PAGE SIXTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1940 PAESJTENTURDY, RC 4,14 Men Conscious Of Style And Fabric In New Spring Suits New Tweeds And Flannels Are Popular Sharkskins, Herringbones, Gabardines, Overplaids To Give Variety, Service By ROBERT SPECKHARD Who said that men aren't interest- ed in fabrics? That may have been true once but it isn't any more. A new youthful spirit of change has crept into suit fashions this year Even dad has caught the spirit. Men are style conscious, and they're fab- ric conscious too. Instead of just wearing "suits" men are demanding suits in new fabrics and styles which to face the brisk spring air. This spring they're going to. for- sake that old winter garment for handsome tweeds, long-wearing sharkskins, snappy flannels, and ever-popular gabardines. These new- est fabrics are tailored in almost any model, including double- and single- breasteds and sport backs. Herring- bones, overplaids, rich diagonals, and stripes in a variety of colors offer men unsurpassed opportunity of choice. Sharksls The sharkskins should be of special appeal to the men who demand re- freshing variety and serviceability. Not only is the material particularly attractive for spring wear, but the fabric is long-wearing, a feature that cannot be ever-looked. The shark'- skins are found in a variety of striped patterns and over-plaids. The single- breasted models are the style this spring, but any of the patterns look well in the double-breasted models as well. Flannels can well receive the sup- port of their admirers again this spring. The latest note is lhe single- breasted, drape, three-button coat in straight back. Flannels provide smart looking suits for casual wear. The light tans and grays will probably be most popular this spring. The epitome of conservative smart- ness in spring suit-wear this year will be tweeds. They have that debonair attractiveness which always accom- panies the "dash of the English." A loosely woven fabric, tweed assures the wearer of maximum suit com- fort. So if you intend to become in- ebriited by the spring air or other things that spring engenders you better wear a tweed for freedom's sake. A herringbone will set you off in grand style but any model tweed is guaranteed to make that girl who sits next to you in psych lecture take due notice. Single-breasted of course. New trends in suit fabrics are the "twisted" materials. If you harmon- ize the color of your suit with tfr , rest of your accessories you can really make good use of a suit of twisted material, for they're noted for their durability. You'll never have occa- sion to be called "Sloppy Joe" when wearing trousers of this twisted fab- ric, for it has a tireless ability to hold a crease. Then too it helps to cut down on the weekly pressing bill. Furthermore these twist fabrics are going to be known for their smart- ness because they're tailored in sport backs. An all-campus buy for the independent or fraternity man if there ever was one. Gabardines Virtuous But the virtues of gabardines have not yet been extolled. For late spring when one suffers from the heat of approaching exams and summer sea- son, a medium-weight or light- weight gabardine will successfully solve the problem. The outstanding feature of the gabardine is the same that is holding sway throughout the entire sartorial world this season- practicability. Gabardine will hold its shape and cut much better, and last longer than any fabric yet used. For dresswear the most popular mod- els include double- and singlebreast- eds and sport backs in plain colors of gray, brown, blue and green. These same colors in faint patterns also make for distinctive appearance. For formal wear, the gabardine jacket has ousted the traditional linen as the topnotch spring formal jacket. The effects of this radical change will no doubt be felt in Tailors Endorsing Zipper Fasteners The hookless slide fastener has been endorsed as a trouser closure by leading custom tailors throughout the country, and now the bulk of tailor- made suits are equipped with this convenient feature. For, in addition to saving time and eliminating embarrassment of broken or lost buttons, the hookless fastened trouser has a far better appearance than the old-fashioned vaiiety, tail- ors claim. Spring Ties Are Blossoming Out In Brilliant Colors And Patterns Spring is on the way! Can those bright, colorful arrays of spring and summer ties be far behind? Of course they can't! And a trip to any one of the numerous tie dis-s plays in town will show that they're already "in the van." Brilliant color and variety of pat- tern is "in" this Spring. Staid mil- itary stripes have blossomed out in bolder hues; "outlandish" colors and patterns of yesteryear are more than outdoing themselves in today's styles; even the usually conservative foulard is appearing in brighter colors and comes to worst, you can aways give more varied patterns. him an order on one of the campus shops and let him pick out his own Knit Ties The Rage neckwear. Knitted ties are continuing their ___________ forages in the neckwear field. With Newe blue, green, maroon and othe: solid Belts Rel e shades standing out particularly, Prs these ties are becoming more and Pressure On Torso more popular in smart shops every- where. Because of the ever-growing Belts for spring wear this year popularity of the knitted tie, because have been designed with a view to of the near impossibility of tieing a give reef de eworn me small knot with a knitted tie, larger give relief to the belt-worn male knots are being worn by an increas- torse. ingly larger buying public. The braided belt with a turned The foulard still retains its top cylinder clip at the sides is made' rank in the neckwear ie, being especially for greater snugness and available in many shades and pat- comfort. As an added feature, there terns. This tie is very easily formed is a buckle spring construction in a into a neat, tight knot. Wool challis, coming in hunting one-line and double spring hidden be- colors and more conservative motifs, hind the buckle to make it more flex- are destined to be very popular this ible. season. They do not wrinkle easily, Two-tone belts, such as pigskin and they come in tastefully patterns trimmed with brown calf, are expect- and colors. . ed to be in great favor this spring and Tie Practical summer. For lightweight wear, belts If it's a gift you're worried aboutof Palm Beach cloth, Bermuda cloth, a tie is still the most practical solu- Congo cloth and other tropical fab- tion to your problem. Barring color- rics should be in vogue. blindness, anyone can easily select Some of the novelty belts that have an appropriate tie for the person or been designed are of woven Lastex occasion concerned. Every color, pat- in colorful club stripings, and leather tern and style of neckwear imagin- or twine with colored serts. An- able is available this season. other model that is being shown A tie-giver should take extreme mainly in the larger cities is a com- care in selecting colors in ties. The bination belt-pouch, serving the prospective giver, (and, the ladies double function of belt and pocket- should here take special note), should book. pay particular attention to the color of clothes generally worn by the prospective recipient, and should choose the tie accordingly. Direct contrasts or perfect blends are ap- propriate. It's wise, though, to steer clear of too extreme colors and patterns uU- less you are well acquainted with the tastes of the genteman to whom you intend to give the ties. And if worst i t ,) I ' ' S , e x r 1 e Covert Fabric To Be Popular In New Coats Covert, that smooth and light wools fabric which looks English and climbed to such heights of populariy' last year, will again come through this Spring and local haberdasheries I are already laying new stocks. Although covert is swell for suits. it goes a long way as a sports jacket, with odd trousers and sacks. Shet- I ands will probably keep in the run-j ning, and camel hair is an old stand-1 by. The new jackets are long-31 inches-and are draped down in the3 English fashion, with extra notch lapels. Popular coats wil Inot have any -pleats but will have the vent in, the back, a necessity because of the length. Under the jackets, sweaters are the thing. The "V" neck is most popu-; lar, with bi-colored material attain- ing new favor. Best in this field is, light wool with contrasting border, and main body colors. The weather man says this sum- mer will be exceptionally warm and long, with an early Spring. So the jackets will be out very soon now. Buttonholes Help In Rolling Cuffs All men's suits carry buttons on the sleeves, suits for the country having three buttons, and town suits having four buttons on each sleeve. Most of these,however, have merely a line of stitching and will not open. Smart custom tailors frequently make the buttonholes workable, and in addition to adding an individual touch to the suit, they permit a man to roll back his cuffs if he is de- sirous of washing his hands or of doing any sort of light work that might soil his cuffs. be ab sn fip ne go fa> an otc co gr Ur th th bo sh co ve sw Tr ap st to of no er ar su ar The er j and lug, ort- at, es mcie .d l The ones Aor een nder ey e we )w, y ow Wo min nt reat 'he f ppea grip th fat CoV ow t s. T re f cited nd p Beer - Jackets And Bush Coats profound carelessness of the Buttons and zippers have pretty acket and bush coat has been well disappeared this spring. Usually oned by young moderns for the all that can be seen of the sweater is the close V neck. This cut sets off form-fitting sweater-under- loud ties and yet gives them a solemn -jacet aranemen. Its aenough background to be appreciated prim sort of looking outfit that s legitimate articles of apparel. as well with a pipe and spring Practically the sweater and sport s as with faculty conferences duebooks. jacket arrangement is more than sat- isfactory. It keeps the biting Spring e sweaters are conservative mon- winds away without bundling up the s for the most part, ranging in wearer in his winter blankets. from the traditional blues and s to the dusty tans and grays. T * the drape of a tweed jacket U werwearProblem look formal enough to allowIsS lB earing of a stiff collar and ben- yet they're flaunting enough to off the broadest chest. When the birds are singing, the olen materials tend toward be- trees are budding, there's spring in ig lighter, this probably to pre- your step, and, even in Ann Arbor, the necessity of packing the the warm sunis beating down en the ered arms into a coat sleeve. fold has almost entirely dis- green grass and the little crocuses red, giving way to the gathered (or is it 'croci'?) are showing their which holds the garment close pastel-hued heads, it's time to turn e waist and hides a good deal those red flannels Aunt Burgatroyd -food paunch. gave you for Christmas over to the ert cloths are being used more Salvation Army and jump ito a than ever before for the sweat- pair of summerweight underwear; heir light weight and durability The summer underwear, of course, actors which make them well will be of the lightest possible rayon, I to the rigors of quick changes cotton and, if you like the acme of rolonged strains. comfort, silk. Neat, Trim Sweaters Replace ' q;, ''. ::.'. , . ..::_ r..> ., ... x country-clubs and dance halls thru- out the nation. Broad notchless lapels, wide shoulders, plain back, and narrow bottom will be the pre- dominant cut, but others will pass the censors. With your white gabar- dine coat you can wear your regular winter trousers. And here is a tip to the boy who wants to be outstand- ing on the spring dance floors this year. If you haven't got your ma- roon summerbund yet, get one. The slight touch of color lends immeasur- ably to your entire outfit, and the maroon stud to go with it will be just too, too subtle. Dobbs S ie Distc tifon! Like coronets of earlier days, DOBBS Hats lend distinction to everything you wear. Your friends, your acquaintances-yes, and strangers, too, will mentally note your good taste, your preference for "fine qualtiy" as well as "style-smartness" when they see a DOBBS label in your hat. Rich, lustrous felt; patient handicraft un- matched for its skill, plus smart authentic styl- ing, are the qualities that make for "Style - Distinction" in DOBBS Hats. $5.00 - $7.50 $10.00 if . : In Spring - It's the Custom - Yountg ment's fancy trns to clothes At Ease! an accurate statement for Saffell & Bush -whether you come in for the smallest article or a com- plete wardrobe, - you will always receive the same friendly greeting! Shirts trends, featuring new style. and fabrics. $2. to $3. REAL,'SATI'SFACTION! THAT SELF-SATISFIED LOOK on Bill Undergraduate's face isn't conceit - there's plenty of reason for it. His new Spring suit is tailored from Tinker's varied and unusually fine selection of new Spring woolens. FORTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE in Tailoring garments for University men and their friends is Bill's guarantee of absolute satisfaction. Nunn-Bush Ankle-fashioned shoes for the particular man. $8.50 and up. Others $5.-$7. Foulard ties of the soft spring shades in English madder neckwear design. $1. to $1.50 Ask the Alani Who Wears One Let SAFFELL & BUSH. dress you this Spring with style authority, and complete satisfaction. II ii