I Weather S4i6wer s and Warmer t aay tomorrow ipartly claudy, tligun4 til I Editorial Why Deprive Aiu I VOL. L. No. 131 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Slashes Wages.- Hours. NLRB Budget; Increases NYA Welles Reports On Europe To Roosevelt And Hull In Secret Conference Senate To Decide On Trade Program WASHINGTON, March 28. -(P)- In a revolt against President Roose- velt's budget plans, the House today passed a $1,021,639,700 appropriation for labor-social security activities af- ter making the following major changes: 1. A $337,000 cut in the $3,180,000 budget estimate forthe National La- bor Relations Board-a reduction ex- pected to force a slash in the contro- versial agency's staff if the Senate concurs. 2. A $1,080,000 cut in the appropria- tions for the Wage-Hour Administra- tion. 3. A $50,000,000 increase in the President's $230,000,000 budget for the Civilian Conservation Corps. 4. A $17,450,000 addition to the President's request for $85,000,000 for the National Youth Administration. When the House finished with the big measure and sent it to the Senate, it was $55,651,058 more than the President had sought and $67,450,000 above the recommendations of the House appropriations committee. The debate over the Labor Board was fiery, with Rep. Cox (Dem.-Ga.) declaring that Board was behaving like "an agent of Moscow" and like a "Frankenstein monster" which had turned upon the Congress that cre- ated it. "It has substituted its judgment for the judgment of Congress," he said. Indications Reveal Slight Hope For Early Peace WASHINGTON, March 28.-(P- In an historic,'hour-and-a-half con- ference, President Roosevelt today received the results of Sumner Welles' fact-finding mission to Europe-and the general opinion here tonight was that the talk could have raised no hopes for an early peace. Extraordinary secrecy was observed as the President, Secretary of State Hull and Undersecretary Welles put their heads together in the President's second-floor, White House study. All others-even the closest of White House aides-were excluded. The only interruption was when Stephen Early, Presidential secretary, looked in a moment to obtain the President's approval of a statement drawn up for reporters. This state- ment said: "Neither the President, the Secre- tary of State nor the Undersecretary of State will have any word to say, following their conference, to the press or to any of their friends or to anyone anywhere." Senate To Vote On Future Of Reciprocal Trade WASHINGTON, March 28. -()- After a day of behind-the-scenes maneuvering by both sides for any ad- vantage they could obtain, the Senate agreed today to vote at 4 p.m. (EST) tomorrow on a proposed requirement that future trade agreements be sub- ject to Senate ratification. The ballot is expected to provide a test of whether the Administration can eventually win continuance of its reciprocal trade program in its present form. So close is the Senate's division on that question and so great the interest in the outcome-since an issue of Roosevelt prestige is involved, that the leadership on both sides checked and rechecked their polls repeatedly. Mrs. Roxie Firth Talks AtMeeting. Personality is the most important factor in securing a position, Mrs. Roxie Firth of the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation commented in her lecture under the auspices of Pi Lambda Theta yesterday. On the other hand, she pointed nnt only abnt 15 percent of all Hardy, lerker Are Appointed League, Judiciary Council Heads p i 91 VIRGINIA LEE HARDY ... new League president Virginia Lee Hardy, '41, was yes- terday appointed president of thel League for next year, and Doris Merker, '41, was made chairman of Judiciary Council, according to an announcement by Betty Slee, '40, chairman of the Council. Miss Hardy, who will succeed Doro- thy Shipman, '40, is president of Gamma Phi Beta and of Wyvern, junior women's honorary society. She was chairman of publicity for the 1940 Junior Girls Play, and is a member of the business staff of The Daily. Miss Hardy participated in the WAA style show, was on the tickets committee for Michigras, the finance committee for Freshman Project and Soph Cabaret, and was an orienta- tion adviser. She has also been on the social committee of the League for two years. Miss Merker is a member of Pi Beta Phi, and is treasurer of Wyvern, a member of Judiciary Council, and the social committee of the League. She was inthe dance chorus of "Hi- Falutin,' " and worked on the ticket committee for Michigras last year. As a freshman, Miss Merker was Nazi.Raiders AttackConvoy Several Ships Harassed By German Assaults (By Associated Press) Germany's air force struck anew at Allied merchant and naval ship- ping last night, reporting a number of ships in a British convoy were bombed near the Shetland Islands and a French destroyer attacked "success- fully" in the English Channel. The German Official News Agency, D.N.B., said the attacks followed a day of farflung reconnaissance flights over the North Sea, Great Britain and France. Two of the Nazi planes failed to return. In an earlier communique, the Bri- tish Admiralty reported one German plane had attacked a convoy in the North Sea and dropped five bombs without damage. The Germans said that some of the planes engaged in Thursday's scout- ing flights flew as far as the Shet- land Islands and the Orkneys. DORIS MERKER .. heads Judiciary Council t= a member of the programs committee for Freshman Project, and worked on publicity for Soph Cabaret the next year. This year she was an adviser for orientation. She will take the position which has been held by Betty Slee, '40. As president of the League, Miss Hardy will head all women's activi- ties centering around it, as well as the four class projects, through the League Council. Miss Merker, as chairman of Judiciary Council, will be in charge of appointments and student government, which are di- rected by that body. Chicago Dean Will Give Talk On Logic Here Dr. Richard P. McKeon, Noted For Philosophical Work, WillSpeak Today Famed authority on philosophy and logic, Dr. Richard P. McKeon, will talk on "Discovery and Proof in the History of Logic" at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The talk, a University lecture spon- sored by the philosophy department, is open to the public. Dr. McKeon has been Dean of the Division of Humanities at the University of Chicago since 1935 and is noted for his work upon the gen- eral subject of philosophy. Born in New Jersey, Dr. McKeon was grad- uated from Columbia University anid did graduate work at the University of Paris and the School of Upper Studies at Paris, as well as at Colum- bia. Dr. McKeon is author of such books as: "The Philosophy of Spin- oza"; "Studies in the History of Idea (Vol. III)"; and has been editor and also translator of "Selections from Medieval Philosophers," "Au- gustine to Albert the Great," and "Roger Bacon to William of Ock- ham." He is associated with the Amer- ican Philosophy Association, Amer- ican Philological Association; History of Science Society; American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Sci- ence; and the Medieval Academy of America. Anglo -French War Alliance Strengthened Nations Plan To Stop Nazi Diplomatic, Economic Activities In Balkans English Ministers Called To London (By Associated Press) Britain and France broadened their wartime partnership into a semi-permanent alliance Thursday and plotted an immediate course to counter German diplomatic and eco- nomic penetration in the Balkans and elsewhere. The Allied supreme war council, already pledged to a finish fight against Germany, at a six-hour ses- sion in London laid down this 3-point program for war and what comes after it is over: Program Listed 1. An agreement to continue their alliance after the war "in all spheres so long as may be necessary to safe- guard their security" and to attempt to reconstruct "with the assistance of other nations an international order which will ensure the liberty of peoples, respect for law and the maintenance of peace in Europe." 2. No armistice or peace treaty except by mutual consent. 3. No peace talk before the Allies have reached complete agreement on conditions necessary to ensure for each an "effective and lasting" guaranty of security. Even as the momentous decisions were being reached at 10 Downing Street the Allies launched a deter- mined effort to strengthen their dip- lomatic offensive aimed at barring Germany from access to the rich southeastern European storehouse. Recalls Balkan Ministers Britain called home her ambassa- dor to Turkey and her ministers to Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Hungary and Yugoslavia for consultations with Foreign Minister Lord Halifax. Their presence in London will coin- cide with the visit of Sir Percy Lor- aine, ambassador to Italy. Italy re- gards the Balkans as within her vital "sphere of influence." France, too appeared to be pre- paring to participate actively in the Allied diplomatic offensive in the southeast. Andrew Francois-Poncet, French ambassador to Rome, already has been summoned home for con- sultations. Moreover, a conciliatory speech by Britsh Ambassador Sir Robert Leslie Craigie in Tokyo was seen by Lon- don's neutral diplomats as an open- ing gun in a general allied diplo- m, tic push. i r Robert's declaration that "it is not beyond the powers of con- structive statesmanship to bring the aims" of British and Japanese policy into "full harmony" was represented as an attempt to hold the friendship of the eastern empire "at almost any price" while war goes on in Europe. Madrid Celebrates First Anniversary Of Franco Victory MADRID, March 28.-(P)-Hun- dreds of thousands of blue-shirted Falangistas, chanting their stirring battle song, "Face to the Sun," marched past the Royal Palace today to celebrate the entry of Generalissi- mo Franco's Nationalist Armies into Madrid.a.year ago after 32 months of bitter civil war. The capital, focal point of a na- tionwide demonstration, took a half- holiday to celebrate the first anni- versary of the fall of the Republican regime and the rise of a new Spain built on "nationalist-syndicalist" lines. The celebration, which included a reception to the diplomatic corps, will continue tomorrow when Franco en- tertains 3,000 of his army officers at luncheon in the Royal Palace. Delegates To Make Plans For Parley Every organization on campus has been asked to send a delegate to a meeting of the Spring Parley com- mittees at 3 p.m. Sunday in the League, according to Daniel Huyett, Swing Concert Will Feature 'Top Hatters' Jan Savitt To Play May 1 At Field House; Funds To Be Devoted To Pool Recital Sponsored By WAA, Glee Club Varsity Swim At Intercollegiates e _i Fourth Annual University Day Is To morrow JAN SAVITT Jan Savitt, the musician who gave up the first violinist's seat in the Philadelphia Symphony to enter the realm of modern music, will bring ris 'Top Hatters" orchestra here May 1 to play at Yost Field House. Savitt's appearance will be Mich- igan's second swing concert. It will be sponsored jointly by the Women's Athletic Association and the Men's Varsity Glee Club, the proceeds of the concert going toward a women's swimming pool. Savitt, known for his distinctive "shuffle rhythm," has just com- pleted a nine months' engagement at New York City's Hotel Lincoln. Featured with him when he appears here will be Bon Bon, song stylist. Co-chairmen of the concert are Yvonne Westrate, '41, of the Wo- men's Athletic Association and Ken- neth Heininger, '40, of the Glee Club. Norma Kaplan, '41, and Ralph Kelly, '40E, are co-chairmen in charge of publicity. The publicity committee is composed of Margaret Whittemore, '41, Phelps Hines, '41A, and James Crowe, '41. Betty Fariss, '42, and James George, '41, have been appointed co- chairmen of the ticket committe. Working under them will be the members of the Women's Athletic Association and the entire Varsity Glee Club. Co-chairmen of the house' committee are Elizabeth Gross, '40, and George Brown, '40E. Japs Hit Navy 'Games' TOKYO, March 29 (Friday)-(A')- The Japanese press today launched a general attack on United States plans to hold naval maneuvers in the western Pacific, one newspaper declaring the Americans were "tough customers" to deal with. High school students from towns within a 150 mile radius of Ann Arbor will delve into the wonders of Uni- versity life tomorrow in the fourth annual University Day. Sponsored by the Union, University Day is conducted with the cooperation of University officials to give pros- pective college students an opportuni- ty to see higher education in action. Saturday's program will open with registration in the Union which will be followed by a tour of the build- ing. Campus tours led by members of the Union's student staff will con- tinue from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. By special arrangement with the Uni- versity, heads of all departments and schools will reserve the time from 10 a.m. until 12 noon for consultations with all interested students. After noon events will include football movies at the Union and a coffee hour and dance at 4 p.m. O'Hara Urges Court To Speed) AppealAction Read Files Reply-Brief To McCrea Challenge Of Suspension Rights LANSING, March 28.-(IP)-Ches- ter P. O'Hara, special Grand Jury Prosecutor, said tonight he would urge the Supreme Court to speed its action on an appeal by Wayne Coun- ty Sheriff Thomas C. Wilcox and other co-defendants facing grand jury vice conspiracy charges. Ordinarily, the hearing on peti- tions of Wilcox and others tomorrow would be a preliminary. O'Hara in- dicated, however, he would seek im- mediate consideration of the merits of the case. Meanwhile, Attorney General Tho- mas Read filed with the court his reply to Wayne Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea's challenge of Governor Dickinson's right to suspend him pending a hearing on graft charges developing from the grand jury in- quiry. "Such suspension," Read said in a reply brief in connection with Quo Warranto proceedings intended to enforce the Governor's order, "may properly be ordered without notice and without opportunity of hearing thereon when deemed necessary to preserve and protect the interests of the people of the State and obtain the due, proper and orderly execu- tion of public justice." i['tle Today To Defend 15 Natators Making Trip Are Confident, Though Prepared For Struggle Absence Of Welsh Will Hinder Team By DON WIRTCHAFTER (Special To The Daly) NEW HAVEN, March 29.-Mighty Michigan, monarch of the nation's swimming aggregations for the past six years, opens its defense of the Na- tional Intercollegiate crown today in the palatial Payne Whitney Gymna- sium here. Confident, optimistic, but prepared for their greatest struggle in two years, the Wolverines, 15 strong, ar- rived by train here yesterday morn- ing along with their coach, the color- ful Matt Mann. Welsh Absent A month ago this Western Confer- ence outfit was rated a top-heavy favorite to march on to another Na- tional title, but the Wolverine team that hopped off the train today was without its middle distance star, Jim Welsh. The junior freestyler, forced to withdraw from school for the remain- der of this semester after being strick- en recently by a severe attack of lobar pneumonia was considered almost a certain first or second in both the 220 and 440-yard freestyle events. His absence cuts close to 10 points from the expected Wolverine total. And while the powerful Michigan squad trampled over Yale here on this same pool just two months ago, it will be Bob Kiphuth's Bulldogs who will offer the strongest challenge to Wolverine supremacy this week- end. Varsity Is Favorite Even without Welsh, however, Matt Mann's charges rule as the dopester's favorite tonight. Their record alone in past National Collegiate cham- pionships stamps them as the mermen to whip. In the 13 year history of the meet Michigan has won 10 times and placed second the other three. And nothing short of a fire in the Yale tank will stop the Wolverines from at least finishing second again this year. The Buckeyes from Ohio State University and the Tartars from Wayne, the two other powers of the swimming world, are not in the same class with Michigan and Yale. The Wolverines' title-bid is based on two great freestyle sprinters, a powerful backstroke trio and all- around balance, while Yale will de- pend on a phenomenal sophomore speed demon named Howard John- son, a vastly improved distance swim- mer, Rene Chouteau plus a. galaxy of top-notch performers for every event on the program. Yale Is Strong Michigan has been irrepressible so far this season, easily and impres- sively triumphing in nine dual meets and the Western Conference cham- pionships. While the Wolverines again rank as the supermen of the West, the Yale aggregation have ruled over Eastern circles i} the same fa- shion, losing only one encounter this year, and that to Michigan. Both the Wolverines and Elis will depend on what the "have-nots" do this weekend. Their chances for the title will be determined on how many points their allies, friendly and uncon- tracted enemies, will take away from their rivals. Yale is banking on Southern Cali- fornia's phenomenal sprinter Paul Wolf to beat Gus Sharemet and Char- ley Barker in the century and 50- yard freestyle events respectively. They will pull for Iowa's Al Arm- (Continued on Page 3) 'Zaragueta' Tickets To Be Put On Sale Here Tomorrow Tickets for "Zaragueta," Spanish play to be presented by La Sociedad Hispanica, at 8:30 p.m. Monday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, will be on sale at the box office in the League tomorrow and Monday. All seats are reserved, and admis- sion is 50 cents. Holders of season 40. Band Program, And Class Talk: More Than 4,000 Hear Concert; Gould Says Radio Aids Music Heneman Comments On King's Election: Canadian Vote Called Indication Of Willinoness To Continue War By GERALD BURNS Vibrant, graceful music swelled the high dome of Hill Auditorium last night and moved a vast, hushed audi- ence of more than 4,000 persons to rolls of applause as the last chords of "Sakuntala" died away and closed the 1940 Spring Concert of the Universi- ty Band. Tremendous enthusiasm reflected the judgment of the concert audi- ence as-Morton Gould, guest conduc- tor last night, stepped down from the podium after having directed the Band in four of his own composi- tions, one of them, "Cowboy Rhap- sody," receiving its world premiere. Prof. William Revelli, regular con- ductor of the Band who directed a part of the program, likewise received the complete approbation of the audi- ence. Applause was cut short several times during the nrogram to observe By BERNARD DOBER "There is no one as profoundly promising on the musical horizon in American since the death of the great George Gershwin as Morton Gould," remarked Louis Untermeyer, noted American poet and visiting lecturer, after he had heard Mr. Gould inter- viewed informally in one of Prof. Wal- do Abbot's broadcasting classes. Not only does radio bring music in- to the homes of so many more peo- ple, Mr. Gouild indicated at Profes- or Abbot's class, but it also has its effect upon modern composers and conductors. Radio has made these men aware of the limits in the length of their selections. The fact that at a certain time the stations of a net- work will cut the program off the air, whether the program is finished or not, has led these composers to be more direct in the presentation of their selections. rather than wander- By HOWARD A. GOLDMAN "Recent Canadian parliamentary, elections have settled, for the time being, the question of popular sati?- faction with Canada's conduct of the war under the Liberal govern- ment. The Canadian people also voiced their willingness to continue their participation in the war." Thus did Prof. Harlow J. Heneman of the political science department comment yesterday on Tuesday's vote, which returned to power by overwhelming majority Prime Min- ister W. L. MacKenzie King's Liberal government. This election did not concern the issue of war or peace, Professor Heneman remarked, although it was supposed to revolve about alleged blunders made by King's government in carrying on the war. However, the war had not progressed far enough, he observed, to permit any serious government mistakes. The Canadian Conservative Party, Parliamentary election campaigns, Professor Heneman observed, chiefly because little enthusiasm could be worked up in support of Manion's charges. It was apparent, he said, that no vital issues separated the Liberals from the Conservatives, and that misconduct of the war by Prime Minister King could not be shown convincingly enough to secure the voters' support. Moreover, Professor Heneman add-. ed, it did not seem that the Consem. vative opposition had any more ag- gressive plan of leadership than the one followed by King. He noted that Manion's proposals were limited to the promise that-if the Conserva- tives were in power-a National government (embracing several po- litical parties) would be formed. Pro- fessor Heneman, questioning Man- ion's pure patriotism in this pro- posal, pointed out that the Conserva- tive Party could not possibly hope for a working majority in Parlia-