\PERSPECTIVES PageEle, DDYLE PRE SS . ..Continued from Page Four that first night she had shown him that she knew how to talk, that he coudn't embarrass her, that he couldn't under- stand her entirely in one evening. After a few weeks he still could not make up his mind. It was either a pose on her part-or she was a curious woman. And he conceded the fact that whatever it was, he liked her strange veneer. Lawrence motioned to the waiter. She needed cigarettes. Across the room she saw a large covered plate being placed before Brian Jennings, who appeared to be watching the bell intently. Law- rence felt that the crowded restaurant was stuffy, for her throat was dry, the blood coursing through her temples hot. He was dignified looking, of course, but not staid. She guessed his age to be about thirty-five. Old enough for a man to know what he wanted. For instance, if he wanted a woman. . . she scooped up an overly large portion of her parfait . . . if he did, he ought to know whether he wanted her for the moment, or . . Lawrence felt a horrible yearning to cry, inexplicably, just like any simple female. Thoughts flew up unhampered now by the hard protective wall between her mind and emotions. SHE LOOKED HARD at her nails and remembered nights alone in her apartment. Alone in a wide period bed, sleepless, alert. In those half-dreams she used to visualize many different men . . . until a short time ago when the misty shapes took on a definite form, a big powerful form. She used to see him clearly at last . . . and she used to lie trembling, raw with want . . . a hopelessly sane, conventional want. "Success had burst in a shower of sparks, but among them were ashes too. Everything accomplished was nothing when she realized that the furs, and the jewels and the flushes of pride to come would lie on a body divested of its purpose for being. The conrete hn her life was meant to be marriage-the rest was jade and coral weavery. She was weak and human, but above all, a being super- ior in intelligence, for she realized the feminine goal in the midst of all her masculine achievements." "Victory", Doyle Press, 1940 Lawrence wanted a home. Perhaps it would be a duplex apartment, shiny, expensive, but at least she made no concessions to the cliched ideas of trel- lised walls in the suburbs. She made only one concession . . . and that could be credited to the superior intelligence, for she wanted children. Lawrence straightened her napkin and allowed another thought to well up in her mind and burst. She was ready for marriage; and the only man she had ever wanted to marry was seated aorcss from her at that moment . . . It was not a quick decision. It was a realization of the meaning of his con- stant appearance in her half-dreams, of her daily visits to this restaurant be- cause he came here. It was realization that he had thrilled her that night; that he was fine and clever; that he was successful and well-bread; that life with him would be as she had planned it, and more-it would mean the unloosing of all the stored emotions, the revelation to another human that her heart could, sound louder than the stunting voice of reason. J ENNINGS pushed aside his dessert. He felt that the moment was im- portant, and wondered whether he would always experience this feeling in her presence. He had tpyed often with the idea of marriage, but never before had he seriously considered a woman at his side for the immediate future. Now he searched his mind to find out why he had waited this long, why he had not wanted a wife before. The whole idea was. good. He was wealthy, and young enough to pass on virile strength. to a son. And he could find no objection to the woman seated across from him ..-. Lawrence broke the cellophane of the new pack, and struck a match. She was glad, now, that she had shown her mind the state of her hear . . . trite thing, the heart, but once for every woman, only once, as she had expounded in her books, it signaled the mind to conceive. a new future. Lawrence knew now, and all she had to do was set the 'course, pattern the action. She sipped her water nervously. He covered his eyes for a moment .. . he wanted the surety of blackness to make his decision. There was that night to consider. She had rebuffed him. If he took this step it would be a turn- ing point in his well-managed, comfort- able life . . . and he could not afford to be hurt . . LAWRENCE RESTED on her elbows, placed her lips against interlaced fingers. If this were the ultimate . . . the steps had to be taken immediately, the rift between them had been widen- ing steadily since that night. But she couldn't be reckless. This took finesse, the finesse her characters used in simi- lar situations . . , and she lived her characters. Now, the course they would have taken . . . He thought for a winked instant of the books of hers that he had read . . . clever enough, he had always thought, but unreal. No man or woman ever thought with the involved processes she ascribed to them . . reason, counter- reason . . . but of course that sort of thing sold with the pseudo-sophisticat- ed world. Women didnt actually plan when they were honestly affected . . . he could use this thought as the stand- ard, the measure. t Lawrence felt relieved that she had decided she wanted him; now she could be crafty, and not confused . . . He was right here, she could speak to him . though not, of course, until he spoke to her, or made some sign that he had seen and was acknowledging her. After all, he had never called after leaving her that night. It was up to him. She would have written it this way, she be- lieved. It was up to hir, although ..- He recalled that she h2,d driven hisr, away that night.. Thus he could not,, as a man, nod in her (irection untih she smiled, or opened the way with , sign, one sign . . . He could riot chane this decision. She was the 'woman, h the male, this the maune. , . if shi-t really cared for him at all Lawrence snubbed out her cigarette and, her eyes wider, brightes than usua.. slowly looked up and saree once mon , across the room . Brian Jennings crumpled his napkj on the table, pushed reef his chanr forcefully, and before he sose to leavi' his eyes one last time on the womeo across the room . "There are those wonen who are clever and wily, and tIlloa who are stupid and proud; and rsetimes there is one wise beyond tar sisters. but proud beyond her starength, with a steel veneer of courage causing but the frailty of flesh and blood. To that woman, whom-they pick for the metal of her exteriir, the fates. bow in mock servilityt; hey unroll the carpet of a scinaiila.tsg world before her, and smirk aol scrape their foreheads when she steps up- on it. But--if she ventures minto the cold brilliance too far, they do not delay in whisking the plush depths from beneath her to watch her fall upon the spikes. They srch their backs then and laugh in hsawls, for the descendency is swift, the jags knife-pointed, and the uner wo- man soft. But-if she feels her way cau- tiously, advances wilh es and in wisdom is shamed not ieo setreat, to forego the brilliancy and spikes for sake of safety and sore, then the play is happy, the fates. who might have won, have lost. And this last, may it be known, is themesy course for the woman of super. nmind." Lawrence, Sylvia, "V4 ury," Doyle Press, 1940. datie 7 i The Ci'qf .I/UMteP NATIVE SON, by Richard Wright. Harper and Brothers. The best way to indicate the import- ance of this book is to compare it to The Grapes of Wrath. What Steinbeck did for the Okies, Wright does for the Negroes in America. Both men deal with a dislocation of life so vast as to stagger the imagination. Both deal with the impulses, emotions and atti- tudes of plain people. Both have a revolutionary insight into the realities of the problems that affect nearly two- thirds of the nation. And both books are sweeping men and women toward a new conception of the way things are and the way they ought to be. Native Son- is Richard Wrights first novel. His Fire and Cloud won an O. Henry short storyprize; his Bright and Morning Star is included in O'Brien's collection of the best American short stories, and his Uncle Tom's Children won first prize in the Federal Writer's Contest. Yet Native Son is more than a first novel: it is also the first work in American fiction to deal intelligently and profoundly with the life, mind and emotions of the American Negro in action under the stress of unrelenting economic, racial and social and spiritual oppression. The appearance of Native Son so soon after the publication ofChrist In Con- crete and The Grapes of Wrath is a. hopeful and, significant event in the. development of the Asnerican novel Taken together these three books repre- sent the culmination of the trend that began in American literature during the depression. They mark both a be- ginning and an end. Although each of these books is a unique literary produc- tion none of them could have been written without the whole series of ex- periments that marked the literature of the Thirties. Nor would any of them have taken the form it did, or have en- tered so completely into the conscious- ness of the American people without the tremendous upheavals that characterized THE CRAZY HUNTER, by Kay Boyle. Harcourt Brace and Co. KAY BOYLE'S collection of three short novels The Crazy Hunter, marks a tremendous step forward in her writing career, for in it, she achieves for the first time, a sustained feeling of strength and power, which, for all their beauty of style and precision, her early novels and short stories conspic- uously lacked. We find here, the old NEW BOOKS- and death. Miss Boyle has captured the flavour and mystery of the EnglisA countryside; the rainy, summer nights the bleakness of cliffs, the oppressive heat, to an amazing degree. The climax. of the story in which the liftie, totally negative and unproductive, finally finds means of achieving some sort of validilty of existence is certainly one of the nou exciting and effective denuerments .rt modern prose. "The Bridegroom's Body." " the secon O story, eludes condensation. It concerrn two Engish aristocrats and a young Irish nurse who comes to live on then' estate. There is a strange ffinity be- tween the two women who ate broughi. together by the death of a wapen. The background of swan and the unlquere' of the setting are a perfeot foil for . Kay Boyle's talents. "Big Fiddle" is a psychological story of a paronoiac who, through his deperat need of companionship, is convicted of a murder he never knew he osmittet The author's superb gift for character analysis and dialogue stand her in goodt stead. The inevitable tragedy, inherent from the very beginning _ skillfully brought to a climax. With the publication of The Crazy Hunter, Kay Boyle comes nto her own. She has stopped dealing with minutiae' and has broadened her scope tremend- ously. The Spanish Loyahst in "The Crazy Hunter," the neurotic fiddler in "Big Fiddle," the father in the former story, are all indications of an increa- (Continued on Pege :12) American life in the past ten years. Without Faulkner, Dos Passos and Cald- well The Grapes of Wrath is incon- ceivable; and without the petdestrian realism of Farrell and the sensitive no- tations of Millen Brand, the artistic interplay of {social and psychological factors in Native Son is equally incon- ceivabl. In this respect these novels are the summarization of the books and life of the last decade. In another and more important sense, however, they represent a new level of literary excellence, and they have in-. (Continued on Page 12) sensitivity, the unsurpassed prose style and the minute perceptions for which she is so justly famous, but added to all these, a virility and granite-hewn quality which answers, once and for all, the charges of preciousness and tenuousness which have been leveled against her writing. The first story, "The Crazy Hunter" is primarily the remarkable study of the efforts of a sensitive, young girl to reorientate a blind horse to the mean- ing of existence, but in it we sense the broad implications of all that is living allied against the forces of decadence