-- - i~ti - ~~taWAZ'Th~E 1~I94O -v r THE.MICHIGAN DAIYT 274 ! EIITOR g Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the Use for republication of all.news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repubylication of all other matters hereinalso reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERSINQ BY National-Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr ,Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Hineberg Editoaal Staff B Staff Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor *Associate Editor SWomen's Editor . Sports Editor . Paul P.. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy .Business Manager . . Asst. Business Mgr~ Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . . NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT W. BOGLE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. More Effeet For The Senate .. . HE ONLY truly functional student T government body on the University campus is, strangely enough, the independents' organization-Congress. Not a really represen- tative group, this organization has been a lone eagle in the field of getting things done. But Congress is not the only student organization on campus. The fraternities are ably represented by the Interfraternity Council, the independent wom- en have Assembly, Panhellenic gives voice to the sororities--and that one and only all-campus body, the Student Senate, supposedly is the cross section of all the students. For the pur- pose of making it truly representative, the Sen- ate's members are elected by proportional rep- resentation. So far, so good. But of what avail is any type of representation when the organi- zation and function of the representative group does not attract even one-quarter of the stu- dents to its election? The whole reason behind the failure of stu- dent government on this campus is the apathy of the students toward the Senate. The way to waken the interest of the students is to make the groups concerned a part of their interests. To' this end the Senate has failed miserably. What can be done about it? One university in the middlewest-Ohio State-has a student senate that is successful, representative and at- tractive to the student body as a whole. Its out- standing virtue is its compactness and position of dominance over other campus groups. It has power, and, what's more, it has representation of every interest on the Ohio State campus. Some of the activities administered by the Ohio State Senate aptly illustrate its scope. OSU students violating certain rules of the University may demand a hearing before a Student Court, a functionary of the Senate. A Student Labor Board studies and tries to better student work- ing conditions. The Senate correlates and over- sees the varied activities of Homecoming cele- brations, supervises elections of all class officers, works with the University with respect to public relations, has a voice in the policy of the Ohio State Lantern, student newspaper.. These activities show beyond a doubt that the Senate cannot help but have an interest in every corner of campus life. The membership of the Senate, perhaps greatest contrast of all to our own Senate, shows the possibility of variety in the composition of a representative group. Ohio State's Senate not only has regularly elected members from each of the schools and colleges there, but more important, has a representa- tive from each of the 15 organizational groups on campus, including the Interfraternity Coun- cil, Panhellenic, religious associations and other varied groups. Notwithstanding its hetereogeneous composi- tion and size, the Ohio State handles success- fully a large number of activities and the volume of business it must handle is well-illustrated by the fact that it meets every week in addition to Special meetings, as contrasted to the bi-weekly sessions our Senate holds. Ohio State University students are fortunate in possessing a truly representative student gov- ernment body. But Michigan students can have a similar set-up with very little trouble. There are members of the Michigan faculty who take a genuine interest in student affairs. These men have been behind every progressive Move To The Editor: In announcing its lecture series for the second semester, the Student Religious Association has not given out much information concerning the beliefs of the first speaker, Professor Carlson. This is strange since the other speakers are clearly identified as Catholic, Protestant and Jewish. I have investigated this matter and made a discovery which will, I am sure, be of interest to many. Although it may be assumed that Professor Carlson is an authority on re- ligion because he has been chosen to speak on a series in which the other speakers are authori- ties, he has published only one work on religion, and that was a lecture. What is this man's faith? In his lecture on "Science and the Supernatural" (Science, Feb., 1931) he says, ". . . here is a confession of a physiologist of lack of faith in the supernatural . ." In reading further it is discovered that not only faith, but also respect is completely lacking. This may seem a little too strong, but what else do the following random quotations indicate? " . . accounts of creation of the world and of man by people who were not pres- ent at these events ....," " ... the resurrection from the dead of persons in advanced stages of decomposition . . . .," ". . . the modern man of science has no essential quarrels with Jesus, Confucius, Zoroaster, or Buddha. They did the best they could, considering the ignorance of their times.", and this is typical of his attitude toward God: "When the Mormon leaders re- ceived a tip from God that polygamy was or- dered by him for his chosen people on earth (by the way, a .revalation that is easy to take by the average human male), the United States Gov- ernment did not hesitate to challenge God, or Brigham Young's sanity and veracity. The Federal Government was powerful and adamant and God yielded through a second bvalation to the effect that he had changed his mind and polygamy was no longer according to the plan of God!" This, then, is the kind of man that is being brought to our campus by, of all organizations, the Student Religious Association! And many will be fooled into hearing his lecture because of the name of the sponsor. As if there were not enough atheist organizations already on cam- pus, bringing more than enough speakers to up- hold this point of view! As if the religious faith of students is not sufficiently undermined by required courses in biology and geology! Must these atheistic tendencies engendered by science courses be strengthened by bringing under the guise of religion a man who believes that the scientific attitude "is, of course, partly charac- terized by challenge of authority, be it man 'or God." If the Student Religious Association wishes to render a service to the university it could very well begin by ceasing to encourage atheism. _J.W.M. To The Editor: If one takes the newspapers literally, Finland has been killing off the Red Army at the rate of 5 per cent per day for a good many days. So many in fact that a local rumor has it that orders have gone out from Moscow for all Red Army men who have been killed only once to report for duty in the morning. During this slaughter, however, it turns out that the Russians have taken seventy-some Inquisition, Modern Style . . AMODERN SPANISH INQUISITION has swept down upon Detroit, Michigan. The heretics are 12 persons who be- lieved strongly enough in democracy to support and recruit men for the Loyalist Government of Republican Spain several years ago. The modern inquisitior is the Federal Bureau of in- vestigation of the Department of Justice. Re- cruiting soldiers for service in a war conducted by foreign power is the charge that has called forth Federal arrests that resemble in character those extended to desperate gunmen. The raids, authorized by a secret indictment, were conducted at 5 a.m. on the morning of Feb. 6, and when several" of those arrested called the Detroit police, believing that the intruders were burglars, the FBI agents broke down the doors and ransacked the rooms. The men arrested were handcuffed and chained together and were sent to the prison at Milan, and the only woman arrested is being held in solitary confinement in a Detroit jail. They are allowed one hour for visiting per month, and their total bail amounts to the fantastic figure of $150,000. The law in question might well be placed with the rest of the hoary blue laws that appear in the "It's the Law" feature of Collier's weekly, for the statute dates from 1818. It has rarely been enforced, and never in modern times. Ac- tion similar to the present arrests was not taken against securing of American recruits for Ethio- pia or China and is not being taken against the sending of American volunteers to fight for Fin- land. When the assistant United States District Attorney was asked about those doing the re- cruiting for Finland he replied, "Finnish volun- teers are not to be aided or financed, to the best of my knowledge they are merely giving advice, not inducement." Yet the law is being suddenly enforced in the case of Spain, at a time when the political mi- nority view involved is unpopular. The conclu- sion is unavoidable: the timing of the arrests, the excessive bond, and the unusual treatment Finnish forts and are beginning to inconven- ience Finland in a small way. All this reminds us of the story of the fighter whose manager, sitting safely in the corner, kept saying, "They can't hurt us, boy: they didn't lay a glove on us in that last round." The fighter, somewhat marred about the surface, said, "Well then get that referee out .of there; somebody's knocking my ears down." Maybe the Finns are hitting one another over the head out of boredom. If the papers have been trying to make the Red Army look incompetent, they've ddne it too well; since at one and the same time other propaganda agencies have been yelping about poor little Finland in an attempt to excite sym- pathy. If Finland's only worry is how to dis- pose of the stacksdof deaddRussians When the thaw comes, they don't need my help. All I can get out of the whole welter is that everybody is lying furiously; probably to no good end from the point of view of the little man-and I'm the little man. I get drafted and shot and shoved around generally, to satis- fy the exigencies of a situation I don't under- stand, and which various agencies are making damn sure I never do understand. I'm sure this conflict of propaganda is a blunder on the part of someone, but it's valu- able to me. Until I get more truth they don't get my nickel-or me either. I suspect the truth now and it 'smells-has anyone else noticed an odor? - Hugh McGinnis. GULLIVER'S CAVILS fy YOUNG GULLWER THERE HAVE BEEN a lot of comments about Gulliver's criticism of President Roosevelt in Tuesday's Daily, and there will probably be a number of indignant letters.wGulliver firmly believes not only that his criticisms were basic- ally just, but also that Roosevelt's present do- mestic and foreign policies are deserving of the most severe condemnation. Today we will take up the President's use of the G-Men, and the "moral embargo." Mr. Roosevelt's man J. Edgar Hoover, the hero of the American schoolboy, may be re- meinmbered as the brains behind A. Mitchell Palmer's infamous "red raids" of 1921. When his reputation was sufficiently built up by a good press and a series of Hollywood G-Men epics, he turned to the job of cleaning up all disaffected elements in the country. J. Edgar has been very busy lately. He has been scurry- ing around bagging German agents in the U.S. When a reporter asked him how many French and British agents his G-Men had dug up, he answered, "Oh, we're not going after them; the State Department told us to lay off them." Hoover has also been busy arresting physicians who examined prospective recruits for the Span- ish Loyalist Army, and others who aided in the sending of several thousand Americans to Spain, clapping them into the brig on 20 thousand dollars bail, refusing to allow their families to communicate with them, and so on. They are going to be tried on a law which has not been in operation since the Year of Our Lord 1818 ... The same week that these people were arrested, Roosevelt announced that young men who want to go to Finland to fight are not violating any law if they do not swear allegiance to Finland. They can apply, said the President, "for ex- ample, at the Finnish Embassy." Let's not bother about the logic of it. Let's go on to the arrests of the striking WPA workers in Minneapolis. This case didn't get very much publicity in the press; maybe because all but five of the sixty or seventy arrested (arrested by Mr. Roosevelt's G-Men for having the nerve to go on strike) were acquitted the other day. An interesting feature of this case is the fact that the accused were tried en masse ... BOB PERLMAN'S LETTER printed in yester- day's Daily covered the militarization of the NYA pretty well. Let's go on to the matter of the "moral embargo" against Japan and the USSR. The word moral serves a dual purpose: first, anyone who questions the embargo is ob- viously immoral, and second, it demonstrates the high morality of our business leaders, who gladly give up their share of the blood money because FDR says it isn't nice. What are the facts? When Roosevelt tells the business in- terests that they shouldn't sell arms to Japan or Russia he is simply telling them that if they do, the United States government won't place any more orders with their firms. Pity the poor business leader; but at least our capitalists know that it's safer to play ball with the gov- ernment than with Japan or Russia. So much for business morality. How about the Roosevelt morality? Are the President and Congress enraged at the slaugh- ter of 1,250,000 Chinese by the Japanese im- perialists? If they were, they would certainly be justified. But no; our congressmen are en- raged at the fact that "American interests" are being endangered in China. This means not only that various American ladies have had their faces slapped, but also that American oil interests are getting worried, and also that the U.S. wants to scare Japan into taking a firm stand against the USSR. P.S.: Gulliver now anticipates a flood of letters accusing him of I'd Rather Be RIGHT! B By Samuel Grafton Mr. Oliver Stanley, Britain's new Secretary of State for War, may have, killed half a million Englishmen by his speech at Newcastle-on-Tyne. He may also have prolonged the Hitler regime by half-a-dozen years. This takes a bit of doing, but Mr. Stanley has the necessary talent; that elegant ineptitude which has marked the course of the British Government from the unimplement- ed guarantee of Poland to the present day. In his Newcastle-on-Tyne speech Mr. Stanley declared his war aim. It is a desire to strip from the German people, forever, "under this regime or any other regime" the power to make war. In Herr Goebbels' propaganda of- fice in Berlin, the functionaries must have fallen on their knees and burst into tearful prayers of thanks when this news came along. It is, almost' miraculously, what was needed to save the Hitler regime. For Mr. Stan- ley. in a single sentence, has de- clared war on the German people1 as well as the German Government. Hlore-Belisha is out and the bonerI replaces the bounder in the War Office. ** ** The Goebbels line is: "Our ene-; mies want Germany to be destroyed;I they don't care about democracy, they wish to rule Europe." Now Mr. Stanley brightly admits he seeks to destroy German power, no matter what regime holds office in Berlin. Hitler can quote this as confirmation from the horse's mouth. In 1918 German revolutionaries functioned under cover of Mr. Wil- son's Fourteen Points, which prom-' ised fair treatment to the Reich. But' today a revolutionary becomes a traitor to Germany as well as to Adolf Hitler. Should he win and oust Hitler and ask England for peace he will have turned his country over to1 the mercies of Mr. Stanley. Why should it not appear more sensible now to the Hitler opposition to win the war first, beat England and deal with Hitler afterward? By JOhN SCIIWARZWALDER The reviewer by the very nature of his craft is expected to weigh and ponder things unweighable and im- ponderable. Usually he must content himself with recording his personal, prejudices and the fact that the art- ists of the evening accorded or did not accord with these. Occasionally, however, he has the rare good fortune to hear a concert which transcends this bias and seems to set an artistic standard of its own. Such a concert was that given last night in Hill Audi- torium by Bartlett and Robertson, the British Duo-Pianists. This concert was our sixth hearing of this brilliant team and was worthy of their reputation and previous efforts. The balance of their artistry, the accuracy of their rhythm, the dy- namic oneness which made it impos- sible to tell which was playing the dominant strain without looking at the keyboard were never more in evi- dence. Their mastery of style, class- ic, romantic and modern, as well as of many and diverse national schools, was complete and practically flaw- less. Their separate and collaborate technics were, a few missed notes to the contrary, worthy of any solo vir- tuosi. That this review is rapidly be- coming a rave is their doing not ours. To enumerate the program would be a great mistake for time and space do not permit their entire excellence to be recorded here; especially not- able was the Bach Sonata in E-flat and the Jesu, My Heart's Joy which followed it. They achieved alike a clarity and emotional quality which] illuminated the polyphony of the mas- ter and pleased the most discriminat- ing. Interesting to the musicians in their audience was the artists' playing 'of Debussy's En blanc et noir, No. 1, which opened the second half of the program. This was a new Debussy to many, in that the foundations for modern music which he helped lay were more clearly visible through the duo-pianist's interpretation than is generally the case. Debussy's senuous Lindaraja provided a splendid foil for Milhaud's Brazihitn Dance which won an ovation from the audience. Mil- haud seems to have found the secret of the much sought combination of serious contemporary music with popularity. Said secret being the use of folk tunes and rhythms as a base for emotional appeal. Certainly Mr. and Mrs. Robertson realized this fact in their interpretation. Concluding the program was Lee Pattison's arrangement for two pianos of the orchestral score of the Corona- tion Scene from Boris Goudounov. That the artists were almost success- ful in their imitation of the orchestra without sacrificing their artistic in- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) this work, still it will be cheerfully F assumed where desired. t 8. The University has no ar- rangenments with any insurance or- ganization except the Teachers In- n surance and Anuity Association ofd America and contributions will notv be made by the University nor can1 premium payments be deducted ex- cept in t:he case of annuity 01' inur- V ance policies of this association. 9. The general administration of the annuity and insurance businessd has been placed in the hands of Sec- retary of the University by the Re- gents. Please communicate with the un-> dersigned if you have not complied with the specific requirements as stated in (3) above. Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't Secy. Students and Faculty College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Grades for laboratory course which were automatically extended to theA end of the first semester, 1939-40,1 should be reported as soon as possiblen but not later than Saturday, February 24. Grades for courses in this cate- gory, not reported by February 24 will automatically be lapsed to E. TheA courses affected by this regulation i are listed on page 38 of the Announce- ment of our College. * E. A. Waiter The Detroit Armenian Women's Club is offering a scholarship of $100 7 for the college year 1940-41 to a1 young man or woman of undergradu-3 ate standing in the colleges and uni-A versities of Michigan who is of Ar- menian parentage and whose resi- b dence is in Detroit. Candidates are F to be recommended by the institu- tions in which they are enrolled. Se- lection, which is made by the donors,1 is on the basis of high scholastic F ability in the field of concentration, together with character. Recom- mendations must be made before May r 1, 1940. Students who believe them- selves qualified and seek recommen- dation by this University should ap- ply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant A to the President, 1021 Angell Hall. Eligibility for Second Semester: 7 Students applying for eligibility cer- a tificates for the second semester are reminded that they must present first semester report cards at Room 2, Uni- versity Hall, in order to assure im- a mediate receipt of their new cards. First semester eligibility certificates d will be invalid after March 1. U Aeronautical Engineering Seniors and Graduates: Students obtaining either bachelors' or masters' degrees in Aeronautical Engineering in June or August, 1940, should fill out the A Department personnel records im-w mediately. Blanks for this purpose a may be obtained in the Department of d Aeronautical Engin'eering Office, Room B-47 East Engineering Build- ing. Manufacturers are already ask- I ing for information on this year's graduates, and it is essential that the personnel records be available at onced so that they may be supplied with7 accurate and complete data. Delayv in turning in these records may re-S sult in incomplete information goings to the manufacturers. Summer Employment: All studentsd who wish to register with the Bureauc of Appointments for summer jobs arei notified that registration forms mayv be obtained Thursday and FridayF of this week at the Bureau, 201 MasonA Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Finalb registration date will be Friday, Feb-a ruary 16. Students 21 years of age and over are particularly urged to en- roll. The Congress Cooperative House,a 909 East University, is accepting ap- plications for board this semester. An appointment for an interview may be obtained by telephoning 2-2143, or coming to the house. Cooperative Boarders: Katharine Pickerill House, girls cooperative, 328 E. William St., is open for applica- tions for boarders for the second sem- ester. Phone 2-1454. Ushers of Theatre Arts Committee: Lists are posted on the bulletin board at the League for the puppet show this Friday and Saturday. Sign up before 4:30 today. The Filene Cooperative House, 841 East University, is accepting applica- tions for board this semester. An appointment for an interview may be obtained by telephoning 7350, or com- ing to the house. The Badminton Courts in Barbour Gymnasium are open for mixed play on Monday and Friday evenings from; 7:30 to 9:30. Academic Notices English 190, Junior Honors, willa meet in Room 302 of the Union on Saturday, 1-3:00 p.m. Bennett Weaver ents: Foreign students who wsh to nroll in the class in English for Foreign Students offered by the In- ernational Center Tuesday and Thursday evenings must enroll be- ore the end of the week as the en- rollment will be limited. The Tues- lay class under Miss Traver is de- voted to systematic vocabulary build- ing; the Thursday class taught by Miss Pierce is a speech clinic for de- veloping a correct pronunciation. Political Science 1: Lecture. Thurs- lay at 1, Room 2225 A.H. Political Science 2, section 1, MWF, 8 (Dorr) will meet in Room 35 Angell Hall beginning Friday, Feb. 16, 1940. Political Science 2, Section 9 (MWF, 9) will meet in Room 2203 Angell Hall beginning Friday, Feb. 16. Politica Science 52, Section 1 (MWF, 9) will meet in Room 35 Angell Hall beginning Friday, Feb. 16. (This is a correction of thestate- ment in Wednesday's D.O.B.) Political Sciencee52. TTS, 9, and TTS, 10, will meet in Room, 2003 Angell Hall beginning Thursday, Feb- uary 15. Political Science 92 will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall. Political Science 2: Lecture A, Thursday at 1: Door's sections (1, 2) 1035 A.H. Perkins' sections (5, 6, 7) 35 A.H. Calderwood's section, 2029 A.H Lecture B, Thursday at 11: Kallen- bach's sections (8, 9, 13, 14) 1025 A.H. French's sections (10, 11, 12) 35 A.H. M.E. 80 (M.E. 50) will meet MF at 10 in Room 202 W. Eng. beginning February 16. German 12: MWF Braun. Will meet at 5 o'clock in Room 225 AH. Far Eastern Art: Office has been moved from Museums Building to 5 Alumni Memorial Hall. F.A. 192 Art of China and Japan: Tu., Th., 9:00 meeting place to be arranged. F.A. 204 Ceramics, F.A. 206 Mediaeval India, , F.A. 208 Special problems: Fours and meeting places to be arranged. Consultation hours 9-11:30; 1-3 daily. All first meetings of classes will be held in Room 5, basement Alumni Memorial Hall. James Marshall Plumer, Lecturer on Far Eastern Art Far Eastern Art Lecture in Fine Arts 192, "Art of China and Japan," will be held in Room 18, Angell Hall, at 9:00 a.m. every Tuesday and Thurs- day. Anthropology 162 will meet in 401 Mason Hall, T.T.S. at 9. First Aid Class for University Stu- dents starts Tuesday, February 20, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Room 2014 Uni- versity High School. William F. Saulson, '40Ed., Red Cross Lay In- structor, in charge. A reading examination for all stu- dents interested in enrolling in a spe- cial service course in remedial read- ing, which is to be organized shortly, will be held at 2 o'clock on Saturday, February 17, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The examination will begin precisely at the time announced and last approximately two hours. Seniors expecting to take the New York State Teaching Examiation in French, German, Spanish, or Italian are reminded that it will be given on Friday, February 16, at 1:15 p.m. in Room 100 R.L. Exhibitions American Indian painting, south gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Feb. 15-March 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art Association. Art and Industry, ground floor, Architectural Building, courtesy Col- lege of Architecture and Design. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Francis G. Benedict, former Director, Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, will lecture on "Sci- ence and the Art of Deception" under the auspices of the Department of In- ternal Medicine at 4:15 p.m. on Wed- nesday, February 21, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Georg Steindorff, Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and former Director of the Egyptological Collection, Univer- sity of Leipzig, will lecture on "From Fetishes to Gods in Egypt" (illustrat- ed) under the auspices of the De- partment of Oriental Languages at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21, in the amphitheatre of the Rack-