Cloudy, possibly snow; rising
temperature tomorrow.
k iga
I it
Consider Cost Of Your
Irresponsibilities .
VOL. L. No. 96 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 1940
Crisler Lauds
Sports; Denies
Admits Athletics Are No
Perfect, But Supports
GeneralCollege Setup
Faults 'In Minority,'
Football Coaeh Says
Intercollegiate football received a
sound thump on the back here yes-
terday from Herbert Orrin Crisler,
Michigan's head football coach.
The Michigan mentor, admitting
that there are some imperfections in
scholastic athletics, insisted that
they are "far in the minority" and
that we should fight "everlastingly"
to preserve our present opportuni-
ties for physical education.
"We who are vitally interested in
college athletics realize that they
have not been perfect," Crisler said,
"Nevertheless I venture to concie
that out of some thousand colleges
and universities in our country there
are not more, than a dozen where
athletics have been over emphasized
Crisler Reflects Definition
Crisler neglected to define what
he considers to be "over emphasis,"
and he did not speak at any time in
direct reference to the situation at
the University. His statements are
published in the current issue of the
Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Re-
Although he does not identify the
evils which he admits have become
associated with football in "not more
than a dozen colleges,"- Crisler
Stressed that athletics in general are
contributing greatly to the educa-
tional success of all universities.
Athletics replace uncivilized, bar-
barianeactivities, he explains, and
train human mental reactions so
that they assume a wholesome rela-
tion to our social needs and ideals.
"The very war dogs of a man's be-
ing are aroused and at the same time
controlled by athletics," Crisler de-
clared. "Emotional strength is de-
veloped, made obedient to the leash.
Praises Athletics
"There is nothing better than ath-
letics to prepare the individual for
the ultimate crises of life," he ob-
Crisler draws an analogy between
the men who would eliminate foot-
ball because it is sometimes abused,
and the trainer who would shoot his
dog because he has mange. "I con-
tend that, inescapably, there is evil
connected with every thing good and
wholesome," he added.
He attacks suggestions that Ameri-
can colleges should adopt an Eng-
lish style of athletic program. "The
sports of different races and people
reflect the characteristics, impulses,
ambitions, and emotions of each," he
IFC Changes
p lotI IW RI110o
Paths Supplant Sidewalks On Campus
- Daily Photo by Bogle.
Paths like the one pictured above are causing sleepless nights
for the buildings and grounds depalrtment these days, for they're to
be found all over campus. Although the University will be forced
to go to great expense, come spring, to repair damages so wrought
to the turf, these amateur-blazed trails are quite ingenious affairs
as the great number of students who use them can testify. They
also prove, no doubt, that it is unnecessary to clear the regular
walks-few use them.
Improved Reading For Students
Is Aim Of SpecialCourse Here
8 Freshmen
Win Awards
In Hopwoods
Prose Narrative, Essay
Prizes Go To An All-A
Coed, Margaret A. Avery
Lion's Share Goes
To Ann Arborites
Margaret A. Avery, all-A student
from Ann Arbor, yesterday received
first place awards in the essay and
prose narrative divisions of the Avery
and Jule Hopwood literary competi-
tion for freshmen.
Three hundred dollars in prizes
were divided' among eight winners in
the annual contest. Miss Avery will
receive $100 for her double victory.
First place winners received $50, sec-
ond place $30, and third place $20.
Hopwood Is Donor
The contests were made possible by
Avery Hopwood, American dramatist
and alumnus of the University, who
left part of his estate to be given
away each year to "students who
perform the best creative work in lit-
erary fields."
Freshmen submitted their manu-
scripts in January. Contests for up-
perclassmen will be held in the
spring. Only students regularly en-
rolled in the University are eligible
to compete.
Five of the nine prizes went to Ann
Arbor residents. Miss Avery, John
C; Purdue, and Thomas G. Gies, all
of Ann Arbor, won in the essay class;
and Miss Avery and Marjorie P. Mul-
lin, of Ann Arbor, received prizes
for their narrative prose.
Freshmen Winners
Freshmen winners are:
Essay: Margaret A. Avery, Ann Ar-
bor; John C. Purdue, Ann Arbor;
Thomas G. Gies, Ann Arbor.
Prose: Margaret A. Avery, Ann
Arbor; Marjorie P. Mullin, Ann Ar-
bor; Gerald E Davidson, Detroit-.
Poetry: Alvin L. Ureles, Rochester,
N.Y.; Carol J. Bundy, Cranford, N.Y.;
Howard I. Moss, New York City. E
To Speak On Religion
Attempt To Solve Problem
Of Classroom Failures
To BeginThis Saturday
An ultra-modern motion picture
technique will be used here this se-
mester by University educational
scientists in an attempt to solve the
study problems of college students.
The new program is designed to
improve habits of reading-one of
the important reasons for student
failure in classrooms.
Presented on a voluntary and non-
credit basis, the work will begin Sat-
urday afternoon when a reading
aptitude examination will be given
in Natural Science auditorium at 2
Andemon Is Administrator
Dr. Irving H. Anderson, of the
education school, is administering the
new course. Although the examina-
tion on Saturday is voluntary, it will
be required of every freshman en-
tering the University in September,
1940. Reading treatment will 'then
be offered to men and women who
need it.
Invented in part by Dr. Anderson,
the motion picture which will be
used along with other methods here
this year has produced remarkable
results both in laboratory experi-
ments and in actual use at Harvard
Schedule To Be Arranged
No schedule of classes has yet been
arranged for this semester, but D,
Anderson announced yesterday that
he would complete arrangements this
week. Classes will be held in the
University high school building.
The motion picture treatment
which will be given students will be
a "flash" method of presenting parts"
of sentences over and down a screen.
These "flashes" will consist of units
of words from a paragraph of read-
alternate leaps and pauses. Good
readers make relatively few pauses
per line while poor readers make
many. The films intend to improve
reading ability by controlling the
number of eye pauses.
Dr. Anderson's technique consists
of presenting the units in two ways:
"discreetely" and "continuously." In
(Continued on Page 2)
Michigan Tech
Blea-ts Puecmen
In Final Period
Wolverines Are Whipped,
1-0, As Petaja Scores
In Last Four Minutes
(Special To The Daily)
HOUGHTON, Feb. 16.-Michigan's
chance to emerge from its hockey'
slump was shattered here tonight
when Michigan Tech handed the Wol-
verines a 1 to 0 defeat. The game
was decided when wingman Bob Pet-
aja scored for Tech with less than
four minutes of the third pw-iod re-
The game was the first of a series
of two, Michigan will clash with Tech
again Saturday night, and was one
of the features of Michigan Tech's
colorful Winter Carnival program. A
crowd of 1,400 watched the rival
pucksters check all scoring attempts
during the evening in a fast and
aggressive game.
The winning goal by Petaja was
a back handed shot from scrimmage.
The Tech wingman hit pay dirt when
his effort from a scrimmage directly
in front of the Wolverine net slipped
past Goalie "Spike" James.
* * *
Prof. Carlson
To Open SRA
Series Today
Chicago Expert To Discuss
Scientific Observations
Of Religious Beliefs
Attention of the campus will be
focused on the questions of religion
when Prof. Anton J. Carlson of the
University of Chicago's physiology
department delivers the first lecture
of the new Student Religious Asso-
ciation series at 8 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Presenting the viewpoint of a scien-
tist toward religion, Professor Carl-
son will discuss the question on which
three other speakers will later deliver
opposing oinions-"The Existence
and Nature of Religion."
Professor Carlson, Fellow of the
American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, in his lecture
as in his writings, is critical toward
institutionalized, ritualistic religion
and holds that ultimately, everything
can be explained by science.
A former president of the Ameri-
can Association of University Pro-
fessors and a member of the National
Academy of Science, he has been
called an "anti-supernaturalist," al-
though he holds ethics to be of the
highest importance.
The new series of lectures has been
designed by the SRA to supplement
last year's talk on "The Existence and
Nature of God," discussed by Bertrand
Russell, Msgr. Fulton Sheen and
Reinhold Niebuhr. The lecture, free
to the public, will be discussed by
Prof. Raphael Isaacs of the medical
school at 8 p.m. Tuesday in a forum
at Lane Hall.
Publisher Gets
Post On Board
W. W. McCall To Succeed
Stuart H. Perry
W. Webb McCall, publisher of the
Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Times-News, has
been appointed to the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications, it was
announced yesterday by University
An alumnus of the University, and
President of the University Press
Club of Michigan, Mr. McCall will
succeed Stuart 1H. Perry, publisher of
the Adrian Telegram, as a member
of the organization. Mr. Perry re-
signed last spring.
Mr. McCall lectured on the Uni-
versity campus last spring in a series
of talks presented by the journalism
Finnish Retreats
Reported; Soviet
Assault Continues
1915 Triumph
Is Celebrated
By Pa'wlowski
Twenty-five years ago the Uni-
versity offered its first course in
aeronautical engineering-and Prof.
Felix W. Pawlowski, who today
is Michigan's outstanding aviation
scientist, delivered the first lecture.
Professor Pawlowski celebrated the
silver anniversary here yesterday. It
was on Feb. 15, 1915, that the first
aeronautical class met, but "1awlow-
ski was able to teach it only after a
hard battle convincing University of-
ficials in all parts of the country
that aeronautical engineering should
be taught in college classrooms.
He approached 18 different schools
and colleges before he was able to
convince Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley,
dean of the engineering college, that
his plan was worthwhile. Cooley
was impressed with the idea, and
first hired Pawlowski to teach me-
chanical engineering. Later the avi-
ation course was adopted, and today
it is one of the leading departments
of the entire college.
Vote To Oppose
'Orphan Roads'
County Road Men Object
To rMaintenance Load
Imposed By The State
Michigan county road commission-
ers in session at the twenty-fifth
Michigan Highway Conference in the
Union yesterday resolved to fight the
attempt of the State Highway De-
partment to burden counties with the
maintenance of "orphaned roads."
In a resolution passed by the Board
of Directors of the Association of
Road Commissioners, the establish-
ment of a special committee to con-
fer with the State Highway Depart-
ment was approved. Frank N. Smith,
retiring president of the association,
instructed the committee to employ
legal counsel in behalf of any county
against which court action is brought
by the State Highway Department on
the status of trunk-line roads turned
over to the counties by the State.
In a statement issued last night,
Murray D. Van Wagoner, state high
way commissioner, declared that the
"attorney general's office will repre-
sent the state in seeking a declara-
tory judgment in the courts." "The
State Highway Department," he con-
tinued, "is anxious for an early deci-
sion fixing the responsibility concern-
ing the cancelled trunk-lines."
Speaking at the annual conference
dinner in the Union ballroom, Van
Wagoner paid tribute to the founder
members of the conference and laud-
ed the achievements of the conference
during its twenty-five years of service
to the state.
Engineering problems involved in
(Continued on Page 2)
A. - ui : G A I CU' O ing matter, and the images will be The low score 01 the game was due
exposed consecutively until the read- largely to the excellent work on the
For Freshm en er has seen the entire story or article, part of the rival goalies. "Spike"
The texts are taken from school James turned in a brilliant perform-
books, novels and other standard ance for Michigan at the net, check-
Rules covering eligibility and status works. ink numerous scoring threats and
of fraternity pledges were changed at The method is based on the theory holding Tech at bay until the final
the last meeting of the Interfraternity that the eyes, while reading, do not moments of the third period. Fred
Council with the result that pledges move across the page in a contin- Meyers also chalked up a creditable
are not, as heretofore, automatically uous sweep but proceed in a series of (Continued on Page 31
depledged at the end of the first
semester if they fail to attain a C
average. Five Thousand Hear Eve Curie
Further rule changes clarify what
constitutes eligibility if a pledge Tell Parents', Radiu n's Story
should have less than 14 hours credit.
The effect of the new rules is to make
a better-than-C average necessary By LEONARD SCHLEIDER poverty, my mother always called her
for eligibility with credit hours less Five thousand persons in Hill Audi- early struggles the happiest part of
han m4.y torium last night heard Mlle. Eve her life," Mlle. Curie averred.
terday by Tom Adams, '40, president Curie sketch the life stories of her CAfter their marriagelin 1895, the
of the Council, are as follows: celebrated parents, Marie and Pierre Chestworked separatly-Pierre on
a Cuie, o-dicovrersof mn's ostthe structure of crystals; Marie on
"To be eligible for initiation, a Curie, co-discoverers of man's most the new-found element of uranium,
pledge must have received a C aver- precious element, radium. studying its "radio-activity." Their
age in the semester in which he was The famed Frenchwoman, author first daughter, Irene, was born in
pledged. A minimum of 11 hours and actress, told of the simplicity of 1897, later to be the family's third
and 25 honor points is necessary, with her mother's life, of her father's devo- Nobel Prize winner.
the following requisites for hours tion to his research and of the humble Collaborating "perfectly" for the
credit up to 15. Twelve hours-26 conditions under which they worked. first time, her parents isolated an en-
honor points, 13 hours-27 points, "But hard as the fight was, my par- tirely new radioactive element, radi-
14 hours-28 points, and 15 hours- ents were bolstered by.the greatest um. Still poor, they separated a few
30 points. allies people can have-enthusiasm, grains of radium in a ramshackle'
"Depledging shall not be compul- energy and love," Mlle. Curie, now laboratory from a ton of pitchblende
sory for scholastic reasons at the end director of women's activities for the sold to them as waste. It took 45
of the first semester provided the French ministry of information, said months to complete the process, Mlle.
Still They Come
The Ice Carnival,
The Silver Dollar
Latest twist to Ice Carnival build
ups is that tickets purchased with sil-
ver dollars may be obtained at a lower
price than those purchased with other
types of money, the quoted reason
being to "corner Ann Arbor's silver
exchange," according to Charles Hein-
en, '41E, general chairman of the Ice
That there will be an actual Silver
King was also revealed. He will par-
ade about, giving out free tickets here
and there on the campus, amply dis-
guised with the cotton whiskers of
his profession. The Carnival will be
held next Friday in the Coliseum,
-and will feature performances by
members of a Detroit Skating Club
and two soloists from Ann Arbor.
Coleman Talks
To Liberal Club,
State-Owned Electricity
Considered Necessary
"When we have 'democratized' our
electric power systems by state-in-
tegrated ownership of these utilities,
we will have taken a long and great
step toward economic freedom and
genuine democracy."
Thus did McAlister Coleman, utili-
ties authority and economist, crystal-
lize the thesis of his talk, sponsored
by the Liberal Action Club, on "Elec-
tricity's New Frontiers," at 4:15 p.m.
yesterday in Natural Science Auditor-
ium. The talk was the first in a series
of five lectures under the auspices of
the club.
Maintaining that "we should use
electricity as freely as we use water"
and that the rates charged by private
companies are excessive, Coleman
predicted "progress toward public
ownership ofgthe power companies."
He based his prediction on the "facts
that regulation of the utilities has
completely broken down, and that the
industries' technological advances to-
gether with enlightened governmental
nl inut fi- fl fhP *1 flt-fl f - + n r i.A ' A
Russian Casualties Mount
In 15th Day of Attack
On Mannerheim Line
Older Men Called
To Finland's Army
(By The Associated Press)
Russians stumbled over mounting
piles of their own dead yesterday in
the fifteenth day of their battering
ram assaults on the Mannerheim Line
which the Finns insisted still re-
mained intact.
A British news agency (Reuters),
however, declared the Finns had been
forced to retire from their first line
positions at several places on the Sum-,
ma sector of the line.
The precarious predicament of the
stubborn Finns, who said their own
losses were "phenomenally low," was
emphasized by the second call with-
in two days for older men to take up
Finns Report Few Losses
The Finns, who reported that the
Red Army poured 20,000 artillery
shells into their positions within a
single hour, said no man's land was
"literally carpeted with Russian
dead." As usual, the Finns made no
mention of their own casualties but
said 4,000 Russians were killed yes-
terday alone on the various fronts.
While the greatest battle since the
World War raged in Finland and the
Allied-German war continued active
at sea but stalemated on land, Presi-
dent Roosevelt sailed into the Gulf
of Mexico amidst great speculation
over whether his voyage, billed as a
fishing trip, might actually turn out
to be a rendezvous with spokesmen
of Britain, France and Italy.
The help which Britain promised
Finland took on the aspect of an un-
official expeditionary force when a
small army of volunteers, including
men in the uniforms of both the
Canadian and British armies, besieged
Finnish recruiting bureaus in London.
British State Rules
London authorities pointed out
there was nothing to prevent any
soldier on leave from volunteering for
service in Finland, but it did not mean
he would be permitted to 'transfer
from British forces.
An authoritative British spokesman
hinted, however, that none of the vol-
unteers were likely to encounter seri-
ous difficulties unless they had spe-
cial qualifications for a part in Bri-
tain's own war effort.
Unofficial sources in Scandinavia
said likewise that the volunteers prob-
ably would have no difficulty in trav-
eling to Finland through the Scandi-
navian countries.
Rentschler Dies
At Home Here
Well-Known Photographer
Was Ill Two Years
J. Fred Rentschler, nationally
known photographer who had made
pictures of hundreds of University
men and women, died early yesterday
at his home on E. Huron Street after
an illness of two years.
Mr. Rentschler was a distinguished
campus photographer through a span
of years that began with the reign
of President Angell. He has made
portraits of five University presi-
In addition to his photographic
work, Mr. Rentschler served on the
Boardsof Public Works for 20 years.
He was born June 3, 1868 in Ann
Arbor. He is survived -by his' wife,
the former Jessie Doane of Dexter; a
son, Edwin D. of Ann Arbor; two
daughters, Mrs. Ralph Francis of De-
troit and Mrs. Malcolm McCort of
Coldwater; a grandson, a brother and
two sisters.
Art Cinema To Give
Double Feature Here
Art Cinema League's first excursion
into the double-feature field gets
under way at 8:15 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with the
nresentation of World Picture's "Mar-
Jackson Confirms Knox's Charge
Of UnjustAction In FBI Raids
Coincidence struck last night when
Rev. Owen A. Knox told more than
300 persons who attended the rally
in defense of civil liberties, that the
FBI raids in Detroit were unjust,'
partial, unconstitutional and a clear
case of denial of civil liberties against
minority progressive groups in the
United States.
As soon as Reverend Knox had
concluded his talk, one of the stu-
dents brought in a Detroit newspaper
which bore the headline: "U.S. Drops
Recruiting Cases." In his statement
to the press, Attorney-General Jack-
son said, "Even handed and im-
partial justice would not localize
prosecutions of this character to De-
troit nor confine them to only one
side of the Spanish War, nor even to
the Spanish War itself."
urged the audience to withold judg-
ment until the 11 men and one wom-
an are actually walking in the streets
of Detroit as free citizens.
In discussing the FBI raids, Rev-
erend Knox said, it is essential that
three things be questioned in regard
to the motive of these raids. Is this
incident an isolated affair or is it the
first in a series that would repeat the
Palmer raids which followed the last
World War? It is doubtful, he said,
that 100 G-men have come to De-
troit merely to pick up a dozen per-
It could also be asked, he said,
whether this raid was made with the
purpose of stirring up war hysteria
and increasing war tension. There
is some question about the role of
the FBI in these raids, Reverend
Knox stated Tt is nosihe he said.