PAGE TWO THE MICHIGfAN DAILY TUESDAY. MARCH 19. 1940 a V as 1 v L'a 1 Y lZ 1 L 1 Organ Recital Will Be Given By Claire Coci' Former Palmer Christian Student Will Present Fourth In New Series Claire Coci, noted American or- ganist, will present the fourth in the season's new series of Twilight Or- gan recitals, at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. A former student of Prof. Palmer Christian, University Organist, Miss Coci has just finished a transcontin- ental tour receiving the praise of cri- tics throughout the country. When she was only 16 she was appointed temporary organist of the Jesuit Church of New Orleans and in a few weeks was engaged on a permanent basis and, in addition, was made choir director. Despite her youth she re- mained in that position a number of years before coming here to continue her studies, receiving favorable com- ments everywhere for her artistry. "Her superb technical mastery of the modern organ is phenomenal," President Charles A. Sink of the School of Music said yesterday of Miss Coci, "but it serves merely as a vehicle for her great interpretative genius. Great music flows from her fingertips, and it is not surprising that with such tremendous artistic and technical equipment she sweeps her audiences before her." Scheduled to be heard on tomor- row's program is Bach's Prelude and Fugue in D major, DeLamarter's "Carillon," Ruebke's Sonata on the 94th Psalm and "Prologus Tragi- ous" by Karg-Elert. She will also play Dupre's Prelude and Fugue in G minor and two of Bach's Chorla Preludes, "My. Heart Is Filled with Longing" and "Rejoice Ye Christians." Carrothers To $peak In Lane Hall Parley "Why a Church?" will be the sub- ject of the weekly Student Religious Association Forum, led by Dr. George E. Carrothers , of the education school, at 7:15 p.m. today in Lane Hall. Next in the series of seminars on Oriental Religions will be on Shin- toism, the Nationalist religion of Ja- pan, and will be led by Hisako Fuji- wara, Grad., at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Lane Hall. Rescue Creit; As It Entered Ohio Mine 4< ss ,$ y A nixe rescue crew is shown 1 here as it pr epared to enter the shaft of the Willow Grove Mine near St. Clairsi le, Ohio, in an attempt to reaeh 69 mewn trapped by an explosion. The men are equipped with gas P otetors. At the time, four men were kno:;n to be dead and more than 100 were gassed or injured. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Trade Topics Will Be Aired, At Convention President Ruthven To Talk In Secretaries' Parley At Luncheon, April 19 Modern American problems of trade barriers, and state and federal trade legislation are due for extensive dis- cussion April :19 and 20 when the trade and commercial secretaries of the state assemble for their First An- nual Institute in the Union. Sponsored by the Extension Serv- ice, the School of Business Adminis- tration and the Ann, Arbor Chamber of Commerce, the Institute will serve as the rallying ground for these secre- taries who, contrary to the accepted opinion of secretaries, represent in- dustrial associations and leagues of manufacturers and retailers. Prof. Gault Will Speak The morning session April 19 will feature the discussion of inter-state trade barriers by a U.S. Department of Commerce Speaker. Prof. E. H. Gault, professor of marketing at the School of Business Administration, will also speak and explain "Michi- gan's Stake in Interstate Commerce."j "Legal Aspects of Interstate Bar- riers"-a discussion by Prof. E. S. Wolaver, professor of business law at the School of Administration--will conclude the session. PresidenthRuthven will be the speaker at~ the' luncheon to: be held at 12:15 p.m. in the Union. Mr. Ira M. Smith, University registrar and president of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, will preside. Prof. Riegel Will Preside State labor legislation and its rami- fications will concern the delegates at 2 p.m. Prof. John W. Riegel, direc- tqr of the Bureau of Industrial Re- lations at thb University, will preside. Arthur E. Raab, chairman of. the State Labor Mediation Board, will an- alyze the "Activities of the State Med- iation Board" during the session. Prof. James ,R Pollock of the poli- tical science department will high- light the 6:30 p.m. dinner meeting with a detailed discussion of "Aspects of the European Situation." . Federal labor legislation will con- cern the delegates during the April 20 session. "The ..Wagner Act" will come under consideration ,after a speech describing it by the Hon. Al- bert E. Meder, attorney for the Mich- igan Manufacturers Association. tbh .hd Play Production Will Present, Richard Sheridan's 'The Critic' Ann:Arbor Sea Battle To Be Shown; On Stage Representing' Spanish Armada Sinking An actual sea battle, staged be-r fore the audience,' will climax Play Pioduction's preseuitation of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's "The Critic," to be produced Wednesday through Sat- urday, March 27-30 in the Lydia Mendelssohrn Theatre. Explaining various complications in this scene, Robert Mellencamp, stage director, revealed that model warships will be carried across the stage by actors, and that these ships will fire cannon and be sunk while on the stage.1 itealism Emphasized The sound of each shot will be ac-, companied by flashes of flame and billows of smoke from the cannon, Mellencamp added. (The battle is supposed to represent the sinking of the famous Spanish Armada in 1588). True to historical fact, the Spanish vessels will be larger and more cum- bersome than their English enemies, he noted, and realism of battle will be carried .even to breaking and fall- ing masts on the warships' decks. (The battle takes place off Til- bury Fort on the English coast; other scenes in the play are laid in this fort.) 18th Century Georgian Scene M~ellencamp commented that the scenery will be the 18th Century Georgian in the first act, but-in ac- cordance with the change in the play to. Elizabethan atmosphere-sets in later scenes will have the Elizabethan touch, Everything in the scenery, he ob- served, stresses exaggeration of the decorativeness of the period, although even a true.representation would ap- pear exaggerated to our modern eyes. The sets are generally very gaudy, he Le CereeGroup To Hear Herman Here Is Today's In Summary News said, with rose marble and panelling utilized throughout. Depth Is Obtained Mellencamp explained that scenery for "The Critic" was painted to give the effect of depth, whereas scenery from "Julius Caesar" (a recent Play Production presentation) was actual- ly built up in three dimensions. "The Critic" is really a play, within a play, as it satirizes the theatre, and more specifically, rehearsals for a new show. It stresses and tries to' overemphasize the gaudiness and gen- eral stiffness prevalent in the theatre in Elizabethan times. Vivian Is First In Air Contest Ranney, Rottmayer Take Second And Third John P. Vivian, Jr., '42E, captured the high-score award at the Univer- sity Flying Club air meet at the Ypsi- lanti airport yesterday with a total of 12 points. Daniel R. Ranney, '40E, was sec- ond and Earl Rottmayer, was third with 11 and 7 points respectively for total scores in the three events of the meet. Vivian, Ranney and Rottmayer also captured first, second and third, in the Bull's Eye landing event. In the 360-degree Spot Landing con- test, Paul L. Wallace, '41E, took first, with Vivian second and Rottmayer and Ranney tied for third. Alan R. Bott, '42E, newly elected president of the club, took first place honors in the Bomb-Dropping event, with Ranney in second place and Les- lie J. Trigg, '40E, third. German Club To Meet A variety entertainment program will be the feature of the Deutscher Verein meeting at 8 p.m. today in the League, Gertrude Frey, '41, pres- ident, announced. A program of skits, poems, group singing and other mu- sical features will be presented, she said. Ann Arbor High School has an- nounced the initiation of a place- ment bureau to assist students and graduates in finding employment in the community.- This is the third step taken by the school in assisting its students in making the transition from the class room to the working world outside the school's walls. Prior to now, part time work for students and an aip- prentice system have been fostered. . * * * When John Tarnawezyk drove his automobile into a gas' sfatioW at the corner of Broadway and Wall St. Sunday ni*t, ' fite by mistake, a gasoline pump step- ped out into his path and was promptly knocked 65 feet into the middle of next week, which happened to be the other side of Wall St. Neither the driver nor his companion, Pete Kelly, was in- jured, but the same cannot be said for either gas pump or car. Tarnawczyg evidently had been trying to take the corner toofast and missed by half a gas station. He pleaded guilty on a charge of drunken driving. The fifth series of lectures spon- sored by Anin Arbor's Special Service Seminar, will open Tuesday, March 26, with 'Mrs._ Irene Eullis Murphy of 'Detroit speaking on 'The Modern Family in the Modern Community." Farmer Is Killed Fighting Rescuer Wrestling 'with a passerby attempt- ing to rescue him from his blazing farm house, Marvin Brooks, 43 year old Freedom township farmer, burned to death Sunday night. Earl Lamb, of Manchester, who was driving past Brooks' home, saw the blaze and entered the house through a window to find the farmer sleeping in bed. Rousing as Lamb attempted to drag him to the window, Brooks grappled with his would-be-rescuer, managed to break away and regain his bed. Lamb was unable to reach him again because of the flames, he told Coroner Edwin C: Ganzhorn. TUESDAY, MARCH 19, VOL. L. No. 122 1940 Notices The University Council Committee on Parking earnestly requests that the parking of cars and trucks on the ovals between the Chemistry and Na- tural Science Buildings or anywhere else on lawns, be discontinued. The grass underneath the snow will be damaged not only by the ice conse- quent to the packing of snow, but also by the dripping of oil from motors. Herbert G. Watkins Students, College of Literature,' Science, and the Arts: Courses drop- ped after Saturday, March 23, by stu- dents other than freshmen will be recorded E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued ill- ness. Assistant Dean E. A. Walter Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts may ob- tain their five-weeks progress reports in the Academic Counselors' Office, Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. accord- ing to the following schedule: Surnames beginning Y through Z, Wednesday, March 20. Surnames beginning H through O, Thursday, March 21. Surnames beginning A through G, Friday, March 22. School of Education Students, oth- er than freshmen: Courses dropped after Saturday, March 23, will be re- corded with the grade of E, except under extraordinary circumstances. (Continued on Page 4) Pa ty Politic I . To BeTopic In France Of Talk CLASSIFIED An..,,VEIRTISING THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (in basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. lOc per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 15c. For further information call 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. WANTED-TO RENT-6 VISITING PROFESSOR desires fur- nished house for Summer session. Ph. 2-1688 after 6 p.m. 334 TRANSPORTATiON -21 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 LAUNDERING--9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 HILLEL PLAYERS Present Peo'p/e/ bi I RWI N SHAW ACE HAND LAUNDRY-Wants only one trial to prove we launder your shirts best. Let our work help you look neat today. 1114 S. Univer- sity. 19 TYPING-18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist and notary public, excellent work, 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20 WANTED-TO BUY-4 HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel, Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. 146 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND -1~ LOST: Gold Elgin wrist watch, near Hospital Sunday. Reward. 4533 Stockwell. 337 FOR RENT 3 ROOMS furnished; 1st floor apart- ment. Bath, shower, electrically equipped kitchen. Adults. $55. Ph. 2-1928. 335 A TWO & THREE ROOM furnished apartment for rent - heat, warm water, good location, reasonable. Call 2-3430. 336 FURNISHED 1st floor five-room apartment to share with lady.' Married couple or lady preferred. Phone 4379. 332 MISCELLANEOUS-20 SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per- manent, $2.50; $3 oil cocona, $1.50; end permanent, $1; Shampoo and fingerwave, 35c. Phone 8100, 117 Main. 36 HELP WANTED WANTED: Tutor for Engineering English. Please apply by letter to Ed. Henricson., 431 Thompson. 333 Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical engineering department will give a general discussion of Hobbies at 8 p.m. today in Room 319 of the Union. * * * Louis UnterMeyer, poet and yisitigg lecturer, will speak at the luncheon meeting. of graduate chemical and metallurgical engineering students at 12:15 p.m. today in Room 3201 of the East Engineering Building.. * ** * Meetings Tomorrow: Research Club at 8 p.m. in the 1 Rackham Amphi- theatre. Prof. Norman H. Williams and Prof. A. W,. Bronage .will pre- sent papers. Fatty livers will be. dis- cussed at -=the Biological Chemistry Seminar 7:30 p.m. in Room 319 West Medical Building. ' Dr. Abraham Herman of the ro- mance-languages department will lec-I ture, on "Les Partis Politiques en France" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Room 103, Romance Languages Build-y ing under the auspices of Le Cercle Francais . Tracing the development of the Third Republic, Dr. Herman will an- alyze the forces which give rise to political movements. The present political parties and their evolution from economic and social factors will be discussed. Associate membership tickets en- title, the holders to this and the suc- ceeding lectures, and with additional charge to the annual play to be given by the club, May 3. These may be obtained from the departmental sec- retary or at the door. l.... Pens - Typewriters - Splies "Writers Trade With Rider's" RIE'S 302 South State St. I ; All Ways the Best 'Domoiida genuine HPBERWatch Strap. Owaity materoia, eapert workmontship mzke this strap *t1e populcar leader: Good looking. pzzgrt priced from 35 cents up. At better authorized Jeweles. E RD"BER f tc ;e~ek;rpte SH-lOWS DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M. STARTING TODAY! I a al mvaa .it - -- ago Em. III M, i