Weather Rain and cloudy today; warmer tomorrow. Y 41P Dattg Editorial Forty-Eight Tariff Was . I VOL. L. No. 130 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Neutral Ship Sunk By German U-Boat Inside British Net French Admit Explosion Aboard Destroyer; 100 Dead, Italians Report Russian Ship Held By British In China (By Associated Press) Warfare on the high seas and in the air blazed into new fury Thurs- day with mounting accounts of sink- ings and air fights, an explosion aboard a French destroyer and a tangle of incidentsdissuing out of the tightening tension of the Bri- tish blockade. The British tallied sundry losses and fumed over the report that a German undersea raider had pene- trated the big, closely guarded block- ade base of Kirkwall in the Ork- ney Islands, there to sink the good- sized Norwegian freighter Cometa. France Admits Explosion The French navy acknowledged an explosion aboard the destroyer La Railleuse, reporting seven killed and others missing in the blast. Stefani, Italian News Agency, estimated 100 dead, injured or missing in the ex- plosion which occurred last Satur- day as the destroyer was leaving a Moroccan port. Stefani said the de- stroyer broke in two and sank. In Berlin the Nazi war effort ap- parently was suffering sudden loss late last night through fire in a munitions plant which reddened the northern sky and was marked by frequent explosions. Report Air Resuts It still was a question how Rus- sian-British relations would be af- fected by the detention at Hong- kong of a second Russian freighter, the Vladimir Mayakovsky, reported- ly loaded with metals for Vladivostok from the United States West Coast. The British foreign office said Rus- sian-British relations were "normal" despite that seizure and the holding since January of the 2,492-ton Sel- enga carrying Chinese tungsten. But the British were cheered by reports that Royal Air Force planes had downed five, perhaps seven Ger- man warplanes in three Western Front engagements, against the loss of one British plane It also was announced by the Bri- tish Air Ministry that a German patrol vessel had been sunk in the North Sea by a scouting plane of the British coastal command Canada Supports King In Overwhelming otee OTTAWA, March 27.-(P)-Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King's Liberal government piled up the largest parliamentary majority in Canadian history today as scattered returns from yesterday's general election gave still further support to the government's conduct of the, war against Germany. With only five seats still in doubt and one to be filled by a deferred election, the Liberals had won 177 of the 245 seats in the House of Commons. Furthermore, Liberal candidates were leading in each of the five undecided elections. The National Government Party, principal opposition group, which in- cludes the Conservative Party, won only 38 seats. The other .two oppo- sition groups, the Cooperative Com- monwealth Federation and the New Democracy Party, won 8 and 7 seats respectively. French Pupils See American Peoplej In Dramatic Light1 Cowboys, gangsters, cigar-smoking big businessmen are composite American types to French studentst whose letters were read yesterday by Prof. Michal Pargmeat of the ro- mance languages department in a lecture here. Michael Pargment of the romancec languages department in a lecturec here.t In answer to questions of Professor Pargment's survey, these students1 wrote that they conceived American1 girls to be blond, vivacious, wealthy, -4 ^.sx rn-I.,+ -4 -- -1 4r Williams Says NIH-Day Plans Hit Liberties Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department last night pic- tured to the meeting of the Michi- gan Anti-War Committee a war 'which would be featured not by ene- my bombers, but rather by a slow, deliberate process under which all the rights and liberties of a free people would be slowly and invidious- ly destroyed." He spoke at the Un- ion. Professor Williams maintained that this destruction of liberties would take place under proposed "mobilization of industry plans" and emphasized "the only way to prevent this destruction of our lib- erties is to keep out of war." Warning that the "M-Day plans" are so set up to continue in opera- tion until the President finds the "tsate of emergency is terminated," he indicated that the rationalizations of "post-war rehabilitation and re- construction, indefinitely extended," might enable the government to maintain its mobilization even after the war is concluded. Professor Williams first outlined the terms of the Industrial Mobili- zation Plan: the Army and Navy Munitions Board; its coordination measures; its control of prices; its control of trade; its setting up of special government corporations; and its organization. Burdick Wins Speech Contest Talk On 'Begging Racket' Awarded First Place The winner in the finals of the semester's first interdepartmental speech contect for Speech 31 held yesterday in the Natural Science Au- ditorium was Dean Burdick, '42, who spoke on "Thanks-Sucker." Burdick's main theme was the "begging racket," interspersed with a few examples of mob psychology. He derived the title from the re- sponse often attributed to the "hand- out men" - "Thanks, sucker." Burdick claimed that begging was merely a racket and that many of the men might make ten or more dollars a day. "All they have to do is play upon a man's sympathy," Burdick stated, "and learn that to control a man's heart is to control his pocketbook." Because of such a conflict for sec- ond place the department heads de- cided to announce only the first place winner of the first finals. l War Summary Here Are Today's Bulletins From WorldCapitals (By Associated Press) LONDON-More ships go down in quickening sea war; Britain claims Western Front and North Sea air successes. BERLIN-Fire rages in munitions plant. PARIS-Soviet Russian relations strained further; French destroyer explodes; artillery active on Western Front. FrOSCOW-Kremlin good humored about French-requested ambassador recall. HELSINKI -Reconstruction gov- ernment formed under same premier. OTTAWA-Mackenzie King gov- ernment wins wartime election. Foreign Center Will Entertain .At Open House First Annual Event Will Be Given April 26; Students To Exhibit Native Dances Foreign students at the University will present the first annual Inter- national Open House April 26 at the Intramural Building, Robert Klinger, Grad., chairman of publicity, an- nounced yesterday. Program of the Open House will include almost every type of indoor sport and will be co-recreational with both men and women eligible to par- ticipate. Finals in the sports tourna- ment of teams affiliated with the International Center will be played, exhibitions will be performed of sev- eral more sports, and visitors will be able to engage in several activities themselves. Also to be featured on the Open House program are many different types of folk dancing. Klinger des- cribed this part of the exhibition program as an 'International floor show." Cooperating in this part of the program and also in other ac- tivities will be campus foreign stu- dent organizations, including the Scandinavian society, the Slavic so- ciety and Suomi Club, organization of students of Finnish extraction. Other groups will also take part in the folk dancing program, l Who PFlays Rough Suffers Consequences Political Fund Clause Added To Hatch ill Sen. Brown's Amendment Exempting Professors Eliminated By House $3,000,000 Limit Set For Campaign WASHINGTON, March 27.-()-- A clause forbidding national politi- cal committees to spend more than $3,000,000 each in any campaign was added to the Hatch anti-politics bill today as that Senate-approved mea- sure passed its first House test. The bill, which would curb political activities of state employes paid in whole or in part with Federal funds, was approved by a House judiciary subcommittee after Chairman Wal- ter (Dem.-Pa.) ' had succeeded in adding the amendment limiting na- tional campaign expenditures. Hold Down Spending If written into law, the amendment would hold expenditures of both the Republican and Democratic national committees below the levels of the 1936 presidential campaign. In that year, the Repubiican committee dis- bursed $8,065,524 and the Democrats $5,030,848. As passed by the Senate, the legis- lation did not include the $3,000,000 limitation but did contain a provision by Senator Bankhead (Dem.-Ala.) forbidding any person to make cam- paign contributions of more than $5,000 in any year. The House sub- committee retained this provision. It eliminated, however, two Senate amendments--one by Senator Brown (Dem.-Mich.) to exempt employes of educational, religious, eleemosynary, philanthropic and cultural institu- tions from the curb on political ac- tivities; and another by Senator Adams (Dem.-Colo.) to permit af- fected employes to run for office in party primaries without resigning from their jobs. Dempsey Happy Rep. Dempsey (Dem. -N. M.) a leader of the forces fighting for the legislation, was elated at the sub- committee's rejection of these two amendments. He said the Brown amendment was an invitation to ed- ucational employes to get into poli- tics. Walter told newsmen that $3,000,- 000 should be enough to finance all the campaigning necessary to inform the voters. There was no use having corrupt practices act, he added, if _ections were to go "to the highest tbdder." Pre-Medic Club Picks Officers Kalajan Chosen President; Constitution Deferred In its meeting last night to elect officers and discuss its new consti- ution the Pre-Medical Society unan- imously elected Vahan Kalajan, '41, to the post of president, and deferred the adoption of a constitution to the next meeting. John R. C. James, '41, was elected vice-president; L. Jerome Fink, '41, secretary; Robert R. Hoffman, '43, treasurer; and Clayton Manry, '41, publicity chairman, The object of the club is to solidi- fy the pre-medical students on cam- pus in order to promote the faculty student relationships, and to broad- en the general education of the mem- bers by lectures, movies, tours to the hospital and surgery rooms, and by compilation of statistics concerning the entrance to the medical school. The club has secured the approval of the faculty, and hopes to fill the need for such a society on campus. A sound movie, made in Holly- wood and released through the MGM studios, picturing the discovery of the use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes was shown. The club felt that such movies were very de- sirable and more ofuthe same type will be shown at future meetings. Students Get Lesson On Job Seeking Here More than 250 people saw illus- trations of the best methods of job- seeking at the "It's Your Life" pro- gram, sponsored by alumni, the Stu- dent Senate, the Bureau of Place- ment and Occupational Information and a Detroit department store, last night in the Union., A pantomime skit, featuring Mar- cia Connell, '39, pointed out the cor- rect and incorrect methods of ap- plication for employment. Neat and conservative personal appearance, a pleasing personality, lack of conceit, and general courtesy were stressed as essentials for successful inter- views with personnel directors. Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the Bureau of Placement and Occu- pational Information, pointed out the necessity for a thorough knowledge of the wants of employers before any application for a job is made. A pros- pective employe, Doctor Purdm con- tinued, should also be sure to know his capabilities and interests so that he can sell his services to the desired firm. The necessity of finding an enjoy- able job in which one can be happy was stressed by J. B. Heston, Detroit department store personnel director, in a discussion of "The Employer's Viewpoint." Pollock Calls Civil Service GrOwin Field Opportunities For College Graduates In Political Work Cited In Talk Ever increasing opportunities for the college graduate are appearing in the fields of city, state and fed- eral civil service work, Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department pointed out last night in a Union-conducted forum. Contrary to popular public opin- ion, Professor Pollock said, individu- als with even a moderate degree of intelligence have a considerable chance for advancement and pro- gress in the strictly "governmental" side of politics. More than half of the country's governmental posi- tions are attainable only by competi- tive examinations, he added, and a high percentage of these avail the office holder of good opportunities for advancement and progress. The depression, with its effect of removing a great deal of the security on government jobs, has made the security of civil service seem attrac- tive to constantly increasing num- bers of college people, he continued. Because of their advanced educa- tion, college graduates show unusual success in winning even the more hotly contested of these jobs, Pro- fessor Pollock stated. In the field of strictly political or non civil service work also, op- portunities are becoming greater for the young man, he said; while up to the time of the New Deal, there was a marked tendency for the vet- erans of politics to frown on the younger men, this trend of late has been reduced. House Grants Big Budget Increases To CCC And NYA Band To Offer Annual Spring Concert Today Winter-bound, ice-coated. Ann Ar- bor will mush through drifting snows and chilling winds to fill Hill Audi- torium at 8:30 p.m. today to hear the 1940 program of the Annual Spring Concert presented by the University Band. Indications of success for the Con- cert are strengthened by the appear- ance of Morton Gould, young Amer- ican composer, as guest conductor of the 'Band. He will introduce one of his most recent compositions, "Cow- boy Rhapsody," at the Spring Con- cert. Other of Mr. Gould's composi- tions which will be included in the program are "Tropical," "Prima Don- na," and "Pavanne," taken from his "Second American Symphonette." Adding new dignity to the Concert tradition will be a nationwide broad- cast of a portion of the program over the Mutual Broadcasting System from 9:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.. This portion of the program, during a part of which Mr. Gould will take the podium from Prof. William Revelli, regular conductor of the Band, will originate before the Spring Concert. audience. Admission to the Spring Concert, as in the past, will be free. Taflk On Logic Will Be Given Dr. MeKeon To Speak Here Tomorrow On Reason Dr. Richard P. McKeon, Dean of the Division of Humanities at the University of Chicago, will talk on "Discovery and Proof in the History of Logic" in a University lecture sponsored by the philosophy depart- ment at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dean of the Division of Human- ities at Chicago since 1935, Dr. Mc- Keon is famed for his work and writing upon the general subject of philosophy. He is a frequent con- tributor to the Encyclopedia of So- cial Sciences and other journals. Dr. McKeon is author of such books as: "The Philosophy of Spin- oza"; "Studies in the History of Idea (Vol. III)"; and has. been editor and also translator of "Selections from Medieval Philosophers," Augus- tine to Albert the Great," and "Roger Bacon to-William of Ockham." Born in New Jersey, Dr. McKeon was graduated from Columbia Uni- versity and did graduate work at the University of Paris and the School of Upper Studies at Paris, as well as at Columbia. Bill Passed Despite Loud Objections From Floor; Defies Roosevelt Slash Woodrum Queries PaymentOf Debt WASHINGTON, March 27.-(P)- Despite cries of "how are you going to pay the bill," the House today added $67,450,000 to next year's ap- propriations for the CCC and the NYA. Subject to final confirmation to- mnorrow, the members ran roughshod over economy forces, adding $50,- 000,000 to President Roosevelt's re- quest for $230,000 for Civilian Con- servation Camps and- upping by $17,450,000 his request for $85,000,- 000 for the National Youth Admin- istration. Both increases, their sponsors said, would insure continuance of the 1941 NYA and CCC programs at their present levels. The President had asked for a flat $15,000,000 slash in NYA funds and elimination of 273 of the 1,500 CCC camps. Woodrum Statement Immediately after the CCC in- crease was approved tentatively by a 134 to 100 vote, Rep. Woodrum (Dem.-Va.), leader of the Hbuse economy bloc, told an attentive mem- bership that a "tragic thing" had just occurred. Asserting that the House had re- versed its previous policy of attempt- ing to "live within budget estimates," Woodrum shouted: "If we are now going to go ahead, pell mell, and appropriate, then I submit to you that it is honest to decide somewhere how are you going to pay the, bill? Are you going to have a tax bill or are you going to raise the debt limit and borrow the money? "You know as well as I know that the Congress has no idea of doing either one at this session. Much more important than keeping the CCC camp in my district is to try to protect the economic foundations of this country, and today they are in danger." Scrugham Talks Rep. Scrugham (Dem.-Nev.) re- plied that Congress passed "very lightly" appropriations of $50,000,000 or $100,000,000 to purchase "instru- mentalities of destruction and death" but .opposed strenuously another $50,000,000, "comparatively a trifle," to help young men. Whereupon the House voted, 144 to 133, to increase the NYA fund at the request of Rep. Johnson (Dem.- Okla.) and a host of others who argued that the proposed cut would "turn onto the streets and into Com- munist channels" -about 125,000 of the 750,000 young people now re- ceiving NYA aid. Jay Kogan, '43E, DeLeon Mateef, '43, and Dexter M. Green, '43E, all' received injuries in a series of acci- dents in Winchell house late Mon-1 day night. Kogan dove headlong into a brick wall after running the length of the corridor with a fellow resident, He is resting in the Health Service with a slight concussion. Mateef had the misfortune to run through a locked door. He received a broken nose. Green has a sprained ankle as the result of an informal wrestling bout. Both are receiving treatment from the Health Serv- ice. Untermeyer Concludes Lectures On Ar-erican Culturc' s Nativity House Group Plane Export Approves Policy Thornthwaite Decries Dangers Of Bureaucracy In Talk Here By HERVIE HAUFLER Louis Untermeyer put the finish- ing touches on his ode to America yesterday when he convinced an over- flow audience in Rackham Amphi- theatre that Americans can no long- er condescend toward their native music. The noted poet and anthologist had filled in the framework of his thesis with five earlier lectures on American literature, art and archi- tecture. In concluding his series on "New Frontiers in American Cul- ture" yesterday, he combined acute comments with appropriate record- ings tv emphasize his point that American music, no less than the other forms of art, has overcome its imitative stage and has discovered its nativity, Will Speak Today For those who want to hear other of his collection of recordings or to debate the points raised in his lec- ture, Mr. Untermeyer will conduct an informal discussion period at 4:15 p.m. today in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building, In defining his convictions on servatory. Even when they treated American materials, as did MacDow- ell with several Indian themes, the manner was European. Discovered By Foreigner It was a foreigner, Anton Dvorak, who first discovered the possibilities of American music, Mr. Untermeyer observed. Dvorak was struck with the beauty of two Negro spirituals, "Steal Away to Jesus" and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," and he incor- porated their themes into his New World Symphony, a pioneer work in American music. When Dvorak had shown the dig- nity and integrity of folk materials, the attention of many native com- posers was turned toward the idioms and legends of America. When the great jumble of races, the variant climates and classes had begun to gain expression there was produced for the first time an American musi- cal amalgam, partly dignified, part- ly rude, partly syncopated, but re- flecting the moods and tempera- ments of American life. American composers did not im- mediately discover their nativity, Mr. Untermeyer added. Many modern In his talk on, "Cooperatives and Their Problems, Fred Thornthwaite, of the Eastern Michigan Association of Consumers' Cooperatives, warned an audience of students, faculty and townspeople last night at the Union, "against the dangers of bureaucra- cy resulting from over centraliza- tion of powers." In pointing out the adavntages of centralized groups which are lim- ited in power, Mr. Thornthwaite list- ed four points: joint listing of po- tential members which eliminate competition of member houses and rushing of applicants; protection of cooperatives against opposition from outside commercial enterprises, made possible by group unity; collective action on social and economic prob- ems and similarity in policy and ad- herence to the Rochdale principles. In praising the Intercooperative Council on this campus Mr. Thorn- thwaite pointed out that through this council the nine houses have rua ,vwrl P. strnr i'infr, jnv 'rl ficient and more satisfactory work- ing plan, In analyzing the position that the cooperatives have attained in the world today, Mr. Thornthwaite pointed to the numerous cooperative institutions in Sweden as being one of the factors in the rise of Sweden's well-known democratic government. There are, he stated, over 11,000 small study groups, each having a membersship of from 15 to 20 mem- bers who meet regularly to discuss and exchange ideas on cooperative problems and organization. Since the innovation of coopera- tives in Nova Scotia, the number of persons on relief has dropped from 85 per cent of the population to 10 per cent, Mr. Thornthwaite assert- ed. There are at present, he said, 2,390 study clubs in Nova Scotia. Mr. Thornthwaite stressed the im- portance of group discussion as a means of further extending the dem- ocratic procedure to all of society. Such discussion, he indicated, am- WASHINGTON, March 27.-Qp)- The Administration's new policy of releasing late model warplanes for export won the general approval of an inquiring House committee today, and American manufacturers imme- diately prepared to handle prospec- tive allied orders totalling $1,000,000,- 000. Secretary of War Woodring, ex- plaining and defending the policy before the House military committee, asserted it had been formulated by the war department 'without coer- cion or pressure from anyone." "As long as I am secretary of war, I am not going to be pushed around," he assured the committee bluntly, in denying he had had any "friction" with Secretary of the Treasury Mor- genthau over sale of.planes to the Allies, Senate Nears Vote On Trade Policy WASHINGTON, March 27. --()- Leaders of both sides anxiously and apprehensively counted votes today as the Senate neared a close deci- Play Produ teion s OpenIer Draws Large Audience Play Production's opening presen-