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March 26, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-26

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Fair, rising temperature.



4 aiti

About That April
Peace Meeting ...



Washington .

. 0

Pittman Wants
Trade Treaties
To Be Brought
Before Senate
New Deal's Independence
Called 'Unconstitutional'
By Senator From Nevada
Ariy, Navy Agree
To Sell To Allies
WASHINGTON, March 25.-(P)-~
Chairman Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
denounced the New Deal's system of
tariff making as unconstitutional to-
day and said Congress should require
that trade agreements with other
lands have the approval of two-thirds
of the Senate before' they can be-
come effective.
He spoke as the Senate unexcited-
ly began debate on what had been
billed--due to the eagerness of the
Administration and the determina-
tion of the opposition-as the big
controversy of the session.
To Sell Planes
The War and Navy Departments
agreed today, it ws learned, to per-
mit the Allies to obtain the latest
model fighting planes as soon as they
are available, releasing experimental
craft which heretofore have been,
Sale %to France and Britain, of
about 600 new planes now under con-
struction for the Army and Navy will
be permitted, officials said. These
will inlude six of the Army's latest
bombers and pursuit planes, on which
deliveries will not start for several
As a result of this policy revision,
it is expected that the Franco-Bri-
tish purchasing mission will go aheadt
with its plan to invest $1,000,000,000
in American aircraft. So far, it has
placed few contracts, because this
government would not release latest
model planes.
No Announcement
No formal announcement of this
new policy was made today, as Secre-
tary of War Woodring is to explain
: it to the House Military Committee
The new plan stipulates that no
secret military devices will be released
with the planes, that the War and
Navy Departments will decide whichl
of the planes now being constructed
will be diverted to the Allies, that in
each case the manufacturer must
have a better plane in view and that
the buyers must guarantee that they
will not manufacture or assembleI
planes of American design abroad.J
The Allies, moreover, will be re-t
quired to furnish full reports on the
performance of American planes i4i
action abroad, to aid in improvinga
later models of United States planes.

Inn Arbor To Be Host To 250
Ohio ValleyCatholic Students
Newman Clubs From Four States Will Participate
In 14th Annual Convention Here, April 19-21
The full hospitality of Ann Arbor, the League, the Union, and the
University of Michigan campus will be offered to more than 250 Catholic
students--members of the Ohio Valley Province of Newman clubs-when
they gather here for their 14th annual convention on April 19, 20, 21, ac-
cording to plans announced today by the University Newman Club.
Distinguished Catholic speakers -

from the state of Michigan and from
Washington, D.C., will address the
several banquets and luncheons and
'the communion breakfast which will
be held during the three days of the
1940 conference.
To carry the hospitality theme to
a logical end, members of the Univer:
sity Newman Club are also making
arrangements for a "dating bureau"
which will provide male 4nd female
escorts for the convention banquet
and dance.
t Earl Stevens and his orchestra will
play for the Convention Dance, which
will be held Saturday, April 20, in
the League, following a dinner meet-
From Four States
More than 45 Newman Clubs, from
the states of Indiana, Ohio, Mich-
igan and Kentucky will send dele-
gates to the convention.
Burns Huttlinger, '41, and Mary
Ellen Spurgeon, '40, are co-chairmen
of the convention. They are being
assisted by Robert Sinolensky, '40,
in charge of rooms; Gus Dannemiller,
'40, in charge of reception, and Ed-
ward DeVine, '40, and Lawrence An-
derson, '43, in charge of banquet and
dance. Jack Walsh, '42E, is making
arrangements for the Sunday morn-
ing Communion breakfast at the
Union, Edward Egle, 'Grad, will di-
rect registration, and Mary Jane
Kenny, '42, is making arrangements
for the dating bureau Max Schoetz,
'42, will train guides and Jack Coo-
ney, '40, is in direction of publicity.
A reception on Friday night for
the first contingent of delegates will
open the convention program. A
dance will be held and refreshments
will be served.
Saturday's first official event will
be a luncheon at the League, which
will be attended by visiting delegates
and members of the University New-
man: Club. F'ollowing the luncheon
Student Paper
Issued Today
New Iss4 i Of 'Journalist'
Printed In Ann Arbor
The year's first issue of The Michi-
gan Journalist, experimental news-
paper published by students of the
journalism department, will appear
Each issue of The Journalist, which
is issued twice monthly, is printed in
a daily newspaper plant in some
Michigan city. This issue was print-
ed by the Ann Arbor News. The next
will be printed by the Owosso News-
Editors of The Journalist are mem-
bers of the department's class in Edi-
torial Direction. Professor Wesley
Maurer supervises The Journalist,
with Prof., John Brummn in charge
of the editorial page and Prof. Donal
Haines in charge of the preparation
of news articles.

a meeting will be held in the Rack-
ham Building at which Miss Agnes
Regan, national corresponding secre-
tary of the National Catholic Welfare
at Washington, D.C. will speak. Miss
Regan is a national honorary mem-
ber of Theta Phi Alpha, sorority for
Catholic women, and is a prominent
member of , Catholic Youth counsel
Babcock To Speak
John W. Babock, of Detroit, will
deliver the banquet address on Sat-
urday night. The banquet will be
held in the League, preceding the
dance in the ballroom.
Sunday morning Mass will be at-
tended by the Most Rev. Edward
Mooney, Archbishop of Detroit, and
the Most Rev. Joseph Albers, bishop
of Lansing; the Most Rev. William
Murphy, bishop of Saginaw; the Most
Rev. Stephen Woznicki, auxiliary
bishop of Detroit; and the Most Rev.
Joseph Plagens, bishop of Marquette.
Secretary of State Harry Kelly and
President Ruthven will speak at the
Communion breakfast which will be
held at the Union following Mass.
Msgr. Michael J. Ready, general
secretary of the National Catholic
Welfare Conference, will attend the
convention and will address the dele-
gates on Sunday morning.
Prof. H. Davis
Plans To G ive
Talk On Swift
Authority On 18th Century+
English To Give Lecture
Today At Rackham '
Prof. Herbert Davis, famed auth-
ority upon 18th century English and
the works of Jonathan Swift, will dis-
cuss "Swift and the Pedants" at 4:15
p.m. today at the Rackham Lecture
The talk, open to the public, is a
University lecture sponsored by the
English department.
Professor Davis is head of the Eng-
lish department at Cornell Universi-
ty and president-elect of Smith Col-
lege. Born in England, lhe taught
English at the University of Toronto
before appointment to his present
post at Cornell two years ago. He
was only recently appointed presi-
dent-elect of Smith.
Professor Davis' special field is the
study of 18th Century English. He
has frequently contributed articles
on this period to several prominent
periodicals and has edited several
authoritative works upon this age for
American publishing concerns. He is
at present involved in the editing of
a similar work for a British publish-
ing house,
Professor Davis devotes himself par-
ticularly in his writings upon 18th1
century English to research and eval-
uation upon Jonathan Swift, his
times and his works.

British Liner
rops Anchor
In Canal Zone
35,739 - Ton Mauretania
Believed To Be On Way
For Duty In Australia
Queen Mary May
Round Cape Horn
CRISTOBAL, Canal Zone, March
25.-UP)-The 35,739-ton British liner
Mauretania anhjored tonight in
Cristobal Bay, presumably in prep-
aration for making transit of the
Panama Canal tomorrow.
The great ship, which sailed under
sealed orders from New York five
days ago, was dark except for her
running lights. Presumably she will
remain in the bay overnight.
The. British Consul and agents for
the ship were silent concerning plans
for the Mauretania's transit of the
Canal and the ship's ultimate des-
tination, but it was believed gener-
ally in the Canal Zone that she was
enroute to Australia for use as a
The Mauretania, which ordinarily
can carry 1,500 passengers, sailed
from New York only one day ahead
of the Queen Mary, her big sister,
Despite complete secrecy as to the
destination of the ships, both were
reported in New York to be enroute!
for troopship duty, probably from
Australasia to the Near East.
(Because of her size, the 81,235-ton
Queen Mary cannot be taken through
the Canal and, if she is enroute to
Australasia, probably would go
around the Cape of Good Hope).
England Hears Demands
For New Government
(By Associated Prep)
Great Britain seethed today with
outspoken demands for a new war
government which would concentrate
power in fewer hands and give more
authority to dynamic Winston
Church, first lord ofthe admirality
Elsewhere: 1
Unusual activity kept Prench and
Italian diplomats on the go, with the
French premier, Paul Reynaud,
talking privately for the first time
with the Italian ambassador.
The boom of artillery echoed along
the Western Front and ended the
Easter calm.
Canada was ready to give her te-
cision on her liberal government's
conduct of the Dominion's war effort.
The London Star quoted "well-in-
"irmed political circles' as saying a
:ve-man cabinet would 'be organized
hortly to replace Britain's present
uine-man inner group.
Churchill, it was said, would speal
for the land, sea and air forces as
wll as the ministries of supply and
shipping. At present he talks only
for the admiralty.
Waltz Announces

Postman Brings Photo
of Lovely Joan Bennett
Members of Alpha Rho Chi, archi-
tect's fraternity, are expecting big
things from the postman today-but
it will have to be unusual to excel
the autographed picture of Joan Ben-
nett whic harrived mysteriously in
the mail Monday.
For some reason or another, and
none of the brothers have figured
out the answer, a large, framed pic-
ture of the Hollywood beauty was
delivered at their door, and neatly
autographed, "I Hope You All Be-
come Great Architects Someday,"
Today the picture is mounted in the
living room of the house.
What's next? Even the members
of Alpha Rho Chi won't guess, but
they're hoping.
Growth Of U.Se
Culture Traced
By Uiitermeyer
Literature Was Followed
By Architecture In Use
Of American Theme
"American -culture first came of
age in writing, especially in the poetry
of Whitman and the host of 'libera-
tors' that followed him; architecture
followed rapidly in utilizing the
American theme; but American art
developed hesitatingly, slowly, and
American music slowest of all."
Thus did Louis Untermeyer, noted
poet and anthologist, yesterday trace
the growth, development and pro-
gress of native culture in his talk on
"New Frontiers in American Culture"
delivered at Rackham Amphitheatre.
The lecture, the fifth in a series of
six, will be discussed informally at
a meeting at 4:15 p.m. today in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
Treating the problem of "the uni-
versal versus the particular," Mr. Un-
termeyer emphsized "You can't be-
gin with the universal-you only
achieve platitudes. You must begin
with the particular, then advance to
the general, and finally you reach
the universal."
Mr. Untermeyer first insisted that
in art he was merely an "enthusiastic
amateur." He maintained that he
was simply attempting to correlate
the different American arts, not so
much for their quality or technique,
nor for their greatness, but for "their
potentiality as American art,"
Williams To Talk
On 'M-Day Plans'
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English department, will speak on,
"M-Day Plans" at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union at a Michigan Anti-
War Committee meeting, according
to John Huston, '41, counsellor for
the group.
Professor Williams' talk, the sec-
ond in a series of educational pro-
grams planned by the Committee,
will point out the problems of regi-
menting the industries and youths
of the United States if this country
becomes involved in the present Eu-
ropean conflict, Huston said,

International At A Glance
(By Associated Press)
LONDON - Pressure grows
heavier for new war government,
suggest inner cabinet of five min-
isters instead of nine.
PARIS-Thud of artillery ends
Easter calm on Western Front;
Premier Reynaud meets Italian
ambassador for first private con-
ference with Mussolini's envoy.
ROME - Hungary's premier
confers with Foreign Minister
Count Ciano; French ambassador
leaves for home to report on
Italy's position.
OTTAWA-Fate of Canada's
liberal government hangs in bal-
ance; 6,600,000 eligible to vote
Tuesday on conduct of Domin-
ion's war effort.
Play Production
Announces Cast
For aTi Critic'
Sheridan's 18th Century
Play Opens Tomorrow
For Four Day Showing
A cast whose principal character
does not utter a word was announced
yesterday for Play Production's ver-
sion of "The Critic," by Dr. William
P. Halstead of the speech depart-
The play, an 18th century satire by
Richard Brinsley Sheridan,. opens a
four-day run tomorrow at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. The curtain
will rise for each performance at
8:30 p.m.
Lord Burleigh principal character
in "the play within the play," will
be portrayed by George Spelvin. Bur-
leigh is Queen Elizabeth's chief coun-
sellor. His part consists in appearing
on the stage, sitting down, and think-
Other leading male characters are
James Moll, Grad, as Puff, a conceit-
ed author; Hugh Norton, Grad, as
Sneer; and Duane Nelson, Grad, as
Principal female parts are played
by Marguerite Mink, '40, as Mrs.
Dangle; June Madison, '40Ed., as Til-
burina; Doris Barr, '40, as the con-
fidant; and Nathalie Schurman, '42,
as the Justice's lady.
The complete cast numbers about
50, Dr. Bloomer said, This figure in-
cludes those who work the warships
in the battle scene, he explained, as
well as characters in the final "Page-
ant of the Rivers."
This pageant, known in theatrical
circles as the Masque, is being direct-
ed by Ruth H. Bloomer of the physi-
cal education department. This scene
features fantastic and extreme cos-
tumes which, in line with satire and
comedy, actually impede the players'

Campus 'Peace Council'
Receives His Consent
By WireMonday Night
Twelve Local Units
To Sponsor Meeting
Sen. Gerald P. Nye, progressive Re-
publican from North Dakota, will
keynote the all-camp s Peace Rally
to be held here April 9.
Senator Nye last night wired the
Campus Peace Council, representing
12 campus groups, and indicated his
willingness to speak here.
A staunch isolationist, Senator Nye
is internationally famed for his in-
vestigation and scathing denuncia-
tions of the muntions industry. He
was a bitter opponent of the recent
arms embargo repeal.
Speaks In New York
In a speech delivered Saturday in
New York's Town Hall and quoted in
last Sunday's New York Times, Sena-
tor Nye assailed President Roosevelt's
foreign policy and declared that he
favored the passing of a constitution-
al amendment to require a referen-
dum of the people for a declaration of
war by the United States, except in
the case of a direct attack. He said:
"Youths of 18 to 21, who would be
directly concerned with the business
of fighting, should be permitted ,to
vote in such an amendment."
Senator Nye also maintained that
the power vested in Congress to pass
on declarations of war wasoverbal-
anced by the fact that "a single pair
of hands" could shape up a foreign
policy that could bring matters to
such a state that Congress would have
no alternative but to vote for war.
Sees No Danger
In answer to questions from the
floor after his speech, the Times quot-
ed Nye as saying: "I would most def-
initely continue my isolationist policy
even if the Allies were losing the war;
the combined armies and navies of
Germany, Russia, Japan, England and
France couldn't get within striking
distance of our shores; even if Hitler
won, it would take him twenty years
to catch his breath."
The Campus Peace Council, formed
last week, in order "to articulate the
students' desire for peace for Ameri-
ca" is composed of these repre'senta-
tives from the following campus or-
Carl Peterson, Daily (chairman);
Phillip Westbrook, Congress (secre-
tary); Donald Treadwell, Union; Dor-
othy Shipman, League; Thomas Ad-
ams, Interfraternity Council; Bar-
bara Basset, Panhellenic Association;
Mary Frances Reek, Assembly; Har-
riet Sharkey, WAA; Robert Kahn,
ASU; Ted Spangler, Athletics; Karl
Olson, Michigan Anti-War Commit-
tee; Vivian Sieman, League for Liber-
al Action.
Maki Earns $2,000
For His Native Land
Appearances here and in Lansing by
Thisto Maki and Paavo Nurmi, the
two "flying Finns," raised between
$1,800 and $2,000 for Finnish relief,
Dr. Lloyd W. Olds announced yes-
terday. The sum is four times larger
than any other brought in during the
two runners' U.S. tour.
Twenty-five hundred tickets were
sold for the relays and an additional
$650 was brought in by the Lansing
appearance. Naylor Stone, personal
representative of the runners, termed
the A.A.U. meet the "largest and best
conducted" of any in which they have
participated. Expenses for the relays
were kept at a minimum in order to
raise more money for Finland,
ASU Will Sponsor

Neutralit Lecture
"Is Roosevelt for Peace?" will be
the topic of a public lecture by Her-
bert Witt, national executive secre-
tary of the American Student Union
at 8 p.m. today in the Natural Science
Auditorium, according to Ellen Rhea,
'41, president of the local chapter.
A graduate student of Columbia
University, Mr. Witt resigned his
position as district secretary of the
New York chapter of the ASU to

Sen. Gerald P. Nyc
To Speak April 19
,At Rally For Peace


Band Concert
Will Feature
Although eccentr.ic Ant i abor
weather has made its name a sea-
sonal anomaly, the Annual Spring
Concert of the University Band will
come off as scheduwed, 8:30 p.m..
Thursday, in Hill Auditorium.
Originating before the regular
Concert audience a portion of the
concert will be broadcast over the
first nationwide hookup ever given
any college concert in the United
States. Ih broadcast, to be carried
over the Mutual Broadcasting Sys-
tem, will go out from 9:30 p.m. to
10:15 p.m.
Michigan students will have the
opportunity of seeing the Band play
under the famous baton of Morton
Gould, prominent young American
camposer of symphony music, who
will act as guest conductor of the
concert. He will assist Prof. Williai
Revelli, regular conductor of the
University Band, who will occupy the
podium as the Concert opens.
Mr. Gould is the composer of the
"Second American Symphonette,"
from which the currently popular
"Pavanne" was adapred. His appear-
ance with the University Band will
be highlighted by the introduction of
his most recent composition, "Cow-
boy Rhapsody," played for the first


For U

Of Prizes
Tnion Staff

New Kellogg Dental Institute
To Be Dedicated Here April 3

Industrious polishing and a general
air of activity around the new W. K,
Kellogg Foundation Institute for
Graduate and Postgraduate Dentistry
at North University Avenue and
Twelfth Street, across from the
League, indicate the approach of the
dedication ceremonies to be held at
10 a.m. April 3 in the Lecture Hall
of the Rackham Building.
Combined with the dedication cere-
monies will be the annual homecom-
ing of the School of Dentistry. Presi=-
dent Ruthven will preside over the
morning session which will take the
form of a formal convocation of the
University at which will be represen-
tatives of all the schools and colleges
as well as the administrative officers.
Dr. Emory Morris of the W. K. Kel-
logg Foundation will present the In-
stitute to the University and it will
be officially hccepted by President
Ruthven on behalf of the Regents.
Responses to the gift will be given

Louis will speak at 11 a.m. on "Den-
tal Radiography" in the Lecture Hall
Dr. Simpson is considered one of the
outstanding workers in the radio-
graphy field according to Dean Bunt-
Following Dr. Simpson's address
will be a luncheon at noon in the
Union. Mr. Louis Untermeyer, noted
poet and anthologist, will speak on
as yet an unannounced subject.
At 2 p.m., the alumni and members
of the convocation will assemble at
the south side of the Institute Me-
morial, a stone monument dedicated
to Dr. Miller, an eminent dental sci-
Following the dedication of the
monument, at 2:30 p.m. will be a pre-
view of the Kellogg Foundation Insti-
Simultancously with the luncheon
in the Union will be another luncheon
in the League for the ladies. After-
wards, the ladies will have a preview

Addressing the 250 student em-
ployes of the Union last night, Stan-
ley Waltz, business manager of the
organization, announced the inception
and details of a series of scholarship
prizes to be awarded every semester
by the Union.
Under the present set up, three of
the students employed by the Union
will be awarded a $50 prize in May, to
be applicable on tuition in any col-
lege in the University, and three simi-
lar awards will be made at the end
of the next semester.
The awards will be made by a com-
mittee consisting of the manager and
assistant managers of the Union, the
student president, financial secretary
of the Union and the Dean of Stu-
dents. The awards are to be made
on the basis of work in the Union
and scholarship. The committee will
take into account a student- ballot,
and departmental heads' ratings.
Eligibility for the prizes includes
employment on the Union staff for
two semesters or the equivalent. The
program is so arranged that no stu-
dent may receive the awards in con-
secutive semesters.

More than 150 citizens gathered
last night at the Ann Arbor High
School for the regular bi-monthly
meeting of the Community Forum
and thoroughly thrashed out the
problem of "Housing Costs in Ann
They heard a panel of six men,
prominent in the local housing in-
dustry, make the assumption that
housing costs in Ann Arbor are high
and then outline the ascribed causes
for this situation.
Costs Are High
Those factors outlined were: high
cost of land; high cost of materials
and high cost of labor; high costs
created by financing, taxes, insur-
ance, building codes, zoning laws,
and costs of municipal services.
The group then discussed the
problem of rent and agreed that
rent in Ann Arbor was high. This
situation, they claimed, was due to
a shortage of houses-and this
shortage, it was maintained, was due
to insufficient building in the last
,,t~n V;,r

ornmunity Forum Panel Group
Debates City Housing Problems

ing in dormitories. The result of the
program, therefore, so far as the
housing of local citizens is concerned,
was considered negligible.
Secondly, the forum considered the
cost of labor and discussed the prac-
ticability and desirability of giving
labor "a lower hourly wage and a
higher annual wage."'
Specifying insulating board as an
example of the high costs of mater-
ials, the group then asked: "Does the
high cost of materials indicate price-
fixing or is the situation mere co-
incidene ?"
As support of the "price-fixing"
thesis, the claim was made that ma-
terials have the same cost bothi in
Ann Arbor and Detroit and among
almost all the dealers. It was pointed
out, moreover, that there is a varia-
tion in quality in' that Ann Arbor
receives better lumber than does
Under the rules of the Community
Forum, however, no resolutions or
conclusions were reached.


A Series

To Cohelude
With Talkl

Concluding the Student Religious
A ..,.A.. n iai)' .sgprinc' of Tiipinv ., .

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