" ft 11 ... ... l .L ply !. \ I ;/': . .:. - too M THE MICHIGAN DAILY National Relief Crisis Is Imminent If Administration Continues Potiy 17 -^'-"-,1- - - - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to. It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER,.SING BY National Advertising SeNice, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary . Mel Fineberg. Editorial Staff Business staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor *Associate Editor . Women's Editor * Sports Editor . Paul B. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy Business Manager Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager T HE CLEVELAND relief crisis of De- cember, which was a product of last year's WPA cuts, is but a forerunner of the nation-wide relief crisis that the United States will witness if the present plans of the Ad- iniistration to cut the relief rolls further are allowed to stand unquestioned. Relief slashes were justified on the grounds that business had shown signs of picking up. "There is reason to hope," the President said as he recommended a half-billion cut in WPA appropriations, "that a continued expansion of business would diminish relief requirements substantially." Even as Roosevelt was speak- ing these words, business was starting the new year by turning out men faster than goods. The principle of Federal relief to the unem- ployed was established onaa condition, not a theory. The condition was the utter bank- ruptcy of all local means of sustaining the dis- charged employes of private industry. The principle of local relief was that the wealth pro- duced locally is consumed locally. Such a theory has little relationship to a market economy sus- tained by a nation-wide division of labor where employment in Detroit depends on purchases made from Los Angeles to Boston. The devas- tating effects of nation-wide industrial stoppage had to be taken over by the nation. That is what has determined the character of the Fed- eral relief program from FERA to WPA. Relief spending is merely stop-gap spending. The rea job is still that of building payrolls, not maintaining relief rolls, but as long as there are not adequate pay rolls there must be relief rolls. If the relief rolls are cut further before the payrolls are built up, we may return to the despairing days of 1932. Business economists are in agreement that all that stands between America and another disastrous recession to- day is the sustaining development of war orders. With millions being appropriated for defense, the immediate issue confronting the American people is adequate relief for the unemployed. No number of new battleships and perfected machine guns and rifles can protect these 10 millions or more from hunger, cold and sick- ness. A brief review of the relief situation in some of the leading cities of the United States shows how badly the plight of the unemployed really is. The facts were garner'ed by local wel- fare workers intimately acquainted with the conditions portrayed. Detroit's relief rolls fluctuate widely with the tempo of industrial activity. In late 1937 and early 1938, wholesale lay-offs, accompanied by a sharp reduction in the auto Work week to two and three days, resulted in the highest relief load in Detroit's history. During 1935, 25 per cent of Detroit's population received relief. Not once during the 10 years of depressions has the relief load dropped below 15,000 families. In the recent publication of the state budget for allotments for 7,000 dependent children fam- ilies, it was revealed that a family of a mother and one child was given $2 a week for food, and a $24 a month total, with proportionate amounts for larger families. This budget is considerably lower than the cost of feeding criminals in vari- ous Michigan penal institutions. The proposed 1940-41 fiscal year welfare bud- get is based upon a predicted case load of 16,- 000, a reduction of almost 30 per cent of the present relief load. This wishful attitude con- flicts sharply with the rapid increase in appli- cations for relief in January. Inadequate relief provisions have already led to temporary elimi- nation of single persons and childless couples from the rolls. Food budgets are from 20 to 30 per cent below the U.S. Department of Agricul- ture's "dangerous" health and decency level if continued for longer than six weeks. Families have been living on these budgets for years, with the inevitable destruction of health, morale and living standards. The fact that 80 per cent of Detroit's relief cases are classified as unemployable is suffi- cient evidence to prove that relief has grown into a problem of major social, economic and political consequence. In Cleveland, the relief food schedule is 7.6 cents per day per meal per person. This is five per cent below the 8.09 cents given by the Fed, eral Bureau of Home Economics as the "mini- mum for an adequate diet if applied with the most judicious expenditures, resourcefullness and skill." A sample investigation by the American As- sociation of Social Workers of 374 cases revealed that 60 per cent were unemployable. Ninety had been laid off of the WPA recently and only 11 had some personal income. There were 54 threats of eviction and 12 actual evictions. In 48 cases children were out of school because of food and clothing shortages. In the 210 cases where investigation was more extensive, 85 had diabetes, TB, heart conditions, or stomach ul- cers requiring special diets. In Chicago an average family consisting of a man, wife and two children receives $46.68 to pay for food, rent, coal, gas and electricity for one month. The Chicago Standard Budget for families on relief would allow $67.89 for this same family. That four people are eating on a total of less than five cents per person per meal does not mean that they have to. Warehooses' stockyards and grain elevators are still well stocked. Bank deposits are increasing and Pos- tal Savings are higher in Illinois than in any other state. The State of Illinois balanced its books for the year ending June, 1939 with a sor-= plus of $12,000,000. In March of last year, 104,000 persons were on WPA payrolls in Illinois. At the end of De- cember that number had dropped to 55,000. This is not due to a shortage of applicants, but to a shortage of jobs. More WPA jobs could be created both by the city and by the state if they would sponsor several much needed proj- ects of such as the sewer and sewing projects. These projects would provide jobs with a cost to the city of only 25 per cent of the total operating costs. The situations in the three leading cities de- scribed in the above paragraphs are only samples and are indicative of the relief situation in the United States. Figures reveal that a large part of the relief rolls are comprised of "unem- ployables." Where there are no payrolls, there must be relief rolls. - Helen Corman. Now it was quiet. The battle between the wind and water had stopped. His friends had fought the waves and safely returned with the calm, as they had come. But he had crossed the narrow horizon of the earth and had melt- ed into the large immensity of the universe. He had reached the place where land and water were one. -- Shirley Chase. The council of fraternity presidents at Ohio State University has set up a loan fund 6pen to all men students who want short term loans with a minimum of red tape, according to the Ohio State Lantern. NIGHT EDITOR: HELEN CORMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Consider Cost Of Your Irresponsibility STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY are dis- playing, and have been displaying through- out the current school year, an attitude worthy of the mental level of unintelligent secondary- school students, if one may believe the figures on damage to University property recently an- nounced by officials of the buildings and grounds department. Approximately $1,000-worth of damage has been done-presumably by University students -so far, according to the igures. $500 of this total was caused by the paint smeared about various parts of the campus by . class-spirited lads last fall. More expense may be accounted for by a summary of the damage caused to shrubbery and lawns by students who yield to trail-blazing and short-cutting urges. Defaced signs about the campus have come in for a large share of damage. Few people want to stifle class spirit, and still fewer want to put a damper on genuine originality displayed by students. Yet whell class spirit and originality cause actual physical damage and expense, the time has come for a reorganization of the form of their manifesta- tion or for a stop to be put to them entirely. That spirit behind trail-blazing may not be malicious. The students who smear paint about the campus may be merely thoughtless. De- facers of signs may consider themselves or- iginal or witty rather than merely destructive. Yet, regardless of the spirit behind these acts, the fact remains that they are all exceedingly expensive-and the money spent repairing the damage they cause could be used better in many other ways. One thousand dollars-approximately the amount of damage to University property thus far-would provide 20 scholarships of $50 each. Or it would provide study halls with 500 text- books-many of which are desperately needed -at two dollars each. Or the $1,000 could be used by the University Hospital for research or the establishment of more beds for charity patients. Yet students-regardless of these uses for $1,- 000-waste money carelessly or deliberately by childishly damaging University property. Per- haps a great deal-if not all-of this would be stopped if it were realized that every short-cut costs the University perhaps five cents, and each smear of paint on Angell Hall pillars another five cents. All of this is needless expense, and all of it smacks of a low mental level on the part of the people who cause the damage that entails it. Wfiliam Newton. "The chief hope for the future lies in the cul- tivation of human qualities of sound dispassion- ate thinking, calm judicial judgment, a sense of justice, a devotion to wide loyalties, and the will to create a better social order. It is in the university, if anywhere that the qualities may find the best opportunity for development." Dr. George E. Vincent, former president of the Rockefeller Foundation, tells University of Chi- cagoans the future meaning of higher educa- tion.-ACP. "The question is more symbolic of the modern mood. We are here as inquirers; we try to find nonInp tmanv nh nlam1. i at + nrA l. ,an OF ALL THINGS!.. B YMorty-Q. SOME TIME AGO. Mr. Q. disclosed to the world at large, with no increase in prices, his scheme for settling international affairs with- out war and yet not disposing of all the color and pageantry that accom- panies a peachy military struggle. And, incidentally, also keeping the money-making angle intact. In this way, he figured that all groups would be satisfied: the young men, be- cause they would't have to take their places under little white crosses with poppies and so forth; the business people, because they still could make lots of money from the affair; and the people at home who could still have parades and meetings and cheer the flag and all that. Mr. Q. thought it was a wonderful scheme. but somehow it wasn't received very well. The plan, in case you do not re- member, is simply this. Whenever nations and their leaders get a little restless and figure maybe their par- ticular nation is destined for inter- national glory, and maybe their na- tion is the best of all possible nations and that maybe they have the sacred responsibility to save the rest of the world for whatever it is they feel worth saving, well, usually these are the first symptoms of a cozy little war in the immediate offing. You know, nothing elaborate: just a nice little affair, not too long or drawn out, but nevertheless conclusive in outcome. WELL, THE Q-PLAN was simply that when these symptoms de- velop and it consequently follows that a war is inevitable because of na- tional honor and humanity ad those poor peoples who deserve the op- portunity for a better life and so forth, instead of getting the boys ready to march, it was proposed they sit down nice and quiet around a big table and talk the whole thing over. And then, if they still feel a war is the only way to settle the problems, the thing to do is, not mobilize and start the shooting, but get the heads of the respective countries to- gether and organize a troupe that would tour the world, giving a per- formance in each nation. The nature of the competition would have to be decided, of course, by mutual agree- ment because the French would want fencingthe British would hold out for cribbage, the Chinese would insist on nah .ong. and so forth. So, for instance, in the current world mess, we would have Roosevelt, Chamberlain, Hitler, Hirohito, Kai Shek, Mussolini, Stalin and Daladier as the performers. An exhibition would be given in every country in- volved (and in some neutrals, if the gate was big enough). The box of- fice attraction would be terrific; speculation and betting would send the world off on a prosperity spree such as it never before experienced; there could be parades and flag-wav- ing and speeches and everything. Just like a nice little war. AND, OF COURSE, when the tour was over and the winner decided, his country would be awarded the spoils and the chance to help all the rest of the people in the world who were on the wrong track. Well, that was the plan. Mr. Q. thought it was a good one. But most people thought he was crazy and told him to get something else. For a while, Mr. Q. used "Remember Edison, Marconi, Columbus, etc!" as his slogan. You know, how people said they were crazy too. But just herehlately, he figured that maybe he ought to think up something else. So now Mr. Q. proudly announces he has another plan, even better than the first. And it is so simple too! You know, it is one of those simple things that will make you say; now why couldn't It have thought of that? Q-PLAN NO. 2 has to do with relief committees and it works like this: whenever things get real bad with the people growing restless and their resentment at being treated like so much dirt gets a little too strong for the big boys, instead of wars being started, which don't settle any of the problems for the 'people but rather aggravate them, the thing to do is to set up relief committeep in each country. So, to use the cur- rent example again, we organize a committee here to help the Finns; well, they, in turn, organize a com- mittee to help the poor Americans. So, in Finland, they print posters saying: Big America needs your help! And they keep on talking and print- ing stories of how much we appre- ciate them paying their war debts and their papers tell how kind we are to the Indians and all that; and, in general, the Finns are all for tak- ing care of the poor Americans. The same thing happens in every other country so that the English organize committees to help the Germans and vice versa. The (Continued from Page 2) . Department personnel records im- mediately. Blanks for this purpose may be obtained in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering Offce,. Room B-47 East Engineering Build-I ing. Manufacturers are already ask-A ing for information on this year's graduates, and it is essential that the personnel records be available at onceA so that they may be supplied with accurate and complete data. Delay in turning in these records may re- sult in incomplete information going ;o the manufacturers. Code Practice: All University stu-L dents wishing to practice the Inter-o national Morse code are invited toe use the R.O.T.C. Signal Corps equip- t ment in Room 301 Engineering Annex.t The room will be open week days aftern 4 p.m.L Summer Employment: Will the students on the campus who are in- terested in summer positions, please take care of their registration thisE week. We are asking this in order t that we can bring their records to-s gether and render service to them.F If registration is put off until later, e it entails extra work and limits our p possibilities in being of service. 4 T. Luther Purdom, Director2 The University Bureau of Appoint-h ments and Occupational Inforna-i tion. Handbooks: Handbooks for 1939-40 are available at Lane Hall. The sup- ply is limited. - , 9 Academic Notces Anthropology 162 will meet in 401t Mason Hall, T.T.S. at 9.a Political Science 2, section 1, MWF, 8 (Dorr) will meet in Room 35 Angella Hall beginning today.i Political Science 2, Section 9 (MWF, 9) will meet in Room 2203 Angell Hall beginning today.p Political Science 52, Section 1a (MWF, 9) will meet in Room 35v Angell Hall beginning today. (Thisi is a correction of the statement in3 Wednesday's D.O.B.)a M.E. 80 (M.E. 50) will meet MF at 10 in Room 202 W. Eng. beginningI today.5 Make-up examinations in German:A All students entitled to take them are requested to call at the office, 204b U.H., on or before February 29, forC making necessary arrangements. C German 12: MWF Braun. Will meet at 5 o'clock in Room 225 A.H.t istory 38: MWF, 10, will meet in c Room B, Haven, History 190, MWF, 10, will meet inp Room C, Haven.P Far Eastern Art: Office has been moved from Museums Building to 5 Alumni Memorial Hall.a .A. 192 Art of China and Japan:a Tu., Th., 9:00 meeting place to bes arranged. F.A. 204 Ceramics, F.A. 206 Mediaeval India, F.A. 208 Special problems: Hoursd and meeting places to be arranged. Consultation hours 9-11:30; 1-3c daily. All first meetings of classesi will be held in Room 5, basement Alumni Memorial Hlall. James Marshall Plumer, Lecturer on Far Eastern Art A reading examination for all stu-I dents interested in enrolling in a spe- cial service course in remedial read-i ing, which is to be organized shortly, will be held at 2 o'clock on Saturday,< February 17, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The examination will begin precisely at the time announcedl and last approximately two hours. Seniors expecting to take the New York State Teaching Examination in French, German, Spanish, or Italian this minor problem; but he is work- ing on it now. SPEAKING of relief and Finland, Mr. Q. mentioned some time ago that it was criminal to send aid to Finland, not only because such parti- san activities threaten our peace standing, but, more important, be- cause there were millions within our own boundaries who need the help more than the Finns. And if we are to be humanitarians, we might as well do the job right. And 12r. Q. generously offered to give Herbert Hoover lists of millions of names who could stand a little help, but Mr. Hoover never bothered to answer. So Mr. Q. would like to mention just a small group of people who would like r to get a little chunk of that bepevo- - lence floating around here. In Chicago, a group of newspaper- men have been striking against a cer- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN are reminded that it will be given today at 1:15 p.m. in Room 100 R.L. Exhibitions American Indian painting, south gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Feb. 15-March 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art Association. Art and Industry, ground floor, Architectural Building, courtesy Col- lege of Architecture and Design. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Francis G. Benedict, former Director, Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, will lecture on "Sci- ence and the Art of Deception" under the auspices of the Department of In- ternal Medicine at 4:15 p.m. on Wed- nesday, February 21, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Georg Steindorff, Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and former Director of the Egyptological Collection, Univer- sity of Leipzig, will lecture on "From Fetishes to Gods in Egypt" (illustrat- ed) under the auspices of the De- partment of Oriental Languages at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21, in the amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building. The public is cordially invited. Today's Events Lecture: Professor Anton J. Carl- son, of the University of Chicago, will give the first lecture in the series on The Existence and Nature of Re- ligion" at the Rackham Lecture Hall, tonight at 8:00. There will be no admission charge. Mathematics 302,.Seminar in An- alysis, will meet today at 3 o'clock in 3014 A.H. Topic: "General Inte- grals." Mathematics 349, Seminar in Ap- plied Mathematics. Reports on orig- inal work in engineering problems and the mathematics involved. All interested are invited to attend. Pre- liminary meeting to arrange hours in 319 West Engineering Bldg. today at 4 o'clock. University Girls' Glee Club: The Ensian picture will be taken today at 5:00 p.m. in the League, instead of 4:00 p.m. as previously announced. All members are to meet in the Lobby of the League at 4:50; this includes both members of Freshmen Girls' Glee Club and University Girls' Glee Club. Recreation Night at the Interna- tional Center: 7:00-8:00 p.nI. A class in bridge for advanced players and a class for beginners in Chess. At 7:45 p.m. swimming and indoor sports at the Intramural Building. 9:00-12:00 p.m. The usual chess, checkers, ping- pong, bridge, and other games at the Center. Spanish play tryouts will be held at 3:00 p.m. today in 312 R.L. Bldg; also Monday and Tuesday at the same time and place. All students of Spanish are urged to try out. Tryouts for the Major Hillel pro- duction, "The Gentle People" by Irwin Shaw, will be held at Lane Hall to- day from 4 to 6 p.m. All students are invited to tryout. JGP Music Committee meeting to- day at 4:00 p.m. in the League. Candy Booth Committee of the League will hold a mass meeting at 4:30 p.n. today in the League. All undergraduate girls, including second semester freshmen, are invited to work on this committee. The Westminster Student Guild will have a sleigh ride or Open House (according to weather) tonight at the church at 9:00. Refreshments. The Hillel class in Yiddish will meet today at 4:15 p.m. The Hillel Sabbath Services will be held tonight at 7:15 p.m. The Congregation Student Fellow- ship Bible Class will meet at 7:30 to- night in Pilgrim Hall, led by Miss Marguerite Groomes. Presbyterian Bible Class meeting tonight from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., led by Dr. John W. Finlayson. Wesleyan Guild: The opening party for the new semester will be held tonight at 9 o'clock at the Wo- man's Athletic Building, for all Meth- odist students and their friends. Stalker Hall: Class in the study of the Bible at Stalker -Iall at 7:30 tonight. The leader is Dr. C. W. Bra- shares. Coming Events ihe EDITOR qT ?i otdwf-l To the Editor: In yesterday's Daily some chap who leaves only the initials J.W.M. at the bottom of a scath- ing criticism of the Student Religious Associa- tion, accuses that organization of bringing a speaker here who, according to the critic, is an atheist--"having no faith or respect for the Supernatural." Thus in an effort to understand the problem of "The Existance and Nature of Religion" by presenting "four differing points of view '*(see SRA lecture program)-including the non-believers' side-'the SRA draws this re- buke. I think J.W.M. is unjustified in his criticisrm and shows himself to be somewhat too quick to anger. One of the qualities of a so-called broad- minded person is that he considers all sides of any issue. Is not that exactly what the SRA is trying to do and has done in the past (I re- call the appearance of Lord Bertrand Russell on last year's series)? J.W.M. states for the bene- fit of all of us that men are to speak on this series who are of the Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish religions. However, when the atheist's position is given a hearing, our mutual friend holds up his hands in horror. Might not the presentation of the views of the atheist beside three other well-established religions show athe- ism to be inferior to them and thus discourage it more than it encourages it? I see no reason to entirely preclude this as a possible result. To be perfectly fair then, can J.W.M. restrain the views of Professor Carlson? Or, in another sense, can he accuse the SRA of encouraging atheism any more than it is encouraging Pro- testantism, Catholicism, or Judaism? If he can, let me make the suggestion that he take into his employ a censor who will shield him from all adverse criticism of religion in order that his cherished views mayever he kent mire and university as in the case with the University of. Michigan. I need not tell you that truth is the founda- tion stone of progress and civilization, and that without truth there can be no progress and no genuine civilization. In this connection I quote from the Areopagitica by John Milton, written in 1644, i.e., about 300 years ago. Have we made no progress since then? Wrote John Milton: "I wrote my Areopogitica in order to deliver the press from the restraints with which it was encumbered; that the power of determining what was true and what was false, what ought to be published and what ought to be suppressed might no longer be en- trusted to a few illiterate and illiberal individuals who refused their sanction to any work which contained views or sentiments at all above the level of the vulgar superstition." Milton also wrote: "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience above all liberties." (Boldface mine). Is truth un-American? As published in the New York Times, Father Coughlin made a speech on the radio on Feb. 11 of which the following is a part: "Choose ye whom we shall follow . . . the Prince of Peace or the God of war; the spirit of love or the Demon of hate; Christ or chaos." This is my answer to the above: "Choose ye whom we shall follow, Father Coughlin the inspirer of the Christian Front and the fomenter of civil war, or Christ, the Prince of Peace; Father Coughlin the archdemon of hate or the spirit of love. Choose ye 'tween the two, all ye who want peace on earth and good will to man." -M. Levi, Professor-Emeritus To The Editor: