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March 15, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-15

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Rain today;
Fair & warmer tomorrow.


of OOOF Ar

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Michigan Academy
Arrives Today .




Senate PasseQ
$5,000 Limit
On Party Giftc
In Hatch Upse
Supporters Of Anti-Politic
Bill Admit That Cou
May Endanger Measur
Proponent Of Act
Hits Amendmen
WASHINGTON, March 14.-('P)-~
In as striking a display of razzle
dazzle as the Senate has seen i
years, foes of the Hatch "Anti-Pol-
itics" Bill put that measure in jeo-
pardy today by amending it to pro-
hibit campaign contributions of mor
than $5,000 from any person or cor-
Some supporters of the measur
ruefully acknowledged that the cou
had seriously lessend its chances o:
passage at this time, when campaig
chests are being stocked up for th
political wars just ahead. Althoug
saying that Senate passage was as-
sured, they expressed fear that iit
might be shelved in the House
Opponents Pleased
Opponents of the Hatch Bill, un-
der which the existing ban on po-
litical activity by Federal workers
would be extended to an army of
state workers paid with U. S. funds.
almost chortled when the $5,000
campaign fund restriction was ap-
proved, 40 to 38.
"It will have more effect on the
Republicans than on the Democrats,"
beamed Senator Bankhead (Dem.-
Ala.), who had offered the amend-
Only one Republican-Frazier of
North Dakota-voted for the Bank-
head amendment. However, Minor-
ity Leader McNary (Rep.-Ore.) said
that the Republicans would continue
to support the Hatch legislation de-
spite the amendment. G.O.P. Sen-
ators, joining with a minority of
Democrats, have saved the legisla-
tion on several previous tests.
Hatch Votes Against Bill
Senator Hatch (Dem. N. M.), au-
thor of the Bill, voted against the
Bankhead amendment because, he
said, "Its real purpose was to an-
tagonize the Republicans who have
been supporting my bill."
The subject of campaign contribu-
tions has been the center of recent
controversy between Democratic and
Republican party leaders. Democrat-
ic Chairman James A. Parley cited
sevgral large contributions to the
1936 Republican campaign, while Re-
publican Chairman John D. M.
Hamilton replied that the largest
single contribution, $104,500, was
made to the Democratic campaign by
Walter A. Jones, Pittsburgh oil man.
Dies To Probe
Soviet Police
WASHINGTON, March 14.--(-)7
Hinting that unnamed "people in
government circles" were involved,
Chairman Dies (Dem.-Tex.) said to-
day that his Committee on Un-
American Activities had uncovered a
"lead" on far flung Soviet secret
police operations in the United
States and would hear testimony
soon from "the head ofrthe OGPU"
in this country.
The Texan, who cut short a Flor-
ida vacation to return here and ar-
range for the inquiry, declined to
give out the witness' name or tell

how the Committee got in touch
with him. It was indicated, how-
ever, that the alleged Russian agent
had been arrested by the FBI in
connection with, its investigation of
ASU Election
Is HeldToday
Balloting Will Be Held
In LibraryLobby
Votes for the election of officers for
this semester of the American Stu-
dent Union may be cast from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. today in the lobby of the
General Library Carrell Leuchtmann,
'43, chairman of the elections com-
mittee, announced yesterday.
Slated for presidential nominee is
Ellen Rhea, '40, in whose favor Robert
Kahn, Grad., and Elman Service, '41,

Fascism Is Possibility In U.S.,
Thomas Warns In Talk Here

Totalitariaisn Of War,
Unemployment Listed
As Threat To Nation
Fascism in America is a livifig
possibility:-it may start through the
rigid totalitarianism that war could
bring, or-it may spring from the fa N-
ure of democracy to solve critical
problems of mass unemployment and
poverty, socialist presidential nom-
inee Norman Thomas warned more
than 400 students and faculty mem-
bers last night in his address, "Does
Democracy Need Socialism?"
The national chairman of the So-
cialist party confined his address
sponsored by the League for Liberal
Action to a plea that the United
States remain aloof from Europe's
war and harness her energy to pro-
mote "cooperative democracy" here.
"Democracy's light will go out if
America goes to war," Mr. Thomas
warned. "War for the United States
will inevitably mean a military to-
talitarianism as alien to democracy
as anything in Europe. If we engage
in war, the battle of democracy is

O'Hara Seeks
Policy Leader
5In Graft Case
Detroiter Sought In Wayne
County Gambling Probe;
McCrea To Be Queried
DETROIT, March 14.-(P)--Wayne
County's widespread graft-gambling
inquiry, from which a half dozen
actual and potential court cases have
sprouted, developed an extradition
fight today as an added legal tussle.
Chief Special Prosecutor Chester
P. O'Hara of the grand jury an-
nounced he had been informed offi-
cially from Illinois that Everett Wat-
son, whom he has named as a former
"policy racket king," would fight ex-
tradition from Chicago.
The dapper Detroit Negro, named in
a grand jury warrant in connection
with gambling, and his wife Ida have
been held in Chicago on a fugitive
warrant for nearly a month. O'Hara
said that Gov. Henry Horner of Illi-
nois would conduct an extradition
hearing probably next week.
Extradition of Watson, prize fight
manager and owner of a country
home near Detroit, was asked in
papers signed yesterday by Gov. Lur-
en D. Dickinson of Michigan. , The
grand jury seeks him for questioning.
Examination of County Prosecutor
Duncan C. McCrea and co-defendants
on gambling conspiracy charges con-
tinued today and Circuit Judge Ho-
mer Ferguson meanwhile set March
20 for examination of McCrea, Sher-
iff Thomas C. Wilcox and others
accused of protecting vice and other
illegal operations.
Grad Students
Form Cabinet
Yoakum Approves Effort
For Organizing Council
A temporary central cabinet of
six graduate students headed by
Abraham Rosenzweig was formed
yesterday at a meeting in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre to make a new
attempt at organizing a Graduate
School Council.
Dean Clarence S. Yoakum, of the
Graduate School, expressed his ap-
proval and desire to cooperate fully
with the movement in a talk pre-
ceding the business meeting, and ac-
cepted the position of advisor. The
purpose of the council will be to pro-
mote beter relations between grad-
uate students and faculty members,
and to identify the students in the
school as a collective unit, according
to Dean Yoakum.
The other members of the cabinet
which is to submit an election plan
for counsel membership to all of the
Graduate School departments, are
William Cargo, Loften T. Hayes, Jean
Brown, Frances Elstein, Harriet
Smith and Richard N. Hall.
Angell Will Speak
On Eliot's Work
Prof. Robert Angell of the sociol-
ogy department will review T. S. El-

lost, that is why we must remain
aloof, not because we see no guilt
by certain nations abroad."
Mr. Thomas accused Russia of be-
ing a military "totalitarianism" not
much different than NIazi Germany
and he branded Russia for its inva-
sion of Finland.
America's task today, Mr. Thomas
pointed out, is to build a cooperative
democracy based upon the principle
of socialized ownership withreal
popular control. Ultimately world
peace will be accomplished through
an international organization of co-
operative democracies, he added.
We must eliminate the outworn
beliefs that "life, -liberty and the
pursuit of happiness" are America's
divine heritage which will be with us
always, he asserted. A Declaration
of Independence does not assure the
perpetuity of democracy, Mr. Thom-
as warned.
We still have nine millions of un-
employed. According to Fortune
Magazine's figures, 23 percent of our
population is, "outside of the going
economic order." Wage levels are
still extremely low in proportion to
the technological facilities and re-
sources we have, he added.
Socialist Party Is A
Needed Goad, Says Leader
Commenting on the American po-
litical scene, Norman Thomas said
in an interview yesterday- that al-
though he could not see the remotest
possibility for a successful third par-
ty movement this year, there must
nevertheless be a Socialist Party po-
litical campaign to enunciate clearly
the vital issues facing the country
Both major political parties are
substantially the same this year, and
both are obscuring such fundamen-
tal questions as peace, employment,
(Continued on Page 6)
IFC Sponsors
'Greek Week'
Panels, Talks
.* x
National And Local Ment
Will Lead Discussions
In Fraternity Prograin

Arts Academy
Opens Section
Convention To Be Devoted
To Forums And Talks
On Academic Subjects
Guthe, Untermeyer
Will HeadProgram
Bringing to Ann Arbor the cream
of the state's intelligentsia, the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
and Letters will convene today and
tomorrow to discuss the latest devel-
opments in various cultural and sci-
entific fields.
Unexpected feature of the 45th
Annual Meeting which is open to the
public will be a talk by Louis Unter-
meyer at 9 a.m. today in Room 160
of the Rackham Building for the
guest section on Michigan Folklore
under Prof. Ivan H. Walton of the
College of Engineering. Mr. Unter-
meyer is expected to discuss the rela-
tionship of folklore to art.
Other featured events on today's
program include the presidential ad-
dress on "Museums and Education"
by Dr. Carl E. G the, director of Uni-
versity Museums, at 8 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-;
ing as well as Mr. Pinsang Hsia's dis-
cussion of "Chinese Reconstruction
Amidst Oestruction" at 12:15 p.m. in
the Union for the benefit of the eco-
nomics section. Mr. Hsia is jointl
manager of the Bank of China in
New York City.;
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political
science department also highlights
today's session with an analysis ofc
"The Foreign Policy of the United
States and the War" at 12:15 p.m. in1
Room 222 of the Union.
Speakers from the faculty, the Uni-
versity of Louisiana, Wayne and the
University of Chicago are represent-1
ed in the 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. ses-
sions today of the anthropology sec-
tion in Room 3024 of the Universityt
Museum's Building.
Meeting at 9 a.m. today in Room1
2003 of the Natural Science Building
is the botany section. Prof. Elzada
U. Clover, Prof. Carl D. LaRue andt
many other members of the Universi-
ty's faculty together with represen-
tatives of Michigan State will speak.r
Under the direction of Prof. RobertC
S. Ford of the ecenomics depart-
ment, the econonics section will con-t
(Continued on Page 6)1






As Finnish Refugees Flee

Civilian Army Of 100,000
Leaves Territory Ceded
To Russia By Peace Pact
Finns Avoid Areas
Now Under Reds
HELSINKI, March 14.-)P)-A
new army was on the march tonight
in saddened Finland-an army of
100,000 men, women and children
forsaking their firesides in ceded
territory to find strange homes with-
in Finland's newly-shrunken fron-
By foot, in autos, wagons, and on
trains they moved through the snow-
clad country taking their pigs, horses
and cattle with them. They carried
what clothing and family heirlooms
they could gather on short notice
before their land is turned over to
Approximately 500,000 other per-
sons are in refugee centers, having
fled there for protection early in
the war.
About 140,000 of them may return
to their homes-what Russian bombs
have left of them-but Finland must
find new homes and new livelihoods
someplace in the rock-bound land
for about 460,000.
Juho Koivisto, Assistant Minister
of Agriculture who is in charge of
moving the people, said that no
pressure had been brought to force
families to leave the ceded areas, but
that experience showed practically
none of them wanted to live under
Russian rule.
Most of those to be moved are
from the regions north of Lake La-
doga since the ceded Karelian Isth-
mus was emptied of civilians and
turned over to the army almost com-
pletely during the war.
Only 2,000 persons are remaining
in Hanko, the south coast port leased
to Russia as a naval base.
The state has been paying the
entire cost of feeding and sheltering
refugees and now will stand the cost
of moving them to permanent homes.
Koivisto said that an effort would
be /made to keep friends and neigh-
bors with commontraditions and
customs together but that "very
grave social problems" are ahead.
The psychological shock of moving
persons from places where their fam-
ilies had dwelt for generations is
extremely serious, ne pointed out.
Bott Is Elected President
Of University Flying Club
Alan R. Bott, '42E, Stanford, Conn.,
was elected president of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Flying Club at a
meeting last night.
Other officers elected were: Leslie
J. Trigg, '41E., vice-president; Henry
Van Veen, '41A, secretary and Corr-
win D. Denney, '43E, treasurer. The
Club plans to have an intramural
flying meet from 2:30 to 6 p.m. Sun-
day at the Ypsilanti airport.

Noted Botanist
Will Describe
Plant Process
Homer L. Shantz, internationally
famed botanist and zoologist, will
discuss "Vegetation, What It Means"
at 4:15 p.m. today in Natural Science
The talk, open to the public, is
a University lecture sponsored by the
Michigan Academy of' Science, Arts
and Letters.
Shantz, a frequent contributor to
periodicals dealing with plant phy-
siology and natural vegetation, serv-
ed in 1918 and 1919 as a member of
the special committee to determine
natural plant resources and crop
producing possibilities of large por-
tions of Africa and Latin America
for the use of the American Commis-
sion to Negotiate Peace. He has also
acted as an agricultural explorer for
the Smithsonian Institute's African
Expendition in 1919 and 1920 and
as a member in 1924 of the special
detail of the Educational Commis-
sion to East Africa, :sponsored by
the Phelps Stokes Fund and the In-
ternational Educational Board.
Shantz has been head of the Di-
vision of Wild Life Management of
the National Forest Service since
1936. He served previously as an

investigator with
Plant Industry of
of Agriculture.


the Bureau of
the Department

The traditional welcome to new
fraternity initiates will take a novel
form this year, when the Interfra-
ternity Council sponsors a "Greek
Week" March 22 and 23, which will
include panel discussions, talks by
national fraternity leaders and the
regular initiation banquet, Richard
Peckinpaugh, '41, of the Council, said
This program will present for the
first time, Peckinpaugh said, an op-
portunity for fraternity men to dis-
cuss mutual problems with faculty
and alumni. The two-day program
will offer luncheons, discussions,
meetings, the banquet and open
house at all fraternities for faculty
and guests.
Four panel discussions will in-
clude: Rushing, with a supporting
committee of Ganson Taggert, '40E,
Robert Johnson, '40, Harold Gold-
man, '40, Pat Lillie, '41, Robert Har-
rington, '40, Dan Shaw, '40, and
Clarence Sahlin, '41. The committee
in charge of Finance and House
Management includes: Fred Linsell,
'41, Edward Tripp, '41, Kenneth
Troy. '41, Port Brown, '41,, and
George Banta, '41.
Scholarship and Cultural Develop-
ment will be handled by the follow-
ing committee: Harold Spurway, 40,
Tom Phares, '40, Sam Grant, '40,
Ward Quaal, '41, and Bob Kann, '40.
The discussion group in charge of
University and Fraternity Relations
includes: Charles Irwin, '41, Jim
George, '41, Hugh Estes, '41, and
Jack Grady, '42.
Women Debaters
Meet Indiana; End
Conference Season
Varsity women debaters finished
their Big Ten season last night with
their third contest on the federal
housing administration program
Two debates were held with In-
diana yesterday in the League. In the
afternoon, Elizabeth Lightner, '41,
and Jane Krause, '41, took the af-

I Opera Abandons Tour;
Offers $100 For Script
All plans to take this year's Union
Opera, "Four Out of Five," on tour,
were definitely abandoned yesterday
following a post-card ballot of mem-
bers of the cast, according to Robert
Mix, '40, general chairman.
An earlier election had rejected
touring plans, Mix, said, but many
members of the cast had expressed
dissention. Yesterday's vote made
the decision final.
Meanwhile, plans for next year's
Opera are being considered by Mimes,
honorary dramatic fraternity. An
award of $100 has been offered stu-
dent writers for a suitable script for
the Opera.

Natators Meet
Revived Wayne
Triumph Over Ohio State
Features An Impressive
Tartar Team Record
An amazing Wayne University
swimming team that took only one
year to sprout into one of the nation's
most feared outfits invades the I-M
pool at 8 p.m. today to meet the
mighty Wolverines in a dual meet.
Undefeated and having success-
fully defended its Western Conference
crown, Michigan will rule the favorite
tonight to march on to its ninth
straight dual triumph, but not in the
customary Wolverine style.
Last year at this time, Wayne had
about as much chance against Michi-
gan as any grammar school outfit,
but things are different now. A New
Deal, in the form of Coach Lea Maas,
came to the Detroit college, and like
the Anderson regime in Iowa's foot-
ball, it brought brilliant success in its
first season.
The Tartars come here tonight with
an impressive 1940 record of five wins
against one defeat, and that coming
at the hands of Yale's dreadnaughts
of the East. On the Wayne victim list
are such natatorial notables as Ohio
State, National AAU champion, and
Franklin and Marshall, Eastern Inter-
collegiate ruler.
Spectacular and most astonishing
has been Maas' rise to the top, and
especially so since he has done it en-
tirely with swimmers from his own
area. All the Wayne mermen but two
hail from Detroit, and the two ex-
ceptions, John White and Gordon
Kerr, come from nearby Royal Oak
and Windsor, respectively.
With Andy Clark, National AAU
individual medley champion, and Bill
Prew, a member of the National AAU
title winning medley team as the nuc-
leus, Maas has gathered together a
team of sophomores that will make
(Continued on Page 3)
FBI To Investigate,
Detroit Arrest Cases
WASHINGTON, March 14.-(A)-
Attorney General Jackson announced
today that Henry Schweinhaut, chief
of the Justice Department Civil Lib-

Norway, Sweden, Finland
Fear Future; Nazis Ask
European Economic Bloc
Berlin Asks Soviet
To Spare Rumania
STOCKHOLM, March 14.-()-
Support for a defensive alliance
among Sweden, Norway and Finland
grew today out of the ashes of the
Russian-Finnish conflict which left
powerful Russia strategically poised
over all three.
Official statements in Stockholm,
Oslo and Helsinki drew the issue to
the fore following the Russian-dic-
tated peace, the Swedish Freign
Office and Norwegian Minister Hal-
vdan Koht making almost idential
announcements that their countries
were considering the possibility of
such as alliance.
Alliance Inescapable'
Finland's president, Kyosti Kallio;
described a defensive alliance as an
"inescapable necessity."
Traditionally neutral Norway and
Sweden have become distinctly con-
scious of possible future dangers as
a result of the Finnish peace treaty.
Opposition is voiced to any alliance
or definite commitment binding
Sweden and Norway to give Finland
direct military aid but some form
of precautionary action generally is
Ineboth Sweden and Norway anx-
iety is felt that Finland might within
a few months go the way of Czecho-
Slovakia, bringing a potential Rus-
sian threat to the borders of the
northern kingdoms.
With Finland's attitude clearcut
regarding the desire for a pact, the
burden of the decision appeared to
rest in Stockholm and Oslo, with a
formal conference regarded proba-
ble in the near future.
The main question tonight seemed
to be: Will the three countries sim-
ply ignore or can they circumvent
Article Three of the Russian-Finnish
peace treaty with its prohibition of
alliances directed against either con-
tracting party?
Sweden Seeks Confirmation
Unconfirmed reports circulated
that Sweden had asked Moscow for
clarification of certain points of the
treaty, especially the provisions for
Russian transport privileges across
Finland. Informed quarters here do
not believe these privileges-regarded
here as a potential threat to Swe-
den-were included in the original
demands which Sweden passed on-
to Finland.
Reports that Sweden and Norway
have agreed to guarantee Finland's
security brought official statements
that Oslo and Stockholm have so
far done nothing more than agree
to "discuss the possibilities" of an
To both Sweden and Norway the
question of an alliance suggests an
almost revolutionary departure from
their established policies of inde-
pendent action and complete neu-
Nazis Propose
Economic Bloc
BELGRADE, March 14-(A)-High
Yugoslav officials were informed to-
night that German Foreign Minister
Joachim Von Ribbentrop on his visit
to Rome last weekend presented Italy
with a Nazi project for erection of
an economic bloc of Germany, Rus-
sia, Italy and "all small states be-
tween these powers."
As reported here, the German For-
eign Minister painted a rosy picture
of the mutual advantages of an
economic federation of the three
largest totalitarian powers which also
would embrace the small Baltic, Cen-'
tral European and Southeastern Eu-

ropean states.
The latter, including Yugoslavia,
already do most of their trading with
the totalitarian powers.
Germany Wants
Rumania Spared
BERLIN, March 14.-(P)--Ger-
many, anxious to avoid a Southeast-
ern battlefront and determined to

Poet Underlines 'Questioning Attitude'
Untermeyer Analyzes Poetry
Of 'Old, New New England'

Again emphasizing the "American
idiom" before an audience that
packed the Rackham Amphitheatre,
Louis Untermeyer, noted poet and
anthologist, yesterday stipulated "the
modern, questioning attitude" as the
main distinction between old and
new New England.
The talk, entitled "Old and New
New England" was one of a series
sponsored by the English department
of the engineering college. An in-
formal discussion of this talk will be
conducted by Mr. Untermeyer at
4:15 p.m. today in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
Defining old New England as the
New England of Longfellow, Whit-
tier, Bryant and Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Mr. Untermeyer character-
ized the poetry of Amy Lawrence
Lowell, Edward Arlington Robinson
and, finally, Robert Frost as symbolic
of the "new New England, and of

they had reached the end of a poem;
they always added a moral discourse,
a maxim, an apology for their appre-
ciation of beauty," he said.
"Not that we object to poetry that
has a meaning, an explicit message,"
Mr. Untermeyer interpolated. But,
he stressed, the contemporary world
maintains that the purpose of "art at
its best is not to instruct, not to en-
lighten, but to enrich." Untermeyer
attributed to modern poetry an im-
plicit, "almost 'sub rosa' theme; a
critical apparatus and a questioning
"And the poets of old New England
not only modeled their art after that
of England and the old world, but
also aimed at the traditional subli-
mation of success." "The distinctive
contribution of the new poet is his
use of the American idiom and Ameri-
can material and his creation of an
American form, together with a ques-
tioning, realistic attitude."

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