-PAM FOIM T 1:,lT MtCltTG."AN, 1VA17Vy MIDAY, riLARCH ;'.9, 1940 ~PA2G~ WO1~R PRJ.DAY, MARCH ~9, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ~ 3 0 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University yearand Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, #4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVER .SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON A AE.GNEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGe OsTON C Los ANGELES - SAN9F4ANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1 939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial Staff . s es. . . . . . Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor *Associate Edito; . Women's Editdr . Sports Editor . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers * Harriet S. Levy $usiness Manager.. Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MASCOTT The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Why Deprive Aliens Of Civil Liberties? . . . A T PRESENT there are more than 100 bills pending in Congress which aim at curtailing the civil liberties of aliens. One of the most vicious of these proposals is the one introduced by Senator Reynolds of North Carolina which would require the man- datory registration and fingerprinting of all aliens in the United States. This bill, which was recently passed by the Senate Committee on Immigration, is one of the most undemocratic bills ever proposed be- fore any legislative body in the United States and would eventually lead to the curtailment of civil liberties of all Americans. Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, when asked about the possible effects of the bill, remarked: "The registration of aliens would constitute a tremendous step toward regimentation of the citizen. Once applied to aliens, it is likely to be only a matter of time when some similar mea- sure is applied to citizens . . . it offers possibility of abuse in political situations, labor disputes, etc., and opens the way to racketeering at the expense of these people." The adherents of the Reynolds Bill claim that it is absolutely necessary, and advance the fol- lowing reasons: 1. Registration would check the smuggling of aliens. 2. Registration of all aliens would be useful in time of war. 3. Regis- tration would be an incentive for naturalization. These arguments are all easily disposed of. There is no need to check the smuggling of aliens because no appreciative number of aliens now gets into the country illegally. The immi- gration law of 1924 is very effective here. The controls established in wartime over citi- zens and aliens alike adequately meet the needs of ascertaining the whereabouts of all residents as they did in the last war. A system of regis- tration in wartime would be useless therefore. The arguments against coercion as a method of naturalization are manifold. Aliens who would be forced into becoming citizens would hardly be the type the country desires. There are more effective measures which could be taken to remove the obstacles to naturalization. The case against compulsory registration and fingerprinting is very strong. First, it would treat our immigrant population as criminal. One of the most precious heritages of the Amer- ican system is that all individuals should be free from police surveillance until they ar sus- pected of crime. Secondly, it would set up a system of espionage similar to that of the Gestapo in Germany. Aliens would become an easy prey to all unscru- pulous persons posing as agents of the govern- ment. Thirdly, it would be a powerful weapon in the hands of employers against alien workers in trade unions and in times of strikes. Aliens could be threatened with deportation or impri- sonment if they joined labor unions or partici- pated in strikes. Finally, it would lead to the eventual regis- tration of all citizens, in order to enforce regis- tration of aliens, because it is almost impossible to discriminate between aliens and naturalized citizens. For all these reasons and many more this bill should be opposed as unnecessary, impractical and as a definite threat to democracy. - Yale Forman A Personal Moral Code And The Honor System ... THE SOLEMN PROMISE that "I have neither given nor received aid dur- ing this examination" is a familiar pledge to every student in the University of Michigan's College of Engineering; and although the honor system has been under fire at various times, its 24 successful years in the engineering school have demonstrated the worth and effectiveness of the plan. In essence the honor system is founded upon the psychological basis that college students are past adolescence and should know their own minds by this time. However, even in depart- ments employing the conventional proctor sys- tem it stands to reason that a person who cheats is the loser in the long run anyway, and if a student consistently cheats he cannot hope to receive full beieit from his college education. Contrary to popular belief, the engineering code of ethics is not designed exclusively to curb "unfair competition" in the form of cribbing or plagiarizing, but it sets an ideal for all engineers to uphold-a spirit of honor and fair play. It is an educative as well as regulative instrument. Prof. E. K. Hillbrand. of Dakota Wesleyan University remarked in a speech several years ago: "There is, it seems, no panacea for the problem of cheating. One way to eliminate cheating is to hammer away at a spirit of noblesse oblige and build up a feeling of esprit de corps among the students such that the general atmosphere will be unfavorable to cheating." ESPRIT DE CORPS best characterizes the attitude of students in the engineering school. When they take their seats to write an examination they are fully aware of their obliga- tions to the engineering motto "Engineers are square." The honor system operates immediately after the professor leaves the room, and each student is under oath not only to be honest with himself but to report any infractions he might observe to the Student Honor Committee. One of the principle aims of the honor system is to develop a sense of cooperation and personal resp<*sibility among students. Thus it serves a dual purpose-first to insure a means for mutual protection on examinations, and second to serve as a moral goal for students to strive toward. Several times in the last two decades the faculty has been split on the issue whether the honor system should be extended to include the College of Literature, Science and Arts. As yet the literary college still clings to the proctor system-those professors not favoring a change arguing that a student body so large would be unwilling to cooperate toward the maintenance of such a plan. However, according to statistics issued by School and Society, in 1933 16 well-known col- leges and universities in the country employed the honor system exclusively, and there are many more which use the plan in certain de- partments. Some of those using the honor sys- tem alone include Virginia, North Carolina, Cal- ifornia, Oberlin, Princeton, Stanford, Vanderbilt and William and Mary. William and Mary has successfully used the plan in all departments since 1779! PROF. N. B. TUCKER of William and Mary, writing in the University Quarterly, ex- presses the faith of the faculty in the system: "He (the student) comes to us a gentleman. As such we receive him and treat him, and reso- lutely refuse to know him in any other character. He is not harassed with petty regulations; he is not insulted and annoyed by impertinent sur- veillance-we receive no accusation but from the conscience of the accused." As Prof. Earl Griggs of the English department wrote in the Michigan Daily for April 17, 1933: "The honor system treats students as human beings, not as naughty children." College author- ities cannot compel students to be moral, but they at least owe it to them to provide for con- ditions as favorable as possible to moral behavior. - Malcolm Hunger Two news stories printed the same day tell the story of the misfortunes of China, They are announcement of the new Wang Ching-wei Cabinet and an appeal from Consul General Gauss in Shanghai for American help to meet "a desperate food shortage" in China. ---New York Times Of ALL Things... e...By Morty-Q ... . IT BEGINS to look as if they ought to change the name of this page from the "editorial page" to the "drama section," for it seems there has been an especial lot of print on plays and the theatre in the past few days. Starting with Saturday's review of "The Gentle People," and Mr. Q.'s disgust with the audience on Sunday, there followed 4oung Gulliver's splendid piece on student-written plays Tuesday and Mr. Q.'s reaction to Paul Muni and "Key Largo" Wednes- day. Then yesterday, there appeared Jim Green's very adequate review of "The Critic," another bit by Gulliver, and a letter from Charles Leavay. This is all as it should be, for the drama in Ann Arbor has long suffered from lack of public interest, and any attempt to revitalize the thea- tre here is well worth while. There can be no question that the drama is the most forceful, the most mobile, and the most enjoyable of all audience entertainments, and should be given whole-hearted support. There is something alive and real about a play that is lacking in a motion picture, a concert, or a lecture. Here we have real people, real situations, real emotions, walk- ing and talking before you. It lives and, if written and presented well, makes the audience live. The aesthetic principles of empathy and catharsis are nowhere used to more advantage than in the drama. ,HE FORCE and tremendous scope of this medium were beautifully enphasized these past few days. In five days, Mr. Q. saw produc- tions of "The Gentle People," "Key Largo," and "The Critic." And, also during that period, he read W. H. Auden's "The Ascent of F 6" and heard a reading in Professor Rowe's playwright- ing course of a student-written play based on the life of Dr. Ignatz Phillip Semmelweiss, the father of modern obstetrics. The play was written by Arnold Cohen, a junior medic, and was read in class by Art Klein, one of the better actors in the Play Production troupe. Every possible emotion known to man, or anybody else who feels emotions, can be found in these five plays, and Mr. Q. dares anyone to show him a more forceful and enjoyable means of preserting them. It is a pleasure for this column to announce that he and Young Gulliver are now working on the possibility of producing a student-written play, probably under the auspices and spon- sorship of The Daily. The play would be one chosen by Professor Rowe, who claims he is not as brilliant as Gulliver insists, but that he gets his unequalled results by being tough. If the necessary technical obstacles can be cleared, the production will come off about the middle of May. But enough drama for a while. More on this subject later. FROM Prof. Norman Anning, of the mathe- matics department, who is The Daily's most persistent critic and one of its more ardent boosters, comes another of his welcome notes. Professor Anning is one of the most amazing men on this campus. Any of you who have had math courses from him will know what Mr. Q. means. Where he gets his store of energy from is a continual source of amazement, and Mr. Q. doubts if there is a single current topic, whether it be the war or the national collegiate swim meet or the inches of snowfall since spring began in which he does not have a lively interest. And Mr. Q. will offer a slightly used set of Rus- sian justifications to anyone who can catch Pro- fessor Anning without a little whimsical smile on his face. Anyhow, here's his latest: Hello Morty: The Daily reporter made Professor Williams say "..... liberties of a free people would be slowly and invidiously destroyed." Want to bet that he didn't say "insidiously?" FROSH TRACK SQUAD AUGERS WELL FOR NEXT YEAR. Is Harold Wilson boring from within? Page 5. "This ceremony symbolizes the creation of the world and the growth of world civilization since then." That's all. Orchids for somebody who correctly spelled CARILLONNEUR. I knew you could do it. - N. Anning When Peace Comes, Where Will We Be? By EMILE GELE S THE UNITED STATES alter- nately yawns at the inactivity on the Western Front, and registers indignant interest when the warfare wanders into American waters, Euro- peans and many Americans cast quiz- zical eyes on United States' foreign policy. Sumner Welles' recent pil- grimage to European political shrines freshens queries as to the exact na- ture of the United States' intentions in the present conflict. Apparently, the result of Mr. Welles' fact-gathering has been an emphatic reaffirmation of policy on the part of Hitler, Chamberlain and Daladier (and Reynaud) in behalf of their respective governments. Of course, the usual rumors of myster- ious undercover agreements and pro- posals persist, largely because of Mr. Welles' taciturn diplomatic tjch- nique. But the questions are, what effect will the mission have on Amer- ican attitude? And what proposals will the United States make for the promotion of peace? American attitude, as reflected through President Roosevelt's for- eign policy during the last few appre- hensive years, has been a curious phenomenon. And President Roose- velt's leadership is not alone respon- sible for the nature of this foreign policy. Although the President has considerable leeway in maneuvering :iplomatic negotiations, the opinion of the people remains the ultimate power behind foreign policies. SCANNING indications of American opinion since 1935, one cannot help wondering what part the United States will take in bringing peace and in the reconstruction of the world at the end of the war. The American Institute of Public Opin- ion, noted as an unbiased and ac- curate gage of public attitude, has tabulated tendencies that shape for- eign policy. In October of 1935 according to the Institute, 71% of the pollees declared that if war occurred in Europe no assistance in stopping the conflict should come from this side of the Atlantic; and 50% believed the Uni- ted States should prohibit all trade with belligerents. This isolationist policy of the early '20's was again! indicated in August of '36 as 95% de- manded that the United States take no part in the next world war. Thus the American people regarded a war- diseased Europe as a leper too dan- gerous for intercourse. But not to advocate complete iso- lation, 66% approved calling a world disarmament conference in Septem- ber of '36. However, 59% preferred that someone other than President Roosevelt call the conference. In other words, it was feared that initia- tive in organizing a conference would bog the United States in foreign af- fairs. The poll of April, 1937 disclosed 55% choosing England as the best liked European country. Germany attracted 81. Another world war was prophesied by 73% in August; and 77% said if one nation caused the war, it would be Germany. A policy of non-credit to China was advocated by 95%, but few protested when a loan was made later. Con- gress was requested to pass stricter neutrality laws by 69% in November. AQUICK SHIFT was evidenced in February of '38 as 69% favored giving England and France complete aid outside of military support in event of war. By March of '39, 76%( were willing to sell Britain and France food supplies, and 52% would add war materials. In April the pre- ceding figures had mounted to 82% and 66% respectively, and 57% wanted to change the neutrality law to aid Britain and France. These figures given an incomplete., but representative cross-section of the public 'opinion that influences foreign policy. They trace briefly the trend from almost complete iso- lation to concerned cooperation in world affairs. They, along with the sympathies' expressed during the re- cent Polish and Finnish wars, show American disapproval of aggressor nations and uneasiness at the spread of Communism and Nazism. What they do not indicate is how powerful public opinion will have to be before the United States substitutes action for talk. The American people scored Eng- land and France for talking instead of fighting as Hitler marched into Czechoslovakia; for talking until the I I blitzkrieg was halfway across Poland before declaring war; for awaiting an engraved request from Finland for 40.000 men until the humiliating peace was signed. Yet, as the United States properly keeps out of the war to make the world safe for peace, what plans are being considered for the formulation of this peace? As public opinion swings toward more participation in world affairs, the United States must realize that the belligerents will be economically and physically exhausted regardless of who wins; that the nations re- maining neutral in order to make the world safe for peace must be willing to take the initiative, if nec- essary, in organizing a peace plan. Assuming that the democracies will allow a nation that has remained out of the war to have a part in the peace, the United States should make an effort to mitigate the ven- geance of the victor and the suffer- ing of the vanquished. Another Ver- sailles would be another threat to American security. UNLESS MR. WELLES succeeded in securing more compromising terms from the belligerents than the ones they publically reiterate, Amer- ican opinion is not likely to be af- fected by his mission. And unless he has been secretly more specific in his proposals of post-war peace, Europe will remain skeptical of American sincerity. The United States' attitude on post-war economic reconstruction, as conveyed to French Premier Reynaud by Mr. Welles, can hardly be called definite. He said healthy commercial relations must be established first; no two nations should discriminate against others in trade, and world trade must not be hampered by animosities among na- tions after the war. How far the United States would go in fostering these conditions was not mentioned. Whether the United States would be willing to lead in establishing a peace .plan, or would stand by as an in- terested kibitzer was not disclosed. The richest, and presumably the greatest, nation in the world remains indecisively suspended in mid-air be- tween the frying pan and fire of iso- lation and active participation in foreign affairs. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Musical Pedagogy (0ort dr ed: Teaching The Appreciation Of Music (Continued from Page 2) d ._s in general demand, on application at the Charging Desk after April 1. d Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. 3 Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of the faculty will be held Monday noon, April 1, at the Michigan Unior. v Faculty, College of Literature, a Science, and the Arts: Midcsemestere reports are due not later than Sat-a urday, April 6. More cards if neededr can be had at my office.k These reports should name those students, freshman and upperclass, whose standing at midsemester time I is D or E, not merely those who re-t ceive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations.I Students electing our courses, butt registered in other schools or collegesz of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. E. A. Walter, As'istant Dean "- - Students who plan to enter the Hopwood Contests should read thei rules of the contests before the Spring Vacation. I. W. Cowden The University Burea u of Appoint- Ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following United States Civil Service examina- tions, applications to be filed by April 22. Senior Animal Geneticist, salary $4,600. Animal Geneticist, salary $3,800. Associate Animal Geneticist, salary $3,200. Assistant Animal Geneticist, salary $2,600. Associate Coal Price Analyst and Investigator, salary $3,200. Assistant Coal Price Analyst and Investigator, salary $2,600. The Bureau has also received a bul- letin of Illinois State Civil Service examination notices, open to citizens of Illinois. The list includes exami- nations for social workers, engineers, statisticians, physicians, nurses, bac- teriologists, librarians and others. Residence may be waived in some cases. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Women's Team Bowling Tourna- ment: All tournament matches must be completed by Friday, April 5. Be- cause of limited accommodations, reservations must be made early. The 1-n~c .rr arnfir- q . -. ,i.nn . .01 ay 1:30 to 4:15, Barbour Gymna- R ium. W Swimming: Tuesday and Thurs- A day, 7:30 p.M., Union Pool. Riding: Monday and Wednesday, :20, Barbour. Gymnasium. n Academic Noticese Candidates for Master's Degrees in b History: The language examination 4ill be held inRoom B, Haven Hall, at 4 p.m., today. Please bring your a own dictionaries. Copies of old ex-7 aminations are on file in the Base-b ment Study Hall, of the General Li- brary. Final Examination, for Hygiene> Lectures for Women will be given atg the regular class period on April 1 and 2 in Natural Science Auditorium.r It is important that students attend the section in which they have en- rolled. Concerts Organ Recital: Chester Alan Tuc- ker, organist, of Richmond, Virginia, will give a recital in partial fulfill-t ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Bachelor of Music, on the Frieze Memorial Organ, in Hill Audi- torium, today at 4:15 o'clock. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of Finnish architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible, '37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch- itecture in 1938. Architectural cor- ridor, ground floor cases, through April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday. The public is invited. Exhibit: Rubbings from Han Tombs showing Legends and Life of the Chinese in the 2nd Century A.D. South Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall; 8:30-5:00 one week only, end- ing March 30. Lectures University Lecture: Dr Richard P. McKeon, Dean of the Division of Humanities, University of Chicago, will lecture on "Discovery and Proof in the History of Logic" under the auspices of the Department of Phil- osophy at 4:15 p.m. today in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor C. H. Behre, Jr., of the Department of Geo- logy at Northwestern University, will lecture on "The Role of Minerals in the War" under the auspices of the Denartment nf Geologv at 4:15 n.m. oom of the Rackham Building on the work of a state insurance department. li those interested are invited. Modern Dace Club will meet to- might at 7:10 in Barbour Gymnasium. Stalker Hall: Bible Class at Stalk- r Hall tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Hob- ile groups at 9 o'clock. Conservative Services will be held at the Hillel Foundation tonight at :30 p.m. A Fireside Discussion, led by Prof. Roy W. Sellars, will follow. Westminster Student Guild of the Presbyterian Church will hold Open House tonight 8:30-12:00. A pro- gram of entertainment, dancing and refreshments. All students are in- vited. Coing Events Suomi Club meeting Saturday 8 p.m., Room 305, Michigan Union. International Center: Conference on International Education will meet Saturday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Any students interested in eclucational problems are welcome. ' Mrs. Ammu Swaminadan, one of the foremost leaders in the National- ist Movement in India, is to be speak- er on the program Sunday, March 31, at 7 o'clock. The movie Monday evening, April 1, at 7:30 will present the Magnolia Gardens and the Cypress Gardens, the famous Charleston gardens in technicolor with sound effects. The "He vs. She" Bridge Tourna- ment will be held Saturday, March 30, at 2:00 p.m., in the Glee Club Room of the Union. The contest is open to all campus men and women -women's teams will compete against chose of the men. Entries may be made by calling the Union Student Offices between 3:00 and 5:00 any afternoon this week. All Girls interested in living cheap- ly and cooperatively are invited to a joint tea given by the Alice Free- man Palmer and Katherine Pickerill Cooperatives on Saturday, March 30, from 3:00 to 5:00, at the Katherine Pickerill Cooperative, 328 East Wil- liam St. For information about co- operatives, phone 2-1454 or 2-2218. An April Fool's party and dance will be given in the Congregational Church, Saturday, March 30, at 9 p.m. All young people cordially in- vited. Small charge. Graduate Students, and other stu- dpntIsintered-ator invited tn a By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER Among the other matters which this column considers harmful to music the theory and prac- tice of musical pedagogy rank high. This is particularly true in universities and colleges in the Midwest which have been influenced by the methods employed at that great boys' fin- ishing school, Harvard. The very term "Har- vard musician" has become one of those 'smile when you say that' remarks, but the tradition lingers on. The curriculum at Harvard's Dept. of Music includes all possible courses in Appreciation of Music, Theory of Music, Counterpoint, Har- mony of all kinds, and Musicological Research. But it is impossible at Harvard to learn how to sing, play the piano or any other instrument, compose music, conduct, or take any other active part in music. It seems these subjects are "practical" and cannot be taught in a school which makes a pretense of academic distinction. The taxpayers of the Middle West, may their wisdom be cherished, never quite saw the valid- ity of this sort of reasoning. They have always insisted that if they paid the bill little Mary and Johnny should be able to sing a tune and play Paderewski's Minuet. Hence, albeit some- what grudgingly, most Midwestern colleges have had to include such instruction in their curricula. towards greater emphasis on Music Apprecia- tion and Musicology (strange term). It is this fact which we find so deplorable. To us an appreciation of any art is and by necessity must be based on some slight degree of partici- pation in that art. The basic step in an appre- ciation of music should be some participation in that artistic medium. All the reading of learn- ed books in the world cannot make a musician and it is quite possible to pass any musicological course we ever took by three hours a week of studious application to no more than two sources of reference. We doubt if we appreciate the Nibelungen Ring Cycle any more because we know how to find a digest of Wagner's theory on the importance of alliterative verse. We did learn a lot about Wagner by having to sing a minor role once on two weeks' notice. The consequences of such teaching are ex- tremely injurious to music as a whole. The num- ber of excellent students who have left the Mid- west in recent years, to take up private study elsewhere is appalling; nor has Michigan been immune. The emphasis on the academic has forced fairly decent instrumentalists to become rather bad harmony teachers, and has placed what instruction is given in "applied music" in the hands of capable people who are too often slighted by their colleagues for lack of academic