t~r ol, ot- T-' t I S LL'G1 D AI LY TU"A.MARfl 46.1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session.' Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; Jty mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVE'. SING dBY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisol AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON . LOS ANGELE3 SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maranise Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial. .. Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor SAssociate Editor *Women's Editor . Sports Editor . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy Business Staff Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising. Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MILTON ORSHEFSKY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Congress Wars On Unemployment ... ESS THAN two weeks ago 24 Con- gressmen, Democrats and Republi- cans, signed a letter inviting all the members of the House to "join together to carry on an incessant war on unemployment." Plans are to be made to continue the confer- ences without interruption until a program can be prepared to present to House leaders. Jerry Voorhis (Dem.-Calif.) leader of the move- ment to call such a conference said, "everyone was enthusiastic about making this effort, sur- prisingly so. The contention that there is no solution for unemployment is a confession of bankruptcy. If we pledge ourselves to make unceasing war on this problem, we will accom- plish something worth while before we are through with it." The letter went on to state that although more legislation aiming at a progressive solu- tion of our problems had been initiated in the last seven years than in any other similar period, "unemployment had not yet been con- quered." Congressmen were urged to "forget their petty differences and join together in this at- tack on unemployment on the broad plan of simple devotion to the nation, its institutions and its people." N SPITE OF Dorothy Thompson's revelation that, "there are not so many unemployed.as many people think," figures indicate that there are approximately nine millions unemployed at the present time. According to figures released by Fortune Magazine's survey, 23 percent of our population is "outside the going economic order." "In the month of December, 1939, factory production in the United States reached a level of 130-11 points higher than 1929, according to the letter the 24 Congressmen signed. "But the index of employment stood only at 104, slightly below the 1929 level. In the entire year of 1939, we produced more goods than were pro- duced in 1929, but we employed 1,000,000 fewer workers to do it and we had between nine million and 11 million unemployed. We had recovery without re-employment. Under those circum- stances recovery could not last and production is now again on the down grade, primarily be- cause consumer buying power did not keep up with production and inventories piled up." THE unemployment problem in the United States stands out like a "sore thumb" on the 'hand of abundance in this country. That 23 percent of our population should be "outside the going economic order," is not a condition to be observed or read about and passed over lightly with a comment, "too bad, but so what?" That 24 of our representatives in one of the highest lawmaking bodies in the United States should take cognizance of this deplorable situa- tion in an attempt to find a concrete solution, is significant and may mark the beginning of the end of mass unemployment. - Helen Cornan Music Comes To The Masses - - - THERE is probably nothing more sig- nificant today in the field of so- called American culture than the awakening of , n 4^7M " o _ . l 11 fessional women-have evinced a real .interest in music (in the "finer" sense of the word). This sudden interest can be traced directly to a drive, seemingly assuming nationwide propor- tions, to popularize works of the great classical composers. FOR EXAMPLE, according to a proclamation by Mayor Jeffries, Detroit will observe Mu- sic Appreciation Week next week. Beginning today, the Michigan Committee for Music Ap- preciation will. offer for sale (at a fraction of the ordinary price) the first of a series of 10 albums of recorded classical music. This first issue will feature Schubert's Unfin- ished Symphony. Later albums will include works of such composers as Brahms, Beethoven, Franck, Haydn and Mozart. In order to carry out this scheme, America's greatest symphony orchestras and some leading makers of musical instruments have arranged to produce the recordings without profit or royalties. The point is, of course, that here is an excellent opportunity to introduce classical music to "everyman's" home, and to introduce it on an unusually wide scale! Detroit is not alone in doing its bit to spur the revival. Chicago; for example, instituted an admirable practice two years ago. Under the guidance of James C. Petrillo, president of the Chicago Federation of Musicians, nightly band concerts have been arranged during the summer months, to be played free of charge in the now- famous Grant Park band shell. Famous symphony orchestras and individual stars have appeared at these concerts. Lily Pons, Lawrence Tibbett, Rubinoff and Tosca- nini have been "among those present." More than 200,000 wildly enthusiastic Chicagoans jammed Grant Park for three blocks around the bandstand to hear Miss Pons. A performance like that can do more than a little to induce people to really enjoy classical music. OTHER cities have taken up the path. Pitts- burgh, Philadelphia, San Antonio, St. Louis and others all have their popular band concerts. California cities have taken the lead in this kind of entertainment. Los Angeles' Hollywood Bowl and Philadelphia's Robin Hood Dell are indi- vidual examples of unusual excellence in the field. Children's popular concerts constitute another phase of the general "awakening." Colleges are helping along with newly-instituted courses in elementary music appreciation. The rising generation, taught to appreciate really good mu- sic, will give the reviva new impetus, and the recognition it so richly deserves. - Howard A. Goldman So The Census IS Snooping .. ACTION to Bar Censu Snooping reads a headline in the Chicago Daily Tribune. The article which follows assails the two questions relating to income in the 1940 census. The questions (Nos. 32 and 33 in the population schedule) require all persons to state the amount of their 1939 income from salaries and wages below $5000 and to state whether they had incomes of more than $50 from sources other than salaries and wages. The questions are under fire. A Senate sub- committee has approved the resolution of Sen- ator Charles W. Tobey (Rep.-N. H.) which sought to eliminate them. They have been scored by legislators and the press for "violating constitutional rights" and for being "unlawful, unconstitutional and contrary to sound public policy." "The people," says Senator Tobey, "have expressed justified apprehension that the method used to gain such information will re- sult in embarrassment and injury to them." In answer to Senator Tobey's charge it may be pointed out that this 'type of question is not new or different from those of previous census polls. The census of 1890, approved by President Harrison, required information as to homes which are under mortgage, amount of mortgage debt, value of property mortgaged, whetherf mortgaged in whole 'or in part of. the purchase money for the same, or for other purposes, and the rates of interest paid upon mortgage loans. The census of 1900, of 1910, and of 1920 all included questions on home ownership or rental, and if owner, free or mortgaged. The census. of 1930 under President Hoover not only called for information on home owned or rented, value of home if owned, or monthly rental, if rented, but also called for information as to whether or not there was a radio 'set in the home. FACTS gathered from such questions on pre- vious census reports have served their pur- pose in providing badly needed data, One of the fields where the income statistics are vitally important is unemployment. The special unem- ployment census of 1937 is the best measure we have so 'far of the number of totally unem- ployed. But these statistics are only partly complete, for they measure only those absolutely unemployed and include no indication of those inadequately employed. Enough work to keep a man off the rolls of the strictly unemployed is not necessarily enough work to keep him fed. The best possible way to measure the adequacy of employment is the amount of income which the person re- ceives from it. This, tabulated with age, occupa- tion, locality, and the other figures in the reg- ular census will be one of the most important keys to the unemployment situation. The income inquiries will be useful in other fields, despite the relative inadequacy of the $5000 ceiling. (This classifies all incomes over that sum under the general heading "over $5000.") The facts obtained will be used in computing national income. They will be used in classifying population according to high or low income groups, and in showing the relation- ships of increases in population and in lack of education to these groups. They will show' to what extent the American people are increas- ing their incomes with age, and to what extent GULLIVER'S CAVILS BY YOUNG GULLIVER WE HAVE received our semi-annual report from G. H. Smith, M. A., Ph.D., of New York City, New York. Dr. Smith is a ghost writer who caters to college students. A comparison of the prospectuses which he sends out to under- graduates and to graduates is most illuminating; no ordinary mortal is Ghostwriter Smith, for he well understands the differences between the undergraduate and the graduate mind. The undergraduate bulletin is brash and play- ful, full of the old pepper. Most of it is in caps, like this: EVERY MAN TODAY HAS A GHOST! AND WHAT A GHOST! YOU NAME IT: I'LL WRITE IT! SERVING NOTICE: G. H. SMITH ("Doc" Smith, Ghost Par Excellence) WILL BE ON THE JOB DURING THE FORTHCOMING YEAR OF STRUGGLE AND EVENT. The bottom half of the page is covered with a list of the subjects which Doctor Smith feels that he is capable of covering. There are forty- five subjects by actual count (not including the et ceteras), including Botany, Psychopathology, International Relations, and Nursing. THE ANNOUNCEMENT which is angled for graduate students is far more sober and factual, as it should be. "Doc" Smith is meta- morphosed into G. Hitchcock Smith, M. A., Ph.D. He says, "I have composed during recent years as many as sixty-five M. A. theses, and fifteen Ph.D. dissertations. I can handle a the- sis in any field; and many of them have been built up entirely on my own research." Then he gets down to business. It goes like this: "A complete job: I follow a 'format', if the student sends one. The thesis is built up with: Preface or introduction, body in chapter by chapter form; concluding chapter and summary; complete, classified bibliogra- phy; footnotes, four to six a page, or whatever is adequate for the subject matter; question- naires administered if necessary; quotes are run in foreign languages, Fr., Germ., Latin, Ital., and Spanish, if necessary; primary sources are utilized, such as treaties, State documents, let- ters, etc. . .: How much? "My charges are undoubtedly the most reasonable of any ghost writer in the country. Charges are based, for one thing, on my background, which is broad and rich. Sec- ond, the charge is based upon the time the customer allows me to do the job in. I have written an M. A. in the scope of five days; but because of the strain and night work involved the charge has been much higher. I have writ- ten some theses for as low as $25.00; while others have cost as much as $300.00." A LL manner of fruitful suggestions sprang into Gulliver's mind when he was reading through these reports. In the first place, note that Dr. Smith is qualified to do a doctoral dissertation on Adolescent Psychology. Fine. Let Dr. Smith apply to the Guggenheim Foundation for a Fellowship. He will of course be recom- mended by all those former clients of his who are now instructors and professors in accred- ited American universities. With the Guggen- heim grant he will be able to retire from active service for a year or two in order to devote himself to a study of the psychology of those adolescents who have applied to him for help. What a monograph he could produce! It would be a contribution to American anthropology comparable only to such master works as Sum- ner's Folkways-documented (in seven lan- guages, both living and dead), footnoted (four to six per page), and backed by a bibliography which will include every volume acquired by the Library of Congress for the past seven years. We will have the American mind at our finger- tips. Another suggestion: let a chair of Ghostwrit- ing be established at some reputable school, preferably one in the same class as the Univer- sity of Chicago. It will be endowed by the Rosi- crucians, the Rotarians, the American Legion, and the American Association for the Advance- nent of Science, and will be entitled the Warren Gamaliel Harding Chair of Literary Substitu- tion. The Professor will of course be Dr. Smith, and he will endeavor to train younger men to carry on in both the practice and, teaching of ghostwriting. 1 WILL BE objected that the establishment of departments of Ghostwriting at our major universities will lead to the establishment of an intellectual elite-for obviously the young intel- lectual who goes in for a ghostwriting career will have to be intimately familiar with The One Hundred Best Books, as well as with new intel- lectual developments such as Basic English, World Federation, and Extra-Sensory Percep- tion; his doctoral dissertation will have to be a masterpiece. But the answer is simple: the stu- dent of ghostwriting will hire someone else to do his Ph.D. thesis. In fact, we may eventually look forward to the day when everybody will be doing every- body else's work, and nobody will be doing his own work. As long as everybody is happy and rich and nobody has to think ... ment of the person or persons to whom such information relates. The value and justice of the new questions have been pointed out by W. L. Austin, Director of the Census, in a letter to the New York Timnes: "The censuses of the United States, through 150 years, have made available the most complete and accurate statistical rec- VIEWPOINTS..... The Working Press dormant Interfraternity Council highly recommended to get on the way ad es here. honor roll. NOW HELL WEEK is nearly over. Heartening it is to see that a large 6) Offer to wash the professor's Hell Week. The very name is number of our own Greek groups car, put up his storm windows or do sanguinary. What is its purpose? Is are coming to believe this. Fewer of any little job around the house, but it supposed to teach humility? That's them observe the period in the tra- don't accept money for the work. doubtful. ditional fashion. Nor is the period 7) Apple polishing procedure in Humility is fine-provided it's not quite as full of hell-raising as it classrooms includes sitting in the brow-beaten humility. Hazing will used to be. The sting is going out front row, responding to professional of the Hell portion of Hell Week. humor with loud, hearty guffaws and never instill the admirable type. Haz- Publicity of neophytes' nerve-wrack- liberal use of big words. This is im- ing will instill only vindictiveness. ing experiences and "cute" forms of portant-never use a two-syllable Thus is the cycle made vicious. You- punishment and bedevilment are on word where a five-syllable word will beat-on-me-I-beat-on-the-next-suc- the wane. For which, Praise Allah! do. ker. Put the paddles away! 8) Carry a lot of big reference We've been hazed and we're not - Louisiana State Reveille looks around. This is tremendously unhappy about it. It can be sport. impressive and is worth an A-minus But it cannot be sport when it be- in any class. comes perverted or is carried to ex- Down With Books ) . . Ifyous tremes. There is no cause for as- 9) If you must close your eyes signing menial duties for the pure CCORDING TO A recent release while in deep thought, wrinkle your puposegm o eldtlig r the edne from the Associated Collegiate forehead and otherwise look worried purpose of belittling the hazed ones. o h rfso a e h rn Press, the editor of a Mid-Western or the professor may get the wrong Stanford University last December college newspaper has given advice impression-and grade accordingly. called hazing "the harassment of an to its readers on just how or how - Daily Texan idividual in order to make him look not to get a straight-A average. The ridiculousin the public eye."Theeditor, of course, didn't make any Float The NYA occasion was the attempt, by Stan- guarantees with his suggestions, in ford's Interfraternity Council, to out- that he found for himself that the )F ALL the New Deal alphabetical law Hell Week. advice didn't always worK. soup, perhaps the least criticized The council there believes-riguly At any rate, he listed the following: is the National Youth Administration. so, it would seem-that much could 1) Don't give your professors ap- Under the NYA student work pro- be done to eliminate the injurious Ales. Too obvious. gram, 500,000 needy students are practice by strengthening fraternity 2) Find out his hobby and follow working in approximately 26,500 initiation regulations. Toward this this up with well-planned questions schools and 1,697 colleges. The out- end, it has adopted some interesting to draw him out. of-school program of NYA employs rules governing Hell Week: 3) If the entire class walks out of 286,000 young people on public works "That this period, in all its pub- the classroom when the professor is projects. licity and use, be known as Initiation ten minutes late, be the only one to There are still over four million Period; adequate measures must be wait, even if it's half an hour. This young people between the ages of taken to safeguard the health of the procedure is good for a B-plus any 16 and 24 out of work. Yet, by a cut initiates. This includes reasonable day. in NYA and CCC appropriations, food, six hours of sleep in every 24, 4) Always greet an instructor thousands of them will be discharged and no unreasonable physical treat- pleasantly, never using his first name from employment in those programs. ment; adequate measures must be but a cheery "Good morning, profes- At the same time our military and taken to safeguard the scholarship sor." naval budgets are being increased of the initiates. Study periods shall 5) When sitting at the faculty ta- enormously. The cost of a small part be provided of not less than two ble in the dining hall or walking of these armaments will more than hours per day; there shall be no haz- about the administration building, cover any adequate NYA program. ing of neophytes." always walk with your head down as Granted that armaments are im- This is a mighty reasonable pro- if in deep thought, pondering some portant, equally important for na- gram and one which might easily weighty problems in mathematics or tional welfare is the morale of youth. be adopted or adapted by a rather philosophy, for instance. This is - Wisconsin Cardinal Official (Continued from Page 2) w in bring their textbooks to class today a and Tuesday. i Karl Litzenberg t Make-up examination in Geology B 130 will be postponed from Saturday, f March 16, to Saturday, March 23. History 12, Lecture II: Examina- tion, Thursday, March 21, 10 a.m. Mr. Stanton's and Mr. Spoelhof's sections will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall. b All other sections will meet in Natur- i al Science Auditorium.U Exhibitionsi Landscape Architecture Exhibit of V{ plans and photographs of examples s of the work of professional landscape architects and planners from New York to Hawaii is on display in the i exhibition hall of the Architecture i Building. It will be open until the j end of next week. Of special inter- o est are the plans of the International Peace Garden in North Dakota and Manitoba, a plantation village ind Hawaii, New York City parks, etc. A Today's Events L The Angell Hall. Observatory will t be open to the public from 9:00 to g 10:00 tonight. The moon and the planet Venus will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be ac- companied by adults. International Center: The second; conference on international educa- tion will be held this afternoon at the Center from 2 to 4 o'clock. The prob- lems formulated by the committeey of which Mr. Maluf is chairman, willt be discussed by the representatives of the faculties of foreign schools and colleges who constitute the confer-E ence. Others interested in educa- tional problems are welcome to at-T tend. Suomii Club meeting at internation- al Center tonight at 8:00. All Fin- nish students and friends invited. University Girls' Glee Club: Re- hearsal this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. in the Game Room of the League. All1 members are to meet at 3:30 tomor- row afternoon in the Game Room for a short rehearsal before the concert. Finals of the All-Campus Fencing Tournament will take place at the I-M Building today at 4:15 p.m. in the auxiliary gym. All interested are in- vited. Graduate Students, and other stu- dents interested, are invited to listen to a radio broadcast by the Metropoli- tan Opera Company of Wagner's opera "Faust" to be given today at 1:50 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. This is the last broadcast of the season. women interested in lower cost hous- ti rg and other economic and social mm dvantages of cooperative living are p invited to attend an informal tea at b he Alice F. Palmer Cooperative House at 1511 Washtenaw today, rom 2 to 5 p.m. Call 2-2218 for fur- c her information. S Coming Events N German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. n the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- d in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief infor-C mal talk by Professor Norman L. S Willey on "Sealsfield-Muenchhau- en." a Seminar in Bacteriology will meet J n Room 1564 East Medical Building D Monday, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. Sub- ect: "Vitamins and Bacterial Metab- olism." All mnterested are invited. t Economics Club meeting on Mon- day, March 18, 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Professor W. H.t Wynne. will. speak on "Problems of . Dominion-ProvincialFinancial Rela- tions in Canada." Staff members and graduate students in Economics and Business Administration are cordially invited.. Tau Beta Pi: The time of the meet- ing Sunday has been changed to 3:00 p~m Fellowship of Reconciliation meef, Monday at 7 p.m. in Lane Hall. ThereJ will be a discussion of group medita- tion. Perspectives: meeting of the staff of editors and the advisory board at the Student Publications Building on Monday evening, March 18, at 7:30 for the purpose of judging entries in the story contest. Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday, March 17, at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the Rackham Building. Pro- gram dependent on the weather, with skating at the Coliseum. Supper at the club rooms, All graduate stu- dents, faculty and alumni invited. International Center: President Walter L. Wright, Jr., president of Robert College and the Istanbul Wo- men's College, of Istanbul, Turkey, will speak Sunday evening at 7 p.m. on his experiences and observations in the recent earthquake of which he was an eye witness. Monday eve- ning, March 18, technicolor and sound pictures will be shown of the Shen- andoah National Park. The Michigan Wolverine social hour Sunday night will feature a St. Pat- ricks Day Sugradh (Gaelic for frolic). The S.cheaza eSit of Rnimskv Kor- Jon of the Faculty Women's Club will Beet on Monday, March 18, at 7:45 .m. in the Michigan Union. Hus- ands of the members will be guests. Mr. Harold S. Gray, World War onscientious objector, will speak on Facing Conscription," at 8:30 p.m. aunday, March 17, in Room 316 of the Aichigan Union, under the sponsor- hip of the Fellowship of Reconcilia- ion. The public is cordially invited. Churches First Methodist Church. Morning Worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Palm unday." Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. at Stalker Hall to be led by Prof. John L. Brumm. Wesleyan Guild neeting at 6 p.m. Supper and Fel- owship hour followed by the meet- ng at 7 p.m. Prof. Leonard Gregory will illustrate, with records, parts of Verdi's "Requiem." Summaries of the discussion groups will also be given. The Verdi Requiem will be sung Tuesday evening, March 19, at 8:15 in the First Methodist Church. The public is cordially invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:00 a.m. Confirmation Breakfast, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Hlenry Lewis; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, larris Hall: 8:00 p.m. Students will meet at Harris Hall to go in a group to the Michigan Union to hear Mr. Harold Gray speak on "Facing Con- scription." First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Sub- ject, "Substance." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. A free lecture on "Christian Science, The Religion of Spiritual Light," by Judge Samuel Greene C.S.B. at the Masonic Temple, Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Student Evangelical Chapel serv- ices for Sunday, March 17, will be conducted by Dr. J. C. De Korne, the Director of Missions of the Christian Reformed Church, at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan League Chapel. All students invited. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ): 10:45 a.n. Morning Worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Grace Sloan Over- ton, noted author and lecturer, will speak to the Guild on the topic, "Pre- paration for Marriage and Home Building." A discussion will follow the address. All students welcome. Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "The Grapes of Wrath and the Last Sup- per," sermon by Rev. Marley. 17.2(1n - m .,~rant rm.--ii n 4Qwa