Weather Rai: andcalder -tf AO t§9 wrq t ait~g Editoriai Child Labor Still Problem . . VOL. L. No. 122 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 194 PRICE FIVE CENTS 11 Hatch Bill Passed By Senate 58-28; Act Sent To House Republicans Vote SolidF3 To Give 2-1 Majority; Democratic PolljSpli Party Contributions Limited By Claus WASHINGTON, March 18.--P)- The new Hatch Bill, barring som 500,000 state employes from politics was passed by the Senate today wit an unexpected, two-to-one majorit and sent to the House, where a highl3 uncertain future lay before it. The vote, 58 to 28, surprised eve the measure's principal sponsors. Th Republican membership lined u; solidly behind the measure, as ha been expected, while numerous Dem- ocrats who had voted with the oppo- sition on various preliminary test turned on the final roll call to the Bill's support. Most members from the South persisted in their opposi- tion to the last. Bill Extends Old Act The Bill is an extension of the original Hatch Act which applies to federal workers. It would forbid state employes, paid in whole or in part by federal funds, to engage in political activities. As the adminis- trator of the proposed law, the Civil Service Commission would investi- gate complaints and if they were found justified would order the dis- missal of the offending employe. Un- less the latter were fired, federal funds to the amount of twice his an- nual salary would be withheld from the state or Iqcality involved. The em- ploye would have the right of appeal to the courts. In additin, written into the Bill by the opposition is a proviso that no individual may make campaign con- tributions of more than $5,000 in any year-a clause which the, opponents hoped would make the Bill so dis- tasteful as to assure its ultimate defeat. In fact, they fought the Bill tooth and nail until that amendment was adopted, House Promises Opposition In the House the Bill has opposi- tion in important places. The mea- sure must first go through the judi- ciary committee, where it concededly has many enemies.rThen, it must go through the rules committee, where the same situation exists. Af- ter that, it will face a fight on the House floor, with important elements of the Democratic leadership in the opposition. Speaker Bankhead told reporters today that he was "not in favor" of the legislation. "I think," he said, "that the gov- ernment has gone far enough in the original Hatch Bill to test the effi- cacy of the law." Another major amendment was written into the bill shfly before its passage. Proposed by Senator Byrd (Dem.-Va.), it would forbid any holder of a government contract to make a contribution to a political party upon penalty of $5,000 fine or five years imprisonment. Dr. D. L. Pueci To Talk Today Language Head To Discuss Spanish Renaissance "The Generation of '98, Its Origin and Its Works" will be thersubject of a Spanish lecture by Dr. D. L. Pucci, head of the language depart- ment of Wayne University, at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 103 Romance Language Building. A short English resume will precede the speech. Sponsored by La Sociedad His- panica, Dr. Pucci's talk will deal with the men who brought about a patriotic, intellectual, and artistic renaissance in Spain after the Span-1 ish-American War. At that time there was a group of young intellec- tuals who advocated the rebuilding of their country through education and the abandonment of outmoded ideas. International Relations Cinhj T MPat ITnLntmane Gargoyle Sans Beauty Contest On SaleFriday Reacting somewhat in a "bloody but unbowed" manner, the March issue of the Gargoyle will appear on campus Friday, minus its quashed "popular front" beauty contest. Vetoed by University action, the contest was to elect not one, but nine beauty queens plusa super queen, the whole group to be known as the Coalition of Beauty, or the Beauty Cabinet. The democratic angle had been emphasized, no specific nomi- nees being acknowledged, voting to be by the proportional representa- tion system. The Gargoyle, Ellis Wunsch, editor, said, would make a rigorous attempt to avoid any reference to a beauty contest. To replace the magazine's feature spot, Wunsch said that there would be a photographic article investigat- ing the "Unheralded Talents of the Michigan Campus." The article would prove that the Garg does have a conscience, he said. Bamlet F. Kent Killed In Crash Two Other Students Get Minor Cuts, Bruises j Fatally injured in an automobilei crash on Ecorse Road between Ink- ster and Middle Belt roads Sunday, afternoon, Bamlet F. Kent, '40L, ofc Highland Park, died at 5:50 p.m.1 Sunday in Eloise hospital of a frac- tured skull. With Kent at the time of the acci- dent were David B. Dolese, '43M, of1 Detroit, and Don W. Mayfield, '40L,t of Flint. Dolese and Mayfield suf- fered minor cuts and bruises andl were released from Eloise hospital following treatment.f Arthur Cheeseborough, of Inkster, the driver of the other car involved,I was also treated at Eloise hospitalt for minor injuries. According toI Wayne County sheriff's officers,1 Cheeseborough was driving on thet wrong side of the pavement, swervedI back to his own side at the same timei that the students' car turned out to avoid a collision. The cars met headl on. Dolese was driving the car inC which Kent was riding.f 12 Campus Groups Plan Peace ally Demonstration Designed To Permit Expression Of Anti-War Sympathy Organization Heads Plan Meet In April Twelve campus organizations-_ representing every phase of student life-will call upon Michigan stu dents this Spriag for support in a peace demonstration, designed to give "concrete expression" to cam- pus anti-war sympathv. Announcement of plans for the demonstration, for which the date has not yet been set, was made last night following a meeting of repre- sentatives from leading campus or- ganizations. The official Peace Council state- ment follows:I Peace Council Statement "As it was 23 years ago, the United States is threatened today with in- volvement in Europe's war. We, rep- resentatives of broad student organ- izations, realizing the waste and fu- tility of such war and recognizing the danger to our peace, call upon each Michigan student to oin with the Campus Peace Council in making articulate his desire for peace for America. "To this end the Council will spon- sor, some time in April, a demon- stration to give effective, concrete expressiondtothe campus'desire for peace, and invites popular support of the following program to keep the United States out of war: "We stand unalterably opposed to entry of the United States into war. We support no nation at war. In the interests of strict neutrality we op- pose the following moves: Specific Program "1. Sending American troops to foreign soil. "2. American war loans to bellig- erent countries. "3. Militarization of NYA or CCC. "4. Mobilization Day preparation or curtailment of civil liberties. "5. War profiteering, and arms ex- pansion beyond. defensive needs. "We recognize the part which the U. S. must play as one of the family of nations in building a permanent peace, but we believe that keeping the United States from War is the greatest contribution the American people can make." The statement was signed by the following representatives: Carl Petersen, Daily (chairman); Phillip Westbrook, Congress (se-cre- tary); Donald Treadwell, Union: Dorothy Shipman, League; Thomas Adams, Interfraternity Council; Bar- bara Basset, Panhellenic Association; Mary Frances Reek, Assembly; Har- riet Sharkey, W. A. A.; Robert Kahn. A. S. U.; Ted Spangler, Athletics; Karl Olson, Michigan Anti-War Committee; Vivian Sieman, League for Liberal Action. And Axis Extension Allies Look Chamberlain And Daladier Axis To 'Clean House' In New Vigorous War Strategy Premier May Pick New Cabinet Today LONDON, March 18.-)-A calm defense of his national government against rebellious criticism in the House of Commons was prepared to- night by Prime Minister Chamberlain as Britain sought some diplomatic counter-stroke to the Rome-Berlin axis conference at Brenner Pass. Informed circles expressed belief that three ministers were tabbed for discard by Chamberlain-Air Min- ister Sir Kingsley Wood, Supply Min- ister Leslie Burgin and Lord Hankey, Minister without Portfolio. They speculated that three others were slated for new jobs-Anthony Eden, . the present Dominions Minister, Ma- jor Clement Attlee and Sir Archibald BENITO Sinclair, the Labor and Liberal lead- ers. On The Paris Front; New Cabinet Planned Balk PARIS, March 18.-)-Premier Daladier spent a busy day on the for- History Inst mation of a "Push The War" Cabinet today while Western Front reports Visit T told of brisk localized activity and the Italian-German conference em- By HOWAR] phasized rumors of an imminent With events "Peace Offensive." more and moret Tomorrow's Chamber of Deputies rope lies in the debate on conduct of the war and Adolf Hitler an policy on the Finnish-Russian con- both with their flict was another precipitative factor. states, the geogr Daladier planned to be in the Cham- Hungary makes ber toaay and if he has not an- key-stone to E nounced a new Cabinet by then he John W. Stanto hopes at least to stifle some opposi- partment declare tion by the fact that he is working In this conn on Cabinet revision, French sources pointed to the indicated. dence" that the ence between H r should be follo' the visit of Hun Sprng Pre ister Count Tele Theme Passed Germany of c linterested in1 plained, if only By ommittee angle. She wan costs an Allied d flank, he comme Democracy And Student the Reich alread; ,possibility of a Is Proposed As Basis from he north, In Treadwell's Report bar.Stantono f t I rportant oil depo At a meeting of the general Spring carrying on a Parley Committee Sunday, a pro- cagricutua an posal by Don I'readwell, '40, for agriculturallan theme and outline for the Parley, are other factor April 19, 20 and 21, was agreed upon region to Germa and will be presented to the Student terestd tha Senate at its next meeting for any tery proxin minor revisions they may deem nec- pthe very po It essary, Daniel Huyett, '42, said yes- many) becauseu terday. Democracy and the student will agricultural imp be the theme although the exact ti- gion. Any attem tle of the Parley has not yet been Ge determined, he said. The program calls for an opening session to define ° T the theme, and to present faculty 1U° V( and student speakers to discuss the various implementations of democ- O f An racy. The second day of the Parley will see three panels held, one on democ- By HERV. racy in the world and how students Painting a pict express opinions outside the campus; teeming with vig the second so social democracy in , the University, the third panel on physical energy, meyer declared y Democracy in University activities. ture on "Voicesc The third and last day of the Par- that this regionr ley, the proposal says, shall be de- tural center of Ax voted to a summing up of any con- "The physical ciusions reached in the panels, and observed. "It i -this is tentative, Huyett said-a plan to present the final conclusions culture.perhaps as a referendum to the campus at follow.ethasente large in an election which may coin- become the ente cide with the Student Senate semi- ity in arch u annual election, in order to deter- Mr. Untermey mine if the student body by and the Rackham An large concur in the results of the third of his ser Parley. "Frontiers of Am was his last lect subsequent talks Saturday Set As Deadline itecture, art and: For 'Forum' Contributions "The Middle V known a kind of nadine fo rth Anril is eo territory, but int For Counter-Stroke Reich Claims Italian Military Aid To Moscow; C Leaders Confer At Brennero MUSSOLINI ADOLF HITLER r Holds Key To Present an Situation, Stanton Says ructor Notes Relationship Of Count Teleki 0 Hitler-Mussolini 'Secret' Conference D A. GOLDMAN abroad indicating that the fate of Eu- hands of Dictators d Benito Mussolini, eyes on the Balkan raphical situation of that country the astern Europe, Dr. n of the history de- ed yesterday. ection, Dr. Stanton significant "coinci- unexpected confer- :itler and Mussolii wed immediately by garian Foreign Min- ki to Rome. ourse is tremendous- the Balkans, he ex- from the military ts to prevent at all rive on her southern ,nted. (He noted that y has eliminated the n Allied campaign using Finland as a bserved that the im- zits (so necessary in war) and the rich ds in the Balkans s which endear this ny. t Italy too has in- Balkans, because of nity of the Balkan aly, and (like Ger- of the mineral and ortance of the re- pt at penetration by ,idwoul be onsd- ered by Italy a definite threat to her interests. A glance at the map, Dr. Stanton observed, will show that Hungary stands directly athwart the German path to the Balkans. Both Germany and Italy have flirted diplomatically with Budapest, he added, seeking to control its foreign policy to their own advantage. Yesterday's Hitler-Mus- solini conference plus the impending talks between Teleki and Italian For- eign Minister Count Ciano, he re- marked, will doubtless have pro- found effect on the so-called Balkan situation, and more particularly, on Hungary. Eggertson To Talk To Teachers Club As adviser to the newly-organized Future Teachers of America Dr. Claude Eggertson of the School of Education will speak to the club on its affiliation with the National Edu- cation Association at its meeting at 4 p.m. today in the Graduate Library in the University Elementary School. Designed to offer undergraduates opportunities to become better ac- quainted with their professions and to meet outstanding leaders, the club is open to all students taking work in education. As junior member of the NEA, the club will participate in the activities of its national or- ganization, James C. Aldrich, '40Ed., said. Russia Expected To Enter As Partner; Will Serve As Raw Material Base Balkan 'Safety Ring' Is Aim Of Dictators By LOUIS P. LOCHNER BERLIN, March 18.--(A)-Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini held a sudden, momentous conference in a railway car on their common fron- tier at the Brenner Pass today from which Germany emerged with these, certain expectations: 1. That Italy is ready to join the European war actively on Germany's side if and when needed, and 2. That the Rome-Berlin axis would be extended to Moscow. soon, per- haps before the week is over. German-Italian aims for remold- ing Europe will be endorsed by Mos- cow, excellently-informed sources said, as a third partner. Germany does not expect, however, that Rus- sia will become a belligerent. Rather, she is looked upon as a great store- house of raw materials. Rome Avoids Comment (In Rome, where the only official comment on the conference was that it was "cordial," neutral observers believed that Hitler enlisted Italy's aid to seal a "safety ring" around Germany, perhaps by neutralizing the Balkans against a British-French war offensive by making a series of pacts with the small southeastern coun- tries. Well informed Rome sources said that neither Rome nor Moscow had made a move thus far toward a rapprochement, but they admitted that Germany might enter into nego- tiations with Russia for a three-cor- ner arrangement.) As details of the spectacular meet- ing trickled through to Berlin, it ap- peared that the two statesmen agreed that Italy would join the war on Ger- many's side if it should become de- sirable for her to abandon her pres- ent status in which she is "not neu- tral and yet not waging war." The two statesmen were understood to have agreed that an Italian-Rust. sian rapprochement must come next, with a careful delineation of spheres of influence in the Balkans to follow. Molotov, Von Ribbentrop To Talk Berlin was filled with rumors that Foreign Minister Joachim von Rib- bentrop would confer with Russian Premier-Foreign Commissar Vyach- eslaff Molotoff immediately upon his return from Brennero. He and Itali-' an Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano sat in the conference with their chiefs. Hitler and Mussolini appear to have worked on plans for a complete reor- ganization of Europe, it was said here. That Russia is to be a partner to such remolding was taken as apparent from the following commentary on the Brennero conference released with obvious governmental approval by Dienst Aus Deutschland: "In no way is German-Italian co- operation limited to partial solutions and to warding off English attempts at befuddling the issues. It is evi- dently to serve as a focus for a more far-reaching combination through which the European order is to be placed on new national and social foundations. Engineers To Hear Soronberg Today "Prefabricated Houses" will be dis- cussed in the Sigma Rho Tau, hon- orary engineering society, meeting at 7:30 p.m. today when Prof. Russell A. Soronberg of the Detroit Institute of Technology addresses the club in Raconteurs in the society will start their story-telling contest tonight. "Engineers don't lie," commented Prof. Robert D. Brackett of the En- gineering speech department, "but some of the best story tellers in the country are in the engineering pro- fession," he challenged. Tielratg Will Cn On Salt- Verdi's Requiem' To Be Played Today At First Methodist Church d, wouldbe cons- sad est May Become Center nerican Culture, Poet Says IE HAUFLER ure of a Middle West or, "a powerhouse of "poet Louis Unter- yesterday in his lec- of the Middle West" may become the cul- merica. power is here," he s inevitable that a the culture-may for instance, already r of pioneering activ- are." er's lecture, given in mphitheatre, was the ies of six talks on erican Culture" and ure on literature. In he will turn to arch- music. West," he said, "has pioneering not into o temperament, into meyer explained, to announce the challenging of the genteel tradition. He heralded the first steps toward the region's maturity by castinpg aside the traditional "metrical lollypops" and accepting his locality for what it was -its meanness and ugliness as well as its beauty. There was in Masters' work, how- ever, a morbid strain, an overempha- sis on the sordid, Mr. Untermeyer said. Carl Sandburg, on the other hand, saw the crudity and buffoonery but took pride in it. He expressed for the first time a pride in the American language. "No man," Mr. Untermeyer said, "has used slang with such power." The contribution of Vachel Lind- say, he added, was that he revived the idea of poetry for the masses. His work was an actual collaboration be- tween himself and his audience. He read his poems to his friends and in- connati air CT7. P.t.l1C cn tha4 ELWYN CARTER * * * * HELEN VAN LOON The presentation of Verdi's Mann- zoni Requiem at 8:15 p.m. today in the First Methodist Church will rep- resent the combined efforts of a chorus of 50 voices, four New York soloists, and an organist, according to Fritz Liechty, '40BAd., chairman of the publicity committee for the concert. The public is invited to attend. ough training . . ." will fly by plane from Linsborg, Kan., where she is appearing' as guest soloist at the Bach Music Festival during Holy Week, to fulfill her engagement here. Mr. Carter has held the position of soloist at the First Presbyterian Church in New York City for a num- ber of years. Among his oratorie nerformances are isteri annarances