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April 03, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-03

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'Perspectives' Today


Bk igtan


Our University '
Marches On .

VOL L. No. 135 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, April 3, 1940


English Drive
In Air Attack
On Naval Base
Nazi Raid On Scapa Flow
Marks Another Attempt
To CrippleSeapower
Rumanian Youth
Drafted To Farms
(By the Associated Press )
Striking again from the air at Bri-
tain's seapower, German warplanes
last night raided the British naval
base at Scapa Flow but the Air Min-
istry said the Nazis were driven off
and no British ship "was hit or dam-
D.N.B., the German official news
agency, said however, that the raiders
"effectively 'attacked" a number of
British warships lying in the Orkney
Island naval base.
The British Air Ministry's com-
munique said the German bombers,
appearing over the base at dusk,
dropped an unannounced number of
bombs before they were driven off by
the fire of ships and shore batteries.
"One German aircraft is believed to
have been brought down by gun-
fire," the communique said.
Attack Last Night
The Scapa Flow attack last night
capped a day filled with aerial war-
fare and marked by Prime Minister
Chamberlain's emphasis on Britain's
welding of a "sterling line" of block-
ading trade agreements with neutrals
around Germany. The British report-
ed the repulse of a spirited Nazi air
attack on North Sea convoys.
For their part, the British said they
bombed German patrol boats near
Sylt-but the Germans said that raid
was a failure.
The British also reported chasing
an enemy plane from the south-
eastern English coast. Dispatches
from the front said three British hur-
ricane fighters fought nine German
Messerschmitt planes Monday and
downed three of the Nazi craft.
Cheerful And Confident
Chamberlain, seemingly cheerful
and confident, greeted the first ses-
sion of the House of Commons after
.its Easter recess with the announce-
ment that trade pacts had been
signed with Norway, Sweden, Iceland,
Belgium, The Netherlands and Den-
mark. He added that discussions are
in progress' with Switzerland and
that talks would begin soon with
Rumania and Yugoslavia.
The Prime Minister explained that
each agreement strictly limits exports
by the neutrals to the Reich, thus
putting a brake on the flow of raw
materials to Germany.
Chamberlain touched only brief-
ly on actual warfare with Germany,
but warned the Reich that the Bri-
tish navy still controls the North
Sea and asserting that "certain prac-
tical steps" are being taken to stop
the sailing of cargo ships from Scan-
dinavia to Germany with Swedish
iron ore.
Battle Witnessed
Meanwhile'the Danish radio quoted
a Norwegian ship captain as telling
of witnessing a battle between "two
large cruisers" in the North Sea Mon-
day. He was unable to identify the
ships or give the outcome of the
fight, having rushed his ship out of
the battle area.
Britain's war supply system suf-
fered a small dent when an explosion

in the T.N.T. plant of a munitions
factory in Scotland killed three per-
sons and injured five. It was the
fifth munitions blast since the start
of the war seven months ago.
In the nervous Balkans, where the
belligerents are jockeying furiously
fo reconomic advantages, Rumania
announced that 4,000,000 young per-
sons would be drafted into a huge
agricultural army.
Deutseher Verein
Hears Streidieck
Discussing "Famous German Sci-
entists of the 19th Century," Dr. Wer-
ner F. Striedieck of the German de-
partment delivered last night the
fourth in series of lectures sponsored
by the Deutscher Verein.
He mentioned Liebig, who started
the first chemical laboratory school
in Germany, where his subject was
taught as it is today. He described
how Helmholtz, the inventor of the

European War
To Talk Here
S. L. A. Marshall of The Detroit
News will discuss "The Chance for
European Peace" in a public lecture
at 2 p.m. today in Room E, Haven
Hall, under the sponsorship of the
journalism department.
Besides being an editorial writer,
Mr. Marshall is a photographer and
military commentator for radio sta-
tion WWJ. He began broadcasting
during the present European war
because he objected to the inter-
pretations given events by men who
knew nothing of military science
which he considers very important
in understanding what is happening.
Since he served overseas during the
World War and later was a foreign
correspondent, he is familiar with
the terrain of the European battle-
fields and military tactics possible
under the present conditions.
Although he claims he does not
like photography, many of Mr. Mar-
shall's pictures haveibeen reproduced
in rotogravure sections throughout
the country. He never takes a picture
twice of the same subject, and his
photographs of news events violate
all rules of camera work, critics
claim. Yet, commented Prof. John
Brumm, chairman of the journalism
department, he is a remarkably suc-
cessful photographer.j
Founder's Day
To Bring Law
Alumni Here
CelebrationiFeting Cook
To Be Held April 19;
Noted Justices To Attend
Prominent alumni of the Law
School from all over the country
will gather here April 19 to partici-
pate in the 15th annual Founder's
Day celebration, Prof. Grover C.
Grismore of the Law School an-
nounced yesterday.
Founder'ssay is celebrated the
first Friday after Spring Vacation
in honor of William W. Cook, who
donated his fortune so that the pres-
ent Law Club and Quadrangle might
be built.
Members of the Supreme Courts
of Michigan, Illinois and Ohio will
attend the celebration, Professor
Grismore said, and they will also sit
as a bench in the Case Club final
arguments, traditionally held on
Founder's Day. Four juniors who
'were chosen two weeks ago to com-
pete in the finals are: Philip Buchen,
John W. Cummiskey, Robert P.
Kneel and Charles D. Johnson.
Main event on the program will
be a banquet in the evening in the
Lawyers Club, at which Dean E.
Blythe Stason will be toastmaster
and Alfred McCormack of the New
York firm of Gravath, deGersdorff,
Swaine and Wood will be the fea-
tured speaker. Regent Edmund
Shields will make a short talk at
the banquet and will present billets
to the graduating seniors of the Law
A faculty luncheon in honor of
the visiting judges will be given at
noon Founder's Day, Professor Gris-
more said. The judges, the Hon.
William L. Hart of the Ohio Supreme
Court, the Hon. Elwyn R. Shaw of
the Illinois Court and a member of
the Michigan Supreme Court yet
to be named, will hear the Case
Club finals which will be the same
case argued in the semi-finals, Pro-
fessor Grismore said.

ASC Closes
Conf erence
Here Today

Doorway Of The Kellogg Institute

Dentists To Hold
Building Opening

Surgical T







Furstenberg Talk
Features Luncheon
Mecca for medical men today is
University Hospital where doctors
from almost every middlewestern city
and town will convene for the con-
cluding sessions of the three day De-
troit-Ann Arbor sectional meeting of
the American College of Surgeons.
Clinics and demonstrations at 9:30
a.m. in the various amphitheatres
and lecture rooms of the hospital will
begin the day's program. Luncheon
featuring several distinguished speak-
ers will begin at noon. It will be
followed by a general conference at
2 p.m.
Dean Albert A. Furstenberg of the
medical school, Dr. George P. Muller,
president of the American College of
Surgeons, and Dr. Malcolm P. Mac-
Eachern, associate director of the
College, will be the featured speakers
at the luncheon to be held at noon
in the main ballroom of the League.
Dr. Furstenberg will trace "The
Trends in Undergraduate Medical
Education." Dr. Muller, drawing
from his experience as leader of the
College, will discuss "The Trends in
Graduate Medical Education." Dr.
MacEachern will endeavor to explain
the "Activities of the American Col-
lege of Surgeons."
The morning session will consist of
six simultaneous conferences on path-
ology and neurosurgery; obstetrics,
gynecology and urology; diseases of
the bone and thorax; opthalmology
and otalaryngology; postoperative
care and complications, and general
Among the doctors participating in
these sessions are Dr. Carl V. Weller,
chairman of the pathology depart-
(Continued on Page 2)
Glee Club Trip
Is Announced
Group To Leave Saturday
On Traditional Tour
With a planned itinerary circling
through Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin
and the Upper Peninsula, the Uni-.
versity Glee Club will embark Satur-
day on its traditional Spring Trip
lasting for the duration of the vaca-
Equipped with a special set of
songs prepared for the excursion, the
Glee Club will stop first in the grand
ballroom of the Drake Hotel, Chi-
cago, where it will serenade the city's
University of Michigan Club. Other
stops on the schedule include Gary,
Ind., and Milwaukee, Wis.
Programs for the trip consist of the
musical fare heard often at the
University. The club will sing classi-
cal melodies, hymns, folk songs and!
spirituals selected by Prof. David
Mattern of the School of Music.
Students will have the opportunity
to hear essentially the same pro-
gram as that given on the trip during
the week following vacation in Hill
-auditorium. The date for the con-
cert has not been selected as yet.

(Photo by Will Sapp)
The sleek modern lines of the new W. K. Kellogg Foundation In-
stitute for Graduate and Postgraduate Dentistry are nowhere more
clearly revealed than in. the freeflowing and finely wrought doorway
of the building. Seen in the picture (above) are the glass brick border
of the door and the thin straight line design sweeping up from the head
of the steps.

To Wagner Act
Are Proposed
Labor Committee SeeksI
To Forestall Changes
Called TooSweeping
WASHINGON, April 2. -(/P)- The
House Labor Committee, seeking to
forestall Wagner Act amendments
which its chairman calls too sweeping,
prepared four amendments of its own
today and laid plans to put them
through the House under procedure
preventing any changes or additions.
The move immediately aroused op-
position. Rep. Ramspeck (Dem.-Ga.)
himselfa member of the Labor Com-
mittee, called the plan "asinine" and
"worse than any gag rule I ever heardl
One of the Committee's amend-
ments would require the Labor Board
to recognize a craft union as a col-]
lective bargaining unit at the request
of a majority of workers in such an
organization. (This was endorsed
by an AFL representative.)
Another would permit employers'
to ask the Board for a collective bar-
gaining election when two or more
unions each claim to represent a
majority of the employes. (The law
now gives this privilege only to
unions but the Board by regulation
last year gave it to employers.)
onor Fraternity
Initiates 27 Men
At Uion. Banquet
Twenty-five juniors and two pro-
fessors, all of the engineering col-
lege, were initiated yesterday by Tau
Beta Pi, national honorary engineer-
ing fraternity.
The initiates were addressed by
Frederick L. Shands, '40E, and Wil-
liam B. Stout of Detroit at the ban-
quet held following the initiation in
the Union. Prof. A. D. Moore of the
mechanical engineering department
acted as toastmaster.
The new initiates are Prof. Jesse
Ormondroyd of the engineering me-
chanics department, Prof. Hugh Kee-.
ler of the mechanical engineering
department, Robert R. Allen, Eugene
H. Beach, Harold Britton, Robert S.
Buritz, Harry G. Drickhamer, Avard
F. Gilliard, Robert L. Gustafson,
John H. Harwood, Edward M. Hin-
dert, Howard Carrington, Jr., Abra-
ham Hurlich, Douglas C. Jeffry,
Blane Kuist, Herbert L. Misch, Rob-
ert J. Morrison, Carl J. Oxford, John
Strand, Charles R. Tieman, Arland R.
Walkley, George W. Weesner, Thom-

Adult Institute
Will Consider
New Problems.
Noted Authorities To Give
Analysis Of Conditions
In Annual Series Here
Bringing to Ann Arbor authorita-
tive analyses of the newest problems
of the contemporary political, eco-
nomic and literary scenes, the Eighth
Annual Adult Education Institute
sponsored by the Extension Service
will open for a five day meeting April
29 in the Rackham Building.
Speakers recognized as authorities
in their various fields, according to
Dr. Charles H. Fisher of the Exten-
sion Service, will take part in the
program. Among these may be found
Prof. Earnest A. Anthony, dean of
Agriculture at Michigan State; Prof.
Arthur G. Dorland of the history de-
partment at the University of Western
Ontario; Dr. Paul W. Harrison, medi-
cal missionary in Arabia for 30 years,
and Mr. No-Yong Park, distinguished
Chinese author and lecturer, who will
discuss the new China.
The program includes reviews of
the "Great Books of 1939." Among
these are "The Grapes of Wrath,"
"America in Mid-Passage," "Inside
Asia," "Knowledge for What" and
"The Revolution of Nihilism."
Modern American economic prob-
lems slated for discussion are the
economic and social significance of
the falling birth rate, the farm prob-
lem, labor's objectives and "Plums
of Plenty or Grapes of Wrath." Amer-
ican foreign policies to be discussed
are the national defense, the United
States and the Far East, the repeal
of the embargo and its consequences
and the Latin-American or Good
Neighbor policy.
Michigan Ends
Debate Season

'Perspectives' Fourth
Issue Appears Today
The year's fourth issue of Perspec-
tives, campus literary magazine, is
included as a supplement today in
The Daily.
Never relenting in their quest for
literary material, however, the edi-
tors of the magazine will immediately
begin soliciting manuscripts for the
next issue. Short stories, ghost plays,
poems or essays may be left at the
Publications Building or at the Eng-
lish and engineering English offices.
Dorms Tender
Honor Students
Dinners Today
Moore, Walter Will Talk
To Outstanding Men
In West Quadrangle
Twenty-nine residents of the West
Quadrangle bloc of residence halls
who have maintained a scholastic
average of 3.5 or above last semester,
will be honored at informal scholar-
ship dinners today in the Wenley-
Allen Rumsey and the Lloyd-Michi-
gan dining halls.
Prof. A. D. Moore, of the engineer-
ing department and Assistant Dean
Erich Walter, of the literary college,
will give short talks at the Wenley-
Allen Rumsey dinner. Dr. Edward
Blakeman, religious counsellor of
education, will give the blessing.
Students being feted are Robert
Chapman, '43, with an all-A record; .
Stanley Strong, '43E; Edwin V. Ban-
ta, Jr., '43; James S. McCoy, '43;
Daniel Levine, '42; Robert Gibson,
'43; Howard Eddy, '41; Norman Tay-
lor, '42E; Robert Ehrlich, '43E; Ern-
est London, '43; Frank Mount, '43;
John Munson, '43E; Robert Petteys,
'43; Robert Sundquist, '43; James
Hayward, '42; and John Woods, '42.
Residents and faculty guests will
hear an address by Prof. Karl Litzen-
berg, director of residence halls, at
the Lloyd-Michigan scholarship din-
Heading the list of 13 men in whose
honor the dinner is being given is
William Halliday, '43, of Michigan
House, with an all-A record. Others
to be honored at this dinner are How-
ard Moss, '43; James Daniels, '43;
Bruce Renaud, '43E; Robert Bauer,
'43; Edward Saarinen, '41E; Peter
Smith, '43E; Jack Patten, '43E; Don-
ald Whitney, '42E; George S. John-
son, '43E; Richard Kimerer, '43E;
Taft Toribara, Grad., and Herman
Chiu, '43E,
Flood Waters
Drop In East

Bunting To Unveil
Miller Memorial
Fanfare and ceremony will be in
order today when the dedication ex-
ercises for the new Kellogg Founda-
ion Institute for Graduate and Post-
graduate Dentistry share the spotlight
with the annual homecoming cele-
bration of the dental school in the
[ecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
The festivities will continue in the
afternoon with a luncheon featuring
the noted poet-anthologist Mr. Louis
Untermeyer and the unveiling of the
Dr. Willoughby D. Miller Memorial.
The program beginning at 10 a.m.
will confine itself to the dedication
ceremonies. President Ruthven will
preside over the dedication which will
take the form of a formal convoca-
tion of the University at which will
be representatives of all schools and
colleges as well as many of the admin-
istrative officers.
Morris To Make Presentation
Dr. Emory W. Morris of the Kellogg
Foundation will present the building
and President Ruthven will accept it
on behalf of the University's Re-
gents. Among the Regents expected
to be present are the Hon. Harry G.
Kipke, the Hon. Charles F. Hemans,
the Hon. Esther M. Cram and the
Hon. John D. Lynch.
Responses to the gift will be offered
by Dr. R. W. Bunting, dean of the
dental school, on behalf of the faculty
of the School of Dentistry; Dr. Paul
H. Jeserich for the .Department of
Postgraduate Dentistry; Dean Clar-
ence S. Yoakum, who is also vice-
president of the University,on behalf
of the graduate school; Mr. Thomas
Reid for the Public Works Adminis-
tration, and Dr. Oliver W. White of
Detroit for the alumni.
Simpson On Program
Dedication ceremonies will give way
to the homecoming celebration at 11
a.m. when Dr. Clarence O. Simpson
of St. Louis, renowned as the world's
foremost radiologist, will address the
1,000 alumni expected to be present
for the combined ceremonies. Dr.
Simpson's subject is "Dental Radio-
The alumni will adjourn at noon
to the large ballroom of the Union
for luncheon. Mr. Untermeyer will
speak on an as yet unannounced sub-
ject. He will be introdpced by Dean
Simultaneously with the luncheon
in the Union will be a luncheon for
the ladies in the League. The ladies
will be granted a special preview of
the Institute before the unveiling
The alumni at the Union will con-
(Continued on Page 5)
Hillel Elects
12 Councilors
Newblatt, Cohen, Steinhart
Receive Other Posts
Twelve students were elected mem-
bers of the Hillel Council in a three-
day balloting in which 205 votes were
cast, Norman A. Schorr, '40, chair-
man of the elections committee, an-
nounced last night.
Theodore Leibovitz, '40; Jerome
Mecklenburger, '40; Shirley Silver,
'42 and William Simon, '41, were
elected on the first ballot and Herbert
London, '43, and Sidney Steinhart,
'41, were chosen on the second count.
Other newly elected Hillel Council
members are Shirley Toubus, '42;

Helen Bittker, '42; Ben-Zion Gotlib,
'40; Marcia Wilk, '41; Laura Katzen-
el, '41, and Betty Grant, '43.
Anita Newblatt, '41, was elected
president of the Hillel Players for
the coming year last night. Beverly
Cohen, '42, was named secretary and
Steinhart was unnimosly chnsen

Returning Alumni Group
Will Hear Radiologist;
Untermeyer To Speak


Rain Is Forecast
Inundated Area

E. S. cuckert Takes Over Lead
In Local Social Service Survey

The current local survey of social
and health agencies received added
impetus at a meeting yesterday in the
Rackham Auditorium as E. S. Guck-
ert director of the Detroit Council of
Social Agencies, was introduced to
members of the Social Service Semi-
nar, prior to taking over direction of
the survey.
The survey was inaugurated, as
Prof. Laylin K. James of the Law
School, chairman of the survey com-
mittee, pointed out at the meeting,
because its need has been expressed
in questions asked by local citizens
solicited for contributions to the
Community Fund.
Speaking on the need for a survey
ofer i c*r. v.zrx..ni nn nan., .hI-P ,,,h a

conducting a constructive survey,
Guckert stressed first the necessity
of a strong organization that would
include representative laymen. The
survey will be constituted mainly of
consultation and observation. Social,
business, educational, professional,
administrative and labor representa-
tives will confer with the survey staff
in a united effort to meet the needs
and problems of this community, al-
ways keeping in mind its potential
and actual resources . . . Profes-
sional, expert and lay groups will do
the questioning.
To be included in the survey are
family service, relief, child welfare,
health services and recreation. The!

Beloit Opposes
In No Decision


(By the Associated Press)
WILKES-BA RREPa., April 2.-
(/')-Flood waters which have claim-
ed six lives across Pennsylvania and
left thousands temporarily homeless
subsided an inch an'hour tonight.
A forecast of rain permitted no
let-up in the fight against the swirl-
ing tide-a fight of men and ma-
terials extending from this anthra-
cite city of Northeastern Nennsyl-
vania west and south down the valley
of the Susquehaana toward the
Maryland border,
The feeling persisted that 'the
worst was over." But the flow still
spread over low-lying industrial sec-
tions of Kingston, Pittston and Ply-
mouth, adjoining Wilkes-Barre. Up-
wards of 6,000 sought higher ground
in this region alone.
A constant threat, however, was
a fire burning dangerously close to
storage tanks containing between
1,500,000 and 2,000,000 gallons of
gasoline. The flames were blazing
in one of the tanks which overturned
and exploded yesterday. Boats con-
stantly patrolled the sector.

Michigan varsity debaters met Be-
loit College in the season's final
debate on isolationism last night in
the north lounge of the Union. No
decision was rendered.
Upholding 'the affirmative, Neil
Danberg and Byram Reed from Be-
loit argued that the "cash-and-
carry" legislation is clearly not neu-
tral, that it will ultimately lead us
into the war unless supplanted by
isolationism. Just as before World
Wr. T xxr nr +frnrin m ithhamngr_

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