PAGE TWO ' irtY L Americans Are Best Audiences, Robertson Says Reactions of audiences to musical reeitals differ greatly in all parts of the world but few can deny .that the Americans are the most exhuberant, Rae Robertson, male half of the noted 'artlett and Robertson twp-piano. team, declared in an interview yes- terday describing his career as a con- cert pianist. Both Mr. Robertson and Ethel Bartlett, who is Mrs. Robertson in real life, have been professional per- formers since their fifth birthdays and have toured all over the world, first as soloists and then together. "The people of Holland are prob- ably more fond of music than any others," Mr. Robertson claimed, "yet they very seldom applaud a presen- tation. The only way one can tell if they have been favorably received is by the audience's standing up at the Very and of the performance. A mu- sician never knows whether he's liked or not until he's finished. "On the other hand," he went on to "say, "Americans will frequently applaud an.artist even during a selec- tion if they like it and usually cheer performers whom they enjoy." He also remarked that the English and .;Scotch are very much like the Dutch but that the Latins react similarly to the Americans. Although this is only the second time that the Robertsons have visited Ann Arbor they have played in this kpuntry for ten years. Last season they came here as a substitute for ICirsten Flagstad but they were "first choice" for the 1940 Choral Union Series. Women Debate SquadTo MeetI Group Will Discuss Topics And Activities Today All women interested in interschol- astic debate activity for this semester will meet from 7 to 7:30 p.m. today in Room 3209 Angell Hall to make plans and discuss the topic to be used. Three women debate squads will be selected to compete< in this sem- ester's intercollegiate contests with Big Ten schools in tryouts to be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the same room, Mrs. Frederic 0. Crandall, wo- men's debate coach, said. One nega- tive team of two people will be chosen to make the trip to Purdue March 12 and two teams, one arguing for each side of the question, will meet squads from Indiana University here March 14. Statement of the question, as re- ceived from Robert Huber, debate coach at Indiana University and secre- tary of the Big Ten Debating League, is "Resolved, That the Federal Hous- ing Administration Program Should Not Be Renewed." Scholarships Are Called Students of the literary college were notified yesterday that applications for the Marsh and Mandelbaum schol- arships must be made to the office of the Dean of the literary college before April 1. These scholarships are awarded an- nually to students needing financial aid and having better than average scholarship. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN --- -- THURSDAY, FEB. 15, 1940 VOL. L. No. 95 Notices To Federal Income Tax Payers: The Federal Commissioner of Internal Revenue has now ruled that lodging and meals furnished are "compensa- tion" or "salary" within the meaning of the Revenue Act and must be in- cluded by individuals who make re- turns, if such form of-compensation is furnished them by the University. While there is no express statement, we are advised that it will ordinar- ily be satisfactory if room allowance is reported at $144 per year and board at $216 per. year, or an average total of $30 per month. Where less than three meals- per day are furnished a proportionate reduction in the amount reported may be made. Shirley W. Smith To All Faculty Members: 1. Life Annuities or life insurancej .1 t . E D either or both may be purchased by members of the faculties from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity As- sociation of America and premiums for either life Annuity or life Insur- ance, or both, may be deducated at the written request of the policy- holder from the monthly payroll of the University, and in such cases will be remitted directly by the Univer- sity, on the monthly basis. The secretary's office has on file blank applications for annuity policies, or life insurance policies, and rate books, for the convenience of members of the University staff desiring to make use of them. 2. The Regents at their meeting of January, 1919 agreed that any mem- ber of the Faculties entering the serv- ice of the University since Nov. 17, 1915, may purchase an Annuity from the above-named Association, toward the cost of which the Regents would make an equal contribution up to five per cent of his annual salary not in excess of $5,000, thus, within the limit of five per cent of the salary, doubling the amount of the Annuity purchased. 3. The purchase of an Annuity under the conditions mentioned in (2) above is made a condition of em- ployment in the case of all members of the Faculties, except instructors,1 whose term of Faculty service doest not antedate, the - University year 1919-1920. With instructors of less{ than three years' standing the pur- chase of an Annuity is optional. 4. Persons who have become mem- bers of the faculties since Nov. 17, 1915 and previous to the year 1919- 1920 have the option of purchasing annuities under the University's con- tributory plan. 5. Any person in the employ of the University may at his own cost pur- chase annuities from the association or any of the class of faculty mem- bers mentioned above may purchase annuities at his own cost in addition to those mentioned above. The Uni- versity itself, however, will contribute to the expense of such purchase of annuities only as indicated in sections 2, 3 and 4 above. 6. Any person in the employ of the University, either as a faculty mem- ber or otherwise, unless debarred by his medical examination may, at his own expense, purchase life insurance from the Teachers Insurance and An- nuity Association at its rate. All life insurance premiums are borne by the individual himself. The University makes no contribution toward life insurance and has nothing to do with the life insurance feature except that it will if desired by the insured, de- duct premiums monthly and remit the same to the association. 7. The University accounting of- fices will as a matter of accommoda- case of the so-called "academic roll" tion to members of the faculties or the premium payments for tie employes of the -University, who de- months of July, August, September, sire to pay either annuity premium s and- October will be deducted from or insurance premiums monthly, de- the double payroll of June 30. While duct such premiums from the pay- I the accounting offices do not solicit roll in morAhly installments. In the (Continued on Page 4) 4## Ciemna Ieafue Peen t JEAN R ENOI R'S Jliai'4 eil4e with LOUIS JOUVET and LISE DELAMARE The French Revolution of and by the people of France. also eTecitq Documentary Film of Outstanding New York World's Fair Success. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 16 and 17, at 8:15 Box Office opens Feb. 15 at 10 A.M. - Hillel Players Group Calls Tryouts For Annual Play Tryouts for parts in "The Gentle People," the Hillel Players Group's 1940 production, will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today and tomorrow in Lane Hall. "The Gentle People," latest play of Irwin Shaw, author of "Bury the Dead," attained popularity in New York last season. Sylvia Sidney and Franchot Tone were starred in the Broadway performance. r r t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGj I ~ ii THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFSIED A DVE R TISI NG RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (in basisc five average words to line) .for .on 10c per reading line for threec or two insertions. nore insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inse .tion. These low rates are on the bas of cash payment before the ad inserted. If it is inconvenient f you to call at our offices to ma payment, a messenger will be se to pick up your ad at a slight ext charge of 15c For further information sa 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Mayna Street. FOR RENT ,''n'P RENTq'r Thr lara light Sin -'-1 FOR RENT-Unusually desirable, WANTED -TO BUY-4 furnished single and double rooms. Also apartment for men. All rea- HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for sonably priced. Cooking privileges your discarded wearing apparel. and garages if desired. 1412 Cam- Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. bridge Rd. Phone 7044. 259 146 9 NICE SINGLE ROOM and board for STRAYED, LOST, FOUND -1 of senior or graduate woman. Wash- ne tenaw Apts. For information call LOST-Gold linkbchain containing or 8841. 277 s'mall gold football. Plymouth car key and knife. Lost Feb. 6. Re- FOR RENT-Large room and closet, turn to 402 Michigan House. good heat-for boy. 1021 E. Uni- Phone 2-4401. Reward. 279 r- versity. 276 LOST-Ronson cigarette lighter: sis FOR MEN-Newly decorated double Lost sometime Feb. 3; small; black is room. Steam heat, shower bath. and gold. Initials CJG. Charles or Garage. Phone 8544. 422 E. Gibson. Phone 4017. Reward. ke Washington. 275 268 nt FOR RENT-Pleasant living . room, MISCELLANEOUS--2 ra fireplace; use of kitchen if desired. No students in house. Phone 5740, WANTED-Girl to share apartment all 928 Oakland. 264 for three comfortable living ar- Lrd rangements, very reasonable, phone LAUNDERING--97278 after 5. 272 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. WANTED-Graduate or business Careful work at low prices. 16 girl to share apartment. Phone evenings 2-2808. 274 TYPING-18 r R Sunday Evening Social Hour MUSIC EVERYONE Refreshments 6:00-7:00 Classical WELCOME! Wide Choice Served 7:00-10:30 Popular Drop infat your Throughout the Evening ____________________________________________Convenience EVERY SUNDAY EVENING at THE NEW MICHIGAN WOLVERINE' i I I I nLr e i i - f1 x'rctc i -- r!ee a gil 'l ngeUs.l1 rooms also suite for two $50 and VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typista up for semester. 808 Packard. and notary public, excellent work, 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20 EAST WASHINGTON -Most at- ftractive room, large, comfortable, HELP WANTED warm, quiet, for graduate or up- per classman. 333 E. Washington. WANTED-Girls of a special type See it. 267. who have poise and grace to have WASHTENAW AVENUE-Near cam- photographic tryouts for an ad- vertising agency. Palmer Studio, pus, graduate lodgings with break- Michigan Theatre Bldg. 261 fast and dinner. French if de- A sired; garage. 4678. 266 ARTICLES FOR SALE--3 FOR SALE-Slightly used man's FOR RENT--Pleasant living room,' overcoat. Perfect condition. Dark fireplace; use of kitchen if desired. brown, half-belt. Size about 38. Woman or couple. No students i Phonh -b788. S2b house. Phone 5740. 264 Phone 2-4788. 269 FOR RENT-Apartment, living room, FOR SALE-Black female Cocker bed davenport, dressing closet, puppy, 3 months old. Can be bath, shower. Electric stove, re- registered. 1905 Cambridge Rd. frigeration. 602 Monroe. 260 270, , QR RENT-For girls : Desirable roomms: and also apartment forb women. 517 E. Ann St. Phone 2-3839. 258 GRADUATE MAN will share double S C A 1 0 A room with upperclassman. Close in. $2.50 a week. Gentile. Phone She Sacrificed Her 2-1559. 262 Honor For Another FOR RENT-Double room, steam Woman's Happiness heat, shower and bath. Half block from campus. $3 per person. 2-3776 FOR RENT-Single room, 2 blocks from Michigan Union, continuous ' hot^ water. Reasoiable. Phone 8209. 522 Packard. 23 FOR RENT - One single-2 double / rooms for boys, new equipment, 7 , twin beds, inner-spring mattresses. 571 Elm. 278 Day 2-4-7-9 P.m. 4TANDARD GERALDINE - Last Day. KnY KYSER from GEt3AGE ELIOT S TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES Office and Portable Models . ~ New and Reconditioned Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Cleaned, Repaired. One of the largest and best stocks in the State., in a com- plete range of prices. 0. D. Morrill 314 S. State St. (Opp. Kresge's) Since 1908 Phone 6615 I at t h~e *MICHIGAN NEW WOLVERINE Now Available I GAM- -Wqr---l '4f Due to our recent remodeling and the graduation of some of our members, there are now a few memberships available at $3.00 for the balance of the year. Special Invitation To Women " " . *" PICTURES FTZGERALD 1 s immortal navelWth New Sanitary Kitchen New Modern Dining Room Quality Food Comfortable Lounge 20 MEALS . . .4. .4 5 Non Members Always Welcome at Guest Prices ...- IU I