explain in an article in this week's Electrical Workers' Journal: The proposal "boils down in practice to the collection by the government of a small amount of differential collections 'from a rela- tively small number of large, more-than-aver- age mechanized producers, and the distribu- tion by the government of a like amount of' differential payments to a presumably large number of small less-than-average mechanized employers." Slichter, Bye, Taylor or any other elementary, economics text will point out the errors tle Senator has made. A correct bluebook answer would probably be based on the argument that the Senator is mistaking slck conditions for normal, exigency for the long-run view. He runs counter to the basic definition of economy- that of making the greatest possible use of resources in satisfying human wants. BUT WHAT is of greater concern is that an- other Congressman has so arrantly pro- posed legislative nonsense in order to please his constituents. It is difficult to believe that O'Mahoney had his tongue out of his cheek when he put his panacea on the docket. It is much easier to believe that this was a hollow, vote-seeking gesture, analogous to speeches printed in the Congressional record but never actually spoken on thefloor of the legislature. Add to O'Mahoney's bit of nonsense a couple of suggestions made recently by Senator Tobey of New Hampshire. Tobey was the ringleader in the trumped-up opposition against the cen- sus. He declared: "It's another Declaration of Independence on the horizon! . . . The Senate can render no higher service than by striking down this attempt to pry into the private lives of our citizens ... Ye gods! Stalin and Hitler may act in that way, but not in this country. Shame on my country for suggesting such a thing." It was also Senator Tobey who pro- posed to send a Congressional committee to Fort Knox, Kentucky, to see if the vast amount of government gold supposed to be cached in that stronghold is actually there. THESE ludicrous antics that O'Mahoney and Tobey are performing have the obvious pur- pose of making political capital. They are the !h~EDITOR To the Editor: In reply to Chester Bradley's editorial "Toward a Strong Will for Peace" in last Sunday's Daily I wish to add that I believe he is 100% correct in stating that an effective full-time organiza- tion is three times as effective as "sporadic peace meetings." Peace education must be carried on relent- lessly throughout the school year. Meetings and forums on vital issues must be held reg- ularly. Peace literature must be distributed. And this requires an organization devoted ex- clusively to the cause of peace and peace edu- cation. I wish to inform Mr. Bradley, however, that fortunately such an organization already ex- ists-the Michigan Anti-War Committee. The Committee, which was organized and received University recognition back in 1937, conducts a year-round program of the nature outlined above. The Michigan Anti-War Committee works in close cooperation with other groups, such as student guilds, and with interested individuals in furthering peace education on campus. Con- tact with peace groups on other campuses is kept up through the Youth Committee Against War, a national organization. Mr. Bradley may recall that during March the Anti-War Committee sponsored a forum on "Latin-American Problems" and a talk on "M-Day Plans" by Prof. Mentor Williams. At the present time it is cooperating with the Peace Council in planning the April 19th peace strike. Thus the Committee heartily invites the sup- port of Mr. Bradley and other interested stu- dents in its drive to keep the campus fully in- formed on the peace issues and united in the attempt to keep America out of war. Karl E. Olson, Councillor, Michigan Anti-War Committee c e Drew Pedsoil ad WASHINGTON-It was to be expected that the Polish diplomatic documents seized by the Nazis would be discredited and denied in Wash- ington. Those denials, however, should be taken with about fourteen grains of salt. Real fact, as every official in the State Depart- ment knows, is that Ambassadors Kennedy and Bullitt have been talking their heads off against the Nazis, and the reports of these pre-war' conversations, as relayed by Polish envoys to their Foreign Minister, sound extremely ac- curate. Take, for instance, the White Paper account of Ambassador Potocki's report of his conver- sation with Bill Bullitt, in which the versatile little U.S. ambassador to France said he hoped there would be war between Russia and Ger- many, thus giving time for France and Great Britain to prepare for war. This has every ring of the truth. Everyone who knows Bullitt knows his phobia against Russia and his hatred of the Nazis. Also, at that time-November 1, 1938-just after Mu- nich, it was the hope of many high-placed U.S. officials, and of most British leaders, that war would break between the Soviet and Hitler. In fact, the British actually egged Hitler toward such a fray. Also it is known to everyone that Ambassador Joe Kennedy is inordinately fond of his nine children, and that his eldest son, Joseph Patrick, Jr., is the apple of his father's eye. So when the Polish commercial attache quotes Ambassa- dor Kennedy as saying, "You can't imagine to what extent my oldest boy, who recently was in Poland, has the ear of the President," you can be reasonably sure that the Germans were not faking any documents. Ambassador Kennedy has sent Joe, Jr., on various missions around Europe-to Spain and Poland-and he does not hesitate to tell any and all what an excellent diplomat young Joe is. The quoted remark would, be typical. Again, the Poles allegedly say that Kennedy "spoke with a certain disdain of optimists who thought Germany could be defeated easily or quickly or who counted on a quick revolution in Germany." Every diplomat and newspaper- man in Washington knows that this is exactly what Kennedy has been reporting to the Pres- ident for months, and history has proved that he was correct. Then the Polish documents quote U.S. Naval Attache John A. Gade as saying that the best help the United States could give France and England was to ship 1,000 airplanes within tei:t days after the war started. This again does not look as if the Germans faked the documents. It is now public know- ledge that the chief war policy of the Roosevelt Administration has been to rush planes to the Allies, and only the neutrality act at the ,start of the war prevented immediate large scale shipments. 'It is signifiant that ° Poidint R'~oolt ritic Praises, B ames Music By JOHN S HWARZWALDER So far this particular space has been filled mostly with remarks about things that we do net like about music. This includes, as the faithful reader may have found, a great many topics. The present set- up of the Metropolitan Opera, the American Federation of Musicians, the Musicology Departments of most of our music schools, private and oft-time unethical music conserva- tories and Mr. Louis Untermeyer's musical education have all come in for our abuse, not that any of them appear to have lost any of what vitality theyhmay have had over the matter. There are any number of other musical subjects we should like to remind the reader to take with a grain of the well known salt, and we should like to include among these Hill Auditorium audiences with too perfect concert manners, music critics who let their enthusiasm run away with them, women's clubs -and dormitories who let themselves be influenced by third hand lectures on esoteric details of Georges Sand and Chopin, and any amount of other assorted legends of some charm and absolute musical void. But today we would like to men- tion however briefly a few of the things about the present musical season that we like and approve. The first of these is the Choral Union Series just concluded. It in- cluded not one really bad concert and several of surpassing excellence. Its programs, for the most part were marked by excellence of composition and care in execution. It has seldom been our lot to attend a series of comparable excellence. Next on our schedule of praise- worthy musical effort is the prospec- tive schedule of music and artists for the coming May Festival, The Russian program looks excellent in- deed, the new American music is in- teresting and the whole program worthy of the highest praise, with the possible exception of "Samson and Delilah." Why "Samson and Delilah" is one of the things we shall never fathom. There surely are bet- ter and more grateful operas and considerably more interesting ones from a musical standpoint. Also on the list for commendation is the audacity of Play Production and the School of Music in pre- senting Mozart's "Il Seraglio." We were fairly close to that effort and until the end we had our doubts as to its performance. That it has laid a precedent for the future is its most important contribution. We should like to see the "Magic Flute" by the same composer presented this summer. We feel that the founda- tion for this has been laid and we hope that a continuation will follow along the same courageous path. A less fortunate circumstance was the fact that the three musicals of the season followed one another in consecutive appearances. GULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young qulliver THIS IS the last of the Cavils until after vacation. Outside the birds are twittering gaily. Inside the boys are twittering madly. It came late, but it came, and everybody seems to be grateful. It has resulted in a medley of spring songs in nine living and tree dead languages, topped off by a singing of the Highland Park High School song by that usually Gloomy Dane, Carl Pe- tersen. Right now he's going strong: ALL THE WORLD IS WATCHING YOU, HIGHLAND PARK JUNIOR HIGH, MARCH ON! ! It's quite af- fecting, much more so than Peter- sen's Danish folksongs or Mel Fine- berg's jitterbug sonatas-.. Gulliver got that far. Then as the rain began to come down outside, he became ecstatic, ra- diant with anticipation. It seems that that hole in Gulliver's shoe, upon which he waxed so poetic the first day of spring, makes such delightful, squishy music that he has fallen in love with it. He ran outside to hear it. He did not come back. The Gloomy Dane stopped sing- ing "Highland Park, Here We Come," long enough to bark, "Haufler, get in there and pinch hit for Gulliver." The Dane is a senior. I am a junior The Dane is also my boss. Well, the only thing I profess to be an expert on. is corn likker. I may write editorials on Europe or Roosevelt or the weather, but you've got to make allowances. On corn likker you can take my word for it I'm from Kentucky and I know. I'm in a fiery mood about the subject. Not so much because the express company jostled my last laundry shipment from home and ;broke the jug which my Uncle Beelzy had cached away in my red flannels. But heen uTseI eea threat, a dire I THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940 VOL. L. No. 136 Notices To the Members of the UniversityI Council: University Council will meetj on April 15 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 Angell Hall. The agenda in- cludes the consideration of a Uni- versity Planning Committee and a communication from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts rela- tive to a study of faculty services. Louis A Hopkins, Secretary. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING courses7 without record will be Saturday, April 6. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier, after conference with the instructor. The final day for removal of IN- COMPLETES will be Saturday, April 6-. A. H. Lovell, Secretary Freshmen, College of Literature, S- ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, April 6. In adminis- tering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are consid- ered freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued ill- ness. E. A. Walter Assistant Dean The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Spring Vacation period from Friday noon, April 5, until 8 a.m. on Monday, April 15. Office of the Dean of Students To the Householders: Many of the students will remain in Ann Arbor over the Spring Vacation. If you need student help for your spring housecleaning, yard or garden work, call Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Uni- versity 4121, Ext. 2121, Student Em- ployment Bureau. The student rate of pay is 40 cents an hour. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students College of Architecture, School of Education, School of Forestry and Conservation, and School of Music: Midsemester reports indicating stu- dents enrolled in these units doing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school, Saturday, April 6, ac noon. Report blanks for this purpose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4 U. Hall. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar College of Architecture June Seni- ors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U. Hall BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. School of Education June Seniors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U. Hall 'BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. School of Forestry June Seniors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U. Hall BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. School of Music June Seniors should fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U. Hall BEFORE SPRING VACATION. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsi- bility for late grades which may pro- hibit graduation. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrai C.A.A. Flight Training: In order to complete the Flight Traning Pro gram on schedule, it is desirable to have as many students as possible spend at least four days of the Spring Recess in Ann Arbor. This is especi- ally true of Seniors who can not re- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN main in Ann Arbor after final exam- inations. Each student should plan to be here one of the following peri- ods; from April 5 to 10 or from April 10 to 14, and should report to the Aeronautical Engineering Depart- ment specifying which time is most convenient. Advanced course students will re- ceive commutation checks at ROTC Headquarters. today, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Checks must be obtained at this time, or they will be held until after vacation. Copies of the lectures on "The Exis- tence and Nature of Religion" are available at the office of the Student Religious Association, Lane Hall, without charge. Military Ball Banquet tickets are on sale now to the entire advance corps. They may be paid for out of the April commutation checks. Be- cause of the limited number being sold, those wishing to attend the ban- quet should make arrangements im- mediately with Mrs. Kinney at ROTC headquarters. Academic Notices Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Econonics will be held the week of May 6. Students qualified to write these examinations and wishing to do so at this time should leave their names in the Department, office as soon as possible. CA.A. Ground School: The make- up examination in Meteorology and Navigation will be given tonight at 7:00 in the office of the Aeronautical Engineering Department. C.AA. Ground School: The make- Up examination in Meteorology and Navigation will be given at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, ir the office of the Aeronautical Engineering De- partment. Red Cross Water Safety Instruc- tor's Course will be held April 15, 22. 29 and May 6 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. and May 4 from 1:30 to 4:30 at the Intramural Pool. William C. Lucey, National Red Cross Representative, will be the Instructor. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of Finnish architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible, '37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch- itecture in 1938. Architectural cor- ridor, ground floor cases, through April 5. Open daily 9tot5, except Sunday. The public is invited. Russell Appointment Engenders Criaicism 0 . 0 PHILOSOPHER-AUTHOR Bertrand Russell's appointment to the facul- ty of New York's City College by the Board of Higher Education has overnight become a na- tional issue upon the recent revocation by Su- preme Court Justice John E. McGeehan on the grounds that Doctor Russell would establish a "chair of indecency" at the college. It seems there are still people so short sighted and narrow minded that they would have us return to the outmoded doctrinary form of education. This latest bombshell aimed at liberal educa- tion was touched off by a Brooklyn housewife last week and left the people of New York vir- tually split into two factions. The opposition argues that Russell's appointment annot be sustained for the following rather flimsy rea sons: 1. Russell has championed "un-American theories."i 2. His views on sex and morality run con- trary to established penal law and violate the conception of "common decency." 3. He is not a citizen. THE COURT ORDER barring Bertrand Russell from a professorship is an isolated case, but at the same time is indicative of a danger- ous reactionary trend which threatens to revert our educational system to the old stereotype that characterized it in the early nineteenth century. What if the points which the New York justice condemnedRussell are true? Col- lege students have minds of their own and it is doubtful if any "pernicious information" which Dr. Russell might impart will corrupt their minds and moral behavior. It has long been the policy of most of our higher educational institutions to pursue a lib- eral and broadminded policy in regard to socio- logical, economic and political matters. What is to become of freedom of thought, speech and opinion if we allow moralists and narrow- minded reactionaries to throttle and gag our educators? Those who would repress teachings such as those of Bertrand Russell say they should do so in the name of democracy, but democracy itself is doomed if it is not fostered and backed by a liberal outlook. - Malcolm Hunger Lectures University Lecture: Professor C. H. Behre, Jr., of the Department of Geo- ogy at Northwestern University, will lecture on "The Role of Minerals in the War" under the auspices of the Department of Geology at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. The annual William J. Mayo Lee- ture will be given by Dr. Winchell McK. Craig on Monday, April 22, at 1:30 p.m. in the main amphitheatre of the University Hospital. Dr. Craig's title will be "The Pain of Intraspinal Lesions in General Diagnosis." All classes for the Junior and Senior medical students will be dismissed in order that these students may at- tend this lecture. American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Professor E. Bright Wilson, Jr., of Harvard University will speak on "The Internal Motions of Molecules and their Infra-red Spectra" at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 303; Chemistry Building. The meeting is open to the public. Today's Events oology Seminar: Tonight at 7:30, Amphitheatre, Rackham Build- ing. Reports by: Mr. Walter S. Lundahl on "Life History of Caecincola parvulus Marshall and Gilbert (Cryptogonimidae, Tremato- da) and the Development of Its Ex- cretory System," and Mr. Limas D. Walt on "Spirorchis parvum (Stunk- ard), Its Life History and the De- velopment of Its Excretory System (Trematoda: Spirorchiidae) ". Varsity Glee Club: The following men will go on the Bay City trip. The bus will leave from the Union at 3:00 p.m. today Bring full dress suits, Trial by Jury costumes, ribbons. Whitney, G. Brown, Haberaecker, George, Connor, Lovell, Landis, Sor- enson, Gibson, Kelly, Allen, Macin- tosh, Secrist, Scherdt, Heininger, To- bin, Ossewaarde. Peterson, Steere, Barber, Repola, Crowe, Pinney, Tuttle, Rector, Lang- ford, Mason, Hines, Berger, Loessel, Luxan, Penn, Gell. Lovell, Connor, Landis, Steere will load properties at 2:45. Sigma Eta Chi will not have its because there's never any taxes forthcoming. The W.C.T.U. just# doesn't like it. Consequently the "blockades" (they're "moonshiners" only outside the mountains) have a lot of trou- ble. Periodically they have to am- buscade a couple of revenuers or get ambuscaded themselves. That's O.K. It's a competitive system. The fly in the ointment is, as with monopolies in the business 'world, that the revenuers some- times take unfair advantage of the blockaders. For instance, they train horses so they won't drink from a stream that con- tains the taint of likker skim- min's, and then they follow the stream to the still. Well, that's bad enough. But in a recent issue of Life magazine I saw1 a pictorial account of a' new outrage which the revenuers have thought up. They hire airplanes and sail over I L... C.r. .: i+......v. l"' n'I.i F nYain T'ln ilts +i r ninv f®l7e n'f