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Regents Name
R. H. Keniston
As Chairman
Of Languages
Faculty A
Retires In
Gifts Are Accepted
For Various Funds
Dr. H. Hayward Keniston, member
of the faculty of the University of
Chicago since 1925, yesterday was
appointed chairman of the Univer-
sity romance languages department.
He will succeed Prof. Hugo P.
Thieme, 70-year-old present chair-
man, who will retire in June. An-
nouncement of the appointment was
made by the Board of Regents at
their regular March meeting.
Dr. Keniston received his B.A.,
M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Har-
vard University and has taught at
Colby College, Harvard, Cornell and
Chicago. He is a member of many
language societies and the American
Academy of Arts and Science. He
will teach Spanish, French and Ital-
ian here, as well as serve as head of
the department. Dr. Keniston's ap-
pointment will become effective in
Sept., 1940,
$4,790 In Gifts Accepted
The Regents also accepted gifts
of $4,790 and authorized the estab-
lishment of a "community work-
shop" at Decatur, Mich., where field
work in sociology and education will
be done by secondary school teachers
enrolled in the University Graduate
School. Only graduate students with
homes in the 'experimental area
which has been established in several
counties of the state by the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creel
will be eligible to train in the work-
shop. I
Largest of the gifts was a grant
of $875 from the Council of Social
Agencies of Detroit, to be used for
scholarship funds. The Standard Oil
Co. of Calif. gave $800 and the Up-
john Co. of Kalamazoo gave $750,
each to renew fellowships for the
coming year.
Two Board Appointees
Dr. E. Blythe Stason, dean of the
law school, and Oscar G. Hull, 13L,
of Detroit, were appointed to the
Board of Governors of the Lawyers
Club for two year terms, beginning
July 1. Dr. Stason succeeds himself,
and Mr. Hull succeeds former Regent
Harry C. Bulkley.
The Ordinance Corps of the Uni-
ted States Army will have a summer
training course at the University
from Aug. 4-17, it was announced.
This same course has been offered
in former years.
Prof. Leigh C. Anderson, of the
chemistry department, was granted
a leave of absence for the remainder
of the school year, because of ill-
ness. A sabbatical leave which had
been granted Prof. J. O. Halford,
also of the chemistry department,
was cancelled at the same time.
Sabbatical leaves for the first se-
mester of 1940-41 were granted to
Prof. R. S. Swinton, of the engineer-
ing college and to Prof. Fred J.
Hodges, of the medical school. Pro-
fessor Hodges will engage in research
at the University of California, and
Professor Swinton will visit other
American colleges and universities
to carry on an inquiry concerning
professional ehtics in the engineer-
ing profession.
Koch Granted Leave
A leave of absence for study and
research was granted to Prof. Har-
lan C. Koch, of the educational
school, for the first semester of
The name of .the Department of
Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases
was changed to read "Department
of Pediatrics and Communicable Di-
seases." The Regents also authorized
the sale, for wrecking, of houses
owned by the University at 816 E.
Washington St., and 210 S. Ingalls
The Regents accepted the follow-
ing gifts:
From the W. K. Kellogg Founda-
tion, of Battle Creek, $200 for the
transportation of sophomore medical
students to inspect county health
units at Hillsdale and Clearwater.
Individual Gifts Listed
From Prof. and Mrs. H. H. Higbee,
$50 for the Jane Higbee award for
From the Council of Social Agen-
cies. of Detroit. 875 for scholarshin
Four Students To Try
For Orchestra Places
Four University musicians will
take part in the national competi-
tion for positions in Leopold Sto-
kowski's All -American Youth Or-
chestra, the National Youth Admin-
istration announced yesterday.
Once organized, the Youth Orches-
tra wil tour South America this
University students who will com-
pete are: Clarence M. Schulz, '43SM,
tympanist; John . Houdek, Grad.,
string bass; John Rohrer, '41SM,
tympanist, and Gene Sherry, '42SM,
They are survivors of almost 50
young musicians who competed in
the final state auditions in Detroit.
The contest in Michigan is being
directed by Orrin W. Kaye, state
NYA administrator. Preliminary au-
ditions were held in Marquette, Flint,
Detroit and Grand Rapids.
Senate Votes
Down Addition'
To Trade Act
Narrow Majority Defeats
Pittman Amendment;
Continuation Bill Seen
WASHINGTON, March 29.--(P)-
A three-vote majority in the Senate
today saved the Roosevelt trade pacts
program from an amendment which,
administrative spokesmen had said,
would "nullify" the effort to lower
trade barriers by agreements with
foreign nations.
By a vote of 44 to 41, the chamber
rejected an amendment by Senator
Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) requiring that
future reciprocal trade pacts be sub-
mitted to the Senate for ratification
by a two thirds vote.
The defeat of this amendment
cleared the way for action next week
upon the pending legislation author-
izing a three-year continuation of
the present trade agreements act
under which the Administration can
reduce tariffs as much as 50 per-
cent in return for concessions from
other nations. The agreements em-
bodying° these mutual concessions
are not subject to senate action.
New Assistants
For Freshman
Dorm Chosen
Twenty Women Will Help
Jordan Staff Next Year
In New Proctor System
Nominees To Take
Training Course
Twenty women who have shown
themselves to be outstanding in their
interest in advisory work, character,
personality, scholarship and house
citizenship, have been selected to act
as student assistants in Jordan Hall
next year, Prof. Karl Litzenberg an-
nounced yesterday for the Board of
Governors of Residence Halls.
Those students who have been cho-
sen to participate in the new system
are: Barbara Baggs, '43, E.S.G. Boyd,
'43, Virginia Capron, '43, Betty Cle-
ment, '41, Gloria Donen, '43, Jone
Eiffert, '43, Jane Guinnane, '41, Su-
sanna Hollis, '41, Virginia Howes, '42,
Lorraine Judson, '43, and Mary Kep-
pel, '43.
List Continues
The list continues with Laura Mc-
Ament, '42, Jean Misner, '43, Char-
lotte Morley, '43, Betty Newman, '43,
Martha Preston, '43, Virginia Seu-
bert, '43, Esther Stevens, '43, and Syl-
via Yalowich, '43. A group of alter-
nates has also been chosen.
The student assistants will be giv-
en a choice of rooms in the Hall in
addition to a small reduction in room
rent. A five-week training course
will be given following Spring Vaca-
Responsibilties Cited
Each assistant will be responsible
for a group of eight to ten freshmen
women, in her corridor. Working in
conjunction with the staff members
of the Hall, she will cooperate with
them on personnel problems, commit-
tees and in the formation and opera-
tion of student government. It is
hoped, Professor Litzenberg said, that
their aid, both direct and indirect,
will be of value in easing freshman
adjustment and orientating the group
to campus life.
The program will provide valuable
experience in leadership and person-
nel training, Professor Litzenberg
added. The University is only one of
the many colleges and universities in
the country that uses this method of
assistantship in women's residence
halls. In other schools where this
system is in operation, students plan-
ning careers in personnel and guid-
ance work have sought these posi-
tions for the practical training, ex-
perience and responsibility they pro-
Molotoff Makes Speech
MOSCOW, March 29.-()-Pre-
mier-Foreign Commissar Vyacheslaff
Molotoff proclaimed tonight Soviet
Russia's desire to "maintain our neu-
trality and refrain from any par-
ticipation in the war" in Europe, but
flatly warned the Western Allies that
they are "playing with fire" with
their armies in the Near East.
Student Senate
Balloting Set
For April 26
Initiation Of New Tenure
Plan To Mark Election;
Sixteen Seats At Stake
Petitioning Begins
April 15 At Union
Petitioning for the Student Senate
semi-annual elections, to be held
April 26, the second Friday after
Spring Vacation, at which 16 new
members will be chosen will begin
Monday, April 15, and continue
through Friday, April 19, at the
Union, it was announced yesterday by
Stuart Knox, '40, and Norman A.
Schorr, '40, co-directors of elections.
Under the reorganized system of
Senate membership set up last week,
this election will be the first of tran-
sitional elections which will eventu-
ally bring the membership of that
body' to 30, with one-third retiring
each semester, and with the term of
office for the individual Senator run-
ning for three semesters instead of the
former two, the directors pointed out.
As. the Senate now stands, there
are 14 members whose terms of office
extend through the present semes-
ter. Of the 16 members to be select-
ed April 26, the first 10 chosen will
hold office for three semesters, while
the remaining six will serve for one
semester. As in past Senate elec-
tions, the Hare system of Proportion-
al Representation will be used, the
directors said.
According to the recently-adopted
amendments to the by-laws establish-
ing the new policy of three-semester
terms, a similar election will be held
next Fall, at which 10 members will
be elected for three semesters and 10
for one semester, so that by the Spring
election in 1941, the Senate will have
completed the transition. At that
time, the body of Senators will con-
sist of an overlapp ng membership of
30, with one-third or 10 being elected
each semester.
The directors stressed the point
that upperclassmen should not be
discouraged from running for Senate
office, in fear that they will not get
to serve their full term. For, the
Senate has traditionally extended
special courtesy to graduating seni-
ors or graduate students, whereby
they may nominate a successor to fill
out the remainder of their tenure.
Wesleyan Club To Enact
Drama On Future War
Fred Eastman's play, "The Great
Choice," on the subject of the next
war, will be presented at 7 p.m. to-
morrow by the Wesleyan Guild Dra-
ma Club of the First Methodist
The cast of the play will include
Dick Coe, '42E, as Mr. Kruger; Ber-
nadine Curtis, as Ann; Betty Run-
dell, '42, as Paula; Wilma Rayburn,
'43, as Miss Lee; Josephine Bpttke,
Spec., as Isabel; Gordon Curtis, as
Rev. Dr. Thomas; and Bob Miller,
as the Lieutenant.
Wins First Bout
Ties Natators
Union Presents
Fourth Annual
University Day
The University's next generation
will watch the wheels and gears of
higher education go round today in
the fourth annual University Day
sponsored by the Union.
High school students from 50 sec-
ondary schools within a 150 mile radi-
us of Ann Arbor will tour the Univer-
sity buildings, consult with faculty
members and participate in Union-
arranged social activtiies.
University Day is arranged with
the cooperation of University offi-
cials. It is intended to acquaint
prospective students with facilities
Registration will be held from 9:30
to 10 a.m. in the Union. First on the
program will be a tour of the Union,
then a trip around the campus led by
the Union's executive staff. All heads
of schools and departments will be
available for consultation periods
from 10:30 n.m- to 12 nonn
Honor Groups
Help Congress
Tutorial Plan'
Thirty-Seven Engineering
And Literary Students
Agree To Render Aid
As First Day Ends;
3 Wrestlers Place
Charley Barker Defeated
By Lumsden Of Wayne;
Medley Team Triumphs
Combs, D. Nichols,
Danner Win Bouts
(Special to the Daily)
NEW HAVEN, March 29.-Mich-
igan's highly favored swimming team
lost the initial round in the defense
of its title in the National Colle-
giates tonight when it ended the
first day of competition locked in a
disappointing 23-23 deadlock with
Bob Kiphuth's Yale Bulldogs. Ohio
State trailed the leaders in third
place with 20 points.
The big upset came for the Wolver-
ines in the 50-yard free style when
Fate alone prevented the re-
sults of yesterday's Intercollegi-
ate Swimming Meet at New Ha-
ven from reaching The Daily.
While telegraph operators in
The Daily office tried in vain to
cope with heavy electrical inter-
ference, star-gazing students re-
ported that they could see the
spectacle of an aurora borealis
in the heavens above Ann Arbor.
The aurora borealis, telegraph
operators explained, created the
magnetic storm which in turn
crippled telegraph and radio com-
An aurora borealis, in scien-
tific terms, is a luminous phe-
nomenon visible only at night
and is supposed to be of elec-
trical origin. It is popularly
called "Northern Lights." It is
seen to best advantage in the
Arctic regions. This light usually
appears in streamers ascending,
often in a fanshape, from a dus-
ky line or eldud-banik a few de-
grees above the northern hori-
f1~i V .nm 111. b a 14 11U, 19
, SL .tl EA .S J*J *S .fll
Thirty-sevent men, recruited from Luncheon will be served at 12:30
the ranks of Phi Eta Sigma and Tau p.m. in Room 316 of the Union. Mo-
Beta Pi, literary and engineering so- tion pictures of the 1939 Michigan-
Ohio State football game will be
cieties, have agreed to serve as tu- shown after lunch.
tors in the tutorial plan recently In the afternoon the high school
undertaken by Congress, independent visitors will see the University Mu-
men's organization, according to seums and will be entertained at a
Richard Shuey, '42E, chairman of coffee hour and tea dance from 3:30
the plan. to 5 p.m. in the Union.
Each of the tutors has expressed
his willingness to give several hours
instruction each week to studens
who are finding their studies trou-
blesome. Students desiring scholas- N e( is
tic assistance may register from 3 . W 111nes
until 5 p.m. each afternoon Monday
through Friday at the Congress of- -uppet Ruler
fices, Room 306 in the Union.
The list of tutors announced by
Shuey includes: John Allen, '42, Wang Ching-Wei's Regime
Fred Arnold, '42A, Ray Barnes, '40E' Established To Fote
Henry Barringer, '42, Merril Batchel- e o oster
der, '42P, Arthur Biggens, '42, Innes Sino-Japanese Accord
Bouton, '40E, Erwin Bowers, '41,
Claude Broders, '40E, Richard Briggs, NANKING, March 30.-OP)--An
'43, Don Carson, '40E, Arthur Car- "all-China" Japanese-sponsored re-
ter, '42E, and Frank Conway, '40E. gime headed by former Chinese Pre-
Others on the list are: Klaus mier Wang Ching-Wei was proclaim-
Dehlinger, '42, Robert Deland, '40E, ed here today at brief ceremonies
Frank Feely, '40E, Charles Forbes, which proceeded without untoward
'40E, Yale Forman, '42, Harold Goel- (incident.
Orchestra Gives
Fourth Concert
H'ere Tuesday
John Kollen, instructor in piano
in the School of Music, will be solo-
ists in the fourth concert this year
of the University Symphony Orches--
tra beginning at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday
in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Kollen will play Brahms' Con-
certo No. 2 in B-flat major, Op. 83.
A former resident of Holland, Mich.,
he has spent several years in Europe
studying under Maier, Friedberg and
Kwast in Berlin, and Philipp and
Boulanger in Paris. He also was a
pupil of Artur Schnabel, famed Bee-
Thor Jonhson of the music school
faculty will direct the 94-piece or-
chestra made up entirely of Univer-
sity students. Their portion of the
program will include Brahms' "Aca-
demic Festival" Overture; the "Mo-
ther Goose Suite" by Ravel, and
Rimsky-Korsakoff's "Spanish Ca-
Hospital To Be
Sur geons' Host
Nazi Papers Hit U.S. On War;
Washington Denies Accusations
Local Doctors
At Three-Day
To Speak
Surgeons, members of the medical
profession at large, and hospital re-
presentatives from Canada, Indiana,
Illinois, Ohio and Wisconsin will at-
tend the midwestern sectional meet-
ing of the American College of Sur-
geons Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
day meeting in Detroit and .Ann
University Hospital will be host to
the delegates for the Wednesday ses-
sion when conferences on general and
specific surgical subjects will be held.
Among these are group meetings in
Opthalmology and Otalaryngology;
Obstetrics, Gynecology, Urology, Tho-
rax and Bones, and Postoperative
Care and Complications.
Attending the luncheon to be held
BERLIN, March 29.-(P)-Official
Germany tonight exploded a paper
bombshell of 16 documents declared
to have been taken from the foreign
office archives of conquered Poland,
in which Polish envoys to Washing-
ton, Paris and London are quoted as
attributing these pre-war beliefs,
actions and policies to two American
ambassadors and, by indirection, to
President Roosevelt:
To William C. Bullitt, ambassador
to Paris: the conviction that the
United States would "finish" a Euro-
pean conflict on the Allies' side.
To Joseph P. Kennedy, ambassa-
dor to London: a promise to press
upon the British leaders "the neces-
sity of helping Poland at once with
To President Roosevelt (apparent-
ly the Polish envoy's own opinion,
without any quotation from the Presi-
The desire to distract America from
domestic problems and, "by conjuring
up a war psychosis and conjuring up
danger in Europe, he wanted to per-
suade the American people to accept
America's enormous preparedness
program, a program which goes be-
yond defense needs." '
WASHINGTON, March 29.-(I)-
A series of sharp denials tonight
greeted Germany's publication of
documents purporting to show that
the United States helped bring on
the European war.
Secretary of State Hull issued a
statement saying that he did not
place "the slightest credence" in the
diplomatic conversations mentioned
in the documents and that the pa-
pers did not represent "in any way"
the foreign policy of the United
A few hours after President Roose-
velt had told reporters that propa-
ganda from Europe should be taken
with several grains of salt, William
C. Bullitt, American ambassador to
France, and Count Jerzy Potocki,
Polish ambassador to the United
States, issuued formal denials of the
statements attributed to them in the
Bullitt, who was alleged to have
told Potocki that the United States
would enter the war against Ger-
many if Great Britain and France
"bestirred themselves," said:
'The President has already indi-
cated that propaganda of this na-
ture should be taken with several
grains of salt.
ler, '42E, Richard Gros, '40E, Harper
Hull, '42E, Robert Kieber, '42Spec.,
Martin Kiehle, '40E, and Russel La
France, '42.
The list concludes: Daniel Levine,
'42, Henry Levenstein, '42, Albert
Ludy, '42, Robert Mack, '42, William
Mallick, '42, Philip Mandel, '42E,
William Newton, '41, Fred Osberg,
'40E, Robert Phillips, '42, Fred
Shands, '40E, Douglas Tracy, '40E,
Chester Weger, '42E, and Shuey.
Along with the announcement,
Shuey extended an invitation to oth-
er students who wish to serve as
McKeon Speaks
On Philosophy
History Of Logic Traced
By Dean From Chicago
Analyzing both discovery and judg-
ment in their relation to logic, Dr.
Richard P. McKeon, Dean of the
Division of Humanities at the Uni-
yersity of Chicago, yesterday traced
the history of logic in a speech de-
livered at the Rackham Amphithe-
His talk, entitled "Discovery and
Proof in the History of Logic," was
a University lecture sponsored by the
philosophy department.
Dr. McKeon indicated that the
early Greek philosophers emphasized
judgment as the prime instrument
of logic. That emphasis was con-
sidered by Cicero and especially by
Bacon to be misplaced, Dr. McKeon
said, pointing out that these later
philosophers thought discovery more
important than judgment.
"It was held that the Greek and
later the medieval philosophers, by
The new regime with the backing
of the Japanese army, is dedicated to
an effort to end 33 months of war
between Jaan and China and to estab-
lish a new economic relationship be-;
tween the two countries, with Japan1
playing a dominating role in the de-
velopment of China's resources and,
Scathing denunciations of Wang's1
"high treason were voiced in Chung-,
king shortly before the new govern-'
ment became effective and a train
bringing officials of the new regime
to Nanking was wrecked, allegedly by
Chinese guerillas.
With the exception of Japan, no
foreign nation sent diplomatic repre-
sentatives to the ceremonies. The
American, French, British and Soviet
ambassadors were in Chungking,
where Chiang Kai-Shek's govern-
ment is recognized by all countries
but Japan as the sole legal authority
in China.
In Shanghai International defense
forces, including United States ma-
rines, were out in full strength to
quell any renewal of disturbances
and terrorism that marked the early
stages in the Japanese political moves.
Within sight of the Japanese-
guarded walls of Nanking unidenti-
fied persons believed to have been
Chinese guerrillas loosened rails
which overturned the locomotive and
three coaches of a Japanese-operated
train bearing new regime officials,
Japanese supporters and foreign cor-
respondents to the city.
Baptists To Banquet
In Chinese Manner
"Wise Men and the Democratic
Ideal" will be the address of Dr. H.
H. Stanton ,of the First Baptist
Chruch of Detroit at the annual ban-
Charley Barkey lost his crown to
Wayne University's Guy Lumsden
who set a new pool record of 23.1.
The Michigan sprinter whom the
dopesters made an overwhelming fa-
vorite, had to be content with third
place behind Army's Frank Scofield.
Michigan's 300-yard medley relay
team, consisting of Francis Heydt,
and the brothers Sharemet, John
and Gus, swam off with a new title
by beating Princeton, Yale and O.S.U.
Al Vande Weghe, Princeton's ace,
successfully defended his 150-yard
back stroke NCAA title, winning by
eight feet over Michigan's Francis
Heydt after leading all the way. His
time was 1:34.6.
Howard Johnson of Yale was the
only other newly crowned champion,
beating out Andy Clark of Wayne in
the 220-yard free style in the time
of 2:13.1. Successfully defending
their titles were Hal Stanhope of
Ohio State, 1500-meter; Al Vande
Weghe, Princeton's brilliant 150-yard
back stroker and Al Natnik, Ohio
State's greatlow board diver.
Four records were shattered, with
Stanhope accounting for three, in-
tercollegiate meet and pool-in the
long distance pull, and Lumsden in
the 50 when he nicked the tank mark.
Lumsden captured the 50-yard
(Continued on Page 3)
Three Matmen Place
In Opening Bouts
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 29.-(R)
-Bill Combs, Harland Danner and
Don Nichols battled their way into
the semi-finals of the NCAA wrest-
ling meet here today to put Michigan
third in team standings behind Indi-
ana and Oklahoma.
Combs drew a bye in the first
round and defeated Newt Copple, Ne-
braska by decision to advance to the
semi-finals. Danner defeated Frank
Osinski, Temple by decision for his
big win. Nichols had to beat Richard
Benneman, Lehigh and Al Taylor,
Cornell College. He won by decisions.
Heavyweight Jordan was pinned by
George Hooper, eastern champ, in the
(Continued on Page 3)
Roosevelt Has No Hope
For Early Stable Peace
WASHINGTON, March 20.-(JP)--