_______THE MICHIGAN DAtY _____ Unioni To Hold Lt Coke Bar Of0Year Today Womnie Bow To Men's Du I Union le-She Bridge Trournaments The last of the 1940 spring Coke Bars will open its doors at 4:30 to- da'y in the small ballroom of the Union. Under the guidance of Doug fxuld, '41, the Bar replaced the old votfee hours with a wider variety of entertainment and refreshments. The special guests of today's occa- sion will be Stockwell, Mosher and Jordan dormitories. Also all fra- ternity and sorority members have been particularly invited. The Bar is open to the entire campus. The pro- gram's specialties were not an- nounced. Sue Flaningam, '41, will pour. Results of the He-She bridge tour- nament upheld the male contention of its superiority at the bridge table both first and second prizes being won by male teams. First prize went to the combination of Bill Beaman, '40, and Dave-Davidoff, '40. Second prize winners were Ying Chang, Grad., and James Tong, Grad. High scorers among the women and winners of a prize for that accomplishment were Grace Kanner, '42, and Shirley Frank, '43. A questionnaire circulated by Har- old Siner, '41, head of the bridge tournament, ostensibly to test the populartlyHof bridge as a recreation, showed Bridge first in the hearts of both- sexes, "osculation" second and "terpisicoie," third. The last of the regularf Weekly bridge tourneys will 'e held' tonight. The last of the three Al lCampus contests will be held after vacation. The Union sponsored Travel Bulle- tin Board, placed in the lobby of that building is. receiving a constantly in- creasing amount of attention, accord- ing to its sponsor, Pete Brown, '41E. Bulletins fbr transportation, desired and available may be filled out in the student offices. Alpha Nu And YCL Plan Joint Forum "Why Communism?" will be the topic of a panel conducted by Alpha Ntu, honorary speech society, in which several members of the Young Com- munist League will take part at the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Alpha Nu room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Meaers of the communist society .vi -present arguments for the adop- tion of their program and then will be questioned by members of Alpha Nu with such questions as "Why have the Young Communists exchanged their ideas of anti-Fascism for those of anti-imperialism?", "Why has I h e ir opposition to aggression changed to an attitude of indifference to aggression?", and "Why have they changed their support of collective security to a support of isolation?" Brazil Topic Of Del gado's Lecture Series Brazil's economic history and her immigration problems, of particular interest to this country, will be two of the topics in, the series of six lec- tures on Brazilian affairs to be given here by Dr. Carlos Delgado de Car- valho, South American sociologist and geographer, April 16 through May 6. In addition to economic problems, Dr. Delgado will also discuss racial contacts in his country. In reference to this subject, Prof. Preston E. James, of the geography department here, pointed out yesterday that "Brazil is probably the world's great- est melting pot." Cites Racial Problem "These racial problems are so ob- viously the most important practical issues arising in Brazil that any social scientist, whatever his original point of view, is drawn inevitably into in- vestigating phis sociological ques- tion," Professor James added. The complete list of Dr. Delgado's lectures is; as follws: April 16, Glimpses of the Human Geography of Brazil; April 19, An Outline of the Economic History of Brazil; April 23, Problems of Race Mixture and White Acclimatization in Bra- zil; April 25, Present Trends in Bra- zilian Education; April 30, as annual lecturer for Phi Kappa Phi at their banquet, The Immigration Problem in Brazil; May 6, The New Brazilian State, To Conduct Discussions Dr. Delgado will have informal meetings with students and faculty members of departments in the Di- vision of Social Sciences,. to discuss aspects of problems presented in his lectures. He will also speak at sev- eral luncheons and dinners. Brazil, larger in area than the United States, having over half the total population of South America within her borders, has always been a cordial neighbor to this country, Professor James said yesterday. He attributed this friendly spirit at least in part to the high calibre of people who represented our countries to one another. Dr. Delgado is one of these, he said, for he represents the finest type of Brazilian scholar. War Expert To Discuss European Peace Chances "The Chance European Peace" will be the subject of a lecture by S.L.A. Marshall of the Detroit News at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Room E, Haven Hall. The talk, which is under the auspices of the journalism depart- ment, is open to the public. Mr. Marshall, who is an editorial writer for the Detroit News and mili- tary commentator for radio station WWJ, is a veteran of the World War and was a foreign correspondent. Be- cause of his service abroad he is familiar with the terrain of the battle- grounds and can therefore speak with authority on the military tactics of the belligerent countries. Making Plans For Conferences Of Newman Clubs Northern Michigan Governments Antiquated, Says Bureau Report By PAUL CHANDLER A dismal picture of northern Michi- gan's cutover lumbering couities struggling for economic recovery un- der the burden of expensive and anti- quated local government wash de- scribed here today in a study by the University of Michigan Bureau of Government. Due to the exhaustion of lumber supplies and the lack of agricultural resources, these counties have suf- fered sharp decreases in population and prosperity, the study found but the old governmental structures have never been adjusted to meet the new situation. As a result, Cheboygan County to- day is existing with an over-abund- ance of decentralized governmental units. In some elections it has more township offices to be filled than there are eligible candidates. for. the offices, the report said. Cost Increased Not only has the revenue from lumbering and other industries dropped during the last few years, but the total cost of Cheboygan County's local government has in- creased, the study showed. "Most of the increase has been incurred as the result of increased relief and high- way expenditures," the report said: "and state and federal payments to local governments were more than tripled between 1924 and 1938 for these purposes." Prepared by Dr. Robert ,S. Ford, Director of the Bureau of Govern- ment, and Frank M. Landers, research expert, the report is- entitled "Local Government In Cheboygan County." This county was selected for the study because "its background as a lumbering and unsuccessful farming county is more or less typical of the 40 counties in the northern cut-over area." Dr. Ford discovered that the popu- lation trend in Cheboygan County has followed closely the expansion and decline of the lumber industry. In 1910 the census showed 17,872 citi- zens, but in 1930 this had slumped to approximately 12,000, he said. Situation Becomes Serious "With the passing of the lumber industry and the subsequent failure of agriculture, employment opportuni- ties in Cheboygan County became rather scarce," Dr. Ford declared. "By December, 1933, the situation had become so serious that 7.196 persons, or 62.5 per cent of the county's total population were dependent upon some form of public relief. Local govern- ment could not cope with this prob- lem, and it was forced to pass the responsibility on to the state and federal governments." Increasing population led to the creation of a large number of gov- ernmental units, Dr. Ford's study shows. On the basis of 1930 census figures, Cheboygan County today has one governmental unit for every 164 persons. Most of these units are decentralized and are not responsible to any other body except themselves. "The MVichigan township," he said, "is a leading example of an archaic or obsolete governmental unit that has lived beyond the period of its usefulness." Iiehre To Talk On Minerals' Role In War Prof. Charles H. Behre, Jr., of the geology department of Northwestern University will discuss "The Role of Minerals in the War" at 4:15 p.m. Thursdav in the Rackham Amphithe- Courtesy Ann Arbor News Six of the committeemen arranging for the Ohi o Valley Province of Newman Clubs here April 19, 20 and 21, are shown above. They are, left to right: seated, Mary Ellen Spurgeon, '40Ed, and Barns M. Hutt- linger, '41, co-chairmen of the convention; Catherine M. DeVine, '40, a member of the publicity committee, and Sally M. Walsh, '43, a member of the "date" bureau committee. Standing are Edmond F. DeVine, '40L, co-chairman of the dance committee, and John A. Walsh, '42, a member of the banquet and dance committee. riminology Students Inspect Jackson Prison With Fuller By S. R. WALLACE sending a man through the University More than 90 criminology students here for one year is approximately trailed two by two through Jackson the same as the upkeep of one prison- er during the same period prison Saturday behind Prof. Richard C. Fuller in the sociology department's annual inspection tour of the state institution, the largest of its kind in the world. Instructed in advance to take spe- cial note of the progress made by the introduction in 1937 of a new classi- fication system and the facilities for this purpose, the group was conducted through the large single cell block, a unit housing 520 men, by Dr. Sidney Moskowitz, prison psychologist, an alumnus of the University of Michi- gan. In addition to the tour of grounds and buildings, the students heard Dr. Moskowitz lecture on the new system and the general proced- ure in prison. Dr. David Phillips, the prison psy- chiatrist, discussed the importance of interesting the public in penal re- forms, and pointed out that college graduates are needed in numerous fields in the penal system. Explain- ing that it costs the taxpayers $15,- 000 to $20,000 a day to keep the state penitentiaries going, Dr. Phillips con- cluded with the opinion that correc- tional measures are vital in order to rehabilitate convicts and lessen their chances of return to prison. Dr. Moskowitz added that the cost of Jackson prison, the largest state prison in the United States, with a roll call of 5,600 men, is the only one that provides single cells for every man incarcerated, Dr. Moskowitz as- serted during the tour. Passing through the cell block, warned against straggling, the students noted partic- ularly the modernity of the structure, the cells with hot and cold running water and radios (if the inmates can afford the 25 cents a month charge for a radio) and the white nets spread over some cells, indicating that the occupant was training birds. Dr. Moskowitz pointed out the soli- tary confinement cell block which is used for disciplinary measures, and later in his talk declared that pun- ishment in this manner for trouble- makers and incorrigiblesis mild in comparison to other prisons and for- mer times. A tommy-gun and gas- gun were brought in and their use explained. I if Philosophers Mourn Oscar, Turtle Helper The philosophy department is steeped in gloom today. Oscar has passed away. The dread hand of death has descended and whisked Oscar's soul off to join the World- soul, and try as they might, it is hard for Oscar's colleagues to take this thing philosophically. Oscar was one of the most promis- ing members of the department. His task was to assist Dr. William Fran- kena and Dr. Paul Henle in illustrat- ing Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. Oscar was the tortoise. For two semesters before his death Oscar lumbered across the desk in front of Philosophy 34, always one jump ahead of Achilles. According to Dr. Frankena, Os- car's closest friend in the department, Oscar was the third turtle to hold the position. Phelps Selects i l t 4 adii 4 HANDY SERVICE DIRECTORY Handy Sekrvice Advertising Rates Cash Rates 12c per reading line for one or- two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Charge Rates 15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 13c per reading line for three or more insertions. Five average words to a reading line. Minimum of three lines per inser- tion. CONTRACT RATES ON REQUEST. Our Want-Advisor will be delighted to assist you in composing your ad. Dial 23-24-1 or stop at the Michigan Daily Business Office, 420 Maynard Street. MISCELLANEOUS-20 CANARIES: Lovebirds, Finches. Bird food and cages. Birds boarded. 562 S. Seventh facing Madison. Phone 5330 347 SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per- manent, $2.50; $3 oil cocona, $1.50; end pe:manent, $1; Shampoo and fingerwave, 35c. Phone 8100, 117 Main.. 36 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND -1 LOST-Man's Hampden watch with chain. Reward. Ph. 2-3371, Spurr, 310 N. Thayer. TYPEWRITING l an LOST-"Longines" wrist watch. Re- ward. Phone Economics Depart- ment Extension 738. 353 TYPING-18 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist and notary public, excellent work, 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. * 34 TRANSPORTATiON --21 LADY would like to join party driv- ing through Southern Michigan during Spring Vacation. Will share expenses. Write Box 23, Michigan Daily. 354 RIDE WANTED - To Knoxville, Tenn. or vicinity. Graduate wo- man will share expenses. Debs Harvey-2-3225. 352 TRANSPORTATION HOME: You can find a ride home very econom- ically by inserting a Ride Ad into. The Daily. Find passengers for your car or seek your ride now. 15 words for 36c. Dial 23-24-1 now! WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 FOR RENT NEAR Lawyers Club-3 rooms newly decorated and furnished. Electric stove, refrigeration, bath, shower. 602 Monroe. 351 WANTED -TO RENT -6 VISITING faculty member desires furnished house from about June 15 to Atig. 30. Write, giving partic- ulars, to N. D. L., care of Michigan Daily. 348 ARTICLES FOR SALE -3 FOR SALE-Buick coupe, seats 5. Good condition. $50.00 See it after 4 p.m. at 310 North Thayer. 349 LAUNDERING -9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 WANTED -TO BUY-4 HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. 146 WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run list- ings of your vacant houses in The Daily for summer visiting profes- sors. Dial 23-24-1 for special rates. I- By JUNE McKEE -11 A new course will be added to the radio curriculum this summer ses- sion, imparting the use and mainten- ance of public address and broadcast- ing equillment to all future broadcast- ers and teachers of speech. Jerome Wiesner, chief radio technician, will be the instructor. "The Portal Players" of St. Louis, Mo., are enthusiastically requesting more Morris Hall radio scripts for their presentation there . . . Broad- casting Service is also supplying sound recordings for the East Jackson High School. The final excerpt of "The Diary of the Goddess of the Inland Seas" will go through WCAR and WMBC at 2:45 p.m. today, under direction of Frank F. Firnschild, '40, co-author with Jack Riley Silcott, Grafl. Par- ticipating in the presentation of this dramatized feature news of Michi- gan will be Marguerite Mink, '41, Jean Van Raalte, '40, Dorothy Sam- son, '41, Cecil Beglinger, Grad., Rich- ard Seitner, '40, Fritz De Fries, '40, and Rowland Barber, '41. Owen Bak- er, '40, anonunces. Then the last of series involving "Your Interesting Children" will be carried by WJR at 3:30 p.m. "A Constructive, Practical Program" will be the subject for discussion by Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Finest Sermon Asks For Tolerant View On Opinions Of Others Speaking before an overflow audi- ence in the -Methodist Church Sun- day, genial, distinguished-looking William Lyon Phelps declared that Jesus' Sermon on the Mount was "the greatest sermon in the world." Professor Phelps, famed y for his years of service at Yale University, explained that he would not be able to name the greatest novel, the greatest play or the greatest piece of music, but that there is no question in his mind that Jesus' Sermon, as given in the fifth chapter of Luke, overshadows all others. Emphasizing his points with con- crete illustrations from the rich fund of his personal experience, Professor Phelps argued for the application of the sermon's tenets to the problems of today. He pleaded that Christ's rules be substituted for the selfish- ness and prejudices that prevent us from seeing things from the other man's point of view. Striedieck To Address Deutscher Verein Today Dr. Werner F. Striedieck of the German department will present the fourth in a series of lectures spon- sored by the Deutscher Verein at 8:15 p.m. today in the League. Dr. Striedieck will discuss "Famous German Scientists of the 19th cen- tury," and he will point out interest- ing facts in the lives of such out- standing men as Leibig, Helmholtz, Virchow, and Koch. Ruthven Gives, Intended Plan For Expansion (Continued from Page 1) Navy officials about plans for the establishment of a naval R.O.T.C. unit here on the campus. He said that these plans are now "almost complete," and that an announce- ment should be forthcoming in' the near future. Commenting briefly on the recent increase in tuition rates, President Ruthven said that the "raise was at no time designed to cut attendance," and added that he was "definitely opposed to any changes which would tend to curtail the number of 'stu- dents who attend the University." As Michigan's seventh President, Dr. Ruthven has achieved the reputa- tion of being a quiet man who chooses to remain in the background when- ever it is possible. When he was elected President of the University in 1929 he had already spent a quar- ter of a century on the campus. He has worked up through the ranks, from research assistant in the museum of zoology to instructor in zoology, to professor of zoology, director of the University museums, chairman of his department, dean of administration, acting president, and finally he became the chief ex- ecutive of the University. Dr. Ruthven was born April 1, 1882, at Hull, Ia., and was graduated from Morningside College, Morningside, Ia., in 1903. He received his doctor's degree at Michigan in 1906. His spe- cialty was the study of reptiles. Dr. Ruthven's ideal of a university is a "quiet place for learned men to work out the problems of mankind, and for youths to become learned." He once told a reporter, "I have io desire to keep news away from the newspapers, but I want the Univer- sity run in such a way that there won't be any news." t"_____________ atre. The talk, a University lecture spon- sored by the geology department, is open to the public. A famed geologist, zoologist and. geographer, Professor Behre began his career as field geologist for the Wisconsin Geologic Survey in 1916; he has been part time assistant for the U.S. Geologic Survey since 1921 and served as assistant in zoology and geology at the University of Chi- cago in 1917 and 1919-20. He has acted as instructor in geol- ogy at Lehigh University; cooperative geologist for the Pennsylvania Geo- logic Survey and has taught geology at the University of Cincinnati and Northwestern University. He was ap- pointed chairman of Northwestern's department of geography and geology in 1933. Dentists Plan Reunion Graduation classes of the School of Dentistry whose years end with zero or five will have their reunions tomorrow as part of the dedication ceremonies of the new dental build- ing. Robert 0. Morgan, general sec- retary of the Alumni Association, will preside at the general reunion meet- ing. STUDENT SUPPLIES HEADY ROMANCE with glamorous Hedy TRACY LAMARR Uf YIWI4Lurt-dUBMIIE Blue Books PARKER PENS and PENCILS TYPEWRITER RIBBONS -- - NOTEBOOKS TYPING PAPER 11