0 PAGE FOUR T.THE M l-CUU-QA1 DAI LY SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1940 «. ''': TH E MICHIGAN DAILY Of ALL Things... ....By Morty-Q.... it Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; 'by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERt..SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial Staff . . . . Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor . Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . . NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Toward A Strong "Will For Peae" ". 0 WHO WILL DENY that a great "will for peace" exists today in the United States? The evidence for its existence is clear and unequivocal. Yet what is the precise na- ture of this "will for peace?" What are its bases? How stable is. it? Can it withstand what Randoph Bourne called the "war suction?" Let us first see how the 1940 "will for peace" compares and contrasts with its counterpart before World War I. John Dewey, writing in the New Republic for July 14, 1917; pointed out that the pre-war pacifism then "was not a compound of sentimentality, cowardice, and a degenerate materialism bred of excessive com- fort." It was instead identified with "good business, philanthropy, morality and religion." Its fatal weakness, as Dewey stated, was its emotional and ultra-idealistic basis. Cannot the same criticism be leveled at the "will for peace" in 1940? Do we not indulge in a great deal of wishful thinking about our relationship to the war? Do we not expend a large portion of energy in merely hoping that the U.S. may somehow miraculously steer clear of the treach- erous shoals of war? We must begin to ask if the present "will for peace" is likely to have the same tragic outcome as the pacifism of 1914-17. And yet the 1940 "will for peace" has encour- aging characteristics, unique for itself. It is no sudden outburst; indeed it has existed in one form or another ever since the last World War, being the direct outgrowth of the disillusion- ment following that cataclysm. It is consid- erably better organized; witness the insistent programs of various youth organizations. In spite of these acknowledged improvements, the "will for peace" of today has not yet attained its fullest effectiveness. For ultimate success it must become ever more practical. This necessity can be illustrated by the peace meetings to be held on campuses across the country on April 19. These are eminently worth- while projects, deserving the widespread and enthusiastic support of the students. The meet- ings will no doubt be impressive, and their re- percussions will reverberate for a time through- out the land. But it is unfortunate that this tremendous sentiment for peace cannot be carried over into a permanent student organiza- tion for peace. Congressmen, reading accounts of these meet- ings in the following day's newspapers, will raise their respective eyebrows, and will be at least casually stirred. But regrettably, the ef- fect will probabl- not be lasting. The congress- ;nenl should hef,- ,frete'P lruuiiced that those who are eligible for muvy future coiscription are sincerely intent upon keeping the peace. They should be advised by a representative, perma- nently functioning student organization of youth's opinion on specific legislation which is relevant to war or peace. The congressmen after all do possess the final power to declare war, so we with a "will for peace" must corl- centrate chiefly upon them. They are suscep- tible to public sentiment, and we should be properly organized to express it intelligently and forcefully. Sporadic peace meetings as a manifestation of our "will for peace" are intrinsically nobly- motivated undertakings. Their importance would be tripled if they led to the formation of an ef- fective. full-time organization for peace. Should IT'S HAPPENED AGAIN! Oh, you lucky peo- ple, what good fortune that you have chosen "Of All Things! . . ." as your final source of authority! Foresight, that's what you've got, foresight: all you faithful followers who have come to rely on Morty Q for your information. And now once again you are to be rewarded with another exclusive story. Once again Mr. Q. takes you behind the scenes and throws off the veil of mystery, revealing the inside story of how blue-books are assigned and then cor- rected. First, let us go to the home of.Prof. Y. Wuzzi Borne, an authority on 8th century slang. It is after dinner, and Professor Borne is washing the dishes; Mrs. Borne is in the living room, preparing his next day's lectures. Professor Borne appears at the kitchen door in his blue apron and reminds his good wife that the last lecture didn't go over so well, and she had better be a little more careful. She tells him to shut 'up and finish the dishes. The dishes done, the kitchen cleaned, the children put to bed and the note to the milkman written, the professor dons his smoking jacket and comes into the living room. HE PEERS over his wife's shoulder to see how it is coming, but a glare from her sends him to the table for his pipe and paper. He settles down in the chair, blowing huge clouds of smoke, which of course means that Mrs. Borne screeches how does he expect her to get the work done in a volcano so will he please take the pipe and . . . well, put it away. So he puts it down and again settles in the chair. Now Yancey Jr. starts to bellow from upstairs and the professor has to go up to quiet him. "What was the matter?" asks Mrs. Borne with true maternal concern when Yancey Sr. comes down. He gives her the dirty-diaper nod and she goes back to work. After a short while, she gets up, puts the notes into his brief case and then glances through the class-book. A look of annoyance now comes to her sour puss, a look which finally culminates in a loud yell: "Yancey!" The ob- ject of her matrimonial affections is frightened two and a half feet off his chair, but finally squeaks: "Yes, love?" "What does this mean?" demands she, point- ing to the class-book. Yancey minces over and looks, then hangs his head and shuffles the carpet. "Well?" menaces the sweet little lady. "I... .I ... it was. . .well, you see ... I had to . . it was . .." Mrs. Borne now is standing in front of her husband, hands on hips, right foot impatiently beating a muffled staccato: "Well?" The professor cringes slightly and then bursts out: "I gave them a bolt!" with that, he re- treats a couple of steps and watches his wide- eyed wife. Finally, after surveying her spouse for a few seconds, she lets loose with all she's got. By this time, of course, all six children are lined up on the stairs "to see Pop get it again." After pushing him around the room with her index finger waving in his face, she finally stops for breath. "The idea!" she continues, "going out for a coke with that no-good Assistant Pro- fessor Eppis and letting those lazy-good-for- nothing students off from class! The very idea of it!" "But, dear, I was just . . ."- "Don't 'dear' me, you . . . you . . . oh, I knew that mother was right!" W ITH this final and inevitable acknowledge ment of her mother's good judgment, Mrs. Borne settles down to some nice quiet crying, while the children troop disappointedly upstairs. Yancey meanwhile tries to straighten the room a little and then starts for the stairs. His wife stops her sobbing and mumbling, goes over to him, clips him over the head with the class- book and bellows: "That class gets a blue-book tomorrow!" The professor tries to explain that it's the last day before vacation,. that it wasn't. announced, that they just had one the week before, that . . "Yancey! Did you hear what I said?" "Yes, love." So Mrs. Borne once more goes back to the desk and makes out the questions. This done, she goes upstairs, rouses the children, whose ages range from two to eight, and gives the six of them the examination. (Yancey, Jr. was again being "wrapped" by his father so he couldn't take part). All the children pass the blue-book except 4-year-old Clancey (who has a cold), so Mrs. Borne figures it is difficult enough for her husband's class. The next day, Professor Borne, who is con- sidered one of the toughest class-men in the university, gives his amazed and dismayed stu- dents the blue-book and begrudgingly wishes them a pleasant vacation. THREE WEEKS after the vacation has ended, the professor one night reminds the little woman that the blue-books haven't been cor- rected yet. "Lettem wait!" she decrees. Finally, the following week, Mrs. Borne de- cided it's about time to get them out of the way, so she sets about correcting them. Once again, she wakes her brood, brings them down- stairs and lines them up against the wall. She tosses the blue-books in a pile on the floor and hollers: "Go gettem!" The little kiddies leap toward the blue-and- write mound, scrambling over one another, pushing and yelling, each with a pencil, scrib- bling in whatever he can lay his hands on. The beaming mother sits aside, proudly watching and finally the professor, who has finished cleaning the basement, comes in. After about 15 miniuif a Fhof +ths t.rirliao a rPohnnar ti MUSIC By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER It seems that the time has come for this column to write a long deferred appreciation of several individuals who have contributed not- ably to the musical life of Ann Arbor during the past month. First on our list is Palmer Christian, organist, whose concerts throughout Lent proved an inspiration to many who have all too little contact with music otherwise. It is not only that Mr. Christian is one of the truly great American organists, nor that his technical ability is at times almost astounding. We have come to expect these things from him. But his constant effort to present the best in music literature for his instrument and his meticulous artistry in the performance of these works is one of our most prized musical mem- ories in Ann Arbor. Never once in some dozens of Mr. Christian's concerts have we heard a composition that was not thoughtfully interpreted and sensitively played. The range of the artist's taste is almost equally astounding. From the early contra- puntists through Palestrina and di Lasso, from Frescobaldi and Buxtehude to Bach (which Mr. Christian plays with especial magnificence), from Handel to the Classicists who wrote for the organ with rare grace and the Romanti- cists who wrote for it with feeling, from these to moderns like Guillmant and Widor and up to the doors of contemporary music, Mr. Chris- tian has enriched Ann Arbor music more than any single individual within our stay in the village, and we suspect more than any per- former in longer memories. The second to whom we owe a tribute is Mr. Wm. Revelli. This is not the place for a dis- cussion of the excellence of the band Mr. Re- velli directs, which is too well known for our comments to help or hinder, but we would like to pay a very special tribute to Mr. Revelli for his courage in bringing to Ann Arbor conductors like Goldman and composers like Morton Gould. This is unusual for a university musician who generally goes to any lengths to avoid good competition. In Mr. Gould's appearance he scored a triumph. We do not remember having heard such unanimity on any young composer's work as attended the premier of "Cowboy Rhap- sody," nor one which was more thoroughly de- served. If Mr. Gould can bring his tremendous gifts to some sort of universal plane without losing his charming musical personality he should rank among the very first of American composers. He has something to say and our only regret is that so far he has chosen to say it in a very particular sort of way. But he certainly has time enough to grow and all the potentialities for growth. Again we must thank Mr. Revelli for his perspicacity in letting Ann Arbor hear Mr. Gould's work, and we might add that many worth while works are found on the band's prograims which are not dramatised by the composer's personal appearance, and for these too we are grateful. Some comment should be made on the talks on music lately given by that fountain head of all knowledge, Mr. Louis Untermeyer. Mr. Untermeyer made a few factual mis-statements, and some others we consider highly questionable. But he did get down to the very root of the question of American music. He did state with- out fear or favor that native folk music was source for an excellent music of our own, and that nine tenths of our contemporary composers were either too much influenced by tradition or were consciously fighting tradition which is worse. He did hold up to serious regard Gersh- win and Forsythe which isdconsiderably more than our music schools are doing. We felt that his only really significant omis- sion was his failure to state unequivocally that the only really universal folk music, the only music sung and danced to all over this country by people of all ages and degrees of wealth is the so-called "popular music." "Night and Day" and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" and "Stardust" should be and will be the folk music on which the American future will be built in music. Mr. Untermeyer came close a couple of times but he never actually said it. Well, you can't have everything. These songs are our folk music now and regardless of who wrote them they now belong to the people. And this music is not only more universal than cowboy or hill billy songs, but also has the merit of being better music. It's even better than the spirituals it has so admirably sublimated. More power to Mr. Untermeyer and the enthusiastic amateurs. Once again they have stumbled on the truth. Overloading With Silver . . . Members of the United States Senate Bank- ing Committee have finally summoned enough courage to register disapproval of the Treasury's pyurchiasiig of foreign silver. Much of the credit for the move toward fiscal common sense goes to John G. Townsend, Senator from Dela- ware, who has campaigned for 18 months to ' end the authorization to buy the metal from abroad under the Silver Purchase Act of 1934. This building up of a huge silver hoard gives away American purchasing power in return for a metal which is not needed as a money base but which adds to the -potentialities of infla- tion. The artificial price put on it benefits the silver sellers at the expense of the nation as a whole, and rewards Mexico for appropriat- ing American oil properties. In short, benefits predicted in 1934 have not been realized and arguments for retaining such buying are no longer tenable. By GERALD BURNS A few years ago the Carnegie Foundation in Pittsburgh released Bulletin No. 29, entitled "The Stu- dent and His Knowledge." The re- port was a compilation of various records gathered as the result of an extensive examination of more than 25,000 high school and college stu- dents in Pennsylvania over a period of five years. The information which it provides about the intelligence and general knowledge level of the in- dividuals who have entered our edu- cational system is in part literally astonishing and should be closely examined in the interest of future development of the educational sys- tem of the United States. It would not be difficult to select from the report material which might cause the reader to raise his hands in horror at the entire , educational system of the United States. The Bulletin reveals, for instance, that the knowledge level of students stu- dying for the teaching profession is below that of any other group in our universities; that on the basis of comparative examinations it was found that one-fourth of the fresh- man class of large colleges was better fit to graduate than three-quarters of the senior class; or even that some seniors know more than their teach- ers. But it was not the purpose of the report alone to horrify the United States. The report tried to gather material to explain the reasons for such instances and to suggest how these things might be eliminated from the educational system of the future. To begin with, the report uncov- ered the fact that only half of those who leave high schools to enter col- leges really represent the cream of the intellectual crop, the other half of the more brilliant students being either unable or unwilling to con- tinue with their educations. It was discovered by the examiners, as well, that financial barriers kept by far DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN the greater part of this half out of school. Here, then, would be the first rea- son for such a ladder of ability being discovered in the colleges of Penn- sylvania. Financial walls kept half of those students who could logically enter college away and allowed to pass thousands of students who had the money but not the intelligence required for a higher education. That such a condition does exist in a country which boasts a system of "free" and "democratic" education is shameful. That the United States should stand for old-age pensions and to keep the feeble-minded in institutions yet should neglect the welfare of so many of its young is unbelievable. And even in the face of these statistics NYA appropria- tions are being cut and taxpayers are complaining of huge sums being spent on extension of educational facilities. It is some sort of a stupid paradox in this democracy. Another section of the report pre- sented statistics comparing the knowledge of various grades of col- lege students in specific subjects such as mathematics, English, or history. It would not be practicable here to repeat many of those statis- tics, but they showed in sum that grade is not an accurate indication of the progress which a student has made in the subject. For instance, of 1,000 English majors tested nearly 30% of the freshman class showed a knowledge of. English greater than that of the seniors ready to receive their degrees. Sim- ilar cases were found in mathematics where only a third of the senior class appeared to know as much about the subject as the freshmen. The statistics indicate, of course, that the ability of the individual is frequently suppressed by the system and that he often is forced to move at a snail's pace with the rather uncertain "average" student. The problem is, then, to plan the cur- riculum so that the superior student may advance according to his ability The Carniegie Investigation OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM and not as he accumulates necessary routine credit hours which accrue after his name in the university's records. The present system, the report seems to indicate, in part defeats its own purpose of educating people by retarding the education of many who would push ahead. One of the old educational super- stitions debunked by the report was that which claimed masculine intel- lectual superiority. According to the results compiled by the Carnegie re- port there is a difference between the mental capacity of men and women of only one or two points, but this is not, in view of the diverging in- terests of the two sexes, held to be in any way significant. A great con- trast to this fact is to the accusation made by earlier educators that a woman's place is in the home be- cause she is fit for no activities other than domestic. It is true, of course, that the Statistics for the Bulletin were com- piled almost entirely from a study of students in Pennsylvania schools. But the wide cross section of life from which they were taken-indus- trial and rural, rich and poor-can leave no doubt but that they are fairly representative of conditions which exist all over the United States. There were many other problems into which the Bulletin's statistics might have been translated, but those presented even in this article are enough to indicate how far from perfect is the educational system of the United States today. America should by this time begin to realize that economy in education is the most injudicious sort, for it threatens to produce an aristocratic system which can be patronized only by those who have the money to sur- mount its financial barriers. And she should realize too how great is the danger of mass production educa- tion which subjects every individual to a long line of processes, regardless of his personal ability. There are many faults to be found, and they must be corrected. (Continued from Page 2 The last date for filing application is noted in each case: Industrial Hygiene Engineer I, sal- ary range $150-190, April 17. Industrial Hygiene Engineer IV, salary range $325-385, April 17. Industrial Hygiene Engineer III, salary range $250-310, April 114. (Michigan residence waived for this one.) Practical Nurse C1, salary range: $95-110, April 13. Graduate Nurse A2, salary range $115-135, April 13. Psychiatric Graduate Nurse Al, salary $140-160, April 13. Prison Tailor Shop Foreman Al, salary range $140-160, April 19. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Physical Education for Women: During the week of April 1, skill tests in the following activities will be given: Fencing: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30 to 4:00, Barbour Gymnasium. Badminton: Monday and Wednes- day 1:30 to 4:15, Barbour Gymna- sium. Swimming: Tuesday and Thurs- day, 7:30 p.m., Union Pool. Riding: Monday and Wednesday, 3:20, Barbour Gymnasium. Academic . ofic es Final Examination for iHygieiec Lectures for Women will be given at the regular class period on April 1 and 2 in Natural Science Auditorium. It is important that students attend the section in which they have en- rolled. Mathematics 58, Spherical Trigo- nometry. A bluebook will be given this course on both Monday and Fri- day at 4 p.m., and may be taken by each student at whichever of these times he prefers. T. N. E. Greville. Concertis Orchestra Concert: The University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson Conductor,. with John Klolen, piano soloist, will give a concert in Hill Auditorium, Tuesday evening, April 2, at 8:15 o'clock, to which the gen- eral public is invited without admis- sion charge. The concert will begin on time, and the public is requested to be seated promptly. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of Finnish architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible the War" under the auspices of the Department of Geology at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor- dially invited. Carnegie Lectures: Dr. Carlos Del- gado de Carvalho, Professor of Soci- ology in the Colegio Pedro II and Pro- fessor of the Geography of Brazil in the University of Brazil, the Visiting Carnegie Professor, will be in resi- dence at the University of Michigan from April 15 to May 10. The following series of lectures has been arranged under the auspices of the Division of the Social Sciences: "Glimpses of the Human Geography of Brazil" on Tuesday, April 16, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "An Outline of the Economic His- tory of Brazil" on Friday, April 19, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "Problems of Race Mixture and White Acclimatization in Brazil" on Tuesday, April 23, 4:15 p.m., Rack-! ham Amphitheatre. "Present Trends in Brazilian Edu- cation" on Thursday, April 25, 4:15 pm. Rackham Amphitheatre. "The Immigration Problem in Bra- zil" (Annual.Phi Kappa Phi Lecture) on Tuesday, April 30, 8:30 p.m., Mich- igan Union, Large Ballroom. "The New Brazilian State" on Mon- day, May 6, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. All of thetabove lectures are open to the public. Mathenatical Lecture Professor O Zariski of Johns Hopkins Univer- sity will give a lecture on Wednesday, April 3, at 3 o'clock, in 3011 A.H. on the subject, "Local Uniformization of Algebraic Varieties." Lecture: Mr. Luther Tucker, who has spent the past two years admin- istering relief in China and was re- cently released from a Japanese pris- on, will speak at Lane Hall, Monday April 1, on "Why Chinese Rlelief" at 4:15 p.m. and on "Chinese Universi- ties Carry On" at 7:00 p.m. Professor Howard M. Ehrman of the History Department will speak in the small Ballroom of the Michigan Union this afternoon at 2:30. His sub- ject will be "Finland and Its Prob- lems." Also moving pictures and re- freshments. Varsity Glee Club: All men going on the Spring Trip must present health cards at regular rehearsal to- day at 4:30. p.m. Special rehearsa Monday at 4:00 p.m. Flying Club will hold a meetinj today at the Ypsilanti Airport. Ca will leave Union at 2:15 p.m. tive to this meeting to help make plans for this year's Parley. Michigan Anti-War Committee will meet today at the Michigan Union at 3 o'clock. All members urged to attend. Executive Committee of American Student Union meets today at 11 a.m. in Michigan Union. All ABU mem- bers invited. The Michigan Wolverine Social Hour tonight will be called "Fools' Paradise." The Detroit Music Appre- ciation Society's recording of Beetho- ven's Fifth Symphony will be played from 6:00 to 7:00 and the recordings of Benny Goodman from 7:00 until 10:00. Avukah is sponsoring a fireside dis- cussion and social at the Hillel Foun- dation tonight at 8:00. The guest speaker will be Mr. Philip Slomovitz, editor-in-chief of the Detroit Jewish Chronicle, who will discuss the cur- rent land problems in Palestine. The public is invited. Attention, All Hillel Members: Vot- ing for members of the Hillel Coun- cil will be held Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from 2 to 6 p.m. at Lane Hall and from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 11 p.m. at the Foun- dation. All members are urged to vote and must bring their member- ship and identification cards to the polls. Eabbi Leon Fram, of the Temple Beth-El, of Detroit, will be the guest speaker at an open forum at the Pi Lambda Phi house this afternoon at 2:15 All members of the Hillel Foundation and others invited. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief in- .ormal talk by Mr. Frank G. Ryder f on "Der Aklan-Dialekt." 1 Chemistry Colloquium will meet in - Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 - p.m. on Wednesday, April 3. Profes- sor W. E. Bachmann will speak on "The Synthesis of Sex Hormones." All interested are invited. t Seminar in Bacteriology will meet - in Room 1564 East Medical Building 1 Monday, April 1, at 8:00 p.m. Sub- ject: "Trypanosoma cruzi." All in- terested are invited. g r Junior Research Club will meet on Tuesday, April 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the amphitheatre, third floors of the Hor-