WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGE Fl" University Men Write Articles For Year Book Professors Brown, Dorr, Benson Are Contributors To Annual Publication Three members of the University's political science department contrib- uted the first articles in the 1940 edi- tiorl of the American Year Book, re- ceived here yesterday. Prof. Everett S. Brown, a yearly contributor since 1933, wrote the sur- vey of "The President and His Poli- cies" during the year 1939-40. Profs Harold M. Dorr and George C. S. Benson, both previous contributors i to the Year Book, discussed "National Personalities" and "The Year in Con- gress" respectively. 'Record Of Events' The American Year Book carries a yearly "record of events and pro- gress." The 1940 edition represents its 25th year of publication. This issue contains "a survey of 1939 in 27 major fields of interest." Professor Brown's article deals with seven phases of the President's for- eign policy and five spheres in his domestic policy. Specifically, the sur- vey discussed foreign policy, national defense, relations with Europe, neu- trality, the Far-East, Latin Ameri- ca, trade agreements, social security and unemployment, labor, administra- tive reorganization, the President and the Supreme Court and party policy. Discusses Personalities Professor Dorr discussed 17 "Na- tional Personalities" in his contribu- ton: the President, Vice-President Garner, Associate Justice Murphy, Secretary of State Hull, Postmaster General Farley, Secretary of Com- merce Hopkins, Secretary of the In- terior Ickes, Rep. Martin Dies, Paul V. McNutt, Mayor LaGuardia of New York City, Herbert Hoover, Alfred M. Landon, Sen. Arthur H. Vanden- berg, Sen. Robert A. Taft, Thomas E. Dewey' Rep. Joseph W. Martin and Gov. John W. Bricker of Ohio. Professor Benson's article discusses 30 spheres of congressional activity during the year 1939-40. Peace Rally Will Feature Senator Nye An uncompromising isolationist, with a journalistic background andr a fiery career of 15 years in the Unit- ed States Senate behind him: that's Sen. Gerald P. Nye, keynote speaker for the all-campus Peace Rally to be held here April 19. Senator Nye's most recent isolation- ist outcry was his bitter attack on a pro-Ally speech made in Toronto by United States minister to Canada, James R. H. Cromwell. At the time the Senator was quoted in the New' York Times as saying, "Mr. Cromwell is only echoing what his chief has repeatedly resorted to, though being at the head of a government reput- edly striving for neutrality." His firm support of isolation is shown also by his opposition to re-' peal of the arms embargo, and by his advocacy of a constitutional amend- ment granting the suffrage to youths between the ages of 18 and 21. In 1935 he presented to the Senate a report entitled "To Prevent Profit- eering in War," in which he probed and bitterly denounced the munitions industry. U.P. Tour Planned By Hiawatha Club The second annual Spring Vaca- tion tour of the Upper Peninsula will be made April 8 to 12 by the Hiawatha Club in order to acquaint northern Michigan high school seniors with the actiVities offered at the Universi- ty, Donald Counihan, '41, president, announced yesterday. The tour, which i§ the only one of its kind attempted on this campus, was inaugurated by the organization last year in order to convince pros- pective college students that the ad- vantages of attendance at this Uni- versity are greater than those of col- leges nearer to the Upper Peninsula. A special film of the grounds and activities of the University will be shown at school assemblies, in addi- tion to the appearance of Hiawatha Club members who will accompany the movies with talks. Phil West- brook, '40, was appointed chairman of the venture at the last meeting. Nine Visiting Faculty Members To Assist Speech Department Plans for sunmer session activities1 in the Department of Speech are well under way and nine visiting faculty members are expected to assist in the department, Prof. G. E. Dens- more, head of the speech department,g announced. Five of the visiting faculty mem- bers will take part in the theatre arts program where the aim is to emphasize actual theatre practice and to assist the student in arriving at theories of acting and production through careful study and practical experience. Outsiders who will teach in this! division are Prof. Claribel B. Baird of the speech department of the Oklahoma College for Women, Ev- elyn Cohen, instructor in costume design and costumiere at the Yale School of Drama, David Itkin, head of the drama school of De Paul Uni- versity in Chicago, Whitford Kane, professional actor, and Alexander Wyckoff, head of the design depart- ment and director of stagecraft of the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Arts. Two visiting faculty members will take part in the work of the Speech' Clinic during the summer when the facilities of the Clinic are devoted especially to teacher training in Sixteen ,Foresters To Travel South Sixteen members of the School of Forestry and Conservation will leave April 7, on the annual trip spon- sored by the School, Prof. L. J. Young announced yesterday. The' tour will take the group into the southern states. The group will visit Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. The main object of the trip, Professor Young said, is to give the students some first hand information on southern timber, the operations of some of the larger lumbering companies and some of the advanced practices in forestry in use in the south. Some of the highlights of the trip will include a visit to Yale Universi- ty's spring camp at Urania, La., a visit to the Kisatchie National For- est and a visit to .Norris Dam. WHITFORD KANE speech correction. Scheduled to take part in this program are Emil Froe- schels who has had much training in this work as former director of the Speech Clinic of the University of Vienna and is the author of nu- merous texts and articles in profes- sional fields, and Harold Westlake, Assistant Professor of speech and Director of the Speech Clinic of Pennsylvania State College. Participating in the broadcasting activities for the summer will be Don- ald E. Hargis of the speech depart- ment of the University of Oregon. Methods and special problems in- volvcd in supervising contests in de- bating, oratory, declamation and ex-, temporaneous speaking as directed by the Michigan High School Forensic Association will be analyzed in a course to be taught by Prof. Kenneth Hance, head of the speech depart- ment of Albion College. Professor Hance is the author of "The Eel- ments of the Rhetorical Theory of Phillips Brooks," and the "Dialectic Method in Debating." Blood Pressure Treatment Hit By T' Doctor Although doctors in various parts of the country have been siuccessfil in treating high blood pressure with potassium thiocyanate, results of; treatments with the drug here in the University Hospital have rarely been favorable, according to Dr. Max Minton Peet, Professor of Surgery,. Rceently, Dr. Paul F. Dickens, of George Washington University toldr a meeting of the Post-graduate clin-i ic there that work with this medi- cine has brought favorable results. The potassium thiocyanate is "used on patients in their own homes and not only keeps the blood pressure down, but also keeps patients free of symptoms for years to come." The medicine was known to doc- tors many years ago, but fell into ill-favor when reactions were not successful. Dr. Barker, of Chicago, revived the use of the drug when careful experimentation and re- search brought about cures in sev- eral patients, but similar tests made here did not bring about results com- parable to those achieved by Dr. Barker. This may be due to several things, he pointed out, such as put- ting patients to bed, which always brings about a drop in pressure. "Careful analysis of the patient's condition as well as observation of the amount of cyanate in the pa- tient is necessary before applying the drug," Dr. Arthur Curtis, Asso- ciate Professor of Internal Medicine declared. Glacial Studies Discussed By Geologist Yesterday Prof. George M. Stanley of the Ge- ology department discussed glacial studies in the Great Lakes and Hud- son Lakes regions at a meeting of the Junior Research Club yesterday in the third floor amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Meet ing Today: Featured in the seminar for chemical and metallurg- ical engineers at 4 p.m. today will be a discussion on the subject of "A Study of the Rate of Extraction of1 Oil from a Porous Solid." Mr. D. F. Boucher will read a paper on the' topic. Open to all graduate stu- dents, the meeting will be in Room 3201 of the East Engineering Build- ing. With the long awaited announce- .tent of the new dean of the en- gineering college finally released, comes a time for speculation and comment on the future. The boys in the Technic office are more systematic about their quest for knowledge. Back numbers of the Kansas Engineer have become exceedingly popular. Perhaps the[ most salient point to be gleaned from these issues is the fact that the new Jean, in a similar capacity at the University of Kansas, was quick to make friends with the students, and became a regular contributor to the student magazine. FHA Hits New High WASHINGTON, April 2. -G)- Stewart McDonald, Federal Housing Administrator, announced today that FHA business had established three high marks in the last week of March1 New Institute For Dentistry OpensToday (Conti"ued" rom Page 1) vene at 2 p.m. on the south side of the Institute for the unveiling cere- monies. North University Avenue from Washtenaw Avenue to Twelfth Street will be blocked off. Dr. Bunting, on behalf of the dental alumni, will present the memorial to vice-president Yoakum. After the ceremonies, dentists will be afforded the opportunity of inspecting the In- stitute. The seven deans of dental colleges who were given a preview of the building and an opportunity to dis- cuss the problems of postgraduate dentistry yesterday, are staying over for the ceremonies today. They are Dr. Wendell Postle of [ Ohio State University; Dr. Russell A. Dixon of Howard University; Dr. F. B. Noyes of the University of Illi- nois; Dr. William H. Crawford of the University of Indiana; Dr. W. H. Logan of Loyola University in Chica- go; Dr. L. A. Cadarette of Detroit University; and Dr. Charles Freeman of Northwestern University. Repre- sentatives from the University of Pittsburgh will also be present. The new Institute will be used only for graduate and postgraduate study. All undergraduate courses with the exception of those in oral surgery will 1 continue in the Dental Building. I mmmm ...... - ) OPEN EVENINGS . . . 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