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MARCH 0, B411
PA\C-t~ VQiJT~ ~at, MA~Ben 11, 1944
Student Senate: Michigan psTry
A t crystallizing Studenit Op in ion
T z
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
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HARRY M. KELSEY ...........Night Editor
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Plays The Game .. .
U NDER THE trampled snow along the
Russo-Finnish frontier today lie the
bodies of hundreds of thousands of young men.
In scores of Finnish cities and towns newly
fallen snow has blanketed the debris of wrecked
buildings and thrown intoastark relief the out-
line df broken walls.
Four months of bitter warfare has ended,
warfare that meant death to Russian and Finn
alike from hot lead and freezing cold. The
Finns put up a heroic struggle to defend their
soil against the aggression of a military colossus,
but, in the words of Foreign Minister Vaino
Tanner, "as a nation we are too small."
Yes, as a nation existing in an era when inter-
national morality has been shoved aside by brute
force, Finland was too small. She could not be
allowed to pursue the normal course of her
democratic life because it did not fit into the
course of international power politics, and when
she tried to resist the concentrated might of
the Soviet, she was beaten.
W E HAVE SEEN in these past months, as we
saw in Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland,
that a people's right to self-determination means
nothing to power politicians. We have seen
coming from Moscow the same justifications
of Russia's action in Finland that came from
Berlin when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia.
It seems to be the same old plot with different
Today, a the Finnish people begin the long,
hard task of rebuilding their country and re-
settling 460,000 homeless, we see signs that the
small northern European nations are trying to
work out a defense against this ruthless use of
force to determine the course of international
relations. There is hopeful talk in Helsinki,
Stockholm and Oslo of a Scandinavian mutual
defense alliance. Sweden and Norway have
answered affirmatively Finnish queries as to
whether they would consider such a mutual
assistance pact. For 125 years Sweden and
Norway have lived at peace with the rest of the
world and avoided military commitments, but
they realize now that a changed world situa-
tion will require a shift in foreign policy. (While
popular sympathy with the Finnish cause has
been strong in Denmark, she could not consider
participation in an alliance of this nature, since
Norway, Sweden and Finland are in no position
to come to her aid in the case of an attack upon
her from Germany, an attack to which she is
particularly vulnerable. Thus Denmark for
the present will have to go on playing ball with
Germany as she has ever since 1865.
SO we see today in the proposed Scandinavian
mutual defense alliance the desperate effort
of these small European nations to counter
power politics by pooling what resources they
have. They have learned through bitter exper-
ience that international law is just so many
words in Europe. They have learned that the
game of international relations is being played
differently today. The proposed alliance is their
pathetic effort to play that game.
But it is the great powers that make the rules.
-Carl Petersen
Hats Off To The Ladies
To the ladies who don't wear hats.
To the women who never fall prey to the
(This is the second in a series on various student
organizations on campus. The following is the first
section on the Student Senate; it will be concluded
in Tuesday's paper.)
1WO YEARS AGO this month, a few students
and faculty men got together with a vague
idea in mind of forming some kind of student
body which could effectively express campus
opinion. They realized that a need for this sort
of organization had long existed. They further
realized that such a body might perhaps grow
into a powerful force in the governing of stu-
dent activities on campus. Primarily, however,
what they wanted was a group of students who
represented a cross section of the whole campus
-which could consider and discuss problems
affecting the student. The organization which
evolved from the plans of these men is the
present Student Senate.
At first, the idea was merely to have the Sen-
ate discuss student opinion as relating to na-
tional and international affairs. However, when
the first meeting was held, shortly after the
initial election, the members decided among
themselves that student opinion was by no
means confined to affairs apart and distant from
the campus. That was the first broadening of
the scope of action of the Senate. Since then
most of the action taken has dealt principally
with student problems right here on campus
and with the possible remedies for them.
The Student And Faculty Founders
STILL on campus of the original founders are
Philip Westbrook, '40, Martin Dworkis, '40,
Tom Downs, '40L, and Ann Vicary, '40. Departed
Of ALL Things .. .
....JBy MortyQ... .
IN the 16th and 17th centuries, the term "es-
quire" was commonly used by English coun-
try gentlemen and nobles. So there would be
Lord Cecil Updike Spoodledrip, Esquire, or
Throckmorton Pierpont Stinx, Esquire, and so
forth. The term came down through the cen-
turies, along with the British, and now, in this
country, has come to signify a well-groomed
young man and a 50 cent magazine. The point
of all this is that the name, "esquire," was not
exactly invented by this ponderous magazine
and yet they have "suggested" that one of our
local sartorial parlors, the Esquire Barbers, drop
the name. Reports from proprietor Dominic
Dascola, who has been trimming people around
here as long as anyone can remember, say that
they have gone so far as to threaten suit.
So now Dom, who was going to change the
name to Dascola Barbers anyhow, is taking down
his "esquire" sign and is going to send a personal
invitation to the editors of the magazine to drop
in for a free shave anytime. Dom will do all
the razor handling himself. Speaking of the
Dascolas, they have an amazing clipping tradi-
tion; they have been barbers for four genera-
tions and Dom himself was cutting hair when
he was 12 years old. He attended school here,
working in the Union Barbershop in the after-
noons. He was just graduated a couple of years
ago and last year opened his own shop.
* * *
EACH exam time, there are always a bunch of
screwy stories floating around, but Mr. D.
has just come across one that merits repeating
even at this late date. It seems one of the
brothers of a local fraternity was in danger of
being bounced out of school if he didn't get a
high grade in a course. He knew nothing about
the course, so, on exam eve, his brothers who
did not want to see him go because what would
happen to their softball team, figured if he
were in the Health Service, he couldn't take the
exam and would have all that extra time to get
a tutor and learn the stuff.
So about 10 of them tore themselves away
from the victora, went to his room, broke up
the bridge game, and told him their scheme.
He finally agreed and they began stuffing all
sorts of "goodies" into his kisser: candy, cake,
sandwiches, beer, cokes. The object of their
fraternal affection meanwhile was smiling very
nicely, opening his mouth at regular intervals,
chewing, swallowing and having a splendid
time. But he wasn't getting sick. So then they
bundled him in blankets and sat him on the
radiator, still pushing whipped cream tarts into
his face. Now their actions began to take effect:
he started to sweat and turn a litle palish-green.
So they hurry-up called the Health Service and
rushed a doctor over. (While waiting, they told
the drenched and moaning frater not to wince
when the doc touched his right side or they
might take out his appendix).
When the doe finally came, he pushed around
the guy's chest a little: "Does this hurt? Here?
Etc." (When he touched the right side, the pa-
tient smiled and assured him that felt the best
of all). So finally the doe gets up and starts
to put down a couple of bottles. The brothers
look at each other despairingly. Finally, one
says: "Aren't you going to take him away?"
"No, I'll just give him this medicine to clean
out his stomach and he'll be fine." And he
starts to go out.
"But," says one of the brothers," look at him
sweat; he'll catch pneumonia in the cold dorm."
"No beds down here?"
"Oh, no, no beds down here!"
"Well," says the doe, "it won't make much
difference; he'll be all right." And he starts
to leave again. But one of the more persistent
brothers, the captain of the softball team, indig-
nantly comes forward: "I won't have him in
this house! Take him away! We've got to study
since from Ann Arbor, and working their way
in the outside world, are Tuure Tenander, '38,
Joseph Mattes, '38, Richard M. Scammon,
'38Grad., and William Jewel, '38. From the first
Prof. Richard C. Fuller of the sociology depart-
ment, Prof. Janws K. lollock and Prof. Arthur
W. Bromage of the political science department
and Dr. Edm B]akerman. religious counsellor,
were interested in tle Senate. and contributed
largely to its inception and organizational de-
tails. Since then a large number of faculty mem-
bers showed increasing interest in the Senate
and the following were elected honorary Sen-
ators: Prof. Arthur Smithies and Prof. I. L.
Sharfman of the economies department, Prof.
Charles M. Davis of the geography department,
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English department,
Prof. Lewis G. VanderVelde of the history de-
partment, Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the en-
gineering college, Professor Pollock, and Dr.
Blakeman. Last week, the Senate elected Dean
Erich A. Walter of the literary college and Prof.
Mentor Williams of the English department to
serve as honorary Senators. Many other faculty
men and women have worked with 'the Senate
at various times and have given it hearty coop-
eration in its activities.
APRIL, 1938, saw the first meeting of the Sen-
ate with 16 members elected for a term of
one year, and 16 for a half year, all on the pro-
portional representation method. After having
completed its organizational plans and having
drawn up a series of by-laws which serve to
this day as the only constitution it has ever had
as a basis of action, the Senate proceeded imme-
diately to delve into the problems its members
thought particularly urgent. From a brochure
of past records kept by Martin Dworkis, 40,
former acting-president and present member of
the Senate, the following accomplishments and
actions seem to be especially illuminating.
The Senate decided that there should be an
extension of the honors program throughout the
University, and conducted investigations on
which to prepare a report to the University.
They investigated student employment in res-
taurants and came to the conclusion that the
University should take a hand in establishing
basic wage and hour standards. Another pro-
posal of the Senate which was adopted almost
in its entirety, was a recommendation that there
should be a series of lectures by leading author-
ities on marriage relations. The present Mar-
riage Relations Course manifests to the interest
shown by students in this sort of educational
investigation by the Senate.
Asked Men's Council Be Abolished
Later in 1938, the Senate conducted a poll of
appraisal of the instructor system and turned
the results over to the various interested depart-
ments. In May, '38, the Senate passed a resolu-
tion calling for the abolition of the Men's Coun-
cil and the abolition of all class officers below
the senior class. In October of 1938, the Senate
reaffirmed the proposal to do away with the
Council, and a short time later-it was abolished.
( To Be Continued)
HoPwOOD NOVEL ... A Revew
"THE LOON FEATHER" by Iola sharing a cabin on the island of Mack- But in spite of all this training,
Fuller (Mrs. Goodspeed) Harcourt, inac where they await her father Oneta succeeds in keeping her pride
Brace and Company. $2.50-Court- Tecumseh's return from war. News and the best of her own races' tra-
esy of the Hopwood Room. of his death comes as the tribes are ditions to the end, combining them
about to leave for winter further with the best of her convent learn-
By ELIZABETH M. SHAW south and illness keeps Oneta and her ing.
Tales and legends of the Indians mother on the island. Throughout the book, Mrs. Good-
on Mackinac Island, at Detour, the The story begins to unfold then speed takes every opportunity to
Sault rapids and the Tahquamenon when the young French socialite and build up the character of her heroine,
come to life in the story of Oneta, employee of John Jacob Astor's fur making her strong enough to cope
the Indian daughter of Tecumseh --------------- - with the difficulties which are yet
and granddaughter of the chief of to come, namely to make her step-
the loon tribe of the Ojibways, who father understand and appreciate the
grows up in Mrs. Goodspeed's prize young ambitions of her step-brother
winning novel, "The Loon Feather. Paul and finally to save her beloved
For a person who has spent 20 white friends on the island from at-
years of her life in Michigan's north- tack by her own and other Indian
ern peninsula, who has seen the In- tribes.
dians coming in and out of their The first is accomplished when
poorly constructed log houses of to- Pierre is forced, through unfortun-
day's Indian village, who has delight- ate dealings of the Astor headquar-
ed at the sight of Indian cemeteries ters, to relinquish his position in fur
with their little houses covering each trading for an accounting job in
grave in which the living put food young Paul's fish business.
and weapons to carry the departed The second and greatest task of all
one's soul to the happy hunting for Oneta comes when she appears in
ground, and who has visited historic -the war council of the Ojibways as
Mackinac. Mrs. Goodspeed realistic- -Courtesy Ann Arbor News Tecumseh's daughter and convinces
ally retells in her own way the often IDA FULLER GOODSPEED them that they should not start war
heard story of America's oppressed ----- against the white men until they ob-
race. company, Pierre Dubans, woos and tain the help of the white men to the
Persons who today think of this wins the love of Oneta's mother. Many south.
region of Michigan as wilderness fit times Monsieur Dubans winces as Freshness of style, and vividness of
only for habitation by the red man, he sees his housekeepers use their own character description are found in
see the beauty of sunset on the lakes, Indian customs, washing dishes in the book from beginning to the end
the harvest moon on the birches, feel sand and seeing Oneta pour tea from where Oneta and a new young
the sting of the winter wind from her own cup into his as an Indian French doctor from the fort named
Superior and delight to the robin's gesture of kindness. Martin pledge their love to the help
spring call, the rush of the ice floes When Oneta's mother dies she goes of mankind through medicine as
as the straits break up, and the rest with her stepfather and a young they stand on the arched rock over
of nature's panorama-so vivid is the stepbrother Paul to live with old the sea watching the early morning
description of this fairy book land of grandmere Dubans who has recently sunrise.
nature, come to the island to meet the beau- Mrs. Goodspeed in her first novel
Starting her life in an Indian tiful bride of her beloved son. Through has not only achieved the difficult
cradle back in the country south her insistence Oneta is shipped off task of presenting an historical novel
of the Lakes, Oneta tells her own for twelve long years to study in a in such a way as to make the char-
story of the great red and white French Catholic seminary in Quebec acters live for the reader, but has
struggle of 1812. Travelling with the where she learns French and English received the distinction.of writing the
season, in true Indian fashion, Oneta and is submitted to the white man's most successful Hopwood novel to
and her mother find themselves customs. date.
To the Editor:
We are enclosing a copy of the letter sent by
the American Student Union to the French
legation in Washington.
The American people have always stood for
certain ideals, for democracy as opposed to
fascism, for freedom as opposed to suppression
and intolerance. A decree recently issued by the
French government is profoundly shocking to
all of us. This decree states that by March 15,
100,000 of the 200,000 Spanish refugees must
return to Spain.
What chance have these refugees whom the
French government is ruthlessly driving out,
to live a decent life under Franco's government?
What chance have they got to live at all? In
the London News Chronicle of Jan. 19 Mr. A. V.
Phillips writes:
"Executions still go on in Madrid at the rate
of about 1,000 a month. How many have been
executed in Madrid? I think one may safely
put the figure at 40,000."
France, we are told, is a democracy. She is,
supposedly, waging a war against fascist Ger-
many to champion democracy. French soldiers
are dying for Daladier's alleged ideals of democ-
racy and hatred of fascism.
The Spanish refugees hated fascism, and were
willing to give their lives for the struggle
against it. It is strange that while Daladier
pretends to be fighting for democracy, these
refugees are being herded back to the firing
squad of the Franco regime.
We in the American Student Union added
our voice to the demand of 70% of the Amer-
ican people that the Spanish embargo be lifted.
We now protest against the decree on refugees
as being brutal and inhumane. Daladier, as
much as Franco, is guilty of mass murder. The
imperialist French government, in this instance
as in the repression of trade unions, civil liber-
ties, of freedom of speech and of the press, has,
by its own actions, exposed the false claims that
it is fighting for democracy against fascism.
While condemning the action of the French
government in forcing these 100,000 Spaniards
to return to Franco Spain, we speak out at the
same time in protest against adding to this
(Continued from Page 2)
Director of Community Center,
salary $1,500, April 2. (Local resi-
dence waived.)
Complete announcemenus on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
Students who took the special
reading examination previously an-
nounced in these columns can obtain
their scores by calling Dr. Anderson,
Extension 685. An individual report
of the results will be sent to eachf
student in a week or ten days.
Academic Notices
English 128: Will students please
bring their textbooks to class Tues-
Karl Litzenberg
Landscape Architecture Exhibit of
plans and photographs of examples
of the work of professional landscape
architects and planners from New
York to Hawaii is onhdisplay in the
exhibition hall of the Architecture
Building. It will be open until the
end of this week. Of special inter-
est are the plans of the International
Peace Garden in North Dakota and
Manitoba, a plantation village in
Hawaii, New York City parks, etc.
University Lecture: Dr. Luigi Vil-
lari, formerly in the Italian Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and on the staff
of the League of Nations, will lecture
on "Italy and the International Situ-
ation" under the auspices of the De-
partment of Political Science at 4:15
p.m. on Friday, March 22, in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Her-
bert Davis, Chairman of the English
Department, Cornell University, will
lecture on "Swift and the Pedants"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of English at 4:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, March 26, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The public is cordially
Mr. Louis Untermeyer's Schedule:
Monday, March 18, Lecture 3:
"Voices of the Middle West." Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday, March 19, Informal dis-
cussion "Voices of the Middle West."
East Conference Room, Rackham
Building, 4:15 p.m.
Friday, March 22, Lecture 4:
"Changing Lines in Architecture.
Rackham Amphitheatre, 4:15 p.m.
Saturday, March 23, Informal dis-
cussion "Changing Lines in Archi-
tecture." East Conference Room,
missed for this purpose. Any others
interested are invited.
French Lecture: Mr. Abraham Her-
man will give the sixth lecture on the
Cercle Francais program: "Les partis
politiques en France." Wednesday,
March 20, at 4:15 p.m., Room 103,
Romance LanguagesBuilding.
Tickets for the remaining lectures
and the French play may be pro-
cured at the door at the time of the
Today's Events
Tau Beta Pi: The time of the meet-
ing today has been changed to 3:00
Graduate Outing Club will meet to-
day at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the
Rackham Building. Program de-
pendent on the weather, with skating
at the Coliseum. Supper at the club
rooms. All graduate students, facul-
ty and alumni invited.
International Center: This 'eve-
ning at 7 o'clock President Walter L.
Wright, Jr., of Robert College and
Istanbul Women's College will speak
on his experiences and observations
in the recent earthquake of which
he was an eye witness.
Mr. Harold S. Gray, World War
conscientious objector, will speak on
"Facing Conscription," at 8:30 to-
night in Room 316 of the Michigan
Union, under the sponsorship of the
Fellowship of Reconciliation. The
public is cordially invited.
The Michigan Wolverine social hour
tonight will feature a St. Pat-
ricks Day Sugradh (Gaelic for frolic).
The Scherazade Suite of Rimsky Kor-
sakoff will be played from 6 to 7
o'clock and there will be popular
music from 7 to 10:30.
Executive Committee of the Ameri-
can Student Union will meet today
in Michigan Union at 11 a.m. All
ASU members invited to attend.
Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
tion, will sponsor a fireside and social
at the Foundation tonight at 8:00
p.m. Mr. Wayne Drasnin, of Wayne
University will discuss "The Sociolog-
ical Background of Jews in America."
The Lutheran Student Club will
hold its meeting at 5:30 p.m. today.
Fellowship hour at 5:30. Dinner at
6:00, followed by student forum.
University Girls' Glee Club rehear-
sal today at 3:30 p.m. in Game Room.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
,-d in geakina erman are eordially
Electro -magnetic Waves," and Pro-
fessor A. W. Bromage on "The Pres-
ent State of Eire." The Council will
meet in Rackham Assembly Hall Al-
cove at 7:40 p.m.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building, at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday,
March 19. Subject: "Fatty Livers."
AU interested are invited.
Economics Club meeting on Mon-
day, March 18, 7:45 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. Professor W. H.
Wynne will speak on "Problems of
Dominion-Provincial Financial Rela-
tions in Canada." Staff members and
graduate students in Economics and
Business Administration are cordially
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. Sub-
ject: "Vitamins and Bacterial Metab-
olism." All interested are invited.
Botanical Seminar will meet Wed-
nesday, March 20 at 4:30 p.m., Room
1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Harlow
E. Laing "The effect of oxygen con-
centration upon growth and respira-
tion in semi-submerged water plants."
Attention Pre-Medical Students:
Dean Furstenberg of the Medical
School will address the Pre-Medical
Society on Wednesday evening, March
20, at 8:15 p.m., in the East Amphi-
theatre (Room 115) of the West Medi-
cal Building.
The Graduate History Club will
meet on Tuesday, March 19, at 8
p.m. in the West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Topic for dis-
cussion, "Your Dissertation." Pro-
fessor Ehrmann will discuss the me-
chanics of thesis writing, Professor
Boak will speak of opportunities for
publication, and there will be an ex-
planation and demonstration of the
use of microfilming.
Chemical and Metallurgical Engin-
eering graduate students will have a
luncheon on Tuesday, March 19, in
Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Mr. Louis
Untermeyer will speak.
La Sociedad Hispanica presents a
lecture by Dr. D. L. Pucci of Wayne
University, Tuesday, March 19, 4:15
p.m., Room 103. R.L. Dr. Pucci will
talk in Spanish on "The Generation
of '98, its origin and its work." Tick-
ets for thelecture may be secured
in the office of the secretary in the
Romance Language Department.
Deutscher Verein will meet Tues-
day evening, March 19, at 8 o'clock
in the League. A variety evening will
follow the business meeting. Every
one welcome.
Professor A. D. Moore will talk on
"Hobbies in a Lifetime" on Tuesday,