SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1940 THE MICIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Mrs. Earhart's Funeral Rites Will Be Today Prominent Local Resident Died Friday; Services Will Be Held At Home (Continued from Page 1) New Plane Can Climb More That A Mile A Minute Chicago Dean Will Give Talk On Logic Here Garden Clubs of Michigan, Mrs. Ear- hart kept an attractive garden at her home which was well known to flower enthusiasts. She took many prizes in Ann Arbor, Detroit and New York flower shows. Born in Detroit and- educated in Detroit schools and at Abbott Acad' emy at Andover, Mass., Mrs. Earhart was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Beal. She was married April 23, 1901. After her marriage she lived a few years in Chicago, then in Detroit, moving to Ann Arbor in 1916. Her husband was president and chairman of the board of directors of the White Star Refining Co. from 1910 to 19321 and director of the Vacuum Oil Co. from 1930 to 1933. Mrs. Earhart is survived by her; husband; three daughters, Mrs. Clem- ent A. Smith and Mrs. A. Philip Guiles of Boston, and Mrs. James A. Kennedy of Ann Arbor; a son, Rich- ard Earhart, of Ann Arbor; 14 grand- children; a sister, Mrs. John A. Ste- phenson of Duluth, Minn.; and two brothers, Frank E. Beal and Alexan- der W. Beal of Detroit. First Graduate Tea To Be Wednesday First in a proposed series of grad- uate teas will be held Wednesday, March 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building, Jean Brown, Grad., chairman of the committee in charge announced yesterday. Prof. Mischa Titiev, of the Anthro- pology department, will speak on "Some Modern Problems in Indian Administration." Prof. Titiev lived in the Southwest with Indians for years and is well acquainted with th situation. Shown during tests at St. Louis is the new Curtiss-Wright 21 inter claim, can climb more than a mile a minute. In production for a foreign bombers, the plane is dceigned to carry four machine g uns. Its speed is w GIege Sudeint fte CI Dr. Richard P. McKeon, Noted For Philosophical Work, ToSpeak Friday Dr. Ricl'ard P. McKeon, Dean of he Division of Humanities at the rmniversity of Chicago will discuss. Dcroverv and Proof in the History r Logic" at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the h ackham Amphitheatre. The talk, a University lecture, is sponsored by the philosophy depart- -ent, is open to the public. Dr. McKeon, Dean of the Division Humanities at Chicago since 1935, I I famed for his work and writing pcn th. subject of philosophy. He s a frequent contributor to Lhe En- --;clopedia of Social Sciences and -ther journals. Bc rn in New Jersey, Dr. McKeon vas graduated from Columbia Uni- versity and did graduate work at the University of Paris and the ceptor-fighter which, its designers Schcol of Upper Studies in Paris, power as a powerful defense against -s well as at Columbia. He has taught ell over 300 miles per hour. -hilcsophy, Greek and Latin at Co- 'umbia; and history and philosophy at the University of Chicago. FOrg0 BR Dr. McKeon has been author of such books as: "The Philosophy of ra 7 AF dea(Vol III ";and has been editor sus C o u n ts and also translaor,. of 'Selections from Medieval Philosophers, "Au- gustine to Albert the Great," and ents might have trouble answering I "Roger Bacon to William of Ock- concerns the residence of the student ham."; He is book editor of the,."Jounal on April 1, 1935. If the student was of Philosophy" and a member of-the away from home at the time, in prep board of editors of "Classical Phi- school, college or elsewhere, the par- i lology." entsA re still to report his permanent 1 residence, which normally would be I the same as their own. c Reporting to the Census Bureau, * the letter continues, is required by Is Talk Topic law, but the same statue .,protects these giving, the answers against dis- "M-Day Plans" will be the topic closure of individual returns or their of a public lecture by Prof. Mentor use for taxation, investigation or re- L. Williams, of the English depart- gulation. ,ment, at a Michigan Anti-War Com-. Univers4ty City Products Vary From Broaches To Microfilm Ann Arbor Noted As Town Filters Co. and Buhr Tool and Ma- Of Conventions, Medical, chine Co. Here are some facts and figures Athletic, Cultural Center about Ann Arbor: population at pres- Ann Arbor can not only boast of ent estimated to be 29.500; area, six a University worth approximately square miles; altitude, 850 feet; cli- $75,000,000, according to a recent fi- mate, mean temperature 48,1 degrees nancial report, but also a group of in- fahrenheit; rainfall, 29.93 inches; dustries which it is estimated pay in assessed valuation, $3$,610,945; tax wages approximately $3,000,000 an- rate, $29.35; bonded debt, $934,370,- nually and manufacture products 000; postal receipts, $372,302.92; pub- worth $15,000,000. lic libraries, 70,250 volumes; building For in the "University City of and construction, 764 building permits Michigan" are located 51 firms em- valued at $14,663,456; two railroad ploying approximately 2,500 people and two bus lines; telephones in serv- and producing everything from ice, 12,000; water, 108.23 miles of broaches and machines to microfilms. mains; gas, 110 miles of mains and Principal Products retail sales volume varying from $17,- A list of Ann Arbor's principal pro-' 000,000 to $20,000,000 annually. ducts would include: castings; high- Ann Arbor and its Chamber of speed steel finishing; gasoline gauges; Commerce also boast a few other automobile instruments; p u m p s; facts; 16 parks, covering 570 acres; 21 radios and record players; cameras chnrches; 13 public elementary and and camera supplies; commercial junior high schools and three high balers; coil and flat springs; screw schools-city, University, and paro- machine parts; steel balls and bear- chial; a municipal water softening ings; pharmaceutical products; scien- plant; a new sewage disposal plant tific instruments; oil filters, and dup- licating machines. Because Ann Arbor is located in the 'Pr A heart of the automobile industry many of its products can be classi-E.. fied in the automobile accessories field; but there is enough variety SPRING to tenable the city to boast of a some- I what "diversified industry." SHOPPING King-Seeley Largest The largest plant in town is the KigSeeley Corp., producing auto- mobile instruments and employing approximately1,000employees. Sec- ond largest is the Hoover Steel Ball6 j Col., which employs approximately 600 and manufactures steel balls and bearings. Close behind are Interna- tional Industries, Inc., Economy Bail- '. er Co., the Barnes-Gibson Raymond Division of the Cook Spring Co., the American Broach Co., Fleming Fram Every'Spring brings the an- nouncement of engagements 0 'and marriages among your friends. Then come thelq showers, and you I1 need ideas for gifts. A shower gift should be - lovely and yet practical. 'C'hat'sWhy we suggest one OIL CROQUINOLE, $3.00 of our large selection of bath Ammonia or Non-ammonia mats and loath sets. They ,comein lovely pastels with Shanspoo - Finger Wave flower designs. She'll love MON. - TUES. - WED. - 50c it and she'll need it! THUR. - FRS. - SAT. - 65c I Machineless. ..$3.50 GAGE r I EN SHOP campus Beauty Shop LI N H Open Evenings Phone 2-1379 { H;;;;;;>04;;;;;;4==>0 ;=; n1 I C as 0 By ROBERT SPECKHARD Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but it also tends to make the mind forgetful. At least"that's the experience that Uncle Sam has had-in 150 years of Census-taking according to a letter just recently released by the Bureau of the Census asking college students to cooperatein making the 1940 Cen- sus as accurate as possible. Uncle Sam, says the letter, is ask- ing college students to write home during March and request some- thing besides the traditional check. He wants the young men and women who are living temporarily at school to remind their parents: "Count me in when the Census-taker comes to the 'family mansion' in April." Students Will Benefit Feeling that college students, like every other section of the popula- tion, will benefit from a reliable na- tional inventory,-the Bureau of Cen- the letter continues, wants college students to help make it a success by first, making sure that their par- ents will report the Census enumerator, and second, supplying' their parents with certain informa- - i Arab Society Viewpoints To Discuss Of Near East "The Geographic, Social and Cul- tural Aspects of the Near East as Viewed by a Modern Arab," will be the subject for discussion " at the first open forum to be held by Al- Thaqafa, Arabic cultural society, at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. tion they will need in order to re- port on them accurately. Affhand, the letter declares, it might beethought that parents would know everything about the student which would be called for in the Cen- sus. But the questions which are be- ing asked in 1940 are somewhat more complex than those of previous years, reflecting the need for facts bearing ,on the many problems which have arisen in the United States- during the eventful decade just closing. Questions To Send The queries on which pareits are most likely to be uncertain aIre those relating to employment status. Stu- dents are asked to clip the following questions, answer them, and send the information on to their parents; 1. Number of weeks the student worked in 1939 equivalent full-time weeks. 2. Number of hours he worked dur- ing the week of March 24-30, 1940. 3. Present, or if seeking work, last occupation (exact nature of duties performed.) 4. Present or last industry (kind of factory, store or other place of business). 5. Present or last class of worker (wage or salary worker in private work: wage or salary worker in gov- ernment work; working on own ac- count; unpaid family workers). 6. Whether at work in private or non-emergency government work during week of March 24-30. 7. If not, whether assigned to pub- lic emergency work (such as NYA) during that week. 8. If neither, whether seeking w rk. 9. If not at work or seeking work, does the student have a job or busi- ness, from which he is temporarily on vacation, sick leave or lay-off? Residence Of Student The only other question which par- Mititary S tu dents Used For Statistics, They will be used solely, for statis- tical purposes. For example, it will be possible to ,determine from the 1940 Cexisus figures the number of college graduates in various occupa- tions, the number of unemployed col- lege. graduates, and great. deal of other important information never before available. Not . only will the Census produce material of this type,.the letter con- eludes, which bears directly on the student's pdospects, but will furnish sociological data of considerable value to students doing research. Thus cooperation with the 1940 Cen- sus will pay the student dividends. mittee sponsored meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Union. The domestic problems of _regi- menting the industrial, and human forces of the United States in the event of American entrance into the present European conflict. will, be discussed and pointed out by. Profee- so Williams, John Huston, 41, coun- sellor for the Committee, said., Professor Williams' talk Wednes- day is the second in a series of edu- cational meetings, planned ,by the Committee to present analyses by local authorities of foreign and do- mestic problems that would arise if America abandoned her neutrality, Huston added. NEEDN'T TRAVEL FAR FOR THIS TREASURE-Just try State Street, left hand side - It's QUARRY. Just think, a bargain on the treasure too, half price. I won't keep you in suspense any longer, it's Elizabeth Arden's Treasurette. This cl est of beauty contains eight Ar- dens essential for make up. Eight, - you can count h them, including creams, powder and - .-lotions equipped with cotton and cleansing tissue. The whole works for the care and attractiveness of your complex- ion. They are packed in a good looking case, which would be a handy traveling beauty box for all occasions. Home treatments are now not only practical, but inexpensive. Try it now! * * TIMELY THREESOME, that's what I call them. Timely because now is the period that feminine craving desires something new, something different. Threesome EE= =d ATTENTION BOOK FIENDS. Here is something for you to really feast your eyes on! It's the Bar- gain counter at WAHRS. Here is something that you shouldn't miss. Exceptionally low prices- running even down into cents numbers. \ I know some of you even like to brouse around good books. Two full tables, eve- ry conceivable type - of book is repre- sented. There are novels, diaries, biog- raphies, travel dow to text books for your selection. Now you will be able to pick up not one, but quite a number and still come within your budget. Books make nice gifts too.. Take some home, or give them to your friends. Everybody loves to read. Don't forget now, here is a chance of a lifetime-it's Wahrs bargain counter! FOR YOUR PLEASURE, TAN- DEM TESTER. Here is a new bar- gain featured sat the CALKINS- FLETCHER Beauty Bar. The tester consists of a free rougeand lipstick given, away with every purchase of Coty powder. They are of the famed Coty "air spun" line. Guaranteed . e; to give you the ;' matching ensemble.\ to your own,. person- al shade- of powder Coty is so proud of these selections that they call them their "Key to Loveliness," and many pleased buyers will tell you that it is just that. In your choice you should take care that you con- sider your complexion. Blending is essential. See them now and make your selection for your new spring clothes! "VITAMINS for fired c~lhei., I r I 11 q because it includes sweater, skirt and ac- cessory ensembles. DILLONS is the arbi- trator, here's the place to set your heart at ease. The sweaters are yummy. Glorious an- goras of all breeds of pastels. Good looking cardigans and slipovers. Scabbard and Blade, national ROTC honorary society, will hold its formal Spring Banquet April 26 in the League, and the entire ad- vance corps is invited, in order to promote closer relations with the military unit. Separate places at the banquet tables. which will be illuminated en- tirely by candle light, will be re- served for Pi Tau Sigma, the Society of American Military Engineers and the Infantry Officers Club. Chairman of the banquet commit- tee is George Cowing, '40E, assisted by Ray Kempner, '40, and Burns Huttlinger, '40. Sherzer To Give Lecture On Hudson Bay Region The Society of American Military Engineers will sponsor a descriptive lecture and movies of the Hudson Bay region of Canada by Prof. Allen F. Scherzer of the College of Engin- ecring at 7:30 u.n. Tuesday in the Union, Edward Sherwin. '40E, pres- ident of the local chapter announced yesterday. RESIDENTS of Geddes, Washtenaw, Forest and Vicinity SPECIAL CHICKEN SANDWICH 2Oc styles in In skirts, 'ol and _y>fO'6Oek wtoSe o\) y .doac- k you name it, they have it-plains, plaids, belts, colors, swing. Flat- tering and youthful, they typify the coed. For accessories we sug- gest costume jewelry. Light and attractive, they set off all outfits. See them now-at Dillons. We attend classes, too, have been instructed hor 1 . . dryClean repel lent and restore We l REDUCED PARTY RATES Avndnble nn ; garments satis i th U, U Ill , I