P'A FOrR. Tfl~ IWLCIflGAIN DAIIJY SAITMAr, F": 11, 1940 FQ~ 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Mlchigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Etudent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press iThe Asoiated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All, rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ascond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVENSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO.' BOSTON * Los ANGaELS -SA4 FRANCiSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen Blliott Maranzes. Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg . . . . - Managing Editor Edcitorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . . . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Slkoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: MILTON ORSHEFSKY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. I Creating Arms And Slashing Relief .. . TTENTION IS DIFFUSED over a A number of important goings-on right now-violations of civil rights, wars in Europe, labor difficulties, national spending and saving programs. Of these the ones most likely to affect the well-being of the mass of American people directly and immediately is the current congressional legislation likely to slash some appropriations while boosting others. According to a recent press dipatch from Washington, D.C., the House Naval Committee "unanimously approved a two-year $655,000,000 fleet increase just one day after another com- tnittee had cut approximately $111,000,000 from the Navy's funds for the coming fiscal year." At the same time, the dispatch continued, deep cuts in the agriculture department appropria- tions have led to resentment on the part of Congressmen from farm states. NOW, economy can scarcely be condemned by anyone, as long as its workings do not cut out expenditures vital to the welfare of, the nation. At the same time a navy adequate for the defense of the nation is needed-and money must be spent for farm relief. It is easy to accept the word of military and naval experts who claim our navy must be large enoughto meet attacks by two or even three powers at one time. At the same time it is equally easy to be fooled into needless ex- penditures for defense. These excessive e- penditures-if indeed they are excessive-scarce- ly fit logically into the economy picture. Even with the maintenance of national expenditures at their old level--with little thought of ec- onomy-an increase in navy funds would mean a decrease in other appropriations. With na- tional expenditures cut-that is, with economy measures taken-more navy money will mean still less for relief, federal works projects, farm aid and other forms of necessary expense. BEFORE ACCEPTING the word of the experts who want more defense dollars, we should certainly see what will be the effect on other ap- propriations of such an increase. In order to give the navy more money, other agencies de- pending upon government support must have their funds cut or taxation must be increased- contrary to the government's program of ec- onomy. Eventually, the entire matter resolves itself into three questions: are increases in our navy vitally necessary; can we afford cuts in other government appropriations; if the navy must be increased,, do we need guns more than "but-. ter" as Hitler decided Germany did? Before anything is done on the subject, these questions --all three of them-should be answered, by legislators and citizens alike. - "Wlliaxu Newton. New York University has opened a special course on the economic and political issues of the coming presidential campaign. Taking of textbooks,;notebooks; or other class- room material into the Arthur Upson room of the University of Minnesota library is strictly prohibited. Its facilities are devoted entirely to the reading of books - for pleasure- or personal' profit. THE SCREEN By HERiBERT WEIINGER TWO STUDIES in the propaganda use of the documentary film were shown last night by the Art Cinema League. Both "The City" and "Marseillaise" are naturalistic in intention; that is, they purport to show things as they were and are. But since art is essentially a matter of selection, naturalism becomes merely a method which still leaves the direction of the bias to the ideological predelictions of the artist. Because "The City" has a point of view which is lucid and incisive, it is able to organize its materials effectively to that end. The contrast between the disorganized and ugly metropolis and the intelligently planned community is made sharply and with humor; the thesis is inherent in the material. On the other haid, "Marseilles" is so be- fuddled in its thinking, so obfuscated by a senti- mental and dangerous nationalism, that the re- sult is a chaotic and boring film. In its attempt to equate 1789 with 1940, it slurs over exactly those essential differences upon which intelli- gent action today must be based. In effect, "Marseilles" tells us that the Second World War is a struggle for democracy; certainly this is an assertion whose validity prust be established by more than an emotional appeal to patriotism. Basically, both films deal with the problem of how to make democracy real. "The City" does this concretely by showing how, through intelligent planning and cooperative action, men and women can live together decently on the human level. In communities such as Green- belt, life is no longer a competitive struggle for existence but a group action which brings out the best human qualities The idea of de- mocracy is defined in specific understandable, and realizible terms. Though the nostalgia for the countryside is a weakening element and though the method of securing such communi- ties is oversimplified, nevertheless "The City" remains a contribution to the struggle for de- rnocracy. But in the French film, democracy means to die for one's country by fighting other men who are also dying for their country. The individual is made to lose himself for the state and the qualities he strives for, patriotism, discipline, death, are ultimately those for which Fascism stands. It is therefore no wonder that France is no longer a democratic country. 4jheEDITOR To The Editor: WE HAVE BEEN ON STRIKE against the Chi- cago Hearst newspapers for 14, months, The Herald &' Examiner, declining since the sanguinary pressmen's strike of 1912, suspended publication last August. The Evening American, now called the Herald-American, survives. Three hundred men and women carry for- ward the fight for decent conditions in an in- dustry long in need of them. Through heat and cold they man the picket line. One gave his life-he died on strike duty. Seventeen babies have been born. Today in the middle of a second winter, clothing and, shoes are worn, homes, automobiles, insurance policies are gone. Families live in the cheapest of dwellings on the cheapest of fare. Everything has been given up save the dignity of people fighting in a just cause. Press and radio suppression, thug terror, in- junctions and other devices of the Hearst man- agement have failed to defeat these people. Re- cently, upon presentation, of more than 100 affidavits, the Guild obtained an injunction re- straining Hearst agents from acts of violence. HEARST would suppress his workers even more ruthlessly than he has attempted to suppress teachers. His attacks upon educators were condemned by the American Federation of Teachers as follows: "Through his control of numerous agencies . he has attempted to pollute the mind of the American people through distortion of facts on all vital matters . . . He has been a constant enemy of academic freedom and of honest, courageous teachers... He has fought all efforts of workers to better their conditions ..'." After a year drama of the strike is forgotten. Oh, yes, there was a newspaper strike long ago. Is it still on? It is, and it will go on to save the strikers and their families and to establish at last that newspaperman, too, are human beings who cannot feed on "romance." Strikers need food and clothing. Homes need fuel. Can you contribute a few dollars? Can you spare an old suit or overcoat or any service- able article of wearing apparel? We do not. ask charity. We ask support in a fight for human rights, for a better life for our- selves and others. It would be a definite tragedy if after the incredible sacrifices of so many months, we could not go on for lack of a few dollars with the, goal so near. Please address Educators' Fund, Hearst Strike Committee, 231 S. Wells St.. Chicago. Harry D: Wohl, International Vice-President American Newspaper Guild. "Educators throughout the nation may have sound reason for confidence in -the sensibleness clhe Drew dPesout Robert S.AIIe Britain Aids Finns Up until now it has been a military secret, but within the last three or four weeks the Finns have received 300 fighting planes from the British. They were shipped at the rate of about 100 per week secretly to Sweden, where they were assembled and flown to Finland. This is the most important assistance the Finns have had for some time, and indicates the seriousness with which the British finally view the Finnish war. It will be recalled that when the war first started and the Finns appealed to Britain for help, Foreign Minister Halifax replied that aid to the Finns might alienate a friendly neutral -Russia. Confidential word also has been received here that a few German airplanes and pilots are be- ing used by the Finns. It is not clear, however, whether these are supplied by Field Marshal Goering and the General Staff, known to be out of sympathy with Russia, or whether they were supplied by exiled German business men. * 4* * * Behind The Politicians Under Robert Houghwout Jackson there will be a very important shift in the crusading activi- ties of the Justice Department. Murphy concentrated his fire on corrupt poli- ticians. Jackson will train his guns on the poV- ers behind the politicians-business and utility interests. This does not mean that the "pols" will be neglected. They need not hope for any let-up. Jackson is going after them just as vigorously as Murphy did, and one of the first places on the list to be tackled is boss-ridden Atlantic City. Behind this shift in emphasis are two factors. The first is that Jackson is less political-minded than Murphy. Jackson is a relative newcomer in politics and has never held an elective office. Murphy has held a number and his thinking is chiefly in political terms. The second factor is Jackson's strong ec- onomic orientation. Like Murphy, he too has a long crusading career but his crusades have been against business powers. As a stripling lawyer just out of school in Jamestown, N.Y., he defended a group of street car strikers when they couldn't get another attorney. A few years later he took up the legal cudgels for the local independent telephone company against the giant A.T.&T. and licked it. As a 40-year-old Assistant Attorney General he waded into the mighty Aluminum Corpora- tion of America with anti-trust charges, and followed this up with a tax evasion suit against the late Andrew W. Mellon, former Secretary of the Treasury and ruler of the aluminum field. CULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young qulliver P' - ii TODAY WE START OFF with a p little story which appeared on page one of yesterday's Detroit Free Press. You can file it, if you like, in the Songs Without Words Depart- ment. The headline is: EXTRA - SANDWICH PLEAa OUSTS FIVE COLLEGIANS. p YOUNG HARRIS, Ga., Feb. 15-01h'-Suspension of student government and the ouster of five youths was announced to- day by President T. Jack Lance, of Young Harris College, in the wake of a demonstration for "more liberal privileges" by 1! about half of the 500 students. "The faculty will not tolerate bolshevism," Lance said. Lance said that the principal b demands were for student bodyd dances, which are denied by the3 Methodist institution; for lib-3 eralized dating privileges, and for an additional sandwich for each student on the Sundayd night menu.- C ULLIVER wants to acknowledge, gratefully, the notes which he n has received from students telling A him that they support his attacks on the rising war fever in this coun- I try. But one letter which he has re- a ceived has meant far more to him than all the rest. And this is why: it comes from a man who is not a student, but a businessman in town. a This gentleman was in Ann Arbor before and during the first World d War, and he remembers well the uni- v formed students marching up and p down the diagonal. He doesn't want to see it happen again, and he has told the Daily Editors that he sup- ports their opposition on the war. One of his notes reads: "Young Gul- d liver . . . How about the traffic in c ore and coke between France and i Germany as reported in the attached cipping? "Days of Our Years" tellsp of France receiving 250,000 tons of e steel per month from Germany dur- t ing the Great War in return for ann agreement from France not to bomb German munition works . . . and that England could have ended the war in 1915 by stopping shipments of cotton to Germany which could haveg been done but was not permitted by A the international munitions boardA . this might be given an airing all over again in mentioning the present interchange of ore and coke."A Enclosed along with the note is a 1 clipping from the "National Whirli- gig" column of last Tuesday's Free Press. We are going to reprint it now, because it goes a long way towards answering the question raised by the E writer in 'his note. It is headlinedL Trade With The Enemy, and it reads: Well authenticated informa- e tion from private sources takes t spiritual issues out of European t warfare. As previously reported, n the exchange of goods betweenL Germany and France is being maintained at an accelerating pace and is by no means confined to coke and ore. But French ore, until recently, has been reloaded . in Belgium and then moved in Belgian cars into the Reich.s Nazi coke was handled in a cor-e responding manner.e Because handling charges ranF high this practice has been dis- continued, so that French rail-2 road cars now move into Ger- 1 many and German cars into , France without reloading, all via Belgium. The railroad gauge of all three countries is identical and because, at the outbreak oft war, the French roads had some German rolling stok and~ the Germais had some belonging to the French, the presence of these cars in the respective countries naturally attracts small atten- tion. FOOD FOR THOUGHT DEPART- MENT: Isn't the Sumner Welles who has been shipped to Europe on a fec- ret mission by President Roosevelt the same Sumner Welles who had a finger in the changes of some of the governments of Cuba and other Latin American countries-in fact, isn't he, according to Time Magazine, the same Sumner Welles who was hanged in effigy in Cuba in 1933? Isn't he the same Sumner Welles who, as the "National Whirligig," never noted for either a pro-Nazi or a pink tinge, puts it, has a "single-minded admira- tion for British Empire policies?".r. Isn't the fact that the National Youth Administration has turned over to the United States Army re- cruiting service, upon request, a list of all male enrollees between the ages of 18 and 25, a little more in- teresting when you consider that 75 per cent of the recruits of the Cana- dian Expeditionary Force were un- employed young men? . .. Wouldn't you feel pretty good if you were Gulliver and you found Attorney General Jackson agreeing with you that the arrests for Spanish recruit- (Continued on Page 2) b w t entails extra work and limits our t possibilities in being of service. U T. Luther Purdom, Director e The University Bureau of Appoint- a ments and Occupational Informa- i tion E B Handbooks: Handbooks for 1939-40 are available at Lane Hall. The sup- ply is limited. i Academic Notices S Anthropology 162 will meet in 401 g Mason Hall, T.T.S. at 9. German 211 Gothic will meet on A Mondays from 7-9 p.m. in 303 S Norman L. Willey 4 B Mathematics 161, Theory of Num- bers, will meet Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 11 o'clock and Mondays at f 3 o'clock (instead of Saturdays) in a 3010 A.H. No meeting today. r C Political Science 203 will meet Mon- 1 day, Feb. 19, at 3:00 p.m. in Room1 2034 A.H. L Far Eastern Art: Office has been moved from Museums Building to 5, Alumni Memorial Hall.U F.A. 192 Art of China and Japan: Tu., Th., 9:00 meeting place to be irranged..S F.A. 204 Ceramics, U F.A. 206 Mediaeval India, t F.A. 208 Special problems: Hours t and meeting places to be arranged. e Consultation hours 9-11:30; 1-3 1 daily. All first meetings of classes a will be held in Room 5, basement a Alumni Memorial Hall. C James Marshall Plumer, D Lecturer on Far Eastern Art A reading examination for all stu-- S lents interested in enrolling in a spe- H :ial service course in remedial read- 6 ng, which is to be organized shortly, o will be held at 2 o'clock today in the Natural Science Auditorium. The xamination will begin precisely at them time announced and last approxi- p mately two hours.'s F Exhibitions American Indian painting, southt gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, until v March 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Auspices ofP Ann Arbor Art Association. 3 Art and Industry, ground floor, Architectural Building, courtesy Col- ege of Architecture and Design. Lectures I University Lecture: Dr. Francis G. Benedict, former Director, Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institutiona )f Washington, will lecture on "Sct mnce and the Art of Deception" under I1 the auspices of the Department of In- i ernal Medicine at 4:15 p.m. on Wed- 6 aesday, February 21, in the Rackham t Lecture Hall. The public is cordially tJ nvited.d University Lecture: Dr. Georg A Steindorff, Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and former Director of the Egyptological Collection, Univer- ity of Leipzig, will lecture on "From 1 Fetishes to Gods in Egypt" (illustrat- n d) under the auspices of the De-. 3 partment of Oriental Languages at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, February p 21, in the amphitheatre of the Rack--c iam Building. The public is cordially invited. Today's Events The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8:30 to I 10:00 this evening. The moon and the planet Saturn willrbe shown f through telescopes. Children must be accompanied by adults. Graduate Students and other stu- dents interested are invited to listen to a broadcast by the Metropolitan Opera Company of Wagner's opera, "Die Walkure," in the Men's Lounges of the Rackham Building today at 1:30 p.m. Sunday Night Supper Entertain- ment Committee meeting today at 2:00 p.m. in the Kalamazoo room at the League. Women's Rifle C1ub meeting at the Women's Athletic Building today at 1 :30 p.m. New rractice schedule will be set. The Westminster Guild will give a tea for Presbyterian girls on the cam- pus fom 3:00 to 5:00 in the Presby- terian Church parlors. Episcopal College Work Program: The Reverend W. Russell Bowie, of New York City will speak on ""What Jesus of Nazareth Stood For," today at 3:30 p.m. at Harris Hall. All Epis- copal students and their friends are urged to attend. tInmin o a a.R DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ers: The regular luncheon meeting 'ill be held Monday at 11:10 p.m. in he Founders' Room of the Michigan Tnion. All faculty members inter- sted in speaking German are cordi- lly invited. There will be a brief formal talk by Professor JoM W. aton on, "Heinrich Heine und John Seminar in Bacteriology will meet n Room 1564 East Medical Building 4onday, February 19, at 8:00 p.m ubject: "The Pleuropneumonia Or- anisms." All interested are invited. Physics Colloquium: Professor S. .Goudsmit will speak on "Error and robability" on Monday; Feb. 19, at :15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics ldg. Lecture: Miss Muriel Lester, world amous liberal, protestant reformer, nd lecturer, will speak at a student ally at the First Congregational hurch, 4:30 p.m., Sunday, February 8, under the auspices of the Inter- uild Council and the Henry Martin oud Foundation. Eta. Kappa Nu meeting on Sunday, eb. 18, at 7:00 p.m. in the Michigan Jnion. International Center: Mr. Ivor chilandsky f r o m Johannesburg, nion of South Africa, will present he following piano recital at the In- ernational Center at 7 o'clock Sunday vening: Sonata in A Major, Opus 01, Beethoven: Aufschwing, Grillen nd In der Nacht, Schuman: Polan- ise in E Flat Minor, Chopin; Les ollines d'Anacapri, and Minstrels, )ubussy. The New Michigan Wolverine, 209 . State Street, is sponsoring a Social [our Sunday evening, Feb. 18, from -10:30. Music. Refreshments. Every- ne welcome. The Lutheran Student club will eet Sunday at 5:30 pm. at the Zion 'arish Hall. Dinner at 6:00. Pre- entation of "Faith for Our Day" by rancis Cooke. The Monday Evening Drama See- ion of the Faculty Women's Club ill meet on Monday, Feb. 19, at 7:30 .m. in the Michigan Union, Room 16-318. Churches First Methodist CMurch. 1Morning worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Miss Auriel Lester of London, England, ill be the speaker. Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 .m. Prof. John L. Brumm will lead he discussion on "The PeuIar Di- umma of the Present World." Wes- eyan Guild Meeting, with supper, at p.m. Following will be four simul- aneous discussion groups on the hemes: "Peace, Racial Problems, In- lustrial and Labor Problems, and fter College, Then What?" St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. unday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 1:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser- non by The Reverend W. Russell owie, D.D. of New York City; 11:00 ..m. Kidergarten, Harris Hall; 7:00 ).m. Student Panel Discussion on What I Think Jesus of Nazareth Stood For," Harris Hall; 8:00 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class in the Church Office Building. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon, Students' Bible class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 6:30 p.m., Discussion on "Getting Along With Others," led by Rev. H. L. Pickerill. A social hour will fol- ow. Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "The Meaning of Heywood Broun," liberals and religion. 7:30 p.m. Round Table Discussion, "The Bahai Faith," by Dorothy Bee- cher Baker. Refreshments. First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Subject "Soul." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Baptist Church: 9:30. Graduate Bible Class. Prof. LeRoy Waterman, teac ier. 10:45 Morning worship. Sermon opic, "Choose Ye This Day." 12:00. Student Round Table Dis- cussion topic, "How Tolerant Should We Be?" 4:30. Roger Williams Guild joins with the Inter-guild Counsel in hear- ing Miss Mueriel Lester of London, England, in the Congregational Church. The Group will meet in the Guild House at 6:00 p.m. to discuss Miss Lester's address. First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m. "Triumphant Personality" will be Dr. John K. Bibby's topic. I'd Rather Be RIGHT! By SAMUEL GRAFTON THERE WAS A CERTAIN bleak look which came over the national eye early in 1917 whenever a speech was made for peace. . It means: "We know you. We're watching you. You're for the Kaiser. We can handle people like you." Y* But, as I say, that time is not yet. It is still possible to be against war without having your best friend grow noticeably pale, and begin to make incoherent little noises. So, the question is, how are we going to spend the intervening months until the Big Rise in temperature takes place? I can feel its hot breath when I open some of my mail, right now. But those few let- ters are just a preliminary pawing of the air. They are outnumbered, ten to one. How long will it be before things get hot? If we judge from the last war, we have about 29 "safe" months, taking us up to a date in thr future corresponding to Jan. 1, 1917. By that time, of course, it was all over. Somehow the time between August 1914 and December 1916 was wasted. TWENTY-NINE MONTHS from September 1, 1939, when this war started, would carry us to Feb. 1, 1942. But life will move faster this time. Tha t anti-English bias which we de- veloped around 1776 was still a fact in American thinking in, the early years of this century. The sweetly uncomplicated school textbooks of that period unfailingly pictured England the oppres- sor, with her heel on our Colonial neck. It w. during the war, as Charles A. Beard has pointed out, that our historians hastily rewrote their scripts, some even reaching the conclusion that our Revolutionary War was a mistake, a family spat which only proved the depth of our early American love for and attachment to Britain. * * *: * There is now virtually no anti-Englishism. Its is kent alive only by the American Irish. for