1 .j; '"w PACG F~rR TUE MIC HGA DALYTUE-SDAV- MARC*&1$, 1940, THE MICHIGAN DAILY A -- -z3- -4 1- At' Edited and managed by students of th5e University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. SMember of the Associated Press tse for rpublcatio~neos alewcls dspatcehes ciredited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. A411 rights of republication of all other matters herein also rEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arlsor, Michigan, as second class mailrmatter. Sub scriptiosdring regular school yeas by carrier, $4.00; py mail $4.50 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER-SING BY National Advertising Service, Ine. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AYE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON ' LOS ANCELES^ SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Student Senate Is Potential Power For Expression Of Campus Opinion The Outside World Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Flneberg Editorial Staff . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor * Associate Editor *Associate Editor *Women's Editor , Sports Editor * Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . _arriet S. Levy Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . . NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD HARMEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Child Labor Still Problem . . HE CONGRESS shall have power .to limit, regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons under eighteen years of age. Thus reads the text of the Child Labor Amend- ment, submitted by Congress to the states in 1924, and still unratified by them after fifteen years. It is true that improvements in the child labor situation have taken place since 1924. Many of the criminal practices of hiring young children in mines and factories are now pro- hibited by state laws. Employment in industries engaged in interstate commerce is now limited to persons sixteen years old or above. State laws on the subject have generally improved. But people who like to believe that these mea- sures have solved the situation fail to realize that there still exist vast areas of child employ- ment, just as detrimental to children as work in mines and factories, which are still un- touched by legislation, either federal or state. In the fields of agriculture, industrial service work, and newspaper circulation approximately one million children under sixteen years of age are still employed, estimates of the National Child Labor Committee and other public and private organizations reveal. THERE IS hardly any state regulation of the half million children employed in agricul- ture, the Child Labor Committee reports. And this figure does not include the great number of children on farms who work without remu- neration whatsoever either in money or kind. In the field of intra-state employment thirty- six states have regulation that only extends to persons of fourteen years or less, and the regulation in many cases is not comprehensive in substance or extent. At present only twenty states have laws regulating the employment of children in the sale and distribution of news- papers. Furthermore the majority of America's 500,000 newsboys are victims of the "little merchant system" by which they are not classified as em- ployes though their labor is still under the con- trol of the employer. Because of the classifica- tion they are not eligible in numerous states for benefits of Workmens' Compensation Acts. Thirty states have practically no prohibition of dangerous employment for minors of sixteen and seventeen years. In these states a boy or girl, regardless of his immaturity, is free to enter any occupation regardless of its hazards. TWENTY-EIGHT states have ratified the child labor amendment, over 20 of them in the last ten years. But the driving force behind this commendable trend is subsiding as people feel the problem is solved. But such is far from the truth. With nearly a million children under 17 years and well over a million boys and girls of 16 and 17 employed, it is obvious that there is still a child labor problem of large magnitude. When we realize that there is no federal pro- tection for these children and that the great majority are employed in occupations which are unregulated, or only inadequately regulated by state laws, it is clear that the Child Labor Amendment is still needed. We should pass this amendment and wipe a sordid blot off the history of American life. - Robert Speckhard (Editor's Note) The following article continues a surmary history of the Student Senate. This is the second of the articles. By WILLIAM. B. ELMER THE SENATE was formed from plans promul- gated just two years ago this month by a group of faculty and students interested in creating a body which could be called repre- Spoq au Tsij ;v V uouido uapngs ;o aAtl1uas was to consider merely national and interna- tional affairs but has subsequently changed to place greater emphasis on local and campus activities and problems. Again in May, 1938, the Senate felt that there was a spoilation of the traditional merit system of appointing editors on The Daily, and called for the Board in Control of Student Pub- lications to reconsider its recent appointments in the light of past practice. In April, '38, the Senate housing committee held several open hearings on the housing question which were attended by many local landladies, facultymen, real estate agents, townspeople and interested students. After the investigation, results were sent to Lansing, to the local jurisdictional unit of the PWA and were published in The Daily and elsewhere. The essence of the results was that low-cost dormitories were necessary and that it would be highly desirable for the Univer- sity to grade all rooming houses on a stratified standard system, and that certain minimum standards of lighting, heating and other con- ditions should be enforced by the University. SUPPORT of local labor unions in their con- flicts with violators of State labor laws was was also on the list of Senate activities for 1938. In the Fall term of 1938-39, the Senate sponsored talks by the leading State candidates for governor, lieutenant governor and other of- fices here at the Union. Almost the entire fices here at the Union. Almost the entire Demo- cratic slate appeared, the honorable Frank Mur- phy, now U. S. Supreme Court Justice, Tucker the Socialist candidate for governor, and other representatives of the several parties. At the same time, the Senate sent one of its highly- criticized telegrams to Washington, condemning the action of the Dies Committee and the acti- vities of Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City. In November, '38, the Senate sponsored a campus-wide petition in support of a four-day Thanksgiving holiday. Thereafter followed a series of actions, topped perhaps by the resolu- tion early in the Spring of 1939, that subsidiza- tion should be practiced openly or not at all, in which the Senate had the wholehearted con- currence of the M Club. Immediately before the regular Spring elec- tion of the Senate in 1939, the Republican party announced that Harry Kipke would be their nominee for University regent. The Senate, basing its action on investigation, recommended to the student body and to the citizens of the State, that Kipke should not be elected. Al- though the student body showed itself to be entirely in accord with the Senate on this point as a campus se'aw vote proved, the Senate re- ceived some unfavorable digs, and from then on devoted its time mainly to student affairs. ABOUT this time, the Senate received the power to take over the convocation of the annual Spring Parley, and any other Parleys they might see fit to convene. In the summer session of 1939, they held their first and also the University's first Summer Parley. In De- cember, 1939, the first Winter Parley was held, on the subject of "War and Peace," under the auspices of the Senate. And now, the Senate has made the initial plans for the holding of the tenth annual Spring Parley on April 19, 20 and 21. In addition to working on the Spring Parley, the Senate is at present engaged in a vocational help scheme, an orientation program for freshmen, an investigation on the cleaning and dyeing businesses in Ann Arbor, and an investigation of the lighting in the libraries. That, in brief, is the history of the Student Senate of the University of Michigan. It has accomplished a lot of worth while things, and it can accomplish a lot more-but the Senate itself, along with members of the faculty and student body, feels that it has grown into some- Tutoring For Final Exams . . ALONG about the last of January and the last of May the bulletin boards on campus blossom forth with many scholarly looking index cards advertising the services of professional tutors. There is a land- office business in intellectual assistance when students come face to face with final examina- tions. The tutorial plan instituted this week by Con- gress, independent men's organization, will prob- ably have to face this problem of desperate last-minute crammers. It is not for this purpose, however, that the program has been established. Congress is giving fair warning that those who are finding some course troublesome had better get on the bandwagon early. As expressed by Prof. Arthur J. Van Duren, academic counselor, the aim of the plan is chiefly to help those students who fall behind in their studies because of illness or outside work, or those who are merely confused in the fundamentals of their subjects. It is intend! to serve '.throughout the semester instead of during -the last two weeks. The set-up of the plan is this: approximately 50 students have been recruited from the ranks of Phi Eta Sigma and Tau Beta Pi, literary and engineering school honor fraternities, to serve as tutors. Each is willing to give several hours thing quite different from what it was originally set up to be, and should therefore be revamped so as to provide for more continuity of student interest. Some 2,000 students have taken part in the semi-annual elections of the Senate, but it con- siders this only a fair showing of interest, and moreover, desires to have a more active interest the year-round, rather than just once each semester. It also feels that it could be a more functional body if it had certain specific powers and duties. In short, it sees in itself a potential coordinating body of all the organizations on campus, more especially in the line of student expression. But the latter is only possible if there is a definite bond between the Senate and the various activities bodies representing the many phases of student life. T HE coming Parley will consider in some de- tail, the possibility of reorganization of the Senate, as well as discussion of other forms of student government. Members of the Senate have already presented several proposals for the Parley, and although it is not certain at present just what will be the general theme of the Parley, student government is almost sure to be included in the panel discussions. 1f E THE silence which greeted Gulliver's column on ghostwriting was deafening; he is therefore encouraged to go on with this survey of the situation in American culture. Y. G. has all sorts of dandy notions about ghostwriting, but he's going to give them up now in order to be able to blow off about the Metropolitan Opera. A good many students on campus have become vitally interested in the growth of our indigenous culture, partly as a result of Mr. Louis Unter- meyer-s talks. What better example have we Americans than the Metropolitan. Opera? If you're not convinced, tune in any Saturday after- noon. You can hear operas in French, German and Italian. But, as the signs on the Montrea restaurants say, English is spoken here too. The English is handled by that cultured gen- tleman, Mr. Milton Cross. Golly, is he cultured! His French is delicate and precise, his German is thunderous and resonant, and his Italian- ah, his Italian! But when he begins talking in English to the yokels, his voice gets like a soft- boiled egg. And why? Because Mr. Cross is currently engaged in a campaign to get one million Americans to kick through with a buck apiece for the Met. It seems th t the Opera needs a million dollars in order t keep going. We aren't going to let the Opera down, now are we? asks Mr. Cross. SOthere's a campaign going on now, a cam- paign which makes Mr. Hoover's Finnish Drive look like small potatoes. The Four Hun- dred are really turning on the heat. Mr. Cross introduces Mrs. August Belmont, who announces (she's pretty cultured too, probably) that so far forty-four states have sent in money. "Where is Arizona? Come on, Arizona!" You sit there tensely, waiting for a voice to say, "I'm from Arizona., and here's my dollar!" Cheers, gracious thanks from Mrs. Belmont. But if you tune in the next week, you'll discover that Arizona hs responded. But where is Utah? "Utah, we haven't heard from you. Come on, Utah!" That sort of thing palls after awhile; so they have to dream up a new scheme (Guliver would give the laces off his shoes to know what agency is responsible for the publicity). First thing you know, they have one of these guys with a pfortable microphone wandering around the house between acts and snagging innocent operagoers. "Mr. Schulz, you go to the opera regularly?" "Like clockwork. Haven't missed a Saturday show since July, 1883." "That's a very fine record, Mr. Schulz. And have you sent in your dollar yet to the Fund?" "Why, I-" "Thank you very much, Mr. Schulz." Then you go backstage to the dressing rooms of the stars. Here is Signor Primo Carbino. "The Metropoleytan is-a the artist's dream. By all means, send-a your dollar in." "How would you rate the Met next to La Scala, Signor Carbino?" "La Scala? Phooey." All of which is, you've got to admit, pretty impressive. Espe- cially when the lady singers go on the air with the sex-appeal angle. BUT that isn't enough either. So we get little plays, the kind that toothpaste manufac- turers put on to help peddle their goods. "Oh John, wasn't that first act of La Boheme simply divine?" "Yes, Mary, Jan Kiepura is certainly a great singer." "Well, why don't we send off our dollar right now?" "All right, Mary, I'll make out a check. You address the envelope." And as if that wasn't enough, last Saturday afternoon Mr. Cross observed two minutes of silence-time for you to put your dollar in an envelope and address the envelope. The two minutes were ticked off bya metronome. Getit? Now maybe Gulliver is just being captious, but he doesn't like the whole business. The Met has always been the property and the plaything of the Four Hundred. The American singer who wanted to get a break there had to change his name from Joe Benton to Guiseppe -Bentonelli. American music never had a chance there. For most people the Met means the -Golden Horse- GULLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG GULLIVER Radio As JQb, Broadcasting Offers Varied Work And Hghest Wages By LEONARD C4LEIDER (Second of a Series) Radio, the art-industry which 20 years ago would place its microphones before anyone who would talk, today, pays the highest wages of any U.S. business and is constantly seeking qualified men and women to feed its tremendous appetite. Twenty million words on 17,000 dif- ferent programs over 764 stations- these are the requirements which radio must fill every day. To those who supply these needs, the business of broadcasting pays 18,010 full time workers an average of $45.20 a week. As radio has become mature, its work has become more specialized, re- sulting, in the opinion of Prof. Her- man S. Hettinger of the University of Pennsylvania, in "a marked rise in professional knowledge and standards in rgcent years." Broadcasting employs business and managerial experts, persons skilled in advertising, writing, program pro- duction, music, publicity, sales pro- motion, news reporting, consumer re- search, personal selling, engineering and technical operation and research, time buying and media evaluation and a variety of other fields. For College Men Not all positions in radio demand college trained men and women or pay sufficiently well to attract per- sons of that caliber, Professor Het- tinger says. Radio stations, networks, advertising agencies and talent and production agencies provide between 9,000 and 10,000 jobs for the college graduate. Courses which have been recom- mended for their value in radio are: music, literature, writing-for the ear and not the eye, economics, political science, psychology, marketing, sociol- ogy and, if they are available, special radio courses. Two factors frequently mentioned by personnel experts are: 1. "Radio is a small industry and only a few of those attracted to it are welcomed into its ranks." 2. "The race in radio is only to the strong, for there are only a few places at the top." Against these are arrayed: . Exceptional ability in radio's requirements is salable at good prices, provided you have enough of it to top a high quality field. 2. Special opportunity is provided at the present time by the fact that radio is just maturing and construc- tive thinkers are wanted. 3. "Radio is a dramatic field- human, dynamic and constantly changing-with a swift tempo which constantly challenges one's alertness and ingenuity." Breaking In A comprehensive answer to the question, "How does one break into radio?" is furnished by Joseph H. Burgess, Jr., personnel director of the Columbia Broadcasting System in a letter to The Daily. Mr. Burgess, who receives 85 ap- plications a day from college gradu- ates seeking success in radio, says: "The breaks in radio are unlimited, for the few who get them. Once you get a start in radio, there is almost no limit to how far you can go. But radio's gold rush days are over, and the trick is to get that start. For a start in network radio there is one important preliminary: experience. "This isn't the paradox it may seem at first. There is a place to get that experience even if the network is im- possible: that place is in a local sta- tion. A local station has all the needs and ramifications of a large network on a smaller scale, with fewer people to take care of them. Employees of a small station, Mr. Burgess continues, are likely to find themselves "doubling in brass"- learning and doing other people's jobs besides their own. This is the world's best training for radio.. "A network like Columbia is al- ways looking for talent and ability, but it's quite obvious you can't write a program heard from coast to coast without the experience of writing a program for a limited audience. Some Specifications "The radio business is just about old enough to see what kind of men it needs for its jobs. For the first time our specifications are becoming standardized, and most of them in- clude the demand that the applicant's talent be proved. "Thus, while we want Qur engineers to be college graduates, a degree alone is generally.not enough. Actual radio experience is desired. Our writ- ers and directors have generally at- tended college, even though they may not have graduated, but they are re- cruited by us directly from the thea- tre, from advertising agencies, from, local stations. "Our time salesmen, advertising and sales promotion men, and pub- licityUwriters aso ha.ve had adver- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) e ..e No course is considered officially P dropped unless it has been reported N in the office of the Registrar, RoomH 4, University Hall. Inexperienced Teacher Candidates: I would like to see all inexperienced candidates for teaching positions l Wednesday, March 20 at 4:15 p.m. in o Room 205 Mason Hall. o T. Luther Purdom, Director o Bureau of Occupational Appoint- a ments and Occupational Informa- P tion. P ti To All Faculty Members and Staff: m Special Employment Time Reports must be in the Business Office on Thursday, March 21, to be included in the roll for March. Pay day 'will 0 be Friday, March 29. Bronson-Thomas Prize in German:R Value $39.00. Open to all undergrad- uate students in German of distinct- ly American training. Will be c awarded on the results of a three- hour essay competition to be held R under departmental supervision on March 21, from 2-5 p.m., 203 U.H. H Contestants must satisfy the depart- w ment that they have done their v reading in German. The essay may " be written in English or German. t Each contestant will be free to choose N his own subject from a list of at least f 30 offered. The list will cover six e chapters in the development of Ger- man literature from 1750 to 1900, each of which will be represented by at least five subjects. Students who wish to compete must be taking a n course in German (101 or above) at C the time of the competition. They p should register and obtain directions N as soon as possible at the office of F the German Department, 204 Uni- versity Hall. a c Kothe-Hildner Prize in German: 1 Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respective- ly, will be awarded to students taking German 32 in a translation compe- tition (German-English and Eng- lish-Germun) to be held March 21, n from 2-5 p.m. in 203 U.H. Students t who wish to compete and who have T not yet handed in their applications E should do so immediately and obtain i, directions. Tryouts for University Oratorical Contest: Preliminaries for the Uni-n versity Oratorical Contest will be held Friday, March 22, at 4 p.m. in Room 4003 A.H. A five minute talk on the subject of the oration will be re- quired. Those interested should reg- ister in the office of the Speech De- partment, 3211 A.H., by Wednesday. Assemly Representatives: Allt G representatives musthave their eligi-F bility cards signed by Mary Frances Reek before they will be able to votet in Thursday's election. Bring cards a to the meeting if they haven't beens signed. The University Bureau of Appoint- mets and Occupational Informaton has received notice of the following i Civil Service examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each1 case:j Detroit Police Department: Junior Personnel Examiner (male),t salary $2460, March 30. Senior Technical Clerk (female),L salary $1,860, March 30. (These positions require legal resi- dence in the State of Michigan). City Service Commission of Balti- more: .Director of Community Cente, salary $1,500, April 2. (Local resi- dence waived.) Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Students who took the special reading examination previously an- nounced in these columns can obtain their scores by calling Dr. Anderson, Extension 685. An individual report of the results will be sent to each student in a week or ten days. All R.O.T.C. Advanced Course Stu- dents, including Medical Advanced Course, desiring tickets for the Mili- Stary Ball, to be held April 26, from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m., sign the list on the bulletin board in R.O.T.C. Head- quarters. Ticket preference given to those signing early. Academic NoUceS History 12, Lecture 11: Examina- ion, Thursday, March 28, 10 a.m. Mr. Stanton's and Mr. Spoelhof's sections will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall. A1l other sections will meet in Natur- al Science Auditorium. Concerts Organ Recital: Clair Coci, guest organist, will give a concert on the Frieze Memorial Organ in Hill Audi- torium, Wednesday afternoon, March nd of this week. Of special inter- st are the plans of the International eace Garden in North Dakota and Manitoba, a. plantation village in [awaii, New York City parks, etc. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Luigi Vil- ari, formerly in the Italian Ministry f Foreign Affairs and on the stgf f the League of Nations, will lecture n "Italy and the International Situ- tion" under the auspices of the De- artment of Political Science at 4:15 .m. on Friday, March 22, in the Lec- ure Hall of the Rackham Build- ng. The public is cordially invited. Mr. Louis Untermeyer's Schedule: Today: Informal discussion "Voices f the Middle West." East Conference oom, Rackham Building, 4:15 p.m. Friday, March 22, Lecture 4: Changing Lines in Architecture." ackham Amphitheatre, 4:15 p.m. Saturday, March 23, Infornal dis- ussion "Changing Lines in Archi- ecture." East Conference Room, ackham Building, 4:15 p.m. Lecture on "Wood Poles": Dr. R. [. Colley, Timber Products Engineer ith the Bell Telephone Laboratories, ill give an illustrated lecture on Wood Poles" in the Chemistry Audi- orium at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, larch 20. Students in the School of orestry and Conservation are expect- di to -attend and classes will be dis- nissed for this purpose. Any others aterested are invited. French Lecture: Mr. Abraham Her- man will give the sixth lecture on the ercle Francais program: "Les partis )litiques en France." Wednesday, aIarch 20. at 4:15 p.m., Room 103, tomance Languages Building. Tickets for the remaining lectures .nd the French play may be pro- ured at the door at the time of the ecture. Today's Events Political Science Round Table will neet tonight at 7:30 in the East Lee- ure Room of the Rackham Building. Topic: "The Interests of the Major European Powers in the Scandinav- an Countries." Biological Chemistry Seminar will neet in Room 319, West Medical quilding, at 7:30 tonight. Subject: "Fatty Livers." All interested are nvited. The Graduate 'History Club will neet tonight at 8 in the West Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Topic for discussion, "Your Disserta- ion." Professor Ehrmann will dis- uss the mechanics of thesis writing, Professor Boak will speak of oppor- tunities for publication, and there will be an explanation and demon- stration of the use of microfilming. Deutscher Verein will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the League. A variety vening will follow the business meet- ng. Every one welcome. La Sociedad Hispanica presents a ecture by Dr. D. L. Pucci of Wayne University today at 4:15 p.m., Room 103 R.L. Dr. Pucci will talk in Spanish on "The Generation f '98, its origin and its work." Tick- its for the lecture may be secured in the office of the secretary in the Romance Language Department. Chemical and Metallurgical Engin- eering graduate students will have a luncheon today in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Mr. Louis Untermeyer will speak. The Future Teachers of America will hold a meeting today at 4:00 p.m. in the Education Library in the U.E.S. Dr. Claude Eggertsen will dis- cuss "Sidelights on the N.E.A." All those interested in Education are in- vited. Professor A. D. Moore will talk on "Hobbies in a Lifetime" tonight at 8 00 in Room 319 of the Union. The public is cordially invited. Association Forum: Professor G. E. Carrothers will lead the discussion on "Why a Church?" tonight at 7:15, Lane Hall. University Girls' Glee Club: Re- Pearsal today at 2:30 p.m. in Game Room of the League. The Verdi Requiem will be sung tonight at 8:15 in the First Methodist Church. The public is cordially in- vited. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League. The Conversational Hebrew class will meet at the Hillel Foundation to- night at 7:00. The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet tonight at I 4