PAGE EIGHT THE MICIIIG AN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1940 ... ............ . ......... ... . .... ...... ...... . Trade Meeting Will Consider State Barriers Sessions Of Conference Will Include Speeches By Truitt And Ruthven , Consideration of the pros and cons of trade barriers will feature the in-" itial session of tne two-day Confer- ence of Trade and Industrial Secre- taries which will open under the joint sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, the Exten- sion Service and the School of Busi- ness Administration Friday, April 19, in the Union. Paul T. Truitt, chairman of the Interdepartment Committee on In- terstate Trade Barriers, will discuss the question from the interstate point of view. His talk will be followed by considerations of "Michigan's Stake in Interstate Commerce" and "LegalI Aspects of Interstate Barriers" by Profs. Edgar H. Gault and E. S. Wol- aver, respectively, both of the School of Business Administration. President Ruthven will address the delegates at a luncheon meeting to be held in the Union. He will be" introduced by Ira M. Smith, registrar of the University and president of' the Chamber of Commerce, while Arthur E. Raab, chairman of the State Labor Mediation Board, will' interpret the functions and compo- sition, of the Board at the second ses- sion of the Conference. "Federal Labor Legislation" will be the topic of the second day of the Conference. C. W. Otto, secretary- manager of the Lansing Chamber of Commerce, will preside, and Albert E. Meder, attorney for the MVichigan Manufacturers Associations, w il l speak on the Wagner Act at 10 p.m. in the Union gr. Swiss Near Mobilization Citizenry Aids Maladjustment Sociologically Becaufe of the interest of Pres- ident Ruthvent and local citizens in he problem of helping children to1 eec:me better adjusted, the Ann Ar- .r Children's Service has been able o aid the normal development of' many maladjusted personality cases. In 1931, President Ruthven helped 'o form a treatment and planning conmnittee in conjunction with the scciclcgy and psychology depart- mcnt= end the School of Education to guide boys with behavior diffi- culties. The committee, under the direction of George Alder, was given a grant in 1935 from the Rackham Fund for a Social Research Project, originally summer camp work, and later a year-round follow-up of the select group of boys. The project, which was in existence three years, was supported during the last two by an Ann Arbor family, which pre- ferred to remain anonymous. The project came to a close in 1938 and was such a success that a group of persons in the community met to discuss a future for this type of service for Ann Arbor. The pres- ent Children's Service Bureau was the result. Under the direction of Gilbert Anderson, the Bureau, lo- cated at Perry School, has been en- larged to include girls and is now entirely a service group, without any research involved. Graduate Education Club To Hear Sellars, Curtis Prof. W. R. Sellars of the philosoply department will speak on "The Philo- sophy of John Dewey" at the meeting of the Graduate Education Club at 4 p.m. today in the graduate library of the University Elementary School. As a second feature of the program These Areas Form Soviet's 12th Republic r-a - 3 -- II% 11 I Sailplane Ace To Test New Prof. Van den Broek Proposes Substitute limit Design' Plan KUOLOJARVI w ALAKSHIA FIN NISH SOVIET SORTAVK~ If ETROZAVOIDjK "~W~aLEMlNG'R A D',r,:z'' aR 1I 1 I Link Trainer I By KARL KESSLER Charging the inadequacy of tradi- ~ tional theories of structural design Ted Bellak, who made the head- in representing the problems involved lines last year by flying a glider in large-scale construction work, Prof. across Lake Michigan, will come to John A. Van den Broek of the en- Ann Arbor soon in order to pit his gineering mechanics department pro- flying skill against the Link Trainer poses a substitute theory of "limit recently installed here. design" as more accurately describ-, Bellak has enrolled in the instru- ing the structural problems of the ment-training course which the Uni- civil engineer. versity, with the cooperation of the Basic among the assumptions un- State Department of Public Instruc- derlying current theories in structur- tion and the State Board of Aero- al design is the supposition that con- nautics is offering to experienced struction materials may be considered pilots who need further training in as being perfectly elastic. The ac- navigation. ceptance of such an assumption, Pro- The course was originally designed to enable commercial pilots to learn "blind-flying" and thus enhance their chances of securing better jobs. Bel- lak's reason for taking the course, however, is that he has learned to take such long flights in his sailplane that at times he must meet blind- flying conditions. The story behind Bellak's decision to enroll in the course is told by Dwight Reynolds, instructor in the Civil Aeronautics Authority Flight training program here. The glider ace was in Ann Arbor when the Link Trainer, the non-flying. ship which simulates all the conditions of actual flight, was being installed. He decid- ed to try the Link out. So little, did he know of instrument navigation, however, that he had to give up in his attempts to control the Link after three minutes. He be- gan to wonder then, Reynolds said, what would happen to him if he ran into heavy fog while on one of his long glider jaunts. Dr. Purdoin Will Attend Convention In Chicago Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of he Bureau of Appointments and Xccupaticnal Information will attend he North Central Association con- ention tomorrow in Chicago. The Association is an organization ,f secondary schools of certain scho- lastic and progressive standards. fessor Van den Broek challenges, leads to several inconsistencies and con- tradictions'in actual practice. A perfectly elastic substance, he contends, is ruled out as totally unfit for structural engineering purposes, yet in dealing with actual construc- tion materials, stress calculations are based on the idealized view that the materials used can be considered as being within the bounds of perfect elasticity. High grade glass, Professor Van den Broek points out, manifests two pro- perties, namely, great strength and perfect elasticity, yet in common prac- tice, no engineer would conceive of building a large structure from this material. So long as stress and load are within the elastic limits, present theories raise no objection to the use of glass as a building material, yet engineers know that such a practice would be a physical impossibility. To clear this contradiction between "theory" and practice, Professor Van den Broek proposes the consideration of a property called 'ductility' in computing load limits and safe capa- cities. Ductility, in short, takes into consideratica the behavior of struc- tural merabers after the elastic limit has been surpassed. It admits that constructural mater- ials may, and invariably do, at least in localized sections undergo deform- ations beyond the range of elasticity. By admitting such deformations, the theory of limit design can then anal- yze their nature in order to extend and establish a maximum deforma- tion and maximum load consistent with safety principles. That the theory of limit design has practical applications has been shown by the experience of C. M. Goodrich, chief engineer of the Canadian Bridge Company. Some 200 full sized high- tension electrical transmission towers have been constructed by that com- pany, all designed according to the principles of the theory of limit de- sign. That none of the towers, when tested, failed to carry their full de- sign limit and overload. Professor Van den Broek contends, places a strong empirical approval on the theory of limit design. The underlying principles of the theory have also been generally ac- cepted by severalschools of European engineers. Notable among these are the Dutch. Students To Read Papers At Meeting Reading of papers, prepared by stu- dent members for a national elimina- tion contest, will feature the meet- ign of the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers at 7:30 p.m. to- day in the Union. Four papers will be read at the meeting, of which one will be select- ed for competition at the final elim- ination contest Monday, April 15 in Chicago. Winner of a similar contest last year was Jack Chapman, '40E, who placed third among contestants from all parts of the country. Students submitting papers in- clude Owen Broders, '40E, "Automatic Drilling Units;" Louis Vander Eyk, '40E, "Chimney Design;" Cornelius Boogaard, '40E, "Balancing of Turbo- Generators," and William Armor, '40E, "Carburation." RADIO and MICHIGAN Cabs Phones 3030 or 7000 Russia has decided to create a 12th republic within the Soviet Union, incorporating territory won from Finland (shaded areas) with Soviet Karelia to form the Union Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Re- public. All'of the 13,990 square miles ceded by Finland, except a small section near Leningrad, will be included in the Republic whose borders are indicated by a dotted line. It has been disclosed that Russia has built a railway (arrow 1) linking the Sortavala-Viborg line with the railroad between Petrozavodsk, Karelian capital, and Murmansk. An- other line is under construction further north (arrow 2) to link Soviet Karelia with the Kuolo-Jarvi region. All of the territory shown above as ceded by Finland to the Russian government was bitterly contested during the three-months conflict recently ended by the signing of a treaty in Moscow. This map was prepared by the Associated Press. BERN, April 2.-(A3--Switzerland;Prof. S. A. Curtis of the School of mover nearer general mobilization I Education will analyze the Educa- today as the general staff summoned tional Implications of Dewey's Phil- to active service 41 army units osophy." ANDY SERVICE DIRECTORY A. h L . Handy Service Advertising Rates Cash Rates 12c per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading °line for three or more insertions. Charge Rates 1e per reading line for one or two insertions. 13c per reading line for three or more insertions. Five avcrasc words to a reading line. Minimum of three lines per inser- . tion. CONTRACT RATES ON REQUEST. Our Want-Advisor will be delighted to assist4you in composing your ad. Dial 23-24-i or stop at the Michigan Daily Business Office, 420 Maynard Street. TYPING- 18 TYPING- Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 3 TYPE WRIT ING i d Mimeographing Promptly and neatlyI done oy experienced ., operators in our own place of business, atI moderate rates. 0.D. MORRIHIJL The Typewriter and Stationery Store 314 S. State St. (opp. Kresgc's) MISCELLANEOUS-20 BEN THE TAILOR-More money for your "clothes.. Open evenings. 122 E. Washington. 329 CANARIES: Lovebirds, Finches. Bird food and cages. Birds boarded. 562 S. seventh facing Madison. Phone 5330 347 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND - 1 FIVE DOLLAR BILL lost on campus or at 7th Ward polling place Mon- day. Reward less than $5. Call Karpinski 8466. 356 LOST---Man's Hampden watch with chain. Reward. Ph. 2-3371, Spurr, 310 N. Thayer. TRANSPORTATiON -21 WANTED:. Two passengers to Kan- sas City for Spring Vacation. Call 4121 Extension 371 or 3115 TRANSPORTATION HOME: You cart find a ride home very econom- ically by inserting a Ride Ad into The Daily. Find passengers for your car or seek your ride now. 15 words for 36c. Dial 23-24-1 now! W ASSUEL SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel., washed pebbles. Kill Gravel Company. Phone 7112 13 SLADY would like to join party driv- ing through Southern Michigan durig Spring Vacation. Will share expenses. Write Box 23, Michigan Daily. 354 RIDE WANTED - To Knoxville,1 Tenn. or vicinity. Graduate wo- man will share expenses. DebsI Harvey-2-3225. 3521 FOR RENT NEAR Lawyers Club---3 rooms newly decorated and furnished. Electric stove, refrigeration, bath. shower. 602 Monroe. 351 ARTICLES FOR SALE -3 PLYMOUTH 1932 Deluxe Roadster. Good condition--$95 cash. 314 North Ingalls. Apartment I. Eve- nings. 357 LAUNDERING-9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 WANTED - TO BUY--4 HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. 146 WISE RealEstate Dealers: Run list- ings of your vacant houses in The AO - *4 :....:. s = Daily for summer visiting sors. Dial 23-24-1 for profes special Doubleyour Face Value in 30 days or your money back irAtes. THE MOST WANTED HAT' IN THE WORLD t Thi ln s d s ofit teareles grace of It' t e wa iibow >C :; 7L97 I THE mITLER 1OM REAL ICTIM ierd inside ~Wa5 the Munich beer hall bomb engir sie on prpOS? Mr. Bess tells Germany'? To miss Hitler on purpose S n k's Post about the sudden rise of "one you th s wegues in the world today" and the fgrtmosthgsle etwen Nazi party leaders and the b ireless from Geneva) Reich army generals A timely Post article CINEEWQmmN DONWT WEAR~ ~$N IG d youngChinese girl, should Tpp BAD that Yu Hao, the daint y he old gem dealer. All be given in marriage to Soong theo mder All Chinatown knew of her love for another. Then murder struckt and ohn"Hm nd, hia guide, found himself with 1 and ohnnyHammond, Chinatown g n tis, wek's Post. the only clue ...A dramatic short story i this we P The Marriage Month by SSDNEY HERSA NewComedyNof Big Game Fishing E MAN WH0 iS KING (in his spare time) i o iln fmous ChicgoJ Tri 6 e- This way to Hollywood, where wild See how John T. McCutcheonfamo assau, fles his own flag, sea waves dash high (in the studio toonist, rules his Treasure Island, fourteen photos in color. tank) and fighting monsters of the makes his own laws. Illustrated with deep (rubber models) are artfully reeled in by "one of the most beau- tiful women available today"! This RlI I ZESweek's Post brings you the rollick- Danew roance of the back N la' 1NUC a ing, romantic, ridiculous adventures country by Vereen Bell, Listen to the f o of Crunch and Des. In four parts. W~hip poorwitl; short stories by Doug rf , Confui us" ayings Welch and Harry lingsberg; yamy's- For complete details, ask this newspaper "Salt U'ater Daffy " We e b i G Eberhart for the Contest Pamphlet. Your entry tery serial by Mignon G.h 10frs rzo one o (Hngman'SWhip) ;Raymond Moley maywin the $100 first prize, or one of (n sBusiness in the Woodshed; an Evening Post contest for college students. Try a new Schick Dry Shaver for 30"days. If at the end of that time, your skin isn't ab- solutely free from SHAVE- SCRAPED SKIN . . . we will refund your money. Schick-the world's fastest , electric shaver-can't cut or nick your skin. What's more, it saves you money. No blades, brushes, lotions or soaps to buy when you use a Schick Dry Shaver. The Schick Dry Shaver- equipped with the "Whisk- it"--comes in four models: the "Colonel", $15; "Deluxe Colonel", $16.50; the "Cap- tain", $12.50;"Pocket Dress- ing Room Kit", $17.50. p ~I . lU