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March 19, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-19

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Miss Williams I Novel Stories Revealed In Mich igan

To Speak Hee
At ASU Meet
AYC Secretary Will Talk
On 'Jobs, American
Youth Act And NYA'
'Jobs, the American Youth Act,
and NYA" will be the subject of a
talk by Miss Frances Williams, Na-
tional Administrative Secretary of
the American Youth Congress, at a
public nieeting sponsored by the
American Student Union at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Natural Science Audi-
torium, Ellen Rhea, '41, president
of the local chapter announced yes-
"Miss Williams' address is of par-
ticular importance to Michigan stu-
dents at this time as it is centered
about the proposed one-third cut in
the college NYA appropriation, the
new tuition raise, and job prospects
in a situation where, according to
the American Youth Commission,
5,000,000 youths are out of school
and out of work," Miss Rhea said.
"This meeting, second of a series
of ASU programs on tuition, jobs,
and student security, will provide,"
Miss Rhea continued, "both an anal-
ysis of present legislation affecting
the campus, and an opportunity for
student expression in defense of the
National Youth Administration. The
significance of the American Youth
Act," Miss Rhea added, "is that it
would establish NYA on a permanent
rather than emergency basis and
increase the present NYA budget of
$85,000,000 to an annual outlay of
Challenge On Sale Today'
The sale of the second issue of
"The Challenge," monthly magazine,
edited and published by the local
chapter of the American Student
Union, which was delayed because
of printing difficulties, will start to-
day, according to June Harris, '40,
chairman of the publications com-
An essay by Robert Pincus, '40E,
on, "The American Press, or a
Study -in Humor," and poems by
Hopwood winners John Ciardi and
John Brinnin, '41, will be featured
in today's issue, Miss Harris said.

-= I

Art Academy Sessions Last te ek
- 4

(Editor's Note: Hidden beneath the
routine of the 45th annual convention
of the Michigan Academy of Arts,
Sciences and Letters last week were
several stories which are so interesting
that The Daily is publishing them
today in summary form.)
In Panama there are small spiders
which seek security from the world's
dangers by taking up residence in
the webs of larger spiders, A. M.'
Chickering, Albion College biologist,
reported. Chickering said that these
spiders of the Argyrode species are
capable of spinning their own webs,
but prefer to live in the homes of
the larger brethren as "rather meek
A theory that adrenal glands in
male rats are the source of the sex
hormone which stimulate their sex-
ual powers was demonstrated by Dr.
Warren O. Nelson, of Wayne Univer-
sity. He said that rats who were in-
jected with a recently-discovered
hormone showed an appreciable
growth of the sex accessories.
Young men and women are
more curious about the economic
problems of marriage than they
are about sex, or anything else,
according to Prof. Homer L. J.
Carter, of Western State Teach-
ers College. Based on a ques-
tionnaire study of students 19
to 25 years of age, Professor Car-
ter's conclusions also showed
that women are more interested
in the economics of marriage
than are the men, and that the
element of sex becomes more in-
teresting as the age of the sub-
jects increases. Women also show
a greater interest in religious is-
sues of marriage than do men.
A plea that the United States adopt
a pay-as-you-go financial policy, in-
stead of borrowing heavily for arma-
ments and national defense, was
sounded by Dr. Denzel C. Cline, of
the department of economics of
Michigan State College.
Dr. Cline called an increased na-
tional debt "poor economics, which
will endanger the credit of our coun-
try and will eventually make it im.
possible to borrow when the need
is greatest."
* * *T-i
Teaching of forestry ip colleges

has become an easier job through
the use of working models of forest
which show actual condition in
woodlands without students leaving
classrooms, in the opinion of Dr. J.
Hugo Kraemer, of Michigan State
Michigan rpne trees are so
capable of recovering from dam-
age done by rabbits and mice
thateven the most severely-in-
jured trees usually grow more
quickly than new trees which
are set out to replace them, Dr.
E. C. O'Roke, University forestry
professor said. "It seems prob-'
able that the correct way to ap-
praise rodent injury is not in
terms -of the number of trees
damaged at any particular time,
but in terms of the effects or
lack of effects of such injuries
over a whole period of ten years
after the original date of plant-
ing," he explained.
A possibility that nature is pit-
ting one insect against another in
a death battle to save forest timber
was suggested by Prof. Samuel A.

Graham, of the forestry school. The
rival insects which he described were
the larch saw fly and the larch case-
bearer. From data taken in a survey
in a forest swamp near Ann Arbor,
Dr. Graham discovered that the
"coming of the case-bearer has been
followed by an astonishing decrease
in the abundance of the larch saw-
fly." He added that "the trees are
in better health than before."
Because national parks today
are available for recreation to
"fewer than 30 per cent of our
population," Prof. Shirley W.
Allen, dean of the forestry
school, urged that an immediate
study be made to provide a
"more equitable distribution of
recreation opportunities i the
United States."
Studies of certain species of fresh-
water mussels show that the Muske-
gon and Grand rivers in Michiganl
were once conneeted by a tributary
through the Rogue River valley, Dr.
Henry van der Schalie, of the zool-
ogy department, said today.
(Continued from Page 4)
reading section will meet today at
2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson
Room of the Michigan League.
Wives of Students and Interns are
welcome to membership in Michigan

Dames. Initiation for the second
:er~-ieter Will be ronight at 8Br,3 ioeid-
i, thce aclrii- Eiiding ActivitLies
+,i) thevariih3 u, teestgroup-. ,l'i
hiii~j for tOi hiin
Corning Events 1
Zoology Seminar: Mr. Laurence W.
Roth will report on "The Effect of
Hypophysectomy upon the Respira-
tory Quotient of Snakes" and Mr.I
Harold E. Wallace on the "Life His-
tory and Embryology of Triganodis-
t(omum mutabile (Cort), a Trematode
Parasite from the Chub Sucker, Eri-
myzon sucetta oblongus" on Thurs-)
day, March 21, at 7:30 p.m. in thel
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Building
at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March
20. Dr. Adolph Stern will speak on
"Application of the polarograph for
analysis of inorganic and organic
Research Club meeting on Wed-
nesday, March 20, at 8:00 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers by
Professor N. H. Williams on "The Pro-
duction and Absorption of Very Short
Electro-magnetic Waves," and Pro-
fessor A. W. Bromage on "The Pres-
ent State of Eire." The Council will
meet in Rackham Assembly Hall Al-
cove at 7:40 p.m.
Attention Pre-Medical Students:
Dean Furstenberg of the Medical
School will address the Pre-Medical
Society on Wednesday evening, March
20, at 8:15 p.m., in the East Amphi-
theatre (Room 115) of the West Medi-
cal Building.
American Student Union meeting
on Wednesday, March 20, at 4:15 p.m.
in Natural Science Auditorium. Miss

Frances William, National Adminis-
ti tveYcrtr of the Ameri=ic:an
I uth LO iV5 u ~Ko Jri
I~YA. ;iid tiw Aljter tan YCI il
Uwet Wedtiesday aifternoon at 5:00 in
the League. Turn in all money.
Cercle Francais meeting on Wed-
nesday, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. in 408

the League. "The Intelligent Use
of the Failyi Income" will b disF-
is -vM1 8z-Clara Young-Miehi-
artid Section, Fauity Women's
Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednes-
day, March 20, at the home of Mrs.
C. W. Good, 2307 Hill St.

R.L. Michigan Dames: Bridge group has
. - its regular meeting in the Leagi e at
Seminar in Oriental Religions: eight o'clock, Wednesday, March 20.
'Shintoism' will be discussed by Miss ----
Hisako Fujiwara at the fourth meet-, The Hillel Players will present Ir-
ing of the Seminar, Lane Hall, 7:30.' win Shaw's "The Gentle People" on
Wednesday evening. All interested March 22 and 23, at the Lydia Men-
students are welcome. I delssohn Theatre. Box Office open
-March 18-March 23 from 11:00 to
Interior Decoration Section of the 6:00. Hillel members should present
Faculty Women's Club will meet membership and identification cards
Thursday, March 21, at 3:00 p.m. in before March 21.

Alpha Nu Is Beaten
By Allen Rumsey
Onlookers at the Sunday debatesj
held under the auspices of the Union,
were startled by the upset of Alpha
Nu, honorary debate society when
their team bowed to a determined
Allen Rumsey contingent. The dor-
mitory team, upholding the affirm-
ative side of the question, "Resolved,
That Michigan men of today lack
the hardiness and resourcefulness of
the past," produced carefully pre-
pared charts as part of their argu-
Sigma Alpha Epsilon won over
Sigma Phi by default, as did Fletcher
Hall over Lambda Chi Alpha. The
debate scheduled between Sigma Chi
and Sigma Nu was postponed. The
contest will continue on Sunday,
March 31.
Prof. A. D. Moore, of the depart-
ment of electrical engineering, will
address the second meeting of a
group of hobby minded students at
8 p.m. tonight in Room 319, Union.

and lioll
THEY'RE HERE,. . those darl-
ing Joan Kenley blouses seen in
Mademoiselle this month
as tempting, as tantalizing as
the first day of Sprin)g. Whether
you choose crisp 1Y;c inth white
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pastels . . you'il never forget
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iey blouse!
Doll Blouses Batistes in White
only. Doll Blouse Sheers and
Shirtmaster Crepes in White,
Maize, Copen, Dusty Pink, tur-
quoise, and Commander Red.
$195 to$595


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the Wash Tub and Scrub Board.
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3 Shirts
6 Handkerchiefs
3 Pairs of Socks
2 Bath Towels

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