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March 20, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-20

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T Ht M rCT l I N DA:LY



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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$4.00; ')y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Cpllege Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
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. Associate Editor
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Pass American
Youth Act ...
E VER SINCE the Citizenship Institute
of the American Youth Congress
catapulted the problem of jobs for young per-
sons into the consciousness of the American
people there has been a confusing variety of
opinions on the subject. Mr. Roosevelt told the
young people gathered on his lawn that they
"weren't much worse off" than the youth of
1920. Miss Dorothy Thompson and Mr. Arthur
Krock insist that the problem of unemployment
isn't a problem at all, and that the figures have
been grossly exaggerated.
Now comes Miss Frances Williams, adminis-
trative secretary of the American Youth Con-
gress, who will lecture this afternoon on "Jobs,
The American Youth Act, and NYA." As The
Daily reported yesterday, in an interview with
Ellen Rhea, president of the local chapter of
the American Student Union, Miss Williams'
address is of particular importance to Michigan
students as it is centered about the proposed
one-third cut in the college NYA appropriation,
the tuition raise, and "job prospects in a situa-
tion where, according to the American Youth
Commission, 5,000,000 youths are out of school
and out of work."
WHAT distinguishes the American Youth Con-
gress' approach to the problem of jobs for
young people is the fact that, instead of wasting
time criticizing public spending, or calling names,
or fighting with its own members about side
issues, it has kept its eye on the key problem
and has hammered out a workable program.
First and foremost in the job program is the
American Youth Act. The provisions of this
act have been before the public since it was
first introduced at the second meeting of the
Youth Congress in Detroit in 1935. Since that
time, many important gains for youth have been
won, including the Social Security Act, the
National Labor Relations Act, the Wage-Hour
Law, the National Youth Administration and
the Civilian Conservation Corps. All these
have helped. But the significance of the re-
newed pressure on Congress for the passage
of the American Youth Act is that now all of
our social gains are threatened with extinction
by the trend in Washington toward a war econ-
THE American Youth Act provides for a per-
manent youth agency, democratically con-
trolled and adequately financed to meet the
needs of unemployed and out-of-school young
people as well as students. In contrast to the
NYA, which is temporary, the A.Y.A. establishes
a permanent agency to be financed by a $500-
000,000 annual appropriation. Where is the
money to come from? It is obvious that if our
government is going to spend hundreds of mil-
lions on armaments there is not going to be
any money available to meet the needs of the
people. The money that is now being made avail-
able to suit the needs of European war cabinets
must be made available for domestic social ser-
vices; and among those social services the needs
of youth, as expressed in the Youth Act, are
among the most urgent.
-Elliott Maraniss
Jobs Looking For Men
One day, American Youth conducts a demon-
stration in the streets of Washington to protest
that it has been robbed of all opportunity.
rt'or-na n n s evmen for eoap .adumate

Toward Democracy:
Spring Parley
THE THEME of the Spring Parley, Democracy
and the Students, as announced recently by
the general committee, is one which should be of
great significance to every student at the Uni-.
Democracy, as the form of government under
which we live, should interest every American.
In fact, it is vitally necessary that it interest
every one to a degree which will call forth
enough study to ensure an understanding of
its principles and workings. For only with study
can come this understanding which is vitally
necessary to the proper operation of democracy
-and even its very existence. No system of
government or any other process can possibly
remain in existence without developing some
these faults are removed they will continue to
knowledge and thought is needed. And unless
fauts for whose correction a great deal of
grow until the results of the operation of the
system no longer justify its existence.
AT PRESENT government leaders are the peo-
ple who are directly concerned with keeping
democracy in correct operation. 20 years from
now, however, most of them will have passed
from the governmental scene, perhaps died,
perhaps discarded in favor of younger men and
women. The leaders of two decades hence-or
even one decade-will be the present crop of
young people, the youth of the nation; and the
youth of the universities and colleges is in
the fortunate position which offers it exceptional
opportunities to develop leadership, leadership
which may well be the driving force behind the
maintenance of democracy in this nation when
the reins of government are taken over.
It is generally taken for granted that the
college student is a member of the upper levels
of intelligence of the country. It is obvious
that he receives a better education-in an aca-
demic way-than the high school graduate. On
the other hand, there is to be feared the old
"Ivory Tower" style of education-if the college
student is to be of value to the nation when
he graduates, he must have practical training
along with his academic attainments.
MORE IMPORTANT than either of these types
of training, however, is an awareness of the
different problems confronting the world as a
whole and America specifically, for upon this
awareness depends recognition and successful
meeting of the troubles of democracy in this
country. Acquaintance with these problems can-
not be learned through dogmatically assigned
study. Study must be accompanied by thought,
by consideration, by comparison of varying
An organized glorified "bull session" like the
Spring Parley offers the student at the Univer-
sity an unequaled opportunity for the exchange
of opinion and for the organization of thought.
Reforming The
Reform Schools .. .
L AST WEEK Father J. Flanagan, be-
loved founder of the famous Boys
Town, offered a five-point program of reform
for the Boys' Vocational School at Lansing, re-
cently subject to severe criticism.
Obviously the program is based on his own
successful experience in his amazing Nebraska
community. For example, he stresses the im-
portance of letting the boys conduct their own
affairs on the theory that "a boy who is a
leader in crime is going to be a leader in citizen-
ship, too, if he has the confidence of school
officials." The idea, of course, isn't new-and is
in entire accord with our traditionally demo-
cratic principles. Whether the plan is workable
without the inspired leadership of a Father
Flanagan, however, is problematical.
CERTAINLY no one would question the value
of two of the points in his program: teach
the boys something about God; teach them how
to Vray; and teach eadh boy a trade. The former
provides for a phase of education so evidently
lacking in the youthful wrongdoers; the latter

is important for the purpose of smoothing over
the 'ultimate reabsorption of the boys by society.
Father Flanagan also advises 'that the boys
be given a certain amount of military training,
to give them self-assurance; but uniforms, con-
stant marching and all forms of regimentation
are to be abolished. One is tempted to question
the value of military training without these
marks of discipline.
BUT the fifth point in Father Flanagan's pro-
gram of reform is the most highly debatable
one. He contends that guards and fences must
be removed, and that boy counselors should re-
place the guards. True, this plan has rendered
remarkably successful results in Boys Town,
with its fine leadership, spirit and tradition of
Father Flanagan. But, unfortunately, results
in other establishments for boys have proved
the Boys Town experiment primarily a personal
Let's not forget the miserable record of the
St. Charles (Ill.) School for Boys, a reformatory
from which 76 escapes were made last year. (And
13 of these fugitives were described by the super-
intendent as "big, bad and likely to be danger-
ous!") . This institution was without walls or
bars. All the boys had to do was to walk (or run)
away. That's exactly what they did.
T SEEMS that we must take into consideration
the type of youth we're dealing with when it
comes to radical prison reform. Life in Father
Flanagan's Boys Town is based on voluntary
association and cooperation. It is considered a
privilege, rather than a punishment, to live in
:Boys Town, even considering that Boys Town
residents come from much the same environ-
ment as the reformatory boys of Lansing or

Of ALL Things ...
. . .. ByMorty+Q ... .
THE deformed figure was dragged to the plat-
form in the public square. The angry mob
swirled about, yelling, throwing stones at the
cowering hunchback who was now tied and
placed in the center of the high platform. A
tall figure in a coat of mail marched majestically
to the center, approached the hunchback, whose
deformed hump of flesh on his bared back was
now visible. From a large box he selected a
whip and proceeded to flog the unflinching
malformed creature to the wild accompaniment
of the yelling mob. The lashing finished, the
hunchback was placed on the pillory and exhi-
bited for all to see.
Those among you who saw the revised
"Hunchback of Notre Dame" with Charles
Laughton in the original Lon Chaney role, will
recognize the above -as the scene where the
hunchbacked bell-ringer is given 50 lashes at
the command of the court. Whipping at the post
and public floggings were widely used through-
out the Middle Ages and into the 15th and 16th
centuries, when this picture was supposed to
have taken place.
N THE centuries that have passed since Louis
the just was King of France, civilization has
made a lot of progress. 'The details don't need
to be gone into here, but much has been accom-
plished since the 16th century. Some will even
go so far as to say that today we have a high
degree of civilization and that mankind has
now evolved to a high cultural level. For any
of you that have any misnotions of this sort,
here's a story from the front page of Sunday's
New York Times that carried ,a date-line, Wil-
mington, Del., March 16 (1940):
Eight men were shackled to the whipping
post and lashed with the cat-o'-nine-tails
today in the greatest mass flogging since
this form of punishment was legalized by
Delaware in 1771.
Warden Elwood H. Wilson ... adminis-
tered a total of eighty lashes-ten to each
man-with the three foot whip in a driving
,sleet and snow storm .. Eighty-five persons
witnessed the floggings, which are open to
the public.
Each bare-backed victim was taken from
his cell and marched down a long narrow
passageway by an armed guard ...
With his face to the wall, the hands of
each prisoner were fastened securely above
his head to the steel rings. His guard stepped
back and Warden Wilson applied the strokes
firmly across the bare back.
low this happened in the 20th century. No
matter what the crime was that the men
were guilty of (it was robbery) to have public
flogging carried out by a responsible community
government is a throwback to the time of
knights-in-armor and fuedal barbarism. To
what high point has civilization progressed
when it is legal for men to be whipped in a
public exhibition? What right have we to boast
that we are in advance of past generations when
we tolerate brutalities of this kind? How far

Somebody-it may have been the
editor-put a copy of The Challenge
in my hands. Even before I read a
line I was afflicted with an emotion
suspiciously like nostalgia. It was
on another campus that I first saw
a similar publication which flaunted
-he identical title. A group of the
more aggressive undergraduates at
Columbia had founded a magazine
of protest, and among the group
were Morrie Ryskind., who divides
his time between being an ironic
Hollywood agitator and a concoctor
of more madness and less method
for the Marx brothers; Irwin Ed-
man, who began as a questioning
(and questionable) poet and has now
sunk to a professor of philosophy;
M. Lincoln Schuster, whose better
half is a couple of Simons; and half
a dozen infamous others.
I had just published a volume of
protesting poetry and had enter-
tained the group lavishly with beer
and pretzels. As a return gesture
they called their magazine Challenge
after my volume.
It would be a comforting unction
to my old age to think that the in-
fluence of that volume and that
group had persisted through the
years and had now come into fine
flowers at the University of Mich-

The Challenge Reviewed By Louis Untermeyer

Verdi'sReue... .. A Review

Verdi's Manzoni Requiem was per-
formed last night at the Methodist'
Church by the Adult Choir under the
direction of Hardin Van Deursen
with a quartet of soloists and Mary
Eleanor Porter, organist. The Re-
quiem was composed in the period
from 1868 to 1873, when the Italian
master's powers were at their fullest
vigor. Its occasion was the death of
the noted poet and novelist Allessan-
dro Manzoni, Verdi's close friend.
A requiem, of course, is a mass,
sung for the repose of departed souls.
The form has a long- history and
many of the most famous composers
have worked in this medium. Grad-
ually it evolved from a strictly reli-
gious function to that of a sort of
sacred -concert.
Among the criticisms of this re-
quiem is the oft repeated charge
that the music is too theatrical, tog
operatic. (The lie was given to this
charge by no less a personage than
Brahms, who pronounced it suitable
in every respect to its purpose, the
commemoration of a great man.)

That the music is impulsive, impet-
uous, and extremely moving cannot
be denied, but only a strict purist
could hold today that these are not
tempered and balanced by the com-
poser's undeniable sincerity and
command of his musical resources.
Last night's performance was not-
able in that it gave church music in
Ann Arbor an excellent mark to shoot
at. When compared with what it has
been our all too sad misfortune to
hear of late it shines with a splendor
all its own. The choir sang, in the
main accurately and with excellent
dynamic control. After a somewhat
shaky start it supported the soloists
ably and effectively. Especially in
the latter half of the work were its
subtleties helpful to the emotional
Of the soloists Helen Van"Loon's
beautifully controlled voice was
heard to consistent advantage. Espe-
cially in the Libera Me and the Quid
sum mire. Mary Louise Beltz, with
perhaps the best equipment for dra-
matic singing of the group, made
her Liber scriptus memorable and

contributed with the held of Miss
Van Loon to the excellent Agnus Dei.'
Donald Dame, tenor, sang everything
he was called on to -sing with excel-
lent feeling, but his tone suffered
from a slight breathiness and what
we regard as a too open production.
His rendition of the Ingemisco was
quite stirring. Elwyn Carter did the
best singing of the evening in the
Confutatis, and some of the worst in
other places.
Faults there were to be found in
quantity, but these were not the im-
portant part of the evening. The en-
terprise that made the concert pos-
sible and the general ease with which
it surmounted artistic difficulties
more than made up for the fact that
even a well played organ is no sub-
stitute for an orchestra, that the
Latin text is immeasurably prefer-
able to the bad translation used,
that the soloists were under-re
hearsed, and showed the strain of
too-concentrated practice, and that
the audience was restive. Mr. Van
Deursen, in spite of all this may well
take pride in his accomplishment.

igan. But, alas, a stern sense of real-
ism denies that comfort. I doubt
that that particularly little candle
shed its beams further west than
West 116th Street.I

I was afraid I must appreciate
this particular Challenge strictly on
its own terms.
On its own terms..then, The Chal-
lenge lives up to its name. It is
Provocative on every page fromIthe
impassioned opening article, "Fort-
resses of Peace" by Elliott Maraniss
to the concluding "Concentration of
Corporate Income" by Harold Oster-
Weil, a review which is more pene-
trating than its heavy title would
indicate. The verse has a deft ironic
edge, particularly "The Martinad"
by June Harris, and John Ciardi and
John Brinnin have shaped their lines
to bitter purpose, even though these
verses are not their most character-
istic. The examination of sport eth-
ics in Mel Fineberg's "It's Color Not
Caliber," the satirical analysis of
news and editorials in Robert Pin-
cus' "Humor in the American" and
Robert Speckhard's tribute to the
film version of Steinbeck's "Grapes
of Wrath" add color to controversy.
There is continual vigor in these six-
teen pages. What's more, there is
surprising variety. Here, without
brashness, is probing youth, swift
enthusiasm, and just the right
amount of typographical errors to
maintain the publication's amateur


removed is the
century Europe?

state of Delaware from 16th


To the Editor:
Communists and their sypathizers on this
campus made the following points with refer-
ence to the recent Russo-Finnish war: (1) not
the "Helsinki imperialists" but the Kuusinen
"Peoples' Government" really represented Fin-
land; (2) the Finnish people really wanted Com-
munism; (3) Britain, France and the United
States were using the Finnish case as a pretext
for getting into war with Russia; (4) relief was
"excessive" or not needed, so relief drives
should be opposed.
The news since the Russian victory is: (1)
Soviet Russia herself, victorious in war, com-
pletely ignores the Kuusinen "government" as
the fraud it was, and negotiates with the govern-
ment which Stalin had declared "did not
exist" in Soviet eyes; (2) Finns in the ceded
areas are fleeing by the thousands from the
blessings of Russian Communism; (3) British
and French aid was too slow and reluctant to
save Finland, and the United States never came
within a million miles of going to war against
Russia; (4) Finland is pleading for more relief
money, as what has been sent hitherto is not
enough to care for refugees fleeing from ceded
That is a hundred per cent record of error,
but we shall hear no apologies or retractions.
No one ever yet convinced a monomaniac, and
Stalinists are peculiarly impervious to fact; only
Hitlerites rivalling them. There will, however,
be ingenious "explanation" and evasions which
I await with sardonic amusement.
Yours Sincerely,
- Preston Slosson
For Adequate Medical Care
The effort to make adequate medical care
more widely available has received notable coop-
eration from a group within the profession it-
self, composed of physicians who have found
themselves at variance with the policies laid
down on this subject by the American Medical
Association. Now this new group, whose chair-

VOL. L. No. 123
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Courses drop-
ped after Saturday, March 23, by stu-
dents other than freshmen will be
recorded E. Freshmen (students with
less than 24 hours of credit) may
drop courses without penalty through
the eighth week. Exceptions may be
made in extraordinary circunjtances,
such as severe or long continued ill-
Assistant Dean E. A. Walter
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
Vare, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-weeks progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,

Room 108 Mason 1-fall, from 8 to
ax-n. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m, accor
ing to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning I? through
Wednesday, March 20.
Surnames beginning H through
Thursday, March 21.
Surnames beginning A through
Friday, March 22.


No course is considered officially r
dropped unless it has been reported 1
.n the office of the Registrar, Room i
4, University Hall. t
Tryouts for University Oratorical
Contest: Preliminaries for the Uni-t
versity Oratorical Contest will be held
Friday, March 22, at 4 p.m. in Room
4003 A.H. A five minute talk on the
subject of the oration will be re-
quired. Those interested should reg-
ister in the office of the Speech De-
partment, 3211 A.H., by Wednesday.
Assembly Representatives: All
representatives must have their eligi-
bility cards signed by Mary Frances
Reek before they will be able to vote
in Thursday's election. Bring cards
to the meeting if they haven't been
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German:
Value $39.00, Open to all undergrad-
uate students in German of distinct-
ly American training. Will be
awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision on
March 21, from 2-5 p.m., 203 U.H.
Contestants must satisfy the depart-
ment thgt they have done their
reading in German. The essay may
be written in English or German.
Each contestant will be free to choose
his own subject from a list of at least
30 offered. The list will cover six
chapters in the development of Ger-
man literature from 1750 to 1900,
each of which will be represented by
at least five subjects. Students who
wish to compete must be taking a
course in German (101 or above) at
the time of the competition. They
should register and obtain directions
as soon as possible at the office of
the German Department, 204 Uni-
versity Hall.
Kothe-Hildner Prize in German:
Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respective-
ly, will be awarded to students taking
German 32 in a translation compe-
tition (German-English and Eng-
lish-German) to be held March 21,
from 2-5-p.m. in 203 U.H. Students
who wish to compete and who have
not yet handed in their applications

nation in this course will be held on
March 28 instead of March 21. It
was incorrectly announced before in
the Daily.
Professor Vibbert will not be able
to meet his classes today.
Organ Recital: Clair Coci, guest
organist, will give a concert on the
Frieze Memorial Organ in Hill Audi-
torium today at 4:15 o'clock. The
general public is invited to attend
without admission charge.
Landscape Architecture Exhibit of
plans and photographs of examples
of the work of professional landscape
architects and planners from New
York to Hawaii is on display in the
exhibition hall of the Architecture
Building. It will be open until the
end of this week. Of special inter-
est are the plans of the International
Peace Garden in North Dakota and
Manitoba, a plantation village in
Hawaii, New York City parks, etc.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of Finnish
architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible,
'37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch-
itecture in 1938. Architectural cor-
ridor, ground floor cases, through
April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Luigi Vil-
lari, formerly in the Italian Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and on the staff
of the .League of Nations, will lecture
on "Italy and the International Situ-
ation" under the auspices of the De-
partment of Political Science at 4:15
p.m. on Friday,March 22, in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Her-
bert Davis, Chairman of the English
Department, Cornell University, will
lecture on "Swift and the Pedants"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of English at 4:15 p.m. on Tues-

To All Faculty Members and Staff:
Special Employment Time Reports
must be in theBusiness, Office on
Thursday, March 21, to be included.
in the roll for March. Pay day will
be Friday, March 29.
Inexperienced Teacher Candidates:
I would like to see all inexperienced
candidates for teaching positions
today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 205 Ma-
son Hall.
T. Luther Purdorn, Director
Bureau of Occupational Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
Diploma Applications: Graduate
students who expect to be recom-
mended for a degree in June, 1940,
an dwho at the time of registration in
February did not fill out a blue appli-
cation, please call at the office of the
Graduate School before March 23 to
file an application.
Students who took the special

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