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April 02, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-02

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6nc~cr a ng,.w __t'~r 'S.+: . .,. 3,=G,.aw ,art pI& ^M. .- 4_ ,",..
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications..
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press,
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise -credited in this newspaper. Al1
rhts of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
$4.00; 'y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schor
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary .
Mel Fineberg .

Editorial Staff
." . .
. . .f .4

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

Business Staff
Business Manager .s.
.Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manage . ..

The editorials published in The Mchigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Intellectual Freedom
And Bertrand Russell.

. .

B URN THEM! Burn them all! The
poetry of Byron (his morals are
questionable), Ibsen's plays (his ideas caused
him exile from his native country), the works
of Shakespeare (he makes some wicked allu-
sions), the literature of the pagans, the mathe-
matics of Einstein (he is not of the faithful),
the biological contributions of Darwin and
Thomas Huxley (atheists and agnostics), the
paintings of Rembrandt (immoral cad), the
melodies of Stephen Foster and the poetry of
Poe (the drunkards). Burn them all! "Can
anyone who cares for the welfare of our country
be willing to see such teachings disseminated
with the countenance of our colleges and uni-
Such is the logic and implication of the
demands that Bertrand Russell be dismissed
as professor of logic and mathematics at City
College because he is "a recognized propagan-
dist against both religion and morality."
Remove those works of art from the libraries,
galleries and collections of our universities.
Don't discuss them in classes. Because
the morals and religion of those artists do not
coincide with ours, their contributions, whatever
they are, should be expropriated from our educa-
tional institutions. Because Russell's religious
and moral standards are not those of the ma-
jority, he, therefore, should not be permitted
to teach logic and mathematics. That is the
essence of his opponent's position. Not once
has Russell's competence to teach philosophy
and mathematics been challenged throughout
the controversy.
IN GENERAL terms the issue is this: Shall a
man's right to teach in an institution of
higher learning and particularly in a public
institution, be determined solely by his com-
petence, as established by the faculty and ad-
ministration of the institution involved, 'or
shall there be a further requirement of conform-
ity with the religious and social views of the
majority of the community?
Upon the first alternative rests the whole
concept of free-thought; ,it is the basis of aca-
demic freedom. The first amendment to the
Constitition of the United States guarantees
everyone the right to worship or not to worship
as he pleases, and it is with just alarm that
we note the entrance of a religious test for
appointment into the case of Mr. Russell.
Mr. Russell is an alien and that alone is
enough to reject him for the position of pro-
fessor, it has been vociferated by his opponents.
Perhaps they would have us destroy the books
of Cicero, Schopenhauer, Aristotle, Keats, and
all the other great thinkers of the world who
were not citizens of the United States but
whose works and ideas are being discussed and
studied in our classrooms.
FURTHERMORE only upon the basis df free
thought can science, education, and art
prosper. American youth must develop its own
judgments through a knowledge of conflicting
views. not by living in the shelter of ignorance
and cloistered security. and it is the obligation
of our universities and colleges, public or pri-
vate, to present the differing views.
The attack on Mr. Russell's appointment has
been led by the Hearst press, the New York Sun
and many Catholic, Jewish and Protestant

No Intervention
In Mexican Elections . .
RECENT REPORTS from Mexico in-
dicate that the coming July elec-
tions there will be bitterly fought and the re-
sults bitterly disputed. Some observers even
go so far as to predict a rebellion by the fol-
lowers of whatever candidate is defeated.
Because, under Mexico's constitution, Pres-
ident Lazaro .Cardenas cannot be re-elected,
the election, on the surface, is a contest be-
tween Gen. Manuel Avila Comacho, the Ad-
ministration candidate, and Gen. Juan Andreu
Almazan, the conservative candidate.
A few months ago, an Administration v-ic-
tory at the polls was considered a virtual cer-
tainty, but recently as the Almazan forces
have been consolidating themselves, a close,
hot race is predicted. It has been suggested
that the Cardenas government, if it felt that
its defeat was inevitable, Aight seek some pre-
text in which to call off "the elections or remain
in office by force. On the other hand, it is
quite possible that the followers of Almazan,
vehemently opposed to Cardenas policies, might,
if they should fail at the elections, "take to the
hills" in armed rebellion.
But Mexico's July elections are more than
contests between that nation's two greatest
political parties or between two personalities.
For, in Mexico City, the main issue is whether
or not the policies of the Cardenas government
should be continued and intensified.
HOSE POLICIES have been consistently left
wing. They have been featured by attacks
upon the Church, principally because the Church
was considered a great land-owner, against the
foreign investors in Mexico, expecially the Bri-
tish and American oil companies, and against
the conservative and army leaders in Mexico.
They have featured, constructively, expropria-
tion of oil, labor protection and education laws,
government sponsorship of cooperatives as the
means toward enabling the Mexican peasant
to rise to a higher economic and political level,
and government support of the CTM (Confed-
eracion de Trabajadores de Mexico) Mexico's
most powerful labor union. Though Cardenas'
policies have been branded "Communist," that
"Communism" is purely a Mexican version of
rapid industrialization and has little relation
to Marxian doctrine. For the Mexican is still
highly individualist; and as Fortune once point-
ed out in an article on Mexico: "If it is Com-
niunism, then it is the Mexican's adaptive brand
of Communism, slot through with the 'nacion-
alismo' that is blazing in all Latin America."
Above all, however, Mexico, under Cardenas,
ds attempted to change its feudal economy
into an industrial one and had met all the
"growing pains" that usually accompany such
a change.
YET TODAY Cardenas is prepared for a shift
to the right, willing that Mexico shall un-
dergo a "breathing spell" in which the reforms
instituted under his regime can be digested
and fully accepted. His choice for a successor,
General Camacho, is considered a middle of
the roader, who, though friendly to Toledano,
head of the CTM, is still not suspect by busi-
ness. Cardenas' opponents, however, want more
than a "breathing spell."
Naturally, a great portion of the world is
interested in the outcome of the Mexican elec-
tions. Britain, because it owns 75% of Mexico's
oil and needs that oil in the present war; Ger-
many, because it would like to see Mexican
oil denied to Britain; the U.S., because of its
investments in Mexico and the fact that Mexico
is "just south of the border"; the Latin Amer-
icas, to test the true extent of the U.S. "good
neighbor" policy.
In all these nations, especially the U.S., inter-
vention in Mexico is urged by prominent groups.
Though the U.S. did not, as did Britain, break
off diplomatic relations with Mexico after the
recent oil expropriations, the American govern-
ment did take advantage-of its silver-purchasing
policy to cripple seriously Mexico's economy as
a means of retribution.
THAT ACTION, to a very great extent, hurt
the efficacy and sincerity of the U.S. "good
neighbor" policy in Latin America. And any
attempt to interfere in the Mexican elections
in July or afterwards would probably kill that

"good neighbor" policy.
The U.S., therefore, must guard against any
attempt at direct or indirect intervention in
Mexico. It is only by such a policy that we
can guarantee our sincerity as the "good neigh-
bor" and remove the blot of "dollar diplo-
macy." It is only by such a policy that we can
indicate our whole-hearted support of the demo-
cratic principle of self-determination of peoples
to choose their own government, no matter what
we think of the policies of that government-a
principle that has, especially in recent years,
been consistently violated throughout the world.
-- Laurence Mascott
A LL AMERICANS claim the right to criticize
stamps issued by their Government, and
apparently most of them exercise it. Now the
critics are at work on the new three-center to
be issued on April 3. The following defects are
charged: (1) The rider is seated on a saddle
which did not come into use until fifty years
after the last express pony dropped in its tracks;
(2) His reins dangle loosely though his steed
plunges ahead at breakneck speed; (3) The
horse's nostrils appear to have been bored
straight through his nose by a rifle bullet.
- New York Times
When Archibald MacLeish was appointed
Librarian of Congress last September some
librarians and laymen objected on the ground
that the post should have gone to a man
trained in the profession rather than to one,
Ihowever distinguished, who was known chiefly
as a poet. It is the more pleasant on that



THERE ARE good men in the world. In fact,
there are good men in Ann Arbor. Today
Gulliver wants to cite the boys at 514 Thompson
for the Order of the Split Pea. You will remem-
ber that Y. G.'s last column concerned his foot
trouble and the mucky weather. The next day
he trudged wearily up to the Publications Bldg..
where he found two mysterious envelopes
waiting for him. In one was a short note. In
the other was a pair of lovely silk socks; the
socks were both amputated at the ankles, so
that you could slip them on over your dirty
sweat socks. The note read as follows:
Dear Gulliver:
Try wearing these, then you won't have
to change your socks. Or try going bare-
foot for a while. If you can't use them,
please return them to 514 Thompson. We
have the same problem, and could use them.
514 Thompson
Please note that last sentence. "We have
the same problem." Those brave lads were
undergoing the same tortures, and yet they
didn't hesitate to give, because they knew that
Gulliver's need was greater than theirs. Of such
stuff is true nobility made. Gulliver's great
heart is full to overflowing. All he can manage*
is a feeble "Thanks, fellers."
* * *
INCIDENTALLY, Gulliver actually burst out
laughing when he read Morty Q.'s column
in Sunday's Daily. If you choose to, you may
look upon this as treason, or desertion to the
enemy; but Y. G. is of the opinion that Dear
Old Morty was writing away over his head when
he knocked off that column. It's certainly the
best thing he's ever done . . . All .this is by way
of stimulating a little interest in Morty's col-
umn, if it is at all possible. After all, somebody
ought to be reading "Of All Things . . ." besides
Morty (and his girl).
So, in order to work up interest in "Of All
Things . . ." beyond the usual yawn, Gulliver
is offering a hand-painted water color of Morty
Q. by Wilfred Goo, the noted Chinese painter of
wild life, for the best guess as to what the Q.
stands for in Morty Q. Keep it clean ...
To account for the approximately fifty years
of continuous popularity enjoyed by Zaragueta,
a performance of which was given last evening
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under the
auspices of La Sociedad Hispanica, it can be
said first that the play preaches no moral, nor
does it presume to advise us to more righteous
living. On the positive side, it vigorously taps
the half-scale of comedy, from middle to low.
Some of its puns would make even Gracie Allen
shudder, and one at least of its slapstick devices
would cause Harpo Marx's eyes to pop from
professional respect and envy. It streamlines
the old classical formula of mistaken identity
by the convenient deafness of the protagonist
so that he hears just what the playwrights in-
tend he should.
The plot centers about a young man heavily
in debt, a situation which is bound to command
the sympathy of the rank-and-file of any au-
dience. As an extra fillip, there is present the
female whose garrulousness is only equalled by
her misdirected maternal ambitions. And period-
ic guffaws from a section of the onlookers are
assured by that sure-fire gag the refrain, in
the form of the query, "When do we eat?", re-
peated with variations by one character from
the beginning to the concluding lines of the
farce. Further, this comic broth is served un-
seasoned by risque sauces, a fact irresistibly
recommending it to all preceptors of the young.
Since the latter fact does not appreciably
diminish the richness of the play's comic ef-
fects, it might be supposed that the lifting
of the curtain would offer sure entree to an
evening of fun, with all high hats parked in the
vestry. Such, however, is not quite the case.
The comedy requires the better part of the

first act to really get on its feet, and it is
greatly to the credit of the talents and energy
of the director, Dr. Charles Staubach of the
Romance Languages department, that this part
of the evening moved briskly.
The most spontaneous outbursts of mirth were
aroused by the comic gifts of Donald Diamond
in the part of a village doctor. Without a doubt
this man turned in one of the best character
performances ever witnessed in the Spanish
club's shows. He was ably aided and abetted
by Robert Vandenberg in the title part. This
student, helped by assistance from the makeup
staff headed by Hareld Barnes of the Romance
Languages department, and seconded by some
of the best smoke rings ever blown publicly from
the Mendelssohn stage, collaborated with Dia-
mond in the most uproarious moments of the
Antonietta Ferretti was excellent in the fem-
inine lead, acting the role with the utmost of
naturalness and piquancy. She was invaluable
in steadying Robert Kennedy in his arduous
labors as the male lead. The latter, with a min-
imum of previous experience and study in the
foreign language, merits a special accolade for


ONIGHT at Hill Auditorium a
symphony orchestra will play a
concert of solid and interesting mu-
sical fare. Nor should the program
be neglected because it is being pre-
sented by the University Symphony
Orchestra rather than by a profes-
sional group. To begin with the pro-
gram is directed by Thor Johnson,
from whom Ann Arbor audiences
have come to expect a great deal
in respect to the musical life of the
city. Performances with which Mr.
Johnson is associated almost invar-
iably are clear, precise and ably in-
terpreted. Also, the University Sym-
phony has won an enviable reputa-
tion in past years for the high san-
dard of its performances and the
program is so arranged as to give
the best scope to its talents. The
soloist of the evening is Mr. John
Kollen of thie Music School, a pianist
of note whose local appearances have
been all too few.
The program opens with the
Brahms Academic Festspiel Overture.
This work was written in 1877 when
the University of Breslau conferred
an honorary doctorate on the com-
poser. Instead of the expected ser-
ious reply Brahms took a number
of the more riotous student drinking
songs and made an overture of them.
If a noted composer will only come
to Ann Arbor and write an overture
on themes from "I Wanta Go Back"
and "When Night Falls Dear" we
might have a greatly desired local
Following this is the Brahms Piano
Concerto No. 2, in B flat major, Op.
83. The three movements are marked
allegro non troppo, andante and al-
legretto graziozo, and will be played
by Mr. Kollen and the orchestra.
This concerto is an example of
Brahms mature style and serious
vein. It is marked by his usual sense
of the pianistically effective which,
being an able pianist himself, he
seldom forgot. Butunlike other com-
posers Brahms never allowed the
practise of display for the sake of
display to subordinate the musical
values of his work. In this concerto
we note the expected classic form
coupled with late romantic tenden-
cies in thematic development. The
themes themselves are mostly derived
from the folk music Brahms loved
so well. Conflicting rhythms and
unusual modulatory passages are
among the composer's devices for
sustaining interest in this composi-
tion which is really the meat of the
THE SECOND PART of the concert
opens with the Rimsky-Korsakov
Capriccio on Spanish Themes, Op.
34, composed in 1887. The sections
fare entitled Alborada, Variations,
Gypsy Song, and Asturian Fandango,
which give an idea of the material
used. But without experience of the
Russian composer's genius for or-
chestration, his gift for musical ona-
( matopoeia, the clarity of his expres-
sion and the constant novelty he is
able to inject into simple musical
statement no adequate idea of the
effectiveness of this altogether
charming composition can well be
The concert closes with the Mother
Goose (Ma mere l'Oye) Suite of the
late Maurice Ravel. This was first
composed as a piano duet in 1905
with one of the parts suitable for
a child to play. In 1912 Ravel re-
vised and orchestrated it for a ballet
presentation which was a notable
success. The sections include a Pa-
vane, Laideronette, and several pro-
gramatic pieces called Fairy Gardens,

Beauty and the Beast, Conversations,
etc. As usual Ravel's music is marked
by intelligent orchestration, clarity
of form and harmonic scheme, and
an emphasis on line. This work,
however, is remarkable for a pi-
quancy of approach, a charm of
manner, and the inclusion of far
more color than the composer usu-
ally employed.
A Year Of Safety
LAST WEDNESDAY at an early
hour airlines of the U.S. com-
pleted a year of operations, with
one day of good measure because of
Leap Year, without a fatality or
serious injury to passenger or crew
member. It is a performance calling
for the warmest congratulations to
all concerned; the lines and their
flying and maintenance personnel,
the Civil Aeronautics Authority and
its Air Safety Board, and the Air
Transport Association of America.
The record is all the more impressive
in view of the rapid growth of sche-
dule flying. During this year the air
lines carried more than 2,000,000 pas-
sengers a distance of more than 88,-
000,000 plane-miles. If one person
had done all the flying accomplished
safely in the twelvemonth, he could
have made the journey from New
York to Los Angeles every day for
844 years.
Behind this achievement lie the
ability of air pilots, the untiring in-

TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1940 a
VOL. L. No. 134s
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, April 3, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING coursesI
without record will be Saturday, April 1
6. A course may be dropped onlyt
with the permission of the classifier,I
after conference with the instructor.
The final day for removal of IN-c
COMPLETES will be Saturday, AprilI
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
College of Architecture, School of
Education, School of Forestry and
Conservation, and School of Music:..
Midsemester reports indicating stu-
dents enrolled in these units doing
unsatisfactory work in any unit of
the University are due in the office of
the school, Saturday, April 6, at
noon. Report blanks for this purpose I
may be secured from the office of the1
school or from Room 4 U. Hall. 2
Robert L. Williams ji
Assistant Registrar
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Midsemester
reports are due not later than Sat-
urday, April 6. More cards if needed
can be had at my office. n
These reports should name those t
students, freshman and upperclass, h
whose standing at midsemester time
is D or E, not merely those who re-
ceive D or E in so-called midsemester ,
examinations. ,
Students electing our courses, but o
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University, should be reported b
to the school or college in which they p
are registered.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
All June Graduates in the College
of Architecture, Schools of Educatipn,
Forestry and Conservation, and Music S
should fill in grade request cards at
Room 4, U. Hall between April 1 and
April 5. Those failing to file these
cards will assume all responsibility
for late grades which may prohibit i
graduation. 6
Freshmen, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may t
not drop courses without E grade a
after Saturday, April 6. In adminis- s
tering this rule, students with less
than 24 hours of credit are consid-
ered freshmen. Exceptions may be
made in extraordinary circumstances,"
such as severe or long continued ill-e
E. A. Walter <
Assistant Dean
School of Education Freshmen: t
Courses dropped after Saturday,I
April 6, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordin-
ary circumstances. No course is con-r
sidered officially dropped unless itc
has been reported in the office of the
Registrar, Room 4, University Hall.
Seniors of the College of Engin-
eering: Call at Room 429 West En-
gineering Building before April 5
for your Drawing 1, 2, and 3 Plates.
The Uiuversity Bureau of Appiint-
ments and Occupational Informationf
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examinations.
The last date for filing application is
noted in each case:1
Industrial Hygiene Engineer I, sal-
ary range $150-190, April 17.
Industrial Hygiene Engineer IV,
salary range $325-385, April 17.
Industrial Hygiene Engineer III,
salary range $250-310, April 17.
(Michigan residence waived for this

Practical Nurse Cl, salary range:
$95-110, April 13.
Graduate Nurse A2, salary range
$115-135, April 13.
Psychiatric Graduate Nurse Al,
salary $140-160, April 13.
Prison Tailor Shop Foteman Al,
salary range $140-160, April 19.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Swimming Class - Women Stu-
dents: The intermediate swimming
class will not meet tonight at 7:30.
Members of the class wishing to make
up work or take the test may come
at 8:15 pri.m.
Orchestra Concert: The University
Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson,
Conductor, with John Klolen, piano
soloist, will give a concert in Hill
Auditorium, tonight, at 8:15 o'clock,
to which the public is invited with-
out admission charge. The concert
will begin on time, and the public is
requested to be seated promptly.

and Design: Photographs of Finnish
architecture, by Ernst L. Schable,
37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch-
tecture In 1938. Archtectural cor-
ridor, ground floor eases, t~iough
April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor C. H.
Behre, Jr., of the Department of Geo-
iogy at Northwestern University, will
lecture on "The Role of Minerals in
the War" under the auspices of the
Department of Geology at 4:15 pm.
on Thursday, April 4, In the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Mathematical Lecture: Professor
0. Zariski of Johns Hopkins Univer-
ity will give a lecture on Wednesday,
April 3, at 3 o'clock, in 011, 4AH. on
he subject, "Local Uniform ization
of Algebraic Varieties,"
Mr. S. L. A. Marshall, editorial
writer for the Detroit News and Ml-
tary Commentator for WWJ, will
lecture in Room E, Haven Hall, at
2:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 3. Sub-
ect: "The Chance for European
Union." The lecture is open to the
Toda's Events
Junior Research Club will meet to-
ilght at 7:30 in the amphitheatre,
hird floor, of the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies.
Program: Glacial Studies in Great
Lakes and Hudson Lakes Region" by
*eorge M. Stanley, Asst. Prof. of Ge-
"Motion Pictures of Living Em-
bryos" by Theodore C. Cramer, De-
partment of Anatomy.
Engineering MechanIcs (Cllonium
oday at 4:00 p.m. in room 314 West
Engineering Annex. Professor J. A.
Van den Broek will talk on "Columns
Subject to Uniformly Distributed
Transverse Loads." Refreshments
preceding the meeting.
Tau Beta P initiation in the Un-
on today at 5:00 p.m., Banquet at
:00 pm.
Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30
his evening in the Union. Conference
with Detroit Institute of Technology
peakers and finals in speech contests.
Deutscher Verein: Dr. Werner F.
Striedieck will present the lecture
Aus dem Leben beruehmter Forsch-
er des 19. Jahrhunderts," tonight
n the League at 8:15. All students of
German are invited.
Phi Beta Kappa annual meeting
tonight at 7:30 in the West Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
The Conversational Hebrew Class
will meet tonight at 7:00 at the Hillel
Attention, All Hillel Members: Vot-
ing for members of the Hillel Coun-
cil will be held today from 2 to 6 p.m.
at Lane Hall and from 9 a~m. to 12
a.m., 1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. at
the Foundation. All members are
urged to vote and must bring their
membership and identification cards
to the polls.
The Jewish Ethics class, led by Dr.
Hirsch Hootkins, Will meet tonight at
8:00 at the Hillel Foundation.
Faculty Women's Club: Th Play
Reading Section will meet today at
2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson
Room of the Michigan League.

Coming Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held Wednesday, April 3, at 7:30
p.m., in Room 319, West Medical
Building. Subject: "Tissue Electro-
lytes." All interested are invited.
Mimes meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:30 in Room- 305 of the Union.
The Graduate Education Club will
meet on Wednesday, April 3, at 4:00
p.m. in the graduate library of ,the
University Elementary School. Prof.
R. W. Sellars of the Philosophy De-
partment will speak on the "Philoso-
phy of John Dewey." Discussion will
follow of "Educational Implications
of Dewey's Philosophy" by Prof. S.. A.
Courtis. All graduate students in
the School of Education are invited.
Men's Physical Education Club will
meet Wednesday, April 3, at 7:30
p.m. at the Intramural Building, fol-
lowed by a co-recreational mixer with
the Women's Physical Education


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