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March 31, 1940 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-31

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SINGERVS AND CONDUCTORS-These are a few of the artists who
will apiwar ina the 1940 May Festivzl. In the top row are {left to right)
Rtolprt We -ae, American baritone of the Metropolitan, and Lawrence'
Till; tt, distingtlshed baritone also of the ;Metropolitan. The second row
i3eh!c -de.Aeft to iright) Juva Higbee, condlixctor .o"the Yo ing People's
Put ival Chorus, and Eugene Ormnandy, fourth great conductor of the
fanned P'hiladelphiia Symphony Orchestra. They Young People's Festival
Chorus is Conjjrwsed of several hundred young people from the Ann Ar-
bor sclhools.

NORTHERNERS, PLEASE COPY!--The whir of wings filled the air above Louisiana marshes~ when
these Canadian geese started flight homeward. Plho to by Louisiana, Biological Survey.
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TO0 WHILE AWAY WARL HOURS?-"All in a, day's work,"' says
the French censor-approved material accompanying this view -of
French soldiers at war-bu 4ilding tank traps.

BOON FOR DUMB FRIENDS-Even his mother might have trou-
ble recognizing the horse wearing a mask developed by Our Dumrb
Friends' League in London, to save this most faithful of man's diumb
friends during gas attacks.

BRITON'S VIEW-Seen with Winston Chu~rchill (right) March
12 , Sumner Wi lles was°,in London while Russia. and Finland were con-
eluding the treaty that gave Russia Karelia and Viipuri. Wbelles re-
turned to URome, was there when Hitler and Mussolini met unexpectedly
at Brctnner P,;ss. He talked with the Pope and again with Ciano, sailed
from Genoa Mlarch 20.

THlE TRITON STAKES TO THE WATER-Show n after the launching at Portsmouth, N. H., the U.S.
submarine Triton rests quietly alongside' a tug. The 1,475-ton Tritont, like the sub Tliveslir, also newly
1launched, is 300 feet long.

THOSE CA-RA-ZY HFATS--If tis hat srnells, blame it on the
scallions usid for a nosegay trim, in a charity hat-designing contest at
New, York. the girl is Helen Steadman. Don't overlook the pot cover
and blue cloth veil.

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