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March 26, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-26

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
,, Member of the Associated Press
The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school yea by carrier,
$4.00; 'by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College P,.tblishers Represetative
420 MADisoN Avc. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Fineberg

Editorial Staff
. . .a
. . . .
Business Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Business Manager
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager

Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
About That April
Peace Meeting .. .
FOR MANY YEARS Michigan stu-
dents have been telling themselves
that they will never march off to the ghastly
and beastly bloodiness of war to be killed for
no reason at all.
Today, despite a passionate desire to do some-
thing that will help us stay out of war, the
typical American youth is bewildered. Political,
ecoiomic, :aociai, and psychological causes of
war seem to be too complicated and bewildering
for any individual to effect a remedy for them.
Thus, blocked and helpless, we do nothing.
UT, now, Michigan students, still living in
peril, are planning one outlet for action.
It is true that we cannot stop the bloody massa-
cres in China; nor can we halt the dread des-
truction which is sweeping the seas. Not only
are we too helpless to exert any control over
the foreign situation, but also we must live in
a world of terror and fright because of the
constant threat that the United States may soon
decide to send troops to Europe.
SHE one thing which we can do-and which
will be done this April-is to make it known,
together with thousands of other youths, that
there is a powerful group of potential soldiers
in the U.S. which hates war and which will
support the statesmen who are making a real
struggle for peace. We students can inform the
world that we are aware of the instruments
which propagandize war hysteria, and that lie
are no longer responsible to them; that we are
aware of the selfish interests which precipitated
us into the last war, and that we shall be sus-
picious of their influece in international or
national events in the future.
No Michigan student believes that peace dem-
onstrations alone stop wars. But most of us do
believe that when the students of the University
of Michigan, together with half a million other
young men and women, announce their interest
in peace, it is an expression of force and opinion
that cannot be ridiculed, and one that will have
a powerful influence upon the thoughts and
deeds of those who govern us. Too, peace demon-
strations in themselves are a stimulus to thought
and discussion by students, and as such can
impress the desire for peace even more strongly
into the character of Michigan youth.
FOR these reasons, we believe that the interests
o every student are involved in the peace
demonstration which is being planned by the
Campus Peace Council. The more solid is the
student support of the meeting, the more solid
will be the impact upon the American public.
If the world gets one small hint that U.S. college
youth is united in its intention to remain out
of war, the demonstration will have been a
- Paul Chandler
Blasting The
SEC Again
rv BE Securities Exchange Commission
again draws the fire of Wall Street,
thus once more focussing the spotlight of public
attention on this administrative body which was
set up by President Roosevelt to attempt to bring
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carry out the intention of those legislators
thn who were elected by an American people
that was dis usted ith speculation, weak stock
issues, the roundabout, secretive methods of
many stock manipulators, the practices of hold-
ng companies and the issuances of weak stocks
and bonds-in short, the American people
wanted a job of house cleaning. And so, laws
were passed, and the SEC was organi7ed to ook
after their enforcement.
1UT Wall Street, Ihat was neer able to con-
trol itself so that the best, interests of the
American people, or even of that small propor-
tion of the people that has the money to invest,
were protected, has kept up a continual barrage
of diatribes and vicious criticism. The latest
instance of this attempt to bring discredit upon
a group that is trying to protect Wall Street
from itself happened this week as the Invest-
ment Bankers Association took up the oppor-
tunity that was afforded by the Commission's
request for helpful suggestions on a. rule of the
Holding Company Act. The SEC asked for help
on improving the rule from the standpoint of
both the SEC and private business. Several
individual letters were sent in, and the sugges-
tions they made were constructive and may
prove beneficial. But the IBA, in its letter, took
another blast at the Commission and asked once
more for a Congressional review of its conduct.
In place of constructive criticism, the IBA,
which represents only investment bankers who
have more than $25,000 capital, attacked and
reviled the Commission. The IBA took this op-
portunity again to state its opposition to the
whole line of protection the government has
set up for the general public.
AND, inthis repeated criticism of a control
that must be set up, the bankers present a
threat to economic stability. The bankers con-
tinually hold that stringent control of the secur-
ities market is the main reason for the present
stagnancy of the capital market. Perhaps the
control is one reason. Perhaps it is no reason.
At any rate, there must be control if the abuses
of 1929 are not to be revisited upon us. If crashes
and bankruptcies and deprivations of the earn-
ings of a lifetime are not to be the order once
more, control is needed. The bankers, them-
selves, never have met this need. The SEC is
meeting this need. The country, as a whole,
would greatly benefit, if the the bankers would
- Alvin Sarasohn
Civil Liberties
At Hlaif Mast . . .
T VENTY YEARS ago when the Uni-
ted States was yet in the midst of
the World War hysteria and most liberals feared
to express their real sentiments, a group of
progressives banded together to fight for the
application of the Bill of Rights. The young
American Civil Liberties Union arose in the
stormy days of post-war hysteria to raise the
flag of tolerance.
On Feb. 5 the directors of the A.C.L.U.
adopted a iesolution that has led many, of its
past supporters to believe that the board is suc-
cumbing to a pre-war hysteria. The resolution
characterizes it as inappropriate for any person
to hold a position on the governing committees
or the staff of the Civil Liberties Union "who
is a member of any political organization which
supports totalitarian dictatorship in any coun-
try, or who, by his public declaration and con-
nections, indicates his support of such a prin-
URING the past week a group of seventeen
distinguished liberals including Dr. Robert
M. Lovett, Governor-General of the Virgin Is-
lands, Professor Franz Boas, Columbia Univer-
sity, Theodore Dreiser and the Rev. Dr. A. T.
Mollegan, Alexandria Theological Seminary, selt
an open letter to the ACLU condemning its ac-
The letter stated, "In the past, loyalty to the
Bill of Rights in America has been the sole re-
quirement imposed by the Civil Liberties Union
on its members and its officers, and this should
continue, as always to be its only criterion.--We
believe that by the purge resolution the Amer-
ican Civil Liberties Union encourages the very
tendencies it was intended to fight." The signers
go on to characterize the phrasing of the reso-
lution as dangerous and its content as vague.

THE letter is not the only protest. It has fol-
lowed on the heels of many other like ac-
tions. Dr. Harry F. Ward. professor of Christia:'
ethics at the Union Theological Seminary, has
resigned from the national board and the mem-
bership of the ACLU. In doing so Dr. Ward,
chairman of the Union for twenty years, pointed
out that, in adopting the resolution, the National
Committee and the board has "surrendered po-
sitions vital to the defense of civil liberties,
position whose defense under constant attack
is the honorable record of the Union."
ON March 6, the Michigan Civil Rights Fed-
eration which collaborates with the ACLU
in many cases requested in a communication
to Roger Baldwin that the central body of the
Civil Liberties Union reconsider an action which
they did not regard as in keepng with the deals
for which the Union had fought for two decades.
Unless the national committee revokes its
action of Feb. 5. the flag of tolerance
hoisted so bravely twenty years ago will fly at
half mast. There can be no halfway mark for
civil liberties.
-Marvin Lerner
Income Tax 'Returns'
The Treasury recently encountered a new in-
come tax problem-not underpayments, but
overpayments. It seems that in years past
many taxpayers sent more money than they
owed, and after a year or two put in legitimate
claims for repayment, plus 6 percent interest.
mrl n m'naiv- ia lly h- -'11 -1z-iin1Q f ani

( ULLIVER doesn't want to add to the mild
controversy which has been going on in The
Daily columns about the Hillel Players' produc-
tion of The Gentle People. He would like, how-
ever, to take that controversy as a starting point
for a few remarks about student play production.
"In the nast four years, the Hillel Players have
presented student-written plays. Without going
into the fundamental merits of such perfor-
mances, it is certainly true that there was a
finish to last night's publication that would
have been hard to achieve with a student-written
play." So ended James Green's Daily review of
The Gentle People. Those closing lines were
possibly inspired by the program notes, which
listed the student-written plays which Hillel
has produced in the past four years: "These In-
cluded: Unfinished Picture, by Theodore Kane
Cohen, '35, winner of the Hopwood Drama
Award of 1935; They Too Arise, by Arthur Mil-
ler, '38, Hopwood winner; Roots, by Edith G.
Whitesell, 1937 Hopwood winner; and Hospital
Hill, by Harold Gast, '39. Gentle People marks
the return to the production of non-studuent-
Gulliver would like to take exception to both
of those statements. It is especially difficult
to find any justification for Mr. Green's closing
remarks when you consider the remarkable de-
gree of talent which student playwrights have
displayed in the last five years. For example,
of the plays which the Hillel Program lists.
Cohen's Unfinished Picture won a Bureau of New
Plays Award, as did Miller's They Too Arise.
The latter play was also produced by the Fed-
eral Theatre, and was so successful that it was
revived twice. Mrs. Whitesell's Roots" won firstj
prize in the Federal Theatre national collegej
contest and was scheduled to go into production
in New York when the Federal Theatre was
THREE of the four plays were already royalty
plays when they were produced here, and
were given royalty-freeeby special permission.
What Mr. Green is saying is that for some occult
reason it is impossible to present these plays in
as finished a form as a play which has run on
Broadway. What the Hillel Program is saying
(perhaps inadvertently) is that these student-
written plays were OK, but that they're no great
shakes compared to big-time stuff like The
Gentle People. The Program neglects to men-
tion that three of the plays won awards not
only in competition with other Michigan stu-
dents, but in competition with young play-
wrights all over the United States--the Bureau
of New Plays contest is open not only to college
students, both undergraduate and graduate, but
to playwrights who have been out of school for
as long as three years.
Incidentally, the only other student-written
play that we have had the privilege of seeing
in Ann Arbor in the last five years was This
Proud Pilgrimage, by Norman Rosten. This
Proud Pilgrimage was written here after Rosten
had won a scholarship from the Bureau of New
Plays for graduate study in Ann Arbor. Rosten,
whose latest play has been sought for Broadway
production by the Theatre Guild, is well on the
way to becoming one of America's outstanding
playwrights. A leading New York producer of
especially distinguished dramas classed This
Proud Pilgrimage with the finest American
dramas to date. John Gassner, the eminent
New York critic, wrote: "If the Bureau of New
Plays accomplishes nothing more than the en-
couraging of talent like Norman Rosten's it
will have amply justified its existence. It is
not too much to say that this poetic treatment
of the Haymarket tragedy reveals a new talent
on the horizon . . . (the play is) a splendid
chronicle, conceived in fire and executed nobly,
provocative, and here and there memorable."

I N THE past four years student-written plays
at the University of Michigan have won
eleven national awards, most of which have
been for production or publication. Now there
can be no question but that there are a lot of
talented young playwrights coming to Ann Ar-
bor, and the Hopwood Contest is not their only
inducement. For the most part, as far as Gul-
liver can discover, they have come to the Univer-
sity to study under the brilliant Professor Rowe,
whose playwriting classes have won him a na-
tional reputation. Robert Sherwood, speaking
in New York recently as President of the Drama-
tists' Guild, referred to Yale, Michigan, and
Stanford as the places where our young drama-
tists are coming from.
All of which should make you pretty proud
of the University. But consider this: at Yale
and at Stanford, as at the Universities of North
Carolina, Illinois. Ohio, California, Western Re-
serve, Cornell, Chicago, (and plenty more) the
University community has an opportunity to
see the new work of their young dramatists
regularly.. On some programs, up to ten long
plays and thirty one-acters are produced in a
single season. The students are provided with
encouragement and a laboratory for experi-
mentation and development.
But at the University of Michigan? Remem-

ican Institute of Public Opinion,
oming when it did on the crest of a
wave of statistics consciousness in
America, has become one of those
great, unquestioned institutions
whiichexist healthily on the phenom-
enon known as headline scanning.
Despite objections to the 1940 census
questions, there is a crying need for
accurate information necessary to
both government and business alike.
On both factual and attitude ques-
tions, polls such as the Gallup or-
ganization uses are of great value.
Yet the unfortunate thing about
such polls is that not only may they
be impartial reporters on the Amer-
ica beat, but it is also possible for
them to become moulders of opinion
themselves. Statistics, because they
are regarded by the layman as sanc-
tified by the inviolable rules of math-
ematics, are looked upon as abso-
lutely accurate measures of certain
things. This is a dangerous point
of view, leaves Sir and Madam News-
reader stuffed to the gills with what
they believe to be the whole truth
when in fact it may be only half-
truth, or even not truth at all.
For statistics as presented by a
commercial feature agency, and this
is not to be interpreted as a direct
accusation, may be handled in a way
that entirely beggars the real issues
involved, and ambiguously hems and
haws, employs terms alternately
based on anything except the ingen-
uity of the writer of the accompany-
ing article. Statistics are dry read-
ing in themselves, consequently there
is always this problem of interpret-
ation for quick reading, but in the
popularizing process certain thingsl
are stresed and certain things over-
looked. and quite often the things
overlooked are either important in
themselves, or in the way they mod-
ify the matter discussed.
Any newspaper man looks first in


The headline scanning habit has
been mentioned, Now as has baen
said, statistics have a certain con-
vincing air about them. Knowing
that a report, sucl, as that printed
weekly by newspapers the country
over on the Gallup polls, is based on
statistics, casual readers will believe
the written material connected with
and based upon the figures to be
tantamount to Gospel truth. Very
well. Now consider the lead on a
story released Sunday by the Amer-
ican Institute of Public Opinion, and
remember that this lead is about the

a story for a good lead, a terse, eye-
attracting sentence or two which will
both sum up the entire story and
make the reader go on reading the
rest of it for more facts. But a zea-
lous reporter often lets his news
nose run away with him when it
comes to writing such a lead. It is
here that editorializing enters into
the picture. He picks the thing 1n,
the story he thinks most important,
and picks it in the only way he can,
on a basis of what is important to
him and his paper, and the readers
of his paper.
It is necessary to remember this
always when reading even straight
news items. Above all, it is necessary
to remember it when the materia1
is by-lined conly, for the very exis-
tence of a by-line tells that the per-
sonality of the writer has consider-
able influence on the story. Compare
coverage of a conservative paper and
a liberal paper on the same story.
Unless it is something entirely with-
out political significance, such as a
fire or a flower show, the chances
are the two stories will be very dif-
ferent, though both will be printed
as straight news. Which is right, or
whether there is a right and wrong
in such matters, is a valid question,
but one which is never considered
by newspapers, who are not in the
habit of pointing out that their
stories are true if you are such and
such a kind of reader, but otherwise

maximum read even by those who
get beyond page one in a paper.
The story begins: "If you happen
to ask your lawyer for political ad-
vice this fall in case President. Roose-
velt runs for a third tern, the
chances today are that he will prob-
ably tell you to vote Republicn,"
This question, according to the story
asked only, "If President Roosevelt
runs for a third term will you vote
for him?" No reference is made in
the question to what party will be
supported in case a third term is
opposed, and no mention is made of
any undecided answers. But the lead
says that your lawyer. in case you
have one, will probably advise you to
vote Republican. Where is he basis
for that statement? From the figures
given, there is none. Where again is
the basis for selection of the cross
section of lawyers who answered the
question? None is given, other than
that they were taken from the stan-
dard legal directories. No considera-
tion of what the party affiliations of
the group were, evidently, for such
information would not be found in
directories. Yet, though 29 per cent
of the lawyers, graduates of the
country's as a rule conservative
schools, many of them no doubt cor-
poration lawyers who are well aware
of which side of the slice has the
butter, were in favor of a third tern
for Roosevelt, the lead says,. -the
chances are that he will probably tell
you to vote Republican," But for the
lack of space, other figures could be
quoted from the same and other
stories to bear out the point of this
article, namely that unless Dr. Gallup
is taken with quite a strong dose of
common sense, and unless he is in-
duced to print more figures and facts
on his sweeping assumptions, unless,
in short, more is learned of the real
validity of his polls, they are of very
little use to the American public, ex-
cept as a convenient means of
spreading a mild and subtle propa-
ganda in its worst form, the sheep's
clothing of facts and figures.

Dr. Gallup's Poll Of Public Opinon



(Continued from Page 2)
12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00, and on Satur-
day, March 30, from 8:30 to 12:00.
Academic Notices
Business Administration 4: All stu-
dents who have not received assign-
ments for this course are to make
appointments as soon as possible with
Mr. Meacham.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of Finnish
architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible,
'37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch-
itecture in 1938. Architectural cor-
ridor, ground floor cases, through
April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
Exhibit: Rubbings from Han Tombs
showing Legends and Life of the
Chinese i nthe 2nd Century A.D.
South Gallery, Alumni Memorial
Hall; 8:30-5:00 one week only, end-
ing March 30.
University Lecture: Professor Her-
bert Davis, Chairman of the English
Department, Cornell University, will
lecture on "Swift and the Pedants"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of English at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr Richard P.
McKeon, Dean of the Division of
Humanities, University of Chicago,
will lecture on "Discovery and Proof
in the History of Logic" under the
auspices of the Department of Phil-
osophy at 4:15 pm. on Friday, March
29, in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
Mr. Louis Untermeyer's Schedule:
Tuesday, March 26, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion (The Painters Dis-
cover America). East Conference
Room, Rackham Building.
Wednesday, March 27, 4:15 p.m.
Lecture 6: "New Rhythms in Music."
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Thursday, March 28, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion. (New Rhythms in
Music). East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
French Lecture: Professor M. S.
Pargment will give the seventh lec-
ture on the Cercle Francais program,
"Quelques opinions de la jeunesse
Francaise sur l'Amerique et la
France", Wednesday, March 27, at
4:15 p.m., room 103, Romance Lan-
guage Building.
The eighth in the series of Naval
Reserve Lecture being given for

Reports by: Jose Santos, "Mosses ofn
the Philippines." Hazel Halpin, "Theo
Bryophyte communities of a Killar-
ney Oakwood." Charles H. Griffitts,
"Naiadita, A fossil Bryophyte with
reproductive organs." Tobias Lassar,e
"Flora of Guadeloupe." Rebecca
Brnckerhoff, "The classification of
the Hepaticae."
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
.Building, at 7:30 tonight. Subject,o
"Uric Acid and Purine Problems."n
All interested are invited.I
Association Forum: Professor Arth-
ur Dunham will lead the discussion
on "Is Religion a Necessary Motiva-
tion for Service?" tonight at 8:00 in
Lane Hall.n
Varsity Glee. Club: The following,
men are expected to go to Saginawv
today. The bus will leave theg
Union at three o'clock sharp. Bring
full dress suits, ribbons.
Kelly, Secrist, Heininger, Scherdt,1
Tobin, Allen, Holt, Barber, Repola,1
Steere, Pinney, Crowe, Tuttle, Peter-
son, Erke, Ossewaarde, Stephenson,e
Connor, Sorenson, Liimatainen,
Landis, Gibson, Haberaecker, Fenni-
more, Gell, Mason, Massin, Langford,
Rector, Loessel, Penn, Hines, Fromm,i
The Future Teachers of Americai
will meet today at 4:15 pim. in thef
Education Library in U.E.S. Dean
Edmonson will speak to the group.
All those interested in education are
Al-Thaqaf: The Arabic Culture
Society will hold its first Round Table
Discussion group on the Geographi-
cal, Cultural, and Social aspects of
the Arab Near East. Three Gradu-
ate Arab Students will lead the dis-
cussion in the Union at 4:30 p.m.
today. All interested are invited.
The semester group picture of the
o loouoS auq jo lnaeJ put squapn's
Hygiene and Public Health will be
taken at the West entrance of the
West Medical Building at 12:00 noon,
Student Social Work Club: Meeting
today at 1:30 p.m. in Room A, 40
East Ferry St., Detroit.
American Student Union meeting
at 8 p.m. today in Natural Science
Auditorium. Herbert Witt, National
Executive Secretary of the ASU, will
speak on "Is Roosevelt For Peace?"
and will discuss the role of the cam-
pus in the fight against war.
Congress has selected the follow-
ing men for committee postions. A
meeting of all committee men will be

meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
A meeting of the Conversational
ebrew class will be held at the Hill-
el Foundation tonight at 7:00.
The Bibliophile Section of the Fa-
culty Women's Club will meet at Uhe
Michigan League today.
The Bookshelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's .Club will
meet today at 2:45 p.m. in the Mary
Henderson Room at the Michigan
Coming Events
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122, Chemistry Build-
ing, at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 27. Mr. Nathaniel Nichols
will speak on "Theory of the Polaro-
Seminar in Oriental Religions: "Is-
lam" will be discussed by Mr. Ismail
R. Khalidi at the fifth meeting of the
Seminar, Lane Hall, 7:30, Thursday
evening instead of Wednesday, as in
the past. All interested students are
The Pre-Medical Society will meet
Wednesday, March 27, at 8:15 p.m. in
the East Amphitheatre of the West
Medical Building. The program will
include elections of officers, ratifica-
tion of the constitution, and the
showing of medical movies. All pre-
medics invited.
Reserve Officers: Major J. W. O'-
Daniel, Infantry Reserve, will speak
on "Military Intelligence Factors in
the Commander's Decision" at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, March 27, in Room
304 of the Michigan Union. All mem-
bers of the Officers Reserve Corps
may attend.
Phi Tai Alpha: Meeting will be
held Thursday, March 28, 7:30 p~m.
in the Rackham Building. Prof.
Bruno Meinecke will lecture on "Mu-
sic among the Romans" in the West
Lecture Room (illustrated). Re-
freshments will follow in the West
Conference Room. All members
urged to be present.
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English department will speak on
"M-Day Plans and Preparations",
Wednesday, March 27, 8 p.m. at the
Michigan Union. A forum will fol-
low. This meeting, sponsored by the
Michigan Anti-War Committee, is
open to all students interested in the
preparations for wartime mobiliza-
Sigma Xi: Mr. Edward C. Pardon,
Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds, will give a brief talk on the
"Heating Tunnels" at the Rackham

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